コード例 #1
 * Based on wp_dropdown_categories, with the exception of supporting multiple selected categories.
 * @see  wp_dropdown_categories
function job_manager_dropdown_categories($args = '')
    $defaults = array('orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 1, 'child_of' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => 1, 'selected' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 0, 'name' => 'cat', 'id' => '', 'class' => 'job-manager-category-dropdown ' . (is_rtl() ? 'chosen-rtl' : ''), 'depth' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'job_listing_category', 'value' => 'id', 'placeholder' => __('Choose a category…', 'wp-job-manager'));
    $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    if (!isset($r['pad_counts']) && $r['show_count'] && $r['hierarchical']) {
        $r['pad_counts'] = true;
    $categories = get_terms($taxonomy, $r);
    $name = esc_attr($name);
    $class = esc_attr($class);
    $id = $id ? esc_attr($id) : $name;
    $output = "<select name='{$name}[]' id='{$id}' class='{$class}' multiple='multiple' data-placeholder='{$placeholder}'>\n";
    if (!empty($categories)) {
        include_once JOB_MANAGER_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/class-wp-job-manager-category-walker.php';
        $walker = new WP_Job_Manager_Category_Walker();
        if ($hierarchical) {
            $depth = $r['depth'];
            // Walk the full depth.
        } else {
            $depth = -1;
            // Flat.
        $output .= $walker->walk($categories, $depth, $r);
    $output .= "</select>\n";
    if ($echo) {
        echo $output;
    return $output;
コード例 #2
 * Based on wp_dropdown_categories, with the exception of supporting multiple selected categories.
 * @see  wp_dropdown_categories
function job_manager_dropdown_categories($args = '')
    $defaults = array('orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 1, 'child_of' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => 1, 'selected' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 0, 'name' => 'cat', 'id' => '', 'class' => 'job-manager-category-dropdown ' . (is_rtl() ? 'chosen-rtl' : ''), 'depth' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'job_listing_category', 'value' => 'id', 'multiple' => true, 'show_option_all' => false, 'placeholder' => __('Choose a category&hellip;', 'wp-job-manager'), 'no_results_text' => __('No results match', 'wp-job-manager'), 'multiple_text' => __('Select Some Options', 'wp-job-manager'));
    $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    if (!isset($r['pad_counts']) && $r['show_count'] && $r['hierarchical']) {
        $r['pad_counts'] = true;
    // Store in a transient to help sites with many cats
    $categories_hash = 'jm_cats_' . md5(json_encode($r) . WP_Job_Manager_Cache_Helper::get_transient_version('jm_get_' . $r['taxonomy']));
    $categories = get_transient($categories_hash);
    if (empty($categories)) {
        $categories = get_terms($taxonomy, array('orderby' => $r['orderby'], 'order' => $r['order'], 'hide_empty' => $r['hide_empty'], 'child_of' => $r['child_of'], 'exclude' => $r['exclude'], 'hierarchical' => $r['hierarchical']));
        set_transient($categories_hash, $categories, DAY_IN_SECONDS * 30);
    $name = esc_attr($name);
    $class = esc_attr($class);
    $id = $id ? esc_attr($id) : $name;
    $output = "<select name='" . esc_attr($name) . "[]' id='" . esc_attr($id) . "' class='" . esc_attr($class) . "' " . ($multiple ? "multiple='multiple'" : '') . " data-placeholder='" . esc_attr($placeholder) . "' data-no_results_text='" . esc_attr($no_results_text) . "' data-multiple_text='" . esc_attr($multiple_text) . "'>\n";
    if ($show_option_all) {
        $output .= '<option value="">' . esc_html($show_option_all) . '</option>';
    if (!empty($categories)) {
        include_once JOB_MANAGER_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/class-wp-job-manager-category-walker.php';
        $walker = new WP_Job_Manager_Category_Walker();
        if ($hierarchical) {
            $depth = $r['depth'];
            // Walk the full depth.
        } else {
            $depth = -1;
            // Flat.
        $output .= $walker->walk($categories, $depth, $r);
    $output .= "</select>\n";
    if ($echo) {
        echo $output;
    return $output;
コード例 #3
  * Show category dropdown
 public function jobs_by_category()
     global $typenow, $wp_query;
     if ($typenow != 'job_listing' || !taxonomy_exists('job_listing_category')) {
     include_once JOB_MANAGER_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/class-wp-job-manager-category-walker.php';
     $r = array();
     $r['pad_counts'] = 1;
     $r['hierarchical'] = 1;
     $r['hide_empty'] = 0;
     $r['show_count'] = 1;
     $r['selected'] = isset($wp_query->query['job_listing_category']) ? $wp_query->query['job_listing_category'] : '';
     $r['menu_order'] = false;
     $terms = get_terms('job_listing_category', $r);
     $walker = new WP_Job_Manager_Category_Walker();
     if (!$terms) {
     $output = "<select name='job_listing_category' id='dropdown_job_listing_category'>";
     $output .= '<option value="" ' . selected(isset($_GET['job_listing_category']) ? $_GET['job_listing_category'] : '', '', false) . '>' . __('Select category', 'wp-job-manager') . '</option>';
     $output .= $walker->walk($terms, 0, $r);
     $output .= "</select>";
     echo $output;