function CreatePDF($hostarray) { global $stime, $timeperiod, $tmp_pdf_data, $z_tmpimg_path, $debug; foreach ($hostarray as $key => $host) { $hostid = $hostarray[$key]['hostid']; $hostname = $hostarray[$key]['name']; $trimmed_hostname = str_replace(" ", "_", $hostname); if ($debug) { echo "<b>{$hostname}(id:{$hostid})</b></br>\n"; } $fh = fopen($tmp_pdf_data, 'a') or die("Can't open {$tmp_pdf_data} for writing!"); $stringData = "1<Graphs for " . $hostname . ">\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); #$hostGraphs = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('graph','get',array('output'=>'extend','hostids'=>$hostid)) $hostGraphs = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('graph', 'get', array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $hostid)) or die('Unable to get graphs: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); #var_dump($hostGraphs); asort($hostGraphs); foreach ($hostGraphs as $graphkey => $graphs) { $graphid = $hostGraphs[$graphkey]['graphid']; $graphname = $hostGraphs[$graphkey]['name']; $image_file = $z_tmpimg_path . "/" . $trimmed_hostname . "_" . $graphid . ".png"; if ($debug) { echo "{$graphname}(id:{$graphid})</br>\n"; } $fh = fopen($tmp_pdf_data, 'a') or die("Can't open {$tmp_pdf_data} for writing!"); $stringData = "2<{$graphname}>\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData = "[" . $image_file . "]\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); GetGraphImageById($graphid, $stime, $timeperiod, '750', '150', $image_file); fclose($fh); if ($debug) { ob_flush(); flush(); } } } }
<body class="originalblue"> <div id="message-global-wrap"><div id="message-global"></div></div> <table class="maxwidth page_header" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td class="page_header_l"><a class="image" href="" target="_blank"><div class="zabbix_logo"> </div></a></td><td class="maxwidth page_header_r"> </td></tr></table> <br/><br/> <center><h1>Generate PDF Report</h1></center> <br/> <?php // ERROR REPORTING error_reporting(E_ALL); set_time_limit(60); // ZabbixAPI Connection ZabbixAPI::debugEnabled(TRUE); ZabbixAPI::login($z_server, $z_user, $z_pass) or die('Unable to login: '******'host', 'get', array('output' => array('hostid', 'name'), 'sortfield' => 'host', 'with_graphs' => '1', 'sortfield' => 'name')) or die('Unable to get hosts: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); $host_groups = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('hostgroup', 'get', array('output' => array('groupid', 'name'), 'real_hosts' => '1', 'with_graphs' => '1', 'sortfield' => 'name')) or die('Unable to get hosts: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); ZabbixAPI::logout($z_server, $z_user, $z_pass) or die('Unable to logout: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); //var_dump($hosts); //var_dump($host_group); // Form dropdown boxes from Zabbix API Data ?> <center> <form class="cmxform" id="ReportForm" name="ReportForm" action='createpdf.php' method='GET'> <table border="1" rules="NONE" frame="BOX" width="600" cellpadding="10"> <tr><td valign="middle" align="left" width="115"> <label for="ReportType"><b>Report type</b></label> </td><td valign="center" align="left" height="30"> <p> <input id="ReportHost" type="radio" name="ReportType" value="host" title="Generate report on HOST" checked="checked" />Host <input id="ReportHostGroup" type="radio" name="ReportType" value="hostgroup" title="Generate report on GROUP" />Host Group </p>
exit; } $hosts = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('host', 'get', array('output' => array('hostid', 'name'), 'with_graphs' => 'true', 'hostids' => $hostid)) or die('Unable to get hosts: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); //var_dump($hosts); // Get name to be used in PLACEHOLDER-part of filename $name = $hosts[0]['name']; $reportname = str_replace(" ", "_", $name); CreatePDF($hosts); } elseif ($reporttype == 'hostgroup') { if (!is_numeric($groupid)) { echo "ERROR: Need groupid for group report!</br>\n"; exit; } $hosts = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('host', 'get', array('output' => array('hostid', 'name'), 'with_graphs' => 'true', 'groupids' => $groupid)) or die('Unable to get hosts: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); //var_dump($hosts); $hostgroupname = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('hostgroup', 'get', array('output' => array('name'), 'groupids' => $groupid)) or die('Unable to get hostgroup: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); //var_dump($hostgroupname); $name = $hostgroupname[0]['name']; $reportname = str_replace(" ", "_", $name); CreatePDF($hosts); } else { echo "Report type not selected!\n"; exit; } // // Create PDF // if (!file_exists($tmp_pdf_data)) { echo "Report {$tmp_pdf_data} not found! Cannot continue to create PDF."; exit; }
<?php require_once "ZabbixAPI.class.php"; // This enables debugging, this is rather verbose but can help debug problems //ZabbixAPI::debugEnabled(TRUE); // This logs into Zabbix, and returns false if it fails ZabbixAPI::login('http://genbook/zabbix/', 'apiuser', 'ap1') or die('Unable to login: '******'apiinfo', 'version') or die('Unable to get Zabbix Version: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); echo "Server running Zabbix API Version: {$version}\n<br>"; // Fetch the user ids on the server, fetch_column ensures we just get the first item // if you want to understand why I do this, put fetch_array instead and see! $users = ZabbixAPI::fetch_column('user', 'get') or die('Unable to get user ids: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); echo "User IDs found: " . implode($users, ',') . "\n<br>"; // Fetch hosts, but with extend option to get more data, and limit records returned $five_hosts = ZabbixAPI::fetch_array('host', 'get', array('extendoutput' => 1, 'limit' => 5)) or die('Unable to get hosts: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); echo "Retrieved maximum of five hosts: " . print_r($five_hosts, true) . "\n<br>"; // Do a simple update of userid = 1, set refresh = 1000 // NOTE: If this fails, it's because your API user is not a super-admin ZabbixAPI::query('user', 'update', array('userid' => 1, 'refresh' => 1000)) or die('Unable to update: ' . print_r(ZabbixAPI::getLastError(), true)); echo "Updated userid 1 with refresh value of 1000!\n";