function hoaTransactionAuthThenCapture() { $uniqueValue = get_unique_value(); $merchantAccountId = 'account-' . $uniqueValue; $merchantTransactionId = 't-' . $uniqueValue; if (fail_if_merchant_transaction_id_too_long($merchantTransactionId)) { return; } $merchantPaymentMethodId = 'pm-' . $uniqueValue; $creditCardAccount = '5454541111111111'; $paymentType = 'CreditCard'; $cvn = '111'; $exp = '201801'; $email = get_unique_value() . ''; $successUrl = ''; $errorUrl = ''; $HOAmethod = 'Transaction_Auth'; $HOAurl = ''; $HOAversion = '5.0'; $ipAddress = ''; $name = 'John Vindicia'; $addr1 = '303 Twin Dolphin Drive'; $city = 'Redwood City'; $district = 'CA'; $postalCode = '94065'; $country = 'US'; #------------------------------------------------------------ #-Step 1- #-Step 1- Initialize the WebSession before the PaymentMethod #-Step 1- form is displayed to the user #-Step 1- # # Create a new WebSession object $webSession = new WebSession(); # Set the WebSession parameters $webSession->setReturnURL($successUrl); $webSession->setErrorURL($errorUrl); $webSession->setIpAddress($ipAddress); $webSession->setMethod($HOAmethod); $webSession->setVersion($HOAversion); #------------------------------------------------------------ # Set PrivateFormValues. These are hidden fields in the POST # that we want to protect from hacking. If the value in the # POST does not match the value set during initialization, # the WebSession.finalize will fail // $account_VID = $account->VID; // // $nameVals[0] = new NameValuePair(); // $nameVals[0]->setName('Account_VID'); // $nameVals[0]->setValue($account_VID); // so that we can use the existing account $tx_id = new NameValuePair(); $tx_id->setName('vin_Transaction_merchantTransactionId'); $tx_id->setValue($merchantTransactionId); // so that we can use the existing account # Your ID for this user $acct_id = new NameValuePair(); $acct_id->setName("vin_Account_merchantAccountId"); $acct_id->setValue($merchantAccountId); # Your ID for this PaymentMethod $paym_id = new NameValuePair(); $paym_id->setName("vin_PaymentMethod_merchantPaymentMethodId"); $paym_id->setValue($merchantPaymentMethodId); $pmt_type = new NameValuePair(); $pmt_type->setName("vin_PaymentMethod_type"); $pmt_type->setValue($paymentType); # Add the PrivateFormValues to the WebSession $webSession->setPrivateFormValues(array($tx_id, $acct_id, $paym_id, $pmt_type)); #------------------------------------------------------------ # Set any parameters specific for the Method we are # calling in the WebSession. # $minChargebackProbability = new NameValuePair(); $minChargebackProbability->setName("Transaction_Auth_minChargebackProbability"); $minChargebackProbability->setValue("70"); $dryRun = new NameValuePair(); $dryRun->setName("Transaction_Auth_dryRun"); $dryRun->setValue("false"); $sendEmailNotification = new NameValuePair(); $sendEmailNotification->setName("Transaction_Auth_sendEmailNotification"); $sendEmailNotification->setValue("true"); // Transaction_Auth takes in one more parameter - campaignCode // We can collect campaign code from the payment form and set // prior to WebSession.Finalize, or pass it in here prior to WebSession.Initialize. $campaign = 'CampaignXYZ'; // $campaignCodeNVP = new NameValuePair(); // $campaignCodeNVP->setName("Transaction_Auth_campaignCode"); // $campaignCodeNVP->setValue($campaign); $webSession->setMethodParamValues(array($sendEmailNotification, $minChargebackProbability, $dryRun)); # Initialize the WebSession # $response = $webSession->initialize(); # Check to see that the initialize succeeded # if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) { # The VID of the WebSession object serves as session id # $vin_WebSession_vid = $response['data']->session->getVID(); } else { print $response; return; } #------------------------------------------------------------ #-Step 2- #-Step 2- This is the payment method FORM and the HOA POST #-Step 2- # Fields on the checkout FORM # User supplied input // $post['vin_PaymentMethod_merchantPaymentMethodId'] = // $merchantPaymentMethodId; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_accountHolderName'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name'] = $name; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_addr1'] = $addr1; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_city'] = $city; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_district'] = $district; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_postalCode'] = $postalCode; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_country'] = $country; $post['vin_Account_emailAddress'] = $email; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_creditCard_account'] = $creditCardAccount; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_creditCard_expirationDate'] = $exp; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_nameValues_cvn'] = $cvn; $post['vin_Transaction_transactionItems_0_sku'] = 'Item 1'; $post['vin_Transaction_transactionItems_0_name'] = 'Item 1 Description'; $post['vin_Transaction_transactionItems_0_price'] = '99'; $post['vin_Transaction_transactionItems_0_quantity'] = '1'; # Hidden fields in the checkout FORM # $post['vin_WebSession_vid'] = $vin_WebSession_vid; # Copy the BillingAddress to the ShippingAddress to improve # Chargeback dispute success. Visa will deny disputed Chargeback # for many reasons. A missing ShippingAddress, even though there # is nothing being shipped, is commonly one of those reasons. # This can be done with JavaScript on the checkout form. # $post['vin_Account_name'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_name'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_addr1'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_addr1']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_city'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_city']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_district'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_district']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_county'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_county']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_postalCode'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_postalCode']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_country'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_country']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_phone'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_phone']; // If you have a Campaign Code form value... //$post['Transaction_Auth_campaignCode'] = $campaign; # Create the curl command line for exec by looping through the # $post array # $curlopts = ""; foreach ($post as $name => $value) { $curlopts .= " --data-urlencode {$name}=\"{$value}\""; } # Do the POST # exec("curl -s {$curlopts} " . $HOAurl, $curlout, $curlret); #-Step 3----------------------------------------------------- #-Step 3- #-Step 3- This code should be on the returnURL page #-Step 3- #-Step 3- Nothing has been committed until the WebSession gets #-Step 3- finalized. This is done in the returnURL page code. For #-Step 3- example, the returnURL is a confirmation page and when #-Step 3- the user clicks a confirmation button the form action #-Step 3- is a page that performs all the actual finalize steps. #-Step 3- #------------------------------------------------------------ # This is only necessary for this CLI implementation. # # Flatten the output from exec so we can search it. The response # from a successful HOA POST should be a 302 page that contains # our returnURL with the WebSessionVID as the query string. # if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") { $curlresp = implode("\n", $curlout); } # #------------------------------------------------------------ # For CLI, use the WebSessionId we stored in the POST values # for curl. For everything else, retrieve the WebSessionId # from the URL query string on the redirect to the returnURL # if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") { $session_id = $post['vin_WebSession_vid']; } else { $session_id = $_GET['session_id']; } $campaignCode = $post['Transaction_Auth_campaignCode']; if ($campaignCode != null) { $fetchedWebSession = new WebSession(); $response = $fetchedWebSession->fetchByVid($session_id); $response_object = $response['data']; $return_code = $response['returnCode']; $websession = $response_object->session; if ($return_code != "200" || $websession->apiReturn->returnCode != "200") { print $response; } } $webSession = new WebSession(); $webSession->setVid($session_id); if ($campaignCode != null) { $campaignCodeNVP = new NameValuePair(); $campaignCodeNVP->setName("Transaction_Auth_campaignCode"); $campaignCodeNVP->setValue($campaignCode); $webSession->setMethodParamValues(array($campaignCodeNVP)); } $response = $webSession->finalize(); if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') { print $response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode . PHP_EOL; print $response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnString . PHP_EOL; } else { print "returnCode=" . $response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode . PHP_EOL; print "returnString=" . $response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnString . PHP_EOL; if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode == "200") { $returnTransaction = $response['data']->session->apiReturnValues->transactionAuth->transaction; if ($returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->status == 'Authorized') { print "Transaction approved\n"; $captureTransaction = new Transaction(); $response = $captureTransaction->capture(array($returnTransaction)); print "returnCode=" . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL; print "returnString=" . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL; if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) { $captureResults = $response['data']->results; foreach ($captureResults as $captureResult) { if ($captureResult->returnCode == 200) { print "Transaction with id " . $captureResult->merchantTransactionId . " was successfully captured"; } else { print "Transaction was not successfully captured. ReturnCode=" . $captureResult->returnCode; } } } else { print "Transactions were not successfully captured. ReturnCode=" . $response['returnCode']; } } else { if ($returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->status == 'Cancelled') { print "Transaction not approved \n"; print "Reason code is: "; print $returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->creditCardStatus->authCode; print "\n"; } else { print "Error: Unexpected transaction status\n"; } } } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode = "202") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to taxes being temporarily unavailable\n"; } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode == "400") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to data validation error\n"; } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode == "402") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to transaction error\n"; } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode = "403") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to high fraud potential\n"; } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode = "406") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Chargeback risk score being higher than minChargebackProbability\n"; } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode = "407") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Failed AVS policy evaluation\n"; } else { if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode = "408") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Failed CVN policy evaluation\n"; } else { print "Error while making call to Vindicia CashBox\n"; } } } } } } } } } }
function hoaAccountUpdatePaymentMethod($merchantAccountId = null, $merchantPaymentMethodId = null) { $creditCardAccount = '5454541111111111'; $paymentType = 'CreditCard'; $cvn = '111'; $exp = '201805'; $email = get_unique_value() . ''; $successUrl = ''; $errorUrl = ''; $HOAmethod = 'Account_UpdatePaymentMethod'; $HOAurl = str_replace("soap", "secure", VIN_SOAP_HOST) . "/vws.html"; $HOAversion = '5.0'; // VIN_SOAP_CLIENT_VERSION $ipAddress = ''; $name = 'John Vindicia'; $addr1 = '303 Twin Dolphin Drive'; $city = 'Redwood City'; $district = 'CA'; $postalCode = '94065'; $country = 'US'; # Create a new WebSession object $webSession = new WebSession(); # Set the WebSession parameters $webSession->setReturnURL($successUrl); $webSession->setErrorURL($errorUrl); $webSession->setIpAddress($ipAddress); $webSession->setMethod($HOAmethod); $webSession->setVersion($HOAversion); if (is_null($merchantAccountId)) { $merchantAccountId = 'account-2015-02-10_02_55_50'; } if (is_null($merchantPaymentMethodId)) { $merchantPaymentMethodId = 'pm-2015-02-10_02_55_50'; } // Step 2: start configuring the WebSession with the parameters we want to have $nvp1 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp1->setName('vin_Account_merchantAccountId'); $nvp1->setValue($merchantAccountId); // so that we can use the existing account $nvp2 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp2->setName('vin_PaymentMethod_merchantPaymentMethodId'); $nvp2->setValue($merchantPaymentMethodId); $nvp3 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp3->setName('vin_PaymentMethod_type'); $nvp3->setValue($paymentType); $webSession->setPrivateFormValues(array($nvp1, $nvp2, $nvp3)); $nvp7 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp7->setName('Account_updatePaymentMethod_updateBehavior'); $nvp7->setValue('CatchUp'); $nvp8 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp8->setName('Account_updatePaymentMethod_replaceOnAllAutoBills'); $nvp8->setValue('false'); $nvp9 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp9->setName('Account_updatePaymentMethod_ignoreAvsPolicy'); $nvp9->setValue('false'); $nvp10 = new NameValuePair(); $nvp10->setName('Account_updatePaymentMethod_ignoreCvnPolicy'); $nvp10->setValue('false'); $webSession->setMethodParamValues(array($nvp7, $nvp8, $nvp9, $nvp10)); // now, create the session and generate it's session ID $response = $webSession->initialize(); print_r($response); # Check to see that the initialize succeeded # if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) { # The VID of the WebSession object serves as session id # $vin_WebSession_vid = $response['data']->session->getVID(); } else { print_r($response); return; } # populate accountHolderName with same value as on billingAddress: $post['vin_PaymentMethod_accountHolderName'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name'] = $name; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_addr1'] = $addr1; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_city'] = $city; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_district'] = $district; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_postalCode'] = $postalCode; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_country'] = $country; $post['vin_Account_emailAddress'] = $email; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_creditCard_account'] = $creditCardAccount; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_creditCard_expirationDate'] = $exp; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_nameValues_cvn'] = $cvn; $post['vin_WebSession_vid'] = $vin_WebSession_vid; # Copy the BillingAddress to the ShippingAddress to improve # Chargeback dispute success. Visa will deny disputed Chargeback # for many reasons. A missing ShippingAddress, even though there # is nothing being shipped, is commonly one of those reasons. # This can be done with JavaScript on the checkout form. # $post['vin_Account_name'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_name'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_addr1'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_addr1']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_city'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_city']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_district'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_district']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_county'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_county']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_postalCode'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_postalCode']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_country'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_country']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_phone'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_phone']; # Create the curl command line for exec by looping through the # $post array # $curlopts = ""; foreach ($post as $name => $value) { $curlopts .= " --data-urlencode {$name}=\"{$value}\""; } print "<b><i>SOAP URL</i></b>: " . VIN_SOAP_HOST . PHP_EOL; # Do the POST # print "Posting to <b>HOA URL</b>: " . $HOAurl . PHP_EOL; print PHP_EOL; exec("curl -s {$curlopts} " . $HOAurl, $curlout, $curlret); # this line is only here to support testing with a single PHP file: $_GET = simulate_get($curlout); # the above function established the $_GET array to be the same as # what PHP by default populates in the $_GET array when the returnURL # page is a separate PHP file, and is here to support testing with # a single PHP file. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PHP specific code handling of HOA WebSession Method finalize processing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The finalize call returns an updated WebSession object. This # is correct in that it refers to the WebSession.finalize soap request and the # WebSession.finalizeResponse soap response as defined in the WSDL and Online # Soap Documentation at: # # # # However, specific to the CashBox PHP Client library, this translates into # the mapping into the PHP API method to invoke the WebSession.finalize soap # request, and the WebSession.finalizeResponse object containing the returned # WebSession object may be accessed from the response: # # 1) PHP API method to invoke the WebSession.finalize soap request: # # $response = WebSession->finalize() # # 2) WebSession.finalizeResponse soap response object containing WebSession: # # Following a successful call to finalize(), the values from $response, the # WebSession.finalizeResponse soap response, are then accessible by referencing # the nested objects in the response corresponding to the hierarchy in the WSDL. # # Note that the WebSession data members from the WSDL are documented in the # Online Soap documentation for the WebSession datatype below: # # # # --- # # HOA uses the following 3 steps: # 1. WebSession.initialize (initialize & obtain a sessionId for the WebSession) # 2. HOA Form Post (Present Form to buyer with hidden sessionId, buyer posts to HOA) # 3. Redirect to HOA success page (sessionId from redirect for WebSession.finalize) # # Below describes the handling of Step 3, HOA success page, # where the sessionId from the redirect URL is passed to the finalize() method below: # # 6. Upon payment form submission if customer’s browser is redirected to the Return URL # hosted by you and specified in the WebSession object. On this page finalize the # WebSession object as follows: # # a. The redirect URL string contains WebSession’s VID as the value associated with # name ‘session_id’. Use the VID to make the finalize() call below: # # --- # # HOA WebSession Method: Account_UpdatePaymentMethod # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # HOA Success Page: Need to call WebSession.finalize() to invoke internal # soap call to Account.updatePaymentMethod() as indicated by the value of # WebSession Method (Account_UpdatePaymentMethod), using the parameters already # contained in the WebSession object stored in the database (on the HOA/CashBox server). # # # Documentation of Soap Objects returned in PHP code (displayed by print_r($response)): # # To see the data members in the WebSession (& all other CashBox Soap objects), # please review the Online Soap Documentation at the link below: # # # # Within the Online Soap Documentation, the following links are pertinent: # # All Data Types that are returned by PHP (as seen by print_r($response) are found at: # # # The WebSession methods (including WebSession.initialize() & WebSession.finalize(): # # # Specifically for the code below, the WebSession Data Type definition: # # # With the above Documentation of the CashBox Soap Objects in mind, the source code # of the PHP library itself reveals the actual syntax of the PHP methods involved in # setting data members on the CashBox Soap Objects represented in PHP Objects created # & used in this sample code. # # The source code for the WebSession Object in the PHP library is found under # Vindicia/Soap/WebSession.php within the PHP library for example. # #-Step 3----------------------------------------------------- #-Step 3- #-Step 3- This code should be on the returnURL page #-Step 3- #-Step 3- Nothing has been committed until the WebSession gets #-Step 3- finalized. This is done in the returnURL page code. For #-Step 3- example, the returnURL is a confirmation page and when #-Step 3- the user clicks a confirmation button the form action #-Step 3- is a page that performs all the actual finalize steps. #-Step 3- print "Parameters from redirect URL:" . PHP_EOL; print_r($_GET); $session_id = $_GET['session_id']; $webSession = new WebSession(); $webSession->setVid($session_id); # initialize call timestamp in case of error for support information below: date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); $call_timestamp = date("c"); // c - The ISO-8601 date (e.g. 2015-06-17T16:34:42+00:00) $response = $webSession->finalize(); print_r($response); $session = $response['data']->session; # WebSession.finalizeResponse.return.returnCode $returnCode = $response['returnCode']; # WebSession.finalizeResponse.return.returnString $returnString = $response['returnString']; # WebSession.finalizeResponse.return.soapId $finalize_soapId = $response['data']->return->soapId; print $call_timestamp . " WebSession.finalize soapId: " . $finalize_soapId . "\n"; # log soap id if available in the return values of this call # WebSession.apiReturn.returnCode $apiReturnCode = $session->apiReturn->returnCode; # WebSession.apiReturn.returnString $apiReturnString = $session->apiReturn->returnString; # WebSession.apiReturnValues $apiReturnValues = $session->apiReturnValues; # WebSession.apiReturnValues.accountUpdatePaymentMethod $accountUpdatePaymentMethod = $apiReturnValues->accountUpdatePaymentMethod; # WebSession.apiReturnValues.accountUpdatePaymentMethod.validated $validated = $accountUpdatePaymentMethod->validated; if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') { print $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL; print $returnString . PHP_EOL; print $apiReturnCode . PHP_EOL; print $apiReturnString . PHP_EOL; } else { print $apiReturnCode . PHP_EOL; print $apiReturnString . PHP_EOL; if ($apiReturnCode == "200") { print PHP_EOL . 'Updated Credit Card. Account=' . $merchantAccountId . ' PaymentMethod=' . $merchantPaymentMethodId . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($apiReturnCode = "261") { print "All active AutoBills were updated. AutoBills which are both expired and Suspended cannot be updated.\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode == "400") { print "One of the following:\n• Invalid Payment Method Type. (You cannot change the Payment Method Type on an existing Payment Method.)\n• No PaymentMethod specified in arguments.\n• Data validation error Failed to create Payment-Type-Specific Payment Record: Credit Card conversion failed: Credit Card failed Luhn check.\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode == "402") { print "One of the following:\n• PaymentMethod failed validation.\n• Error attempting to authorize card.\n• Unable to authorize card.\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode = "404") { print "No match found error-description.\n Returned if CashBox cannot find an account that matches the input in the Vindicia database.\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode = "407") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Failed AVS policy evaluation\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode = "408") { print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Failed CVN policy evaluation\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode = "409") { print "AutoBill creation failed: due to AVS and CVV Check Failed\n"; } else { if ($apiReturnCode = "410") { print "AutoBill creation failed: due to AVS and CVV Check not being able to be performed\n"; } else { print "Error while making call to Vindicia CashBox\n"; } } } } } } } } } } return array('apiReturnCode' => $apiReturnCode, 'validated' => $validated); }
function hoaAutoBill() { # Set the data members from the arg values # $uniqueValue = get_unique_value(); $merchantAutoBillId = 'ab-' . $uniqueValue; $merchantAccountId = 'account-' . $uniqueValue; $merchantPaymentMethodId = 'pm-' . $uniqueValue; $merchantProductId = 'Video'; $merchantBillingPlanId = 'OneMonthSubOneMonthRecurring'; $creditCardAccount = '5454541111111111'; $paymentType = 'CreditCard'; $cvn = '111'; $exp = '201501'; $email = get_unique_value() . ''; $successUrl = ''; $errorUrl = ''; $HOAmethod = 'AutoBill_Update'; $HOAurl = ''; $HOAversion = '5.0'; $ipAddress = ''; $name = 'John Vindicia'; $addr1 = '303 Twin Dolphin Drive'; $city = 'Redwood City'; $district = 'CA'; $postalCode = '94065'; $country = 'US'; #------------------------------------------------------------ #-Step 1- #-Step 1- Initialize the WebSession before the PaymentMethod #-Step 1- form is displayed to the user #-Step 1- # # Create a new WebSession object $webSession = new WebSession(); # Set the WebSession parameters $webSession->setReturnURL($successUrl); $webSession->setErrorURL($errorUrl); $webSession->setIpAddress($ipAddress); $webSession->setMethod($HOAmethod); $webSession->setVersion($HOAversion); #------------------------------------------------------------ # Set PrivateFormValues. These are hidden fields in the POST # that we want to protect from hacking. If the value in the # POST does not match the value set during initialization, # the WebSession.finalize will fail # Your ID for this AutoBill $ab_id = new NameValuePair(); $ab_id->setName("vin_AutoBill_merchantAutoBillId"); $ab_id->setValue($merchantAutoBillId); # Your ID for this user $acct_id = new NameValuePair(); $acct_id->setName("vin_Account_merchantAccountId"); $acct_id->setValue($merchantAccountId); # Permissible values for the Product that is going to be purchased // $prod_id = new NameValuePair(); // $prod_id->setName("vin_Product_merchantProductId"); // $prod_id->setValue($merchantProductId); # Permissible values for the Product that is going to be purchased $prod_id = new NameValuePair(); $prod_id->setName("vin_AutoBill_items_0_Product_merchantProductId"); $prod_id->setValue($merchantProductId); # Permissible values for BillingPlan to be used $plan_id = new NameValuePair(); $plan_id->setName("vin_BillingPlan_merchantBillingPlanId"); $plan_id->setValue($merchantBillingPlanId); # Your ID for this PaymentMethod $paym_id = new NameValuePair(); $paym_id->setName("vin_PaymentMethod_merchantPaymentMethodId"); $paym_id->setValue($merchantPaymentMethodId); $pmt_type = new NameValuePair(); $pmt_type->setName("vin_PaymentMethod_type"); $pmt_type->setValue($paymentType); # Add the PrivateFormValues to the WebSession $webSession->setPrivateFormValues(array($ab_id, $acct_id, $prod_id, $plan_id, $paym_id, $pmt_type)); #------------------------------------------------------------ # Set any parameters specific for the Method we are # calling in the WebSession. # $validate = new NameValuePair(); $validate->setName("AutoBill_Update_validatePaymentMethod"); // $validate->setName("AutoBill_Update_validate"); $validate->setValue("true"); $minChargebackProbability = new NameValuePair(); $minChargebackProbability->setName("AutoBill_Update_minChargebackProbability"); // Value of 100 turns off fraud checking. $minChargebackProbability->setValue("100"); $ignoreCvnPolicy = new NameValuePair(); $ignoreCvnPolicy->setName("AutoBill_Update_ignoreCvnPolicy"); $ignoreCvnPolicy->setValue("false"); $ignoreAvsPolicy = new NameValuePair(); $ignoreAvsPolicy->setName("AutoBill_Update_ignoreAvsPolicy"); $ignoreAvsPolicy->setValue("false"); $dryRun = new NameValuePair(); $dryRun->setName("AutoBill_Update_dryRun"); $dryRun->setValue("false"); // AutoBill_Update takes in one more parameter - campaignCode // We will collect campaign code from the payment form $webSession->setMethodParamValues(array($validate, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $dryRun)); # Initialize the WebSession # $response = $webSession->initialize(); # Check to see that the initialize succeeded # if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) { # The VID of the WebSession object serves as session id # $vin_WebSession_vid = $response['data']->session->getVID(); } else { print $response; return; } #------------------------------------------------------------ #-Step 2- #-Step 2- This is the payment method FORM and the HOA POST #-Step 2- # TODO: Parameterize these from $_POST or $argv # Fields on the checkout FORM # User supplied input // $post['vin_PaymentMethod_merchantPaymentMethodId'] = // $merchantPaymentMethodId; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_accountHolderName'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name'] = $name; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_addr1'] = $addr1; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_city'] = $city; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_district'] = $district; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_postalCode'] = $postalCode; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_country'] = $country; $post['vin_Account_emailAddress'] = $email; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_creditCard_account'] = $creditCardAccount; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_creditCard_expirationDate'] = $exp; $post['vin_PaymentMethod_nameValues_cvn'] = $cvn; # Hidden fields in the checkout FORM # $post['vin_WebSession_vid'] = $vin_WebSession_vid; // If you have a Campaign Code form value... //$post['AutoBill_Update_campaignCode'] = 'XYZ'; # Copy the BillingAddress to the ShippingAddress to improve # Chargeback dispute success. Visa will deny disputed Chargeback # for many reasons. A missing ShippingAddress, even though there # is nothing being shipped, is commonly one of those reasons. # This can be done with JavaScript on the checkout form. # $post['vin_Account_name'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_name'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_name']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_addr1'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_addr1']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_city'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_city']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_district'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_district']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_county'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_county']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_postalCode'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_postalCode']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_country'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_country']; $post['vin_Account_shippingAddress_phone'] = $post['vin_PaymentMethod_billingAddress_phone']; # Create the curl command line for exec by looping through the # $post array # $curlopts = ""; foreach ($post as $name => $value) { $curlopts .= " --data-urlencode {$name}=\"{$value}\""; } # Do the POST # exec("curl -s {$curlopts} " . $HOAurl, $curlout, $curlret); #-Step 3----------------------------------------------------- #-Step 3- #-Step 3- This code should be on the returnURL page #-Step 3- #-Step 3- Nothing has been committed until the WebSession gets #-Step 3- finalized. This is done in the returnURL page code. For #-Step 3- example, the returnURL is a confirmation page and when #-Step 3- the user clicks a confirmation button the form action #-Step 3- is a page that performs all the actual finalize steps. #-Step 3- #------------------------------------------------------------ # This is only necessary for this CLI implementation. # # Flatten the output from exec so we can search it. The response # from a successful HOA POST should be a 302 page that contains # our returnURL with the WebSessionVID as the query string. # if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") { $curlresp = implode("\n", $curlout); } # #------------------------------------------------------------ # For CLI, use the WebSessionId we stored in the POST values # for curl. For everything else, retrieve the WebSessionId # from the URL query string on the redirect to the returnURL # if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") { $session_id = $post['vin_WebSession_vid']; } else { $session_id = $_GET['session_id']; } $webSession = new WebSession(); $webSession->setVid($session_id); $response = $webSession->finalize(); if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') { print $response; } # Note, finalize almost always returns a 200 returnCode. The real # test for success of the underlying API call is inspection of # the apiReturn and apiReturnValues objects # Parse out the return object from the method call # $apiReturnValues = $response['data']->session->apiReturnValues; # Check the returnCode of the method called. # See Returns for update method of AutoBill object in the API # Reference for possible returnCodes. # if ($response['data']->session->apiReturn->returnCode != "200") { //408 - AutoBill creation failed: CVV check failed //407 - AutoBill creation failed: AVS Check Failed //409 - AutoBill creation failed: AVS and CVV Check Failed //410 - AutoBill creation failed: AVS and CVV check could not be performed //402 - AutoBill creation failed: Card authorization failed //400 - AutoBill creation failed print $apiReturnValues; } print 'success'; print $response['data']->session->apiReturn->soapId . " AutoBill >" . $merchantAutoBillId . "< created for Account >" . $merchantAccountId . "< using PaymentMethod >" . $merchantPaymentMethodId . "< AuthCode->" . $response['data']->session->apiReturnValues->autoBillUpdate->authStatus->creditCardStatus->getAuthCode() . "< AVS->" . $response['data']->session->apiReturnValues->autoBillUpdate->authStatus->creditCardStatus->getAvsCode() . "< CVN->" . $response['data']->session->apiReturnValues->autoBillUpdate->authStatus->creditCardStatus->getCvnCode() . "<"; }