  * @subcommand migrate-attachments
  * @synopsis [--delete-local]
 public function migrate_attachments_to_s3($args, $args_assoc)
     $attachments = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'all'));
     WP_CLI::line(sprintf('Attempting to move %d attachments to S3', $attachments->found_posts));
     foreach ($attachments->posts as $attachment) {
         $this->migrate_attachment_to_s3(array($attachment->ID), $args_assoc);
     WP_CLI::success('Moved all attachment to S3. If you wish to update references in your database run: ');
     $old_upload_dir = S3_Uploads::get_instance()->get_original_upload_dir();
     $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
     WP_CLI::Line(sprintf('wp search-replace "%s" "%s"', $old_upload_dir['baseurl'], $upload_dir['baseurl']));
コード例 #2
  * Migrates records from the legacy custom tables into custom post type
  * ## OPTIONS
  * [<days_old>]
  * Delete entries older than this many days, defaults to whatever you
  * have configured in the plugin settings
  * --dry-run
  * Shows number of entries that would be deleted but does not
  * delete them
  *     wp rest-api-log purge
  *     wp rest-api-log purge 90
  * @synopsis [<days_old>] [--dry-run]
 function purge($positional_args, $assoc_args = array())
     $days_old = absint(!empty($positional_args[0]) ? $positional_args[0] : 0);
     $dry_run = !empty($assoc_args['dry-run']);
     WP_CLI::Line("Purging old REST API log entries...");
     $log = new WP_REST_API_Log();
     $number_deleted = $log->purge_old_records($days_old, $dry_run);
     WP_CLI::Success(sprintf("%d entries purged", $number_deleted));