public static function LoadFirstCode() { $objLists = Wishlist::LoadUserLists(); if (count($objLists) == 0) { return null; } return $objLists[0]->gift_code; }
public function getLists() { $retValue = Wishlist::LoadUserLists(); if (!is_null($retValue)) { return CHtml::listData($retValue, 'gift_code', 'registry_name'); } else { return null; } }
<div id="wish-lists" class="col-sm-12 clickbar" onclick="$('#WishList').slideToggle('fast');"><?php echo Yii::t('global', 'Wish Lists'); ?> </div> <div class="containers" id="WishList" style="display:hidden;"> <?php if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { foreach (Wishlist::LoadUserLists() as $list) { ?> <a href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wishlist/view', array('code' => $list->gift_code)); ?> "> <strong><?php echo $list->registry_name; ?> </strong></a><br /> <?php } ?> </br> <a id="wish-lists-view" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('/wishlist'); ?> "><strong><?php echo Yii::t('global', 'View all my wish lists'); ?> </strong></a> <br /> <a id="wish-lists-view-create" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wishlist/create');
public function actionAdd() { if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { echo Yii::t('wishlist', "You must be logged in to add to a wish list. Please sign in and try again."); return; } if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $model = new WishlistAddForm(); // collect user input data if (isset($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['WishlistAddForm'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['WishlistAddForm']; } else { $model->attributes = $_POST; } if ($model->validate()) { $intProductId = $model->id; $intQty = $model->qty; $strSize = $model->size; $strColor = $model->color; $objProduct = Product::model()->findByPk($intProductId); if (!$objProduct instanceof Product) { return; } if ($objProduct->IsMaster) { if (isset($strSize) || isset($strColor)) { $objProduct = Product::LoadChildProduct($intProductId, $strSize, $strColor); if (!$objProduct instanceof Product) { echo Yii::t('wishlist', "Please choose options before selecting {button}", array('{button}' => Yii::t('product', 'Add to Wish List'))); return; } $model->id = $intProductId = $objProduct->id; } else { echo Yii::t('wishlist', "Please choose options before selecting {button}", array('{button}' => Yii::t('product', 'Add to Wish List'))); return; } } //If we don't have a wish list, create one and add. If we only have one wish list, add it. If we have more than //one, we need to prompt for which one to add $objWishLists = Wishlist::LoadUserLists(); switch (count($objWishLists)) { case 0: //We don't have a wish list, so let's create one $objWishList = new Wishlist(); $objWishList->registry_name = Yii::t('wishlist', 'My Wish List'); $objWishList->visibility = Wishlist::PERSONALLIST; $objWishList->after_purchase = Wishlist::LEAVEINLIST; $objWishList->customer_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $objWishList->gift_code = md5(uniqid()); $objWishList->ship_option = 0; if (!$objWishList->save()) { Yii::log("Error creating Wish List " . print_r($objWishList->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__); } $objWishLists = array(); $objWishLists[0] = $objWishList; // No break so we drop to the next set of instructions // No break so we drop to the next set of instructions case 1: $objWishList = $objWishLists[0]; $objWishItem = new WishlistItem(); $objWishItem->registry_id = $objWishList->id; $objWishItem->product_id = $intProductId; $objWishItem->qty = $intQty; if ($objWishItem->save()) { echo Yii::t('wishlist', 'Item has been added to your Wish List.'); } else { Yii::log("error saving wishlist item " . print_r($objWishItem->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__); echo Yii::t('wishlist', 'An error occurred adding this item to your Wish List.'); } break; default: $Wishlistadd = new WishlistAddForm(); if (isset($_POST['WishlistAddForm'])) { $Wishlistadd->attributes = $_POST['WishlistAddForm']; } if ($Wishlistadd->validate()) { $objWishList = Wishlist::model()->findByAttributes(array('gift_code' => $Wishlistadd->gift_code)); $objWishItem = new WishlistItem(); $objWishItem->registry_id = $objWishList->id; $objWishItem->product_id = $intProductId; $objWishItem->qty = $Wishlistadd->qty; if ($objWishItem->save()) { echo Yii::t('global', 'Item has been added to your Wish List.'); } else { Yii::log("error saving wishlist item " . print_r($objWishItem->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__); echo Yii::t('global', 'An error occurred adding this item to your Wish List.'); } } else { echo "multiple"; } break; } } else { echo print_r($model->getErrors(), true); } } else { echo "Error missing POST"; } } else { echo "Error not AJAX"; } }