コード例 #1
$sPR = $wo->db->query('select * from ' . $tableName . ' where ' . $remoteIdColumn . '=\'' . $_POST['itemId'] . '\' and objectId=\'' . $_POST['table'] . '\' order by ord');
while ($sP = $wo->db->fetchAssoc($sPR)) {
    $fileInfo = pathinfo($sP['picture']);
    if ($fileInfo['extension'] == 'pdf' || $fileInfo['extension'] == 'PDF') {
        echo '<br/><div><a href="' . $siteBaseURL . $imagesRelativePath . $sP['picture'] . '" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;"><img src="../assets/pdfIcon.jpg" width="22" height="22"/>' . substr($sP['picture'], 20) . '</a> <br/>';
    } else {
        echo '<div><img src="' . $siteBaseURL . $imagesRelativePath . $sP['picture'] . '" width="88" height="62"> ';
    $extraURLBit = '&table=' . $table->getTableId() . '&' . $remoteIdColumn . '=' . $_POST['itemId'];
    $template = '';
    	if ($row['active']=='1')
    	    $template.='<a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?action=deactivate&__address=1_'. $pictureTable->getTableName() .'_'. $sP['id'] .'" class="on">Active</a>
    	    $template.='<a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?action=activate&__address=1_'. $pictureTable->getTableName() .'_'. $sP['id'] .'" class="off">Inctive</a>
    $template .= '<a href="administration.php?&__address=1_' . $pictureTable->getTableId() . '_' . $sP['id'] . '&action=edit' . $extraURLBit . '" target="_parent"><img src="images/edit.png" border="0" alt="Edit this item."></a>
    $template .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=moveUp&__address=1_' . $pictureTable->getTableId() . '_' . $sP['id'] . $extraURLBit . '"><img src="images/arrowUp.png" border="0" alt="Up this item in order"></a><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=moveDown&__address=1_' . $pictureTable->getTableName() . '_' . $sP['id'] . $extraURLBit . '"><img src="images/arrowDown.png" border="0" alt="Down this item in order"></a>
    $template .= '    <a href="javascript:confirmDelete(\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?__address=1_' . $pictureTable->getTableId() . '_' . $sP['id'] . $extraURLBit . '&action=deleteItem\');"><img src="images/delete.png" border="0" alt="Delete this item"></a>
    echo $template . ' </div><br/>';
echo '</div></body></html>';
コード例 #2
ファイル: dupCols.php プロジェクト: ormikopo1988/movierama

$__isSiteBuilderPage = true;
$__actualPath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
$__actualPath = dirname($__actualPath);
require_once $__actualPath . '/setup.inc.php';
$requestedAction = 'edit';
$pageLocation = '1';
$wo = new WOOOF();
$table = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $_GET['table']);
if (isset($_GET['submit']) && $_GET['submit'] == 'Submit') {
    for ($du = 0; $du < count($_GET['chk']); $du++) {
        $desr = $wo->db->query('select * from __columnMetaData where tableId=\'' . $table->getTableId() . '\' and id=\'' . $wo->cleanUserInput($_GET['chk'][$du]) . '\'');
        $de = $wo->db->fetchAssoc($desr);
        $c = '';
        //echo 'INSERT INTO __columnMetaData set
        $wo->db->query('INSERT INTO __columnMetaData set 
id=\'' . $wo->db->getNewId('__columnMetaData') . '\',
tableId=\'' . $table->getTableId() . '\',
name=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['name' . $c] . $_GET['suplec'])) . '\',
description=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['description' . $c] . $_GET['suple'])) . '\',
type=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['type' . $c])) . '\',
length=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['length' . $c])) . '\',
notNull=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['notNull' . $c])) . '\',
presentationType=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['presentationType' . $c])) . '\',
isReadOnly=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['isReadOnly' . $c])) . '\',
isInvisible=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['isInvisible' . $c])) . '\',
appearsInLists=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['appearsInLists' . $c])) . '\',
isASearchableProperty=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['isASearchableProperty' . $c])) . '\',
isReadOnlyAfterFirstUpdate=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($de['isReadOnlyAfterFirstUpdate' . $c])) . '\',
コード例 #3
     if ($header != '') {
     } else {
         header('Location: administration.php?action=read&__address=1_' . $table->getTableId() . $extraURLBit);
 } else {
     if ($action == 'moveDown' && count($addressItems) == 3) {
         $targetRow = $wo->db->getRow($table->getTableName(), $addressItems[2]);
         $ordering = $table->getOrderingColumnForListings();
         if ($table->getGroupedByTable() != '') {
             $table2 = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $table->getGroupedByTable());
             if ($table2->getAdminPresentation() == WOOOF_tablePresentationTypes::CompositeTree) {
                 if ($targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] != '-1') {
                     $header = 'Location: administration.php?action=edit&__address=1_' . $table2->getTableId() . '_' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] . '&parentNode=' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()];
                 } else {
                     $header = 'Location: improvedTree.php?action=read&__address=1_' . $table2->getTableId() . '&parentNode=' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()];
             } else {
                 if (stripos($table2->getTablesGroupedByThis(), $table->getTableName()) !== null && $_GET['from'] == 'edit') {
                     $header = 'Location: administration.php?action=edit&__address=1_' . $table2->getTableId() . '_' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()];
                 } else {
                     $header = '';
             $extraURLBit = '&wooofParent=' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] . '&' . $table->getLocalGroupColumn() . '=' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()];
             $extraQueryBit = ' and ' . $table->getLocalGroupColumn() . '=\'' . $targetRow[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] . '\' ';
         } else {
             $extraURLBit = '';
             $extraQueryBit = '';
コード例 #4
ファイル: wooof.php プロジェクト: ormikopo1988/movierama
  * @param array $row
  * @param string $subtableName
  * @param string $optionsTable
  * @return boolean
 public function updateSubtableFromPostCheckBoxes($row, $subtableName, $optionsTable)
     $sT = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($this->dataBase, $subtableName);
     if ($sT->constructedOk === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     $sTId = $sT->getTableId();
     $res = $this->dataBase->query('delete from ' . $sT->getTableName() . ' where ' . $sT->getLocalGroupColumn() . '=\'' . $row[$sT->getRemoteGroupColumn()] . '\'');
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     if (isset($_POST[$sTId])) {
         $oT = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($this->dataBase, $optionsTable);
         for ($n = 0; $n < count($sT->columns) / 2; $n++) {
             $columnMetaData = $sT->columns[$n]->getColumnMetaData();
             if ($columnMetaData['valuesTable'] == $oT->getTableName()) {
                 $presentationColumn = $columnMetaData['name'];
         while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST[$sTId])) {
             $res = $this->dataBase->query('insert into ' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($sT->getTableName()) . ' (id,' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($sT->getLocalGroupColumn()) . ',' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($presentationColumn) . ') values (\'' . $this->dataBase->getNewId($sT->getTableName()) . '\',\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($row[$sT->getRemoteGroupColumn()]) . '\',\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($val) . '\')');
             if ($res === FALSE) {
                 return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
コード例 #5
while ($table->columns[$counter]->getAppearsInLists() != '1') {
$path = '';
foreach ($table->columns as $key => $value) {
    $column = $value->getColumnMetaData();
    if ($column['appearsInLists']) {
        $columnsToShow = $column['name'];
if (count($addressItems) == 2 || $addressItems[2] == '') {
    $whereClauses['parent_id'] = '-1';
    $table->getResult($whereClauses, 'ord');
    //$innerStuff ='<div id="listTitle"><a href="administration.php?action=edit&__address=1_'. $table->getTableId() .'_&wooofParent=-1">Προσθήκη '. $table->getTableDescription() .'</a></div>';
    $actualRow['name'] = 'Μενού';
    $additionLabel = '<a href="administration.php?action=edit&__address=1_' . $table->getTableId() . '_&wooofParent=-1">Προσθήκη ' . $table->getTableDescription() . '</a>';
} else {
    $actualRow = $wo->db->getRow($table->getTableName(), $addressItems[2]);
    $whereClauses['parent_id'] = $addressItems[2];
    $table->getResult($whereClauses, $table->getOrderingColumnForListings());
    $current_row['parent_id'] = $addressItems[2];
    $treeLevel = 0;
    do {
        $current_row = $wo->db->getRow($table->getTableName(), $current_row['parent_id']);
        if ($addressItems[2] == $current_row['id']) {
            $path = ' > ' . $current_row[$table->columns[$counter]->getName()] . $path;
        } else {
            $path = ' > <a href="improvedTree.php?__address=1_' . $table->getTableId() . '_' . $current_row['id'] . '&action=read">' . $current_row[$table->columns[$counter]->getName()] . '</a>' . $path;
    } while ($current_row['parent_id'] != '-1');
コード例 #6

$__isAdminPage = true;
$__isSiteBuilderPage = true;
$__actualPath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
$__actualPath = dirname($__actualPath);
require_once $__actualPath . '/setup.inc.php';
$requestedAction = 'read';
$pageLocation = '1';
$pageTitle = 'Administration Back End';
$wo = new WOOOF();
$table = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $_GET['table']);
$fragment = $table->constructAdministrationFragment();
echo '<div class="itemEditForm"><form method="POST" action="administration.php" enc-type="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="__address" value="1_' . $table->getTableId() . '_@@@id@@@"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="insert">';
echo $fragment[0];
echo '<section class="formFields">
      <div class="adminButton"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Εισαγωγή"></div>
echo '<a href="buildTblCode.php?table=' . $_GET['table'] . '&class=">Get Tbl Code (fill-in class name first)...</a>';
コード例 #7
ファイル: newColumns.php プロジェクト: ormikopo1988/movierama
                $_POST['isInvisible' . $c] = '0';
            if (!isset($_POST['isASearchableProperty' . $c]) || $_POST['isASearchableProperty' . $c] != '1') {
                $_POST['isASearchableProperty' . $c] = '0';
            if (!isset($_POST['isReadOnlyAfterFirstUpdate' . $c]) || $_POST['isReadOnlyAfterFirstUpdate' . $c] != '1') {
                $_POST['isReadOnlyAfterFirstUpdate' . $c] = '0';
            if (!isset($_POST['isForeignKey' . $c]) || $_POST['isForeignKey' . $c] != '1') {
                $_POST['isForeignKey' . $c] = '0';
            if (!isset($_POST['appearsInLists' . $c]) || $_POST['appearsInLists' . $c] != '1') {
                $_POST['appearsInLists' . $c] = '0';
            if ($_POST['ordering' . $c] == '' || $_POST['ordering' . $c] == '0') {
                $oR = $wo->db->query('select max(ordering) from __columnMetaData where tableId=\'' . $t->getTableId() . '\'');
                $o = mysqli_fetch_row($oR);
                $_POST['ordering' . $c] = (int) $o[0] + 10;
            $succ = $wo->db->query('INSERT INTO __columnMetaData set 
id=\'' . $wo->db->getNewId('__columnMetaData') . '\',
tableId=\'' . $t->getTableId() . '\',
name=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['name' . $c])) . '\',
description=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['description' . $c])) . '\',
type=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['type' . $c])) . '\',
length=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['length' . $c])) . '\',
notNull=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['notNull' . $c])) . '\',
presentationType=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['presentationType' . $c])) . '\',
isReadOnly=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['isReadOnly' . $c])) . '\',
isInvisible=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['isInvisible' . $c])) . '\',
appearsInLists=\'' . $wo->db->escape(trim($_POST['appearsInLists' . $c])) . '\',