コード例 #1
ファイル: fixbacklinks.php プロジェクト: ahastudio/moniwiki
function do_post_fixbacklinks($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $options['name'] = trim($options['name']);
    $new = $options['name'];
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_namespace) and $new[0] == '~' and ($p = strpos($new, '/')) !== false) {
        // Namespace renaming ~foo/bar -> foo~bar
        $dummy = substr($new, 1, $p - 1);
        $dummy2 = substr($new, $p + 1);
        $options['name'] = $dummy . '~' . $dummy2;
    if (isset($options['name'][0]) and $options['name']) {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['name'])) {
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $new_encodedname = _rawurlencode($options['name']);
            $fixed = 0;
            $msg = '';
            $title = sprintf(_("backlinks of \"%s\" page are fixed !"), $options['page']);
            $comment = sprintf(_("Fixed \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $options['page'], $options['name']);
            if ($options['pagenames'] and is_array($options['pagenames'])) {
                $regex = preg_quote($options['page']);
                //$options['minor'] = 1; # disable log
                foreach ($options['pagenames'] as $page) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page);
                    if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $nbody = preg_replace("/{$regex}/m", $options['name'], $body);
                    // FIXME
                    if ($nbody !== false && $body != $nbody) {
                        if (!$options['show_only']) {
                            $DBInfo->savePage($f->page, $comment, $options);
                        $msg .= sprintf(_("'%s' is changed"), $f->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname, _html_escape($page))) . "<br />";
            if ($fixed == 0) {
                $title = _("No pages are fixed!");
            $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
            if ($fixed > 0) {
                print $msg;
                print sprintf(_("'%s' links are successfully fixed as '%s'."), _html_escape($options['page']), $formatter->link_tag($new_encodedname, "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname, _html_escape($options['name'])));
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("Fail to fix backlinks of \"%s\" !"), $options['page']);
            $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("New pagename \"%s\" is not exists!"), $options['name']);
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $title = sprintf(_("Fix backlinks of \"%s\" ?"), $options['page']);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    $obtn = _("Old name:");
    $nbtn = _("New name:");
    $pgname = _html_escape($options['page']);
    print "<form method='post'>\n        <table border='0'>\n        <tr><td align='right'>{$obtn} </td><td><b>{$pgname}</b></td></tr>\n        <tr><td align='right'>{$nbtn} </td><td><input name='name' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['value']) and $options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        $button = _("Fix backlinks");
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n";
        print check_backlinks($formatter, $options);
        print "</td></tr>\n";
    } else {
        $button = _("Check backlinks");
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("fixbacklinks", $options)) {
        print "<tr><td align='right'>" . _("Password") . ": </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd' /> " . _("Only WikiMaster can fix backlinks of this page") . "</td></tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['value']) and $options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='show_only' checked='checked' />" . _("show only") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='button_fixbacklinks' value='{$button}' />";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='value' value='check_backlinks' />";
    print "</td></tr>\n";
    print "\n        </table>\n        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fixbacklinks' />\n        </form>";
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
コード例 #2
ファイル: FullSearch.php プロジェクト: reviforks/moniwiki
function macro_FullSearch($formatter, $value = "", &$opts)
    global $DBInfo;
    $needle = $value;
    if ($value === true) {
        $needle = $value = $formatter->page->name;
        $options['noexpr'] = 1;
    } else {
        # for MoinMoin compatibility with [[FullSearch("blah blah")]]
        #$needle = preg_replace("/^('|\")([^\\1]*)\\1/","\\2",$value);
        $needle = $value;
    // for pagination
    $offset = '';
    if (!empty($opts['offset']) and is_numeric($opts['offset'])) {
        if ($opts['offset'] > 0) {
            $offset = $opts['offset'];
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $fneedle = _html_escape($needle);
    $tooshort = !empty($DBInfo->fullsearch_tooshort) ? $DBInfo->fullsearch_tooshort : 2;
    $m1 = _("Display context of search results");
    $m2 = _("Search BackLinks only");
    $m3 = _("Case-sensitive searching");
    $msg = _("Go");
    $bchecked = !empty($DBInfo->use_backlinks) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $form = <<<EOF
<form method='get' action='{$url}'>
   <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fullsearch' />
   <input name='value' size='30' value="{$fneedle}" />
   <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span><br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='backlinks' value='1' {$bchecked} />{$m2}<br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='context' value='20' />{$m1}<br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='case' value='1' />{$m3}<br />
    if (!isset($needle[0]) or !empty($opts['form'])) {
        # or blah blah
        $opts['msg'] = _("No search text");
        return $form;
    $opts['form'] = $form;
    # XXX
    $excl = array();
    $incl = array();
    if (!empty($opts['noexpr'])) {
        $tmp = preg_split("/\\s+/", $needle);
        $needle = $value = join('|', $tmp);
        $raw_needle = implode(' ', $tmp);
        $needle = preg_quote($needle);
    } else {
        if (empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
            $terms = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)[-+]?"[^"]+?"(?!\\S)|\\S+)/s', $needle, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $common_words = array('the', 'that', 'where', 'what', 'who', 'how', 'too', 'are');
            $common = array();
            foreach ($terms as $term) {
                if (trim($term) == '') {
                if (preg_match('/^([-+]?)("?)([^\\2]+?)\\2$/', $term, $match)) {
                    $word = str_replace(array('\\', '.', '*'), '', $match[3]);
                    $len = strlen($word);
                    if (!$match[1] and $match[2] != '"') {
                        if ($len < $tooshort or in_array($word, $common_words)) {
                            $common[] = $word;
                    if ($match[1] == '-') {
                        $excl[] = $word;
                    } else {
                        $incl[] = $word;
            $needle = implode('|', $incl);
            $needle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
            $raw_needle = implode(' ', $incl);
            $test = validate_needle($needle);
            if ($test === false) {
                // invalid regex
                $tmp = array_map('preg_quote', $incl);
                $needle = implode('|', $tmp);
            $excl_needle = implode('|', $excl);
            $test = validate_needle($excl_needle);
            if ($test2 === false) {
                // invalid regex
                $tmp = array_map('preg_quote', $excl);
                $excl_needle = implode('|', $tmp);
        } else {
            $cneedle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
            $test = validate_needle($cneedle);
            if ($test === false) {
                $needle = preg_quote($needle);
            } else {
                $needle = $cneedle;
    $test3 = trim($needle);
    if (!isset($test3[0])) {
        $opts['msg'] = _("Empty expression");
        return $form;
    # set arena and sid
    if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
        $arena = 'backlinks';
    } else {
        if (!empty($opts['keywords'])) {
            $arena = 'keywords';
        } else {
            $arena = 'fullsearch';
    if ($arena == 'fullsearch') {
        $sid = md5($value . 'v' . $offset);
    } else {
        $sid = $value;
    $delay = !empty($DBInfo->default_delaytime) ? $DBInfo->default_delaytime : 0;
    # retrieve cache
    $fc = new Cache_text($arena);
    if (!$formatter->refresh and $fc->exists($sid)) {
        $data = $fc->fetch($sid);
        if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
            // backlinks are not needed to check it.
            $hits = $data;
            // also fetch redirects
            $r = new Cache_Text('redirects');
            $redirects = $r->fetch($sid);
        } else {
            if (is_array($data)) {
                # check cache mtime
                $cmt = $fc->mtime($sid);
                # check update or not
                $dmt = $DBInfo->mtime();
                if ($dmt > $cmt + $delay) {
                    # XXX crude method
                    $data = array();
                } else {
                    # XXX smart but incomplete method
                    if (isset($data['hits'])) {
                        $hits =& $data['hits'];
                    } else {
                        $hits =& $data;
                    foreach ($hits as $p => $c) {
                        $mp = $DBInfo->getPage($p);
                        $mt = $mp->mtime();
                        if ($mt > $cmt + $delay) {
                            $data = array();
                if (isset($data['searched'])) {
                } else {
                    if (!empty($data)) {
                        $hits = $data;
    $pattern = '/' . $needle . '/';
    if (!empty($excl_needle)) {
        $excl_pattern = '/' . $excl_needle . '/';
    if (!empty($opts['case'])) {
        $pattern .= "i";
        $excl_pattern .= "i";
    if (isset($hits)) {
        if (in_array($arena, array('backlinks', 'keywords'))) {
            $test = key($hits);
            if (is_int($test) and $hits[$test] != -1) {
                // fix compatible issue for keywords, backlinks
                $hits = array_flip($hits);
                foreach ($hits as $k => $v) {
                    $hits[$k] = -1;
            // check invert redirect index
            if (!empty($redirects)) {
                $redirects = array_flip($redirects);
                foreach ($redirects as $k => $v) {
                    $hits[$k] = -2;
    } else {
        $hits = array();
        if (!empty($opts['backlinks']) and empty($DBInfo->use_backlink_search)) {
            $hits = array();
        } else {
            if (!empty($opts['keywords']) and empty($DBInfo->use_keyword_search)) {
                $hits = array();
            } else {
                if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
                    $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists();
                    #$opts['context']=-1; # turn off context-matching
                    $cache = new Cache_text("pagelinks");
                    foreach ($pages as $page_name) {
                        $links = $cache->fetch($page_name);
                        if (is_array($links)) {
                            if (in_array($value, $links)) {
                                $hits[$page_name] = -1;
                            // ignore count if < 0
                } else {
                    if (!empty($opts['keywords'])) {
                        $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists();
                        $opts['context'] = -1;
                        # turn off context-matching
                        $cache = new Cache_text("keyword");
                        foreach ($pages as $page_name) {
                            $links = $cache->fetch($page_name);
                            // XXX
                            if (is_array($links)) {
                                if (stristr(implode(' ', $links), $needle)) {
                                    $hits[$page_name] = -1;
                                // ignore count if < 0
                    } else {
                        $params = array();
                        $ret = array();
                        $params['ret'] =& $ret;
                        $params['offset'] = $offset;
                        $params['search'] = 1;
                        $params['incl'] = $incl;
                        $params['excl'] = $excl;
                        $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists($params);
                        // set time_limit
                        $mt = explode(' ', microtime());
                        $timestamp = $mt[0] + $mt[1];
                        $j = 0;
                        $time_limit = isset($DBInfo->process_time_limit) ? $DBInfo->process_time_limit : 3;
                        // default 3-seconds
                        $j = 0;
                        while (list($_, $page_name) = each($pages)) {
                            // check time_limit
                            if ($time_limit and $j % 30 == 0) {
                                $mt = explode(' ', microtime());
                                $now = $mt[0] + $mt[1];
                                if ($now - $timestamp > $time_limit) {
                            $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                            if (!$p->exists()) {
                            $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                            #$count = count(preg_split($pattern, $body))-1;
                            $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $body, $matches);
                            if ($count) {
                                foreach ($excl as $ex) {
                                    if (stristr($body, $ex)) {
                                foreach ($incl as $in) {
                                    if (!stristr($body, $in)) {
                                $hits[$page_name] = $count;
                        $searched = $j > 0 ? $j : 0;
                        $offset = !empty($offset) ? $offset + $j : $j;
        $name = array_keys($hits);
        array_multisort($hits, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC);
        if (in_array($arena, array('backlinks', 'keywords'))) {
            $fc->update($sid, $name);
        } else {
            $fc->update($sid, array('hits' => $hits, 'offset' => $offset, 'searched' => $searched));
    $opts['hits'] = $hits;
    $opts['hit'] = count($hits);
    $opts['all'] = $DBInfo->getCounter();
    if ($opts['all'] > $searched) {
        $opts['next'] = $offset;
        $opts['searched'] = $searched;
    if (!empty($opts['call'])) {
        return $hits;
    $out = "<!-- RESULT LIST START -->";
    // for search plugin
    $out .= "<ul class='fullsearchResult'>";
    $idx = 1;
    $checkbox = '';
    while (list($page_name, $count) = each($hits)) {
        $pgname = _html_escape($page_name);
        if (!empty($opts['checkbox'])) {
            $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='pagenames[]' value=\"{$pgname}\" />";
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->';
        // for search plugin
        $out .= '<li>' . $checkbox . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=highlight&amp;value=' . _urlencode($value), $pgname, 'tabindex="' . $idx . '"');
        if ($count > 0) {
            $out .= ' . . . . ' . sprintf($count == 1 ? _("%d match") : _("%d matches"), $count);
        } else {
            if ($count == -2) {
                $out .= " <span class='redirectIcon'><span>" . _("Redirect page") . "</span></span>\n";
        if (!empty($opts['context']) and $opts['context'] > 0) {
            # search matching contexts
            $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
            if ($p->exists()) {
                $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                $out .= find_needle($body, $needle, $excl_needle, $opts['context']);
        $out .= "</li>\n";
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM END -->';
        // for search plugin
        #if ($idx > 50) break;
    $out .= "</ul>\n";
    $out .= "<!-- RESULT LIST END -->";
    // for search plugin
    return $out;
コード例 #3
ファイル: rename.php プロジェクト: NessunKim/MW_Skins
function do_post_rename($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $new = $options['name'];
    if ($new[0] == '~' and ($p = strpos($new, '/')) !== false) {
        // Namespace renaming
        $dummy = substr($new, 1, $p - 1);
        $dummy2 = substr($new, $p + 1);
        $options['name'] = $dummy . '~' . $dummy2;
    if (isset($options['name']) and trim($options['name'])) {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['page']) && !$DBInfo->hasPage($options['name'])) {
            $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is renamed !"), $options['page']);
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
            $new_encodedname = _rawurlencode($options['name']);
            if ($options['pagenames'] and is_array($options['pagenames'])) {
                $regex = preg_quote($options['page']);
                $options['minor'] = 1;
                foreach ($options['pagenames'] as $page) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page);
                    if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $body = preg_replace("/{$regex}/m", $options['name'], $body);
                    if (!$options['show_only']) {
                        $DBInfo->savePage($f->page, '', $options);
                    $msg .= sprintf(_("'%s' is changed"), $f->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname)) . "<br />";
            print $msg;
            if (!$options['show_only']) {
                $DBInfo->renamePage($options['page'], $options['name'], $options);
            print sprintf(_("'%s' is renamed as '%s' successfully."), $options['page'], $formatter->link_tag($options['name'], "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname));
            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("Fail to rename \"%s\" !"), $options['page']);
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
    $title = sprintf(_("Rename \"%s\" ?"), $options['page']);
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    #<tr><td align='right'><input type='checkbox' name='show' checked='checked' />show only </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd'>
    $obtn = _("Old name:");
    $nbtn = _("New name:");
    print "<form method='post'>\n<table border='0'>\n<tr><td align='right'>{$obtn} </td><td><b>{$options['page']}</b></td></tr>\n<tr><td align='right'>{$nbtn} </td><td><input name='name' /></td></tr>\n";
    $rename_button = _("Rename");
    if ($options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n";
        print check_backlinks($formatter, $options);
        print "</td></tr>\n";
        $rename_button = _("Rename and fix Backlinks");
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("rename", $options)) {
        print "<tr><td align='right'>" . _("Password") . ": </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd' /> " . _("Only WikiMaster can rename this page") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='history' />" . _("with revision history") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='show_only' checked='checked' />" . _("show only") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='button_rename' value='{$rename_button}' />";
    print " <a href='?action=rename&value=check_backlinks'>" . _("Check backlinks") . "</a>";
    print "</td></tr>\n";
    print "\n</table>\n    <input type=hidden name='action' value='rename' />\n    </form>";
    #  $formatter->send_page();
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
コード例 #4
ファイル: rss_rc.php プロジェクト: ahastudio/moniwiki
function do_rss_rc($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    // get members to hide log
    $members = $DBInfo->members;
    $days = !empty($DBInfo->rc_days) ? $DBInfo->rc_days : RSS_DEFAULT_DAYS;
    $options['quick'] = 1;
    if (!empty($options['c'])) {
        $options['items'] = $options['c'];
    $lines = $DBInfo->editlog_raw_lines($days, $options);
    if (!empty($DBInfo->rss_rc_options)) {
        $opts = $DBInfo->rss_rc_options;
        $opts = explode(',', $opts);
        foreach ($opts as $opt) {
            $options[$opt] = 1;
            // FIXME
    // HTTP conditional get
    $mtime = $DBInfo->mtime();
    $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $mtime);
    $cache_ttl = !empty($DBInfo->rss_rc_ttl) ? $DBInfo->rss_rc_ttl : 60;
    /* 60 seconds */
    // make etag based on some options and mtime.
    $check_opts = array('quick', 'items', 'oe', 'diffs', 'raw', 'nomsg', 'summary');
    $check = array();
    foreach ($check_opts as $c) {
        if (isset($options[$c])) {
            $check[$c] = $options[$c];
    $etag = md5($mtime . $DBInfo->logo_img . serialize($check) . $cache_ttl . $options['id']);
    $headers = array();
    $headers[] = 'Pragma: cache';
    $maxage = $cache_ttl;
    $public = 'public';
    if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
        $public = 'private';
    $headers[] = 'Cache-Control: ' . $public . ', max-age=' . $maxage;
    $headers[] = 'Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod;
    $headers[] = 'ETag: "' . $etag . '"';
    $need = http_need_cond_request($mtime, $lastmod, $etag);
    if (!$need) {
        $headers[] = 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified';
    foreach ($headers as $h) {
    if (!$need) {
    $cache = new Cache_Text('rss_rc');
    $cache_delay = min($cache_ttl, 30);
    $mtime = $cache->mtime($etag);
    $val = false;
    if (empty($formatter->refresh)) {
        if (($val = $cache->fetch($etag)) !== false and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($mtime, $cache_delay)) {
            header("Content-Type: text/xml");
            echo $val;
    // need to update cache
    if ($val !== false and $cache->exists($etag . '.lock')) {
        header("Content-Type: text/xml");
        echo $val . '<!-- cached at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mtime) . ' -->';
    if ($cache->exists($etag . '.lock')) {
        header("Content-Type: text/xml");
        echo '';
    $cache->update($etag . '.lock', array('lock'), 5);
    // 5s lock
    $time_current = time();
    #  $secs_per_day= 60*60*24;
    #  $days_to_show= 30;
    #  $time_cutoff= $time_current - ($days_to_show * $secs_per_day);
    $URL = qualifiedURL($formatter->prefix);
    $img_url = qualifiedURL($DBInfo->logo_img);
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("RecentChanges"));
    $channel = <<<CHANNEL
<channel rdf:about="{$URL}">
  <description>RecentChanges at {$DBInfo->sitename}</description>
  <image rdf:resource="{$img_url}"></image>

    $items = "";
    $ratchet_day = FALSE;
    if (!$lines) {
        $lines = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $parts = explode("\t", $line);
        $page_name = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($parts[0]);
        // hide log
        if (!empty($members) && !in_array($options['id'], $members) && !empty($Config['ruleset']['hidelog'])) {
            if (in_array($page_name, $Config['ruleset']['hidelog'])) {
        $addr = $parts[1];
        $ed_time = $parts[2];
        $user = $parts[4];
        $log = _stripslashes($parts[5]);
        $act = rtrim($parts[6]);
        #    if ($ed_time < $time_cutoff)
        #      break;
        $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name)));
        $diff_url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=diff'));
        $extra = "<br /><a href='{$diff_url}'>" . _("show changes") . "</a>\n";
        if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
            $status = 'deleted';
            $html = '<![CDATA[' . "<a href='{$url}'>" . $page_name . "</a> is deleted" . ']]>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $status = 'updated';
            if (!empty($options['diffs'])) {
                $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                $f = new Formatter($p);
                $options['raw'] = 1;
                $options['nomsg'] = 1;
                $html = $f->macro_repl('Diff', '', $options);
                if (!$html) {
                    $f->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
                    $html = ob_get_contents();
                    $extra = '';
                $html = str_replace(']', '&#93;', $html);
                $html = "<![CDATA[" . $html . $extra . "]]>";
            } else {
                if (!empty($options['summary'])) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $f->section_edit = 0;
                    $f->sister_on = 0;
                    $f->perma_icon = '';
                    $options['nomsg'] = 1;
                    $b = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $chunks = preg_split('/\\n#{4,}/', $b);
                    # summary breaker is ####
                    if ($chunks) {
                        $f->send_page($chunks[0], array('fixpath' => 1));
                    } else {
                        $f->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
                    $html = ob_get_contents();
                    $chunks = preg_split('/<!-- break -->/', $html);
                    # <!-- break -->
                    if ($chunks[0]) {
                        $html = $chunks[0];
                    $html = str_replace(']', '&#93;', $html);
                    $html = "<![CDATA[" . $html . "]]>";
                } else {
                    $html = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $log);
        $zone = "+00:00";
        $date = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", $ed_time) . $zone;
        #$datetag = gmdate("YmdHis",$ed_time);
        $channel .= "<rdf:li rdf:resource=\"{$url}\"></rdf:li>\n";
        $valid_page_name = preg_replace('/&(?!#?\\w+;)/', '&amp;', _html_escape($page_name));
        $items .= "<item rdf:about=\"{$url}\">\n";
        $items .= "  <title>{$valid_page_name}</title>\n";
        $items .= "  <link>{$url}</link>\n";
        $items .= "  <description>{$html}</description>\n";
        $items .= "  <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date>\n";
        $items .= "<dc:creator>{$user}</dc:creator>\n";
        $items .= "<dc:contributor>{$user}</dc:contributor>\n";
        #    $items.="     <dc:contributor>\n     <rdf:Description>\n"
        #          ."     <rdf:value>$user</rdf:value>\n"
        #          ."     </rdf:Description>\n     </dc:contributor>\n";
        $items .= "     <wiki:status>{$status}</wiki:status>\n";
        $items .= "     <wiki:diff>{$diff_url}</wiki:diff>\n";
        $items .= "</item>\n";
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($DBInfo->frontpage));
    $channel .= <<<FOOT
<image rdf:about="{$img_url}">

    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("FindPage"));
    $form = <<<FORM

    $new = "";
    if (!empty($options['oe']) and strtolower($options['oe']) != $DBInfo->charset) {
        $charset = $options['oe'];
        if (function_exists('iconv')) {
            $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form;
            $new = iconv($DBInfo->charset, $charset, $out);
            if (!$new) {
                $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    } else {
        $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    $head = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$charset}"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/css/_feed.css" type="text/css"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"
    Add "diffs=1" to add change diffs to the description of each items.
    Add "summary=1" to add summary to the description of each items.
    Add "oe=utf-8" to convert the charset of this rss to UTF-8.

    header("Content-Type: text/xml");
    if ($new) {
        $out = $head . $new;
    } else {
        $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form;
    $out .= "</rdf:RDF>\n";
    echo $out;
    $cache->update($etag, $out);
    $cache->remove($etag . '.lock');
コード例 #5
ファイル: FastSearch.php プロジェクト: NessunKim/MW_Skins
function macro_FastSearch($formatter, $value = "", &$opts)
    global $DBInfo;
    $default_limit = isset($DBInfo->fastsearch_limit) ? $DBInfo->fastsearch_limit : 30;
    if ($value === true) {
        $needle = $value = $formatter->page->name;
    } else {
        # for MoinMoin compatibility with [[FullSearch("blah blah")]]
        $needle = $value = preg_replace("/^('|\")([^\\1]*)\\1/", "\\2", $value);
    $needle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
    $pattern = '/' . $needle . '/i';
    $fneedle = str_replace('"', "&#34;", $needle);
    # XXX
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $arena = 'fullsearch';
    $check1 = 'checked="checked"';
    $check2 = $check3 = '';
    if (in_array($opts['arena'], array('titlesearch', 'fullsearch', 'pagelinks'))) {
        $check1 = '';
        $arena = $opts['arena'];
        if ($arena == 'fullsearch') {
            $check1 = 'checked="checked"';
        } else {
            if ($arena == 'titlesearch') {
                $check2 = 'checked="checked"';
            } else {
                $check3 = 'checked="checked"';
    if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
        $arena = 'pagelinks';
        $check1 = '';
        $check3 = 'checked="checked"';
    $msg = _("Fast search");
    $msg2 = _("Display context of search results");
    $msg3 = _("Full text search");
    $msg4 = _("Title search");
    $msg5 = _("Link search");
    $form = <<<EOF
<form method='get' action='{$url}'>
   <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fastsearch' />
   <input name='value' size='30' value='{$fneedle}' />
   <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span><br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='context' value='20' />{$msg2}<br />
   <input type='radio' name='arena' value='fullsearch' {$check1} />{$msg3}
   <input type='radio' name='arena' value='titlesearch' {$check2} />{$msg4}
   <input type='radio' name='arena' value='pagelinks' {$check3} />{$msg5}<br />
    if (!isset($needle[0]) or !empty($opts['form'])) {
        # or blah blah
        $opts['msg'] = _("No search text");
        return $form;
    } else {
        if (validate_needle($needle) === false) {
            $opts['msg'] = sprintf(_("Invalid search expression \"%s\""), $needle);
            return $form;
    $DB = new Indexer_dba($arena, "r", $DBInfo->dba_type);
    if ($DB->db == null) {
        $opts['msg'] = _("Couldn't open search database, sorry.");
        $opts['hits'] = array();
        $opts['hit'] = 0;
        $opts['all'] = 0;
        return '';
    $opts['form'] = $form;
    $sc = new Cache_text("searchkey");
    if ($arena == "pagelinks") {
        $words = array($value);
    } else {
        $words = getTokens($value);
    // $words=explode(' ', strtolower($value));
    $idx = array();
    $new_words = array();
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        if ($sc->exists($word)) {
            $searchkeys = $sc->fetch($word);
        } else {
            $searchkeys = $DB->_search($word);
            $sc->update($word, $searchkeys);
        $new_words = array_merge($new_words, $searchkeys);
        $new_words = array_merge($idx, $DB->_search($word));
    $words = array_merge($words, $new_words);
    $word = array_shift($words);
    $idx = $DB->_fetchValues($word);
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        $ids = $DB->_fetchValues($word);
        // FIXME
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $idx[] = $id;
    $init_hits = array_count_values($idx);
    // initial hits
    $idx = array_keys($init_hits);
    $all_count = $DBInfo->getCounter();
    $pages = array();
    $hits = array();
    foreach ($idx as $id) {
        $key = $DB->_fetch($id);
        $pages[$id] = $key;
        $hits['_' . $key] = $init_hits[$id];
        // HACK. prefix '_' to numerical named pages
    if (!empty($_GET['q']) and isset($_GET['q'][0])) {
        return $pages;
    $context = !empty($opts['context']) ? $opts['context'] : 0;
    $limit = isset($opts['limit'][0]) ? $opts['limit'] : $default_limit;
    $contexts = array();
    if ($arena == 'fullsearch' || $arena == 'pagelinks') {
        $idx = 1;
        foreach ($pages as $page_name) {
            if (!empty($limit) and $idx > $limit) {
            $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
            if (!$p->exists()) {
            $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
            $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $body, $matches);
            // more precisely count matches
            if ($context) {
                # search matching contexts
                $contexts[$page_name] = find_needle($body, $needle, '', $context);
            $hits['_' . $page_name] = $count;
            // XXX hack for numerical named pages
    //uasort($hits, 'strcasecmp');
    //$order = 0;
    //uasort($hits, create_function('$a, $b', 'return ' . ($order ? '' : '-') . '(strcasecmp($a, $b));'));
    $name = array_keys($hits);
    array_multisort($hits, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC);
    $opts['hits'] = $hits;
    $opts['hit'] = count($hits);
    $opts['all'] = $all_count;
    if (!empty($opts['call'])) {
        return $hits;
    $out = "<!-- RESULT LIST START -->";
    // for search plugin
    $out .= "<ul>";
    $idx = 1;
    while (list($page_name, $count) = each($hits)) {
        $page_name = substr($page_name, 1);
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->';
        // for search plugin
        $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page_name), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . _urlencode($needle), $page_name, "tabindex='{$idx}'");
        if ($count > 1) {
            $out .= ' . . . . ' . sprintf($count == 1 ? _("%d match") : _("%d matches"), $count);
            if (!empty($contexts[$page_name])) {
                $out .= $contexts[$page_name];
        $out .= "</li>\n";
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM END -->';
        // for search plugin
        if (!empty($limit) and $idx > $limit) {
    $out .= "</ul>\n";
    $out .= "<!-- RESULT LIST END -->";
    // for search plugin
    return $out;