コード例 #1
  * Returns the name of the value as constant
  * @see WsdlToPhpModel::getCleanName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getCleanName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getOwner()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructValue::constantSuffix()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructValue::getIndex()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructValue::getOwner()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenericConstantsNames()
  * @param bool $_keepMultipleUnderscores optional, allows to keep the multiple consecutive underscores
  * @return string
 public function getCleanName($_keepMultipleUnderscores = false)
     if (WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenericConstantsNames() && is_numeric($this->getIndex()) && $this->getIndex() >= 0) {
         return 'ENUM_VALUE_' . $this->getIndex();
     } else {
         $key = self::constantSuffix($this->getOwner()->getName(), parent::getCleanName($_keepMultipleUnderscores), $this->getIndex());
         return 'VALUE_' . strtoupper(parent::getCleanName($_keepMultipleUnderscores)) . ($key ? '_' . $key : '');
コード例 #2
ファイル: WsdlToPhpService.php プロジェクト: jbil/WsdlToPhp
  * Returns the comment lines for this service
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getModelByName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getPackagedName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getGenericWsdlClassName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getMetaValue()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::cleanString()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getContextualPart()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpService::getFunctions()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpFunction::getReturnType()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpFunction::getComment()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpFunction::getBody()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getPackageName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()
  * @param array $_body
  * @return void
 public function getClassBody(&$_body)
     if (count($this->getFunctions())) {
         $returnTypes = array();
         $soapHeaders = array();
          * Gather informations
         foreach ($this->getFunctions() as $function) {
              * Gather return types
             $model = self::getModelByName($function->getReturnType());
             if ($model && $model->getIsStruct()) {
                 array_push($returnTypes, $model->getPackagedName());
             } else {
                 array_push($returnTypes, $function->getReturnType());
              * Gather SoapHeader informations
             $soapHeaderNames = $function->getMetaValue('SOAPHeaderNames', array());
             $soapHeaderTypes = $function->getMetaValue('SOAPHeaderTypes', array());
             $soapHeaderNameSpaces = $function->getMetaValue('SOAPHeaderNamespaces', '');
             if (count($soapHeaderNames) && count($soapHeaderNames) == count($soapHeaderTypes)) {
                 foreach ($soapHeaderNames as $index => $soapHeaderName) {
                     $soapHeaderType = str_replace('{@link ', '', $soapHeaderTypes[$index]);
                     $soapHeaderType = str_replace('}', '', $soapHeaderType);
                     $soapHeaderKey = $soapHeaderName . '-' . $soapHeaderType;
                     if (!array_key_exists($soapHeaderKey, $soapHeaders)) {
                         $soapHeaders[$soapHeaderKey] = array('name' => $soapHeaderName, 'type' => $soapHeaderType, 'namespaces' => array($soapHeaderNameSpaces[$index]));
                     } elseif (!in_array($soapHeaderNameSpaces[$index], $soapHeaders[$soapHeaderKey]['namespaces'])) {
                         array_push($soapHeaders[$soapHeaderKey]['namespaces'], $soapHeaderNameSpaces[$index]);
          * Generates the SoapHeaders setter methods
         if (count($soapHeaders) && WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()) {
             $whateverStruct = new WsdlToPhpStruct('whatever');
             $soapHeaderNameUniqueMethods = array();
             foreach ($soapHeaders as $soapHeader) {
                 $soapHeaderName = $soapHeader['name'];
                 $soapHeaderType = $soapHeader['type'];
                 $soapHeaderNameSpaces = $soapHeader['namespaces'];
                 $cleanedName = $this->cleanString($soapHeaderName, false);
                 $headerParamKnown = strpos($soapHeaderType, WsdlToPhpGenerator::getPackageName() . $whateverStruct->getContextualPart()) === 0;
                 $methodName = ucfirst($cleanedName);
                  * Ensure unique setter naming
                 if (!array_key_exists($methodName, $soapHeaderNameUniqueMethods)) {
                     $soapHeaderNameUniqueMethods[$methodName] = 0;
                 } else {
                 $methodName .= $soapHeaderNameUniqueMethods[$methodName] ? '_' . $soapHeaderNameUniqueMethods[$methodName] : '';
                  * setSoapHeader() method comments
                 $comments = array();
                 array_push($comments, 'Sets the ' . $soapHeaderName . ' SoapHeader param');
                 array_push($comments, '@uses ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::setSoapHeader()');
                 array_push($comments, '@param ' . $soapHeaderType . ' $_' . lcfirst($headerParamKnown ? $soapHeaderType : $cleanedName));
                 array_push($comments, '@param string $_nameSpace ' . implode(', ', $soapHeaderNameSpaces));
                 array_push($comments, '@param bool $_mustUnderstand');
                 array_push($comments, '@param string $_actor');
                 array_push($comments, '@return bool true|false');
                  * getResult() method body
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                 array_push($_body, 'public function setSoapHeader' . $methodName . '(' . ($headerParamKnown ? $soapHeaderType . ' ' : '') . '$_' . lcfirst($headerParamKnown ? $soapHeaderType : $cleanedName) . ',$_nameSpace' . (count($soapHeaderNameSpaces) > 1 ? '' : ' = ' . var_export($soapHeaderNameSpaces[0], true)) . ',$_mustUnderstand = false,$_actor = null)');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return $this->setSoapHeader($_nameSpace,\'' . $soapHeaderName . '\',$_' . lcfirst($headerParamKnown ? $soapHeaderType : $cleanedName) . ',$_mustUnderstand,$_actor);');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 unset($soapHeaderName, $soapHeaderType, $soapHeaderNameSpaces, $cleanedName, $headerParamKnown, $methodName, $comments);
          * Generates service methods
         foreach ($this->getFunctions() as $function) {
             array_push($_body, array('comment' => $function->getComment()));
          * Generates the override getResult method if needed
         if (count($returnTypes) && WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()) {
             $returnTypes = array_unique($returnTypes);
              * getResult() method comments
             $comments = array();
             array_push($comments, 'Returns the result');
             array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::getResult()');
             array_push($comments, '@return ' . implode('|', $returnTypes));
              * getResult() method body
             array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
             array_push($_body, 'public function getResult()');
             array_push($_body, '{');
             array_push($_body, 'return parent::getResult();');
             array_push($_body, '}');
         unset($returnTypes, $soapHeaders);
コード例 #3
  * Set the function body
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getPackagedName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getModelByName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::nameIsClean()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::cleanString()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::uniqueName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpFunction::getParameterType()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpFunction::getOwner()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpFunction::getMethodName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getAttributes()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getIsStruct()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getGetterName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionResponseAsWsdlObject()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendParametersAsArray()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendArrayAsParameter()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendArrayAsParameter()
  * @param array
  * @return void
 public function getBody(&$_body)
     $parameterModel = self::getModelByName($this->getParameterType());
     $parameterModel = $parameterModel && $parameterModel->getIsStruct() && !$parameterModel->getIsRestriction() ? $parameterModel : null;
     $returnModel = self::getModelByName($this->getReturnType());
     $returnModel = $returnModel && $returnModel->getIsStruct() && !$returnModel->getIsRestriction() ? $returnModel : null;
     if ($parameterModel) {
         if (count($parameterModel->getAttributes(true, true))) {
             $parameterName = '$_' . lcfirst($parameterModel->getPackagedName());
             $parameter = $parameterModel->getPackagedName() . ' ' . $parameterName;
         } else {
             $parameterName = $parameter = '';
     } elseif (is_string($this->getParameterType())) {
         $parameterName = $parameter = '$_' . lcfirst(self::cleanString($this->getParameterType()));
     } elseif (is_array($this->getParameterType())) {
         $parameters = array();
         foreach ($this->getParameterType() as $parameterName => $parameterType) {
             $model = self::getModelByName($parameterType);
             if (false && $model && $model->getIsStruct() && !$model->getIsRestriction()) {
                 $parameterName = $model->getPackagedName();
             } else {
                 $parameterName = self::cleanString($parameterName);
             array_push($parameters, ($model && $model->getIsStruct() && !$model->getIsRestriction() ? $model->getPackagedName() . ' ' : '') . '$_' . lcfirst($parameterName));
         $parameterName = $parameter = implode(',', $parameters);
     } else {
         $parameterName = $parameter = '';
     array_push($_body, 'public function ' . $this->getMethodName() . '(' . $parameter . ')');
     array_push($_body, '{');
     array_push($_body, 'try');
     array_push($_body, '{');
      * Response
     $responseAsObjStart = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionResponseAsWsdlObject() && $returnModel ? 'new ' . $returnModel->getPackagedName() . '(' : '';
     $responseAsObjEnd = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionResponseAsWsdlObject() && $returnModel ? ')' : '';
      * Soap parameters
     if ($parameterModel) {
         $attributes = $parameterModel->getAttributes(true, true);
         if (count($attributes)) {
             $soapParametersStart = $parameterName;
             $soapParametersEnd = '';
         } else {
             $soapParametersStart = $soapParametersEnd = '';
     } elseif (is_string($this->getParameterType())) {
         $soapParametersStart = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendArrayAsParameter() ? '\'' . addslashes($this->getParameterType()) . '\'=>' : '';
         $soapParametersEnd = '$_' . lcfirst(self::cleanString($this->getParameterType()));
     } elseif (is_array($this->getParameterType())) {
         $soapParametersStart = array();
         $soapParametersEnd = '';
         foreach ($this->getParameterType() as $parameterName => $parameterType) {
             $model = self::getModelByName($parameterType);
             if (false && $model && $model->getIsStruct() && !$model->getIsRestriction()) {
                 $paramName = $model->getPackagedName();
             } else {
                 $paramName = self::cleanString($parameterName);
             array_push($soapParametersStart, (WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendArrayAsParameter() ? '\'' . addslashes($parameterName) . '\'=>' : '') . '$_' . lcfirst($paramName));
         $soapParametersStart = implode(',', $soapParametersStart);
     } else {
         $soapParametersStart = $soapParametersEnd = '';
      * Soap call
     $soapCallStart = 'self::getSoapClient()->' . ($this->nameIsClean() ? $this->getName() . '(' : '__soapCall(\'' . $this->getName() . '\'' . (!empty($soapParametersStart) || !empty($soapParametersEnd) ? ',array(' : ''));
     $soapCallEnd = (!$this->nameIsClean() && (!empty($soapParametersStart) || !empty($soapParametersEnd)) ? ')' : '') . ')' . (WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendParametersAsArray() ? '->parameters' : '');
      * Send parameters in parameters array
     if (!empty($soapParametersStart) && $this->nameIsClean()) {
         $sendParametersAsArrayStart = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendParametersAsArray() ? 'array(\'parameters\'=>' : '';
         $sendParametersAsArrayEnd = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendParametersAsArray() ? ')' : '';
     } else {
         $sendParametersAsArrayStart = $sendParametersAsArrayEnd = '';
      * Send an array
     if (!empty($soapParametersStart) && $this->nameIsClean()) {
         $sendArrayAsParameterStart = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendArrayAsParameter() ? 'array(' : '';
         $sendArrayAsParameterEnd = WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionSendArrayAsParameter() ? ')' : '';
     } else {
         $sendArrayAsParameterStart = $sendArrayAsParameterEnd = '';
     array_push($_body, 'return $this->setResult(' . $responseAsObjStart . $soapCallStart . $sendParametersAsArrayStart . $sendArrayAsParameterStart . $soapParametersStart . $soapParametersEnd . $sendArrayAsParameterEnd . $sendParametersAsArrayEnd . $soapCallEnd . $responseAsObjEnd . ');');
     array_push($_body, '}');
     array_push($_body, 'catch(SoapFault $soapFault)');
     array_push($_body, '{');
     array_push($_body, 'return !$this->saveLastError(__METHOD__,$soapFault);');
     array_push($_body, '}');
     array_push($_body, '}');
     unset($parameterModel, $parameter, $responseAsObjStart, $responseAsObjEnd, $soapCallStart, $soapCallEnd, $sendParametersAsArrayStart, $sendParametersAsArrayEnd, $sendParametersAsArrayStart, $sendArrayAsParameterEnd, $soapParametersStart, $soapParametersEnd);
コード例 #4
  * Returns the generic name of the WsdlClass
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getPackageName()
  * @return string
 public static function getGenericWsdlClassName()
     return WsdlToPhpGenerator::getPackageName() . 'WsdlClass';
コード例 #5
  * Returns the constructor method
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getModelByName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getPackagedName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getCleanName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getInheritance()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpModel::getGenericWsdlClassName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::isArray()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getIsRestriction()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getValues()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getAttributes()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStruct::getIsStruct()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructValue::getComment()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructValue::getDeclaration()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructValue::getCleanName()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getComment()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getDeclaration()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::isRequired()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getType()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getDefaultValue()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getGetterDeclaration()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpStructAttribute::getSetterDeclaration()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()
  * @uses WsdlToPhpGenerator::getPackageName()
  * @param array $_body the body which will be populated
  * @return array
 public function getClassBody(&$_body)
      * A restriction struct with enumeration values
     if ($this->getIsRestriction() && count($this->getValues())) {
         $constantsDefined = array();
         foreach ($this->getValues() as $index => $value) {
             array_push($_body, array('comment' => $value->getComment()));
             array_push($_body, $value->getDeclaration($this->getName(), $index));
             array_push($constantsDefined, $this->getPackagedName() . '::' . $value->getCleanName());
          * valueIsValid() method comments
         $comments = array();
         array_push($comments, 'Return true if value is allowed');
         foreach ($constantsDefined as $constantName) {
             array_push($comments, '@uses ' . $constantName);
         array_push($comments, '@param mixed $_value value');
         array_push($comments, '@return bool true|false');
         array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
          * valueIsValid() method body
         array_push($_body, 'public static function valueIsValid($_value)');
         array_push($_body, '{');
         array_push($_body, 'return in_array($_value,array(' . implode(',', $constantsDefined) . '));');
         array_push($_body, '}');
     } elseif (count($this->getAttributes())) {
          * Gathers informations about attributes
         $bodyParameters = array();
         $bodyParams = array();
         $bodyUses = array();
         $constructParameters = array();
         $attributes = $this->getAttributes(false, true);
         foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
             array_push($_body, array('comment' => $attribute->getComment()));
             array_push($_body, $attribute->getDeclaration());
             array_push($bodyParameters, '$_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()) . (!$attribute->isRequired() ? ' = ' . var_export($attribute->getDefaultValue(), true) : ''));
             if (!WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()) {
                 array_push($bodyUses, $this->getPackagedName() . '::' . $attribute->getSetterName() . '()');
             $model = self::getModelByName($attribute->getType());
             if ($model) {
                 if ($model->getIsStruct() && $model->getPackagedName() != $this->getPackagedName()) {
                     if ($model->isArray()) {
                         array_push($constructParameters, '\'' . $attribute->getUniqueName() . '\'=>($_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()) . ' instanceof ' . $model->getPackagedName() . ')?$_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()) . ':new ' . $model->getPackagedName() . '($_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()) . ')');
                     } else {
                         array_push($constructParameters, '\'' . $attribute->getUniqueName() . '\'=>$_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()));
                     $paramType = $model->getPackagedName();
                 } else {
                     array_push($constructParameters, '\'' . $attribute->getUniqueName() . '\'=>$_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()));
                     $paramType = $model->getInheritance() ? $model->getInheritance() : $attribute->getType();
             } else {
                 array_push($constructParameters, '\'' . $attribute->getUniqueName() . '\'=>$_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()));
                 $paramType = $attribute->getType();
             array_push($bodyParams, $paramType . ' $_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()));
             unset($paramType, $model);
          * __contruct() method comments
         $comments = array();
         array_push($comments, 'Constructor method for ' . $this->getCleanName());
          * Uses the parent constructor method
         if (WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()) {
             array_push($comments, '@see parent::__construct()');
         foreach ($bodyUses as $bodyUse) {
             array_push($comments, '@uses ' . $bodyUse);
         foreach ($bodyParams as $bodyParam) {
             array_push($comments, '@param ' . $bodyParam);
         array_push($comments, '@return ' . $this->getPackagedName());
         array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
          * __contruct() method body
         array_push($_body, 'public function __construct(' . implode(',', $bodyParameters) . ')');
         array_push($_body, '{');
         $model = self::getModelByName($this->getInheritance());
          * Uses the parent constructor method
         if (WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()) {
             array_push($_body, ($model && $model->getIsStruct() ? self::getGenericWsdlClassName() : 'parent') . '::__construct(array(' . implode(',', $constructParameters) . '),false);');
         } else {
             foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
                 array_push($_body, '$this->' . $attribute->getSetterName() . '($_' . lcfirst($attribute->getCleanName()) . ');');
         array_push($_body, '}');
          * Setters and getters
         foreach ($this->getAttributes(false, true) as $attribute) {
             $attribute->getGetterDeclaration($_body, $this);
             $attribute->getSetterDeclaration($_body, $this);
         unset($comments, $bodyParameters, $bodyParams, $constructParameters);
          * A array struct
         if ($this->isArray()) {
             foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $attr) {
                 $attribute = $attr;
             if ($attribute instanceof WsdlToPhpStructAttribute) {
                 $model = self::getModelByName($attribute->getType());
                 $return = $model && $model->getIsStruct() ? $model->getPackagedName() : $attribute->getType();
                 $comments = array();
                  * current() method comments
                 array_push($comments, 'Returns the current element');
                 array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::current()');
                 array_push($comments, '@return ' . $return);
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                  * current() method body
                 array_push($_body, 'public function current()');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return parent::current();');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 $comments = array();
                  * item() method comments
                 array_push($comments, 'Returns the indexed element');
                 array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::item()');
                 array_push($comments, '@param int $_index');
                 array_push($comments, '@return ' . $return);
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                  * item() method body
                 array_push($_body, 'public function item($_index)');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return parent::item($_index);');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 $comments = array();
                  * first() method comments
                 array_push($comments, 'Returns the first element');
                 array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::first()');
                 array_push($comments, '@return ' . $return);
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                  * first() method body
                 array_push($_body, 'public function first()');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return parent::first();');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 $comments = array();
                  * last() method comments
                 array_push($comments, 'Returns the last element');
                 array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::last()');
                 array_push($comments, '@return ' . $return);
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                  * last() method body
                 array_push($_body, 'public function last()');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return parent::last();');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 $comments = array();
                  * offsetGet() method comments
                 array_push($comments, 'Returns the element at the offset');
                 array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::last()');
                 array_push($comments, '@param int $_offset');
                 array_push($comments, '@return ' . $return);
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                  * offsetGet() method body
                 array_push($_body, 'public function offsetGet($_offset)');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return parent::offsetGet($_offset);');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 if ($model && $model->getIsRestriction()) {
                     $comments = array();
                      * add() method comments
                     array_push($comments, 'Add element to array');
                     array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::add()');
                     array_push($comments, '@uses ' . $model->getPackagedName() . '::valueIsValid()');
                     array_push($comments, '@param ' . $model->getPackagedName() . ' $_item');
                     array_push($comments, '@return ' . $return);
                     array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                      * add() method body
                     array_push($_body, 'public function add($_item)');
                     array_push($_body, '{');
                     array_push($_body, 'return ' . $model->getPackagedName() . '::valueIsValid($_item)?parent::add($_item):false;');
                     array_push($_body, '}');
                  * getAttributeName() method comments
                 $comments = array();
                 array_push($comments, 'Returns the attribute name');
                 array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::getAttributeName()');
                 array_push($comments, '@return string ' . $attribute->getCleanName());
                 array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
                  * getAttributeName() method body
                 array_push($_body, 'public function getAttributeName()');
                 array_push($_body, '{');
                 array_push($_body, 'return \'' . $attribute->getCleanName() . '\';');
                 array_push($_body, '}');
                 unset($comments, $model);
          * __set_state method override
         if (WsdlToPhpGenerator::getOptionGenerateWsdlClassFile()) {
              * __set_state() method comments
             $comments = array();
             array_push($comments, 'Method called when an object has been exported with var_export() functions');
             array_push($comments, 'It allows to return an object instantiated with the values');
             array_push($comments, '@see ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::__set_state()');
             array_push($comments, '@uses ' . self::getGenericWsdlClassName() . '::__set_state()');
             array_push($comments, '@param array $_array the exported values');
             array_push($comments, '@return ' . $this->getPackagedName());
             array_push($_body, array('comment' => $comments));
              * __set_state method body
             array_push($_body, 'public static function __set_state(array $_array,$_className = __CLASS__)');
             array_push($_body, '{');
             array_push($_body, 'return parent::__set_state($_array,$_className);');
             array_push($_body, '}');
コード例 #6
  * Sets the package name
  * @param string $_packageName
  * @return string
 private static function setPackageName($_packageName)
     return self::$packageName = $_packageName;
コード例 #7
        $w->generateClasses($name, dirname(__FILE__) . '/samples/' . $name . '/');
 * Any
if (true) {
    $name = 'PayPal';
    $wsdl = 'https://www.paypalobjects.com/wsdl/PayPalSvc.wsdl';
    exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/samples/' . $name . '/*;');
    echo "\r\nStart at " . date('H:i:s');
    $w = new WsdlToPhpGenerator($wsdl);
    WsdlToPhpGenerator::setOptionAddComments(array('date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'author' => 'Mikaël DELSOL', 'version' => 1));
    echo "\r\nStart generation at " . date('H:i:s');
    $w->generateClasses($name, dirname(__FILE__) . '/samples/' . $name . '/');
    echo "\r\nEnd generation at " . date('H:i:s');
    echo "\r\nGenerate doc start " . date('H:i:s');
    $ouputs = array();
    exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/docs/' . $name . '/* && clear && phpdoc --sourcecode on -d ' . __DIR__ . '/samples/' . $name . ' -t ' . __DIR__ . '/docs/' . $name . ' -pp -ti "' . ucfirst($name) . ' package documentation" -o HTML:frames:DOM/earthli;', $ouputs);
    echo "\r\nGenerate doc end " . date('H:i:s');