public static function getManifest($userId, array $tabs, $format = 'xml') { # Verify if tabs parameters is not empty if (count($tabs) == 0) { throw new MwwException(MwwException::MODEL, 'WidgetSapce::getManifest / tabs argument must contain a least one argument'); } # Init vars $db = DbUtil::accessFactory(); $userId = $db->escape($userId); $wsTabs = array(); # Process each tabs foreach ($tabs as $tabId) { # Init vars $tabId = $db->escape($tabId); $wsTabs[$tabId] = array(); # Get widgets for the given tab $rs = $db->select("SELECT * FROM `interface` WHERE `userid` = {$userId} AND `tab` = '{$tabId}'"); while ($rs->fetch()) { $widgetInstanceId = $rs->widgetinstanceid; $widgetId = WidgetInstances::getWidgetIdByInstanceId($widgetInstanceId); if (!$widgetId) { throw new MwwException(MwwException::MODEL, 'WidgetSapce::getManifest / A widget instance id seems to be not linked to a widget id...'); } # Save widget interface info $wsTabs[$tabId][$widgetInstanceId]['interface'] = array('widgetId' => $widgetId, 'column' => $rs->column, 'minimized' => $rs->minimized, 'position' => $rs->position); $wsTabs[$tabId][$widgetInstanceId]['userpreference'] = array(); # Get and save widget user preference info $rs_pref = $db->select("SELECT * FROM `interface_preferences` WHERE `userid` = {$userId} AND `widgetinstanceid` = {$widgetInstanceId}"); while ($rs_pref->fetch()) { $wsTabs[$tabId][$widgetInstanceId]['userpreference'][$rs_pref->preference] = $rs_pref->value; } } } # return widget space if ($format == 'raw') { return $wsTabs; } # Before the creating of xml, try to canonize the widget position $widgetsTabOrdored = array(); foreach ($wsTabs as $tabId => $tabInfo) { # Put widget into tab following their position in UI foreach ($tabInfo as $widgetInstanceId => $widgetInfo) { $widgetsTabOrdored[$tabId][$widgetInfo['interface']['column']][$widgetInfo['interface']['position']] = $widgetInfo; } } # Now canonize the position for each column $tmp = array(); foreach ($widgetsTabOrdored as $tabId => $tabInfo) { $tmp[$tabId] = array(); foreach ($tabInfo as $column => $columnContent) { $t = $columnContent; ksort($t); $n = count($t); foreach ($t as $oldKey => $content) { $tmp[$tabId][$column][] = $content; } # To start at 0 } } # To finish... $widgetsTabOrdored = $tmp; //var_dump($widgetsTabOrdored); # Now construct the xml output $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->formatOutput = true; $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; # Create the root node $wsXML = xa($doc, $doc, 'widgetspace'); foreach ($widgetsTabOrdored as $tabId => $tabInfo) { $tabXML = xa($doc, $wsXML, 'tabs' . xs . 'title=' . $tabId); # TODO : Add here tab properties # Add a Layout $layoutXML = xa($doc, $tabXML, 'layout' . xs . 'type=three_col_layout'); # Here widget must be added into section according to their order in the three_col_layout # Add widgets into layout foreach ($tabInfo as $columnPosition => $columnContent) { $sectionXML = xa($doc, $layoutXML, 'section' . xs . 'position=' . $columnPosition); # the position attribute is needed (because there are cases where specific column is empty) foreach ($columnContent as $position => $widgetInfo) { $i = $widgetInfo['interface']; $up = $widgetInfo['userpreference']; $widgetXML = xa($doc, $sectionXML, 'widget' . xs . 'widgetid=' . $i['widgetId'] . xs . 'minimized=' . $i['minimized']); foreach ($up as $prefname => $prefvalue) { $propertyXML = xa($doc, $widgetXML, 'property'); xa($doc, $propertyXML, 'name', $prefname); xa($doc, $propertyXML, 'value', $prefvalue); } } } } # return the XML Document return $doc; }
/** * Retrieves the XML manifest of a widget for a given user. Be carefull, the returned * manifest will not be exactly the same as the manifest deployed on the application server. * Actually, the return manifest will be provided with the preferences relevant with a given user, * and not the default values of the preferences as expected. * * @param integer $userId The user's identifier. * @param string $widgetInstanceId The widget's instance identifier. * @return string The requested manifest as a character stream. */ public static function retrieveWidgetManifest($userId, $widgetInstanceId) { $instanceIsRequested = is_numeric($widgetInstanceId); # Get the widget associated with the instance if ($instanceIsRequested) { $widgetId = WidgetInstances::getWidgetIdByInstanceId($widgetInstanceId); if (!$widgetId) { throw new MwwException(MwwException::MODEL, 'Unable to find the any widget instance [' . $widgetInstanceId . ']'); } } else { $widgetId = $widgetInstanceId; } // We load the document wich must be in the widgets direcory. try { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $doc->load('widgets/' . $widgetId . '/config.xml'); // Try to determine if l10n module is activate $l10nModule = $doc->getElementsByTagNameNS('', 'active_l10n_module'); if ($l10nModule->length == 1 && $l10nModule->item(0)->nodeValue == 'true') { # Now inject avalaible language into manifest $doc->createElementNS('', 'l10n_avalaible_language'); $l = Widgets::retrieveAvalaibleLanguage($widgetId); if (!empty($l)) { $l10nAvalaibleLanguageNode = $doc->createElementNS('', 'l10n_avalaible_language'); # Process All Avalaible language foreach ($l as $l10n_code => $l10n_label) { $langageNode = $doc->createElementNS('', 'l10n_langage'); $langageCodeNode = $doc->createAttribute('code'); $l10n_code = trim($l10n_code); $l10n_label = trim($l10n_label); $langageAttCodeValueNode = $doc->createTextNode($l10n_code); $langageLabelValueNode = $doc->createTextNode($l10n_label); $langageNode->appendChild($langageCodeNode); $langageCodeNode->appendChild($langageAttCodeValueNode); $langageNode->appendChild($langageLabelValueNode); $l10nAvalaibleLanguageNode->appendChild($langageNode); } $widget = $doc->getElementsByTagName('widget')->item(0); $widget->appendChild($l10nAvalaibleLanguageNode); } } if (VALIDATE_XML_FILE && !$doc->schemaValidate(XML_SCHEMA_FILE)) { throw new XMLValidationException(MwwException::MODEL, XML_SCHEMA_FILE); } else { if ($instanceIsRequested) { // Manifest loaded and validated. // Now we add it dynamic values relevant to the user preferences. $db = DbUtil::accessFactory(); $userId = $db->escape($userId); $widgetInstanceId = $db->escape($widgetInstanceId); $prefs = $doc->getElementsByTagNameNS('', 'preference'); foreach ($prefs as $pref) { $name = $pref->attributes->getNamedItem('name')->value; $rs = $db->select("SELECT `value` FROM `interface_preferences` WHERE `widgetInstanceId` = '{$widgetInstanceId}' AND `userid` = {$userId} AND `preference` = '{$name}'"); /* Read the the result set into an associative array */ if ($rs->count() == 1) { $pref->setAttribute('value', $rs->value); } else { if ($pref->attributes->getNamedItem('default_value')) { $pref->setAttribute('value', $pref->attributes->getNamedItem('default_value')->value); } else { $pref->setAttribute('value', ''); } } } } return $doc->saveXML(); } } catch (DOMException $e) { throw new FileException(MwwException::MODEL, 'Unable to load the manifest for widget ' . $widgetId); } }