<?php include __DIR__ . '/common.php'; $account = $argv[1]; if (empty($account)) { exit('请输入账号!'); } $expression = date('z', time()) % 2; $sql = 'select count(*) as counts from ws_product where account="' . $account . '" and isPromoted = "false"'; $ret = sqlQuery($sql); $pages = ceil($ret[0]['counts'] / 100); $wishProductApi = new WishProductApi($account, 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) { $sql = 'select * from ws_product where account="' . $account . '" and isPromoted = "false" limit ' . $i * 100 . ',100'; $ret = sqlQuery($sql); foreach ($ret as $itemKey => $itemVal) { $num = substr(md5($itemVal['spu']), 0, 1); $sql = 'select * from ws_product_' . $num . ' where productId="' . $itemVal['productId'] . '"'; $itemRet = sqlQuery($sql); foreach ($itemRet as $detailKey => $detailVal) { if ($expression === 1) { $price = $detailVal['variantsPrice'] - 0.01; } else { $price = $detailVal['variantsPrice'] + 0.01; } $data = array('sku' => $detailVal['variantsSku'], 'price' => $price); $wishRet = $wishProductApi->variantUpdate($data); $wishRet = json_decode($wishRet, true); if ($wishRet['code'] === 0) { $sql = 'update ws_product_' . $num . ' set variantsPrice=' . $price . ' where productId="' . $itemVal['productId'] . '" and variantsSku="' . $detailVal['variantsSku'] . '"'; echo $sql, PHP_EOL;
/** * 功能:上传并保存待刊登的料号 */ public function saveWaitProduct() { set_time_limit(0); //print_r($_REQUEST); if (empty($_REQUEST['account'])) { self::$errCode = '1507'; self::$errMsg = '请填写需要刊登的账号...'; return false; } $tags = explode(',', $_REQUEST['tags']); if (count($tags) < 10) { self::$errCode = '1508'; self::$errMsg = '商品关键字的数据少于10个, 请重新输入!!!'; return false; } $accountAbbr = C('ACCOUNTABBR')[$_REQUEST['account']]; $spu = str_ireplace($accountAbbr, '', $_REQUEST['spu']); $spu = str_ireplace('#', '', $spu); $productInfo = self::getProductBySpu($spu, $_REQUEST['account']); if (!empty($productInfo)) { self::updateWaitData($spu, $_REQUEST['account']); //将上传状态更改已上传 self::$errCode = '1509'; self::$errMsg = '此料号已经刊登,请不要重复刊登!'; return false; } $wishProductApi = new WishProductApi($_REQUEST['account'], 1); //$wishProductApi->setSandbox(); //设置从沙盒刊登 $productAct = new WishProductAct(); $extraImage = $productAct->imageReplace($_REQUEST['extra_images']); $spuImage = isset($_REQUEST['skuImg']) ? current($_REQUEST['skuImg']) : $_REQUEST['main_image']; $mainImage = $productAct->imageReplace($spuImage); $spuData = array('name' => $_REQUEST['title'], 'description' => $_REQUEST['description'], 'tags' => $_REQUEST['tags'], 'sku' => $_REQUEST['sku'][0], 'color' => $_REQUEST['color'][0], 'size' => $_REQUEST['size'][0], 'inventory' => $_REQUEST['inventory'][0], 'price' => $_REQUEST['price'][0], 'shipping' => $_REQUEST['shipping'][0], 'msrp' => $_REQUEST['msrp'][0], 'shipping_time' => $_REQUEST['shipping_time'][0], 'main_image' => end($mainImage), 'parent_sku' => count($_REQUEST['sku']) > 1 ? $_REQUEST['spu'] : $_REQUEST['sku'][0], 'extra_images' => implode('|', $extraImage)); $skuData = array(); if (count($_REQUEST['sku']) > 1) { foreach ($_REQUEST['sku'] as $skuKey => $skuVal) { if ($skuKey === 0) { continue; } $mainImage = $productAct->imageReplace($_REQUEST['skuImg'][$skuKey]); $skuData[] = array('parent_sku' => $_REQUEST['spu'], 'sku' => $_REQUEST['sku'][$skuKey], 'color' => $_REQUEST['color'][$skuKey], 'size' => $_REQUEST['size'][$skuKey], 'inventory' => $_REQUEST['inventory'][$skuKey], 'price' => $_REQUEST['price'][$skuKey], 'shipping' => $_REQUEST['shipping'][$skuKey], 'msrp' => $_REQUEST['msrp'][$skuKey], 'shipping_time' => $_REQUEST['shipping_time'][$skuKey], 'main_image' => end($mainImage)); } } // print_r($spuData); // print_r($skuData);exit; $spuStatus = $wishProductApi->createProductSpu($spuData); errorLog($_REQUEST['spu'] . ':' . json_encode($spuStatus), 'uploadStatus', 'uploadProduct'); if (!empty($spuStatus)) { //上传成功,已经返回了数据 self::updateWaitData($_REQUEST['spu'], $_REQUEST['account']); } if (!empty($skuData)) { foreach ($skuData as $skuKey => $skuVal) { $skuStatus = $wishProductApi->createProductSku($skuVal); errorLog($_REQUEST['spu'] . ':' . json_encode($skuStatus), 'uploadStatus', 'uploadProduct'); } } return $spuStatus; }
$d->close(); $newDir = WEB_PATH . 'log/productInfo/' . date('Y/m-d') . '/'; if (!is_dir($newDir)) { mkdir($newDir, 0777, true); if (!is_dir($newDir)) { exit('不能建立目录!'); } } $errorDir = WEB_PATH . 'log/productInfo/' . date('Y/m-d') . '/errorProduct/'; if (!is_dir($errorDir)) { mkdir($errorDir, 0777, true); if (!is_dir($errorDir)) { exit('不能建立目录!'); } } $wishProductApi = new WishProductApi('geshan0728', 1); $num = 0; $uploadNum = rand(10, 20); foreach ($files as $fileKey => $fileVal) { $spuInfo = explode('.', $fileVal); $spuSn = $spuInfo[0]; if (!empty($spuArr)) { if (!in_array($spuSn, $spuArr)) { continue; } } errorLog('开始上传,' . $spuSn, 'tip'); $sql = 'select spu from `ws_product` where spu = "' . $spuSn . '"'; $query = $dbConn->query($sql); $ret = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($query); if (!empty($ret)) {