<div id="catselect-filter"> <p><?php _e('Select the categories containing the files you would like to list.', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </p> <p><input type="checkbox" id="list-all-files" name="list-all-files" value="1" onchange="incAllCatsChanged(this.checked)"/> <label for="list-all-files"><?php _e('Include all Categories', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </label></p> </div> <ul id="catbrowser" class="filetree"></ul> <?php wpfb_loadclass('TreeviewAdmin'); WPFB_TreeviewAdmin::RenderHTML("catbrowser"); ?> </div> <form id="listtplselect" class="insert"> <h2><?php _e('Select Template', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </h2> <?php $tpls = WPFB_ListTpl::GetAll(); if (!empty($tpls)) { foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { echo '<label><input type="radio" name="listtpl" value="' . $tpl->tag . '" />' . $tpl->GetTitle() . '</label><br />'; } } ?>
static function FileBrowser(&$content, $root_cat_id = 0, $cur_cat_id = 0) { static $fb_id = 0; $fb_id++; wpfb_loadclass('Category', 'File'); if (WPFB_Core::$file_browser_search) { // see Core::ContentFilter } else { $root_cat = $root_cat_id == 0 ? null : WPFB_Category::GetCat($root_cat_id); $cur_item = WPFB_Core::$file_browser_item; if ($cur_cat_id > 0) { $cur_item = WPFB_Category::GetCat($cur_cat_id); } // make sure cur cat is a child cat of parent if (!is_null($cur_item) && !is_null($root_cat) && !$root_cat->IsAncestorOf($cur_item)) { $cur_item = null; } self::initFileTreeView($el_id = "wpfb-filebrowser-{$fb_id}", $root_cat); // thats all, JS is loaded in Core::Header $content .= '<ul id="' . $el_id . '" class="treeview">'; $parents = array(); if (!is_null($cur_item)) { $p = $cur_item; do { array_push($parents, $p); } while (!is_null($p = $p->GetParent()) && !$p->Equals($root_cat)); } $args = array(); if (is_admin()) { $args['is_admin'] = true; } self::FileBrowserList($content, $root_cat, array_merge($args, array('open_cats' => $parents))); $content .= '</ul><div style="clear:both;"></div>'; if (WPFB_Core::CurUserCanCreateCat() || WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload()) { wpfb_loadclass('TreeviewAdmin'); $content .= WPFB_TreeviewAdmin::ReturnHTML($el_id, is_admin() || get_user_option('wpfb_set_fbdd'), is_admin() ? 'filebrowser_admin' : 'filebrowser'); } } }