コード例 #1
 * Category selector.
 * @param array       $params All attributes passed to this function from the template.
 * @param Zikula_View $view   Reference to the Zikula_View object.
 * @return string
function smarty_function_selector_category($params, Zikula_View $view)
    $categoryRegistryModule = isset($params['categoryRegistryModule']) ? $params['categoryRegistryModule'] : '';
    $categoryRegistryTable = isset($params['categoryRegistryTable']) ? $params['categoryRegistryTable'] : '';
    $categoryRegistryProperty = isset($params['categoryRegistryProperty']) ? $params['categoryRegistryProperty'] : '';
    $category = isset($params['category']) ? $params['category'] : 0;
    $path = isset($params['path']) ? $params['path'] : '';
    $pathfield = isset($params['pathfield']) ? $params['pathfield'] : 'path';
    $field = isset($params['field']) ? $params['field'] : 'id';
    $fieldIsAttribute = isset($params['fieldIsAttribute']) ? $params['fieldIsAttribute'] : null;
    $selectedValue = isset($params['selectedValue']) ? $params['selectedValue'] : 0;
    $defaultValue = isset($params['defaultValue']) ? $params['defaultValue'] : 0;
    $defaultText = isset($params['defaultText']) ? $params['defaultText'] : '';
    $allValue = isset($params['allValue']) ? $params['allValue'] : 0;
    $allText = isset($params['allText']) ? $params['allText'] : '';
    $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : 'defaultselectorname';
    $submit = isset($params['submit']) ? $params['submit'] : false;
    $recurse = isset($params['recurse']) ? $params['recurse'] : true;
    $relative = isset($params['relative']) ? $params['relative'] : true;
    $includeRoot = isset($params['includeRoot']) ? $params['includeRoot'] : false;
    $includeLeaf = isset($params['includeLeaf']) ? $params['includeLeaf'] : true;
    $all = isset($params['all']) ? $params['all'] : false;
    $displayPath = isset($params['displayPath']) ? $params['displayPath'] : false;
    $attributes = isset($params['attributes']) ? $params['attributes'] : null;
    $assign = isset($params['assign']) ? $params['assign'] : null;
    $editLink = isset($params['editLink']) ? $params['editLink'] : true;
    $multipleSize = isset($params['multipleSize']) ? $params['multipleSize'] : 1;
    $sortField = isset($params['sortField']) ? $params['sortField'] : 'sort_value';
    $doReplaceRootCat = isset($params['doReplaceRootCat']) ? $params['doReplaceRootCat'] : null;
    $cssClass = isset($params['cssClass']) ? $params['cssClass'] : '';
    if (isset($params['lang'])) {
        $lang = $params['lang'];
        $oldLocale = ZLanguage::getLocale();
    } else {
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
    if (!$category && !$path && $categoryRegistryModule && $categoryRegistryTable && $categoryRegistryProperty) {
        $category = CategoryRegistryUtil::getRegisteredModuleCategory($categoryRegistryModule, $categoryRegistryTable, $categoryRegistryProperty);
    // if we don't have a category-id we see if we can get a category by path
    if (!$category && $path) {
        $category = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($path, $pathfield);
    } elseif (is_numeric($category)) {
        // check if we have a numeric category
        $category = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByID($category);
    } elseif (is_string($category) && strpos($category, '/') === 0) {
        // check if we have a string/path category
        $category = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($category, $pathfield);
    static $catCache;
    if (!$catCache) {
        $catCache = array();
    $cacheKey = "{$category['id']}||{$recurse}|{$relative}|{$includeRoot}|{$includeLeaf}|{$all}|||{$attributes}|{$sortField}";
    if (!isset($catCache[$cacheKey])) {
        $catCache[$cacheKey] = CategoryUtil::getSubCategoriesForCategory($category, $recurse, $relative, $includeRoot, $includeLeaf, $all, '', '', $attributes, $sortField);
    $html = CategoryUtil::getSelector_Categories($catCache[$cacheKey], $field, $selectedValue, $name, $defaultValue, $defaultText, $allValue, $allText, $submit, $displayPath, $doReplaceRootCat, $multipleSize, $fieldIsAttribute, $cssClass, $lang);
    if ($editLink && !empty($category) && SecurityUtil::checkPermission('ZikulaCategoriesModule::', "{$category['id']}::", ACCESS_EDIT)) {
        $url = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(ModUtil::url('ZikulaCategoriesModule', 'user', 'edit', array('dr' => $category['id'])));
        $html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"" . System::getBaseUrl() . "images/icons/extrasmall/xedit.png\" title=\"" . __('Edit sub-category') . '" alt="' . __('Edit sub-category') . '" /></a>';
    if (isset($params['lang'])) {
        // Reset language again.
    if ($assign) {
        $view->assign($assign, $html);
    } else {
        return $html;
コード例 #2
ファイル: User.php プロジェクト: rmaiwald/EZComments
  * Return an rss/atom feed of the last x comments
  * @author Mark west
 public function feed($args)
     $mod = isset($args['mod']) ? $args['mod'] : FormUtil::getPassedValue('mod', null, 'POST');
     $objectid = isset($args['objectid']) ? $args['objectid'] : FormUtil::getPassedValue('objectid', null, 'POST');
     $feedtype = isset($args['feedtype']) ? $args['feedtype'] : FormUtil::getPassedValue('feedtype', null, 'POST');
     $feedcount = isset($args['feedcount']) ? $args['feedcount'] : FormUtil::getPassedValue('feedcount', null, 'POST');
     // check our input
     if (!isset($feedcount) || !is_numeric($feedcount) || $feedcount < 1 || $feedcount > 999) {
         $feedcount = $this->getVar('feedcount');
     if (!isset($feedtype) || !is_string($feedtype) || $feedtype !== 'rss' && $feedtype !== 'atom') {
         $feedtype = $this->getVar('feedtype');
     if (!isset($mod) || !is_string($mod) || !ModUtil::available($mod)) {
         $mod = null;
     if (!isset($objectid) || !is_string($objectid)) {
         $objectid = null;
     // get the last x comments
     $comments = ModUtil::apiFunc('EZComments', 'user', 'getall', array('mod' => $mod, 'objectid' => $objectid, 'numitems' => $feedcount, 'sortorder' => 'DESC', 'status' => 0));
     // grab the item url from one of the comments
     $itemUrl = '';
     if (isset($comments[0]['url'])) {
         $itemUrl = $comments[0]['url'];
     } else {
         // attempt to guess the url (api compliant mods only....)
         $itemUrl = ModUtil::url($mod, 'user', 'display', array('objectid' => $objectid));
     $this->view->assign('comments', $comments)->assign('language', ZLanguage::getLocale())->assign('sitename', System::getVar('sitename'))->assign('slogan', System::getVar('slogan'))->assign('adminmail', System::getVar('adminmail'))->assign('current_date', date(DATE_RSS))->assign('itemurl', $itemUrl);
     // display the feed and notify the core that we're done
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
     * Initialise the settings module.
     * @return boolean
    public function install()
        // Set up an initial value for a module variable.  Note that all module
        // variables should be initialised with some value in this way rather
        // than just left blank, this helps the user-side code and means that
        // there doesn't need to be a check to see if the variable is set in
        // the rest of the code as it always will be
        System::setVar('debug', '0');
        System::setVar('sitename', $this->__('Site name'));
        System::setVar('slogan', $this->__('Site description'));
        System::setVar('metakeywords', $this->__('zikula, portal, portal web, open source, web site, website, weblog, blog, content management, content management system, web content management, web content management system, enterprise web content management, cms, application framework'));
        System::setVar('defaultpagetitle', $this->__('Site name'));
        System::setVar('defaultmetadescription', $this->__('Site description'));
        System::setVar('startdate', date('m/Y', time()));
        System::setVar('adminmail', '*****@*****.**');
        System::setVar('Default_Theme', 'Andreas08');
        System::setVar('timezone_offset', '0');
        System::setVar('timezone_server', '0');
        System::setVar('funtext', '1');
        System::setVar('reportlevel', '0');
        System::setVar('startpage', '');
        System::setVar('Version_Num', Zikula_Core::VERSION_NUM);
        System::setVar('Version_ID', Zikula_Core::VERSION_ID);
        System::setVar('Version_Sub', Zikula_Core::VERSION_SUB);
        System::setVar('debug_sql', '0');
        System::setVar('multilingual', '1');
        System::setVar('useflags', '0');
        System::setVar('theme_change', '0');
        System::setVar('UseCompression', '0');
        System::setVar('siteoff', 0);
        System::setVar('siteoffreason', '');
        System::setVar('starttype', '');
        System::setVar('startfunc', '');
        System::setVar('startargs', '');
        System::setVar('entrypoint', 'index.php');
        System::setVar('language_detect', 0);
        System::setVar('shorturls', false);
        System::setVar('shorturlstype', '0');
        System::setVar('shorturlsseparator', '-');
        System::setVar('shorturlsstripentrypoint', false);
        System::setVar('shorturlsdefaultmodule', '');
        System::setVar('profilemodule', ModUtil::available('Profile') ? 'Profile' : '');
        System::setVar('messagemodule', '');
        System::setVar('languageurl', 0);
        System::setVar('ajaxtimeout', 5000);
        //! this is a comma-separated list of special characters to search for in permalinks
        System::setVar('permasearch',  $this->__('À,Á,Â,Ã,Å,à,á,â,ã,å,Ò,Ó,Ô,Õ,Ø,ò,ó,ô,õ,ø,È,É,Ê,Ë,è,é,ê,ë,Ç,ç,Ì,Í,Î,Ï,ì,í,î,ï,Ù,Ú,Û,ù,ú,û,ÿ,Ñ,ñ,ß,ä,Ä,ö,Ö,ü,Ü'));
        //! this is a comma-separated list of special characters to replace in permalinks
        System::setVar('permareplace', $this->__('A,A,A,A,A,a,a,a,a,a,O,O,O,O,O,o,o,o,o,o,E,E,E,E,e,e,e,e,C,c,I,I,I,I,i,i,i,i,U,U,U,u,u,u,y,N,n,ss,ae,Ae,oe,Oe,ue,Ue'));

        System::setVar('locale', ZLanguage::getLocale());
        System::setVar('language_i18n', ZLanguage::getlanguageCode());

        System::setVar('idnnames', 1);

        if (!DBUtil::createTable('workflows')) {
            return false;

        if (!DBUtil::createTable('objectdata_attributes')) {
            return false;

        if (!DBUtil::createTable('objectdata_log')) {
            return false;

        if (!DBUtil::createTable('objectdata_meta')) {
            return false;

        // Initialisation successful
        return true;