コード例 #1
ファイル: subscribers.php プロジェクト: christocmp/bingopaws
 function save()
     $datarequested = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($_REQUEST['data'] as $vals) {
         if ($vals['name'] == 'wysija[user_list][list_id][]') {
             $datarequested[str_replace('wysija[user_list][list_id][]', 'wysija[user_list][list_id][' . $i . ']', $vals['name'])] = $vals['value'];
         } else {
             $datarequested[$vals['name']] = $vals['value'];
     $data = $this->convertUserData($datarequested);
     $helperUser = WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper');
     if (!$helperUser->checkData($data)) {
         return false;
     $user_id = $helperUser->addSubscriber($data);
     if ((int) $user_id > 0) {
         // Handle custom fields
         if (isset($data['user_field'])) {
             WJ_FieldHandler::handle_all($data['user_field'], $user_id);
     return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: confirm.php プロジェクト: duboisGeof/deliciousMeals
 function save()
     //get the user_id out of the params passed */
     if ($this->_testKeyuser()) {
         //update the general details */
         if (!is_array($_REQUEST['wysija']) || !is_array($_REQUEST['wysija']['user'])) {
             return false;
         $userid = $this->userData['details']['user_id'];
         $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
         // we need to call the translation otherwise it will not be loaded and translated
         $this->helperUser->uid = $userid;
         //if the status changed we might need to send notifications */
         if ((int) $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['status'] != (int) $this->userData['details']['status']) {
             if ($_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['status'] > 0) {
                 if ($model_config->getValue('emails_notified_when_sub')) {
             } else {
                 if ($model_config->getValue('emails_notified_when_unsub')) {
                     $this->helperUser->_notify($this->userData['details']['email'], false);
         //check whether the email address has changed if so then we should make sure that the new address doesnt exists already
         if (isset($_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['email'])) {
             $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['email'] = trim($_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['email']);
             if ($this->userData['details']['email'] != $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['email']) {
                 $result = $this->modelObj->getOne(false, array('email' => $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['email']));
                 if ($result) {
                     $this->error(sprintf(__('Email %1$s already exists.', WYSIJA), $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['email']), 1);
         $this->modelObj->update($_REQUEST['wysija']['user'], array('user_id' => $userid));
         $id = $userid;
         $hUser = WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper');
         //update the list subscriptions */
         //run the unsubscribe process if needed
         if ((int) $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['status'] == -1) {
         //update subscriptions */
         $modelUL = WYSIJA::get('user_list', 'model');
         $modelUL->backSave = true;
         /* list of core list */
         $modelLIST = WYSIJA::get('list', 'model');
         // Using "like" condition in order to force sql query to OR (instead of AND). It'll be incorrct if status contains other values than 0/1.
         $results = $modelLIST->get(array('list_id'), array('like' => array('is_enabled' => 0, 'is_public' => 0)));
         $static_listids = array();
         foreach ($results as $res) {
             $static_listids[] = $res['list_id'];
         //0 - get current lists of the user
         $userlists = $modelUL->get(array('list_id', 'unsub_date'), array('user_id' => $id));
         $oldlistids = $new_list_ids = array();
         foreach ($userlists as $listdata) {
             $oldlistids[$listdata['list_id']] = $listdata['unsub_date'];
         $config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
         $dbloptin = $config->getValue('confirm_dbleoptin');
         //1 - insert new user_list
         if (!empty($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id']) && is_array($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'])) {
             $modelUL->update(array('sub_date' => time()), array('user_id' => $id));
             foreach ($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'] as $list_id) {
                 //if the list is not already recorded for the user then we will need to insert it
                 if (!isset($oldlistids[$list_id])) {
                     $new_list_ids[] = $list_id;
                     $dataul = array('user_id' => $id, 'list_id' => $list_id, 'sub_date' => time());
                     //if double optin is on then we want to send a confirmation email for newly added subscription
                     if ($dbloptin) {
                         $modelUL->nohook = true;
                     //if the list is recorded already then let's check the status, if it is an unsubed one then we update it
                 } else {
                     if ($oldlistids[$list_id] > 0) {
                         $modelUL->update(array('unsub_date' => 0, 'sub_date' => time()), array('user_id' => $id, 'list_id' => $list_id));
         //if a confirmation email needs to be sent then we send it
         if ($dbloptin && !empty($new_list_ids)) {
             $send_confirmation = true;
             $send_confirmation = apply_filters('mpoet_confirm_new_list_subscriptions_page', $send_confirmation);
             if ($send_confirmation === true) {
                 $hUser->sendConfirmationEmail($id, true, $new_list_ids);
             } else {
                 // this case has been made so that when subscribers add themselves to a
                 // list through the edit your subscription form they don't receive a confirmation email they already confirmed.
                 // so they receive also the autorespo,nders correspondign to that list immediately.
                 $helper_user = WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper');
                 $_REQUEST['wysiconf'] = base64_encode(json_encode($new_list_ids));
         // list ids
         $list_ids = !empty($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id']) ? $_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'] : array();
         if (is_array($list_ids) === false) {
             $list_ids = array();
         $notEqual = array_merge($static_listids, $list_ids);
         //delete the lists from which you've removed yourself
         $condiFirst = array('notequal' => array('list_id' => $notEqual), 'equal' => array('user_id' => $id, 'unsub_date' => 0));
         $modelUL = WYSIJA::get('user_list', 'model');
         $modelUL->update(array('unsub_date' => time()), $condiFirst);
         Custom Fields.
         if (isset($_POST['wysija']['field'])) {
             WJ_FieldHandler::handle_all($_POST['wysija']['field'], $id);
         $this->notice(__('Newsletter profile has been updated.', WYSIJA));
         //reset post otherwise wordpress will not recognise the post !!!
         $_POST = array();
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: duboisGeof/deliciousMeals
  * function to insert subscribers into wysija
  * data parameter is a multidimensional array
  * @param array  $data=array(
  *       'user'=>array('email'=>$myuserEMAIL,'firstname'=>$myuserFIRSTNAME),
  *       'user_lists'=>array('list_ids'=>array($listid1,$listid2))
  *       );
  * @param boolean $subscribing_from_backend
  * @return type
 function addSubscriber($data, $subscribing_from_backend = false)
     $has_error = false;
     // 0 - action before any processing call third party services WangGuard for instance
     if (!$subscribing_from_backend) {
         $valid_email = apply_filters('wysija_beforeAddSubscriber', true, $data['user']['email']);
         if (!$valid_email) {
             $this->error(__('The email is not valid!', WYSIJA), true);
             $has_error = true;
     // 1-check if email is valid
     if (!$this->validEmail($data['user']['email'])) {
         $this->error(__('The email is not valid!', WYSIJA), true);
         $has_error = true;
     // check if lists are specified?
     if (empty($data['user_list']['list_ids'])) {
         $this->error(__('You need to select at least one list.', WYSIJA), true);
         $has_error = true;
     // make sure we get all the errors in one shot
     if ($has_error === true) {
         return false;
     // 2-check if email doesn't exists already
     $model_user = WYSIJA::get('user', 'model');
     $subscriber_exists_already = $model_user->getOne(false, array('email' => trim($data['user']['email'])));
     $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
     $confirm_dbloptin = $model_config->getValue('confirm_dbleoptin');
     // message success escaping, striping, setting
     $message_success = '';
     if (isset($data['message_success'])) {
         $message_success = strip_tags($data['message_success'], '<p><em><span><b><strong><i><h1><h2><h3><a><ul><ol><li><br>');
     } else {
         if (isset($data['success_message'])) {
             $message_success = strip_tags(nl2br(base64_decode($data['success_message'])), '<p><em><span><b><strong><i><h1><h2><h3><a><ul><ol><li><br>');
         } else {
             if (isset($data['form_id'])) {
                 // we have a form_id parameter so let's fetch the form success message
                 $model_forms = WYSIJA::get('forms', 'model');
                 $form = $model_forms->getOne(array('data'), array('form_id' => (int) $data['form_id']));
                 $form_data = unserialize(base64_decode($form['data']));
                 // if the on_success action is 'message', display message
                 if ($form_data['settings']['on_success'] === 'message') {
                     $message_success = nl2br($form_data['settings']['success_message']);
     if ($subscriber_exists_already) {
         // show a message for that case scenario in the admin panel
         if ($subscribing_from_backend) {
             $this->error(str_replace(array('[link]', '[/link]'), array('<a href="admin.php?page=wysija_subscribers&action=edit&id=' . $subscriber_exists_already['user_id'] . '" >', "</a>"), __('Subscriber already exists. [link]Click to edit[/link].', WYSIJA)), true);
             return false;
         $model_user_list = WYSIJA::get('user_list', 'model');
         $subscribed_but_require_confirmation = false;
         if ($subscriber_exists_already['status'] == 1) {
             $unsubscribed_lists = $model_user_list->get(array('list_id'), array('greater' => array('unsub_date' => 0), 'equal' => array('user_id' => $subscriber_exists_already['user_id'])));
             $already_unsubscribed_list_ids_formatted = array();
             foreach ($unsubscribed_lists as $user_list_detail) {
                 $already_unsubscribed_list_ids_formatted[] = $user_list_detail['list_id'];
             foreach ($data['user_list']['list_ids'] as $list_id) {
                 if (in_array($list_id, $already_unsubscribed_list_ids_formatted)) {
                     $subscribed_but_require_confirmation = true;
         // if the status of the user is either unsubscribed or not confirmed
         // or he is unsubscribed from one of the list he is trying to subscribe again
         // we resend him the activation email
         if ((int) $subscriber_exists_already['status'] < 1 || $subscribed_but_require_confirmation) {
             $model_user->update(array('status' => 0), array('user_id' => $subscriber_exists_already['user_id']));
             $subscribe_to_list = 0;
             if (!$confirm_dbloptin) {
                 $subscribe_to_list = time();
             $this->addToLists($data['user_list']['list_ids'], $subscriber_exists_already['user_id'], $subscribe_to_list);
             // this is the double optin case, where we simply send the signup confirmation
             if ($confirm_dbloptin) {
                 $this->sendConfirmationEmail((object) $subscriber_exists_already, true, $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
             } else {
                 // this is the single optin case, where we fire the autoresponders directly
                 $lists = $this->getUserLists($subscriber_exists_already['user_id'], $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
                 $this->sendAutoNl($subscriber_exists_already['user_id'], $lists);
                 if ($model_config->getValue('emails_notified') && $model_config->getValue('emails_notified_when_sub')) {
                     // notify the administrators of a new subscribption
                     $this->uid = $subscriber_exists_already['user_id'];
                     if (!$subscribing_from_backend) {
                         $this->_notify($data['user']['email'], true, $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
             if (!empty($message_success)) {
             return true;
         $model_user_list = WYSIJA::get('user_list', 'model');
         $already_subscribed_list_ids = $model_user_list->get(array('list_id'), array('greater' => array('sub_date' => 0), 'equal' => array('user_id' => $subscriber_exists_already['user_id'])));
         $already_subscribed_list_ids_formatted = array();
         foreach ($already_subscribed_list_ids as $user_list_detail) {
             $already_subscribed_list_ids_formatted[] = $user_list_detail['list_id'];
         // a confirmation needs to be resend for those lists
         $list_ids_require_confirmation = array();
         foreach ($data['user_list']['list_ids'] as $list_id) {
             // only the list for which the subscribe request is made and is not already subscribed too willr equire confirmation
             if (!in_array($list_id, $already_subscribed_list_ids_formatted)) {
                 $list_ids_require_confirmation[] = $list_id;
         // this process require either a confirmation email to be sent or
         // the autoresponders to be triggerred
         if (!empty($list_ids_require_confirmation)) {
             $subscribe_to_list = $subscriber_status = 0;
             if (isset($data['user']['status'])) {
                 $subscriber_status = $data['user']['status'];
             // if double optin is activated and the subscriber status is 1 (subscribed)
             // or this is single optin, then we directly subscribe the user to the list
             if ($confirm_dbloptin && $subscriber_status || !$confirm_dbloptin) {
                 $subscribe_to_list = time();
             // we can add the subscribers to the lists passed
             $this->addToLists($data['user_list']['list_ids'], $subscriber_exists_already['user_id'], $subscribe_to_list);
             // send a confirmation message when double optin is on
             if ($confirm_dbloptin) {
                 //if we have lists that are going to be added we send a confirmation email for double optin
                 $this->sendConfirmationEmail((object) $subscriber_exists_already, true, $list_ids_require_confirmation);
             } else {
                 // send auto nl to single optin which have lists added
                 if (!empty($list_ids_require_confirmation)) {
                     $lists = $this->getUserLists($subscriber_exists_already['user_id'], $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
                     $this->sendAutoNl($subscriber_exists_already['user_id'], $lists);
             if (!empty($message_success)) {
         } else {
             //no lists need to be added so we can simply return the message
             $this->notice(__("Oops! You're already subscribed.", WYSIJA));
             return true;
         return true;
     // 3-insert the subscriber with the right status based on optin status
     $subscriber_data = $data['user'];
     $subscriber_data['ip'] = $this->getIP();
     $user_id = $model_user->insert($subscriber_data);
     if ((int) $user_id > 0) {
         // if a form id is specified, let's increment its "subscribed count"
         if (isset($data['form_id']) && (int) $data['form_id'] > 0) {
             // check if the form exists
             $model_forms = WYSIJA::get('forms', 'model');
             $form = $model_forms->getOne(array('form_id', 'subscribed'), array('form_id' => (int) $data['form_id']));
             if (isset($form['form_id']) && (int) $form['form_id'] === (int) $data['form_id']) {
                 // the form exists so let's increment the "subscribed" count
                 $model_forms->update(array('subscribed' => $form['subscribed'] + 1), array('form_id' => (int) $form['form_id']));
         // set user profile data
         if (!empty($data['user_field'])) {
             WJ_FieldHandler::handle_all($data['user_field'], $user_id);
         // display success message
         if (!empty($message_success)) {
     } else {
         if ($subscribing_from_backend) {
             $this->notice(__('Subscriber has not been saved.', WYSIJA));
         } else {
             $this->notice(__('Oops! We could not add you!', WYSIJA));
         return false;
     $subscribe_to_list = $subscriber_status = 0;
     if (isset($data['user']['status'])) {
         $subscriber_status = $data['user']['status'];
     if ($confirm_dbloptin && $subscriber_status || !$confirm_dbloptin) {
         $subscribe_to_list = time();
     //4-we add the user to the lists
     $this->addToLists($data['user_list']['list_ids'], $user_id, $subscribe_to_list);
     // 5-send a confirmation email or add the user to the lists depending on the status
     $can_send_autoresponders = false;
     if ($subscriber_status > -1) {
         if ($confirm_dbloptin) {
             if ($subscriber_status == 0) {
                 $model_user->getFormat = OBJECT;
                 $receiver = $model_user->getOne(false, array('email' => trim($data['user']['email'])));
                 $this->sendConfirmationEmail($receiver, true, $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
             } else {
                 //the subscriber status is set to subscribed so we send the auto nl straight away
                 $can_send_autoresponders = true;
         } else {
             // single optin - we send a notification to the admin if settings are set
             $can_send_autoresponders = true;
             if ($model_config->getValue('emails_notified') && $model_config->getValue('emails_notified_when_sub')) {
                 $this->uid = $user_id;
                 if (!$subscribing_from_backend) {
                     $this->_notify($data['user']['email'], true, $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
         // let's send the autoresponders
         if ($can_send_autoresponders) {
             $lists = $this->getUserLists($user_id, $data['user_list']['list_ids']);
             $this->sendAutoNl($user_id, $lists, 'subs-2-nl', $subscribing_from_backend);
     return $user_id;
コード例 #4
ファイル: subscribers.php プロジェクト: crazyyy/octagram
 function save()
     $this->redirectAfterSave = false;
     $helper_user = WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
         $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
         //run the unsubscribe process if needed
         if ((int) $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']['status'] == -1) {
         /* update subscriptions */
         $model_user_list = WYSIJA::get('user_list', 'model');
         $model_user_list->backSave = true;
         /* list of core list */
         $model_list = WYSIJA::get('list', 'model');
         $results = $model_list->get(array('list_id'), array('is_enabled' => '0'));
         $core_listids = array();
         foreach ($results as $res) {
             $core_listids[] = $res['list_id'];
         //0 - get current lists of the user
         $userlists = $model_user_list->get(array('list_id', 'unsub_date'), array('user_id' => $id));
         $oldlistids = $newlistids = array();
         foreach ($userlists as $listdata) {
             $oldlistids[$listdata['list_id']] = $listdata['unsub_date'];
         $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
         $dbloptin = $model_config->getValue('confirm_dbleoptin');
         //1 - insert new user_list
         if (isset($_POST['wysija']['user_list']) && $_POST['wysija']['user_list']) {
             $model_user_list->update(array('sub_date' => time()), array('user_id' => $id));
             if (!empty($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'])) {
                 foreach ($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'] as $list_id) {
                     //if the list is not already recorded for the user then we will need to insert it
                     if (!isset($oldlistids[$list_id])) {
                         $newlistids[] = $list_id;
                         $dataul = array('user_id' => $id, 'list_id' => $list_id, 'sub_date' => time());
                         //if double optin is on and user is unconfirmed or unsubscribed, then we need to set it as unconfirmed subscription
                         if ($dbloptin && (int) $_POST['wysija']['user']['status'] < 1) {
                         //if the list is recorded already then let's check the status, if it is an unsubed one then we update it
                     } else {
                         if ($oldlistids[$list_id] > 0) {
                             $model_user_list->update(array('unsub_date' => 0, 'sub_date' => time()), array('user_id' => $id, 'list_id' => $list_id));
         } else {
             // if no list is selected we unsubscribe them all
             $model_user_list->update(array('unsub_date' => time(), 'sub_date' => 0), array('user_id' => $id));
         //if a confirmation email needs to be sent then we send it
         if ($dbloptin && (int) $_POST['wysija']['user']['status'] == 0 && !empty($newlistids)) {
             $helper_user = WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper');
             $helper_user->sendConfirmationEmail($id, true, $newlistids);
         if ((int) $_POST['wysija']['user']['status'] == 0 || (int) $_POST['wysija']['user']['status'] == 1) {
             $model_user_list->update(array('unsub_date' => 0, 'sub_date' => time()), array('user_id' => $id, 'list_id' => $core_listids));
         $arrayLists = array();
         if (isset($_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'])) {
             $arrayLists = $_POST['wysija']['user_list']['list_id'];
         $notEqual = array_merge($core_listids, $arrayLists);
         //unsubscribe from lists which exist in the old list but does not exist in the new list
         $unsubsribe_list = array_diff(array_keys($oldlistids), $arrayLists);
         if (!empty($unsubsribe_list)) {
             $model_user_list->update(array('unsub_date' => time()), array('user_id' => $id, 'list_id' => $unsubsribe_list));
         Custom Fields.
         if (isset($_POST['wysija']['field'])) {
             WJ_FieldHandler::handle_all($_POST['wysija']['field'], $id);
     } else {
         //instead of going through a classic save we should save through the helper
         $data = $_REQUEST['wysija'];
         $data['user_list']['list_ids'] = !empty($data['user_list']['list_id']) ? $data['user_list']['list_id'] : array();
         $data['message_success'] = __('Subscriber has been saved.', WYSIJA);
         $id = $helper_user->addSubscriber($data, true);
         //$id= parent::save();
         if (!$id) {
             $this->viewShow = $this->action = 'add';
             $data = array('details' => $_REQUEST['wysija']['user']);
             return $this->add($data);
     return true;