function testGetCompaniesSeveralCompaniesOK() { $email = '*****@*****.**'; $name = 'ACME'; WebfinanceUser::Create($email); $company = array('name' => $name, 'address1' => '1110 Gateway Drive', 'zip_code' => 'CA 94404', 'city' => 'San Mateo', 'country' => 'US', 'email' => $email); $company_id = WebfinanceCompany::Create($company); $user = new WebfinanceUser($email); $companies = $user->GetCompanies(); $this->assertType('array', $companies); $expected = array(array('id' => $company_id, 'name' => $name)); $this->assertEquals($expected, $companies); }
/** * Update an invoice * * @param invoice array. The array defining the invoice to create, example: * * \code * array( * 'id' => 4, // the invoice ID * 'type' => 'invoice', // or 'quotation' * 'paid' => false, // or true * 'vat' => 20.0, // % * 'period' => 'none', // 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly' * 'periodic_next_deadline' => 2012-01-04, // YYYY-MM-DD * 'delivery' => 'email', // or 'postal' * 'payment_method' => 'unknown', // 'direct_debit', 'check' or * // 'wire_transfer' * 'items' => array( * 0 => array( * 'description' => 'the item description', * 'price' => 123.32, // the unit price, excluding VAT * 'quantity' => 3, * ), * 1 => array( * 'description' => 'the second item description', * 'price' => 23, * 'quantity' => 1, * ), * ) * ) * \endcode * */ function InvoiceUpdate(array $invoice = array()) { CybPHP_Validate::ValidateInt($this->_company_id); CybPHP_Validate::ValidateInt($invoice['id']); WebfinanceCompany::ValidateInvoiceExists($invoice['id']); WebfinanceCompany::ValidateInvoiceType($invoice['type']); WebfinanceCompany::ValidateInvoicePeriod($invoice['period']); WebfinanceCompany::ValidateInvoiceDelivery($invoice['delivery']); WebfinanceCompany::ValidateInvoicePaymentMethod($invoice['payment_method']); if ($invoice['period'] != 'none') { CybPHP_Validate::ValidateDate($invoice['periodic_next_deadline']); } CybPHP_Validate::ValidateFloat($invoice['vat']); CybPHP_Validate::ValidateBool($invoice['paid']); # Define empty items if needed if (empty($invoice['items'])) { $invoice['items'] = array(); } # Define periodic_next_deadline if needed if (empty($invoice['periodic_next_deadline'])) { $invoice['periodic_next_deadline'] = '0000-00-00'; } foreach ($invoice['items'] as &$item) { CybPHP_Validate::ValidateFloat($item['price']); CybPHP_Validate::ValidateInt($item['quantity']); $item['description'] = mysql_escape_string($item['description']); } $type_translation = array('invoice' => 'facture', 'quotation' => 'devis'); $invoice['type'] = $type_translation[$invoice['type']]; $invoice['paid'] = $invoice['paid'] ? 1 : 0; $invoice['reference'] = WebfinanceCompany::GenerateInvoiceReference(); CybPHP_MySQL::Query('BEGIN'); CybPHP_MySQL::Query('UPDATE webfinance_invoices SET ' . 'date_created = NOW(), ' . "type_doc = '{$invoice['type']}', " . "is_paye = {$invoice['paid']}, " . "tax = {$invoice['vat']}, " . "period = '{$invoice['period']}', " . "periodic_next_deadline = '{$invoice['periodic_next_deadline']}', " . "delivery = '{$invoice['delivery']}', " . "payment_method = '{$invoice['payment_method']}', " . "num_facture = '{$invoice['reference']}' " . "WHERE id_facture = {$invoice['id']}"); $invoice_id = mysql_insert_id(); CybPHP_MySQL::Query('DELETE FROM webfinance_invoice_rows ' . "WHERE id_facture = {$invoice_id}"); $ordre = 1; foreach ($invoice['items'] as $item) { CybPHP_MySQL::Query('INSERT INTO webfinance_invoice_rows SET ' . "id_facture = {$invoice_id}, " . "description = '{$item['description']}', " . "qtt = {$item['quantity']}, " . "prix_ht = {$item['price']}, " . "ordre = {$ordre}"); $ordre++; } CybPHP_MySQL::Query('COMMIT'); }
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program. If not, see <>. // require_once '../../htdocs/inc/sso.php'; require_once '../../htdocs/inc/smarty.php'; try { // Check arguments if (empty($_GET['company_id'])) { throw new Exception('Missing argument'); } // Check permissions $company = new WebfinanceCompany($_GET['company_id']); $company->ValidatePermission($_SESSION['cybsso_user']['email']); // Display localized amounts and dates foreach (array(LC_MESSAGES, LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY, LC_CTYPE) as $locale) { setlocale($locale, $_SESSION['cybsso_user']['language'] . ".UTF-8") or die("locale {$locale} language failed {$_SESSION['cybsso_user']}[language]"); } $user = new WebfinanceUser($_SESSION['cybsso_user']['email']); $smarty->assign('this_company_id', $_GET['company_id']); $smarty->assign('companies', $user->GetCompanies()); $smarty->assign('company_info', $company->GetInfo()); $smarty->assign('invoices', $company->InvoicesGet()); } catch (SoapFault $fault) { $smarty->assign('error', $fault->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $fault) { $smarty->assign('error', $fault->getMessage()); }
if (empty($_POST['date'])) { $_POST['date'] = 'NULL'; } else { $_POST['date'] = "'{$_POST['date']}'"; } $query = "UPDATE document\nSET\n paid = '{$_POST['paid']}',\n date = {$_POST['date']},\n provider_id = {$_POST['provider_id']},\n vat = {$_POST['vat']},\n total_amount = {$_POST['total_amount']},\n currency = '{$_POST['currency']}',\n note = '{$_POST['note']}',\n accounting = '{$_POST['accounting']}',\n type = '{$_POST['type']}'"; $where = "WHERE md5 = '{$_POST['md5']}'"; # Open ticket if needed if (!empty($_POST['open_ticket'])) { require_once 'WebfinancePreferences.php'; require_once 'WebfinanceCompany.php'; $prefs = new WebfinancePreferences(); $wsdl = $prefs->prefs['mantis_api_url'] . '?wsdl'; $username = $prefs->prefs['mantis_login']; $password = $prefs->prefs['mantis_password']; $company = new WebfinanceCompany($_POST['provider_id']); $company_info = $company->GetInfo(); $method = 'http://'; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) and $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') { $method = 'https://'; } $url = $method . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/document/edit.php?md5=' . $_POST['md5']; $issue = array('summary' => "Document {$note} from {$company_info['name']}", 'description' => "New document {$note} from {$company_info['name']}\n\n{$url}", 'category' => 'Documents', 'project' => array('id' => 381)); try { $mantis = new SoapClient($wsdl); $ticket_id = $mantis->mc_issue_add($username, $password, $issue); $query .= ", ticket_id = {$ticket_id}"; } catch (SoapFault $fault) { echo $fault; exit; }
function testGetInfo() { $email = '*****@*****.**'; WebfinanceUser::Create($email); $new_company = array('name' => 'ACME', 'address1' => '1110 Gateway Drive', 'zip_code' => 'CA 94404', 'city' => 'San Mateo', 'country' => 'US', 'email' => $email); $company_id = WebfinanceCompany::Create($new_company); $company = new WebfinanceCompany($company_id); $company_info = $company->GetInfo(); $this->assertEquals($new_company['name'], $company_info['name']); }