コード例 #1
 public function filter_json_data_https_schema_org_thing($json_data, $mod, $mt_og, $type_id, $is_main)
     if ($this->p->debug->enabled) {
     $lca = $this->p->cf['lca'];
     $type_url = $this->p->schema->get_schema_type_url($type_id);
     $ret = WpssoSchema::get_schema_type_context($type_url);
      * Property:
      *	url
     WpssoSchema::add_data_itemprop_from_assoc($ret, $mt_og, array('url' => 'og:url'));
      * Property:
      *	name
     $ret['name'] = $this->p->webpage->get_title($this->p->options['og_title_len'], '...', $mod, true, false, true, 'schema_title');
      * Property:
      *	description
     $ret['description'] = $this->p->webpage->get_description($this->p->options['schema_desc_len'], '...', $mod, true, false, true, 'schema_desc');
     return WpssoSchema::return_data_from_filter($json_data, $ret, $is_main);
コード例 #2
 public static function add_single_video_data(&$json_data, $opts, $prefix = 'og:video', $list_element = true)
     $wpsso =& Wpsso::get_instance();
     if (empty($opts) || !is_array($opts)) {
         if ($wpsso->debug->enabled) {
             $wpsso->debug->log('exiting early: options array is empty or not an array');
         return 0;
         // return count of videos added
     $media_url = SucomUtil::get_mt_media_url($opts, $prefix);
     if (empty($media_url)) {
         if ($ngfb->debug->enabled) {
             $ngfb->debug->log('exiting early: ' . $prefix . ' URL values are empty');
         return 0;
         // return count of videos added
     $ret = array('@context' => 'https://schema.org', '@type' => 'VideoObject', 'url' => esc_url($media_url));
     WpssoSchema::add_data_itemprop_from_assoc($ret, $opts, array('name' => $prefix . ':title', 'description' => $prefix . ':description', 'fileFormat' => $prefix . ':type', 'width' => $prefix . ':width', 'height' => $prefix . ':height', 'duration' => $prefix . ':duration', 'uploadDate' => $prefix . ':upload_date', 'thumbnailUrl' => $prefix . ':thumbnail_url', 'embedUrl' => $prefix . ':embed_url'));
     if (!empty($opts[$prefix . ':has_image'])) {
         if (!WpssoSchema::add_single_image_data($ret['thumbnail'], $opts, 'og:image', false)) {
             // list_element = false
     if (empty($list_element)) {
         $json_data = $ret;
     } else {
         $json_data[] = $ret;
     // add an item to the list
     return 1;
     // return count of videos added
コード例 #3
 public function filter_json_data_https_schema_org_webpage($json_data, $mod, $mt_og, $type_id, $is_main)
     if ($this->p->debug->enabled) {
     $ret = array();
     $lca = $this->p->cf['lca'];
     // blogposting is a child of article
     // use the article image size and add the headline property
     if ($this->p->schema->is_schema_type_child_of($type_id, 'article')) {
         $org_logo_key = 'org_banner_url';
         // use a banner for all article sub-types
         $size_name = $this->p->cf['lca'] . '-schema-article';
         // same size, but minimum width is 696px
          * Property:
          * 	headline
         $headline_max_len = WpssoJsonConfig::$cf['schema']['article']['headline']['max_len'];
         $ret['headline'] = $this->p->webpage->get_title($headline_max_len, '...', $mod);
     } else {
         $org_logo_key = 'org_logo_url';
         $size_name = $this->p->cf['lca'] . '-schema';
      * Property:
      * 	datepublished
      * 	datemodified
     WpssoSchema::add_data_itemprop_from_assoc($ret, $mt_og, array('datepublished' => 'article:published_time', 'datemodified' => 'article:modified_time'));
      * Property:
      *	inLanguage
     $ret['inLanguage'] = get_locale();
      * Property:
      *	publisher as https://schema.org/Organization
     $org_id = is_object($mod['obj']) ? $mod['obj']->get_options($mod['id'], 'schema_pub_org_id') : false;
     // null, false, 'none', 'site', or number (including 0)
     if ($this->p->debug->enabled) {
         $this->p->debug->log('publisher / organization id is ' . (empty($org_id) ? 'empty' : $org_id));
     WpssoSchema::add_single_organization_data($ret['publisher'], $mod, $org_id, $org_logo_key, false);
     // $list_element = false
      * Property:
      *	author as https://schema.org/Person
      *	contributor as https://schema.org/Person
     WpssoSchema::add_author_coauthor_data($ret, $mod);
      * Property:
      *	image as https://schema.org/ImageObject
      *	video as https://schema.org/VideoObject
     WpssoJsonSchema::add_media_data($ret, $mod, $mt_og, $size_name);
     if (empty($ret['image'])) {
         if ($this->p->debug->enabled) {
             $this->p->debug->log('creativework image is missing and required');
         if (is_admin() && (!$mod['is_post'] || $mod['post_status'] === 'publish')) {
     return WpssoSchema::return_data_from_filter($json_data, $ret);