コード例 #1
require './inc/config.inc.php';
require './inc/header.php';
if (empty($_GET['lk'])) {
    echo 'A league key is required', PHP_EOL;
try {
    $m = new YahooMessageArchiver(TRUE);
} catch (OauthException $e) {
    echo 'ERROR: Response: ', $e->lastResponse, PHP_EOL;
// @todo Make output prettier and not print_r() everywhere
try {
    echo '<h3>Local Messages</h3>';
    $rows = $m->getLocalMessages($_GET['lk']);
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        echo '<p>Subject: ', $row['subject'], '</p>';
        echo '<p>', nl2br(makeClickableLinks($row['text'])), '</p>';
        echo '<p>By: ', $row['display_name'], ' (', $row['team_name'], ') on ', date('F d, Y', $row['timestamp']);
        echo '<hr />';
    // @todo test this, make it possible to export
    //exportToCsv( (array) $rows, '/tmp/tmp.csv');
    echo '<h3>Remote Messages</h3>';
    echo '<p>Disabled, See code.</p>';
    echo '<pre>';
    $rows = $m->getMessages( 0, 100, $_GET['lk'] );
    print_r( $rows );
    echo '</pre>';
コード例 #2
if (!$ids) {
    echo 'Error: Unable to find league ids for you.', PHP_EOL;
if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] === '1' && isset($_GET['lk'])) {
    echo 'Hello, I am inserting messages now. ', PHP_EOL;
    $count = 0;
    $data = $m->getMessages(1, 200, $_GET['lk']);
    foreach ($data->league->messages->message as $message) {
        if ($m->insertMessage($_GET['lk'], $message)) {
        } else {
            // @todo :)
            echo 'FAIL', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'I inserted ', $count, ' messages', PHP_EOL;
$linfos = $m->getLeagueInfo($ids);
// @todo reduce number of rest calls
echo '<dl>';
foreach ($linfos->league as $linfo) {
    $mcount = $m->getMessageCount($linfo->league_key);
    $lmess = $m->getLocalMessages($linfo->league_key);
    $lcount = count($lmess);
    echo '<dt><a href="', $linfo->url, '">', $linfo->name, '</a></dt>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<dd>Message counts: Remote: (', $mcount, ') and Local: (', $lcount, ')</dd>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<dd>Archive remote messages to local: [<a href="messages.php?a=1&lk=', $linfo->league_key, '">execute</a>]</dd>', PHP_EOL;
    echo '<dd>View messages: [<a href="view.php?lk=', $linfo->league_key, '">execute</a>]</dd>';
echo "</dl>";