  * Called by WPCOM_Liveblog::load(),
  * it attaches the new command.
 public static function load()
     add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__, 'enqueue_scripts'));
     add_filter('liveblog_before_insert_entry', array(__CLASS__, 'strip_input'), 1);
     add_filter('liveblog_before_update_entry', array(__CLASS__, 'strip_input'), 1);
     // Allow the features to be seperated in multiple ways: via spaces,
     // pipes or commas. This line explodes via spaces and pipes then
     // proceeds to explode it via commas. This allows for the tidy:
     // feature_one, feature_two, feature_three
     self::$features = explode(',', preg_replace('~[ |]+~', ',', self::$features));
     self::$features = array_filter(self::$features, 'strlen');
     // We pass these features into a filter to allow other plugins,
     // themes, etc. to enable or disable any of the features.
     self::$features = apply_filters('liveblog_features', self::$features);
     // This is the autocomplete prefix regex.
     $regex_prefix = '~(?:(?<!\\S)|>?)((?:';
     // This is the autocomplete postfix regex.
     $regex_postfix = '){1}([0-9_\\-\\p{L}]*[_\\-\\p{L}][0-9_\\-\\p{L}]*))(?:<)?~um';
     // We loop every feature and set them up individually.
     foreach (self::$features as $name) {
         // Grab the class from what we expect the classname to be.
         // WPCOM_Liveblog_Entry_Extend_Feature_{{ $name }}
         $class = __CLASS__ . '_Feature_' . ucfirst($name);
         $feature = new $class();
         // Add all the basic (common) feature filters.
         add_filter('liveblog_extend_autocomplete', array($feature, 'get_config'), 10);
         add_filter('liveblog_before_insert_entry', array($feature, 'filter'), 10);
         add_filter('liveblog_before_update_entry', array($feature, 'filter'), 10);
         add_filter('liveblog_before_preview_entry', array($feature, 'filter'), 10);
         add_filter('liveblog_before_edit_entry', array($feature, 'revert'), 10);
         // Set the prefixes to the filtered prefixes.
         // This allows themes, plugins, etc. to change prefixes.
         $feature->set_prefixes(apply_filters('liveblog_' . $name . '_prefixes', $feature->get_prefixes()));
         // We apply the prefixes to the regex so we can match them
         // during the autocomplete and matching process.
         $regex = $regex_prefix . implode('|', $feature->get_prefixes()) . $regex_postfix;
         $feature->set_regex(apply_filters('liveblog_' . $name . '_regex', $regex));
         // Finally, simply load the feature as it may have it's
         // own setup that it is required to complete.
     // Allow external sources to build the autocomplete config that is
     // used by the frontend javascript for autocomplete matching.
     self::$autocomplete = apply_filters('liveblog_extend_autocomplete', self::$autocomplete);