コード例 #1
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the data
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('sqlite', 'database2.db');
     // Output the server version
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getServerVersion(), 'Version:');
     // Output some queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from escalations'), 'escalations');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from sqlite_master'), 'sqlite_master');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from sqlite_master'), 'array - sqlite_master');
     // Test string escaping
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->string("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->string');
     // Show number of queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getSqlCount(), 'Number of queries');
     // Test timestamps
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate()), 'sqlString( getDate() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime()), 'sqlString( getTime() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     // Test limits
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10));
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10, 25));
     // Test errors
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error');
     // Close the database connection
コード例 #2
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the data
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     $this->template->assign('processList', $db->getRecords('show processlist'));
     $this->template->assign('status', $db->getRecords('show status'));
     $this->template->assign('variables', $db->getRecords('show variables'));
     $this->template->assign('version', $db->getServerVersion());
     $this->template->assign('sqlcount', $db->getSqlCount());
     // Output the template
     // Test string escaping
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escape("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->escape');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->prepareSql('SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id = :1 and author = :2', 1, "Pieter's Author"), '$db->prepareSql');
     // Test timestamps
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getDate()), 'escapeSql( getDate() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getTime()), 'escapeSql( getTime() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'escapeSql( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'escapeSql( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     // Test limits
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10));
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10, 30));
     // Test errors
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error');
     // Close the database connection
コード例 #3
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the database connections
     $db1 = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'ydweblog', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     $db2 = YDDatabase::getInstance('oracle', 'creodb_directeur', 'prinergy', 'araxi');
     $db3 = YDDatabase::getInstance('postgres', 'test_db', 'postgres', 'Ster4484', 'localhost');
     $db4 = YDDatabase::getInstance('sqlite', 'db_metadata.db');
     // Get the metadata
     $db1_meta = new YDDatabaseMetaData($db1);
     $db2_meta = new YDDatabaseMetaData($db2);
     $db3_meta = new YDDatabaseMetaData($db3);
     $db4_meta = new YDDatabaseMetaData($db4);
     // Get the list of tables
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1_meta->getTables(), 'mysql - getTables');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db2_meta->getTables(), 'oracle - getTables');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db3_meta->getTables(), 'postgres - getTables');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db4_meta->getTables(), 'sqlite - getTables');
     // Get the list of fields for a table
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1_meta->getFields('ydw_items'), 'mysql - getFields');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db2_meta->getFields('dbcs_jacket'), 'oracle - getFields');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db3_meta->getFields(), 'postgres - getFields');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db4_meta->getFields('notes'), 'sqlite - getFields');
     // Get the list of indexes for a table
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1_meta->getIndexes('ydw_items'), 'mysql - getIndexes');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db2_meta->getIndexes('dbcs_jacket'), 'oracle - getIndexes');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db3_meta->getIndexes(), 'postgres - getIndexes');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db4_meta->getIndexes('notes'), 'sqlite - getIndexes');
コード例 #4
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the data
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('sqlite', 'database2.db');
     // Output the server version
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getServerVersion(), 'Version:');
     // Output some queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from escalations'), 'escalations');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from sqlite_master'), 'sqlite_master');
     // Test string escaping
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->string("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->string');
     // Show number of queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getSqlCount(), 'Number of queries');
     // Test timestamps
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate()), 'sqlString( getDate() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime()), 'sqlString( getTime() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     // Test errors
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error');
     // Close the database connection
コード例 #5
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the data
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('oracle', 'CREODB_STATLER', 'prinergy_rpt', 'prinergy_rpt');
     // Output the server version
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getServerVersion(), 'Version:');
     // Output some queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from RPT_Customer_V'), 'RPT_Customer_V');
     // Output some queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getValue('select sysdate from dual'), 'sysdate');
     // Test string escaping
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escape("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->escape');
     // Show number of queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getSqlCount(), 'Number of queries');
     // Test timestamps
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getDate()), 'escapeSql( getDate() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getTime()), 'escapeSql( getTime() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'escapeSql( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->escapeSql($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'escapeSql( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     // Test limits
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10));
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10, 25));
     // Test errors
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error');
     // Close the database connection
コード例 #6
  *  Constructor. Set the database table name and necessary field names
  *  @param $table          Name of the tree database table
  *  @param $db             (optional) The YDDatabase instance name or object pointing to the database
  *  @param $idField        (optional) Name of the primary key ID field. Default is id.
  *  @param $parentField    (optional) Name of the parent ID field. Default is parent_id.
  *  @param $sortField      (optional) Name of the field to sort data.
 function YDDatabaseTree2($table, $db = 'default', $idField = 'id', $parentField = 'parent_id', $sortField = 'parent_id ASC, position ASC')
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance($db);
     $this->table = $table;
     $this->fields = array('id' => $idField, 'parent' => $parentField, 'lineage' => 'lineage', 'level' => 'level', 'position' => 'position');
     $this->sortField = $sortField;
コード例 #7
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the data
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('postgres', 'template1', 'pieter', 'kermit', 'yellowduck');
     // Output the server version
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getServerVersion(), 'Version:');
     // Output some queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select now()'), 'select now();');
     // Test string escaping
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->string("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->string');
     // Show number of queries
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getSqlCount(), 'Number of queries');
     // Test timestamps
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate()), 'sqlString( getDate() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime()), 'sqlString( getTime() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     // Test limits
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10));
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10, 25));
     // Test errors
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error');
     // Close the database connection
コード例 #8
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the data
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     $this->setVar('processList', $db->getRecords('show processlist'));
     $this->setVar('status', $db->getRecords('show status'));
     $this->setVar('variables', $db->getRecords('show variables'));
     $this->setVar('version', $db->getServerVersion());
     $this->setVar('sqlcount', $db->getSqlCount());
     // Output the template
     // Test string escaping
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->string("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->string');
     // Test timestamps
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate()), 'sqlString( getDate() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime()), 'sqlString( getTime() )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )');
     // Test errors
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error');
     // Close the database connection
コード例 #9
  *  Constructor. Set the database connection
  *  @param $db  (optional) The YDDatabase object pointing to the database. If you use a null value, the default
  *              database instance will be used (using YDDatabase::getNamedInstance()).
 function YDDatabaseMetaData($db = null)
     if (is_null($db)) {
         $this->db = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance();
     } else {
         $this->db = $db;
コード例 #10
 function database_backup()
     // Get the data
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Create the YDMysqlDump object
     $this->dump = new YDMysqlDump($this->db);
コード例 #11
  *  Constructor. Set the database table name and necessary field names
  *  @param $db             The YDDatabase instance name or object pointing to the database
  *  @param $table          Name of the tree database table
  *  @param $idField        (optional) Name of the primary key ID field. Default is id.
  *  @param $parentField    (optional) Name of the parent ID field. Default is parent_id.
  *  @param $sortField      (optional) Name of the field to sort data. Default is position, title.
 function YDDatabaseTree($db = 'default', $table, $idField = 'id', $parentField = 'parent_id', $sortField = 'position, title')
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance($db);
     $this->table = $table;
     $this->fields = array('id' => $idField, 'parent' => $parentField, 'sort' => $sortField, 'nleft' => 'nleft', 'nright' => 'nright', 'nlevel' => 'nlevel', 'position' => 'position');
     $this->_use_query_cache = true;
     $this->_query_cache = array();
コード例 #12
 function index()
     // Initialize the parent class
     // Initialize the template object
     $this->template = new YDTemplate();
     // Make the database connection
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getInstance($GLOBALS['db']['type'], $GLOBALS['db']['name'], $GLOBALS['db']['user'], $GLOBALS['db']['pass'], $GLOBALS['db']['host']);
コード例 #13
 function database_tree()
     // Call the parent
     // Get the database connection
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'tree_test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the tree instance
     $this->tree = new YDDatabaseTree($db, 'nested_tree');
コード例 #14
 function database_objecttree()
     // Call the parent
     // Get the database connection
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'tree_test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the tree instance
     $this->tree = new YDDatabaseObjectTree('nested_tree', $db);
     // register extra column
     $this->tree->registerField('title', true);
コード例 #15
 function YDWeblogAPI()
     // Initialize the parent
     // Get the database connection
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', YDConfig::get('db_name', 'YDWeblog'), YDConfig::get('db_user', 'root'), YDConfig::get('db_pass', ''), YDConfig::get('db_host', 'localhost'));
     // Add any missing body_more field
     $fields = $this->db->getValuesByName('show fields from ' . YDConfig::get('db_prefix', '') . 'items', 'field');
     if (!in_array('body_more', $fields)) {
         $this->db->executeSql('ALTER TABLE ' . YDConfig::get('db_prefix', '') . 'items ADD body_more LONGTEXT AFTER body');
コード例 #16
 function database_tree()
     // Call the parent
     // Get the database connection
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'tree_test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the tree instance
     $this->tree = new YDDatabaseTree($db, 'nested_tree');
     // Add some fields
     // Add a join table
     $this->tree->addJoinTable('JOIN category t2 ON t1.cat_id = t2.id');
コード例 #17
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the database connection
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the records
     $recordset = $db->getRecords('show status');
     // Close the database connection
     // Create the YDRecordSet object
     $recordset = new YDRecordSet($recordset, -1, null);
     // Setup the template
     $this->template->assign('recordset', $recordset);
     // Display the template
コード例 #18
 function actionDefault()
     // Check if the template is cached
     if (!$this->tpl->is_cached(YD_SELF_SCRIPT)) {
         // Make some extensive database calls
         $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
         $this->tpl->assign('processList', $db->getRecords('show processlist'));
         $this->tpl->assign('status', $db->getRecords('show status'));
         $this->tpl->assign('variables', $db->getRecords('show variables'));
         $this->tpl->assign('version', $db->getServerVersion());
         $this->tpl->assign('sqlcount', $db->getSqlCount());
         // Indicate the template was not cached
         echo 'not cached';
     // Display the template
     $this->tpl->display('tplcache.tpl', YD_SELF_SCRIPT);
コード例 #19
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the pagesize and current page from the query string
     $page = @$_GET['page'];
     $size = @$_GET['size'];
     // Get the database connection
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the records
     $recordset = $db->getRecords('show status');
     // Close the database connection
     // Create the YDRecordSet object
     $recordset = new YDRecordSet($recordset, $page, $size);
     // Setup the template
     $this->template->assign('recordset', $recordset);
     // Display the template
コード例 #20
 function index()
     // Initialize the parent class
     // Make the database connection
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getInstance($GLOBALS['db']['type'], $GLOBALS['db']['name'], $GLOBALS['db']['user'], $GLOBALS['db']['pass'], $GLOBALS['db']['host']);
     // Create the add form
     $this->form = new YDForm('addEntryForm');
     // Add the elements
     $this->form->addElement('text', 'notetitle', 'Title:');
     $this->form->addElement('textarea', 'notecontents', 'Contents:');
     $this->form->addElement('submit', '_cmdSubmit', 'Save');
     // Apply filters
     $this->form->addFilter('NoteTitle', 'trim');
     $this->form->addFilter('NoteContents', 'trim');
     // Add a rule
     $this->form->addRule('notetitle', 'required', 'Title is required');
     $this->form->addRule('notecontents', 'required', 'Contents is required');
コード例 #21
 function actionDefault()
     // Register the named instances
     YDDatabase::registerInstance('default', 'mysql', 'ydweblog', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     YDDatabase::registerInstance('db_mysql', 'mysql', 'mysql', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     YDDatabase::registerInstance('db_test', 'mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the default instance
     $db1 = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance();
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1, 'default instance, no name given');
     // Get the default instance using it's name
     $db1 = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance('DEFAULT');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1, 'default instance, using name');
     // Get the db_mysql instance using it's name
     $db1 = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance('db_mysql');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1, 'db_mysql instance');
     // Get the db_bba_v2 instance using it's name
     $db1 = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance('db_test');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($db1, 'db_test instance');
コード例 #22
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the pagesize and current page from the query string
     $page = @$_GET['page'];
     $size = @$_GET['size'];
     // Get the database connection
     $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
     // Get the records
     $recordset = $db->getRecordsAsSet('show status', $page, $size);
     // Alter the URL
     $url =& $recordset->getUrl();
     $url->setQueryVar('test', 'val');
     // Close the database connection
     // Setup the template
     $this->template->assign('recordset', $recordset);
     // Display the template
コード例 #23
 function YDWeblogAPI()
     // Initialize the parent
     // Get the database connection
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', YDConfig::get('db_name', 'YDWeblog'), YDConfig::get('db_user', 'root'), YDConfig::get('db_pass', ''), YDConfig::get('db_host', 'localhost'));
     // Add any missing body_more field
     $fields = $this->db->getValuesByName('show fields from #_items', 'field');
     if (!in_array('body_more', $fields)) {
         $this->db->executeSql('ALTER TABLE #_items ADD body_more LONGTEXT AFTER body');
     // Get the list of indexes
     $indexes = $this->db->getValuesByName('show keys from #_users', 'key_name');
     if (in_array('email', $indexes)) {
         $this->db->executeSql('ALTER TABLE #_users DROP INDEX email');
     if (!in_array('name', $indexes)) {
         $this->db->executeSql('ALTER TABLE #_users ADD UNIQUE name (name)');
コード例 #24
  *  Class constructor for the YDMysqlDump class.
  *  @param $dbinstance      Database instance name or object.
 function YDMysqlDump($dbinstance = 'default')
     // Initializes YDBase
     // Setup the module
     $this->_author = 'Francisco Azevedo';
     $this->_version = '1.3';
     $this->_copyright = '(c) 2005 Francisco Azevedo, francisco@fusemail.com';
     $this->_description = 'This class defines a mysql backup/restore system.';
     // database instance
     $this->dbinstance = YDDatabase::getNamedInstance($dbinstance);
     // predefined filepath for store content (used if we don't want a string)
     $this->filepath = YD_DIR_TEMP . '/backup.sql';
     // defaults
     $this->useComments = false;
     $this->useDrops = false;
     $this->useStructure = false;
     $this->useData = false;
     // custom tables
     $this->tables_to_use = null;
     $this->tables_to_ignore = null;
コード例 #25
// Include the standard modules
// Include other libraries
YDInclude(dirname(__FILE__) . '/YDWeblogAPI.php');
YDInclude(dirname(__FILE__) . '/YDWeblogRequest.php');
// Check if the weblog application is locked or not
$db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', YDConfig::get('db_name', 'YDWeblog'), YDConfig::get('db_user', 'root'), YDConfig::get('db_pass', ''), YDConfig::get('db_host', 'localhost'));
$tables = $db->getRecords('show tables');
$table_field_name = 'tables_in_' . strtolower(YDConfig::get('db_name', 'YDWeblog'));
foreach ($tables as $table) {
    if (strtolower($table[$table_field_name]) == YDConfig::get('db_prefix', '') . 'locked') {
        die('Weblog application is being updated. Please come again later.');
// Set the right locale
$language = YDConfig::get('weblog_language', 'en');
$language = empty($language) ? 'en' : $language;
// The t function used for translations
function t($t)
    // Return empty string when param is missing
コード例 #26
 function setDatabase()
     $this->__db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', 'test', 'root', '', 'localhost');
コード例 #27
  *  Using this static function, you can get an instance of a YDDatabaseDriver class.
  *  @param $driver  Name of the database driver or array containing drivername, file name and class name.
  *  @param $db      Database name to use for the connection.
  *  @param $user    (optional) User name to use for the connection.
  *  @param $pass    (optional) Password to use for the connection.
  *  @param $host    (optional) Host name to use for the connection.
  *  @returns    An instance of YDDatabaseDriver
  *  @static
 function getInstance($driver, $db, $user = '', $pass = '', $host = '')
     // The list of known drivers
     $regDrivers = array();
     // Register new driver
     if (is_array($driver) && isset($driver['drivername'])) {
         // Register a new driver
         $regDrivers[strtolower($driver['drivername'])] = $driver;
         $driver = $driver['drivername'];
     } else {
         // Get the standard driver list
         $regDrivers = YDDatabase::getSupportedDrivers();
         // Check if the driver exists
         if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($driver), $regDrivers)) {
             trigger_error('Unsupported database type: "' . $driver . '".', YD_ERROR);
     // Include the driver
     if (!empty($regDrivers[strtolower($driver)]['file'])) {
         if (is_file($regDrivers[strtolower($driver)]['file'])) {
             include_once $regDrivers[strtolower($driver)]['file'];
         } else {
             include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/YDDatabaseDrivers/' . $regDrivers[strtolower($driver)]['file'];
     // Check if the driver is supported
     if (!call_user_func(array($regDrivers[strtolower($driver)]['class'], 'isSupported'))) {
         trigger_error('Unsupported database type: "' . $driver . '". Extension is not loaded.', YD_ERROR);
     // Make a new connection object and return it
     $className = $regDrivers[strtolower($driver)]['class'];
     return new $className($db, $user, $pass, $host);
コード例 #28

// initialize the Yellow Duck Framework
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../YDFramework2/YDF2_init.php';
// BASIC CONFIGURATION: set YDDatabase instance connection
YDDatabase::registerInstance('default', 'mysql', 'xpto', 'root', '', 'localhost');
// BASIC CONFIGURATION: set portal language. Currently you can use 'en' and 'pt'.
// set admin template path
YDConfig::set('YDCMTEMPLATES_ADMIN_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/backend/templates');
YDConfig::set('YDCMTEMPLATES_ADMIN_URL', YDUrl::makeLinkAbsolute('./templates'));
コード例 #29
 function YDWeblogAPI()
     // Initialize the parent
     // Get the database connection
     $this->db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', YDConfig::get('db_name', 'YDWeblog'), YDConfig::get('db_user', 'root'), YDConfig::get('db_pass', ''), YDConfig::get('db_host', 'localhost'));
     // Get a link to the database metadata
     $this->dbmeta = new YDDatabaseMetaData($this->db);
     // Upgrade the schema if needed
     // The array that will hold the image metadata
     $this->imagemetadata = null;
     // Delete spam comments older than 7 days
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM #_comments WHERE is_spam = 1 AND created < (unix_timestamp()-604800)';
     // Delete the old IP numbers from spam check
     $comment_interval = YDConfig::get('comment_interval', 10);
     if ($comment_interval != '' && is_numeric($comment_interval)) {
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM #_spamcheck WHERE lastvisit < (unix_timestamp()-' . $comment_interval . ')';
     // Cleanup the bad behaviour table part 1
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM #_bad_behavior WHERE DATE_SUB( `date`, INTERVAL 1 day ) < DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 day ) AND request_method = \'GET\' AND `key` = \'00000000\'';
     // Cleanup the bad behaviour table part 2
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM #_bad_behavior WHERE DATE_SUB( `date`, INTERVAL 7 day ) < DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 day )';
     // Check against akismet if a key is there
     if (YDConfig::get('akismet_key', '') != '') {
         // Include the YDAkismet addon
         include_once YD_DIR_HOME_ADD . '/YDAkismet/YDAkismet.php';
         // Get the URL of the weblog
         $weblog_url = dirname(YDRequest::getCurrentUrl(true)) . '/';
         // Initialize YDAkismet
         $this->akismet = new YDAkismet($weblog_url, YDConfig::get('akismet_key', ''));
     } else {
         // No akismet
         $this->akismet = null;
コード例 #30
  *  This function initializes the SimpleCMS package. It performs the following items:
  *      - Create a new global array under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']
  *      - Adds a database connection under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['db']
  *      - Adds a language array under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['languages']
  *      - Adds a module manager instance under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['moduleManager']
  *      - Adds a array under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['adminMenu'] to keep track of the admin menu
  *      - Adds a null value under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['user'] to keep track of the current user
  *      - Stores the current scope in $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['scope']
  *  Even if you call this function multiple times, the initialization will only be done once.
  *  @todo
  *      Negotiate the language and put it as an array under $GLOBALS['YD_SIMPLECMS']['languages']
  *  @todo
  *      Language settings should be specific for each scope
  *  @static
 function initialize()
     // Check if the initialization is already done or not
         // Create the array
         $settings =& $GLOBALS[YD_SIMPLECMS_PACKAGE_NAME];
         // Setup the database connection
         YDConfig::set('YD_DB_TABLEPREFIX', YDConfig::get('db_prefix'));
         $settings['db'] = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', YDConfig::get('db_name'), YDConfig::get('db_user'), YDConfig::get('db_pass'), YDConfig::get('db_host'));
         // The global list with admin menu
         $settings['adminMenu'] = array();
         // The current user
         $settings['currentUser'] = null;
         // The module manager instance
         $settings['moduleManager'] = new YDSimpleCMSModuleManager();
         // Set the default scope
         $settings['scope'] = YD_SIMPLECMS_SCOPE_PUBLIC;
         // Get the site Id
         $settings['siteId'] = YDConfig::get('YD_SIMPLECMS_SITEID', 'SAMPLESITE');
         // Create a browser information object
         $settings['browserInfo'] = new YDBrowserInfo();
         $browserInfo =& $settings['browserInfo'];
         //                // -- Negotiate the language --
         //                // Set the list of languages and the default language
         //                $language = YDConfig::get( 'site_default_lang', '' );
         //                $languages = array();
         //                // Get the current URL
         //                $url = new YDUrl( YDRequest::getNormalizedCurrentUrl() );
         //                // Get the list of languages
         //                foreach ( array_slice( YDConfig::get( 'site_languages', array() ), 0, 4 ) as $key=>$lang ) {
         //                    if ( ! empty( $lang[0] ) ) {
         //                        $lang[0] = strtolower( $lang[0] );
         //                        $url->setQueryVar( 'lang', $lang[0] );
         //                        $languages[ $lang[0] ] = array(
         //                            'name' => $lang[1], 'idx' => $key + 1, 'code' => $lang[0], 'url' => $url->getUrl(),
         //                        );
         //                    }
         //                }
         //                // Get the current language
         //                $languages = array_keys( $languages );
         //                $lang = $browserInfo->getLanguage( $languages );
         //                $languageCookieName = YD_SIMPLECMS_PACKAGE_NAME . '_' . YDSimpleCms::getSiteId() . '_LANG';
         //                if ( YDRequest::getCookie( $languageCookieName, '', $languages ) != '' ) {
         //                    $lang = YDRequest::getCookie( $languageCookieName, '', $languages );
         //                }
         //                //if ( $this->getQueryStringParameter( 'lang', '', $languages ) != '' ) {
         //                //    $lang = $this->getQueryStringParameter( 'lang', '', $languages );
         //                //}
         //                $lang = strtolower( $lang );
         //                // Set the right locale
         //                YDLocale::set( $lang );
         //                //YDDebugUtil::dump( $language, 'language' );
         //YDDebugUtil::dump( $languages, 'languages' );