function act_auditIoStore() { $ordersn = isset($_GET['ordersn']) ? $_GET['ordersn'] : ''; //单据编码 $auditStatus = isset($_GET['auditStatus']) ? $_GET['auditStatus'] : ''; //审核状态,1为通过,2为不通过 $auditorId = isset($_GET['auditorId']) ? $_GET['auditorId'] : ''; //审核人id $now = time(); //当前时间 if (empty($ordersn)) { self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty ordersn'; return 3; } if (intval($auditStatus) != 1 && intval($auditStatus) != 2) { self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'error auditStatus'; return 5; } if (intval($auditorId) == 0) { self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'error auditorId'; return 6; } //根据ordersn取出对应的invoiceTypeId,storeId $tName = 'wh_iostore'; $select = 'invoiceTypeId,storeId'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND ordersn='{$ordersn}'"; $whIostoreList = WhAuditModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($whIostoreList)) { //ioStore表中不存在ordersn这条记录 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty whIostoreList'; return 7; } $invoiceTypeId = $whIostoreList[0]['invoiceTypeId']; //出入库单据类型 $storeId = $whIostoreList[0]['storeId']; //仓库id try { TransactionBaseModel::begin(); $nowInsertALevel = 0; //定义一个变量用来存放本次插入的审核等级 $whARByOrdersn = WhAuditModel::getAuditRecordsByOrdersn($ordersn); //根据ordersn在records表中查找出最大id,其最大id所在的auditrelationId所关联的auditlevel就是该ordersn已经存在的最大审核级别记录 if (empty($whARByOrdersn)) { //如果$whARByOrdersn为空,则表示records表中没有该ordersn的记录, $minALevel = WhAuditModel::getMinALevelByIS($invoiceTypeId, $storeId); //取出list表中invoiceTypeId,storeId下已经开启的最小的auditLevel if (empty($minALevel)) { //如果$minALevel为空,表示list表中不存在开启的$invoiceTypeId,$storeId的记录 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty minALevel'; return 8; } $whWillInsertAid = WhAuditModel::getALIdByAA($invoiceTypeId, $storeId, $minALevel, $auditorId); //取得invoiceTypeId,storeId下和本次auditorId匹配的最小level的list中的id if (empty($whWillInsertAid)) { //如果$whWillInsertAid为空,表示该最小的level没有和auditor有对应的关系,可能是不存在这条审核类型记录或者是审核人无权限,或者是审核类型记录被禁用了 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty whWillInsertAid'; return 9; } $tName = 'wh_audit_records'; $set = "SET ordersn='{$ordersn}',auditRelationId='{$whWillInsertAid}',auditStatus='{$auditStatus}',auditTime='{$now}'"; $affectRow = WhAuditModel::addTNameRow($tName, $set); if (!$affectRow) { //插入错误或者是影响记录数为0时抛出异常 throw new Exception('add error'); } $nowInsertALevel = $minALevel; //本次插入的审核等级 } else { //如果$whARByOrdersn不为空,则表示records表中有该ordersn的记录,此时需要找出记录中最大的auditlevel $whARAidsArray = array(); //定义一个数组存放$whARByOrdersn中的auditRelationId foreach ($whARByOrdersn as $value) { $whARAidsArray[] = $value['auditRelationId']; } $whARAidsString = implode(',', $whARAidsArray); //将$whARAidsArray转化成id1,id2,id3形式的字符串 $maxALevel = WhAuditModel::getMaxLevelByAIds($whARAidsString); //查找出$whARAidsString中auditLevel最大的 if (empty($maxALevel)) { //如果为空,表示$whARAidsString中在list中都没有已经开启的记录,可能是全被人禁用了 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty maxALevel'; return 10; } $whNextALevel = WhAuditModel::getNextLevelByISL($invoiceTypeId, $storeId, $maxALevel); //根据当前最大的auditLevel取得下一个auditLevel的值 if (empty($whNextALevel)) { //如果$whNextALevel为空,表示当前record表中最大的审核等级已经是list中最大的审核等级,不存在下一级审核了 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty whNextALevel'; return 11; } $whWillInsertAid = WhAuditModel::getALIdByAA($invoiceTypeId, $storeId, $whNextALevel, $auditorId); //查找本次要插入records表记录的auditRelationId if (empty($whWillInsertAid)) { //$whWillInsertAid为空,表示$auditorId不存在该开启的这条记录中 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty whWillInsertAid'; return 12; } $tName = 'wh_audit_records'; $set = "SET ordersn='{$ordersn}',auditRelationId='{$whWillInsertAid}',auditStatus='{$auditStatus}',auditTime='{$now}'"; $affectRow = WhAuditModel::addTNameRow($tName, $set); if (!$affectRow) { throw new Exception('add error2'); } $nowInsertALevel = $whNextALevel; //本次要插入的审核等级 } if ($auditStatus == 2) { //如果本次审核结果为不通过时,反些iostore表中该ordersn的ioStatus为不通过,和endTime $tName = 'wh_iostore'; $set = "SET ioStatus='3',endTime='{$now}',operatorId='{$auditorId}' "; $where = "WHERE ordersn='{$ordersn}' AND is_delete=0"; $affectRow = WhAuditModel::updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); if (!$affectRow) { throw new Exception('update error1'); } } else { //如果审核为通过时,要判断本次审核是不是最后一次审核,如果是最后一次审核,则要反写ioStatus中的值 if ($nowInsertALevel == 0) { //如果$nowInsertALevel为0,表示程序异常 self::$errCode = 0201; self::$errMsg = 'empty $nowInsertALevel'; return 13; } $whNextALevel = WhAuditModel::getNextLevelByISL($invoiceTypeId, $storeId, $nowInsertALevel); //本次审核等级的下次审核等级 if (empty($whNextALevel)) { //如果$whNextALevel为空,表示没有下一级审核,该次审核为最后一次审核,此时要反写ioStatus等信息 $tName = 'wh_iostore'; if ($auditStatus == 1) { $ioStatus = 2; } else { $ioStatus = 3; } $set = "SET ioStatus='{$ioStatus}',endTime='{$now}',operatorId='{$auditorId}' "; $where = "WHERE ordersn='{$ordersn}' AND is_delete=0"; $affectRow = WhAuditModel::updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); if (!$affectRow) { throw new Exception('update error2'); } if ($auditStatus == 1) { //如果是最后一级审核,并且审核通过的话,添加出入库记录及加减库存 $ioTypeList = WhAuditModel::getIoTypeById($invoiceTypeId); //根据id查出invoiceType表中的ioType和ioTypeId if (empty($ioTypeList)) { //如果没找到对应的ioTypeId,和ioType,则抛出异常 throw new Exception('empty ioTypeList'); } $ioType = $ioTypeList['ioType']; $ioTypeId = $ioTypeList['ioTypeId']; $whIoRecordsAct = new WhIoRecordsAct(); //库方法中 $ioType = $ioType == 0 ? 1 : 2; //在act_addIoRecoresForWh中inType为1表示出库,2表示入库 $iostoreId = WhAuditModel::getIdByOrdersn($ordersn); //取得ordersn所在的iostoreId $tName = 'wh_iostoredetail'; $select = '*'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND iostoreId='{$iostoreId}'"; $iostoreDetailList = WhAuditModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($iostoreDetailList)) { throw new Exception('empty iostoreDetailList'); } foreach ($iostoreDetailList as $value) { //进行出入库记录和添加库存操作 $sku = $value['sku']; $amount = $value['amount']; $purchaseId = $value['purchaseId']; $userId = $auditorId; if (empty($ordersn)) { self::$errCode = '0301'; self::$errMsg = 'empty ordersn'; return 0; } if (empty($sku)) { self::$errCode = '0401'; self::$errMsg = 'sku'; return 0; } if (empty($amount)) { self::$errCode = '0501'; self::$errMsg = 'empty amount'; return 0; } if (empty($purchaseId)) { self::$errCode = '0601'; self::$errMsg = 'empty purchaseId'; return 0; } if (empty($ioType)) { self::$errCode = '0701'; self::$errMsg = ''; return 0; } if (empty($ioTypeId)) { self::$errCode = '0801'; self::$errMsg = 'empty ioTypeId'; return 0; } if (empty($userId)) { self::$errCode = '0901'; self::$errMsg = 'empty userId'; return 0; } if (empty($storeId)) { self::$errCode = '1001'; self::$errMsg = 'emptyOrError storeId'; return 0; } if ($ioType != 1 && $ioType != 2) { self::$errCode = '1101'; self::$errMsg = 'error ioType'; return 0; } $tName = 'wh_iorecords'; $set = "SET ordersn='{$ordersn}',sku='{$sku}',amount='{$amount}',purchaseId='{$purchaseId}',ioType='{$ioType}',ioTypeId='{$ioTypeId}',userId='{$userId}',reason='{$reason}',createdTime='{$now}',storeId='{$storeId}'"; $ret = WhIoRecordsModel::addTNameRow($tName, $set); //添加入库记录 if ($ret) { $tName = 'wh_sku_location'; if ($ioType == 1) { $amount = -1 * $amount; } $set = "SET actualStock=actualStock+{$amount}"; $where = "WHERE sku='{$sku}' AND storeId='{$storeId}'"; $affectRow = WhIoRecordsModel::updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); //库存变化 if (!$affectRow) { throw new Exception(''); } } else { throw new Exception(''); } } } } } TransactionBaseModel::commit(); TransactionBaseModel::autoCommit(); self::$errCode = 200; self::$errMsg = 'success'; return 200; } catch (Exception $e) { TransactionBaseModel::rollback(); TransactionBaseModel::autoCommit(); return 404; } }