/** * @param string $directory * @param boolean $prettyPrint */ public static function getRecursiveAsJson($directory, $prettyPrint = false) { $json = \Zend_Json::encode(self::getRecursive($directory)); if ($prettyPrint) { return \Zend_Json::prettyPrint($json, array("indent" => " ")); } return $json; }
public static function json($data, $format = 'plain') { if ($format == 'pretty') { $message = Zend_Json::encode($data); return Zend_Json::prettyPrint($message, array("format" => "html")); } else { return Zend_Json::encode($data); } }
public function __toString() { $str = parent::__toString(); if ($this->_entity) { $str .= "\nEntity: " . $this->_entity; } if (!empty($this->_validationErrors)) { $str .= "\nValidation errors:\n" . \Zend_Json::prettyPrint(\Zend_Json::encode($this->_validationErrors), array("indent" => " ")); } return $str; }
public function deleteAction() { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $paramId = $this->getParam('id'); $mdlPages = new Model_Admin($paramId); $deletePage = $mdlPages->deletePage(); $json = Zend_Json::encode($deletePage); echo Zend_Json::prettyPrint($json); die; } }
/** * @param \Exception $e */ public function uploadException(\Exception $e) { $arrE = (array) $e; $previous = array(); while (method_exists($e, 'getPrevious') && $e->getPrevious() && ($e = $e->getPrevious())) { $previous[] = array("message" => $e->getMessage(), "trace" => $e->getTraceAsString()); } while (!method_exists($e, 'getPrevious') && $e->_previous && ($e = $e->_previous)) { $previous[] = array("message" => $e->getMessage(), "trace" => $e->getTraceAsString()); } $arrE = $this->objectToArray($arrE, 3); $arrE["previous"] = $previous; $serialized = \Zend_Json::prettyPrint(\Zend_Json::encode($arrE)); return $this->_debugLogUploader->uploadString('exception', $serialized, 'text/plain'); }
function find($id) { $info = array(); if ($this->rech_db) { $info = $this->find_db($id); } else { $info = $this->find_salesforce($id); } if (isset($info['UnitPrice'])) { /* Formatage de prix */ $prix = $info['UnitPrice']; $info['UnitPrice'] = $this->montant($prix); $info['UnitPrice_ttc'] = $this->montant_ttc($prix); } $info['pdf'] = Zend_Json::prettyPrint(Zend_Json::encode($info)); return $info; }
/** * Render a Zend_Config into a JSON config string. * * @since 1.10 * @return string */ public function render() { $data = $this->_config->toArray(); $sectionName = $this->_config->getSectionName(); $extends = $this->_config->getExtends(); if (is_string($sectionName)) { $data = array($sectionName => $data); } foreach ($extends as $section => $parent_section) { $data[$section][ZendL_Config_Json::EXTENDS_NAME] = $parent_section; } $out = Zend_Json::encode($data); if ($this->_prettyPrint) { $out = Zend_Json::prettyPrint($out); } return $out; }
public function postDispatch() { $data = $this->View()->getAssign(); $pretty = $this->Request()->getParam('pretty', false); array_walk_recursive($data, function (&$value) { // Convert DateTime instances to ISO-8601 Strings if ($value instanceof DateTime) { $value = $value->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } }); $data = Zend_Json::encode($data); if ($pretty) { $data = Zend_Json::prettyPrint($data); } $this->response()->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json', true); $this->response()->setBody($data); }
public function _toHtml() { $output = '<table>'; foreach ($this->log->_data as $key => $value) { if ($this->isJson($value)) { $value = '<pre>' . Zend_Json::prettyPrint($value) . '</pre>'; } elseif ($this->isSerializedArray($value)) { $value_lines = unserialize($value); $value_output = ''; foreach ($value_lines as $key => $line) { $value_output .= sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>', $key, $line); } $value = '<table>' . $value_output . '</table>'; } else { $value = '<pre>' . $value . '</pre>'; } $output .= sprintf('<tr><th>%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>', $key, $value); } $output .= '</table>'; echo $output; }
/** * Prepare the JSON, send it, and exit the application. * * @param mixed $data */ public function direct($data) { $response = $this->getResponse(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json', true); // Add header data for JSONP requests. if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/javascript', true); $headers = array('status' => $response->getHttpResponseCode()); $data = array('headers' => $headers, 'data' => $data); } $json = Zend_Json::encode($data); // Pretty print the JSON if requested. if (isset($_GET['pretty_print'])) { $json = Zend_Json::prettyPrint($json); } // Wrap the JSON with a callback function if requested. if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { $json = $_GET['callback'] . "({$json});"; } $response->setBody($json); $response->sendResponse(); exit; }
/** * @group ZF-9577 */ public function testJsonPrettyPrintWorksWithHtmlOutputFormat() { $o = new stdClass(); $o->four = 4; $o->foo = array(1, 2, 3); $jsonstr = Zend_Json::encode($o); $targetHtmlOutput = '{<br /> "four":4,<br /> "foo":[<br /> 1,<br /> 2,<br /> 3<br /> ]<br />}'; $this->assertEquals($targetHtmlOutput, Zend_Json::prettyPrint($jsonstr, array('format' => 'html'))); }
<?php \Pimcore\Cache::disable(); $customCacheFile = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/cache.xml"; // create legacy config folder $legacyFolder = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/LEGACY"; if (!is_dir($legacyFolder)) { mkdir($legacyFolder, 0777, true); } if (file_exists($customCacheFile)) { try { $conf = new \Zend_Config_Xml($customCacheFile); $arrayConf = $conf->toArray(); $content = json_encode($arrayConf); $content = \Zend_Json::prettyPrint($content); $jsonFile = \Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("cache.json"); file_put_contents($jsonFile, $content); rename($customCacheFile, $legacyFolder . "/cache.xml"); } catch (\Exception $e) { } }
// layouts $classType = 'Block'; $layouts = $utilityFiles->getLayoutFiles([], false); foreach ($layouts as $file) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); $classes = \Magento\Framework\App\Utility\Classes::collectLayoutClasses($xml); $factoryNames = array_filter($classes, 'isFactoryName'); if (!$factoryNames) { continue; } foreach ($factoryNames as $factoryName) { list($module, $name) = getModuleName($factoryName, $compositeModules); $map[$classType][$factoryName] = getClassName($module, $classType, $name); } } echo Zend_Json::prettyPrint(Zend_Json::encode($map)); /** * Get combined array from similar files by pattern * * @param string $dirPath * @param string $filePattern * @return array */ function getFilesCombinedArray($dirPath, $filePattern) { $result = []; $directoryIterator = new DirectoryIterator($dirPath); $patternIterator = new RegexIterator($directoryIterator, $filePattern); foreach ($patternIterator as $fileInfo) { $arrayFromFile = (include_once $fileInfo->getPathname()); $result = array_merge($result, $arrayFromFile);
/** * Render a Zend_Config into a JSON config string. * * @since 1.10 * @return string */ public function render() { $data = $this->_config->toArray(); $sectionName = $this->_config->getSectionName(); $extends = $this->_config->getExtends(); if (is_string($sectionName)) { $data = array($sectionName => $data); } foreach ($extends as $section => $parentSection) { $data[$section][Zend_Config_Json::EXTENDS_NAME] = $parentSection; } // Ensure that each "extends" section actually exists foreach ($data as $section => $sectionData) { if (is_array($sectionData) && isset($sectionData[Zend_Config_Json::EXTENDS_NAME])) { $sectionExtends = $sectionData[Zend_Config_Json::EXTENDS_NAME]; if (!isset($data[$sectionExtends])) { // Remove "extends" declaration if section does not exist unset($data[$section][Zend_Config_Json::EXTENDS_NAME]); } } } $out = Zend_Json::encode($data); if ($this->prettyPrint()) { $out = Zend_Json::prettyPrint($out); } return $out; }
public function exportCustomLayoutDefinitionAction() { $this->removeViewRenderer(); $id = intval($this->getParam("id")); if ($id) { $customLayout = Object\ClassDefinition\CustomLayout::getById($id); if ($customLayout) { $name = $customLayout->getName(); unset($customLayout->id); unset($customLayout->classId); unset($customLayout->name); unset($customLayout->creationDate); unset($customLayout->modificationDate); unset($customLayout->userOwner); unset($customLayout->userModification); unset($customLayout->fieldDefinitions); header("Content-type: application/json"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"custom_definition_" . $name . "_export.json\""); $json = json_encode($customLayout); $json = \Zend_Json::prettyPrint($json); echo $json; die; } } $errorMessage = ": Custom Layout with id [ " . $id . " not found. ]"; Logger::error($errorMessage); echo $errorMessage; }
/** * @see df_xml_prettify() * @param string $value * @return string */ function df_json_prettify($value) { return Zend_Json::prettyPrint(df_t()->adjustCyrillicInJson($value)); }
/** * @param $objectBrick * @return string */ public static function generateObjectBrickJson($objectBrick) { unset($objectBrick->key); unset($objectBrick->fieldDefinitions); // set classname attribute to the real class name not to the class ID // this will allow to import the brick on a different instance with identical class names but different class IDs if (is_array($objectBrick->classDefinitions)) { foreach ($objectBrick->classDefinitions as &$cd) { $class = Object\ClassDefinition::getById($cd["classname"]); if ($class) { $cd["classname"] = $class->getName(); } } } $json = \Zend_Json::encode($objectBrick); $json = \Zend_Json::prettyPrint($json); return $json; }
public function rulerdenomAction() { if ($this->_getParam('term', false)) { $denominations = new Denominations(); $data = $denominations->getRomanRulerDenom($this->_getParam('term')); if ($data) { $response = $data; } else { $response = array(array('id' => NULL, 'term' => 'No options available')); } } else { $response = array(array('id' => NULL, 'term' => 'No ruler specified')); } $data = Zend_Json::encode($response); echo Zend_Json::prettyPrint($data, array("indent" => " ", 'format' => 'html')); }
/** * Returns a serialized string for the passed data structure based on type * @param array $array * @param string $type * @return string * @static */ public static function encode($array, $type) { if ($type == self::JSON || $type == self::JAVASCRIPT || $type == self::ANYTHING) { require_once 'Zend/Json.php'; return Zend_Json::encode($array); } if ($type == self::JSON_READABLE) { require_once 'Zend/Json.php'; return Zend_Json::prettyPrint(Zend_Json::encode($array), array("indent" => " ")); } if ($type == self::XML) { return 'XML not yet implemented, sorry, come again'; } if ($type == self::URL_ENCODE) { return 'Url encoded format not yet implemented'; } return false; }
/** * Outputs the reflection - can be to the command line or a file * or a directory. * * @param string $infile * @param object $reflection * @return void */ protected function _outputReflectionFile($infile, $reflection) { // May need Vonnegut_Output_Json and Vonnegut_Output_Otherformat classes // in the future. if ($this->_format == 'json') { $json = Zend_Json::encode($reflection); $output = $this->_pretty ? Zend_Json::prettyPrint($json) : $json; if ($this->_outputPath) { if ($this->_singleFile) { $filepath = $this->_outputPath; } else { $filename = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', $infile); $filepath = $this->_outputPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . '.json'; } $this->log("Writing {$filepath}"); $file = fopen($filepath, 'w'); $rote = fwrite($file, $output); if ($rote === false) { $this->log("Could not write {$filename}", Vonnegut_Cli::LOG_LEVEL_WARN); } } else { $this->log($output, Vonnegut_Cli::LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL); } } }