ConvertObjectToXml() public method

Converts an object to an XML string. The root element name is passed in as a parameter, and each field of the object becomes a child element. Array values are represented by multiples instances of that element. Methods on the object are ignored.
public ConvertObjectToXml ( mixed $object, string $rootElementName, boolean $useXsiType ) : string
$object mixed the object to serialize
$rootElementName string the name of the root element
$useXsiType boolean whether the xsi:type will be added into XML tags when available
return string the XML serialized string of the object
コード例 #1
  * Generates the parameters to use for the download request.
  * @param mixed $reportDefinition the report definition, as an ID or object
  * @return array the parameters
 private static function GetParams($reportDefinition)
     $params = array();
     if (is_numeric($reportDefinition)) {
         $params['__rd'] = $reportDefinition;
     } else {
         if (is_object($reportDefinition) || is_array($reportDefinition)) {
             $serializer = new XmlSerializer();
             $params['__rdxml'] = $serializer->ConvertObjectToXml($reportDefinition, 'reportDefinition', false);
         } else {
             throw new ReportDownloadException('Invalid report definition type: ' . $reportDefinition);
     return $params;
コード例 #2
  * Creates the HTTP headers and body for incremental upload request that will
  * be used to upload batch operations to. Content-Length and Content-Range
  * are required for incremental upload.
  * @param array $operations operations to be uploaded to the upload URL
  * @param bool $isLastRequest if this is last upload request
  * @return array an associative array containing the HTTP headers, body, and
  *     content length of incremental upload request
 private function PrepareIncrementalUploadRequest(array $operations, $isLastRequest)
     $headers = array('Content-Type' => self::$UPLOAD_URL_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
     $batchJobOpsMutate = new BatchJobOpsMutate();
     $batchJobOpsMutate->operations = $operations;
     // Get body of this HTTP upload request.
     $serializer = new XmlSerializer();
     $content = $this->PostProcessContent($serializer->ConvertObjectToXml($batchJobOpsMutate, 'ns1:mutate', true), $this->totalContentBytes == 0, $isLastRequest);
     $contentLength = mb_strlen($content, '8bit');
     $headers['Content-Length'] = $contentLength;
     // On the last request, specify the total number of bytes.
     // e.g., bytes 500-999/1000
     $lowerBound = $this->totalContentBytes;
     $upperBound = $this->totalContentBytes + $contentLength - 1;
     $totalBytes = $isLastRequest ? strval($upperBound + 1) : '*';
     $contentRange = sprintf('bytes %d-%d/%s', $lowerBound, $upperBound, $totalBytes);
     $headers['Content-Range'] = $contentRange;
     return array('headers' => $headers, 'body' => $content, 'length' => $contentLength);
コード例 #3
  * @covers XmlSerializer::ConvertObjectToXml
  * @covers XmlSerializer::ConvertObjectToElement
  * @covers XmlSerializer::ConvertObjectToNodeValue
 public function testConvertObjectToXmlMutateRequest()
     $serializer = new XmlSerializer();
     $result = $serializer->ConvertObjectToXml(XmlTestHelper::$MUTATE_REQUEST_OBJECT, 'ns1:mutate', true);
     $this->assertEquals(XmlTestHelper::$NAMESPACED_MUTATE_REQUEST_XML, $result);
コード例 #4
  * Creates the headers and body of HTTP upload request that will be used to
  * upload batch operations to.
  * @param array $operations operations to be uploaded to the upload URL
  * @return array an associative array containing the headers and body of HTTP
  *     upload request
 private function PrepareUploadRequest(array $operations)
     $headers = array('Content-Type' => self::$UPLOAD_URL_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
     $batchJobOpsMutate = new BatchJobOpsMutate();
     $batchJobOpsMutate->operations = $operations;
     // Get body of this HTTP upload request.
     $serializer = new XmlSerializer();
     $xml = $serializer->ConvertObjectToXml($batchJobOpsMutate, 'ns1:mutate', true);
     return array('headers' => $headers, 'body' => $xml);