public function aclconfigAction() { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $methods = get_class_methods('StudentController'); $actions = array(); foreach ($methods as $value) { $actions[] = substr("{$value}", 0, strpos($value, 'Action')); } foreach ($actions as $key => $value) { if ($value == null) { unset($actions[$key]); } } $db = new Zend_Db_Table(); $delete2 = 'DELETE FROM `tnp`.`mod_role_resource` WHERE `module_id`=? AND `controller_id`=?'; $db->getAdapter()->query($delete2, array('tnp', 'student')); $delete1 = 'DELETE FROM `tnp`.`mod_action` WHERE `module_id`=? AND `controller_id`=?'; $db->getAdapter()->query($delete1, array('tnp', 'student')); print_r(sizeof($actions)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `tnp`.`mod_action`(`module_id`,`controller_id`,`action_id`) VALUES (?,?,?)'; foreach ($actions as $action) { $bind = array('tnp', 'student', $action); $db->getAdapter()->query($sql, $bind); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO `tnp`.`mod_role_resource`(`role_id`,`module_id`,`controller_id`,`action_id`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'; foreach ($actions as $action) { $bind = array('student', 'tnp', 'student', $action); $db->getAdapter()->query($sql, $bind); } }
/** * Save object in DB * * @return HumanHelp_Model_Comment */ public function save() { $table = new Zend_Db_Table('comments'); if (isset($this->_id)) { // Update $table->update($this->_data, $table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $this->_id)); } else { // Insert $table->insert($this->_data); $this->_id = $table->getAdapter()->lastInsertId('comments', 'id'); } return $this; }
/** * Move down/up setting into the table */ public function reorder($setting, $table, $sens) { global $logger; $cur_id = $setting->id; $other_id = $sens == 'up' ? $cur_id - 1 : $cur_id + 1; $oTable = new Zend_Db_Table($table); $where_cur = $oTable->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $cur_id); $where_other = $oTable->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $other_id); $where_tmp = $oTable->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', 999); $oTable->update(array('id' => 999), $where_cur); $oTable->update(array('id' => $cur_id), $where_other); $result = $oTable->update(array('id' => $other_id), $where_tmp); $logger->log("Reorder setting {$table}={$setting->id} {$sens}", Zend_Log::INFO); return $result; }
public function updateCommentsAd($id, $count) { $id = (int) $id; $table = new Zend_Db_Table('commentsAdCount'); $sql = "INSERT INTO commentsAdCount ( id_comment, count ) VALUES ( ?,? )\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id_comment = ?, count = ?"; $values = array("id_comment" => $id, "count" => $count); $result = $table->getAdapter()->query($sql, array_merge(array_values($values), array_values($values))); }
/** * @param string $prefix для формирования имен tmp таблиц * @param string $jobidHash хэш-индекс для массива jobid */ public function __construct($jobidhash, $ttl_restore_session) { $this->db_adapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_ADAPTER'); $this->jobidhash = $jobidhash; $this->ttl_restore_session = $ttl_restore_session; // формируем имена временных таблиц $this->tmp_file = self::_PREFIX . 'file_' . $this->jobidhash; $config['db'] = Zend_Registry::get('db_bacula'); // database $config['name'] = $this->_name; // name table $config['primary'] = $this->_primary; // primary key $config['sequence'] = true; parent::__construct($config); // setup DB adapter $this->_db = Zend_Db_Table::getAdapter('db_bacula'); // существует ли таблица ? try { $this->_db->query('SELECT tmpId FROM ' . $this->_name . ' LIMIT 1'); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { // создаем таблицу switch ($this->db_adapter) { case 'PDO_MYSQL': $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this->_name . ' ( tmpId INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, tmpName CHAR(64) UNIQUE NOT NULL, tmpJobIdHash CHAR(64) NOT NULL, tmpCreate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, tmpIsCloneOk INTEGER DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(tmpId) )'; break; case 'PDO_PGSQL': $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this->_name . ' ( tmpId SERIAL NOT NULL, tmpName CHAR(64) UNIQUE NOT NULL, tmpJobIdHash CHAR(64) NOT NULL, tmpCreate timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, tmpIsCloneOk SMALLINT DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(tmpId))'; break; case 'PDO_SQLITE': $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this->_name . ' ( tmpId INTEGER, tmpName CHAR(64) UNIQUE NOT NULL, tmpJobIdHash CHAR(64) NOT NULL, tmpCreate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, tmpIsCloneOk INTEGER DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(tmpId))'; break; } $this->_db->query($sql); } }
function getTable($name) { if (!($result = $this->_cache->load($this->_options[$name]['table']))) { $table = new Zend_Db_Table($this->_options[$name]['table']); if ($name == 'privilege') { $sql = new Zend_Db_Select($table->getDefaultAdapter()); $sql->from(array('acl' => $this->_options['privilege']['table']), array('acl.ID_PERFIL'))->join(array('r' => $this->_options['resource']['table']), 'acl.ID_MENU=r.ID_MENU', array('r.URL_MENU', 'acl.PERMISO')); $result = $table->getAdapter()->fetchAll($sql); } else { $result = $table->fetchAll(); } $this->_cache->save($result, $this->_options[$name]['table']); } return $result; }
/** * Deletes a new thread, by marking it as deleted. If both users deleted it * it is phisically deleted as well * * @param array $data: thread_id and user_id who is deleting */ public function deleteThread(array $data) { /* Fetch thread */ $threads_table = new Zend_Db_Table('threads'); $select = $threads_table->select()->where('id = ?', $data['thread_id']); $thread = $threads_table->fetchRow($select); /* Update flags */ if ($thread->user_from == $data['user_id']) { $thread->deleted_from = 1; } elseif ($thread->user_to == $data['user_id']) { $thread->deleted_to = 1; } else { return null; } $thread->save(); /* If both deleted, delete physically */ if ($thread->deleted_from && $thread->deleted_to) { $messages_table = new Zend_Db_Table('messages'); $whereM = $messages_table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $data['thread_id']); $messages_table->delete($whereM); $thread->delete(); } return; }
/** * LogBook full text search * */ function findLogBookByText($id_text, $sort_order) { if (!isset($id_text)) { return; } $id_text = trim($id_text); $db = Zend_Db_Table::getAdapter('db_bacula'); $select = new Zend_Db_Select($db); switch ($this->db_adapter) { case 'PDO_MYSQL': $select->distinct(); $select->from(array('l' => 'webacula_logbook'), array('logId', 'logDateCreate', 'logDateLast', 'logTxt', 'logTypeId', 'logIsDel')); $select->joinLeft(array('t' => 'webacula_logtype'), 'l.logTypeId = t.typeId', array('typeId', 'typeDesc')); $select->where(' MATCH(logTxt) AGAINST ("' . $id_text . '" WITH QUERY EXPANSION)'); break; case 'PDO_PGSQL': $select->distinct(); $select->from(array('l' => 'webacula_logbook'), array('logId', 'logDateCreate', 'logDateLast', 'logTxt', 'logTypeId', 'logIsDel')); $select->joinLeft(array('t' => 'webacula_logtype'), 'l.logTypeId = t.typeId', array('typeId', 'typeDesc')); $str = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' & ', $id_text); $select->where(" to_tsvector(logtxt) @@ to_tsquery(" . $db->quote($str) . ")"); break; case 'PDO_SQLITE': // see also "FTS1 module is available in SQLite version 3.3.8 and later $select->distinct(); $select->from(array('l' => 'webacula_logbook'), array('logid' => 'logId', 'logdatecreate' => 'logDateCreate', 'logdatelast' => 'logDateLast', 'logtxt' => 'logTxt', 'logtypeid' => 'logTypeId', 'logisdel' => 'logIsDel')); $select->joinLeft(array('t' => 'webacula_logtype'), 'l.logTypeId = t.typeId', array('typeid' => 'typeId', 'typedesc' => 'typeDesc')); $select->where(' logTxt LIKE "%' . $id_text . '%"'); break; } //$sql = $select->__toString(); echo "<pre>$sql</pre>"; exit; // for !!!debug!!! $result = $select->query(); return $result; }
public function init() { $db = Zend_Db_Table::getAdapter('db_bacula'); }
public function addUserFriend($id_user, $id_friend) { $id_user = (int) $id_user; $id_friend = (int) $id_friend; $table = new Zend_Db_Table('friends'); $sql = "INSERT INTO friends ( id_user, id_friend ) VALUES ( {$id_user} , {$id_friend} )\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id_user=id_user"; return $table->getAdapter()->query($sql)->fetch(); }
public function manageAction() { $userForm = new Application_Form_User(); $userForm->getElement('password')->setRequired(false); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { //if we are updating $userId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); if ($userId) { $userForm->setId($userId); } if ($userForm->isValid($this->getRequest()->getParams())) { $data = $userForm->getValues(); $user = new Application_Model_Models_User($data); Application_Model_Mappers_UserMapper::getInstance()->save($user); $this->_helper->response->success($this->_helper->language->translate('Saved')); exit; } else { $this->_helper->response->fail(Tools_Content_Tools::proccessFormMessages($userForm->getMessages())); exit; } } $pnum = (int) filter_var($this->getParam('pnum'), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $offset = 0; if ($pnum) { $offset = 10 * ($pnum - 1); } $select = $this->_zendDbTable->getAdapter()->select()->from('user'); $by = filter_var($this->getParam('by', 'last_login'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $order = filter_var($this->getParam('order', 'desc'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $searchKey = filter_var($this->getParam('key'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if (!in_array($order, array('asc', 'desc'))) { $order = 'desc'; } $select = $select->order($by . ' ' . $order); $paginatorOrderLink = '/by/' . $by . '/order/' . $order; if (!empty($searchKey)) { $select->where('email LIKE ?', '%' . $searchKey . '%')->orWhere('full_name LIKE ?', '%' . $searchKey . '%')->orWhere('role_id LIKE ?', '%' . $searchKey . '%')->orWhere('last_login LIKE ?', '%' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($searchKey)) . '%')->orWhere('ipaddress LIKE ?', '%' . $searchKey . '%'); $paginatorOrderLink .= '/key/' . $searchKey; } $adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select); $users = $adapter->getItems($offset, 10); $userPaginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter); $userPaginator->setCurrentPageNumber($pnum); $userPaginator->setItemCountPerPage(10); $pager = $this->view->paginationControl($userPaginator, 'Sliding', 'backend/user/pager.phtml', array('urlData' => $this->_websiteUrl . 'backend/backend_user/manage', 'order' => $paginatorOrderLink)); if ($order === 'desc') { $order = 'asc'; } else { $order = 'desc'; } if (!empty($searchKey)) { $this->view->orderParam = $order . '/key/' . $searchKey; } else { $this->view->orderParam = $order; } $this->view->by = $by; $this->view->order = $order; $this->view->key = $searchKey; $this->view->pager = $pager; $this->view->users = $users; $this->view->helpSection = 'users'; $this->view->userForm = $userForm; }
/** * adds "start_date", "end_date" to contract and removes "status", "cleared", "cleared_in" */ protected function _updateContractsFields() { $adminGroup = Tinebase_Group::getInstance()->getDefaultAdminGroup(); $groupMembers = Tinebase_Group::getInstance()->getGroupMembers($adminGroup->getId()); if (count($groupMembers) > 0) { $user = Tinebase_User::getInstance()->getUserById($groupMembers[0]); if ($user->hasRight('Sales', Sales_Acl_Rights::ADMIN)) { $this->_updateContractsWithUser($user); } } // remove deprecated sales contract fields foreach (array('status', 'cleared_in', 'cleared') as $colToDrop) { try { $this->_backend->dropCol('sales_contracts', $colToDrop); } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $zdse) { Tinebase_Exception::log($zdse); } } // add new sales contract fields $fields = array('<field> <name>start_date</name> <type>datetime</type> </field>', ' <field> <name>end_date</name> <type>datetime</type> </field>'); foreach ($fields as $field) { try { $declaration = new Setup_Backend_Schema_Field_Xml($field); $this->_backend->addCol('sales_contracts', $declaration); } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $zdse) { Tinebase_Exception::log($zdse); } } $table = new Zend_Db_Table(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'sales_contracts', new Zend_Db_Table_Definition(array('id' => array('name' => 'id'), 'last_modified_time' => array('name' => 'last_modified_time'), 'end_date' => array('name' => 'end_date'), 'start_date' => array('name' => 'start_date')))); $db = $table->getAdapter(); $values = array_keys($setEndDate); if (!empty($values)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'sales_contracts') . ' SET ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('start_date') . ' = ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('last_modified_time') . ', ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('end_date') . ' = ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('last_modified_time') . ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('id') . $db->quoteInto(' IN (?)', $values); $db->query($sql); } if ($this->getTableVersion('sales_contracts') == 5) { $this->setTableVersion('sales_contracts', 6); } else { $this->setTableVersion('sales_contracts', 7); } }
/** * Удаляем элемент меню * * @param int $item_id */ public function deleteItem($item_id) { $where = $this->_modelItems->getAdapter()->quoteInto('item_id = ?', $item_id); $this->_modelItems->delete($where); }
/** * adds "start_date", "end_date" to contract and removes "status", "cleared", "cleared_in" */ protected function _updateContractsFields() { $adminGroup = Tinebase_Group::getInstance()->getDefaultAdminGroup(); $groupMembers = Tinebase_Group::getInstance()->getGroupMembers($adminGroup->getId()); if (count($groupMembers) > 0) { $user = Tinebase_User::getInstance()->getUserById($groupMembers[0]); Tinebase_Core::set(Tinebase_Core::USER, $user); // cleared, cleared_in, status gets deleted, if the update is not called on cli $controller = Sales_Controller_Contract::getInstance(); $table = new Zend_Db_Table(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'sales_contracts', new Zend_Db_Table_Definition(array('id' => array('name' => 'id'), 'status' => array('name' => 'status'), 'cleared' => array('name' => 'cleared'), 'cleared_in' => array('name' => 'cleared_in'), 'description' => array('name' => 'description'), 'last_modified_time' => array('name' => 'last_modified_time')))); $count = 50; $offset = 0; $more = true; $updateDescription = $statusConfig = $clearedConfig = $setEndDate = array(); $appId = Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationByName('Tinebase')->getId(); $pref = Tinebase_Core::getPreference('Tinebase'); Tinebase_Core::setupUserLocale($pref->locale); $t = Tinebase_Translation::getTranslation('Sales', Tinebase_Core::getLocale()); $config = Sales_Config::getInstance()->get('contractStatus'); foreach ($config['records'] as $cfg) { $statusConfig[$cfg['id']] = $cfg['value']; } $config = Sales_Config::getInstance()->get('contractCleared'); foreach ($config['records'] as $cfg) { $clearedConfig[$cfg['id']] = $cfg['value']; } while ($more) { $results = $table->fetchAll(NULL, NULL, $count, $offset)->toArray(); foreach ($results as $row) { if ($row['status'] == 'CLOSED') { $setEndDate[$row['id']] = $row['last_modified_time']; } $desc = $row['description']; $desc .= PHP_EOL . '---' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $contents = FALSE; if (!empty($row['status'])) { $desc .= $t->_('Status') . ': '; $desc .= isset($statusConfig[$row['status']]) ? $t->_($statusConfig[$row['status']]) : $row['status']; $desc .= PHP_EOL; $contents = TRUE; } if (!empty($row['cleared'])) { $desc .= $t->_('Cleared') . ': '; $desc .= isset($clearedConfig[$row['cleared']]) ? $t->_($clearedConfig[$row['cleared']]) : $row['cleared']; $desc .= PHP_EOL; $contents = TRUE; } if (!empty($row['cleared_in'])) { $desc .= $t->_('Cleared In') . ': '; $desc .= $row['cleared_in']; $desc .= PHP_EOL; $contents = TRUE; } if ($contents) { $updateDescription[$row['id']] = $desc . PHP_EOL; } } if (count($updateDescription) > 50) { foreach ($controller->getMultiple(array_keys($updateDescription)) as $contr) { $contr->description = $updateDescription[$contr->getId()]; $controller->update($contr, FALSE); } $updateDescription = array(); } if (count($results) < $count) { $more = FALSE; } else { $offset = $offset + $count; } } try { foreach ($controller->getMultiple(array_keys($updateDescription)) as $contr) { $contr->description = $updateDescription[$contr->getId()]; $controller->update($contr, FALSE); } } catch (Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied $tead) { // could not update contracts ... Tinebase_Exception::log($tead); } } // remove deprecated sales contract fields foreach (array('status', 'cleared_in', 'cleared') as $colToDrop) { try { $this->_backend->dropCol('sales_contracts', $colToDrop); } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $zdse) { Tinebase_Exception::log($zdse); } } // add new sales contract fields $fields = array('<field> <name>start_date</name> <type>datetime</type> </field>', ' <field> <name>end_date</name> <type>datetime</type> </field>'); foreach ($fields as $field) { try { $declaration = new Setup_Backend_Schema_Field_Xml($field); $this->_backend->addCol('sales_contracts', $declaration); } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $zdse) { Tinebase_Exception::log($zdse); } } $table = new Zend_Db_Table(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'sales_contracts', new Zend_Db_Table_Definition(array('id' => array('name' => 'id'), 'last_modified_time' => array('name' => 'last_modified_time'), 'end_date' => array('name' => 'end_date'), 'start_date' => array('name' => 'start_date')))); $db = $table->getAdapter(); $values = array_keys($setEndDate); if (!empty($values)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'sales_contracts') . ' SET ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('start_date') . ' = ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('last_modified_time') . ', ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('end_date') . ' = ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('last_modified_time') . ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier('id') . $db->quoteInto(' IN (?)', $values); $db->query($sql); } if ($this->getTableVersion('sales_contracts') == 5) { $this->setTableVersion('sales_contracts', 6); } else { $this->setTableVersion('sales_contracts', 7); } }
public function updateReadedAd($id) { $table = new Zend_Db_Table('readedAdCount'); $id = (int) $id; $sql = "INSERT INTO readedAdCount ( id_ad, counter ) VALUES ( {$id} , 1 )\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE counter=counter+1"; $table->getAdapter()->query($sql)->fetch(); }
/** * Switching trigger statuses according to plugin status * @param $pluginName Name of plugin * @param $status Plugin status * @return Application_Model_Mappers_EmailTriggersMapper */ public function toggleTriggersStatuses($pluginName, $status) { $triggers = $this->_getTriggers($pluginName); if (!empty($triggers)) { $triggersTable = new Zend_Db_Table('email_triggers'); $triggersTable->getAdapter()->beginTransaction(); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $triggersTable->update(array('enabled' => $status == Application_Model_Models_Plugin::DISABLED ? self::TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED : self::TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED), array('trigger_name = ?' => $trigger['trigger_name'], 'observer = ?' => $trigger['observer'])); } $triggersTable->getAdapter()->commit(); } return $this; }
protected function setSystemAccessLog(&$data) { if ($this->_logAccess === 0 || !$data->use_id || isset($data->access_id)) { return $this; } require_once realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../vendor/phpsniff-2.1.3/phpSniff.class.php'); $_sniff = new phpSniff(); $clientInfo = $_sniff->property(); /** * @see Ht/Utils/Generater.php */ try { Zend_Loader::loadClass("Ht_Utils_Generater"); Zend_Loader::loadClass("Ht_Utils_Generater_Id"); $generator = new Ht_Utils_Generater_Id(array(Ht_Utils_Generater::GENERATED_DIGIT32, Ht_Utils_Generater::GENERATED_INCLUDE_NUMBER, Ht_Utils_Generater::GENERATED_USE_LOWERLETTER, Ht_Utils_Generater::GENERATED_USE_UPPERLETTER)); $access_id = $generator->getGeneratedId(); } catch (Exception $exc) { echo $exc->getMessage(), "<hr />"; echo $exc->getTraceAsString(); } $row = array("access_id" => $access_id, "acc_id" => $data->u_id, "login_time" => new Zend_Db_Expr("NOW()"), "acc_ip" => $clientInfo["ip"], "acc_agent" => $clientInfo["ua"], "acc_browser" => $clientInfo["long_name"], "acc_os" => $clientInfo["os"]); unset($_sniff, $clientInfo); try { $sysaccess = new Default_Model_DbTable_SysAccess(); $sysaccess->insert($row); $user = new Zend_Db_Table('ht_user'); $where = $user->getAdapter()->quoteInto("use_id =?", $data->use_id); $user->update(array("use_lastlogin" => new Zend_Db_Expr("NOW()")), $where); } catch (Exception $exc) { $data->access_id = $access_id; return $this; } $data->access_id = $access_id; return $this; }
public function logoutAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $identity = $auth->getIdentity(); try { $sysaccess = new Zend_Db_Table(array('name' => 'sys_access')); $sysaccess->update(array("logout_time" => new Zend_Db_Expr("NOW()")), $sysaccess->getAdapter()->quoteInto("access_id=?", $identity->access_id)); $this->_dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'authentication.log', array('message' => array(sprintf('`%s` logout success.', trim($identity->use_name . ' ' . $identity->use_lastname))), 'priority' => Zend_Log::INFO))); $auth->clearIdentity(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'authentication.log', array('message' => array(sprintf('`%s` logout error.', trim($identity->use_name . ' ' . $identity->use_lastname)), $e->getMessage()), 'priority' => Zend_Log::ERR))); } $this->_redirect($this->_baseUrl); }