コード例 #1
  * Setup the Yoast SEO premium plugin
 private function setup()
     if (is_admin()) {
         $query_var = ($page = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page')) ? $page : '';
         // Only add the helpscout beacon on Yoast SEO pages.
         if (substr($query_var, 0, 5) === 'wpseo') {
             new WPSEO_HelpScout_Beacon($query_var);
         // Add custom fields plugin to post and page edit pages.
         global $pagenow;
         if (in_array($pagenow, array('post-new.php', 'post.php', 'edit.php'))) {
             new WPSEO_Custom_Fields_Plugin();
         // Disable Yoast SEO.
         add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'disable_wordpress_seo'), 1);
         // Add Sub Menu page and add redirect page to admin page array.
         // This should be possible in one method in the future, see #535.
         add_filter('wpseo_submenu_pages', array($this, 'add_submenu_pages'), 9);
         // Add Redirect page as admin page.
         add_filter('wpseo_admin_pages', array($this, 'add_admin_pages'));
         // Post to Get on search.
         add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'list_table_search_post_to_get'));
         // Add input fields to page meta post types.
         add_action('wpseo_admin_page_meta_post_types', array($this, 'admin_page_meta_post_types_checkboxes'), 10, 2);
         // Add page analysis fields to variable array key patterns.
         add_filter('wpseo_option_titles_variable_array_key_patterns', array($this, 'add_variable_array_key_pattern'));
         // Settings.
         add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'register_settings'));
         // Check if we need to save files after updating options.
         add_action('update_option_wpseo_redirect', array($this, 'save_redirect_files'), 10, 2);
         // Catch option save.
         add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'catch_option_redirect_save'));
         // Screen options.
         switch ($query_var) {
             case 'wpseo_redirects':
                 add_filter('set-screen-option', array('WPSEO_Page_Redirect', 'set_screen_option'), 11, 3);
         // Enqueue Post and Term overview script.
         add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_overview_script'));
         // Licensing part.
         $license_manager = new Yoast_Plugin_License_Manager(new WPSEO_Product_Premium());
         // Setup constant name.
         // Setup license hooks.
         // Add this plugin to licensing form.
         add_action('wpseo_licenses_forms', array($license_manager, 'show_license_form'));
         if ($license_manager->license_is_valid()) {
             add_action('admin_head', array($this, 'admin_css'));
         // Add Premium imports.
         $premium_import_manager = new WPSEO_Premium_Import_Manager();
         // Allow option of importing from other 'other' plugins.
         add_filter('wpseo_import_other_plugins', array($premium_import_manager, 'filter_add_premium_import_options'));
         // Handle premium imports.
         add_action('wpseo_handle_import', array($premium_import_manager, 'do_premium_imports'));
         // Add htaccess import block.
         add_action('wpseo_import_tab_content', array($premium_import_manager, 'add_htaccess_import_block'));
         add_action('wpseo_import_tab_header', array($premium_import_manager, 'htaccess_import_header'));
         // Only activate post and term watcher if permalink structure is enabled.
         if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {
             add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'init_watchers'));
             // Check if we need to display an admin message.
             if ($redirect_created = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'yoast-redirect-created')) {
                 // Message object.
                 $message = new WPSEO_Message_Redirect_Created($redirect_created);
                 add_action('all_admin_notices', array($message, 'display'));
     } else {
         // Add 404 redirect link to WordPress toolbar.
         add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'admin_bar_menu'), 96);
         add_filter('redirect_canonical', array($this, 'redirect_canonical_fix'), 1, 2);
     add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'enqueue_multi_keyword'));