public function checkTxt($filename = '', $content = '') { if (!$filename && !$content) { return new PwError("DESIGN:upload.file.error"); } if ($filename) { if (!($content = WindFile::read($filename))) { return new PwError("DESIGN:upload.file.error"); } } $content = preg_replace("/\\/\\*(.+)\\*\\//", '', $content); $content = unserialize(base64_decode($content)); $_array = array('page', 'segment', 'structure', 'module'); foreach ($_array as $v) { if (!isset($content[$v])) { return new PwError(""); } } $this->_content = $content; if ($filename) { WindFile::del($filename); } return true; }
private function _clear() { WindFolder::clearRecur(dirname($this->upgrade_temp), true); $useFtp = Wekit::cache()->get('system_upgrade_ftp'); $phps = $this->_getPhps(); $sql = PUBLIC_PATH . 'update.sql'; if ($phps || file_exists($sql)) { if ($useFtp) { try { $ftp = $useFtp['sftp'] ? new PwSftpSave($useFtp) : new PwFtpSave($useFtp); $ftp->delete(str_replace(ROOT_PATH, '', $sql)); } catch (WindFtpException $e) { } } else { WindFile::del($sql); } foreach ($phps as $php) { $file = PUBLIC_PATH . $php; if ($useFtp) { $file = str_replace(ROOT_PATH, '', $file); $ftp->delete($file); } else { WindFile::del($file); } } $ftp && $ftp->close(); } WindFile::del(DATA_PATH . 'upgrade/sql.tmp'); Wekit::cache()->batchDelete(array('system_upgrade', 'system_upgrade_step', 'system_upgrade_db_step', 'system_upgrade_php_step', 'system_upgrade_ftp', 'system_upgrade_download_step', 'system_upgrade_info', 'system_upgrade_replace')); }
/** * 删除本地文件 * * @param string $filename 文件绝对地址 * @return bool */ public static function deleteFile($filename) { return WindFile::del(WindSecurity::escapePath($filename, true)); }
/** * 导出压缩包 * */ public function exportAction() { $alias = $this->getInput('alias', 'get'); Wind::import('LIB:utility.PwZip'); $dir = Wind::getRealDir('EXT:' . $alias); if (!is_dir($dir)) { $this->showError('fail'); } $target = Wind::getRealPath('DATA:tmp.' . $alias . '.zip', true); PwApplicationHelper::zip($dir, $target); $timestamp = Pw::getTime(); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $timestamp + 86400) . ' GMT'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $timestamp + 86400) . ' GMT'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Cache-control', 'max-age=86400'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-zip-compressed'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $alias . '.zip'); $this->getResponse()->sendHeaders(); @readfile($target); WindFile::del($target); $this->getResponse()->sendBody(); exit; }
/** * 存储附件,如果是远程存储,记得删除本地文件 * * @param string $source 本地源文件地址 * @param string $filePath 存储相对位置 * @return bool */ public function save($source, $filePath) { $this->_getFtp()->upload($source, $filePath, 'I'); WindFile::del(WindSecurity::escapePath($source, true)); return true; }
/** * 清理安装过程中产生的临时信息 * * step 5 * * @return void */ public function clear() { list(, , $install) = $this->resolvedInstallation($this->tmpInstallLog); if (is_file($this->tmpInstallLog)) { WindFile::del($this->tmpInstallLog); } if ($install->getTmpPackage()) { WindFolder::rm($install->getTmpPackage(), true); } if ($install->getTmpPath()) { WindFolder::rm($install->getTmpPath(), true); } }
public function clearFiles($moduleid, $images) { if (!$images || !is_array($images)) { return false; } $dir = $this->getSaveDir($moduleid); $store = Wind::getComponent('storage'); //单独使用 if (!$store instanceof PwStorageLocal) { foreach ($images as $image) { $store->delete($dir . $image, 0); } } else { $dir = Wind::getRealDir('PUBLIC:') . PUBLIC_ATTACH . '/' . $dir; foreach ($images as $image) { is_file($dir . $image) && WindFile::del($dir . $image); } } }
/** * 递归的删除目录 * * @param string $dir 目录 * @param Boolean $delFolder 是否删除目录 */ public static function clearRecur($dir, $delFolder = false) { if (!self::isDir($dir)) { return false; } if (!($handle = @opendir($dir))) { return false; } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ('.' === $file || '..' === $file) { continue; } $_path = $dir . '/' . $file; if (self::isDir($_path)) { self::clearRecur($_path, $delFolder); } elseif (WindFile::isFile($_path)) { WindFile::del($_path); } } $delFolder && @rmdir($dir); @closedir($handle); return true; }
/** * 根据现有目录结构调整升级包目录 * * @param array $fileList */ public function sortDirectory($fileList) { $this->_log('start to sort the directory'); $sourceDir = $this->tmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->target; $directoryFile = $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conf/directory.php'; $directory = @(include $directoryFile); if (!is_array($directory)) { return new PwError(''); } $this->_log('the remote directory is:' . var_export($directory, true)); $root = Wind::getRealDir('ROOT:'); $sort = array('TPL', 'THEMES', 'ACLOUD', 'WINDID', 'REP', 'SRV', 'LIB', 'HOOK', 'EXT', 'APPS', 'CONF', 'DATA', 'SRC', 'PUBLIC'); $strtr = array(); $localDirectory = @(include Wind::getRealPath('CONF:directory.php', true)); foreach ($sort as $v) { if ($directory[$v] == $localDirectory[$v]) { continue; } $search = PwSystemHelper::relative(WEKIT_PATH . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directory[$v])); $strtr[rtrim($search, '/\\')] = rtrim(Wind::getRootPath($v), '/\\'); } $this->_log('way of moving directory' . var_export($strtr, true)); if (!($sourceMd5 = WindFile::read($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conf/md5sum'))) { return new PwError(''); } $sourceMd5 = PwSystemHelper::resolveMd5($sourceMd5); // md5sum $data = ''; foreach ($sourceMd5 as $v => $md5) { $v = trim($v, '/'); $v = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $v); $_v = ROOT_PATH . $v; $file = $v; foreach ($strtr as $search => $replace) { if (0 === strpos($_v, $search)) { $file = str_replace(ROOT_PATH, '', $replace . substr($_v, strlen($search))); $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file); break; } } $data .= PwSystemHelper::md5content($md5, $file); } WindFile::write($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conf/md5sum', $data); $moveList = $newFileList = array(); $url = PwApplicationHelper::acloudUrl(array('a' => 'forward', 'do' => 'getVersionHash', 'pwversion' => $this->local)); /* 从线上获取当前版本的所有文件md5 */ /* $result = PwApplicationHelper::requestAcloudData($url); if ($result['code'] !== '0' || !$result['info']) return new PwError(array('', array($result['msg']))); */ if (!($tmp = WindFile::read(CONF_PATH . 'md5sum'))) { return new PwError(''); } $md5List = PwSystemHelper::resolveMd5($tmp); $this->_log('obtain the md5 list of current version'); foreach ($fileList as $v) { $v = trim($v, '/'); $v = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $v); $_v = $root . $v; $file = $v; foreach ($strtr as $search => $replace) { if (0 === strpos($_v, $search)) { $file = str_replace($root, '', $replace . substr($_v, strlen($search))); $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file); $moveList[$v] = $file; break; } } $newFileList[$file] = $md5List[str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $file)]; } $this->_log('files need to move ' . var_export($moveList, true)); $relativePath_1 = PwSystemHelper::resolveRelativePath(PUBLIC_PATH, Wind::getRealPath('SRC:wekit')); $relativePath_2 = PwSystemHelper::resolveRelativePath(PUBLIC_PATH . 'aCloud', Wind::getRealPath('SRC:wekit')); foreach ($moveList as $old => $new) { WindFolder::mkRecur(dirname($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new)); copy($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $old, $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new); WindFile::del($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $old); if ('.php' === substr($old, -4) && !strncasecmp($old, 'www' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 4)) { $content = WindFile::read($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new); if (strpos($content, '../../src/wekit.php')) { $content = str_replace('../../src/wekit.php', $relativePath_2, $content); } else { $content = str_replace('../src/wekit.php', $relativePath_1, $content); } // $content = str_replace('../src/wekit.php', // Wind::getRealPath('SRC:wekit'), $content); WindFile::write($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new, $content); } } // 目录文件 if ($directory != $localDirectory) { $directory = array_merge($directory, $localDirectory); $temp = "<?php\r\n defined('WEKIT_VERSION') or exit(403);\r\n return "; $temp .= WindString::varToString($directory) . ";\r\n?>"; WindFile::write($directoryFile, $temp); } Wekit::cache()->set('system_upgrade_replace', 1); return $newFileList; }
/** * * @param PwInstallApplication $install */ public function afterInstall($install) { $tmp = $install->getTmpPackage(); WindFile::del($tmp . '/Manifest.xml'); PwApplicationHelper::copyRecursive($tmp, ROOT_PATH); }
/** * 检查并导入zip文件 * Enter description here ... * @param string $filename */ public function checkZip($filename) { Wind::import("WIND:parser.WindXmlParser"); Wind::import('LIB:utility.PwZip'); $config = array(); $_isTpl = false; $extension = array('htm', 'js', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'txt', 'png', 'css', 'xml'); $zip = new PwZip(); $xml = new WindXmlParser('1.0', Wekit::app()->charset); if (!($fileData = $zip->extract($filename))) { return new PwError("DESIGN:upload.file.error"); } foreach ($fileData as &$file) { $file['filename'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $file['filename']); $pos = strpos($file['filename'], '/'); $lenth = strlen($file['filename']); $file['filename'] = substr($file['filename'], (int) $pos + 1, $lenth - $pos); if (strtolower($file['filename']) == 'manifest.xml') { $config = $xml->parseXmlStream($file['data'], 0); } //过滤文件类型 $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file['filename'], '.'), 1)); if (!in_array($ext, $extension)) { unset($file); continue; } //过滤中文文件名 if (preg_match('/^[\\x7f-\\xff]+$/', $file['filename'])) { unset($file); continue; } //导入模块数据并记录新ID if ($file['filename'] == 'module/data.txt') { $this->importTxt($file['data']); unset($file); } } //if (!$config) return new PwError(""); foreach ($fileData as &$_file) { $ext = strrchr($_file['filename'], "."); if ($ext != $this->_tplExt) { continue; } $_file['data'] = $this->replaceTpl($_file['data']); $_file['data'] = $this->compileStyle($_file['data']); if ($_file['data']) { $_isTpl = true; } } WindFile::del($filename); //TODO 版本号验证 if (!$fileData) { return new PwError(""); } if (!$_isTpl) { return new PwError(""); } if (!$this->writeFile($fileData)) { return true; } return false; }
/** * 清理安装过程中产生的临时信息 * * step 5 * * @return void */ public function clear() { if (is_file($this->tmpInstallLog)) { WindFile::del($this->tmpInstallLog); } if ($this->tmpPackage) { WindFolder::rm($this->tmpPackage, true); } if ($this->tmpPath) { WindFolder::rm($this->tmpPath, true); } }
/** * 导出压缩包 * */ public function exportAction() { list($type, $alias) = $this->getInput(array('type', 'alias'), 'get'); $conf = Wekit::load('APPCENTER:service.srv.PwInstallApplication')->getConfig('style-type', $type); if (!$conf) { $this->showMessage('fail'); } Wind::import('LIB:utility.PwZip'); $dir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $conf[1] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $alias; if (!is_dir($dir)) { $this->showError('fail'); } $target = Wind::getRealPath('DATA:tmp.' . $alias . '.zip', true); PwApplicationHelper::zip($dir, $target); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-zip-compressed'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $alias . '.zip'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Expires', '0'); $this->getResponse()->sendHeaders(); readfile($target); WindFile::del($target); $this->getResponse()->sendBody(); exit; }
protected function deleteFile($filename) { return WindFile::del(WindSecurity::escapePath($filename, true)); }
/** * 安装完成 */ public function finishAction() { //Wekit::createapp('phpwind'); Wekit::C()->reload('windid'); WindidApi::api('user'); $db = $this->_checkDatabase(); //更新HOOK配置数据 Wekit::load('hook.srv.PwHookRefresh')->refresh(); //初始化站点config $site_hash = WindUtility::generateRandStr(8); $cookie_pre = WindUtility::generateRandStr(3); Wekit::load('config.PwConfig')->setConfig('site', 'hash', $site_hash); Wekit::load('config.PwConfig')->setConfig('site', 'cookie.pre', $cookie_pre); Wekit::load('config.PwConfig')->setConfig('site', 'info.mail', $db['founder']['manager_email']); Wekit::load('config.PwConfig')->setConfig('site', 'info.url', PUBLIC_URL); Wekit::load('nav.srv.PwNavService')->updateConfig(); Wind::import('WINDID:service.config.srv.WindidConfigSet'); $windidConfig = new WindidConfigSet('site'); $windidConfig->set('hash', $site_hash)->set('cookie.pre', $cookie_pre)->flush(); //风格默认数据 Wekit::load('APPCENTER:service.srv.PwStyleInit')->init(); //计划任务默认数据 Wekit::load('cron.srv.PwCronService')->updateSysCron(); //更新数据缓存 /* @var $usergroup PwUserGroupsService */ $usergroup = Wekit::load('SRV:usergroup.srv.PwUserGroupsService'); $usergroup->updateLevelCache(); $usergroup->updateGroupCache(range(1, 16)); $usergroup->updateGroupRightCache(); /* @var $emotion PwEmotionService */ $emotion = Wekit::load('SRV:emotion.srv.PwEmotionService'); $emotion->updateCache(); //创始人配置 $uid = $this->_writeFounder($db['founder']['manager'], $db['founder']['manager_pwd'], $db['founder']['manager_email']); //门户演示数据 Wekit::load('SRV:design.srv.PwDesignDefaultService')->likeModule(); Wekit::load('SRV:design.srv.PwDesignDefaultService')->tagModule(); Wekit::load('SRV:design.srv.PwDesignDefaultService')->reviseDefaultData(); //演示数据导入 Wind::import('SRV:forum.srv.PwPost'); Wind::import(''); $pwPost = new PwPost(new PwTopicPost(2, new PwUserBo($uid))); $threads = $this->_getDemoThreads(); foreach ($threads as $thread) { $postDm = $pwPost->getDm(); $postDm->setTitle($thread['title'])->setContent($thread['content']); $result = $pwPost->execute($postDm); } //全局缓存更新 Wekit::load('SRV:cache.srv.PwCacheUpdateService')->updateConfig(); Wekit::load('SRV:cache.srv.PwCacheUpdateService')->updateMedal(); //清理安装过程的文件 WindFile::write($this->_getInstallLockFile(), 'LOCKED'); WindFile::del($this->_getTempFile()); WindFile::del($this->_getTableLogFile()); WindFile::del($this->_getTableSqlFile()); }
/** * 批量删除备份 * * @return void */ public function batchdeleteAction() { $files = $this->getInput('files'); !$files && $this->showError('BACKUP:name.empty'); foreach ($files as $value) { $value = WindSecurity::escapePath($value); if (!$value) { continue; } if (preg_match('/^(\\w{8}_pw_[^_]+_\\d{14})(.*)(sql|zip)$/i', $value)) { $deletePath = $this->_bakupDir . $value; WindFile::del($deletePath); } elseif (preg_match('/^\\w{8}_pw_([^_]+)_(\\d{14})/i', $value)) { WindFolder::rm($this->_bakupDir . $value, true); } } $this->showMessage('success'); }