コード例 #1
  * Send a job request to the WordLift Server APIs.
  * @param $request The request (created using the createJobRequest method).
  * @throws Exception
 public function sendJobRequest($request)
     $this->logger->trace("[ request :: " . var_export($request, true) . " ]");
     $requestURL = $this->requestURL;
     $consumerKey = get_option($this->consumerKeyOptionName);
     $callbackURL = site_url($this->callbackURL);
     $operations = WordLift_HttpOperations::create($requestURL, WordLift_HttpOperations::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, WordLift_HttpOperations::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, array("Application-Id" => $this->applicationId, "Consumer-Key" => $consumerKey, "Callback-Url" => $callbackURL));
     $response = $operations->post(null, json_encode($request));
     if (array_key_exists("headers", $response) && array_key_exists("proxy-transaction-id", $response["headers"])) {
         return $response["headers"]["proxy-transaction-id"];
     return false;
     // $params = array(
     //     $this->requestProtocol => array(
     //         "method" => $this->requestHttpMethod,
     //         "header"  => array(
     //             "Content-type: $this->requestContentTypeHeader",
     //             "Accept: $this->requestAcceptHeader",
     //             "Application-Id: $this->applicationId",
     //             "Consumer-Key: $consumerKey",
     //             "Callback-Url: $callbackURL",
     //         ),
     //         "content" => json_encode( $request )
     // ));
     // // create the context and open the connection.
     // $context = stream_context_create($params);
     // $fileHandle = @fopen( $requestURL, "rb", false, $context);
     // if ( !$fileHandle ) {
     //     $this->logger->error( "An error occurred while opening the connection [ requestURL :: $this->requestURL ][ params :: " . var_export( $params, true ) . " ]." );
     //     return false;
     // }
     // // get the response.
     // $response = @stream_get_contents( $fileHandle );
     // if ($response === false) {
     //     $this->logger->error( "An error occurred while reading the response from the server [ requestURL :: $this->requestURL ]." );
     //     return false;
     // }
     // $transactionId = null;
     // foreach ( $http_response_header as $headerLine ) {
     //     $header = explode( ": ", $headerLine );
     //     if ( "Proxy-Transaction-Id" === $header[0] ) {
     //         $transactionId = $header[1];
     //         break;
     //     }
     // }
     // // decode the response to a job response.
     // return $transactionId;
コード例 #2
 private function getSiteKey()
     $operations = WordLift_HttpOperations::create($this->apiUrl, WordLift_HttpOperations::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, WordLift_HttpOperations::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
     $response = $operations->get(array("url" => $this->getUrl()));
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         $errorMessage = $response->get_error_message();
         echo "<div class=\"error\"><p>";
         echo "<strong>Error</strong>: WordLift could not set or get a" . " valid site key ({$errorMessage} while connecting to " . "{$this->apiUrl}).";
         echo "</p></div>";
         return null;
     $respObject = json_decode($response["body"]);
     if (property_exists($respObject, "key")) {
         return $respObject->key;
     return null;
コード例 #3
 public function register($requestBody)
     $siteKey = get_option("wordlift_site_key");
     $operations = WordLift_HttpOperations::create($this->apiUrl, WordLift_HttpOperations::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, WordLift_HttpOperations::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, array("Site-Key" => $siteKey));
     $response = $operations->post(null, $requestBody);
     return json_decode($response["body"]);
     // $options = array(
     //     "http" => array(
     //         "method"  => "POST",
     //         "content" => $requestBody,
     //         "header" =>  "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" .
     //                     "Accept: application/json\r\n" .
     //                     "Site-Key: $siteKey"
     //     )
     // );
     // $context  = stream_context_create($options);
     // $result = file_get_contents($this->apiUrl, false, $context);
     // $response = json_decode($result);
     // return $response;