コード例 #1
 * Extract plugin metadata from a plugin's ZIP file and transform it into a structure
 * compatible with the custom update checker.
 * Deprecated. Included for backwards-compatibility.
 * This is an utility function that scans the input file (assumed to be a ZIP archive)
 * to find and parse the plugin's main PHP file and readme.txt file. Plugin metadata from 
 * both files is assembled into an associative array. The structure if this array is 
 * compatible with the format of the metadata file used by the custom plugin update checker 
 * library available at the below URL.
 * @see http://w-shadow.com/blog/2010/09/02/automatic-updates-for-any-plugin/
 * @see https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AqP80E74YcUWdEdETXZLcXhjd2w0cHMwX2U1eDlWTHc&authkey=CK7h9toK&hl=en&single=true&gid=0&output=html
 * Requires the ZIP extension for PHP.
 * @see http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php
 * @param string|array $packageInfo Either path to a ZIP file containing a WP plugin, or the return value of analysePluginPackage().
 * @return array Associative array  
function getPluginPackageMeta($packageInfo)
    if (is_string($packageInfo) && file_exists($packageInfo)) {
        $packageInfo = WshWordPressPackageParser::parsePackage($packageInfo, true);
    $meta = array();
    if (isset($packageInfo['header']) && !empty($packageInfo['header'])) {
        $mapping = array('Name' => 'name', 'Version' => 'version', 'PluginURI' => 'homepage', 'Author' => 'author', 'AuthorURI' => 'author_homepage');
        foreach ($mapping as $headerField => $metaField) {
            if (array_key_exists($headerField, $packageInfo['header']) && !empty($packageInfo['header'][$headerField])) {
                $meta[$metaField] = $packageInfo['header'][$headerField];
    if (!empty($packageInfo['readme'])) {
        $mapping = array('requires', 'tested');
        foreach ($mapping as $readmeField) {
            if (!empty($packageInfo['readme'][$readmeField])) {
                $meta[$readmeField] = $packageInfo['readme'][$readmeField];
        if (!empty($packageInfo['readme']['sections']) && is_array($packageInfo['readme']['sections'])) {
            foreach ($packageInfo['readme']['sections'] as $sectionName => $sectionContent) {
                $sectionName = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($sectionName));
                $meta['sections'][$sectionName] = $sectionContent;
        //Check if we have an upgrade notice for this version
        if (isset($meta['sections']['upgrade_notice']) && isset($meta['version'])) {
            $regex = "@<h4>\\s*" . preg_quote($meta['version']) . "\\s*</h4>[^<>]*?<p>(.+?)</p>@i";
            if (preg_match($regex, $meta['sections']['upgrade_notice'], $matches)) {
                $meta['upgrade_notice'] = trim(strip_tags($matches[1]));
    if (!empty($packageInfo['pluginFile'])) {
        $meta['slug'] = strtolower(basename(dirname($packageInfo['pluginFile'])));
    return $meta;
コード例 #2
  * Extract plugin or theme headers and readme contents from a ZIP file and convert them
  * into a structure compatible with the custom update checker.
  * See this page for an overview of the plugin metadata format:
  * @link https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AqP80E74YcUWdEdETXZLcXhjd2w0cHMwX2U1eDlWTHc&authkey=CK7h9toK&hl=en&single=true&gid=0&output=html
  * @throws Wpup_InvalidPackageException if the input file can't be parsed as a plugin or theme.
 protected function extractMetadata()
     $this->packageInfo = WshWordPressPackageParser::parsePackage($this->filename, true);
     if (is_array($this->packageInfo) && $this->packageInfo !== array()) {
     } else {
         throw new Wpup_InvalidPackageException(sprintf('The specified file %s does not contain a valid WordPress plugin or theme.', $this->filename));