コード例 #1
 function __construct($type = self::PANEL, $dry_run = false, $step = false, $manual = false, $internal = false, $build = false)
     if ($build) {
         $build = strtok(substr($build, 1), "?");
         $build_params = ArrayUtil::queryStringToArray(strtok("?"));
         $this->build = $build;
     } else {
         if (self::$instance) {
             return true;
     self::$started = true;
     if (!defined("NODES")) {
         define("NODES", 1);
     if (!defined("VALUES")) {
         define("VALUES", 2);
     if (!defined("ATTRIBUTES")) {
         define("ATTRIBUTES", 3);
     if (!defined("PAIRS")) {
         define("PAIRS", 4);
     $this->root = sfConfig::get("sf_root_dir");
     $this->schemaLocation = $this->root . "/plugins/appFlowerPlugin/schema/appflower.xsd";
     // Reading parser YML config
     //$tmp = sfYaml::load($this->root."/plugins/appFlowerPlugin/config/app.yml");
     $this->remove_fields = sfConfig::get("app_parser_remove_fields");
     // Context info
     $this->context = sfContext::getInstance();
     // Set Application..
     $this->application = $this->context->getConfiguration()->getApplication();
     // Set user
     $this->user = $this->context->getUser();
     // Add JS file list
     // Action attributes..
     $actionInstance = $this->context->getActionStack()->getLastEntry()->getActionInstance();
     $this->attribute_holder = $actionInstance->getVarHolder()->getAll();
     // Request
     $this->request = $actionInstance->getRequest()->getParameterHolder()->getAll();
     foreach ($this->request as $param => $value) {
         if (!array_key_exists($param, $this->attribute_holder)) {
             $this->attribute_holder[$param] = $value;
     $this->currentUri = $actionInstance->getModuleName() . "/" . $actionInstance->getActionName();
     if ($build) {
         $uri = $build;
         $module = strtok($build, "/");
         $action = strtok("/");
         $this->currentUri = $module . "/" . $action;
     } else {
         $uri = $actionInstance->getModuleName() . "/" . $actionInstance->getActionName();
         $module = $actionInstance->getModuleName();
         $action = $actionInstance->getActionName();
     $this->vars[$uri] = $this->attribute_holder;
     if ($build) {
         $config_vars = afConfigUtils::getConfigVars(strtok($build, "/"), strtok("/"), $this->context->getRequest());
         if ($build_params) {
             foreach ($build_params as $n => $p) {
                 $config_vars[$n] = $p;
         $this->vars[$uri] = $config_vars;
     // Assign DOM Document..
     if (!$build) {
     } else {
         $this->readXmlDocument(null, false, $build);
     if (sfContext::getInstance()->has('profiler')) {
         $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer('afRead');
         $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer('afRender');
     $root = $this->document->getElementsByTagName("view")->item(0);
     $view_type = $root->getAttribute("type");
     $dynamic = $root->getAttribute("dynamic");
     $actionInstance->view = $view_type;
     if ($view_type == "layout") {
         $this->layoutModule = $actionInstance->layoutModule = $root->getAttribute("module");
     $view_type = XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue($view_type, $root, true);
     $this->set("type", $view_type, $root);
     // Is this a Dynamic widget? If so, let's create update XML DOM.
     $this->namespace = $this->document->lookupNamespaceUri("i");
     if ($dynamic === "true") {
         $this->buildXmlDocument($module, $view_type);
     // Parser type
     if ($view_type == "layout") {
         $this->type = self::PAGE;
     } else {
         if ($view_type == "wizard") {
             $this->type = self::WIZARD;
         } else {
             $this->type = self::PANEL;
     // Is this a layout?
     $this->page = $view_type;
     try {
         if (!file_exists($this->schemaLocation) || !is_readable($this->schemaLocation)) {
             throw new XmlParserException("Was unable to read main schema document. Please check " . $this->schemaLocation . "!");
         } else {
             if ($this->type === self::WIZARD && !isset($this->attribute_holder["current"])) {
                 throw new XmlParserException("The step parameter must be defined in case of wizard layout!");
         if (isset($this->attribute_holder["current"])) {
             $this->current = $this->attribute_holder["current"];
         if ($this->type === self::WIZARD && !$this->current) {
             throw new XmlParserException("The value of step parameter must be either false or a positive number!");
         $this->step = $step;
         if ($this->type === self::WIZARD && !isset($this->attribute_holder["step"])) {
             throw new XmlParserException("Required variable step cannot be found in attribute holder!");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     if ($dry_run) {
         return true;
     // Reading default footer and sidebar data
     if (!$build) {
     // Reading Main XML Schema..
     $this->schema = new DOMDocument();
     // Reading enum values..
     // Check widget access rights
     if ($this->type === self::PANEL || $this->type === self::WIZARD) {
     $this->enumCheck("i:viewType", $view_type);
     if ($this->type === self::WIZARD && isset($this->attribute_holder["init"])) {
         if (!$this->fetch("//i:datastore")->length) {
             $this->datastore = false;
         } else {
             $this->datastore = true;
     if ($build) {
         $this->runParser($build, "object");
     } else {
         // Create layout
         if ($this->type === self::PANEL) {
             $this->panelIdXml = $this->context->getModuleName() . "/" . $this->context->getActionName();
             self::$masterLayout = null;
             $this->layout = new afExtjsPanelLayout();
         } else {
             if (self::$instance === null) {
                 self::$instance = true;
             if ($this->type === self::WIZARD) {
                 if (!$this->tabbedWizard) {
                     $wizattrs = array('id' => 'center_panel', 'title' => "");
                 } else {
                     $wizattrs = array('id' => 'center_panel', 'title' => "", 'centerType' => 'group');
                 $this->layout = new afExtjsWizardLayout($wizattrs);
             } else {
                 $this->portalIdXml = $this->context->getModuleName() . "/" . $this->context->getActionName();
                 $this->portalStateObj = afPortalStatePeer::retrieveByIdXml($this->portalIdXml);
                 if (!$this->portalStateObj) {
                     //default values for layout & columns
                     $this->portalConfig = new stdClass();
                     $this->portalConfig->layoutType = $this->fetch("//i:tab")->length ? afPortalStatePeer::TYPE_TABBED : afPortalStatePeer::TYPE_NORMAL;
                     $this->portalConfig->content = array();
                     $this->portalConfig->content[0]["portalLayoutType"] = sfConfig::get("app_parser_default_layout", "[100]");
                     $this->portalConfig->idXml = $this->portalIdXml;
             if ($this->layout) {
                 self::$masterLayout = $this->layout;
         $this->manualMode = $manual;
          * widget help settings
          * ticket #300 - radu
         $this->widgetHelpSettings = afWidgetHelpSettingsPeer::retrieveCurrent();
         // Application menu..
         if ($this->context->getRequest()->getAttribute("af_first_page_request")) {
             		foreach($this->buttons as $button) {
             			if(isset($button["menus"])) {
             				for($i = sizeof($button["menus"])-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         if (!$manual) {
             $this->runParser(1, "content");
コード例 #2
  * retrieving description and images for some widgets
  * @author radu
 public function executeRetrieveWidgetsInfo()
     $config = $this->hasRequestParameter('config') ? $this->getRequestParameter('config') : false;
     $portalWidgets = $this->hasRequestParameter('portalWidgets') ? $this->getRequestParameter('portalWidgets') : false;
     if ($config && $portalWidgets) {
         $config = json_decode($config);
         $content = get_object_vars($config->content);
         $config->content[$config->layoutItem] = $content;
         $portalWidgets = json_decode($portalWidgets);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($portalWidgets as $pwi => $portalWidgetsFielset) {
             $result['rows'][$i]['title'] = $portalWidgetsFielset->title;
             $result['rows'][$i]['image'] = '';
             $result['rows'][$i]['widget'] = '';
             $result['rows'][$i]['description'] = '';
             $result['rows'][$i]['_selected'] = false;
             $result['rows'][$i]['_is_leaf'] = false;
             $result['rows'][$i]['_parent'] = null;
             $result['rows'][$i]['_id'] = $i;
             $j = $i;
             $parentChecked = false;
             foreach ($portalWidgetsFielset->widgets as $pfwi => $widget) {
                 $ma = explode('/', $widget);
                 $image = $title = $description = '';
                 $checked = afPortalStatePeer::searchForWidgetInState($config, $widget);
                 $path = sfConfig::get("sf_root_dir") . '/apps/' . $this->context->getConfiguration()->getApplication() . '/modules/' . $ma[1] . '/config/' . $ma[2] . '.xml';
                 if (file_exists($path)) {
                     $action_config_vars = afConfigUtils::getConfigVars($ma[1], $ma[2], $this->getRequest());
                     $dom = new DOMDocument();
                     if ($dom->load($path)) {
                         foreach ($dom->documentElement->childNodes as $oChildNode) {
                             if ($oChildNode->nodeName == 'i:title') {
                                 $title = XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue(trim($oChildNode->nodeValue), $oChildNode, false, $action_config_vars);
                             if ($oChildNode->nodeName == 'i:description') {
                                 $description = XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue(trim($oChildNode->nodeValue), $oChildNode, false, $action_config_vars);
                                 $image = $oChildNode->getAttribute('image');
                          * if image exists ok, but the images are saved in /images/widgets 
                          * same as the widget title, so try to get image
                         if (empty($image) && file_exists(sfConfig::get("sf_root_dir") . "/web/images/widgets/" . $title . ".PNG")) {
                             $image = "/images/widgets/" . $title . ".PNG";
                         if (!isset($description)) {
                             $description = "";
                         $image = empty($image) ? '/appFlowerPlugin/images/defaultWidget.gif' : $image;
                         $image = '<img src="' . $image . '" style="margin-right:5px; border:1px solid #99bbe8; padding:3px;float:left;">';
                     $result['rows'][$j]['title'] = $title;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['image'] = $image;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['widget'] = $widget;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['description'] = $description;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['_selected'] = $checked;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['_is_leaf'] = true;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['_parent'] = $i;
                     $result['rows'][$j]['_id'] = $j;
                     if ($checked) {
                         $parentChecked = true;
             $result['rows'][$i]['_selected'] = $parentChecked;
             $i = $j;
         $result['success'] = true;
         $result['totalCount'] = count($result['rows']);
         $result['rows'] = array_values($result['rows']);
         $info = json_encode($result);
     } else {
         $info = json_encode(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Retrieving widgets information wasn\'t successful!'));
     return $this->renderText($info);
コード例 #3
 public function get($node, $nodevalue = -1, $array = false)
     try {
         if (is_object($node)) {
             if ($nodevalue == -1) {
                 if (!property_exists($node, "nodeValue")) {
                     throw new XmlParserException("Bad input parameter, only strings and DOMElement objects are accepted!");
                 return trim($array ? explode($array, XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue($node->nodeValue, $node)) : XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue($node->nodeValue, $node));
             } else {
                 if (!$node->hasAttribute($nodevalue)) {
                     throw new XmlParserException("Bad input parameter, the " . $node->nodeName . " object has no " . $nodevalue . " attribute!");
                 return trim($array ? explode($array, XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue($node->getAttribute($nodevalue), $node, true)) : XmlBaseElementParser::parseValue($node->getAttribute($nodevalue), $node, true));
         } else {
             return trim($node);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;