public static function newFromArray($notices) { $obj = new self(); foreach ($notices as $text) { $obj->add(WF::build('EditPageNotice', array($text))); } return $obj; }
protected function renderImage($filename, $orientation = self::RIGHT) { $parser = WF::build('Parser'); $parser->setOutputType(OT_HTML); $parserOptions = WF::build('ParserOptions'); $fakeTitle = WF::build('FakeTitle', array('')); return $parser->parse($this->getWikiText($filename, $orientation), $fakeTitle, $parserOptions, false)->getText(); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('SpellCheckerInfo'); $this->app = WF::build('App'); $this->out = $this->app->getGlobal('wgOut'); $this->request = $this->app->getGlobal('wgRequest'); $this->title = $this->app->getGlobal('wgTitle'); }
public function getGameCacheValue() { $app = WF::build('App'); $factory = WF::build('ScavengerHuntGames'); $gameId = $this->getVal('gameId', ''); $readWrite = $this->getVal('readwrite', 0); $key = wfSharedMemcKey('ScavengerHuntGameIndex', $gameId, $readWrite ? 1 : 0, ScavengerHuntGames::CACHE_VERSION); $this->setVal('key', $key); $this->setVal('response', unserialize($factory->getCache()->get($key))); }
public function __construct($url) { $this->feed = $this->getFromCache($url); if (empty($this->feed)) { $rssContent = Http::get($url); $this->feed = new SimplePie(); $this->feed->set_raw_data($rssContent); $this->feed->set_cache_duration(0); $this->feed->init(); $this->saveToCache($url, $this->feed); } $this->blacklistedSeries = WF::build('App')->getGlobal('wgCrunchyrollBlacklistedSeries'); }
public function testEditNotices() { $title = WF::build('Title', array('NewArticle'), 'newFromText'); $editPage = $this->editPageFactory($title); $testNotice1Body = '<div>1st notice</div>'; $testNotice1Key = 'TESTKEY1'; $testNotice2Body = '<div>2nd notice</div>'; $testNotice2Key = 'TESTKEY2'; $editPage->addEditNotice($testNotice1Body, $testNotice1Key); $editPage->addEditNotice($testNotice2Body, $testNotice2Key); $this->assertEquals(array(md5($testNotice1Key) => '1st notice', md5($testNotice2Key) => '2nd notice'), $editPage->getNotices()); $this->assertEquals($testNotice1Body . $testNotice2Body, $editPage->getNoticesHtml()); }
function execute() { global $wgOut, $wgAVStag; $dataMaper = new Amazon_DataMapper(); $fromAmazon = $dataMaper->findItemsByTag($wgAVStag); foreach ($fromAmazon as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['image'] = $value->ImageSets->ImageSet->LargeImage; $data[$key]['season'] = $value->ItemAttributes->SeasonSequence; $data[$key]['episode'] = $value->ItemAttributes->EpisodeSequence; $data[$key]['title'] = $value->ItemAttributes->Title; $data[$key]['video-widget'] = $dataMaper->findWidgetByAsin($key); $data[$key]['video-widget-code'] = htmlspecialchars('<avs_video align="right" asin="' . $key . '" />'); $data[$key]['image-widget-code'] = htmlspecialchars('<avs_image_link align="right" asin="' . $key . '" />'); } $oTmpl = WF::build('EasyTemplate', array(dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/")); $oTmpl->set_vars(array("data" => $data)); $wgOut->addHTML($oTmpl->render("list")); }
public function getFakeRow() { $article = WF::build('ScavengerHuntGames')->newGameArticle(); $article->setArticleName(self::MOCK_TEXT); $article->setWikiId(self::LANDING_WIKI_ID); foreach (array('spriteNotFound', 'spriteInProgressBar', 'spriteInProgressBarHover', 'spriteInProgressBarNotFound') as $spriteName) { $methodName = 'set' . ucfirst($spriteName); $article->{$methodName}($this->getFakeSprite()); } $article->setSpriteNotFound(self::MOCK_URL); $article->setClueText(self::MOCK_TEXT); $article->setCongrats(self::MOCK_TEXT); $row = new stdClass(); $row->game_id = self::MOCK_GAME_ID; $row->wiki_id = self::LANDING_WIKI_ID; $row->game_name = self::MOCK_TEXT; $row->game_is_enabled = 0; $row->game_data = serialize(array('clueColor' => '#fff', 'clueFont' => 'bold', 'clueSize' => '14', 'facebookImg' => '', 'facebookDescription' => '', 'name' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'hash' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'landingTitle' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'landingArticleName' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'landingArticleWikiId' => self::LANDING_WIKI_ID, 'landingButtonText' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'landingButtonX' => self::MOCK_INT, 'landingButtonY' => self::MOCK_INT, 'startingClueTitle' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'startingClueText' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'startingClueButtonText' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'startingClueButtonTarget' => self::MOCK_URL, 'entryFormTitle' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'entryFormText' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'entryFormButtonText' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'entryFormQuestion' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'goodbyeTitle' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'goodbyeText' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'goodbyeImage' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'spriteImg' => self::MOCK_URL, 'entryFormEmail' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'entryFormUsername' => self::MOCK_TEXT, 'articles' => array($article), 'progressBarBackgroundSprite' => $this->getFakeSprite(), 'progressBarExitSprite' => $this->getFakeSprite(), 'progressBarHintLabel' => $this->getFakeSprite(), 'startPopupSprite' => $this->getFakeSprite(), 'finishPopupSprite' => $this->getFakeSprite(), 'landingButtonX' => 1, 'landingButtonY' => 1)); return $row; }
/** * @dataProvider conditions */ public function testGameNotLoaded($isUserAnon, $cookieValue) { // starting conditions $scavengerHunt = WF::build('ScavengerHunt'); $scavengerHunt->setGame(null); $mockedUser = $this->getMock('User', array('isAnon', 'getName')); $mockedUser->expects($this->any())->method('isAnon')->will($this->returnValue(self::MOCK_USER_NAME)); $mockedUser->expects($this->any())->method('getName')->will($this->returnValue(self::MOCK_USER_NAME)); $this->mockClass('User', $mockedUser); $_COOKIE[$scavengerHunt->getHuntIdKey()] = $cookieValue; // mocks $oFakeGame = $this->getFakeGame(); // test $oFinalGame = $scavengerHunt->getActiveGame(); if (empty($cookieValue)) { $this->assertEmpty($oFinalGame); } else { $this->assertNotEmpty($oFinalGame); $oFakeGameID = $oFinalGame->getId(); $this->assertEquals($oFakeGameID, $oFinalGame->getId()); } }
/** * @desc enable/disable feature * @requestParam string enabled [true/false] * @requestParam string feature (extension variable) * @responseParam string result [OK/error] * @responseParam string error (error message) */ public function toggleFeature() { $enabled = $this->getVal('enabled', null); $feature = $this->getVal('feature', null); // check user permission if (!$this->wg->User->isAllowed('wikifeatures')) { $this->setVal('result', 'error'); $this->setVal('error', $this->wf->Msg('wikifeatures-error-permission')); return; } // check if feature given is actually something we allow setting if (!in_array($feature, $this->wg->WikiFeatures['normal']) && !in_array($feature, $this->wg->WikiFeatures['labs'])) { $this->setVal('result', 'error'); $this->setVal('error', $this->wf->Msg('wikifeatures-error-invalid-parameter')); return; } // validate feature: valid value ($enabled and $feature), check if Feature exists ($wg_value) $wg_value = WikiFactory::getVarByName($feature, $this->wg->CityId); if ($enabled != 'true' && $enabled != 'false' || empty($feature) || empty($wg_value)) { $this->setVal('result', 'error'); $this->setVal('error', $this->wf->Msg('wikifeatures-error-invalid-parameter')); return; } $enabled = $enabled == 'true'; $logMsg = "set extension option: {$feature} = " . var_export($enabled, TRUE); $log = WF::build('LogPage', array('wikifeatures')); $log->addEntry('wikifeatures', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('WikiFeatures'), $logMsg, array()); WikiFactory::setVarByName($feature, $this->wg->CityId, $enabled, "WikiFeatures"); if ($feature == 'wgShowTopListsInCreatePage') { WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableTopListsExt', $this->wg->CityId, $enabled, "WikiFeatures"); } // clear cache for active wikis WikiFactory::clearCache($this->wg->CityId); $this->wg->Memc->delete(WikiFeaturesHelper::getInstance()->getMemcKeyNumActiveWikis($feature)); $this->setVal('result', 'ok'); }
public function getGoodbyeHtml(ScavengerHuntGame $game) { // build entry form html $template = WF::build('EasyTemplate', array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/')); /* @var $template EasyTemplate */ $template->set_vars(array('title' => $game->getGoodbyeTitle(), 'text' => $this->parseCached($game->getGoodbyeText()), 'shareUrl' => $game->getLandingTitle(), 'imageSrc' => $game->getSpriteImg(), 'imgSprite' => $game->getFinishPopupSprite())); return $template->render('modal-clue'); }
public function getFogbugzService() { if ($this->fogbugzService == null) { $this->fogbugzService = WF::build('FogbugzService', array($this->wg->fogbugzAPIConfig['apiUrl'], $this->wg->fogbugzAPIConfig['username'], $this->wg->fogbugzAPIConfig['password'], $this->app->getGlobal('wgHTTPProxy'))); } return $this->fogbugzService; }
protected function getKey($prefix, $cityId = false) { if (empty($cityId)) { $cityId = WF::build('App')->getGlobal('wgCityId'); } return wfSharedMemcKey('WikiaMetrics2', $prefix, $cityId); }
/** * Count total users * @return Integer */ public function users() { /** * wikia change * cache number of users for 12hours * it's not important to have exact numbers there */ $cache = WF::build("App")->getGlobal("wgMemc"); $this->mUsers = $cache->get(wfSharedMemcKey("registered-users-number")); if (empty($this->mUsers)) { $this->mUsers = $this->dbshared->selectField('`user`', 'COUNT(*)', '', __METHOD__); $cache->set(wfSharedMemcKey("registered-users-number"), $this->mUsers, 60 * 60 * 12); } return $this->mUsers; }
/** * This is the ajax-endpoint that the node server will connect to in order to get the currently logged-in user's info. * The node server will pass the same cookies that the client has set, and this will allow this ajax request to be * part of the same sesssion that the user already has going. By doing this, the user's existing wikia login session * can be used, so they don't need to re-login for us to know that they are legitimately authorized to use the chat or not. * * The returned info is just a custom subset of what the node server needs and does not contain an exhaustive list of rights. * * The 'isLoggedIn' field and 'canChat' field of the result should be checked by the calling code before allowing * the user to chat. This is the last line of security against any users attemptin to circumvent our protections. Otherwise, * a banned user could copy the entire client code (HTML/JS/etc.) from an unblocked user, then run that code while logged in as * under a banned account, and they would still be given access. * * The returned 'isChatMod' field is boolean based on whether the user is a chat moderator on the current wiki. * * If the user is not allowed to chat, an error message is returned (which can be shown to the user). */ public static function getUserInfo() { global $wgMemc, $wgServer, $wgArticlePath, $wgRequest, $wgCityId, $wgContLang, $wgIP; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $data = $wgMemc->get($wgRequest->getVal('key'), false); if (empty($data)) { return array('errorMsg' => wfMsg('chat-room-is-not-on-this-wiki')); } $user = User::newFromId($data['user_id']); if (empty($user) || !$user->isLoggedIn() || $user->getName() != $wgRequest->getVal('name', '')) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return array('errorMsg' => wfMsg('chat-room-is-not-on-this-wiki')); } $isCanGiveChatMode = false; $userChangeableGroups = $user->changeableGroups(); if (in_array('chatmoderator', $userChangeableGroups['add'])) { $isCanGiveChatMode = true; } // First, check if they can chat on this wiki. $retVal = array('canChat' => Chat::canChat($user), 'isLoggedIn' => $user->isLoggedIn(), 'isChatMod' => $user->isAllowed('chatmoderator'), 'isCanGiveChatMode' => $isCanGiveChatMode, 'isStaff' => $user->isAllowed('chatstaff'), 'username' => $user->getName(), 'avatarSrc' => AvatarService::getAvatarUrl($user->getName(), self::CHAT_AVATAR_DIMENSION), 'editCount' => "", 'since' => '', 'activeBasket' => ChatHelper::getServerBasket(), 'wgCityId' => $wgCityId, 'wgServer' => $wgServer, 'wgArticlePath' => $wgArticlePath); // Figure out the error message to return (i18n is done on this side). if ($retVal['isLoggedIn'] === false) { $retVal['errorMsg'] = wfMsg('chat-no-login'); } else { if ($retVal['canChat'] === false) { $retVal['errorMsg'] = wfMsg('chat-you-are-banned-text'); } } // If the user is approved to chat, make sure the roomId provided is for this wiki. // Users may be banned on the wiki of the room, but not on this wiki for example, so this prevents cross-wiki chat hacks. if ($retVal['canChat']) { $roomId = $wgRequest->getVal('roomId'); $cityIdOfRoom = NodeApiClient::getCityIdForRoom($roomId); if ($wgCityId !== $cityIdOfRoom) { $retVal['canChat'] = false; // don't let the user chat in the room they requested. $retVal['errorMsg'] = wfMsg('chat-room-is-not-on-this-wiki'); } } // If the user can chat, dig up some other stats which are a little more expensive to compute. if ($retVal['canChat']) { $userStatsService = new UserStatsService($user->getId()); $stats = $userStatsService->getStats(); // NOTE: This is attached to the user so it will be in the wiki's content language instead of wgLang (which it normally will). $stats['edits'] = $wgContLang->formatNum($stats['edits']); if (empty($stats['date'])) { // If the user has not edited on this wiki, don't show anything $retVal['since'] = ""; } else { // this results goes to chat server, which obiously has no user lang // so we just return a short month name key - it has to be translated on client side $date = getdate(wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $stats['date'])); $retVal['since'] = $date; } $retVal['editCount'] = $stats['edits']; } if ($retVal['isLoggedIn'] && $retVal['canChat']) { // record the IP of the connecting user. // use memcache so we order only one (user, ip) pair each day $ip = $wgRequest->getVal('address'); $memcKey = self::getUserIPMemcKey($data['user_id'], $ip, date("Y-m-d")); $entry = $wgMemc->get($memcKey, false); if (empty($entry)) { $wgMemc->set($memcKey, true, 86400); $log = WF::build('LogPage', array('chatconnect', false, false)); $log->addEntry('chatconnect', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Chat'), '', array($ip), $user); $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $cuc_id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('cu_changes_cu_id_seq'); $rcRow = array('cuc_id' => $cuc_id, 'cuc_namespace' => NS_SPECIAL, 'cuc_title' => 'Chat', 'cuc_minor' => 0, 'cuc_user' => $user->getID(), 'cuc_user_text' => $user->getName(), 'cuc_actiontext' => wfMsgForContent('chat-checkuser-join-action'), 'cuc_comment' => '', 'cuc_this_oldid' => 0, 'cuc_last_oldid' => 0, 'cuc_type' => CUC_TYPE_CHAT, 'cuc_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp(), 'cuc_ip' => IP::sanitizeIP($ip), 'cuc_ip_hex' => $ip ? IP::toHex($ip) : null, 'cuc_xff' => '', 'cuc_xff_hex' => null, 'cuc_agent' => null); $dbw->insert('cu_changes', $rcRow, __METHOD__); $dbw->commit(); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $retVal; }
protected function analyzeHtml($html, &$more = null) { $pos = 0; $tags = array(); preg_match_all("/<(\\/?)(div|table)[^>]*>/isU", $html, $tags, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $depth = 0; $chunks = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagcontent = $tag[0][0]; $tagstartpos = $tag[0][1]; $tagendpos = $tagstartpos + strlen($tagcontent); $tagopening = empty($tag[1][0]); if ($tagopening) { if ($depth == 0) { $remnant = trim(substr($html, $pos, $tagstartpos - $pos)); if (!empty($remnant)) { $chunks[] = array($pos, $tagstartpos - $pos, $remnant, false); } $pos = $tagstartpos; $sectiontagstartpos = $tagstartpos; $sectiontagcontent = $tagcontent; } $depth++; } else { $depth--; if ($depth == 0) { $id = false; if (preg_match("/(?:id|class)=[\"']?([^\"'> ]+)[\"'>\t ]/isU", $sectiontagcontent, $matches)) { $id = $matches[1]; } $content = trim(substr($html, $sectiontagstartpos, $tagendpos - $sectiontagstartpos)); $chunks[] = array($sectiontagstartpos, $tagendpos - $sectiontagstartpos, $content, $id); $pos = $tagendpos; } if ($depth < 0) { $depth = 0; } } } $remnant = trim(substr($html, $pos)); if (!empty($remnant)) { $chunks[] = array($pos, strlen($html) - $pos, $remnant, false); } $notices = array(); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { if ($chunk[3]) { $notice = WF::build('EditPageNotice', array($chunk[2], $chunk[3])); if ($notice->getSummary() != '') { $this->notices->add($notice); $notices[] = $notice; } } } if (count($notices) < count($chunks)) { $more = true; } return $notices; }
/** * @return array|bool|Mixed */ public function getJSParamsForCurrent() { $cityId = $this->app->wg->cityId; $articleName = $this->app->wg->title->getPartialURL(); if (!$this->isPagePartOfAnyHunt($cityId, $articleName)) { return false; } $key = wfSharedMemcKey('ScavengerHuntIndexer', $cityId, md5($articleName)); $value = $this->getCache()->get($key); if (empty($value)) { self::log('performance', __METHOD__); $enabledGames = $this->getEnabledGames(); $value = array(); foreach ($enabledGames as $game) { $template = WF::build('EasyTemplate', array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates/')); /* @var $template EasyTemplate */ $template->set_vars(array('game' => $game)); if ($game->getLandingArticleName() == $articleName) { $value['wgScavengerHuntStart'][] = (int) $game->getId(); $value['wgScavengerHuntStartMsg'][] = $game->getLandingButtonText(); $value['wgScavengerHuntStartPosition'][] = array('X' => $game->getLandingButtonX(), 'Y' => $game->getLandingButtonY()); $value['wgScavengerHuntStartClueTitle'][] = $game->getStartingClueTitle(); $value['wgScavengerHuntSpriteImg'][] = $game->getSpriteImg(); $value['wgScavengerHuntSprite'][] = ScavengerHunt::formatSpriteForJS(array('sprite' => $game->getStartPopupSprite()), 'sprite'); $value['wgScavengerHuntStartClueHtml'][] = $template->render('modal-starting'); } } $value['wgCookieDomain'] = $this->app->wg->cookieDomain; $this->getCache()->set($key, $value, self::CACHE_TTL); } else { self::log('performance(cache)', __METHOD__); } return $value; }
<?php // セッションスタート session_start(); // クラス呼び出し require 'warning_function_class.php'; $on_or_off = new WF(); // ログイン状態のチェック if (!isset($_SESSION["USERID"])) { header("Location: admin_screen_login.php"); exit; } // ON/OFFの設定によりクラス内の変数の値を変更 if (isset($_POST["on_off"])) { if ($_POST["on_off"] == 1) { $on_or_off->on(); $on_off = $on_or_off->wfr; $_SESSION["on_off"] = $on_off; } else { $on_or_off->off(); $on_off = $on_or_off->wfr; $_SESSION["on_off"] = $on_off; } } else { if (isset($_SESSION["on_off"])) { $on_off = $_SESSION["on_off"]; } } /*保留 if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $on_off = $_SESSION["ONOFF"];
function testDuplicateCreate() { $this->markTestSkipped('Randomly failing due to master/slave lag'); // FIXME /** @var $poll WikiaPollAjax */ $poll = WF::build('WikiaPollAjax'); $wgRequest = $this->getMock('WebRequest', array('getVal', 'getArray')); $wgRequest->expects($this->at(0))->method('getVal')->with($this->equalTo('question'))->will($this->returnValue("Unit Testing")); $wgRequest->expects($this->any())->method('getArray')->with($this->equalTo('answer'))->will($this->returnValue(array("One", "Two", "Three"))); $wgRequest->expects($this->any())->method('getIP')->will($this->returnValue('')); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgRequest', $wgRequest); $this->mockApp(); // Create the same poll twice $result = $poll->create(); $this->assertType("array", $result, "Create duplicate result is array"); $this->assertEquals(false, $result["success"], "Create duplicate Poll success flag is false"); $this->assertType("string", $result["error"], "Create duplicate Poll results in an error"); // clean up $title = Title::newFromText("Unit Testing", NS_WIKIA_POLL); $article = new Article($title, NS_WIKIA_POLL); /* @var $article WikiPage */ if ($article->exists()) { $article->doDelete("Unit Testing", true); } }
public function execute($subpage) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $this->games = WF::build('ScavengerHuntGames'); $this->setHeaders(); $this->mTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('scavengerhunt'); if ($this->isRestricted() && !$this->userCanExecute($this->user)) { $this->displayRestrictionError(); return; } @(list($action, $id) = explode('/', $subpage)); $action = !empty($action) ? $action : 'list'; $id = (int) $id; $game = $this->games->findById($id); if (empty($game)) { $game = $this->games->newGame(); } // check edit tokens if ($this->request->wasPosted() && !$this->user->matchEditToken($this->request->getVal('wpEditToken'))) { NotificationsController::addConfirmation(wfMsg('scavengerhunt-edit-token-mismatch'), NotificationsController::CONFIRMATION_ERROR); $this->out->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullUrl()); return; } $this->out->addStyle(AssetsManager::getInstance()->getSassCommonURL('extensions/wikia/ScavengerHunt/css/scavenger-special.scss')); $this->out->addStyle(AssetsManager::getInstance()->getSassCommonURL('extensions/wikia/ScavengerHunt/css/scavenger-game.scss')); $this->out->addScriptFile($this->app->getGlobal('wgExtensionsPath') . '/wikia/ScavengerHunt/js/scavenger-special.js'); $template = WF::build('EasyTemplate', array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/')); $errors = array(); switch ($action) { case 'list': $button = '<a class="wikia-button scavengerhunt-add-button" href="' . $this->mTitle->getFullUrl() . '/add">' . XML::element('img', array('class' => 'sprite new', 'src' => $this->app->getGlobal('wgBlankImgUrl'))) . wfMsg('scavengerhunt-button-add') . '</a>'; $this->out->mPagetitle .= $button; $this->out->mPageLinkTitle = true; // Games list $pager = WF::build('ScavengerHuntGamesPager', array($this->games, $this->mTitle->getFullUrl(), $template)); $this->out->addHTML($pager->getBody() . $pager->getNavigationBar()); break; case 'toggle': $enable = !$game->isEnabled(); $game->setEnabled($enable); $errors = $this->validateGame($game); if (empty($errors['errors'])) { $game->save(); NotificationsController::addConfirmation($enable ? wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-enabled') : wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-disabled')); //success! go to the list $this->out->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullUrl()); return; } else { //failure - display errors $game->setEnabled(false); } // no "break" on purpose - wasPosted() will return false but we'll display proper template // no "break" on purpose - wasPosted() will return false but we'll display proper template case 'edit': if ($this->request->wasPosted()) { if ($this->request->getVal('enable')) { $enabled = !$this->request->getVal('prevEnabled'); $game->setEnabled($enabled); $errors = $this->validateGame($game); if (empty($errors['errors'])) { $game->save(); NotificationsController::addConfirmation($enabled ? wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-enabled') : wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-disabled')); $this->out->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullUrl() . "/edit/{$id}"); return; } else { $game->setEnabled(false); } } else { if ($this->request->getVal('delete')) { $game->delete(); NotificationsController::addConfirmation(wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-deleted')); $this->out->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullUrl()); return; } } } // no "break" on purpose // no "break" on purpose case 'add': if ($this->request->wasPosted()) { if ($this->request->getVal('save')) { $game = $this->updatePostedGame($game); // move the validation process to the moment of enabling the game $errors = $this->validateGame($game); // save changes if (empty($errors['errors']) && $game->save()) { NotificationsController::addConfirmation($action == 'add' ? wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-created') : wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-been-saved')); $this->out->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullUrl()); return; } else { NotificationsController::addConfirmation(wfMsg('scavengerhunt-game-has-not-been-saved'), NotificationsController::CONFIRMATION_NOTIFY); } } } $template->set('errors', isset($errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors'] : array()); $template->set('highlight', isset($errors['highlight']) ? $errors['highlight'] : array()); $template->set('editToken', $this->user->getEditToken()); $template->set_vars($this->getTemplateVarsFromGame($game)); $this->out->addHTML($template->render('form')); break; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
function isWidePage() { global $wgTitle; // Custom edit pages are mostly using special pages // and the default Oasis logic is not to show any rail modules // there so we need to tweak it if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL) { return false; } // Some nasty trick to make BodyModule think we are not // on edit page so it will make proper list of modules $action = $this->request->setVal('action', null); $diff = $this->request->setVal('diff', null); $railModuleList = WF::build('BodyController')->getRailModuleList(); $this->request->setVal('action', $action); $this->request->setVal('diff', $diff); return empty($railModuleList); }
/** * Get HTML of notices shown above the editor and use show it as custom dismissable notice */ protected function showHeader() { $this->app->wf->ProfileIn(__METHOD__); $oldHtml = $this->out->getHTML(); $this->out->clearHTML(); $bridge = WF::build('EditPageOutputBridge', array($this, $this->mCoreEditNotices)); /* @var $bridge EditPageOutputBridge */ parent::showHeader(); // handle notices related to edit undo if ($this->editFormPageTop != '') { $bridge->getMockObject()->addHTML($this->editFormPageTop); $this->editFormPageTop = ''; } $bridge->close(); // restore state of output $this->out->clearHTML(); $this->out->addHTML($oldHtml); $this->app->wf->ProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
protected function getGapiResults() { global $wgWikiaGAAccount, $wgWikiaGALogin, $wgWikiaGAPassword, $wgHTTPProxy; $retries = self::SD_GAPI_RETRIES; $results = array(); $dimensions = $this->frequency->getGapiDateDimensionsTable(); $sortBy = $this->frequency->getGapiSortingDate(); if (!empty($this->extraDimension)) { $dimensions[] = $this->extraDimension; $sortBy[] = $this->extraDimension; } $ga = WF::build('gapi', array($wgWikiaGALogin, $wgWikiaGAPassword, null, 'curl', $wgHTTPProxy)); while ($retries > 0 && empty($results)) { try { $ga->requestReportData($this->getAccount(), $dimensions, $this->GAPImetrics, $sortBy, $this->getGAFilters(), $this->startDate, $this->endDate, 1, 10000); $results = $ga->getResults(); break; } catch (Exception $e) { $retries--; sleep(1); Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'jku', $e->getMessage()); } } return $results; }
/** * Main WF Instance * * Ensures only one instance of WF is loaded or can be loaded. * * @since 6.0.0 * @static * @see WF() * @return Main WF instance */ public static function instance() { if (is_null(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
/** * Returns the main instance of WF to prevent the need to use globals. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return object WF */ function WF() { return WF::instance(); }
/** * Create new object tracer * * @param object $object Object to be traced * @param array $methods List of method names to be traced */ public function __construct($object, $methods) { parent::__construct($object); $this->methods = $methods; $this->tracer = WF::build('ObjectCallTrace'); }