/** * Event onAfterInitialise */ public function onAfterInitialise() { // Don't do anything if MageBridge is not enabled if ($this->isEnabled() == false) { return false; } // Perform actions on the frontend $application = JFactory::getApplication(); // Check for postlogin-cookie if (isset($_COOKIE['mb_postlogin']) && !empty($_COOKIE['mb_postlogin'])) { // If the user is already logged in, remove the cookie if (JFactory::getUser()->id > 0) { setcookie('mb_postlogin', '', time() - 3600, '/', '.' . JURI::getInstance()->toString(array('host'))); } // Otherwise decrypt the cookie and use it here $data = MageBridgeEncryptionHelper::decrypt($_COOKIE['mb_postlogin']); if (!empty($data)) { $customer_email = $data; } } // Perform a postlogin if needed if (YireoHelper::isJoomla35()) { $post = $application->input->post->getArray(); } if (empty($post)) { $postlogin_userevents = $this->params->get('postlogin_userevents', 0) == 1 ? true : false; if (empty($customer_email)) { $customer_email = MageBridgeModelBridge::getInstance()->getSessionData('customer/email'); } if (!empty($customer_email)) { MageBridge::getUser()->postlogin($customer_email, null, $postlogin_userevents); } } }