コード例 #1
 public function add_pushes($session_id)
     $purchase = new WPSC_Purchase_Log($session_id, 'sessionid');
     $purchase_id = $purchase->get('id');
     $data = new WPSC_Checkout_Form_Data($purchase_id);
     $output = '';
     $city = $data->get('billingcity');
     $state = $data->get('billingstate');
     $country = $data->get('billingcountry');
     $state = !empty($state) ? wpsc_get_state_by_id($state, 'name') : '';
     $cart_items = $purchase->get_cart_contents();
     $total_shipping = wpsc_get_total_shipping($purchase_id);
     $total_tax = $total_price = 0;
     foreach ($cart_items as $item) {
         /* For backwards compatibility, convert objects to arrays */
         $item = (array) $item;
         $total_tax += $item['tax_charged'];
         $total_price += absint($item['quantity']) * $item['price'];
     if ($this->is_theme_tracking || $this->advanced_code) {
         $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\r";
     add_filter('wpsc_toggle_display_currency_code', array($this, 'remove_currency_and_html'));
     if ($this->use_universal_analytics()) {
         // Yoast GA Plugin switched to it's own object name __gaTracker - assign it to our ga object if it exists
         $output .= "var ga = typeof ga === 'undefined' && typeof __gaTracker !== 'undefined' ? __gaTracker : ga;";
         $output .= "ga('require', 'ecommerce');\n\r";
         $output .= "ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', {\n\t\t\t\t'id': '" . $purchase_id . "',                                               // Transaction ID. Required.\n\t\t\t\t'affiliation': '" . wp_specialchars_decode($this->get_site_name()) . "',  // Affiliation or store name.\n\t\t\t\t'revenue': '" . number_format($total_price, 2, '.', '') . "',             // Grand Total.\n\t\t\t\t'shipping': '" . wpsc_currency_display($total_shipping) . "',             // Shipping.\n\t\t\t\t'tax': '" . wpsc_currency_display($total_tax) . "'                        // Tax.\n\t\t\t});\n\r";
     } else {
         $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t_gaq.push(['_addTrans',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $purchase_id . "',                                     // order ID - required\n\t\t\t\t'" . wp_specialchars_decode($this->get_site_name()) . "', // affiliation or store name\n\t\t\t\t'" . number_format($total_price, 2, '.', '') . "',   // total - required\n\t\t\t\t'" . wpsc_currency_display($total_tax) . "',              // tax\n\t\t\t\t'" . wpsc_currency_display($total_shipping) . "',         // shipping\n\t\t\t\t'" . wp_specialchars_decode($city) . "',                  // city\n\t\t\t\t'" . wp_specialchars_decode($state) . "',                 // state or province\n\t\t\t\t'" . wp_specialchars_decode($country) . "'                // country\n\t\t\t]);\n\r";
     remove_filter('wpsc_toggle_display_currency_code', array($this, 'remove_currency_and_html'));
     foreach ($cart_items as $item) {
         /* For backwards compatibility, convert objects to arrays */
         $item = (array) $item;
         $category = wp_get_object_terms($item['prodid'], 'wpsc_product_category', array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'fields' => 'all_with_object_id'));
         $item['sku'] = get_post_meta($item['prodid'], '_wpsc_sku', true);
         if (empty($item['sku'])) {
             $item['sku'] = $item['prodid'];
         if ($category) {
             $item['category'] = $category[0]->name;
         } else {
             $item['category'] = '';
         $item = apply_filters('wpsc_google_analytics_pushed_product', array_map('wp_specialchars_decode', $item), $item, $this);
         if ($this->use_universal_analytics()) {
             $output .= "ga('ecommerce:addItem', {" . "'id': '" . $purchase_id . "'," . "'name': '" . $item['name'] . "'," . "'sku': '" . $item['sku'] . "'," . "'category': '" . $item['category'] . "'," . "'price': '" . $item['price'] . "'," . "'quantity': '" . $item['quantity'] . "'" . "});\n\r";
         } else {
             $output .= "_gaq.push(['_addItem'," . "'" . $purchase_id . "'," . "'" . $item['sku'] . "'," . "'" . $item['name'] . "'," . "'" . $item['category'] . "'," . "'" . $item['price'] . "'," . "'" . $item['quantity'] . "']);\n\r";
             // Item Quantity
     if ($this->use_universal_analytics()) {
         $output .= "ga('ecommerce:send');\n\r";
     } else {
         $output .= "_gaq.push(['_trackTrans']);\n\r";
     if ($this->is_theme_tracking || $this->advanced_code) {
         $output .= "</script>\n\r";
     return $output;
コード例 #2
        public function save_order($purchase_log)
            $apiKey = get_option('retargeting_domain_api');
            $token = get_option('retargeting_token');
            if ($purchase_log instanceof WPSC_Purchase_Log) {
                $order = array('line_items' => array());
                $checkout_form = new WPSC_Checkout_Form_Data($purchase_log->get('id'));
                $products = $purchase_log->get_cart_contents();
                if (is_array($products)) {
                    foreach ($products as $product) {
                        $parent = $this->get_parent_post($product->prodid);
                        if ($parent) {
                            $product_id = $parent->ID;
                            $product_name = $parent->post_title;
                        } else {
                            $product_id = $product->prodid;
                            $product_name = $product->name;
                        $line_item = array('id' => (int) $product_id, 'quantity' => (int) $product->quantity, 'price' => $this->format_price($product->price), 'variation_code' => '');
                        $order['line_items'][] = $line_item;
                if ($apiKey && $apiKey != "" && $token && $token != "") {
                    require_once "/lib/Retargeting_REST_API_Client.php";
                    $orderInfo = array("order_no" => $purchase_log->get('id'), "lastname" => $checkout_form->get('billinglastname'), "firstname" => $checkout_form->get('billingfirstname'), "email" => $checkout_form->get('billingemail'), "phone" => $checkout_form->get('billingphone'), "state" => $checkout_form->get('shippingstate'), "city" => $checkout_form->get('shippingcity'), "address" => $checkout_form->get('billingaddress'), "discount_code" => $purchase_log->get('discount_data'), "discount" => $purchase_log->get('discount_value'), "shipping" => $purchase_log->get('total_shipping'), "total" => $purchase_log->get('totalprice'));
                    $orderClient = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($apiKey, $token);
                    $response = $orderClient->order->save($orderInfo, $order['line_items']);
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">
						var _ra = _ra || {};
							_ra.saveOrderInfo = {
								"order_no": ' . $purchase_log->get('id') . ',
								"lastname": "' . $checkout_form->get('billinglastname') . '",
								"firstname": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingfirstname') . '",
								"email": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingemail') . '",
								"phone": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingphone') . '",
								"state": "' . $checkout_form->get('shippingstate') . '",
								"city": "' . $checkout_form->get('shippingcity') . '",
								"address": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingaddress') . '",
								"discount_code": "' . $purchase_log->get('discount_data') . '",
								"discount": "' . $purchase_log->get('discount_value') . '",
								"shipping": "' . $purchase_log->get('total_shipping') . '",
								"total": "' . $purchase_log->get('totalprice') . '"
							_ra.saveOrderProducts = ' . json_encode($order['line_items'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
							if( _ra.ready !== undefined ){
								_ra.saveOrder(_ra.saveOrderInfo, _ra.saveOrderProducts);