コード例 #1
foreach ($formContent as $formPages) {
    $pageContent = json_decode($formPages->page_content);
    $submissionDetail = '';
    $submissionEdit = '';
    foreach ($pageContent as $fields) {
        $key = $fields->id;
        if (isset($fields->type) && $fields->type != 'static-content' && $fields->type != 'google-maps') {
            $submissionDetail .= '<dt>' . $fields->options->label . ':</dt><dd id="' . $key . '">';
            $submissionEdit .= '<div class="control-group ">
<label class="control-label">' . $fields->options->label . ':</label>
<div class="controls">';
            $contentField = '';
            $contentFieldEdit = '';
            $contentFieldDetail = '';
            if (isset($submission->{$key})) {
                $contentField = WR_Contactform_Helpers_Contactform::get_data_field($fields->type, $submission, $key, $this->id, false);
                $contentFieldEdit = $contentField;
                if ($fields->type == 'email') {
                    $contentFieldDetail = !empty($contentField) ? '<a href="mailto:' . $contentField . '">' . $contentField . '</a>' : 'N/A';
                } else {
                    $contentFieldDetail = $contentField;
            //if ( isset( $fields->type ) && $fields->type == 'likert' )
            if (isset($fields->type) && ($fields->type == 'likert' || $fields->type == 'email' || $fields->type == 'file-upload')) {
                $submissionDetail .= $contentFieldDetail ? str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', trim($contentFieldDetail)) : 'N/A';
            } else {
                $submissionDetail .= $contentFieldDetail ? str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', htmlentities(html_entity_decode(trim($contentFieldDetail)))) : 'N/A';
            if (isset($fields->type) && ($fields->type == 'checkboxes' || $fields->type == 'list' || $fields->type == 'paragraph-text')) {
                if ($fields->type == 'checkboxes' || $fields->type == 'list') {
コード例 #2
  * Save form submission
  * @param   Array  $post    Post form
  * @param   int    $postID  Post ID
  * @return  Messages
 public function save($post, $postID)
     global $wpdb;
     $return = new stdClass();
     $submissionsData = array();
     $validationForm = array();
     $requiredField = array();
     $postFormId = isset($post['form_id']) ? $post['form_id'] : '';
     $dataForms = get_post_meta((int) $postID);
     $formSettings = !empty($dataForms['form_settings'][0]) ? json_decode($dataForms['form_settings'][0]) : '';
     if (empty($formSettings)) {
     $dataForms['form_id'] = (int) $postFormId;
     $dataContentEmail = '';
     $fileAttach = '';
     $nameFileByIndentifier = '';
     $global_captcha_setting = get_option('wr_contactform_global_captcha_setting', 2);
     if ($global_captcha_setting != 0) {
         if (!empty($formSettings->form_captcha) && $formSettings->form_captcha == 1 && isset($_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'])) {
             include_once WR_CONTACTFORM_PATH . 'libraries/3rd-party/recaptchalib.php';
             $recaptchaChallenge = isset($_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field']) ? $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'] : '';
             $recaptchaResponse = isset($_POST['recaptcha_response_field']) ? $_POST['recaptcha_response_field'] : '';
             $resp = recaptcha_check_answer(WR_CONTACTFORM_CAPTCHA_PRIVATEKEY, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $recaptchaChallenge, $recaptchaResponse);
             if (!$resp->is_valid) {
                 $return->error['captcha'] = __('Incorrect captcha text!', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN);
                 return $return;
         } else {
             if (!empty($formSettings->form_captcha) && $formSettings->form_captcha == 2 || $global_captcha_setting == 1) {
                 if (!empty($_POST['form_name']) && !empty($_POST['captcha'])) {
                     $sCaptcha = $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$_POST['form_name']] ? $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$_POST['form_name']] : '';
                     if (strtolower($sCaptcha) != strtolower($_POST['captcha'])) {
                         $return->error['captcha_2'] = __('Incorrect captcha text!', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN);
                         return $return;
                 } else {
                     $return->error['captcha_2'] = __('Incorrect captcha text!', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN);
                     return $return;
     $columsSubmission = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wr_contactform_fields WHERE form_id = %d ORDER BY field_ordering ASC", (int) $postFormId));
     $fieldClear = array();
     if (isset($dataForms->form_type) && $dataForms->form_type == 1) {
         $dataPages = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wr_contactform_form_pages WHERE form_id = %d ORDER BY page_id ASC", (int) $dataForms['form_id']));
         foreach ($dataPages as $index => $page) {
             if ($index > 0) {
                 $contentPage = isset($page->page_content) ? json_decode($page->page_content) : '';
                 foreach ($contentPage as $item) {
                     $fieldClear[] = $item->id;
     $postAction = !empty($dataForms['form_post_action'][0]) ? $dataForms['form_post_action'][0] : '';
     $postActionData = !empty($dataForms['form_post_action_data'][0]) ? unserialize($dataForms['form_post_action_data'][0]) : '';
     self::get_action_form($postAction, $postActionData, $return);
     $fieldEmail = array();
     $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
     $browser = new Browser();
     $submissionsData[] = array('form_id' => $postFormId, 'submission_data_value' => $browser->getPlatform(), 'field_type' => 'os');
     $submissionsData[] = array('form_id' => $postFormId, 'submission_data_value' => $browser->getBrowser(), 'field_type' => 'browser');
     $submissionsData[] = array('form_id' => $postFormId, 'submission_data_value' => $ip, 'field_type' => 'ip');
     foreach ($columsSubmission as $colum) {
         if (!in_array($colum->field_id, $fieldClear)) {
             $fieldName = '';
             $fieldName = $colum->field_id;
             $fieldSettings = isset($colum->field_settings) ? json_decode($colum->field_settings) : '';
             $value = '';
             $fieldEmail[$colum->field_id] = $colum->field_identifier;
             $formTypeNotSave = array('static-content', 'google-maps');
             $formTypeNotSave = apply_filters('wr_contactform_filter_form_type_not_save', $formTypeNotSave);
             if (isset($colum->field_type) && !in_array($colum->field_type, $formTypeNotSave)) {
                 if (in_array($colum->field_type, array('single-line-text', 'paragraph-text', 'country'))) {
                     $postFieldName = isset($post[$fieldName]) ? $post[$fieldName] : '';
                     $postName = stripslashes($postFieldName);
                     $value = $postName ? $postName : '';
                 } elseif ($colum->field_type == 'choices' || $colum->field_type == 'dropdown') {
                     $value = self::field_others($post, $fieldSettings, $fieldName);
                 } elseif (in_array($colum->field_type, array('checkboxes', 'list'))) {
                     $value = self::field_json($post, $colum->field_type, $fieldName);
                 } else {
                     $getValue = '';
                     $getValue = apply_filters('wr_contactform_get_value_type_' . str_replace('-', '_', $colum->field_type), $post, $fieldName, $colum, $fieldSettings);
                     if (is_array($getValue)) {
                         foreach ($getValue as $idField => $text) {
                             $validationForm[$idField] = $text;
                     } else {
                         if (is_string($getValue)) {
                             $value = $getValue;
                 // htmlentities to form inputs
                 if (in_array($colum->field_type, array('single-line-text', 'paragraph-text', 'address', 'name', 'password'))) {
                     $value = htmlentities($value);
                 $submissionsData[] = array('form_id' => $postFormId, 'field_id' => $colum->field_id, 'submission_data_value' => $value, 'field_type' => $colum->field_type);
                 $keyField = $colum->field_id;
                 $submissions = new stdClass();
                 $submissions->{$keyField} = $value;
                 if (isset($colum->field_type)) {
                     $nameFileByIndentifier[$colum->field_identifier] = $colum->field_title;
                     $contentField = WR_Contactform_Helpers_Contactform::get_data_field($colum->field_type, $submissions, $colum->field_id, $postFormId, false, false, 'email');
                     if ($colum->field_type == 'file-upload') {
                         $fileAttach[$colum->field_identifier] = WR_Contactform_Helpers_Contactform::get_data_field($colum->field_type, $submissions, $colum->field_id, $postFormId, false, false, 'fileAttach');
                     /* Create Filter get file attachment*/
                     $fileAttach = apply_filters('wr_contactform_frontend_file_attachment_email', $fileAttach, $colum, $submissions, $postFormId);
                     $dataContentEmail[$colum->field_identifier] = $contentField ? str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', trim($contentField)) : '<span>N/A</span>';
                     $requiredField[$colum->field_identifier] = $fieldSettings->options->required;
                 if (!empty($fieldSettings->options->noDuplicates) && (int) $fieldSettings->options->noDuplicates == 1) {
                     WR_CF_Gadget_Contactform_Frontend::check_duplicates($post, $fieldName, $colum->field_title, $validationForm);
                 if (isset($fieldSettings->options->limitation) && (int) $fieldSettings->options->limitation == 1 && !empty($post[$fieldName])) {
                     if ($fieldSettings->options->limitMin <= $fieldSettings->options->limitMax && $fieldSettings->options->limitMax > 0) {
                         self::check_limit_char($post, $fieldSettings, $fieldName, $colum->field_title, $validationForm);
                 if (isset($fieldSettings->options->requiredConfirm) && (int) $fieldSettings->options->requiredConfirm == 1) {
                     $postData = isset($post[$fieldName]) ? $post[$fieldName] : '';
                     $postDataConfirm = isset($post[$fieldName . '_confirm']) ? $post[$fieldName . '_confirm'] : '';
                     if (isset($fieldSettings->options->required) && (int) $fieldSettings->options->required == 1 && $postData != $postDataConfirm) {
                         $error = __('Both %s addresses must be the same.', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN);
                         $validationForm[$fieldName] = str_replace('%s', $colum->field_title, $error);
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($postData) && !empty($postDataConfirm) && $postData != $postDataConfirm) {
                             $error = __('Both %s addresses must be the same.', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN);
                             $validationForm[$fieldName] = str_replace('%s', $colum->field_title, $error);
                 if (isset($fieldSettings->options->required) && (int) $fieldSettings->options->required == 1 && (int) $fieldSettings->options->hideField != 1) {
                     $checkValidation = array();
                     $checkValidation = apply_filters('wr_contactform_filter_required_type_' . str_replace('-', '_', $colum->field_type), $checkValidation, $post, $fieldName, $colum, $fieldSettings);
                     if (!empty($checkValidation)) {
                         if (is_array($checkValidation)) {
                             $validationForm = array_merge($validationForm, $checkValidation);
                     } else {
                         if (isset($post[$fieldName]) && $post[$fieldName] == '') {
                             $validationForm[$fieldName] = __('This field can not be empty, please enter required information.', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN);
                 do_action('wr_contactform_frontend_action_save_form', $validationForm, $submissions, $postFormId, $fieldSettings, $post, $fieldName, $colum);
                 $validationForm = apply_filters('wr_contactform_frontend_validation_save_form', $validationForm, $colum, $submissions, $postFormId, $fieldSettings, $post, $fieldName);
             } else {
                 $formTypeNotSendEmail = array();
                 $formTypeNotSendEmail[] = 'google-maps';
                 $formTypeNotSendEmail[] = 'file-upload';
                 $formTypeNotSendEmail = apply_filters('wr_contactform_filter_form_type_not_send_email', $formTypeNotSendEmail);
                 if (isset($colum->field_type) && !in_array($colum->field_type, $formTypeNotSendEmail)) {
                     $nameFileByIndentifier[$colum->field_identifier] = $colum->field_title;
                     $dataContentEmail[$colum->field_identifier] = $fieldSettings->options->value;
     if (!$validationForm) {
         self::_save($dataForms, (int) $postID, $return, $post, $submissionsData, $dataContentEmail, $nameFileByIndentifier, $requiredField, $fileAttach);
         return $return;
     } else {
         $return->error = $validationForm;
         return $return;
コード例 #3
ファイル: post-type.php プロジェクト: webeau/WR-ContactForm
  * Render a custom column in the listing page.
  * @param   array  $column   Column name.
  * @param   array  $post_id  Post id.
  * @param   bool   $return   Return String
  * @return  void
 public static function render_submissions_column($column, $post_id, $return = false, $formID = '')
     $html = '';
     global $wpdb;
     if (in_array($column, array('ip', 'browser', 'os'))) {
         if (empty($formID)) {
             $formID = !empty($_SESSION['wr-contactform']['form_id']) ? $_SESSION['wr-contactform']['form_id'] : '';
         if (!empty($formID) && is_numeric($formID)) {
             $submissionData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wr_contactform_submission_data WHERE form_id = %d AND field_id = 0 AND submission_id=%d AND field_type=%s ORDER BY submission_data_id ASC", (int) $formID, (int) $post_id, $column));
             $value = !empty($submissionData[0]->submission_data_value) ? $submissionData[0]->submission_data_value : 'N/A';
             if ($return) {
                 return $value;
             } else {
     } else {
         if ($column == 'total_submissions') {
             $meta = get_post_meta((int) $post_id);
             if (!empty($meta['form_id'][0])) {
                 $form_id = (int) $meta['form_id'][0];
             } else {
                 $form_id = (int) $post_id;
             $where = '';
             $total = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE (post_status = 'publish' OR post_status = 'trash' OR post_status = 'draft' OR post_status = 'pending') AND (post_content = '" . (int) $form_id . "'  AND post_type = 'wr_cfsb_post_type' ) " . $where);
             return '<a href="edit.php?post_status=all&post_type=wr_cfsb_post_type&action=-1&m=0&paged=1&mode=list&action2=-1&wr_contactform_form_id=' . $form_id . '">' . $total . '</a>';
         } else {
             if ($column == 'form_short_code') {
                 $meta = get_post_meta((int) $post_id);
                 if (!empty($meta['form_id'][0])) {
                     $form_id = (int) $meta['form_id'][0];
                 } else {
                     $form_id = (int) $post_id;
                 return '[wr_contactform id=' . $form_id . ']';
             } else {
                 if ($column == 'date_created') {
                     $title = '<strong><a title="Edit Submission" href="post.php?post=' . (int) $post_id . '&amp;action=edit" class="row-title">' . get_the_date('m/d/Y H:i:s', (int) $post_id) . '</a></strong>';
                     return $title;
                 } else {
                     $column = str_replace('_', '', $column);
                     if (empty($formID)) {
                         $formID = !empty($_SESSION['wr-contactform']['form_id']) ? $_SESSION['wr-contactform']['form_id'] : '';
                     if (!empty($formID) && is_numeric($formID) && !empty($column) && is_numeric($column)) {
                         $submissionData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wr_contactform_submission_data WHERE form_id = %d AND field_id = %d AND submission_id=%d ORDER BY submission_data_id ASC", (int) $formID, (int) $column, (int) $post_id));
                         if (!empty($submissionData[0])) {
                             $getData = WR_Contactform_Helpers_Contactform::get_data_field($submissionData[0]->field_type, $submissionData[0], '', $formID, true, true, 'list');
                             if ($return) {
                                 return $getData;
                             } else {