コード例 #1
 } else {
     if (empty($acx_dbRights['rightsEnough'])) {
         $wsd_Message .= '<span class="acx-icon-alert-critical">' . __('The User which is used to access your Wordpress Database, hasn\'t enough rights (is missing the <code>ALTER</code> right) to alter the Table structure.
                     If the user <code>has ALTER</code> rights and the tool is still not working, please <a href="http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-security-scan" target="_blank">contact us</a> for assistance!') . '</span>';
     if (strlen($new_prefix) < strlen($_POST['newPrefixInput'])) {
         $acxInfoMessage .= __('You used some characters disallowed in Table names. The sanitized prefix will be used instead') . ': ' . $new_prefix;
     if ($new_prefix == $old_prefix) {
         if (!empty($acxInfoMessage)) {
             $acxInfoMessage .= '<br/>';
         $acxInfoMessage .= __('No change! Please select a different table prefix value.');
     } else {
         // Get the list of tables to modify
         $tables = WsdUtil::getTablesToAlter();
         if (empty($tables)) {
             if (!empty($acxInfoMessage)) {
                 $acxInfoMessage .= '<br/>';
             $acxInfoMessage .= __("Internal Error: We couldn't retrieve the list of tables from the database! Please inform the plug-in author about this error! Thank you!");
         } else {
             $result = WsdUtil::renameTables($tables, $old_prefix, $new_prefix);
             // check for errors
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 if (!empty($acxInfoMessage)) {
                     $acxInfoMessage .= '<br/>';
                 $acxInfoMessage .= '<span class="acx-notice-success acx-icon-alert-success">' . __('All tables have been successfully updated!') . '</span>';
                 // try to rename the fields
                 $acxInfoMessage .= WsdUtil::renameDbFields($old_prefix, $new_prefix);