コード例 #1
 * Insert attention message
 * This function will show "Attention! This job is ..." message if current user
 * is on job details page and currently viewed job is older than X days.
 * @since 1.0
 * @return void
function push_attention_msg()
    $job = null;
    if (is_singular("job")) {
        $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
        $query->from("Wpjb_Model_Job t");
        $query->where("post_id = ?", get_the_ID());
        $result = $query->execute();
        if (isset($result[0])) {
            $job = $result[0];
    if (is_wpjb() && wpjb_is_routed_to("index.single")) {
        $job = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->placeHolder->job;
    if ($job === null) {
    $old = wpjb_conf("front_mark_as_old");
    if ($old > 0 && time() - strtotime($job->job_created_at) > $old * 3600 * 24) {
        $diff = floor((time() - strtotime($job->job_created_at)) / (3600 * 24));
        $msg = _n("Attention! This job posting is one day old and might be already filled.", "Attention! This job posting is %d days old and might be already filled.", $diff, "wpjobboard");
        $flash = new Wpjb_Utility_Session();
        $flash->addInfo(sprintf($msg, $diff));
コード例 #2
function user_panel_api_content($content)
    $request = Daq_Request::getInstance();
    // URL does not have ?panel=my_link param, this means some other panel is being executed
    // return default content then.
    if ($request->get("panel") != "my_link") {
        return $content;
    // Make sure to authenticate user!
    // Load default WPJB styles
    // Create breadcrumbs, basically two links:
    // - User Panel home
    // - Current page
    $breadcrumbs = array(array("title" => __("Home", "wpjobboard"), "url" => get_permalink(), "glyph" => "wpjb-icon-home"), array("title" => "My Link", "url" => get_permalink() . "?panel=my_link", "glyph" => is_rtl() ? "wpjb-icon-left-open" : "wpjb-icon-right-open"));
    // initiate view object and add new templates directory so we can load
    // a custom template file.
    $view = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getApplication("frontend")->getView();
    $view->addDir(dirname(__FILE__), true);
    $view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
    // initatte session to allow flash messages
    $flash = new Wpjb_Utility_Session();
    $flash->addInfo("Custom My Link Panel Loaded!");
    // render template
    $render = ob_get_clean();
    return $render;
コード例 #3
 * Saves candidate in DB
 * This function is executed in "init" action.
 * Validates and saves resume in database. This action is executed only if
 * there is $_POST["_wpjb_action"] == reg_candidate_alt.
 * @since 1.0
 * @return void
function full_candidate_register_action()
    $form = new Wpjb_Form_Resume_Alt();
    $request = Daq_Request::getInstance();
    $flash = new Wpjb_Utility_Session();
    if ($request->post("_wpjb_action") != "reg_candidate_alt") {
    $isValid = $form->isValid($request->getAll());
    if (!$isValid) {
    $url = wpjr_link_to("login");
    $password = $form->value("user_password");
    $email = $form->value("user_email");
    $username = $form->value("user_login");
    if (empty($username)) {
        $username = $email;
    $mail = Wpjb_Utility_Message::load("notify_canditate_register");
    $mail->assign("username", $username);
    $mail->assign("password", $password);
    $mail->assign("login_url", $url);
    do_action("wpjb_user_registered", "candidate");
    $form = new Wpjb_Form_Resumes_Login();
    if ($form->hasElement("recaptcha_response_field")) {
    $form->isValid(array("user_login" => $username, "user_password" => $password, "remember" => 0));
    $flash->addInfo(__("You have been registered.", "wpjobboard"));