コード例 #1
 public static function storeExportFile($original_filename, $file_content, $archiveFile = false, $dateShiftDates = false)
     global $edoc_storage_option;
     ## Create the stored name of the file as it wll be stored in the file system
     $stored_name = date('YmdHis') . "_pid" . PROJECT_ID . "_" . generateRandomHash(6) . getFileExt($original_filename, true);
     $file_extension = getFileExt($original_filename);
     $mime_type = strtolower($file_extension) == 'csv' ? 'application/csv' : 'application/octet-stream';
     // If file is UTF-8 encoded, then add BOM
     // Do NOT use addBOMtoUTF8() on Stata syntax file (.do) because BOM causes issues in syntax file
     if (strtolower($file_extension) != 'do') {
         $file_content = addBOMtoUTF8($file_content);
     // If Gzip enabled, then gzip the file and append filename with .gz extension
     list($file_content, $stored_name, $gzipped) = gzip_encode_file($file_content, $stored_name);
     // Get file size in bytes
     $docs_size = strlen($file_content);
     // Add file to file system
     if ($edoc_storage_option == '0') {
         // Store locally
         $fp = fopen(EDOC_PATH . $stored_name, 'w');
         if ($fp !== false && fwrite($fp, $file_content) !== false) {
             // Close connection
         } else {
             // Send error response
             return false;
         // Add file to S3
     } elseif ($edoc_storage_option == '2') {
         global $amazon_s3_key, $amazon_s3_secret, $amazon_s3_bucket;
         $s3 = new S3($amazon_s3_key, $amazon_s3_secret, SSL);
         if (!$s3->putObject($file_content, $amazon_s3_bucket, $stored_name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE)) {
             // Send error response
             return false;
     } else {
         // Store using WebDAV
         require_once APP_PATH_CLASSES . "WebdavClient.php";
         require APP_PATH_WEBTOOLS . 'webdav/webdav_connection.php';
         $wdc = new WebdavClient();
         // use HTTP/1.1
         // enable debugging?
         if (!$wdc->open()) {
             // Send error response
             return false;
         if (substr($webdav_path, -1) != '/') {
             $webdav_path .= '/';
         $http_status = $wdc->put($webdav_path . $stored_name, $file_content);
     ## Add file info to edocs_metadata table
     // If not archiving file in File Repository, then set to be deleted in 1 hour
     $delete_time = $archiveFile ? "" : NOW;
     // Add to table
     $sql = "insert into redcap_edocs_metadata (stored_name, mime_type, doc_name, doc_size, file_extension, project_id, \n\t\t\t\tstored_date, delete_date, gzipped) values ('" . prep($stored_name) . "', '{$mime_type}', '" . prep($original_filename) . "', \n\t\t\t\t'" . prep($docs_size) . "', '" . prep($file_extension) . "', " . PROJECT_ID . ", '" . NOW . "', " . checkNull($delete_time) . ", {$gzipped})";
     if (!db_query($sql)) {
         // Send error response
         return false;
     // Get edoc_id
     $edoc_id = db_insert_id();
     ## Add to doc_to_edoc table
     // Set flag if data is date shifted
     $dateShiftFlag = $dateShiftDates ? "DATE_SHIFT" : "";
     // Set "comment" in docs table
     if (strtolower($file_extension) == 'csv') {
         $docs_comment = "Data export file created by " . USERID . " on " . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     } else {
         if ($file_extension == 'sps') {
             $stats_package_name = 'Spss';
         } elseif ($file_extension == 'do') {
             $stats_package_name = 'Stata';
         } else {
             $stats_package_name = camelCase($file_extension);
         $docs_comment = "{$stats_package_name} syntax file created by " . USERID . " on " . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     // Archive in redcap_docs table
     $sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id, docs_name, docs_file, docs_date, docs_size, docs_comment, docs_type, \n\t\t\t\tdocs_rights, export_file, temp) VALUES (" . PROJECT_ID . ", '" . prep($original_filename) . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "', \n\t\t\t\t'{$docs_size}', '" . prep($docs_comment) . "', '{$mime_type}', " . checkNull($dateShiftFlag) . ", 1, \n\t\t\t\t" . checkNull($archiveFile ? "0" : "1") . ")";
     if (db_query($sql)) {
         $docs_id = db_insert_id();
         // Add to redcap_docs_to_edocs also
         $sql = "insert into redcap_docs_to_edocs (docs_id, doc_id) values ({$docs_id}, {$edoc_id})";
     } else {
         // Could not store in table, so remove from edocs_metadata also
         db_query("delete from redcap_edocs_metadata where doc_id = {$edoc_id}");
         return false;
     // Return successful response of docs_id from redcap_docs table
     return $docs_id;
コード例 #2
$labs_project_id = '26';

// Setup Variables
$page_instructions = "<br>";
$record_delete_option = true;  //used in decision to keep delete button.
$errors = array();

if ($edoc_storage_option == '1') {
	// Upload using WebDAV
	require_once (APP_PATH_CLASSES . "WebdavClient.php");
	require_once (APP_PATH_WEBTOOLS . 'webdav/webdav_connection.php');
	$wdc = new WebdavClient();
	$wdc->set_port($webdav_port); $wdc->set_ssl($webdav_ssl);
	$wdc->set_protocol(1); // use HTTP/1.1
	$wdc->set_debug(FALSE); // enable debugging?
	if (!$wdc->open()) {
		$errors[] = $lang['control_center_206'];

## Building Elements Array
$elements1[] = array();
if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
	$elements1[]=array('rr_type'=>'textarea', 'name'=>'docs_comment', 'label'=>$lang['docs_23'].' &ensp;', 'style'=>'width:250px;height:70px;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;');
	$elements1[]=array('rr_type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'docs_id');
	$elements1[]=array('rr_type'=>'static', 'name'=>'docs_date', 'label'=>$lang['docs_25']);
	$elements1[]=array('rr_type'=>'static', 'name'=>'docs_name', 'label'=>$lang['docs_26']);