public function postHandle() { $this->runDesign(); $this->updateOnline(); $this->setOutput($this->runCron(), 'runCron'); //门户管理模式 编译目录切换 if ($this->getRequest()->getPost('design')) { $loginUser = Wekit::getLoginUser(); $designPermission = $loginUser->getPermission('design_allow_manage.push'); if ($designPermission > 0) { $dir = Wind::getRealDir('DATA:design.template'); if (is_dir($dir)) { WindFolder::rm($dir, true); } $this->forward->getWindView()->compileDir = 'DATA:design.template'; } } // SEO settings Wekit::setGlobal(NEXT_VERSION . ' ' . NEXT_RELEASE, 'version'); $seo = Wekit::V('seo'); Wekit::setGlobal($seo ? $seo->getData() : array('title' => Wekit::C('site', '')), 'seo'); $this->setOutput($this->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest() ? '1' : '0', '_ajax_'); /*[设置给PwGlobalFilters需要的变量]*/ $_var = array('current' => $this->forward->getWindView()->templateName, 'a' => $this->router->getAction(), 'c' => $this->router->getController(), 'm' => $this->router->getModule()); $this->getResponse()->setData($_var, '_aCloud_'); }
public function postHandle() { //门户管理模式 编译目录切换 if ($this->getRequest()->getPost('design')) { $loginUser = Wekit::getLoginUser(); $designPermission = $loginUser->getPermission('design_allow_manage.push'); if ($designPermission > 0) { $dir = Wind::getRealDir('DATA:design.template'); if (is_dir($dir)) { WindFolder::rm($dir, true); } $this->forward->getWindView()->compileDir = 'DATA:design.template'; } } // SEO settings Wind::import(''); $sitename = Wekit::C('site', ''); PwSeoBo::set('{sitename}', $sitename); Wekit::setGlobal(NEXT_VERSION . ' ' . NEXT_RELEASE, 'version'); Wekit::setGlobal(PwSeoBo::getData(), 'seo'); $this->setOutput($this->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest() ? '1' : '0', '_ajax_'); /*[设置给PwGlobalFilters需要的变量]*/ $_var = array('current' => $this->forward->getWindView()->templateName, 'a' => $this->router->getAction(), 'c' => $this->router->getController(), 'm' => $this->router->getModule()); $this->getResponse()->setData($_var, '_aCloud_'); Wekit::load('APPS:appcenter.service.srv.PwDebugApplication')->compile(); }
public function __construct($pageBo) { $this->pageid = $pageBo->pageid; $pageInfo = $pageBo->getPage(); $this->folder = str_replace('/', '_', $pageInfo['page_router']); $this->dir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:portal.local.') . $pageBo->getTplPath() . '/'; }
public function run() { $this->project = new WindGenerateProject(); $this->project->name = 'test'; $this->project->dir = Wind::getRealDir('PROJ:' . $this->project->name); $this->project->setConfig($this->config); $r = $this->project->generate(); if (!$r) { echo 'generate fail'; } else { echo 'generate success'; } }
/** * 检测路径 * * @param string $projName * @return string */ private function _checkDir($projName) { static $dir = '', $name = ''; $name = $projName; $dir = Wind::getRealDir('PROJ:' . $name); if (is_dir($dir)) { $r = $this->getLine("The Project Folder [{$dir}] Already Exist, Are you sure to override it?(Yes|No)"); if (strtolower($r[0]) != 'y') { $name = $this->getLine('Please input the project name:'); $this->_checkDir($name); } } return array($name, $dir); }
public function doCompile() { $config = Wekit::load('APPCENTER:service.srv.PwInstallApplication')->getConfig('style-type'); foreach ($config as $k => $v) { $dir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:' . $v[1]); $files = WindFolder::read($dir, WindFolder::READ_DIR); foreach ($files as $v) { $manifest = $dir . '/' . $v . '/' . $this->manifest; if (!WindFile::isFile($manifest)) { continue; } if (($r = $this->_doCss($dir . '/' . $v)) instanceof PwError) { return $r; } } } }
/** * 后台首页处理方法 */ public function run() { //TODO 后台默认首页内容扩展支持 list($groupType) = $this->getInput(array('type'), 'get'); $groupType or $groupType = 'member'; $groups = $this->_getGroupDs()->getGroupsByTypeInUpgradeOrder($groupType); if ('member' == $groupType) { $points = array(); $last = ''; foreach ($groups as $gid => $_item) { $points[] = $_item['points']; $last = $_item['points']; } $points[] = 999999999; $this->setOutput($points, 'points'); } //用户组类型 $groupTypes = $this->_getGroupDs()->getGroupTypes(); $typeClasses = array(); foreach ($groupTypes as $v) { $typeClasses[$v] = $groupType == $v ? ' class="current"' : ''; //TODO } //level images $imageDir = Wind::getRealDir('PUBLIC:res.images.level') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //$imageDir = sprintf('%s/www/res/images/level/',dirname(rtrim(WEKIT_PATH,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); $imageUrl = sprintf('%s/level', Wekit::url()->images); $imageFiles = array(); if (is_dir($imageDir)) { if (false !== ($dh = opendir($imageDir))) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (filetype($imageDir . $file) == 'dir') { continue; } $imageFiles[] = $file; } closedir($dh); } } natcasesort($imageFiles); $this->setOutput($imageUrl, 'imageUrl'); $this->setOutput($imageFiles, 'imageFiles'); $this->setOutput($groupType, 'groupType'); $this->setOutput($typeClasses, 'typeClasses'); $this->setOutput($groups, 'groups'); }
public function defaultAvatar($uid, $type = 'face') { Wind::import('WINDID:service.upload.WindidUpload'); $_avatar = array('.jpg' => '_big.jpg', '_middle.jpg' => '_middle.jpg', '_small.jpg' => '_small.jpg'); $defaultBanDir = Wind::getRealDir('PUBLIC:') . 'res/images/face/'; Wind::import('WINDID:service.config.srv.WindidStoreService'); $srv = new WindidStoreService(); $store = $srv->getStore(); $fileDir = '/avatar/' . Windid::getUserDir($uid) . '/'; foreach ($_avatar as $des => $org) { $toPath = $store->getAbsolutePath($uid . $des, $fileDir); $fromPath = $defaultBanDir . $type . $org; WindidUpload::createFolder(dirname($toPath)); WindidUpload::copyFile($fromPath, $toPath); $store->save($toPath, $fileDir . $uid . $des); } return true; }
/** * 安装过程中风格的初始化 * */ public function init() { $install = Wekit::load('APPS:appcenter.service.srv.PwInstallApplication'); $configBo = new PwConfigSet('site'); $config = $install->getConfig('style-type'); foreach ($config as $k => $v) { $configBo->set("theme.{$k}.pack", $v[1]); $pack = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:' . str_replace('/', '.', $v[1]) . '.default'); $id = $this->install($pack); if (!$id) { continue; } $dm = new PwStyleDm(); $dm->setAppid($id)->setIsCurrent(1); $this->_styleDs()->updateStyle($dm); $configBo->set("theme.{$k}.default", 'default'); } $configBo->flush(); }
public function getNavType() { $navType = array(); $dir = Wind::getRealDir('SRV:nav.srv.navtype.'); $list = WindFolder::read($dir, WindFolder::READ_FILE); foreach ($list as $v) { $v = $dir . $v; if (!is_file($v)) { continue; } $types = @(include $v); foreach ($types as $type) { if (!isset($type['type'])) { continue; } $navType[$type['type']] = $type['name']; } } return $navType; }
public function doCompile() { $JS_DEV_PATH = Wind::getRealDir(''); $JS_BUILD_PATH = Wind::getRealDir(''); Wind::import('Wind:utility.WindFolder'); $files = $this->_getFiles($JS_DEV_PATH); foreach ($files as $file) { $newfile = $JS_BUILD_PATH . substr($file, strlen($JS_DEV_PATH)); WindFolder::mkRecur(dirname($newfile)); if (substr($file, -3) != '.js') { if (!copy($file, $newfile)) { return new PwError('copy failed'); } continue; } $content = WindFile::read($file); $compress = jscompress::pack($content); if (!WindFile::write($newfile, $compress)) { return new PwError('write failed'); } } }
public function moduleAction() { $moduleId = (int) $this->getInput('moduleid', 'post'); Wind::import(''); $bo = new PwDesignModuleBo($moduleId); $module = $bo->getModule(); if ($module['isused']) { $this->setTemplate(''); } $bo->setStdId(); $key = Wekit::load('design.srv.display.PwDesignDisplay')->bindDataKey($moduleId); $data[$key] = $bo->getData(true, false); $this->setOutput($data, '__design_data'); list($theme, ) = $this->getForward()->getWindView()->getTheme(); if (is_array($theme)) { list($theme, $pack) = $theme; } if (!$theme) { $theme = 'default'; } WindFolder::rm(Wind::getRealDir('DATA:compile.template.' . $theme . '.design.segment.'), true); $this->setTemplate('TPL:design.segment.module'); }
/** * 查找未安装的风格 * * @return array 未安装的风格名 */ public function getUnInstalledThemes() { $config = Wekit::load('APPCENTER:service.srv.PwInstallApplication')->getConfig('style-type'); $themes = array(); foreach ($config as $k => $v) { $dir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:' . $v[1]); $files = WindFolder::read($dir, WindFolder::READ_DIR); foreach ($files as $file) { if (WindFile::isFile($dir . '/' . $file . '/' . $this->manifest)) { $themes[$k][] = $file; } } } if (empty($themes)) { return array(); } $styles = array(); foreach ($themes as $k => $v) { $r = $this->_styleDs()->fetchStyleByAliasAndType($v, $k, 'alias'); $r = array_diff($v, array_keys($r)); $r && ($styles[$k] = $r); } return $styles; }
private static function _setAudioPath() { self::$_audioPath = Wind::getRealDir(self::$path . 'audio'); }
/** * 导出压缩包 * */ public function exportAction() { $alias = $this->getInput('alias', 'get'); Wind::import('LIB:utility.PwZip'); $dir = Wind::getRealDir('EXT:' . $alias); if (!is_dir($dir)) { $this->showError('fail'); } $target = Wind::getRealPath('DATA:tmp.' . $alias . '.zip', true); PwApplicationHelper::zip($dir, $target); $timestamp = Pw::getTime(); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $timestamp + 86400) . ' GMT'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $timestamp + 86400) . ' GMT'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Cache-control', 'max-age=86400'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-zip-compressed'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $alias . '.zip'); $this->getResponse()->sendHeaders(); @readfile($target); WindFile::del($target); $this->getResponse()->sendBody(); exit; }
/** * 自定义页面升级 start * * @return boolean */ protected function _designUpgrade() { Wind::import('SRV:design.srv.vo.PwDesignPortalSo'); $vo = new PwDesignPortalSo(); $vo->setIsopen(1); $list = $this->_getPortalDs()->searchPortal($vo, 0, 100); $dirList = array(); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { if (empty($v['template'])) { $dirList[$k] = $v['id']; } } $dir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:portal.local.'); $_dir = array(); if (!is_dir($dir)) { return array(); } if (!($handle = @opendir($dir))) { return array(); } while (false !== ($file = @readdir($handle))) { if ('.' === $file || '..' === $file) { continue; } $fileName = $dir . $file; if (is_file($fileName)) { continue; } elseif (is_dir($fileName) && is_numeric($file)) { $key = array_search($file, $dirList); unset($dirList[$k]); if ((int) $file != $file) { continue; } $tplPath = 'special_' . $file; Wind::import(''); $dm = new PwDesignPortalDm($file); $dm->setTemplate($tplPath); Wekit::load('design.PwDesignPortal')->updatePortal($dm); $this->copyRecur($fileName, $dir . $tplPath . '/'); } } $srv = Wekit::load('design.srv.PwDesignService'); foreach ($dirList as $k => $v) { $tplPath = 'special_' . $v; $result = $srv->defaultTemplate($k, $tplPath); if ($result) { WindFile::write($dir . $tplPath . '/template/index.htm', $this->_tpl()); Wind::import(''); $dm = new PwDesignPortalDm($v); $dm->setTemplate($tplPath); Wekit::load('design.PwDesignPortal')->updatePortal($dm); } } @closedir($handle); return true; }
/** * 解析资源文件路径信息 * * @param string $package * @return string */ protected function resolvedPath($package) { $this->path || ($this->path = Wind::getRootPath(Wind::getAppName())); $this->language || ($this->language = $this->getRequest()->getAcceptLanguage()); $path = $this->path . '/' . $this->language . '/' . strtolower($package); $path = Wind::getRealDir(trim($path, '/'), true); return $path; }
/** * 获取水印文件列表 * * @return array */ protected static function getWaterMarkList() { $_path = Wind::getRealDir('REP:mark.'); return WindFolder::read($_path); }
public function defaultAvatar($uid, $type = 'face') { Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $_avatar = array('.jpg' => '_big.jpg', '_middle.jpg' => '_middle.jpg', '_small.jpg' => '_small.jpg'); $defaultBanDir = Wind::getRealDir('RES:') . 'images/face/'; $store = Wind::getComponent('storage'); $fileDir = 'avatar/' . Pw::getUserDir($uid) . '/'; foreach ($_avatar as $des => $org) { $toPath = $store->getAbsolutePath($uid . $des, $fileDir); $fromPath = $defaultBanDir . $type . $org; PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($toPath)); PwUpload::copyFile($fromPath, $toPath); $store->save($toPath, $fileDir . $uid . $des); } return true; }
/** * 清除tpl缓存 * * @return boolean */ public function refreshTplCache() { WindFolder::rm(Wind::getRealDir('DATA:compile'), true); WindFolder::rm(Wind::getRealDir('DATA:design.template'), true); return true; }
protected function getRealPath($outFile) { if (!$this->store instanceof PwStorageLocal) { $localDir = Wind::getRealDir('PUBLIC:') . PUBLIC_ATTACH . '/_tmp/'; $path = $this->getImage($this->store->get($this->image, 0), $localDir, $outFile); } else { $path = Wind::getRealDir('PUBLIC:') . PUBLIC_ATTACH . '/' . $this->image; } return $path; }
public static function log($msg, $version, $start = false) { static $log; if (!$log) { $log = Wind::getRealDir('DATA:upgrade.log', true) . '/' . $version . '.log'; WindFolder::mkRecur(dirname($log)); } $status = $start ? WindFile::READWRITE : WindFile::APPEND_WRITEREAD; WindFile::write($log, "\r\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i') . ' ' . $msg, $status); }
public function flushLog() { if ($this->target) { $logFile = Wind::getRealDir('DATA:upgrade.log', true) . '/' . $this->target . '.log'; if (file_exists($logFile) && ($log = WindFile::read($logFile))) { Wekit::load('patch.PwUpgradeLog')->addLog($this->target, substr($log, 0, 60000)); } } }
/** * 对模块进行删除 * PS:不是真正的删除,记录为isused = 0状态 */ public function deleteAction() { $moduleid = (int) $this->getInput('moduleid', 'post'); $module = $this->_getModuleDs()->getModule($moduleid); if (!$module || $module['page_id'] < 1) { $this->showError(''); } Wekit::load('design.PwDesignPermissions'); $permissions = $this->_getPermissionsService()->getPermissionsForModule($this->loginUser->uid, $moduleid); if ($permissions < PwDesignPermissions::IS_DESIGN) { $this->showError(""); } Wind::import(''); $pageBo = new PwDesignPageBo($module['page_id']); if ($pageBo->getLock()) { $this->showError('DESIGN:page.edit.other.user'); } Wind::import(''); $dm = new PwDesignModuleDm($moduleid); $dm->setIsused(0); $resource = $this->_getModuleDs()->updateModule($dm); if ($resource instanceof PwError) { $this->showError($resource->getError()); } //if (!$this->_getModuleDs()->deleteModule($moduleid)) $this->showMessage(""); $this->_getDataDs()->deleteByModuleId($moduleid); Wekit::load('design.PwDesignPush')->deleteByModuleId($moduleid); //删除导入数据的模版内容 $dir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:portal.local.'); $path = $dir . $pageBo->getTplPath() . '/template/'; $files = WindFolder::read($path, WindFolder::READ_FILE); foreach ($files as $file) { $filePath = $path . $file; $content = WindFile::read($filePath); if (!$content) { continue; } $tmp = preg_replace('/\\<pw-list\\s*id=\\"' . $moduleid . '\\"\\s*>(.+)<\\/pw-list>/isU', '', $content); if ($tmp != $content) { WindFile::write($filePath, $tmp); } } $this->showMessage("operate.success"); }
/** * @param $dirName * @return unknown_type */ public function __construct($fileName = null) { $this->_bsize = 1024; $this->_dirName = $fileName ? dirname($fileName) : Wind::getRealDir('REP:ipdata'); $this->_indexFile = $this->_dirName . '/ipindex.dat'; }
/** * 自定义页默认模版 */ public function defaultTemplate($pageid, $tplPath) { $fromDir = Wind::getRealDir('TPL:special.default'); $toDir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:portal.local.' . $tplPath); if ($this->copyRecur($fromDir, $toDir)) { return true; } return false; }
/** * 更新成功后备份 * * @return multitype:string */ private function _backSuccess() { $data_dir = Wind::getRealDir('DATA:'); $suffix = '[' . Pw::time2str(WEKIT_TIMESTAMP, 'Y-m-d Hi') . ']'; $up_source = $data_dir . 'upgrade'; $up_target = $data_dir . 'upgrade' . $suffix; PwApplicationHelper::copyRecursive($up_source, $up_target); $status = Wekit::cache()->get('system_upgrade'); $ba_source = $data_dir . 'backup' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpwind_' . str_replace('.', '', $status['oldversion']) . '_' . $status['oldrelease']; $ba_target = $data_dir . 'backup' . $suffix; PwApplicationHelper::copyRecursive($ba_source, $ba_target); WindFolder::clearRecur($up_source, true); WindFolder::clearRecur($ba_source, true); return array($up_target, $ba_target); }
public function generate() { $addons = Wekit::load('APPS:appcenter.service.srv.PwInstallApplication')->getConfig('style-type'); $base = str_replace('/', '.', $addons[$this->style_type][1]); $this->defaultDir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:' . $base . '.default'); if (!is_dir($this->defaultDir)) { return new PwError(''); } $this->baseDir = Wind::getRealDir('THEMES:' . $base . '.' . $this->alias); if (is_dir($this->baseDir)) { return new PwError('APPCENTER:alias.exist'); } WindFolder::mkRecur($this->baseDir); Wind::import('APPS:appcenter.service.srv.helper.PwSystemHelper'); $writable = PwSystemHelper::checkWriteAble($this->baseDir . '/'); if (!$writable) { return new PwError(''); } PwApplicationHelper::copyRecursive($this->defaultDir, $this->baseDir); $file = $this->baseDir . '/Manifest.xml'; Wind::import('WIND:parser.WindXmlParser'); $parser = new WindXmlParser(); $manifest = $parser->parse($file); $manifest['application']['name'] = $this->name; $manifest['application']['alias'] = $this->alias; $manifest['application']['description'] = $this->description; $manifest['application']['version'] = $this->version; $manifest['application']['pw-version'] = $this->pwversion; $manifest['application']['website'] = $this->website; $manifest['application']['author-name'] = $this->author; $manifest['application']['author-email'] = $this->email; $parser = new WindXmlParser(); $manifest = str_replace('><', ">\n\t<", $parser->parseToXml(array('manifest' => $manifest), Wind::getApp()->getResponse()->getCharset())); WindFile::write($this->baseDir . '/Manifest.xml', $manifest); return 'THEMES:' . $base . '.' . $this->alias; }
public function getAbsoluteFile() { return Wind::getRealDir('PUBLIC:') . PUBLIC_ATTACH . '/' . $this->dir . $this->filename; }
public function initWaterWay() { if ($this->type == 1) { $water = new PwImage(Wind::getRealDir('REP:mark') . '/' . $this->file); if (!$water->isImage() || !$water->getSource()) { return false; } } else { if (!$this->text || strlen($this->fontcolor) != 7) { return false; } empty($this->fontfamily) && ($this->fontfamily = 'en_arial.ttf'); empty($this->fontsize) && ($this->fontsize = 12); $this->fontfile = Wind::getRealDir('REP:font') . '/' . $this->fontfamily; $temp = imagettfbbox($this->fontsize, 0, $this->fontfile, $this->text); //取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围 $water = new stdClass(); $water->width = $temp[2] - $temp[6]; $water->height = $temp[3] - $temp[7]; unset($temp); } return $water; }