$ward_obj->updateRoomInfo($dataArrRoomInfo); } //header("location:../inpatient/inpatient.php".URL_REDIRECT_APPEND."&edit=0&mode=show&ward_id=$ward_nr&ward_nr=$ward_nr"); if ($ward =& $ward_obj->getWardInfo($ward_nr)) { $rooms =& $ward_obj->getAllActiveRoomsInfo(); $rows = true; extract($ward); } else { header('location:nursing-station-info.php' . URL_REDIRECT_APPEND); exit; } $breakfile = 'nursing-station-info.php' . URL_APPEND; break; //exit; } else { echo $ward_obj->getLastQuery() . "<br>{$LDDbNoSave}"; } break; case 'close_ward': if ($ward_obj->hasPatient($ward_nr)) { header("location:nursing-station-noclose.php" . URL_REDIRECT_APPEND . "&ward_id={$ward_id}&ward_nr={$ward_nr}"); exit; } else { switch ($close_type) { case 'temporary': $ward_obj->closeWardTemporary($ward_nr); break; case 'nonreversible': $ward_obj->closeWardNonReversible($ward_nr); break; case 're_open':
if (!isset($station) || empty($station)) { # Know where we are switch ($_SESSION['sess_user_origin']) { case 'amb': # Create nursing notes object include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $obj = new Department(); $station = $obj->FormalName($dept_nr); break; default: # Create nursing notes object include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_ward.php'; $obj = new Ward(); $station = $obj->WardName($location_nr); } echo $obj->getLastQuery(); } } # Start Smarty templating here /** * LOAD Smarty */ # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php'; $smarty = new smarty_care('nursing'); # Title in toolbar $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', $LDNotes . ' :: ' . ${$station} . ' (' . formatDate2Local($s_date, $date_format) . ')'); # hide back button $smarty->assign('pbBack', FALSE); # href for help button
if (empty(${$info})) { $_POST['info'] = ' '; } else { $_POST['info'] = ${$info}; } if ($ward_obj->saveWardRoomInfoFromArray($_POST)) { $saved_ok = true; } //echo $ward_obj->getLastQuery().'<p>'; } } if ($saved_ok) { header("location:nursing-station.php" . URL_REDIRECT_APPEND . "&edit=1&ward_nr={$ward_nr}&retpath=ward_mng"); exit; } else { echo $ward_obj->getLastQuery(); } } else { /* Get the ward's data */ $ward =& $ward_obj->getWardInfo($ward_nr); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN" "html.dtd"> <?php html_rtl($lang); ?> <HEAD> <?php echo setCharSet(); ?>