/** * Show options for the log list * @param $type String * @param $user String * @param $page String * @param $pattern String * @param $year Integer: year * @param $month Integer: month * @param $filter: array * @param $tagFilter: array? */ public function showOptions($type = '', $user = '', $page = '', $pattern = '', $year = '', $month = '', $filter = null, $tagFilter = '') { global $wgScript, $wgMiserMode; $action = htmlspecialchars($wgScript); $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Log'); $special = htmlspecialchars($title->getPrefixedDBkey()); $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($tagFilter); $this->out->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"get\"><fieldset>" . Xml::element('legend', array(), wfMsg('log')) . Xml::hidden('title', $special) . "\n" . $this->getTypeMenu($type) . "\n" . $this->getUserInput($user) . "\n" . $this->getTitleInput($page) . "\n" . (!$wgMiserMode ? $this->getTitlePattern($pattern) . "\n" : "") . "<p>" . Xml::dateMenu($year, $month) . "\n" . ($tagSelector ? Xml::tags('p', null, implode(' ', $tagSelector)) : '') . "\n" . ($filter ? "</p><p>" . $this->getFilterLinks($type, $filter) . "\n" : "") . "\n" . Xml::submitButton(wfMsg('allpagessubmit')) . "</p>\n" . "</fieldset></form>"); }
public function testDateMenu() { $curYear = intval(gmdate('Y')); $prevYear = $curYear - 1; $curMonth = intval(gmdate('n')); $prevMonth = $curMonth - 1; if ($prevMonth == 0) { $prevMonth = 12; } $nextMonth = $curMonth + 1; if ($nextMonth == 13) { $nextMonth = 1; } $this->assertEquals('<label for="year">From year (and earlier):</label> <input id="year" maxlength="4" size="7" type="number" value="2011" name="year" /> <label for="month">From month (and earlier):</label> <select id="month" name="month" class="mw-month-selector"><option value="-1">all</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="1">January</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="2" selected="">February</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="3">March</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="4">April</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="5">May</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="6">June</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="7">July</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="8">August</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="9">September</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="10">October</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="11">November</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="12">December</option></select>', Xml::dateMenu(2011, 02), "Date menu for february 2011"); $this->assertEquals('<label for="year">From year (and earlier):</label> <input id="year" maxlength="4" size="7" type="number" value="2011" name="year" /> <label for="month">From month (and earlier):</label> <select id="month" name="month" class="mw-month-selector"><option value="-1">all</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="1">January</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="2">February</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="3">March</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="4">April</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="5">May</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="6">June</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="7">July</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="8">August</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="9">September</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="10">October</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="11">November</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="12">December</option></select>', Xml::dateMenu(2011, -1), "Date menu with negative month for 'All'"); $this->assertEquals(Xml::dateMenu($curYear, $curMonth), Xml::dateMenu('', $curMonth), "Date menu year is the current one when not specified"); $wantedYear = $nextMonth == 1 ? $curYear : $prevYear; $this->assertEquals(Xml::dateMenu($wantedYear, $nextMonth), Xml::dateMenu('', $nextMonth), "Date menu next month is 11 months ago"); $this->assertEquals('<label for="year">From year (and earlier):</label> <input id="year" maxlength="4" size="7" type="number" name="year" /> <label for="month">From month (and earlier):</label> <select id="month" name="month" class="mw-month-selector"><option value="-1">all</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="1">January</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="2">February</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="3">March</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="4">April</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="5">May</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="6">June</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="7">July</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="8">August</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="9">September</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="10">October</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="11">November</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="12">December</option></select>', Xml::dateMenu('', ''), "Date menu with neither year or month"); }
function doPagerStuff() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $localpage = $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalUrl(); $searchConds = false; $type = $request->getVal('rwqSearchtype'); $target = $request->getVal('target'); $year = $request->getIntOrNull('year'); $month = $request->getIntOrNull('month'); $search = $request->getVal('rwqSearch'); if ($type === 'founder') { $user = User::newFromName($search); if (!$user || !$user->getID()) { $out->addWikiMsg('requestwikiqueue-usernotfound'); } else { $searchConds = array('cw_user' => $user->getID()); } } elseif ($type === 'sitename') { $searchConds = array('cw_sitename' => $search); } elseif ($type === 'status') { $searchConds = array('cw_status' => $search); } $selecttypeform = "<select name=\"rwqSearchtype\"><option value=\"founder\">founder</option><option value=\"sitename\">sitename</option><option value=\"status\">status</option></select>"; $form = Xml::openElement('form', array('action' => $localpage, 'method' => 'get')); $form .= '<fieldset><legend>' . $this->msg('requestwikiqueue-searchrequest')->escaped() . '</legend>'; $form .= Xml::openElement('table'); # TODO: Should be escaped against HTML, but should NOT escape $selecttypeform $form .= '<tr><td>Find wiki requests where the ' . $selecttypeform . ' is '; $form .= Xml::input('rwqSearch', 40, '') . '</td></tr>'; $form .= '<tr><td>' . Xml::dateMenu($year, $month) . '</td>'; $form .= '<td>' . Xml::submitButton($this->msg('requestwikiqueue-searchbutton')->escaped()) . '</td></tr>'; $form .= Xml::closeElement('table'); $form .= '</fieldset>'; $form .= Xml::closeElement('form'); $out->addHTML($form); $pager = new RequestWikiQueuePager($this, $searchConds, $year, $month); $out->addHTML($pager->getNavigationBar() . $pager->getBody() . $pager->getNavigationBar()); }
public function testDateMenu() { $curYear = intval(gmdate('Y')); $prevYear = $curYear - 1; $curMonth = intval(gmdate('n')); $prevMonth = $curMonth - 1; if ($prevMonth == 0) { $prevMonth = 12; } $nextMonth = $curMonth + 1; if ($nextMonth == 13) { $nextMonth = 1; } $this->assertEquals('<label for="year">From year (and earlier):</label> <input name="year" size="4" value="2011" id="year" maxlength="4" /> <label for="month">From month (and earlier):</label> <select id="month" name="month" class="mw-month-selector"><option value="-1">all</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="1">January</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="2" selected="selected">February</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="3">March</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="4">April</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="5">May</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="6">June</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="7">July</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="8">August</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="9">September</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="10">October</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="11">November</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="12">December</option></select>', Xml::dateMenu(2011, 02), "Date menu for february 2011"); $this->assertEquals('<label for="year">From year (and earlier):</label> <input name="year" size="4" value="2011" id="year" maxlength="4" /> <label for="month">From month (and earlier):</label> <select id="month" name="month" class="mw-month-selector"><option value="-1">all</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="1">January</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="2">February</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="3">March</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="4">April</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="5">May</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="6">June</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="7">July</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="8">August</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="9">September</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="10">October</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="11">November</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="12">December</option></select>', Xml::dateMenu(2011, -1), "Date menu with negative month for 'All'"); $this->assertEquals(Xml::dateMenu($curYear, $curMonth), Xml::dateMenu('', $curMonth), "Date menu year is the current one when not specified"); $this->markTestIncomplete("Broken"); // @todo FIXME: next month can be in the next year // test failing because it is now december $this->assertEquals(Xml::dateMenu($prevYear, $nextMonth), Xml::dateMenu('', $nextMonth), "Date menu next month is 11 months ago"); # @todo FIXME: Please note there is no year there! $this->assertEquals('<label for="year">From year (and earlier):</label> <input name="year" size="4" value="" id="year" maxlength="4" /> <label for="month">From month (and earlier):</label> <select id="month" name="month" class="mw-month-selector"><option value="-1">all</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="1">January</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="2">February</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="3">March</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="4">April</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="5">May</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="6">June</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="7">July</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="8">August</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="9">September</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="10">October</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="11">November</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="12">December</option></select>', Xml::dateMenu('', ''), "Date menu with neither year or month"); }
/** * Print the history page for an article. */ function onView() { $out = $this->getOutput(); $request = $this->getRequest(); /** * Allow client caching. */ if ($out->checkLastModified($this->page->getTouched())) { return; // Client cache fresh and headers sent, nothing more to do. } wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $this->preCacheMessages(); $config = $this->context->getConfig(); # Fill in the file cache if not set already $useFileCache = $config->get('UseFileCache'); if ($useFileCache && HTMLFileCache::useFileCache($this->getContext())) { $cache = HTMLFileCache::newFromTitle($this->getTitle(), 'history'); if (!$cache->isCacheGood()) { ob_start(array(&$cache, 'saveToFileCache')); } } // Setup page variables. $out->setFeedAppendQuery('action=history'); $out->addModules('mediawiki.action.history'); if ($config->get('UseMediaWikiUIEverywhere')) { $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->addModuleStyles(array('mediawiki.ui.input', 'mediawiki.ui.checkbox')); } // Handle atom/RSS feeds. $feedType = $request->getVal('feed'); if ($feedType) { $this->feed($feedType); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } // Fail nicely if article doesn't exist. if (!$this->page->exists()) { $out->addWikiMsg('nohistory'); # show deletion/move log if there is an entry LogEventsList::showLogExtract($out, array('delete', 'move'), $this->getTitle(), '', array('lim' => 10, 'conds' => array("log_action != 'revision'"), 'showIfEmpty' => false, 'msgKey' => array('moveddeleted-notice'))); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } /** * Add date selector to quickly get to a certain time */ $year = $request->getInt('year'); $month = $request->getInt('month'); $tagFilter = $request->getVal('tagfilter'); $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($tagFilter); /** * Option to show only revisions that have been (partially) hidden via RevisionDelete */ if ($request->getBool('deleted')) { $conds = array('rev_deleted != 0'); } else { $conds = array(); } if ($this->getUser()->isAllowed('deletedhistory')) { $checkDeleted = Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('history-show-deleted')->text(), 'deleted', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $request->getBool('deleted')) . "\n"; } else { $checkDeleted = ''; } // Add the general form $action = htmlspecialchars(wfScript()); $out->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"get\" id=\"mw-history-searchform\">" . Xml::fieldset($this->msg('history-fieldset-title')->text(), false, array('id' => 'mw-history-search')) . Html::hidden('title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey()) . "\n" . Html::hidden('action', 'history') . "\n" . Xml::dateMenu($year == null ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance()->format('Y') : $year, $month) . ' ' . ($tagSelector ? implode(' ', $tagSelector) . ' ' : '') . $checkDeleted . Xml::submitButton($this->msg('allpagessubmit')->text()) . "\n" . '</fieldset></form>'); wfRunHooks('PageHistoryBeforeList', array(&$this->page, $this->getContext())); // Create and output the list. $pager = new HistoryPager($this, $year, $month, $tagFilter, $conds); $out->addHTML($pager->getNavigationBar() . $pager->getBody() . $pager->getNavigationBar()); $out->preventClickjacking($pager->getPreventClickjacking()); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
/** * Generates the namespace selector form with hidden attributes. * @return String: HTML fragment */ protected function getForm() { global $wgScript; $this->opts['title'] = $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(); if (!isset($this->opts['target'])) { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } else { $this->opts['target'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $this->opts['target']); } if (!isset($this->opts['namespace'])) { $this->opts['namespace'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['nsInvert'])) { $this->opts['nsInvert'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['associated'])) { $this->opts['associated'] = false; } if (!isset($this->opts['contribs'])) { $this->opts['contribs'] = 'user'; } if (!isset($this->opts['year'])) { $this->opts['year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['month'])) { $this->opts['month'] = ''; } if ($this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie') { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['tagfilter'])) { $this->opts['tagfilter'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['topOnly'])) { $this->opts['topOnly'] = false; } $form = Xml::openElement('form', array('method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript, 'class' => 'mw-contributions-form')); # Add hidden params for tracking except for parameters in $skipParameters $skipParameters = array('namespace', 'nsInvert', 'deletedOnly', 'target', 'contribs', 'year', 'month', 'topOnly', 'associated'); foreach ($this->opts as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $skipParameters)) { continue; } $form .= "\t" . Html::hidden($name, $value) . "\n"; } $tagFilter = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($this->opts['tagfilter']); if ($tagFilter) { $filterSelection = Xml::tags('td', array('class' => 'mw-label'), array_shift($tagFilter)) . Xml::tags('td', array('class' => 'mw-input'), implode(' ', $tagFilter)); } else { $filterSelection = Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => 2), ''); } $targetSelection = Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => 2), Xml::radioLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-newbies')->text(), 'contribs', 'newbie', 'newbie', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie', array('class' => 'mw-input')) . '<br />' . Xml::radioLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-username')->text(), 'contribs', 'user', 'user', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'user', array('class' => 'mw-input')) . ' ' . Html::input('target', $this->opts['target'], 'text', array('size' => '40', 'required' => '', 'class' => 'mw-input') + ($this->opts['target'] ? array() : array('autofocus'))) . ' '); $namespaceSelection = Xml::tags('td', array('class' => 'mw-label'), Xml::label($this->msg('namespace')->text(), 'namespace', '')) . Xml::tags('td', null, Html::namespaceSelector(array('selected' => $this->opts['namespace'], 'all' => ''), array('name' => 'namespace', 'id' => 'namespace', 'class' => 'namespaceselector')) . ' ' . Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('invert')->text(), 'nsInvert', 'nsInvert', $this->opts['nsInvert'], array('title' => $this->msg('tooltip-invert')->text(), 'class' => 'mw-input')) . ' ') . Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('namespace_association')->text(), 'associated', 'associated', $this->opts['associated'], array('title' => $this->msg('tooltip-namespace_association')->text(), 'class' => 'mw-input')) . ' ')); $extraOptions = Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => 2), Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('history-show-deleted')->text(), 'deletedOnly', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $this->opts['deletedOnly'], array('class' => 'mw-input'))) . Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-toponly')->text(), 'topOnly', 'mw-show-top-only', $this->opts['topOnly'], array('class' => 'mw-input')))); $dateSelectionAndSubmit = Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => 2), Xml::dateMenu($this->opts['year'], $this->opts['month']) . ' ' . Xml::submitButton($this->msg('sp-contributions-submit')->text(), array('class' => 'mw-submit'))); $form .= Xml::fieldset($this->msg('sp-contributions-search')->text()) . Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'mw-contributions-table')) . Xml::openElement('tr') . $targetSelection . Xml::closeElement('tr') . Xml::openElement('tr') . $namespaceSelection . Xml::closeElement('tr') . Xml::openElement('tr') . $filterSelection . Xml::closeElement('tr') . Xml::openElement('tr') . $extraOptions . Xml::closeElement('tr') . Xml::openElement('tr') . $dateSelectionAndSubmit . Xml::closeElement('tr') . Xml::closeElement('table'); $explain = $this->msg('sp-contributions-explain'); if ($explain->exists()) { $form .= "<p id='mw-sp-contributions-explain'>{$explain}</p>"; } $form .= Xml::closeElement('fieldset') . Xml::closeElement('form'); return $form; }
/** * Show options for the log list * * @param array|string $types * @param string $user * @param string $page * @param string $pattern * @param int $year Year * @param int $month Month * @param array $filter * @param string $tagFilter Tag to select by default */ public function showOptions($types = array(), $user = '', $page = '', $pattern = '', $year = 0, $month = 0, $filter = null, $tagFilter = '') { global $wgScript, $wgMiserMode; $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Log'); // For B/C, we take strings, but make sure they are converted... $types = $types === '' ? array() : (array) $types; $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($tagFilter); $html = Html::hidden('title', $title->getPrefixedDBkey()); // Basic selectors $html .= $this->getTypeMenu($types) . "\n"; $html .= $this->getUserInput($user) . "\n"; $html .= $this->getTitleInput($page) . "\n"; $html .= $this->getExtraInputs($types) . "\n"; // Title pattern, if allowed if (!$wgMiserMode) { $html .= $this->getTitlePattern($pattern) . "\n"; } // date menu $html .= Xml::tags('p', null, Xml::dateMenu((int) $year, (int) $month)); // Tag filter if ($tagSelector) { $html .= Xml::tags('p', null, implode(' ', $tagSelector)); } // Filter links if ($filter) { $html .= Xml::tags('p', null, $this->getFilterLinks($filter)); } // Submit button $html .= Xml::submitButton($this->msg('logeventslist-submit')->text()); // Fieldset $html = Xml::fieldset($this->msg('log')->text(), $html); // Form wrapping $html = Xml::tags('form', array('action' => $wgScript, 'method' => 'get'), $html); $this->getOutput()->addHTML($html); }
/** * Generates the namespace selector form with hidden attributes. * @return string HTML fragment */ protected function getForm() { $this->opts['title'] = $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedText(); if (!isset($this->opts['target'])) { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } else { $this->opts['target'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $this->opts['target']); } if (!isset($this->opts['namespace'])) { $this->opts['namespace'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['nsInvert'])) { $this->opts['nsInvert'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['associated'])) { $this->opts['associated'] = false; } if (!isset($this->opts['contribs'])) { $this->opts['contribs'] = 'user'; } if (!isset($this->opts['year'])) { $this->opts['year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['month'])) { $this->opts['month'] = ''; } if ($this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie') { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['tagfilter'])) { $this->opts['tagfilter'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['topOnly'])) { $this->opts['topOnly'] = false; } if (!isset($this->opts['newOnly'])) { $this->opts['newOnly'] = false; } if (!isset($this->opts['hideMinor'])) { $this->opts['hideMinor'] = false; } $form = Html::openElement('form', ['method' => 'get', 'action' => wfScript(), 'class' => 'mw-contributions-form']); # Add hidden params for tracking except for parameters in $skipParameters $skipParameters = ['namespace', 'nsInvert', 'deletedOnly', 'target', 'contribs', 'year', 'month', 'topOnly', 'newOnly', 'hideMinor', 'associated', 'tagfilter']; foreach ($this->opts as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $skipParameters)) { continue; } $form .= "\t" . Html::hidden($name, $value) . "\n"; } $tagFilter = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($this->opts['tagfilter']); if ($tagFilter) { $filterSelection = Html::rawElement('div', [], implode(' ', $tagFilter)); } else { $filterSelection = Html::rawElement('div', [], ''); } $this->getOutput()->addModules('mediawiki.userSuggest'); $labelNewbies = Xml::radioLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-newbies')->text(), 'contribs', 'newbie', 'newbie', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie', ['class' => 'mw-input']); $labelUsername = Xml::radioLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-username')->text(), 'contribs', 'user', 'user', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'user', ['class' => 'mw-input']); $input = Html::input('target', $this->opts['target'], 'text', ['size' => '40', 'required' => '', 'class' => ['mw-input', 'mw-ui-input-inline', 'mw-autocomplete-user']] + ($this->opts['contribs'] === 'newbie' || $this->opts['target'] ? [] : ['autofocus' => true])); $targetSelection = Html::rawElement('div', [], $labelNewbies . '<br>' . $labelUsername . ' ' . $input . ' '); $namespaceSelection = Xml::tags('div', [], Xml::label($this->msg('namespace')->text(), 'namespace', '') . ' ' . Html::namespaceSelector(['selected' => $this->opts['namespace'], 'all' => ''], ['name' => 'namespace', 'id' => 'namespace', 'class' => 'namespaceselector']) . ' ' . Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => 'mw-input-with-label'], Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('invert')->text(), 'nsInvert', 'nsInvert', $this->opts['nsInvert'], ['title' => $this->msg('tooltip-invert')->text(), 'class' => 'mw-input']) . ' ') . Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => 'mw-input-with-label'], Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('namespace_association')->text(), 'associated', 'associated', $this->opts['associated'], ['title' => $this->msg('tooltip-namespace_association')->text(), 'class' => 'mw-input']) . ' ')); $filters = []; if ($this->getUser()->isAllowed('deletedhistory')) { $filters[] = Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => 'mw-input-with-label'], Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('history-show-deleted')->text(), 'deletedOnly', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $this->opts['deletedOnly'], ['class' => 'mw-input'])); } $filters[] = Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => 'mw-input-with-label'], Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-toponly')->text(), 'topOnly', 'mw-show-top-only', $this->opts['topOnly'], ['class' => 'mw-input'])); $filters[] = Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => 'mw-input-with-label'], Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-newonly')->text(), 'newOnly', 'mw-show-new-only', $this->opts['newOnly'], ['class' => 'mw-input'])); $filters[] = Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => 'mw-input-with-label'], Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-hideminor')->text(), 'hideMinor', 'mw-hide-minor-edits', $this->opts['hideMinor'], ['class' => 'mw-input'])); Hooks::run('SpecialContributions::getForm::filters', [$this, &$filters]); $extraOptions = Html::rawElement('div', [], implode('', $filters)); $dateSelectionAndSubmit = Xml::tags('div', [], Xml::dateMenu($this->opts['year'] === '' ? MWTimestamp::getInstance()->format('Y') : $this->opts['year'], $this->opts['month']) . ' ' . Html::submitButton($this->msg('sp-contributions-submit')->text(), ['class' => 'mw-submit'], ['mw-ui-progressive'])); $form .= Xml::fieldset($this->msg('sp-contributions-search')->text(), $targetSelection . $namespaceSelection . $filterSelection . $extraOptions . $dateSelectionAndSubmit, ['class' => 'mw-contributions-table']); $explain = $this->msg('sp-contributions-explain'); if (!$explain->isBlank()) { $form .= "<p id='mw-sp-contributions-explain'>{$explain->parse()}</p>"; } $form .= Xml::closeElement('form'); return $form; }
/** * Generates the namespace selector form with hidden attributes. * @param $this->opts Array: the options to be included. */ protected function getForm() { global $wgScript; $this->opts['title'] = $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(); if (!isset($this->opts['target'])) { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } else { $this->opts['target'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $this->opts['target']); } if (!isset($this->opts['namespace'])) { $this->opts['namespace'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['contribs'])) { $this->opts['contribs'] = 'user'; } if (!isset($this->opts['year'])) { $this->opts['year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['month'])) { $this->opts['month'] = ''; } if ($this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie') { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['tagfilter'])) { $this->opts['tagfilter'] = ''; } $f = Xml::openElement('form', array('method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript)); # Add hidden params for tracking foreach ($this->opts as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, array('namespace', 'target', 'contribs', 'year', 'month'))) { continue; } $f .= "\t" . Xml::hidden($name, $value) . "\n"; } $tagFilter = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($this->opts['tagfilter']); $f .= '<fieldset>' . Xml::element('legend', array(), wfMsg('sp-contributions-search')) . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsgExt('sp-contributions-newbies', array('parsemag')), 'contribs', 'newbie', 'newbie', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie' ? true : false) . '<br />' . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsgExt('sp-contributions-username', array('parsemag')), 'contribs', 'user', 'user', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'user' ? true : false) . ' ' . Html::input('target', $this->opts['target'], 'text', array('size' => '20', 'required' => '') + ($this->opts['target'] ? array() : array('autofocus'))) . ' ' . '<span style="white-space: nowrap">' . Xml::label(wfMsg('namespace'), 'namespace') . ' ' . Xml::namespaceSelector($this->opts['namespace'], '') . '</span>' . ($tagFilter ? Xml::tags('p', null, implode(' ', $tagFilter)) : '') . Xml::openElement('p') . '<span style="white-space: nowrap">' . Xml::dateMenu($this->opts['year'], $this->opts['month']) . '</span>' . ' ' . Xml::submitButton(wfMsg('sp-contributions-submit')) . Xml::closeElement('p'); $explain = wfMsgExt('sp-contributions-explain', 'parseinline'); if (!wfEmptyMsg('sp-contributions-explain', $explain)) { $f .= "<p id='mw-sp-contributions-explain'>{$explain}</p>"; } $f .= '</fieldset>' . Xml::closeElement('form'); return $f; }
/** * Print the history page for an article. * @return nothing */ function history() { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgScript; /** * Allow client caching. */ if ($wgOut->checkLastModified($this->article->getTouched())) { return; } // Client cache fresh and headers sent, nothing more to do. wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); // Setup page variables. $wgOut->setPageTitle(wfMsg('history-title', $this->title->getPrefixedText())); $wgOut->setPageTitleActionText(wfMsg('history_short')); $wgOut->setArticleFlag(false); $wgOut->setArticleRelated(true); $wgOut->setRobotPolicy('noindex,nofollow'); $wgOut->setSyndicated(true); $wgOut->setFeedAppendQuery('action=history'); $wgOut->addModules(array('mediawiki.legacy.history', 'mediawiki.action.history')); // Creation of a subtitle link pointing to [[Special:Log]] $logPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Log'); $logLink = $this->skin->link($logPage, wfMsgHtml('viewpagelogs'), array(), array('page' => $this->title->getPrefixedText()), array('known', 'noclasses')); $wgOut->setSubtitle($logLink); // Handle atom/RSS feeds. $feedType = $wgRequest->getVal('feed'); if ($feedType) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $this->feed($feedType); } // Fail nicely if article doesn't exist. if (!$this->title->exists()) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('nohistory'); # show deletion/move log if there is an entry LogEventsList::showLogExtract($wgOut, array('delete', 'move'), $this->title->getPrefixedText(), '', array('lim' => 10, 'conds' => array("log_action != 'revision'"), 'showIfEmpty' => false, 'msgKey' => array('moveddeleted-notice'))); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } /** * Add date selector to quickly get to a certain time */ $year = $wgRequest->getInt('year'); $month = $wgRequest->getInt('month'); $tagFilter = $wgRequest->getVal('tagfilter'); $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($tagFilter); /** * Option to show only revisions that have been (partially) hidden via RevisionDelete */ if ($wgRequest->getBool('deleted')) { $conds = array("rev_deleted != '0'"); } else { $conds = array(); } $checkDeleted = Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('history-show-deleted'), 'deleted', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $wgRequest->getBool('deleted')) . "\n"; // Add the general form $action = htmlspecialchars($wgScript); $wgOut->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"get\" id=\"mw-history-searchform\">" . Xml::fieldset(wfMsg('history-fieldset-title'), false, array('id' => 'mw-history-search')) . Html::hidden('title', $this->title->getPrefixedDBKey()) . "\n" . Html::hidden('action', 'history') . "\n" . Xml::dateMenu($year, $month) . ' ' . ($tagSelector ? implode(' ', $tagSelector) . ' ' : '') . $checkDeleted . Xml::submitButton(wfMsg('allpagessubmit')) . "\n" . '</fieldset></form>'); wfRunHooks('PageHistoryBeforeList', array(&$this->article)); // Create and output the list. $pager = new HistoryPager($this, $year, $month, $tagFilter, $conds); $wgOut->addHTML($pager->getNavigationBar() . $pager->getBody() . $pager->getNavigationBar()); $wgOut->preventClickjacking($pager->getPreventClickjacking()); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
/** * Generates the namespace selector form with hidden attributes. * @return String: HTML fragment */ protected function getForm() { global $wgScript; $this->opts['title'] = $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(); if (!isset($this->opts['target'])) { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } else { $this->opts['target'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $this->opts['target']); } if (!isset($this->opts['namespace'])) { $this->opts['namespace'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['contribs'])) { $this->opts['contribs'] = 'user'; } if (!isset($this->opts['year'])) { $this->opts['year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['month'])) { $this->opts['month'] = ''; } if ($this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie') { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['tagFilter'])) { $this->opts['tagFilter'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['topOnly'])) { $this->opts['topOnly'] = false; } $f = Xml::openElement('form', array('method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript, 'class' => 'mw-contributions-form')); # Add hidden params for tracking except for parameters in $skipParameters $skipParameters = array('namespace', 'deletedOnly', 'target', 'contribs', 'year', 'month', 'topOnly'); foreach ($this->opts as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $skipParameters)) { continue; } $f .= "\t" . Html::hidden($name, $value) . "\n"; } $tagFilter = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($this->opts['tagFilter']); $f .= Xml::fieldset(wfMsg('sp-contributions-search')) . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsgExt('sp-contributions-newbies', array('parsemag')), 'contribs', 'newbie', 'newbie', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie') . '<br />' . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsgExt('sp-contributions-username', array('parsemag')), 'contribs', 'user', 'user', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'user') . ' ' . Html::input('target', $this->opts['target'], 'text', array('size' => '20', 'required' => '') + ($this->opts['target'] ? array() : array('autofocus'))) . ' ' . Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::label(wfMsg('namespace'), 'namespace') . ' ' . Xml::namespaceSelector($this->opts['namespace'], '')) . Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('history-show-deleted'), 'deletedOnly', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $this->opts['deletedOnly']) . '<br />' . Xml::tags('p', null, Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('sp-contributions-toponly'), 'topOnly', 'mw-show-top-only', $this->opts['topOnly'])) . ($tagFilter ? Xml::tags('p', null, implode(' ', $tagFilter)) : '') . Html::rawElement('p', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::dateMenu($this->opts['year'], $this->opts['month']) . ' ' . Xml::submitButton(wfMsg('sp-contributions-submit'))) . ' '; $explain = wfMessage('sp-contributions-explain'); if ($explain->exists()) { $f .= "<p id='mw-sp-contributions-explain'>{$explain}</p>"; } $f .= Xml::closeElement('fieldset') . Xml::closeElement('form'); return $f; }
function execute($par) { $this->checkPermissions(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $this->setHeaders(); $type = $request->getVal('cuSearchType'); $target = $request->getVal('cuSearch'); $year = $request->getIntOrNull('year'); $month = $request->getIntOrNull('month'); $error = false; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $searchConds = false; if ($type === null) { $type = 'target'; } elseif ($type == 'initiator') { $user = User::newFromName($target); if (!$user || !$user->getID()) { $error = 'checkuser-user-nonexistent'; } else { $searchConds = array('cul_user' => $user->getID()); } } else { $type = 'target'; // Is it an IP? list($start, $end) = IP::parseRange($target); if ($start !== false) { if ($start == $end) { $searchConds = array('cul_target_hex = ' . $dbr->addQuotes($start) . ' OR ' . '(cul_range_end >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($start) . ' AND ' . 'cul_range_start <= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($end) . ')'); } else { $searchConds = array('(cul_target_hex >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($start) . ' AND ' . 'cul_target_hex <= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($end) . ') OR ' . '(cul_range_end >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($start) . ' AND ' . 'cul_range_start <= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($end) . ')'); } } else { // Is it a user? $user = User::newFromName($target); if ($user && $user->getID()) { $searchConds = array('cul_type' => array('userips', 'useredits'), 'cul_target_id' => $user->getID()); } elseif ($target) { $error = 'checkuser-user-nonexistent'; } } } $out->addHTML(Linker::linkKnown($this->getCheckUserFormTitle(), $this->msg('checkuser-log-return'))); $searchTypes = array('initiator', 'target'); $select = "<select name=\"cuSearchType\" style='margin-top:.2em;'>\n"; foreach ($searchTypes as $searchType) { if ($type == $searchType) { $checked = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $checked = ''; } $caption = wfMsgHtml('checkuser-search-' . $searchType); $select .= "<option value=\"{$searchType}\" {$checked}>{$caption}</option>\n"; } $select .= '</select>'; $encTarget = htmlspecialchars($target); $msgSearch = wfMsgHtml('checkuser-search'); $input = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"cuSearch\" value=\"{$encTarget}\" size=\"40\"/>"; $msgSearchForm = wfMsgHtml('checkuser-search-form', $select, $input); $formAction = $this->getTitle()->escapeLocalURL(); $msgSearchSubmit = '  ' . wfMsgHtml('checkuser-search-submit') . '  '; $s = "<form method='get' action=\"{$formAction}\">\n" . "<fieldset><legend>{$msgSearch}</legend>\n" . "<p>{$msgSearchForm}</p>\n" . "<p>" . Xml::dateMenu($year, $month) . "   \n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"cuSearchSubmit\" value=\"{$msgSearchSubmit}\"/></p>\n" . "</fieldset></form>\n"; $out->addHTML($s); if ($error !== false) { $out->wrapWikiMsg('<div class="errorbox">$1</div>', $error); return; } $pager = new CheckUserLogPager($this, $searchConds, $year, $month); $out->addHTML($pager->getNavigationBar() . $pager->getBody() . $pager->getNavigationBar()); }
/** * Display a list with the passed revisions. * * @since 0.1 * * @param EPPageObject $object */ protected function displayRevisions(EPPageObject $object) { $conditions = array('type' => get_class($object)); if ($object->hasIdField()) { $conditions['object_id'] = $object->getId(); } $action = htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['wgScript']); $request = $this->getRequest(); $out = $this->getOutput(); /** * Add date selector to quickly get to a certain time */ $year = $request->getInt('year'); $month = $request->getInt('month'); $tagFilter = $request->getVal('tagfilter'); $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($tagFilter); /** * Option to show only revisions that have been (partially) hidden via RevisionDelete */ if ($request->getBool('deleted')) { $conditions['deleted'] = true; } $checkDeleted = Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('history-show-deleted')->text(), 'deleted', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $request->getBool('deleted')) . "\n"; $out->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"get\" id=\"mw-history-searchform\">" . Xml::fieldset($this->msg('history-fieldset-title')->text(), false, array('id' => 'mw-history-search')) . Html::hidden('title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBKey()) . "\n" . Html::hidden('action', 'history') . "\n" . Xml::dateMenu($year, $month) . ' ' . ($tagSelector ? implode(' ', $tagSelector) . ' ' : '') . $checkDeleted . Xml::submitButton($this->msg('allpagessubmit')->text()) . "\n" . '</fieldset></form>'); $pager = new EPRevisionPager($this->getContext(), $conditions); if ($pager->getNumRows()) { $out->addHTML($pager->getNavigationBar() . $pager->getBody() . $pager->getNavigationBar()); } else { // TODO } }
/** * Generates the namespace selector form with hidden attributes. * @return String: HTML fragment */ protected function getForm() { global $wgScript; $this->opts['title'] = $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedText(); if (!isset($this->opts['target'])) { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } else { $this->opts['target'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $this->opts['target']); } if (!isset($this->opts['namespace'])) { $this->opts['namespace'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['nsInvert'])) { $this->opts['nsInvert'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['associated'])) { $this->opts['associated'] = false; } if (!isset($this->opts['contribs'])) { $this->opts['contribs'] = 'user'; } if (!isset($this->opts['year'])) { $this->opts['year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['month'])) { $this->opts['month'] = ''; } if ($this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie') { $this->opts['target'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['tagfilter'])) { $this->opts['tagfilter'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->opts['topOnly'])) { $this->opts['topOnly'] = false; } // JRS 12/5/13 Redesign styling $form = Html::openElement('div', array('class' => 'section_text')); $form .= Html::openElement('form', array('method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript, 'class' => 'mw-contributions-form')); # Add hidden params for tracking except for parameters in $skipParameters $skipParameters = array('namespace', 'nsInvert', 'deletedOnly', 'target', 'contribs', 'year', 'month', 'topOnly', 'associated'); foreach ($this->opts as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $skipParameters)) { continue; } $form .= "\t" . Html::hidden($name, $value) . "\n"; } $tagFilter = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector($this->opts['tagfilter']); if ($tagFilter) { $filterSelection = Html::rawElement('td', array('class' => 'mw-label'), array_shift($tagFilter)); $filterSelection .= Html::rawElement('td', array('class' => 'mw-input'), implode(' ', $tagFilter)); } else { $filterSelection = Html::rawElement('td', array('colspan' => 2), ''); } $labelNewbies = Xml::radioLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-newbies')->text(), 'contribs', 'newbie', 'newbie', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'newbie', array('class' => 'mw-input')); $labelUsername = Xml::radioLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-username')->text(), 'contribs', 'user', 'user', $this->opts['contribs'] == 'user', array('class' => 'mw-input')); $input = Html::input('target', $this->opts['target'], 'text', array('size' => '40', 'required' => '', 'class' => 'input_med') + ($this->opts['target'] ? array() : array('autofocus'))); $targetSelection = Html::rawElement('td', array('colspan' => 2), $labelNewbies . '<br />' . $labelUsername . ' ' . $input . ' '); // $namespaceSelection = Xml::tags( // 'td', // array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ), // Xml::label( // $this->msg( 'namespace' )->text(), // 'namespace', // '' // ) // ); // $namespaceSelection .= Html::rawElement( // 'td', // null, // Html::namespaceSelector( // array( 'selected' => $this->opts['namespace'], 'all' => '' ), // array( // 'name' => 'namespace', // 'id' => 'namespace', // 'class' => 'namespaceselector', // ) // ) . ' ' . // Html::rawElement( // 'span', // array( 'style' => 'white-space: nowrap' ), // Xml::checkLabel( // $this->msg( 'invert' )->text(), // 'nsInvert', // 'nsInvert', // $this->opts['nsInvert'], // array( // 'title' => $this->msg( 'tooltip-invert' )->text(), // 'class' => 'mw-input' // ) // ) . ' ' // ) . // Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'style' => 'white-space: nowrap' ), // Xml::checkLabel( // $this->msg( 'namespace_association' )->text(), // 'associated', // 'associated', // $this->opts['associated'], // array( // 'title' => $this->msg( 'tooltip-namespace_association' )->text(), // 'class' => 'mw-input' // ) // ) . ' ' // ) // ); $namespaceSelection = Xml::tags('td', null, Xml::label($this->msg('namespace')->text(), 'namespace', '') . ' ' . Html::namespaceSelector(array('selected' => $this->opts['namespace'], 'all' => ''), array('name' => 'namespace', 'id' => 'namespace', 'class' => 'namespaceselector'))); $namespaceSelectionOptions = Xml::tags('td', null, Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('invert')->text(), 'nsInvert', 'nsInvert', $this->opts['nsInvert'], array('title' => $this->msg('tooltip-invert')->text(), 'class' => 'mw-input')) . ' ') . Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('namespace_association')->text(), 'associated', 'associated', $this->opts['associated'], array('title' => $this->msg('tooltip-namespace_association')->text(), 'class' => 'mw-input')) . ' ')); if ($this->getUser()->isAllowed('deletedhistory')) { $deletedOnlyCheck = Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('history-show-deleted')->text(), 'deletedOnly', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $this->opts['deletedOnly'], array('class' => 'mw-input'))); } else { $deletedOnlyCheck = ''; } $checkLabelTopOnly = Html::rawElement('span', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), Xml::checkLabel($this->msg('sp-contributions-toponly')->text(), 'topOnly', 'mw-show-top-only', $this->opts['topOnly'], array('class' => 'mw-input'))); $extraOptions = Html::rawElement('td', array('colspan' => 2), $deletedOnlyCheck . $checkLabelTopOnly); $dateSelectionAndSubmit = Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => 2), Xml::dateMenu($this->opts['year'] === '' ? MWTimestamp::getInstance()->format('Y') : $this->opts['year'], $this->opts['month']) . ' ' . Xml::submitButton($this->msg('sp-contributions-submit')->text(), array('class' => 'mw-submit button primary', 'style' => 'float:right;margin:5px;'))); $form .= Xml::fieldset($this->msg('sp-contributions-search')->text()); $form .= Html::rawElement('table', array('class' => 'mw-contributions-table'), "\n" . Html::rawElement('tr', array(), $targetSelection) . "\n" . Html::rawElement('tr', array(), $namespaceSelection) . "\n" . Html::rawElement('tr', array(), $namespaceSelectionOptions) . "\n" . Html::rawElement('tr', array(), $filterSelection) . "\n" . Html::rawElement('tr', array(), $extraOptions) . "\n" . Html::rawElement('tr', array(), $dateSelectionAndSubmit) . "\n"); $explain = $this->msg('sp-contributions-explain'); if (!$explain->isBlank()) { $form .= "<p id='mw-sp-contributions-explain'>{$explain->parse()}</p>"; } $form .= Xml::closeElement('fieldset') . Xml::closeElement('form'); return $form; }