public function display($params, $from_shortcode = 0, $bwg = 0) { global $wp; $current_url = $wp->query_string; global $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR; require_once WD_BWG_DIR . '/framework/WDWLibrary.php'; if (!isset($params['image_title'])) { $params['image_title'] = 'none'; } if (!isset($params['popup_fullscreen'])) { $params['popup_fullscreen'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_autoplay'])) { $params['popup_autoplay'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['order_by'])) { $params['order_by'] = ' asc '; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_pinterest'])) { $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_tumblr'])) { $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_search_box'])) { $params['show_search_box'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['search_box_width'])) { $params['search_box_width'] = 180; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_info'])) { $params['popup_enable_info'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_always_show'])) { $params['popup_info_always_show'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_full_width'])) { $params['popup_info_full_width'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_rate'])) { $params['popup_enable_rate'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['thumb_click_action']) || $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'undefined') { $params['thumb_click_action'] = 'open_lightbox'; } if (!isset($params['thumb_link_target'])) { $params['thumb_link_target'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_hit_counter'])) { $params['popup_hit_counter'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_sort_images'])) { $params['show_sort_images'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['image_enable_page'])) { $params['image_enable_page'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['show_tag_box'])) { $params['show_tag_box'] = 0; } $from = isset($params['from']) ? esc_html($params['from']) : 0; $sort_direction = ' ' . $params['order_by'] . ' '; $options_row = $this->model->get_options_row_data(); $placeholder = isset($options_row->placeholder) ? $options_row->placeholder : ''; $play_icon = $options_row->play_icon; if ($from) { $params['gallery_id'] = $params['id']; $params['images_per_page'] = $params['count']; $params['sort_by'] = $params['show'] == 'random' ? 'RAND()' : 'order'; if ($params['show'] == 'last') { $sort_direction = ' DESC '; } elseif ($params['show'] == 'first') { $sort_direction = ' ASC '; } $params['image_enable_page'] = 0; $params['image_title'] = $options_row->image_title_show_hover; $params['thumb_height'] = $params['height']; $params['thumb_width'] = $params['width']; $params['image_column_number'] = $params['count']; $params['popup_fullscreen'] = $options_row->popup_fullscreen; $params['popup_autoplay'] = $options_row->popup_autoplay; $params['popup_width'] = $options_row->popup_width; $params['popup_height'] = $options_row->popup_height; $params['popup_effect'] = $options_row->popup_type; $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'] = $options_row->popup_enable_filmstrip; $params['popup_filmstrip_height'] = $options_row->popup_filmstrip_height; $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'] = $options_row->popup_enable_ctrl_btn; $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'] = $options_row->popup_enable_fullscreen; $params['popup_enable_info'] = $options_row->popup_enable_info; $params['popup_info_always_show'] = $options_row->popup_info_always_show; $params['popup_info_full_width'] = $options_row->popup_info_full_width; $params['popup_hit_counter'] = $options_row->popup_hit_counter; $params['popup_enable_rate'] = $options_row->popup_enable_rate; $params['popup_interval'] = $options_row->popup_interval; $params['popup_enable_comment'] = $options_row->popup_enable_comment; $params['popup_enable_facebook'] = $options_row->popup_enable_facebook; $params['popup_enable_twitter'] = $options_row->popup_enable_twitter; $params['popup_enable_google'] = $options_row->popup_enable_google; $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = $options_row->popup_enable_pinterest; $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = $options_row->popup_enable_tumblr; $params['watermark_type'] = $options_row->watermark_type; $params['watermark_link'] = urlencode($options_row->watermark_link); $params['watermark_opacity'] = $options_row->watermark_opacity; $params['watermark_position'] = $options_row->watermark_position; $params['watermark_text'] = $options_row->watermark_text; $params['watermark_font_size'] = $options_row->watermark_font_size; $params['watermark_font'] = $options_row->watermark_font; $params['watermark_color'] = $options_row->watermark_color; $params['watermark_url'] = urlencode($options_row->watermark_url); $params['watermark_width'] = $options_row->watermark_width; $params['watermark_height'] = $options_row->watermark_height; $params['thumb_click_action'] = $options_row->thumb_click_action; $params['thumb_link_target'] = $options_row->thumb_link_target; } if (isset($_POST['sortImagesByValue_' . $bwg])) { $sort_by = esc_html($_POST['sortImagesByValue_' . $bwg]); if ($sort_by == 'random') { $params['sort_by'] = 'RAND()'; } else { if ($sort_by == 'default') { $params['sort_by'] = $params['sort_by']; } else { $params['sort_by'] = $sort_by; } } } $theme_row = $this->model->get_theme_row_data($params['theme_id']); if (!$theme_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no theme selected or the theme was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = $params['type']; } else { $type = ""; } $gallery_row = $this->model->get_gallery_row_data($params['gallery_id']); if (!$gallery_row && $type == '') { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no gallery selected or the gallery was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $params['load_more_image_count'] = isset($params['load_more_image_count']) && $params['image_enable_page'] == 2 ? $params['load_more_image_count'] : $params['images_per_page']; $items_per_page = array('images_per_page' => $params['images_per_page'], 'load_more_image_count' => $params['load_more_image_count']); $image_rows = $this->model->get_image_rows_data($params, $bwg, $type, $sort_direction); $images_count = count($image_rows); if (!$image_rows) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There are no images in this gallery.', 'bwg'), 'error'); } if ($params['image_enable_page'] && $params['images_per_page']) { $page_nav = $this->model->page_nav($params['gallery_id'], $bwg, $type); } $rgb_page_nav_font_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->page_nav_font_color); $rgb_thumbs_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->thumbs_bg_color); $tags_rows = $this->model->get_tags_rows_data($params['gallery_id']); ?> <style> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> * { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_bg_color; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['thumb_height']; ?> px; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_margin; ?> px; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->thumb_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transparent; ?> ); text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> width: <?php echo $params['thumb_width']; ?> px; z-index: 100; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { -ms-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -webkit-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); z-index: 102; position: relative; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { border: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_radius; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_box_shadow; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['thumb_height']; ?> px; overflow: hidden; width: <?php echo $params['thumb_width']; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->thumb_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); display: inline-block; font-size: 0; max-width: <?php echo $params['image_column_number'] * ($params['thumb_width'] + 2 * (2 + $theme_row->thumb_margin + $theme_row->thumb_padding + $theme_row->thumb_border_width)); ?> px; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_align; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'show') { /* Show image title at the bottom.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: block; margin: 0 auto; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); text-align: center; width: <?php echo $params['thumb_width']; ?> px; } <?php } elseif ($params['image_title'] == 'hover') { /* Show image title on hover.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; height: inherit; left: -3000px; opacity: 0; filter: Alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; top: 0px; width: inherit; } <?php } ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { left: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; top: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_weight; ?> ; height: inherit; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_margin; ?> ; text-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_shadow; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; word-wrap: break-word; } /*pagination styles*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_align; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin: 6px 0 4px; display: block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: none; } } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin-right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:hover, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:focus { cursor: default; color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['blue']; ?> , 0.5); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { cursor: pointer; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_padding; ?> ; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_margin; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_radius; ?> ; border-style: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_style; ?> ; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_width; ?> px; border-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_color; ?> ; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent; ?> ); box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_box_shadow; ?> ; <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_color; ?> !important; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_weight; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_padding; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent; ?> ); } .bwg_play_icon_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { width: inherit; height: inherit; display: table; position: absolute; } .bwg_play_icon_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo 2 * $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; vertical-align: middle; display: table-cell !important; z-index: 1; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; } </style> <div id="bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div id="bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <form id="gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " method="post" action="#"> <?php if ($params['show_search_box']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, $images_count, $params['search_box_width'], $placeholder); } if (isset($params['show_sort_images']) && $params['show_sort_images']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_sort_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, $params['sort_by'], $params['search_box_width']); } if (isset($params['show_tag_box']) && $params['show_tag_box']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_tags('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, $images_count, $tags_rows); } ?> <div class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo $options_row->showthumbs_name ? $gallery_row->name : ''; ?> </div> <div style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_align; ?> ; width:100%; position: relative;"> <div id="ajax_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="position:absolute;width: 100%; z-index: 115; text-align: center; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; display:none;"> <div style="display: table; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.7; filter: Alpha(opacity=70);"> <div style="display: table-cell; text-align: center; position: relative; vertical-align: middle;" > <div id="loading_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_ajax_loading" style="display: inline-block; text-align:center; position:relative; vertical-align:middle; background-image:url(<?php echo WD_BWG_URL . '/images/ajax_loader.png'; ?> ); float: none; width:50px;height:50px;background-size:50px 50px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($params['image_enable_page'] && $params['images_per_page'] && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'top') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, 0, 'album', $options_row->enable_seo, $params['image_enable_page']); } ?> <div id="bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php foreach ($image_rows as $image_row) { $is_embed = preg_match('/EMBED/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; $is_embed_video = preg_match('/VIDEO/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; if (!$is_embed) { list($image_thumb_width, $image_thumb_height) = getimagesize(htmlspecialchars_decode(ABSPATH . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->thumb_url, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES)); } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['thumb_width']; if ($image_row->resolution != '') { $resolution_arr = explode(" ", $image_row->resolution); $resolution_w = intval($resolution_arr[0]); $resolution_h = intval($resolution_arr[2]); if ($resolution_w != 0 && $resolution_h != 0) { $scale = $scale = max($params['thumb_width'] / $resolution_w, $params['thumb_height'] / $resolution_h); $image_thumb_width = $resolution_w * $scale; $image_thumb_height = $resolution_h * $scale; } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['thumb_height']; } } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['thumb_height']; } } $scale = max($params['thumb_width'] / $image_thumb_width, $params['thumb_height'] / $image_thumb_height); $image_thumb_width *= $scale; $image_thumb_height *= $scale; $thumb_left = ($params['thumb_width'] - $image_thumb_width) / 2; $thumb_top = ($params['thumb_height'] - $image_thumb_height) / 2; ?> <a <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? ' class="bwg_lightbox_' . $bwg . '"' . ($options_row->enable_seo ? ' href="' . ($is_embed ? $image_row->thumb_url : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->image_url) . '"' : '') . ' data-image-id="' . $image_row->id . '"' : ($params['thumb_click_action'] == 'redirect_to_url' && $image_row->redirect_url ? 'href="' . $image_row->redirect_url . '" target="' . ($params['thumb_link_target'] ? '_blank' : '') . '"' : ''); ?> > <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'show' and $theme_row->thumb_title_pos == 'top') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($play_icon && $is_embed_video) { ?> <span class="bwg_play_icon_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <i title="<?php echo __('Play', 'bwg'); ?> " class="fa fa-play bwg_play_icon_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "></i> </span> <?php } if ($params['image_title'] == 'hover') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <img class="bwg_standart_thumb_img_<?php echo $bwg; ?> bwg_img_clear bwg_img_custom" style="width:<?php echo $image_thumb_width; ?> px; height:<?php echo $image_thumb_height; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo $thumb_left; ?> px; margin-top: <?php echo $thumb_top; ?> px;" id="<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> " src="<?php echo ($is_embed ? "" : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR) . $image_row->thumb_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> " /> </span> </span> <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'show' and $theme_row->thumb_title_pos == 'bottom') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($params['image_enable_page'] && $params['images_per_page'] && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'bottom') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, 0, 'album', $options_row->enable_seo, $params['image_enable_page']); } ?> </div> </form> <div id="spider_popup_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_loading"></div> <div id="spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_overlay" onclick="spider_destroypopup(1000)"></div> </div> </div> <script> <?php $params_array = array('tag_id' => isset($params['type']) ? $params['gallery_id'] : 0, 'action' => 'GalleryBox', 'current_view' => $bwg, 'gallery_id' => $params['gallery_id'], 'theme_id' => $params['theme_id'], 'thumb_width' => $params['thumb_width'], 'thumb_height' => $params['thumb_height'], 'open_with_fullscreen' => $params['popup_fullscreen'], 'open_with_autoplay' => $params['popup_autoplay'], 'image_width' => $params['popup_width'], 'image_height' => $params['popup_height'], 'image_effect' => $params['popup_effect'], 'wd_sor' => isset($params['type']) ? 'date' : ($params['sort_by'] == 'RAND()' ? 'order' : $params['sort_by']), 'wd_ord' => $sort_direction, 'enable_image_filmstrip' => $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'], 'image_filmstrip_height' => $params['popup_filmstrip_height'], 'enable_image_ctrl_btn' => $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'], 'enable_image_fullscreen' => $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'], 'popup_enable_info' => $params['popup_enable_info'], 'popup_info_always_show' => $params['popup_info_always_show'], 'popup_info_full_width' => $params['popup_info_full_width'], 'popup_hit_counter' => $params['popup_hit_counter'], 'popup_enable_rate' => $params['popup_enable_rate'], 'slideshow_interval' => $params['popup_interval'], 'enable_comment_social' => $params['popup_enable_comment'], 'enable_image_facebook' => $params['popup_enable_facebook'], 'enable_image_twitter' => $params['popup_enable_twitter'], 'enable_image_google' => $params['popup_enable_google'], 'enable_image_pinterest' => $params['popup_enable_pinterest'], 'enable_image_tumblr' => $params['popup_enable_tumblr'], 'watermark_type' => $params['watermark_type'], 'current_url' => urlencode($current_url)); if ($params['watermark_type'] != 'none') { $params_array['watermark_link'] = urlencode($params['watermark_link']); $params_array['watermark_opacity'] = $params['watermark_opacity']; $params_array['watermark_position'] = $params['watermark_position']; } if ($params['watermark_type'] == 'text') { $params_array['watermark_text'] = $params['watermark_text']; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = $params['watermark_font_size']; $params_array['watermark_font'] = $params['watermark_font']; $params_array['watermark_color'] = $params['watermark_color']; } elseif ($params['watermark_type'] == 'image') { $params_array['watermark_url'] = urlencode($params['watermark_url']); $params_array['watermark_width'] = $params['watermark_width']; $params_array['watermark_height'] = $params['watermark_height']; } ?> function bwg_gallery_box_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (image_id) { var filterTags = jQuery("#bwg_tags_id_bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ).val() ? jQuery("#bwg_tags_id_bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ).val() : 0; var filtersearchname = jQuery("#bwg_search_input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ).val() ? jQuery("#bwg_search_input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ).val() : ''; spider_createpopup('<?php echo addslashes(add_query_arg($params_array, admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); ?> &image_id=' + image_id + "&filter_tag_<?php echo $bwg; ?> =" + filterTags + "&filter_search_name_<?php echo $bwg; ?> =" + filtersearchname, '<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $params['popup_width']; ?> ', '<?php echo $params['popup_height']; ?> ', 1, 'testpopup', 5, "<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_ctrl_btn_pos; ?> "); } function bwg_document_ready_<?php echo $bwg; ?> () { var bwg_touch_flag = false; jQuery(".bwg_lightbox_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").on("click", function () { if (!bwg_touch_flag) { bwg_touch_flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ bwg_touch_flag = false; }, 100); bwg_gallery_box_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (jQuery(this).attr("data-image-id")); return false; } }); } jQuery(document).ready(function () { bwg_document_ready_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (); }); </script> <?php if ($from_shortcode) { return; } else { die; } }
public function display($params, $from_shortcode = 0, $bwg = 0) { global $wp; $current_url = $wp->query_string; global $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR; require_once WD_BWG_DIR . '/framework/WDWLibrary.php'; $options_row = $this->model->get_options_row_data(); $play_icon = $options_row->play_icon; if (!isset($params['extended_album_image_title'])) { $params['extended_album_image_title'] = 'none'; } if (!isset($params['extended_album_view_type'])) { $album_view_type = 'thumbnail'; } else { $album_view_type = $params['extended_album_view_type']; } if (!isset($params['popup_fullscreen'])) { $params['popup_fullscreen'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_autoplay'])) { $params['popup_autoplay'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_pinterest'])) { $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_tumblr'])) { $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_search_box'])) { $params['show_search_box'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['search_box_width'])) { $params['search_box_width'] = 180; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_info'])) { $params['popup_enable_info'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_always_show'])) { $params['popup_info_always_show'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_full_width'])) { $params['popup_info_full_width'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_rate'])) { $params['popup_enable_rate'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['thumb_click_action']) || $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'undefined') { $params['thumb_click_action'] = 'open_lightbox'; } if (!isset($params['thumb_link_target'])) { $params['thumb_link_target'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_hit_counter'])) { $params['popup_hit_counter'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['order_by'])) { $params['order_by'] = ' ASC '; } if (!isset($params['show_sort_images'])) { $params['show_sort_images'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_tag_box'])) { $params['show_tag_box'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['extended_album_enable_page'])) { $params['extended_album_enable_page'] = 1; } $sort_direction = ' ' . $params['order_by'] . ' '; $theme_row = $this->model->get_theme_row_data($params['theme_id']); if (!$theme_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no theme selected or the theme was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $type = isset($_REQUEST['type_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_REQUEST['type_' . $bwg]) : 'album'; $bwg_search = isset($_POST['bwg_search_' . $bwg]) && esc_html($_POST['bwg_search_' . $bwg]) != '' ? esc_html($_POST['bwg_search_' . $bwg]) : ''; $album_gallery_id = isset($_REQUEST['album_gallery_id_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_REQUEST['album_gallery_id_' . $bwg]) : $params['album_id']; if (!$album_gallery_id || $type == 'album' && !$this->model->get_album_row_data($album_gallery_id)) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no album selected or the album was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } if ($type == 'gallery') { $items_per_page = $params['extended_album_images_per_page']; $items_per_page_arr = array('images_per_page' => $params['extended_album_images_per_page'], 'load_more_image_count' => $params['extended_album_images_per_page']); $items_col_num = $params['extended_album_image_column_number']; if (isset($_POST['sortImagesByValue_' . $bwg])) { $sort_by = esc_html($_POST['sortImagesByValue_' . $bwg]); if ($sort_by == 'random') { $params['sort_by'] = 'RAND()'; } else { if ($sort_by == 'default') { $params['sort_by'] = $params['sort_by']; } else { $params['sort_by'] = $sort_by; } } } $image_rows = $this->model->get_image_rows_data($album_gallery_id, $items_per_page, $params['sort_by'], $bwg, $sort_direction); $images_count = count($image_rows); if (!$image_rows) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There are no images in this gallery.', 'bwg'), 'error'); } $page_nav = $this->model->gallery_page_nav($album_gallery_id, $bwg); $album_gallery_div_id = 'bwg_album_extended_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_class = 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg; } else { $items_per_page = $params['extended_albums_per_page']; $items_per_page_arr = array('images_per_page' => $params['extended_albums_per_page'], 'load_more_image_count' => $params['extended_albums_per_page']); $items_col_num = 1; $album_galleries_row = $this->model->get_alb_gals_row($album_gallery_id, $items_per_page, 'order', $bwg, ' asc '); if (!$album_galleries_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no album selected or the album was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $page_nav = $this->model->album_page_nav($album_gallery_id, $bwg); $album_gallery_div_id = 'bwg_album_extended_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_class = 'bwg_album_extended_thumbnails_' . $bwg; } if ($type == 'gallery') { if ($album_view_type == 'masonry') { $form_child_div_id = 'bwg_masonry_thumbnails_div_' . $bwg; $form_child_div_style = 'background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position:relative; text-align:' . $theme_row->masonry_thumb_align . '; width:100%;'; $album_gallery_div_id = 'bwg_masonry_thumbnails_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_class = 'bwg_masonry_thumbnails_' . $bwg; } else { $form_child_div_style = 'background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position:relative; text-align:' . $theme_row->thumb_align . '; width:100%;'; $form_child_div_id = ''; } } else { $form_child_div_id = ''; $form_child_div_style = 'background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position:relative; text-align:' . $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_align . '; width:100%;'; } $bwg_previous_album_id = isset($_REQUEST['bwg_previous_album_id_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_REQUEST['bwg_previous_album_id_' . $bwg]) : $params['album_id']; $bwg_previous_album_page_number = isset($_REQUEST['bwg_previous_album_page_number_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_REQUEST['bwg_previous_album_page_number_' . $bwg]) : 0; $rgb_page_nav_font_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->page_nav_font_color); $rgb_album_extended_thumbs_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->album_extended_thumbs_bg_color); $rgb_album_extended_div_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->album_extended_div_bg_color); $rgb_thumbs_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->thumbs_bg_color); $params_array = array('action' => 'GalleryBox', 'current_view' => $bwg, 'theme_id' => $params['theme_id'], 'thumb_width' => $params['extended_album_image_thumb_width'], 'thumb_height' => $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height'], 'open_with_fullscreen' => $params['popup_fullscreen'], 'open_with_autoplay' => $params['popup_autoplay'], 'image_width' => $params['popup_width'], 'image_height' => $params['popup_height'], 'image_effect' => $params['popup_effect'], 'wd_sor' => $params['sort_by'], 'wd_ord' => $params['order_by'], 'enable_image_filmstrip' => $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'], 'image_filmstrip_height' => $params['popup_filmstrip_height'], 'enable_image_ctrl_btn' => $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'], 'enable_image_fullscreen' => $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'], 'popup_enable_info' => $params['popup_enable_info'], 'popup_info_always_show' => $params['popup_info_always_show'], 'popup_info_full_width' => $params['popup_info_full_width'], 'popup_hit_counter' => $params['popup_hit_counter'], 'popup_enable_rate' => $params['popup_enable_rate'], 'slideshow_interval' => $params['popup_interval'], 'enable_comment_social' => $params['popup_enable_comment'], 'enable_image_facebook' => $params['popup_enable_facebook'], 'enable_image_twitter' => $params['popup_enable_twitter'], 'enable_image_google' => $params['popup_enable_google'], 'enable_image_pinterest' => $params['popup_enable_pinterest'], 'enable_image_tumblr' => $params['popup_enable_tumblr'], 'watermark_type' => $params['watermark_type'], 'current_url' => $current_url); if ($params['watermark_type'] != 'none') { $params_array['watermark_link'] = urlencode($params['watermark_link']); $params_array['watermark_opacity'] = $params['watermark_opacity']; $params_array['watermark_position'] = $params['watermark_position']; } if ($params['watermark_type'] == 'text') { $params_array['watermark_text'] = $params['watermark_text']; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = $params['watermark_font_size']; $params_array['watermark_font'] = $params['watermark_font']; $params_array['watermark_color'] = $params['watermark_color']; } elseif ($params['watermark_type'] == 'image') { $params_array['watermark_url'] = urlencode($params['watermark_url']); $params_array['watermark_width'] = $params['watermark_width']; $params_array['watermark_height'] = $params['watermark_height']; } $tags_rows = $this->model->get_tags_rows_data($album_gallery_id); ?> <style> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> * { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: block; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_album_extended_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_extended_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_extended_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->album_extended_thumb_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); font-size: 0; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_align; ?> ; max-width: inherit; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; width: 100%; height: <?php echo $params['extended_album_height']; ?> px; border-spacing: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_div_padding; ?> px; border-bottom: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_div_separator_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_div_separator_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_div_separator_color; ?> ; background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_album_extended_div_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_extended_div_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_extended_div_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->album_extended_div_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_div_border_radius; ?> ; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_div_margin; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_thumb_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_div_bg_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_div_border_radius; ?> ; text-align: center; border: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_div_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_div_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_div_border_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_div_padding; ?> ; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_thumb_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table-row; } } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_text_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_text_div_bg_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_text_div_border_radius; ?> ; border: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_text_div_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_text_div_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_text_div_border_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; vertical-align: middle; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_text_div_padding; ?> ; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_extended_text_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table-row; } } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { border: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_span_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_span_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_span_border_color; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_font_color; ?> ; display: block; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_font_weight; ?> ; height: inherit; margin-bottom: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_margin_bottom; ?> px; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_title_padding; ?> ; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_color; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_weight; ?> ; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_style; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { border: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_span_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_span_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_span_border_color; ?> ; display: inline-block; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_color; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_weight; ?> ; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_font_style; ?> ; height: inherit; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_padding; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-word; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> * { margin: 0; text-align: left !important; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { float: left; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_short_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_full_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: none; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_description_more_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { clear: both; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_more_color; ?> ; cursor: pointer; float: right; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_desc_more_size; ?> px; font-weight: normal; } /*Album thumbs styles.*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_bg_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_border_radius; ?> ; border: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_border_color; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_box_shadow; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['extended_album_thumb_height']; ?> px; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_margin; ?> px; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->album_extended_thumb_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_transparent; ?> ); <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_padding; ?> px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: <?php echo $params['extended_album_thumb_width']; ?> px; z-index: 100; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); transform: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -ms-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -webkit-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; z-index: 102; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['extended_album_thumb_height']; ?> px; overflow: hidden; width: <?php echo $params['extended_album_thumb_width']; ?> px; } /*Image thumbs styles.*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_bg_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_radius; ?> ; border: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_color; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_box_shadow; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height']; ?> px; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_margin; ?> px; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->thumb_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transparent; ?> ); <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> padding: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: <?php echo $params['extended_album_image_thumb_width']; ?> px; z-index: 100; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { -ms-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -webkit-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); z-index: 102; position: relative; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height']; ?> px; overflow: hidden; width: <?php echo $params['extended_album_image_thumb_width']; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->thumb_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; max-width: <?php echo $params['extended_album_image_column_number'] * ($params['extended_album_image_thumb_width'] + 2 * (2 + $theme_row->thumb_margin + $theme_row->thumb_padding + $theme_row->thumb_border_width)); ?> px; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_align; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } <?php if ($params['extended_album_image_title'] == 'show') { /* Show image title at the bottom.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: block; margin: 0 auto; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); text-align: center; width: <?php echo $params['extended_album_image_thumb_width']; ?> px; } <?php } elseif ($params['extended_album_image_title'] == 'hover') { /* Show image title on hover.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; height: inherit; left: -3000px; opacity: 0; filter: Alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; top: 0px; width: inherit; } <?php } ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover .bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { left: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; top: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_weight; ?> ; height: inherit; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_margin; ?> ; text-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_shadow; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; } /*Pagination styles.*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_align; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin: 6px 0 4px; display: block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: none; } } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin-right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:hover, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:focus { cursor: default; color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['blue']; ?> , 0.5); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { cursor: pointer; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_padding; ?> ; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_margin; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_radius; ?> ; border-style: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_style; ?> ; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_width; ?> px; border-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_color; ?> ; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent; ?> ); box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_box_shadow; ?> ; <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_back_font_color; ?> !important; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_back_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_back_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_back_font_weight; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_extended_back_padding; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent; ?> ); } .bwg_play_icon_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { width: inherit; height: inherit; display: table; position: absolute; } .bwg_play_icon_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo 2 * $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; vertical-align: middle; display: table-cell !important; z-index: 1; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; } </style> <div id="bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div id="bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <form id="gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " method="post" action="#"> <?php if ($params['show_search_box'] && $type == 'gallery') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $images_count, $params['search_box_width']); } if (isset($params['show_sort_images']) && $params['show_sort_images'] && $type == 'gallery') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_sort_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $params['sort_by'], $params['search_box_width']); } if (isset($params['show_tag_box']) && $params['show_tag_box'] && $type == 'gallery') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_tags('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $images_count, $tags_rows); } ?> <div id="<?php echo $form_child_div_id; ?> " style="<?php echo $form_child_div_style; ?> "> <div id="ajax_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="position:absolute;width: 100%; z-index: 115; text-align: center; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; display: none;"> <div style="display: table; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color:#FFFFFF; opacity:0.7; filter:Alpha(opacity=70);"> <div style="display: table-cell; text-align: center; position: relative; vertical-align: middle;" > <div id="loading_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_ajax_loading" style="display: inline-block; text-align:center; position:relative; vertical-align:middle; background-image:url(<?php echo WD_BWG_URL . '/images/ajax_loader.png'; ?> ); float: none; width:50px;height:50px;background-size:50px 50px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($params['extended_album_enable_page'] && $items_per_page && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'top' && $page_nav['total']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page_arr, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $params['album_id'], $type, $options_row->enable_seo, $params['extended_album_enable_page']); } if ($bwg_previous_album_id != $params['album_id']) { ?> <a class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " onclick="spider_frontend_ajax('gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $album_gallery_div_id; ?> ', 'back', '', 'album')"><?php echo __('Back', 'bwg'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <div id="<?php echo $album_gallery_div_id; ?> " class="<?php echo $album_gallery_div_class; ?> "> <input type="hidden" id="bwg_previous_album_id_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " name="bwg_previous_album_id_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " value="<?php echo $bwg_previous_album_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="bwg_previous_album_page_number_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " name="bwg_previous_album_page_number_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " value="<?php echo $bwg_previous_album_page_number; ?> " /> <?php if ($type != 'gallery') { if (!$page_nav['total']) { ?> <span class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo __('Album is empty.', 'bwg'); ?> </span> <?php } foreach ($album_galleries_row as $album_galallery_row) { if ($album_galallery_row->is_album) { $album_row = $this->model->get_album_row_data($album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id); if (!$album_row) { continue; } $preview_image = $album_row->preview_image; if (!$preview_image) { $preview_image = $album_row->random_preview_image; } $def_type = 'album'; $title = $album_row->name; $description = wpautop($album_row->description); } else { $gallery_row = $this->model->get_gallery_row_data($album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id); if (!$gallery_row) { continue; } $preview_image = $gallery_row->preview_image; if (!$preview_image) { $preview_image = $gallery_row->random_preview_image; } $def_type = 'gallery'; $title = $gallery_row->name; $description = wpautop($gallery_row->description); } $local_preview_image = true; $parsed_prev_url = parse_url($preview_image, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if ($parsed_prev_url == 'http' || $parsed_prev_url == 'https') { $local_preview_image = false; } if (!$preview_image) { $preview_url = WD_BWG_URL . '/images/no-image.png'; $preview_path = WD_BWG_DIR . '/images/no-image.png'; } else { if ($local_preview_image) { $preview_url = site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $preview_image; $preview_path = ABSPATH . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $preview_image; } else { $preview_url = $preview_image; $preview_path = $preview_image; } } if ($local_preview_image) { list($image_thumb_width, $image_thumb_height) = getimagesize(htmlspecialchars_decode($preview_path, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES)); $scale = max($params['extended_album_thumb_width'] / $image_thumb_width, $params['extended_album_thumb_height'] / $image_thumb_height); $image_thumb_width *= $scale; $image_thumb_height *= $scale; $thumb_left = ($params['extended_album_thumb_width'] - $image_thumb_width) / 2; $thumb_top = ($params['extended_album_thumb_height'] - $image_thumb_height) / 2; } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['extended_album_thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['extended_album_thumb_height']; $thumb_left = 0; $thumb_top = 0; } if ($type != 'gallery') { ?> <div class="bwg_album_extended_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div class="bwg_album_extended_thumb_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <a class="bwg_album_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " <?php echo $options_row->enable_seo ? 'href="' . add_query_arg(array("type_" . $bwg => $def_type, "album_gallery_id_" . $bwg => $album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id, "bwg_previous_album_id_" . $bwg => $album_gallery_id . ',' . $bwg_previous_album_id, "bwg_previous_album_page_number_" . $bwg => (isset($_REQUEST['page_number_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_REQUEST['page_number_' . $bwg]) : 0) . ',' . $bwg_previous_album_page_number), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"' : ''; ?> style="font-size: 0;" data-alb_gal_id="<?php echo $album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id; ?> " data-def_type="<?php echo $def_type; ?> " data-title="<?php htmlspecialchars(addslashes($title)); ?> "> <span class="bwg_album_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="height:inherit;"> <span class="bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_album_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <img style="padding: 0; max-height:none; max-width:none; width:<?php echo $image_thumb_width; ?> px; height:<?php echo $image_thumb_height; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo $thumb_left; ?> px; margin-top: <?php echo $thumb_top; ?> px;" src="<?php echo $preview_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $title; ?> " /> </span> </span> </span> </a> </div> <div class="bwg_album_extended_text_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($title) { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo $title; ?> </span> <?php } if ($params['extended_album_description_enable'] && $description) { if (stripos($description, '<!--more-->') !== FALSE) { $description_array = explode('<!--more-->', $description); $description_short = $description_array[0]; $description_full = $description_array[1]; ?> <span class="bwg_description_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_description_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_description_short_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $description_short; ?> </span> <span class="bwg_description_full_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $description_full; ?> </span> </span> <span class="bwg_description_more_<?php echo $bwg; ?> bwg_more"><?php echo __('More', 'bwg'); ?> </span> </span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="bwg_description_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_description_short_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $description; ?> </span> </span> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <?php } } } elseif ($type == 'gallery') { if ($options_row->show_album_name) { ?> <div class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ><?php echo isset($_POST['title_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_POST['title_' . $bwg]) : ''; ?> </div> <?php } if (!$page_nav['total']) { if ($bwg_search != '') { ?> <span class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo __('There are no images matching your search.', 'bwg'); ?> </span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo __('Gallery is empty.', 'bwg'); ?> </span> <?php } } foreach ($image_rows as $image_row) { $is_embed = preg_match('/EMBED/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; $is_embed_video = preg_match('/VIDEO/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; if (!$is_embed) { list($image_thumb_width, $image_thumb_height) = getimagesize(htmlspecialchars_decode(ABSPATH . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->thumb_url, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES)); } else { if ($image_row->resolution != '') { $resolution_arr = explode(" ", $image_row->resolution); $resolution_w = intval($resolution_arr[0]); $resolution_h = intval($resolution_arr[2]); if ($resolution_w != 0 && $resolution_h != 0) { $scale = $scale = max($params['extended_album_image_thumb_width'] / $resolution_w, $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height'] / $resolution_h); $image_thumb_width = $resolution_w * $scale; $image_thumb_height = $resolution_h * $scale; } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['extended_album_image_thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height']; } } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['extended_album_image_thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height']; } } $scale = max($params['extended_album_image_thumb_width'] / $image_thumb_width, $params['extended_album_image_thumb_height'] / $image_thumb_height); $image_thumb_width *= $scale; $image_thumb_height *= $scale; $thumb_left = ($params['extended_album_image_thumb_width'] - $image_thumb_width) / 2; $thumb_top = ($params['extended_album_image_thumb_height'] - $image_thumb_height) / 2; ?> <a <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? ' class="bwg_lightbox_' . $bwg . '"' . ($options_row->enable_seo ? ' href="' . ($is_embed ? $image_row->thumb_url : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->image_url) . '"' : '') . ' data-image-id="' . $image_row->id . '" data-gallery-id="' . $album_gallery_id . '"' : ($params['thumb_click_action'] == 'redirect_to_url' && $image_row->redirect_url ? 'href="' . $image_row->redirect_url . '" target="' . ($params['thumb_link_target'] ? '_blank' : '') . '"' : ''); ?> > <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($play_icon && $is_embed_video) { ?> <span class="bwg_play_icon_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <i title="<?php echo __('Play', 'bwg'); ?> " class="fa fa-play bwg_play_icon_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "></i> </span> <?php } if ($params['extended_album_image_title'] == 'hover') { ?> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <img style="max-height:none; max-width:none; width:<?php echo $image_thumb_width; ?> px; height:<?php echo $image_thumb_height; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo $thumb_left; ?> px; margin-top: <?php echo $thumb_top; ?> px;" id="<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> " src="<?php echo ($is_embed ? "" : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR) . $image_row->thumb_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> " /> </span> </span> <?php if ($params['extended_album_image_title'] == 'show') { ?> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </a> <?php } } ?> <script> jQuery(".bwg_description_more_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").click(function () { if (jQuery(this).hasClass("bwg_more")) { jQuery(this).parent().find(".bwg_description_full_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").show(); jQuery(this).attr("class", "bwg_description_more_<?php echo $bwg; ?> bwg_hide"); jQuery(this).html("<?php echo __('Hide', 'bwg'); ?> "); } else { jQuery(this).parent().find(".bwg_description_full_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").hide(); jQuery(this).attr("class", "bwg_description_more_<?php echo $bwg; ?> bwg_more"); jQuery(this).html("<?php echo __('More', 'bwg'); ?> "); } }); </script> </div> <?php if ($params['extended_album_enable_page'] && $items_per_page && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'bottom' && $page_nav['total']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page_arr, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $params['album_id'], $type, $options_row->enable_seo, $params['extended_album_enable_page']); } ?> </div> </form> <div id="spider_popup_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_loading"></div> <div id="spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_overlay" onclick="spider_destroypopup(1000)"></div> </div> </div> <script> function bwg_gallery_box_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (gallery_id, image_id) { var filterTags = jQuery("#bwg_tags_id_bwg_album_extended_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ).val() ? jQuery("#bwg_tags_id_bwg_album_extended_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ).val() : 0; spider_createpopup('<?php echo addslashes(add_query_arg($params_array, admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); ?> &gallery_id=' + gallery_id + '&image_id=' + image_id + "&filter_tag_<?php echo $bwg; ?> =" + filterTags, '<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $params['popup_width']; ?> ', '<?php echo $params['popup_height']; ?> ', 1, 'testpopup', 5); } function bwg_document_ready_<?php echo $bwg; ?> () { var bwg_touch_flag = false; jQuery(".bwg_lightbox_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").on("click", function () { if (!bwg_touch_flag) { bwg_touch_flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ bwg_touch_flag = false; }, 100); bwg_gallery_box_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (jQuery(this).attr("data-gallery-id"), jQuery(this).attr("data-image-id")); return false; } }); jQuery(".bwg_album_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").on("click", function () { if (!bwg_touch_flag) { bwg_touch_flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ bwg_touch_flag = false; }, 100); spider_frontend_ajax('gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', 'bwg_album_extended_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', jQuery(this).attr("data-alb_gal_id"), '<?php echo $album_gallery_id; ?> ', jQuery(this).attr("data-def_type"), '', jQuery(this).attr("data-title"), 'default'); return false; } }); } jQuery(document).ready(function () { bwg_document_ready_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (); }); </script> <?php if ($from_shortcode) { return; } else { die; } }
public function display($params, $from_shortcode = 0, $bwg = 0) { global $wp; $current_url = $wp->query_string; global $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR; require_once WD_BWG_DIR . '/framework/WDWLibrary.php'; if (!isset($params['compuct_album_image_title'])) { $params['compuct_album_image_title'] = 'none'; } if (!isset($params['compuct_album_view_type'])) { $album_view_type = 'thumbnail'; } else { $album_view_type = $params['compuct_album_view_type']; } if (!isset($params['popup_fullscreen'])) { $params['popup_fullscreen'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_autoplay'])) { $params['popup_autoplay'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_pinterest'])) { $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_tumblr'])) { $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_search_box'])) { $params['show_search_box'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['search_box_width'])) { $params['search_box_width'] = 180; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_info'])) { $params['popup_enable_info'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_always_show'])) { $params['popup_info_always_show'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_full_width'])) { $params['popup_info_full_width'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_rate'])) { $params['popup_enable_rate'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['thumb_click_action']) || $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'undefined') { $params['thumb_click_action'] = 'open_lightbox'; } if (!isset($params['thumb_link_target'])) { $params['thumb_link_target'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_hit_counter'])) { $params['popup_hit_counter'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['order_by'])) { $params['order_by'] = ' ASC '; } if (!isset($params['show_sort_images'])) { $params['show_sort_images'] = 0; } $options_row = $this->model->get_options_row_data(); if (!isset($params['show_album_name'])) { $params['show_album_name'] = $options_row->show_album_name; } $from = isset($params['from']) ? esc_html($params['from']) : 0; $type = isset($_POST['type_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_POST['type_' . $bwg]) : (isset($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : 'album'); $bwg_search = isset($_POST['bwg_search_' . $bwg]) && esc_html($_POST['bwg_search_' . $bwg]) != '' ? esc_html($_POST['bwg_search_' . $bwg]) : ''; $sort_direction = ' ' . $params['order_by'] . ' '; $play_icon = $options_row->play_icon; if ($from === "widget") { $params['album_id'] = $params['id']; $params['sort_by'] = $params['show'] == 'random' ? 'RAND()' : 'order'; if ($params['show'] == 'last') { $sort_direction = ' DESC '; } $params['compuct_albums_per_page'] = $params['count']; $params['compuct_album_column_number'] = $options_row->album_column_number; $params['compuct_album_image_column_number'] = $options_row->image_column_number; $params['compuct_album_thumb_width'] = $params['width']; $params['compuct_album_thumb_height'] = $params['height']; $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width'] = $params['width']; $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height'] = $params['height']; $params['compuct_album_title'] = $options_row->album_title_show_hover; $params['compuct_album_enable_page'] = 0; $params['compuct_album_image_title'] = $options_row->image_title_show_hover; $params['popup_width'] = $options_row->popup_width; $params['popup_height'] = $options_row->popup_height; $params['popup_effect'] = $options_row->popup_type; $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'] = $options_row->popup_enable_filmstrip; $params['popup_filmstrip_height'] = $options_row->popup_filmstrip_height; $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'] = $options_row->popup_enable_ctrl_btn; $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'] = $options_row->popup_enable_fullscreen; $params['popup_enable_info'] = $options_row->popup_enable_info; $params['popup_info_always_show'] = $options_row->popup_info_always_show; $params['popup_info_full_width'] = $options_row->popup_info_full_width; $params['popup_hit_counter'] = $options_row->popup_hit_counter; $params['popup_enable_rate'] = $options_row->popup_enable_rate; $params['popup_interval'] = $options_row->popup_interval; $params['popup_enable_comment'] = $options_row->popup_enable_comment; $params['popup_enable_facebook'] = $options_row->popup_enable_facebook; $params['popup_enable_twitter'] = $options_row->popup_enable_twitter; $params['popup_enable_google'] = $options_row->popup_enable_google; $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = $options_row->popup_enable_pinterest; $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = $options_row->popup_enable_tumblr; $params['watermark_type'] = $options_row->watermark_type; $params['watermark_link'] = $options_row->watermark_link; $params['watermark_opacity'] = $options_row->watermark_opacity; $params['watermark_position'] = $options_row->watermark_position; $params['watermark_text'] = $options_row->watermark_text; $params['watermark_font_size'] = $options_row->watermark_font_size; $params['watermark_font'] = $options_row->watermark_font; $params['watermark_color'] = $options_row->watermark_color; $params['watermark_url'] = $options_row->watermark_url; $params['watermark_width'] = $options_row->watermark_width; $params['watermark_height'] = $options_row->watermark_height; } $theme_row = $this->model->get_theme_row_data($params['theme_id']); if (!$theme_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no theme selected or the theme was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $album_gallery_id = isset($_POST['album_gallery_id_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_POST['album_gallery_id_' . $bwg]) : $params['album_id']; $album_row_data = $this->model->get_album_row_data($album_gallery_id); if (!$album_gallery_id || $type == 'album' && !$album_row_data) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no album selected or the album was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } if ($type == 'gallery') { $items_per_page = $params['compuct_album_images_per_page']; $items_col_num = $params['compuct_album_image_column_number']; if (isset($_POST['sortImagesByValue_' . $bwg])) { $sort_by = esc_html($_POST['sortImagesByValue_' . $bwg]); if ($sort_by == 'random') { $params['sort_by'] = 'RAND()'; } else { if ($sort_by == 'default') { $params['sort_by'] = $params['sort_by']; } else { $params['sort_by'] = $sort_by; } } } $image_rows = $this->model->get_image_rows_data($album_gallery_id, $items_per_page, $params['sort_by'], $bwg, $sort_direction); $images_count = count($image_rows); if (!$image_rows) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There are no images in this gallery.', 'bwg'), 'error'); } $page_nav = $this->model->gallery_page_nav($album_gallery_id, $items_per_page, $bwg); $album_gallery_div_id = 'bwg_album_compact_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_class = 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg; } else { $items_per_page = $params['compuct_albums_per_page']; $items_col_num = $params['compuct_album_column_number']; $album_galleries_row = $this->model->get_alb_gals_row($album_gallery_id, $items_per_page, 'order', $bwg, ' ASC '); if (!$album_galleries_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no album selected or the album was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $page_nav = $this->model->album_page_nav($album_gallery_id, $items_per_page, $bwg); $album_gallery_div_id = 'bwg_album_compact_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_class = 'bwg_album_thumbnails_' . $bwg; } if ($type == 'gallery') { if ($album_view_type == 'masonry') { $form_child_div_style = 'background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position:relative; text-align:' . $theme_row->masonry_thumb_align . '; width:100%;'; $form_child_div_id = 'bwg_masonry_thumbnails_div_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_id = 'bwg_masonry_thumbnails_' . $bwg; $album_gallery_div_class = 'bwg_masonry_thumbnails_' . $bwg; } else { $form_child_div_style = 'background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position:relative; text-align:' . $theme_row->thumb_align . '; width:100%;'; $form_child_div_id = ''; } } else { $form_child_div_id = ''; $form_child_div_style = 'background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position:relative; text-align:' . $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_align . '; width:100%;'; } $bwg_previous_album_id = isset($_POST['bwg_previous_album_id_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_POST['bwg_previous_album_id_' . $bwg]) : 0; $bwg_previous_album_page_number = isset($_POST['bwg_previous_album_page_number_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_POST['bwg_previous_album_page_number_' . $bwg]) : 0; $rgb_page_nav_font_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->page_nav_font_color); $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->album_compact_thumbs_bg_color); $rgb_thumbs_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->thumbs_bg_color); ?> <style> /*Album thumbs styles.*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .<?php echo $album_gallery_div_class; ?> * { -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_bg_color; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_thumb_height']; ?> px; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_margin; ?> px; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->album_compact_thumb_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_transparent; ?> ); <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_padding; ?> px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_thumb_width']; ?> px; z-index: 100; -webkit-backface-visibility: visible; -ms-backface-visibility: visible; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); transform: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -ms-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -webkit-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; z-index: 102; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_border_radius; ?> ; border: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_border_color; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_box_shadow; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_thumb_height']; ?> px; overflow: hidden; width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_thumb_width']; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->album_compact_thumb_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); font-size: 0; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_align; ?> ; max-width: <?php echo $items_col_num * ($params['compuct_album_thumb_width'] + 2 * (2 + $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_margin + $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_padding + $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_border_width)); ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_link { border: none; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; font-size: 0; } <?php if ($params['compuct_album_title'] == 'show') { /* Show album/gallery title at the bottom.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: block; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); text-align: center; width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_thumb_width']; ?> px; } <?php } elseif ($params['compuct_album_title'] == 'hover') { /* Show album/gallery title on hover.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; height: inherit; left: -3000px; opacity: 0; filter: Alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; top: 0px; width: inherit; } <?php } ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { left: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_padding; ?> px; top: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_title_font_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_title_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_title_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_title_font_weight; ?> ; height: inherit; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_title_margin; ?> ; text-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_title_shadow; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_album_compact_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->album_compact_thumb_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); font-size: 0; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_align; ?> ; max-width: <?php echo $items_col_num * ($params['compuct_album_thumb_width'] + 2 * (2 + $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_margin + $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_padding + $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_border_width)); ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_album_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_link { border: none; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; font-size: 0; } /*Image thumbs styles.*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_bg_color; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height']; ?> px; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_margin; ?> px; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->thumb_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transparent; ?> ); <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> padding: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width']; ?> px; z-index: 100; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { -ms-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -webkit-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); z-index: 102; position: relative; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_radius; ?> ; border: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_color; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_box_shadow; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height']; ?> px; overflow: hidden; width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width']; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->thumb_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; max-width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_image_column_number'] * ($params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width'] + 2 * (2 + $theme_row->thumb_margin + $theme_row->thumb_padding + $theme_row->thumb_border_width)); ?> px; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_align; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_link { border: none; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; font-size: 0; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } <?php if ($params['compuct_album_image_title'] == 'show') { /* Show image title at the bottom.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: block; margin: 0 auto; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); text-align: center; width: <?php echo $params['compuct_album_thumb_width']; ?> px; } <?php } elseif ($params['compuct_album_image_title'] == 'hover') { /* Show image title on hover.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; height: inherit; left: -3000px; opacity: 0; filter: Alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; top: 0px; width: inherit; } <?php } ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover .bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { left: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; top: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_weight; ?> ; height: inherit; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_margin; ?> ; text-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_shadow; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; word-wrap: break-word; } /*Pagination styles.*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_align; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin: 6px 0 4px; display: block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: none; } } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin-right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:hover, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:focus { cursor: default; color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['blue']; ?> , 0.5); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { cursor: pointer; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_padding; ?> ; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_margin; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_radius; ?> ; border-style: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_style; ?> ; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_width; ?> px; border-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_color; ?> ; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent; ?> ); box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_box_shadow; ?> ; <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_color; ?> !important; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_weight; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_padding; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent; ?> ); } .bwg_play_icon_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { width: inherit; height: inherit; display: table; position: absolute; } .bwg_play_icon_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo 2 * $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; vertical-align: middle; display: table-cell !important; z-index: 1; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; } </style> <?php $album_row = $this->model->get_album_row_data($album_gallery_id); ?> <div id="bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div id="bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <form id="gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " method="post" action="#"> <?php if ($params['show_search_box'] && $type == 'gallery') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $images_count, $params['search_box_width']); } if (isset($params['show_sort_images']) && $params['show_sort_images'] && $type == 'gallery') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_sort_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $params['sort_by'], $params['search_box_width']); } ?> <div id="<?php echo $form_child_div_id; ?> " style="<?php echo $form_child_div_style; ?> "> <div id="ajax_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="position:absolute;width: 100%; z-index: 115; text-align: center; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; display: none;"> <div style="display: table; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.7; filter: Alpha(opacity=70);"> <div style="display: table-cell; text-align: center; position: relative; vertical-align: middle;" > <div id="loading_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="display: inline-block; text-align:center; position:relative; vertical-align:middle;"> <img src="<?php echo WD_BWG_URL . '/images/ajax_loader.png'; ?> " class="spider_ajax_loading" style="float: none; width:50px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_enable_page'] && $items_per_page && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'top' && $page_nav['total']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $params['album_id'], $type); } if ($bwg_previous_album_id) { ?> <a class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " onclick="spider_frontend_ajax('gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $album_gallery_div_id; ?> ', 'back')"><?php echo __('Back', 'bwg'); ?> </a> <?php } if ($options_row->show_album_name) { if ($type == 'gallery') { ?> <div class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " ><?php echo isset($_POST['title_' . $bwg]) ? esc_html($_POST['title_' . $bwg]) : ''; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo $album_row->name; ?> </div> <?php } } ?> <div id="<?php echo $album_gallery_div_id; ?> " class="<?php echo $album_gallery_div_class; ?> " > <input type="hidden" id="bwg_previous_album_id_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " name="bwg_previous_album_id_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " value="<?php echo $bwg_previous_album_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="bwg_previous_album_page_number_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " name="bwg_previous_album_page_number_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " value="<?php echo $bwg_previous_album_page_number; ?> " /> <?php if ($type != 'gallery') { if (!$page_nav['total']) { ?> <span class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo __('Album is empty.', 'bwg'); ?> </span> <?php } foreach ($album_galleries_row as $album_galallery_row) { if ($album_galallery_row->is_album) { $album_row = $this->model->get_album_row_data($album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id); if (!$album_row) { continue; } $preview_image = $album_row->preview_image; if (!$preview_image) { $preview_image = $album_row->random_preview_image; } $def_type = 'album'; $title = $album_row->name; $permalink = $album_row->permalink; } else { $gallery_row = $this->model->get_gallery_row_data($album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id); if (!$gallery_row) { continue; } $preview_image = $gallery_row->preview_image; if (!$preview_image) { $preview_image = $gallery_row->random_preview_image; } $def_type = 'gallery'; $title = $gallery_row->name; $permalink = $gallery_row->permalink; } $local_preview_image = true; $parsed_prev_url = parse_url($preview_image, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if ($parsed_prev_url == 'http' || $parsed_prev_url == 'https') { $local_preview_image = false; } if (!$preview_image) { $preview_url = WD_BWG_URL . '/images/no-image.png'; $preview_path = WD_BWG_DIR . '/images/no-image.png'; } else { if ($local_preview_image) { $preview_url = site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $preview_image; $preview_path = ABSPATH . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $preview_image; } else { $preview_url = $preview_image; $preview_path = $preview_image; } } if ($local_preview_image) { list($image_thumb_width, $image_thumb_height) = getimagesize(htmlspecialchars_decode($preview_path, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES)); $scale = max($params['compuct_album_thumb_width'] / $image_thumb_width, $params['compuct_album_thumb_height'] / $image_thumb_height); $image_thumb_width *= $scale; $image_thumb_height *= $scale; $thumb_left = ($params['compuct_album_thumb_width'] - $image_thumb_width) / 2; $thumb_top = ($params['compuct_album_thumb_height'] - $image_thumb_height) / 2; } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['compuct_album_thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['compuct_album_thumb_height']; $thumb_left = 0; $thumb_top = 0; } if ($type != 'gallery') { ?> <a class="bwg_link" <?php echo "href='" . ($from !== "widget" ? $local_preview_image ? str_replace("/thumb/", "/", $preview_url) : $preview_url : $permalink) . "'"; ?> <?php echo $from !== "widget" ? " onclick=\"spider_frontend_ajax('gal_front_form_" . $bwg . "', '" . $bwg . "', 'bwg_album_compact_" . $bwg . "', '" . $album_galallery_row->alb_gal_id . "', '" . $album_gallery_id . "', '" . $def_type . "', '', '" . htmlspecialchars(addslashes($title)) . "', 'default'); return false;\"" : 'onclick="window.location=' . "'" . $permalink . "'" . '"'; ?> > <span class="bwg_album_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_title'] == 'show' && $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_title_pos == 'top') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $title; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <span class="bwg_album_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_album_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <img style="padding: 0 !important; max-height: none !important; max-width: none !important; width: <?php echo $image_thumb_width; ?> px; height:<?php echo $image_thumb_height; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo $thumb_left; ?> px; margin-top: <?php echo $thumb_top; ?> px;" src="<?php echo $preview_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $title; ?> " /> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_title'] == 'hover') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $title; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </span> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_title'] == 'show' && $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_title_pos == 'bottom') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $title; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </a> <?php } } } elseif ($type == 'gallery') { if (!$page_nav['total']) { if ($bwg_search != '') { ?> <span class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo __('There are no images matching your search.', 'bwg'); ?> </span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo __('Gallery is empty.', 'bwg'); ?> </span> <?php } } foreach ($image_rows as $image_row) { $params_array = array('action' => 'GalleryBox', 'current_view' => $bwg, 'image_id' => isset($_POST['image_id']) ? esc_html($_POST['image_id']) : $image_row->id, 'gallery_id' => $album_gallery_id, 'theme_id' => $params['theme_id'], 'thumb_width' => $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width'], 'thumb_height' => $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height'], 'open_with_fullscreen' => $params['popup_fullscreen'], 'open_with_autoplay' => $params['popup_autoplay'], 'image_width' => $params['popup_width'], 'image_height' => $params['popup_height'], 'image_effect' => $params['popup_effect'], 'wd_sor' => $params['sort_by'], 'wd_ord' => $params['order_by'], 'enable_image_filmstrip' => $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'], 'image_filmstrip_height' => $params['popup_filmstrip_height'], 'enable_image_ctrl_btn' => $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'], 'enable_image_fullscreen' => $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'], 'popup_enable_info' => $params['popup_enable_info'], 'popup_info_always_show' => $params['popup_info_always_show'], 'popup_info_full_width' => $params['popup_info_full_width'], 'popup_hit_counter' => $params['popup_hit_counter'], 'popup_enable_rate' => $params['popup_enable_rate'], 'slideshow_interval' => $params['popup_interval'], 'enable_comment_social' => $params['popup_enable_comment'], 'enable_image_facebook' => $params['popup_enable_facebook'], 'enable_image_twitter' => $params['popup_enable_twitter'], 'enable_image_google' => $params['popup_enable_google'], 'enable_image_pinterest' => $params['popup_enable_pinterest'], 'enable_image_tumblr' => $params['popup_enable_tumblr'], 'watermark_type' => $params['watermark_type'], 'current_url' => $current_url); if ($params['watermark_type'] != 'none') { $params_array['watermark_link'] = $params['watermark_link']; $params_array['watermark_opacity'] = $params['watermark_opacity']; $params_array['watermark_position'] = $params['watermark_position']; } if ($params['watermark_type'] == 'text') { $params_array['watermark_text'] = $params['watermark_text']; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = $params['watermark_font_size']; $params_array['watermark_font'] = $params['watermark_font']; $params_array['watermark_color'] = $params['watermark_color']; } elseif ($params['watermark_type'] == 'image') { $params_array['watermark_url'] = $params['watermark_url']; $params_array['watermark_width'] = $params['watermark_width']; $params_array['watermark_height'] = $params['watermark_height']; } $is_video = $image_row->filetype == "YOUTUBE" || $image_row->filetype == "VIMEO"; $is_embed = preg_match('/EMBED/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; $is_embed_video = preg_match('/VIDEO/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; if (!$is_embed) { list($image_thumb_width, $image_thumb_height) = getimagesize(htmlspecialchars_decode(ABSPATH . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->thumb_url, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES)); } else { if ($image_row->resolution != '') { $resolution_arr = explode(" ", $image_row->resolution); $resolution_w = intval($resolution_arr[0]); $resolution_h = intval($resolution_arr[2]); if ($resolution_w != 0 && $resolution_h != 0) { $scale = $scale = max($params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width'] / $resolution_w, $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height'] / $resolution_h); $image_thumb_width = $resolution_w * $scale; $image_thumb_height = $resolution_h * $scale; } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height']; } } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height']; } } $scale = max($params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width'] / $image_thumb_width, $params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height'] / $image_thumb_height); $image_thumb_width *= $scale; $image_thumb_height *= $scale; $thumb_left = ($params['compuct_album_image_thumb_width'] - $image_thumb_width) / 2; $thumb_top = ($params['compuct_album_image_thumb_height'] - $image_thumb_height) / 2; ?> <a class="bwg_link" <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? 'href="' . ($is_embed ? $image_row->thumb_url : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->image_url) . '"' : ($image_row->redirect_url ? 'href="' . $image_row->redirect_url . '"' : ''); ?> <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? ' onclick="spider_createpopup(\'' . addslashes(add_query_arg($params_array, admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))) . '\', ' . $bwg . ', ' . $params['popup_width'] . ', ' . $params['popup_height'] . ', 1, \'testpopup\', 5); return false;"' : ($image_row->redirect_url ? $params['thumb_link_target'] ? ' onclick="' . "'" . $image_row->redirect_url . "'," . "'" . '_blank' . "'" . ')"' : 'onclick="window.location=' . "'" . $image_row->redirect_url . "'" . '"' : ''); ?> > <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_image_title'] == 'show' && $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_title_pos == 'top') { ?> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($play_icon && $is_embed_video) { ?> <span class="bwg_play_icon_spun_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <i title="<?php echo __('Play', 'bwg'); ?> " class="fa fa-play bwg_play_icon_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "></i> </span> <?php } if ($params['compuct_album_image_title'] == 'hover') { ?> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <img style="max-height:none; max-width:none; width:<?php echo $image_thumb_width; ?> px; height:<?php echo $image_thumb_height; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo $thumb_left; ?> px; margin-top: <?php echo $thumb_top; ?> px;" id="<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> " src="<?php echo ($is_embed ? "" : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR) . $image_row->thumb_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> " /> </span> </span> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_image_title'] == 'show' && $theme_row->album_compact_thumb_title_pos == 'bottom') { ?> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_image_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </a> <?php } } ?> </div> <?php if ($params['compuct_album_enable_page'] && $items_per_page && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'bottom' && $page_nav['total']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page, $bwg, $album_gallery_div_id, $params['album_id'], $type); } ?> </div> </form> <div id="spider_popup_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_loading"></div> <div id="spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_overlay" onclick="spider_destroypopup(1000)"></div> </div> </div> <?php if ($from_shortcode) { return; } else { die; } }
public function display($params, $from_shortcode = 0, $bwg = 0) { global $wp; $current_url = $wp->query_string; global $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR; require_once WD_BWG_DIR . '/framework/WDWLibrary.php'; require_once WD_BWG_DIR . '/framework/WDWLibraryEmbed.php'; $theme_row = $this->model->get_theme_row_data($params['theme_id']); if (!isset($params['order_by'])) { $order_by = 'asc'; } else { $order_by = $params['order_by']; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_pinterest'])) { $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_tumblr'])) { $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_search_box'])) { $params['show_search_box'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['search_box_width'])) { $params['search_box_width'] = 180; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_info'])) { $params['popup_enable_info'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_always_show'])) { $params['popup_info_always_show'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_full_width'])) { $params['popup_info_full_width'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_rate'])) { $params['popup_enable_rate'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['thumb_click_action']) || $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'undefined') { $params['thumb_click_action'] = 'open_lightbox'; } if (!isset($params['thumb_link_target'])) { $params['thumb_link_target'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_hit_counter'])) { $params['popup_hit_counter'] = 0; } if (!$theme_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no theme selected or the theme was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $gallery_row = $this->model->get_gallery_row_data($params['gallery_id']); if (!$gallery_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no gallery selected or the gallery was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $image_rows = $this->model->get_image_rows_data($params['gallery_id'], 1, $params['sort_by'], $order_by, $bwg); $images_count = count($image_rows); if (!$image_rows) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There are no images in this gallery.', 'bwg'), 'error'); } $page_nav = $this->model->page_nav($params['gallery_id'], 1, $bwg); $rgb_page_nav_font_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->page_nav_font_color); $image_browser_images_conteiner = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->image_browser_full_bg_color); $bwg_image_browser_image = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->image_browser_bg_color); $image_title = $params['image_browser_title_enable']; $enable_image_description = $params['image_browser_description_enable']; $option_row = $this->model->get_option_row_data(); $image_right_click = $option_row->image_right_click; if (!isset($params['popup_fullscreen'])) { $params['popup_fullscreen'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_autoplay'])) { $params['popup_autoplay'] = 0; } $params_array = array('action' => 'GalleryBox', 'current_view' => $bwg, 'gallery_id' => $params['gallery_id'], 'theme_id' => $params['theme_id'], 'open_with_fullscreen' => $params['popup_fullscreen'], 'open_with_autoplay' => $params['popup_autoplay'], 'image_width' => $params['popup_width'], 'image_height' => $params['popup_height'], 'image_effect' => $params['popup_effect'], 'wd_sor' => $params['sort_by'], 'wd_ord' => $order_by, 'enable_image_filmstrip' => $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'], 'image_filmstrip_height' => $params['popup_filmstrip_height'], 'enable_image_ctrl_btn' => $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'], 'enable_image_fullscreen' => $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'], 'popup_enable_info' => $params['popup_enable_info'], 'popup_info_always_show' => $params['popup_info_always_show'], 'popup_info_full_width' => $params['popup_info_full_width'], 'popup_hit_counter' => $params['popup_hit_counter'], 'popup_enable_rate' => $params['popup_enable_rate'], 'slideshow_interval' => $params['popup_interval'], 'enable_comment_social' => $params['popup_enable_comment'], 'enable_image_facebook' => $params['popup_enable_facebook'], 'enable_image_twitter' => $params['popup_enable_twitter'], 'enable_image_google' => $params['popup_enable_google'], 'enable_image_pinterest' => $params['popup_enable_pinterest'], 'enable_image_tumblr' => $params['popup_enable_tumblr'], 'watermark_type' => $params['watermark_type'], 'current_url' => $current_url); $items_per_page = array('images_per_page' => 1, 'load_more_image_count' => 1); if ($params['watermark_type'] == 'none') { $params_array['watermark_font'] = ''; $params_array['watermark_color'] = ''; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = ''; $params_array['watermark_opacity'] = ''; $text_align = ''; $vertical_align = ''; $params_array['watermark_width'] = ''; $show_watermark = FALSE; } if ($params['watermark_type'] != 'none') { $params_array['watermark_link'] = urlencode($params['watermark_link']); $params_array['watermark_opacity'] = $params['watermark_opacity']; $params_array['watermark_position'] = $params['watermark_position'] != 'undefined' ? $params['watermark_position'] : 'top-center'; $position = explode('-', $params_array['watermark_position']); $vertical_align = $position[0]; $text_align = $position[1]; } if ($params['watermark_type'] == 'text') { $show_watermark = TRUE; $watermark_text_image = TRUE; $params_array['watermark_text'] = $params['watermark_text']; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = $params['watermark_font_size']; $params_array['watermark_font'] = $params['watermark_font']; $params_array['watermark_color'] = $params['watermark_color']; $params_array['watermark_width'] = ''; $watermark_image_or_text = $params_array['watermark_text']; $watermark_a = 'bwg_watermark_text_' . $bwg; $watermark_div = 'class="bwg_image_browser_watermark_text_' . $bwg . '"'; } elseif ($params['watermark_type'] == 'image') { $show_watermark = TRUE; $watermark_text_image = FALSE; $params_array['watermark_url'] = urlencode($params['watermark_url']); $params_array['watermark_width'] = $params['watermark_width']; $params_array['watermark_height'] = $params['watermark_height']; $watermark_image_or_text = '<img class="bwg_image_browser_watermark_img_' . $bwg . '" src="' . $params_array['watermark_url'] . '" />'; $watermark_a = ''; $watermark_div = 'class="bwg_image_browser_watermark_' . $bwg . '"'; $params_array['watermark_font'] = ''; $params_array['watermark_color'] = ''; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = ''; } ?> <style> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .image_browser_images_conteiner_<?php echo $bwg; ?> * { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .image_browser_images_conteiner_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(<?php echo $image_browser_images_conteiner['red']; ?> , <?php echo $image_browser_images_conteiner['green']; ?> , <?php echo $image_browser_images_conteiner['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->image_browser_full_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); text-align: center; width: 100%; border-style: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_full_border_style; ?> ; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_full_border_width; ?> px; border-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_full_border_color; ?> ; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_full_padding; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_full_border_radius; ?> ; position:relative; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .image_browser_images_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; max-width: 100%; width: <?php echo $params['image_browser_width']; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .image_browser_image_buttons_conteiner_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_align; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .image_browser_image_buttons_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; width:100%; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_image_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(<?php echo $bwg_image_browser_image['red']; ?> , <?php echo $bwg_image_browser_image['green']; ?> , <?php echo $bwg_image_browser_image['blue']; ?> , <?php echo number_format($theme_row->image_browser_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ); text-align: center; /*display: inline-block;*/ vertical-align: middle; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_margin; ?> ; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_padding; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_border_radius; ?> ; border: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_border_color; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_box_shadow; ?> ; /*z-index: 100;*/ position: relative; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_alt_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; width: 100%; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_family; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_color; ?> ; text-align:<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_align; ?> ; padding-left: 8px; word-break: break-word; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_img_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { padding: 0 !important; max-width: 100% !important; height: inherit !important; width: 100%; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: none; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_alt_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: 10px !important; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_watermark_text_<?php echo $bwg; ?> , #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_watermark_text_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { font-size: 10px !important; text-decoration: none; margin: 4px; font-family: <?php echo $params_array['watermark_font']; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $params_array['watermark_color']; ?> !important; opacity: <?php echo number_format($params_array['watermark_opacity'] / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $params_array['watermark_opacity']; ?> ); text-decoration: none; position: relative; z-index: 10141; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_image_description_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_color; ?> ; display: table; width: 100%; text-align: left; font-size: 8px !important; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_family; ?> ; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_padding; ?> ; /*word-break: break-all;*/ border-style: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_border_style; ?> ; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_bg_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_border_radius; ?> ; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_border_width; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { font-size: 10px !important; } } /*pagination styles*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_align; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin: 6px 0 4px; display: block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin-right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; display: none; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:hover, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:focus { cursor: default; color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['blue']; ?> , 0.5); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?>, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.prev-page:hover { color: #000000; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { cursor: pointer; font-size: 15px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: 0% 7%; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_margin; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_radius; ?> ; border-style: none; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_width; ?> px; border-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_border_color; ?> ; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_bg_transparent; ?> ); <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_button_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .first-page, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .last-page { padding: 0% 7%; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .next-page { margin: 0% 4% 0% 0%; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .prev-page { margin: 0% 0% 0% 4%; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo number_format($theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent; ?> ); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_image_desp_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; clear: both; text-align: center; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_margin; ?> ; width: 100%; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_image_description_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_color; ?> ; display: table; width: 100%; text-align: left; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_img_font_family; ?> ; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_padding; ?> ; word-break: break-word; border-style: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_border_style; ?> ; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_bg_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_border_radius; ?> ; border-width: <?php echo $theme_row->image_browser_image_description_border_width; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_image_alt_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display:table; clear: both; text-align: center; padding: 8px; width: 100%; } /*watermark*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_watermark_text_<?php echo $bwg; ?> , #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_watermark_text_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { text-decoration: none; margin: 4px; font-size: <?php echo $params_array['watermark_font_size']; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $params_array['watermark_font']; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $params_array['watermark_color']; ?> !important; opacity: <?php echo number_format($params_array['watermark_opacity'] / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $params_array['watermark_opacity']; ?> ); position: relative; z-index: 10141; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_image_contain_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { position: absolute; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_watermark_contain_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_watermark_cont_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table-cell; text-align: <?php echo $text_align; ?> ; position: relative; vertical-align: <?php echo $vertical_align; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_watermark_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; z-index: 10140; width: <?php echo $params_array['watermark_width']; ?> px; max-width: <?php echo $params_array['watermark_width'] / $params['image_browser_width'] * 100; ?> %; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_watermark_text_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; z-index: 10140; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_image_browser_watermark_img_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { max-width: 100%; opacity: <?php echo number_format($params_array['watermark_opacity'] / 100, 2, ".", ""); ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $params_array['watermark_opacity']; ?> ); position: relative; z-index: 10141; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_none_selectable { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } </style> <div id="bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div id="bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <form id="gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " method="post" action="#"> <?php if ($params['show_search_box']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, $images_count, $params['search_box_width']); } ?> <div class="image_browser_images_conteiner_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div id="ajax_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="position:absolute;width: 100%; z-index: 115; text-align: center; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; display:none;"> <div style="display: table; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.7; filter: Alpha(opacity=70);"> <div style="display: table-cell; text-align: center; position: relative; vertical-align: middle;" > <div id="loading_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_ajax_loading" style="display: inline-block; text-align:center; position:relative; vertical-align:middle; background-image:url(<?php echo WD_BWG_URL . '/images/ajax_loader.png'; ?> ); float: none; width:50px;height:50px;background-size:50px 50px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image_browser_images_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " id="bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " > <?php if ($theme_row->page_nav_position == 'top') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, 0, 'album', $option_row->enable_seo); } foreach ($image_rows as $image_row) { $params_array['image_id'] = isset($_POST['image_id']) ? esc_html($_POST['image_id']) : $image_row->id; $is_embed = preg_match('/EMBED/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; $is_embed_16x9 = (preg_match('/EMBED/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false) && (preg_match('/VIDEO/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false) && !(preg_match('/INSTAGRAM/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false); $is_embed_instagram_post = preg_match('/INSTAGRAM_POST/', $image_row->filetype) == 1 ? true : false; ?> <div class="image_browser_image_buttons_conteiner_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div class="image_browser_image_buttons_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div class="bwg_image_browser_image_alt_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($image_title) { ?> <div class="bwg_image_alt_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " id="alt<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> "> <?php echo html_entity_decode($image_row->alt); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="bwg_image_browser_image_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($show_watermark) { ?> <div class="bwg_image_browser_image_contain_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " id="bwg_image_browser_image_contain_<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> "> <div class="bwg_image_browser_watermark_contain_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div class="bwg_image_browser_watermark_cont_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div <?php echo $watermark_div; ?> > <a class="bwg_none_selectable <?php echo $watermark_a; ?> " id="watermark_a<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> " href="<?php echo urldecode($params_array['watermark_link']); ?> " target="_blank"> <?php echo $watermark_image_or_text; ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } if (!$is_embed) { ?> <a style="position:relative;" <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? ' class="bwg_lightbox_' . $bwg . '" data-image-id="' . $image_row->id . '"' : ($params['thumb_click_action'] == 'redirect_to_url' && $image_row->redirect_url ? 'href="' . $image_row->redirect_url . '" target="' . ($params['thumb_link_target'] ? '_blank' : '') . '"' : ''); ?> > <img class="bwg_image_browser_img_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " src="<?php echo site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->image_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> " /> </a> <?php } else { /*$is_embed*/ if ($is_embed_16x9) { WDWLibraryEmbed::display_embed($image_row->filetype, $image_row->filename, array('id' => "bwg_embed_frame_16x9_" . $bwg, 'width' => $params['image_browser_width'], 'height' => $params['image_browser_width'] * 0.5625, 'frameborder' => "0", 'allowfullscreen' => "allowfullscreen", 'style' => "position: relative; margin:0;")); } elseif ($is_embed_instagram_post) { WDWLibraryEmbed::display_embed($image_row->filetype, $image_row->filename, array('id' => "bwg_embed_frame_instapost_" . $bwg, 'width' => $params['image_browser_width'], 'height' => $params['image_browser_width'] + 88, 'frameborder' => "0", 'allowfullscreen' => "allowfullscreen", 'style' => "position: relative; margin:0;")); } else { /*for instagram image, video and flickr enable lightbox onclick*/ ?> <a style="position:relative;" <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? ' class="bwg_lightbox_' . $bwg . '" data-image-id="' . $image_row->id . '"' : ($image_row->redirect_url ? 'href="' . $image_row->redirect_url . '" target="' . ($params['thumb_link_target'] ? '_blank' : '') . '"' : ''); ?> > <?php WDWLibraryEmbed::display_embed($image_row->filetype, $image_row->filename, array('id' => "bwg_embed_frame_" . $bwg, 'width' => $params['image_browser_width'], 'height' => 'auto', 'frameborder' => "0", 'allowfullscreen' => "allowfullscreen", 'style' => "position: relative; margin:0;")); ?> </a> <?php } } ?> <script> function bwg_image_browser_<?php echo $bwg; ?> () { jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_16x9_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').width(jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_16x9_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').parent().width()); jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_16x9_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').height(jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_16x9_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').width() * 0.5625); jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_instapost_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').width(jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_16x9_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').parent().width()); jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_instapost_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').height(jQuery('#bwg_embed_frame_instapost_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').width() +88); var bwg_image_browser_width = jQuery('.image_browser_images_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').width(); if (bwg_image_browser_width <= 108) { jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('display', 'none'); } else if (bwg_image_browser_width <= 200) { jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('display', 'inline'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .next-page').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .prev-page').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); } else if (bwg_image_browser_width <= 580) { jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('display', 'inline'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a').css('font-size', '13px'); jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('margin', '0% 7% 0% 7%'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .next-page').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .prev-page').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); } else { jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a').css('font-size', '15px'); jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('margin', '0% 14% 0% 14%'); jQuery('.paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ').css('display', 'inline'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .next-page').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); jQuery('.tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .prev-page').css('margin', '0% 0% 0% 0%'); } } setTimeout(function() { bwg_image_browser_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (); }, 3); </script> </div> <?php if ($enable_image_description && $image_row->description != "") { ?> <div class="bwg_image_browser_image_desp_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div class="bwg_image_browser_image_description_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " id="alt<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> "> <?php echo html_entity_decode($image_row->description); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } if ($theme_row->page_nav_position == 'bottom') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $items_per_page, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, 0, 'album', $option_row->enable_seo); } ?> </div> </div> </form> <div id="spider_popup_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_loading"></div> <div id="spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_overlay" onclick="spider_destroypopup(1000)"></div> </div> </div> <script> jQuery(window).load(function () { <?php if ($image_right_click) { ?> /* Disable right click.*/ jQuery('div[id^="bwg_container"]').bind("contextmenu", function (e) { return false; }); jQuery('div[id^="bwg_container"]').css('webkitTouchCallout','none'); <?php } ?> }); jQuery(window).resize(function() { bwg_image_browser_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (); }); function bwg_gallery_box_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (image_id) { spider_createpopup('<?php echo addslashes(add_query_arg($params_array, admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); ?> &image_id=' + image_id, '<?php echo $bwg; ?> ', '<?php echo $params['popup_width']; ?> ', '<?php echo $params['popup_height']; ?> ', 1, 'testpopup', 5, "<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_ctrl_btn_pos; ?> "); } function bwg_document_ready_<?php echo $bwg; ?> () { var bwg_touch_flag = false; jQuery(".bwg_lightbox_<?php echo $bwg; ?> ").on("click", function () { if (!bwg_touch_flag) { bwg_touch_flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ bwg_touch_flag = false; }, 100); bwg_gallery_box_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (jQuery(this).attr("data-image-id")); return false; } }); } jQuery(document).ready(function () { bwg_document_ready_<?php echo $bwg; ?> (); }); </script> <?php if ($from_shortcode) { return; } else { die; } }
public function display($params, $from_shortcode = 0, $bwg = 0) { global $wp; $current_url = $wp->query_string; global $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR; require_once WD_BWG_DIR . '/framework/WDWLibrary.php'; if (!isset($params['image_title'])) { $params['image_title'] = 'none'; } if (!isset($params['popup_fullscreen'])) { $params['popup_fullscreen'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_autoplay'])) { $params['popup_autoplay'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['order_by'])) { $params['order_by'] = ' asc '; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_pinterest'])) { $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_tumblr'])) { $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_search_box'])) { $params['show_search_box'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['search_box_width'])) { $params['search_box_width'] = 180; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_info'])) { $params['popup_enable_info'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_info_always_show'])) { $params['popup_info_always_show'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['popup_enable_rate'])) { $params['popup_enable_rate'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['thumb_click_action']) || $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'undefined') { $params['thumb_click_action'] = 'open_lightbox'; } if (!isset($params['thumb_link_target'])) { $params['thumb_link_target'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['popup_hit_counter'])) { $params['popup_hit_counter'] = 0; } $from = isset($params['from']) ? esc_html($params['from']) : 0; $sort_direction = ' ' . $params['order_by'] . ' '; $options_row = $this->model->get_options_row_data(); if ($from) { $params['gallery_id'] = $params['id']; $params['images_per_page'] = $params['count']; $params['sort_by'] = $params['show'] == 'random' ? 'RAND()' : 'order'; if ($params['show'] == 'last') { $sort_direction = ' DESC '; } elseif ($params['show'] == 'first') { $sort_direction = ' ASC '; } $params['image_enable_page'] = 0; $params['image_title'] = $options_row->image_title_show_hover; $params['thumb_height'] = $params['height']; $params['thumb_width'] = $params['width']; $params['image_column_number'] = $params['count']; $params['popup_fullscreen'] = $options_row->popup_fullscreen; $params['popup_autoplay'] = $options_row->popup_autoplay; $params['popup_width'] = $options_row->popup_width; $params['popup_height'] = $options_row->popup_height; $params['popup_effect'] = $options_row->popup_type; $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'] = $options_row->popup_enable_filmstrip; $params['popup_filmstrip_height'] = $options_row->popup_filmstrip_height; $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'] = $options_row->popup_enable_ctrl_btn; $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'] = $options_row->popup_enable_fullscreen; $params['popup_enable_info'] = $options_row->popup_enable_info; $params['popup_info_always_show'] = $options_row->popup_info_always_show; $params['popup_hit_counter'] = $options_row->popup_hit_counter; $params['popup_enable_rate'] = $options_row->popup_enable_rate; $params['popup_interval'] = $options_row->popup_interval; $params['popup_enable_comment'] = $options_row->popup_enable_comment; $params['popup_enable_facebook'] = $options_row->popup_enable_facebook; $params['popup_enable_twitter'] = $options_row->popup_enable_twitter; $params['popup_enable_google'] = $options_row->popup_enable_google; $params['popup_enable_pinterest'] = $options_row->popup_enable_pinterest; $params['popup_enable_tumblr'] = $options_row->popup_enable_tumblr; $params['watermark_type'] = $options_row->watermark_type; $params['watermark_link'] = $options_row->watermark_link; $params['watermark_opacity'] = $options_row->watermark_opacity; $params['watermark_position'] = $options_row->watermark_position; $params['watermark_text'] = $options_row->watermark_text; $params['watermark_font_size'] = $options_row->watermark_font_size; $params['watermark_font'] = $options_row->watermark_font; $params['watermark_color'] = $options_row->watermark_color; $params['watermark_url'] = $options_row->watermark_url; $params['watermark_width'] = $options_row->watermark_width; $params['watermark_height'] = $options_row->watermark_height; $params['thumb_click_action'] = $options_row->thumb_click_action; $params['thumb_link_target'] = $options_row->thumb_link_target; } $theme_row = $this->model->get_theme_row_data($params['theme_id']); if (!$theme_row) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no theme selected or the theme was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = $params['type']; } else { $type = ""; } $gallery_row = $this->model->get_gallery_row_data($params['gallery_id']); if (!$gallery_row && $type == '') { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There is no gallery selected or the gallery was deleted.', 'bwg'), 'error'); return; } $image_rows = $this->model->get_image_rows_data($params['gallery_id'], $params['images_per_page'], $params['sort_by'], $bwg, $type, $sort_direction); $images_count = count($image_rows); if (!$image_rows) { echo WDWLibrary::message(__('There are no images in this gallery.', 'bwg'), 'error'); } if ($params['image_enable_page'] && $params['images_per_page']) { $page_nav = $this->model->page_nav($params['gallery_id'], $params['images_per_page'], $bwg, $type); } $rgb_page_nav_font_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->page_nav_font_color); $rgb_thumbs_bg_color = WDWLibrary::spider_hex2rgb($theme_row->thumbs_bg_color); ?> <style> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> * { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_bg_color; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['thumb_height']; ?> px; margin: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_margin; ?> px; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transparent / 100; ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transparent; ?> ); text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_transition ? 'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> width: <?php echo $params['thumb_width']; ?> px; z-index: 100; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover { -ms-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); -webkit-transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); transform: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect; ?> (<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_hover_effect_value; ?> ); z-index: 102; position: relative; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { border: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_width; ?> px <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_style; ?> #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_color; ?> ; border-radius: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_border_radius; ?> ; box-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_box_shadow; ?> ; display: inline-block; height: <?php echo $params['thumb_height']; ?> px; overflow: hidden; width: <?php echo $params['thumb_width']; ?> px; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_thumbs_bg_color['blue']; ?> , <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_bg_transparent / 100; ?> ); display: inline-block; font-size: 0; max-width: <?php echo $params['image_column_number'] * ($params['thumb_width'] + 2 * (2 + $theme_row->thumb_margin + $theme_row->thumb_padding + $theme_row->thumb_border_width)); ?> px; text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_align; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'show') { /* Show image title at the bottom.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: block; margin: 0 auto; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); text-align: center; width: <?php echo $params['thumb_width']; ?> px; } <?php } elseif ($params['image_title'] == 'hover') { /* Show image title on hover.*/ ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: table; height: inherit; left: -3000px; opacity: 0; filter: Alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; top: 0px; width: inherit; } <?php } ?> #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> :hover .bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { left: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; top: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_padding; ?> px; opacity: 1; filter: Alpha(opacity=100); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { color: #<?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_color; ?> ; display: table-cell; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_font_weight; ?> ; height: inherit; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_margin; ?> ; text-shadow: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_title_shadow; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; width: inherit; word-wrap: break-word; } /*pagination styles*/ #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_align; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin: 6px 0 4px; display: block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { display: none; } } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .displaying-num_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; margin-right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .paging-input_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; ?> ; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_weight; ?> ; color: #<?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_color; ?> ; vertical-align: middle; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:hover, #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a.disabled:focus { cursor: default; color: rgba(<?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['red']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['green']; ?> , <?php echo $rgb_page_nav_font_color['blue']; ?> , 0.5); } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .tablenav-pages_<?php echo $bwg; ?> a { cursor: pointer; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_size; ?> px; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->page_nav_font_style; 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'transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;' : ''; ?> } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> .bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: #<?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_color; ?> !important; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-family: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_style; ?> ; font-size: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_size; ?> px; font-weight: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_font_weight; ?> ; text-decoration: none; padding: <?php echo $theme_row->album_compact_back_padding; ?> ; } #bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> #spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> { background-color: #<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_color; ?> ; opacity: <?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent / 100; ?> ; filter: Alpha(opacity=<?php echo $theme_row->lightbox_overlay_bg_transparent; ?> ); } </style> <div id="bwg_container1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <div id="bwg_container2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <form id="gal_front_form_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " method="post" action="#"> <?php if ($params['show_search_box']) { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_search_box('gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg, $images_count, $params['search_box_width']); } ?> <div class="bwg_back_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "><?php echo $options_row->showthumbs_name ? $gallery_row->name : ''; ?> </div> <div style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); text-align: <?php echo $theme_row->thumb_align; ?> ; width:100%; position: relative;"> <div id="ajax_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="position:absolute;width: 100%; z-index: 115; text-align: center; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; display:none;"> <div style="display: table; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.7; filter: Alpha(opacity=70);"> <div style="display: table-cell; text-align: center; position: relative; vertical-align: middle;" > <div id="loading_div_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="display: inline-block; text-align:center; position:relative; vertical-align: middle;"> <img src="<?php echo WD_BWG_URL . '/images/ajax_loader.png'; ?> " class="spider_ajax_loading" style="float: none; width:50px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($params['image_enable_page'] && $params['images_per_page'] && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'top') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $params['images_per_page'], $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg); } ?> <div id="bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="bwg_standart_thumbnails_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php foreach ($image_rows as $image_row) { $params_array = array('tag_id' => isset($params['type']) ? $params['gallery_id'] : 0, 'action' => 'GalleryBox', 'current_view' => $bwg, 'image_id' => isset($_POST['image_id']) ? esc_html($_POST['image_id']) : $image_row->id, 'gallery_id' => $params['gallery_id'], 'theme_id' => $params['theme_id'], 'thumb_width' => $params['thumb_width'], 'thumb_height' => $params['thumb_height'], 'open_with_fullscreen' => $params['popup_fullscreen'], 'open_with_autoplay' => $params['popup_autoplay'], 'image_width' => $params['popup_width'], 'image_height' => $params['popup_height'], 'image_effect' => $params['popup_effect'], 'sort_by' => isset($params['type']) ? 'date' : ($params['sort_by'] == 'RAND()' ? 'order' : $params['sort_by']), 'order_by' => $sort_direction, 'enable_image_filmstrip' => $params['popup_enable_filmstrip'], 'image_filmstrip_height' => $params['popup_filmstrip_height'], 'enable_image_ctrl_btn' => $params['popup_enable_ctrl_btn'], 'enable_image_fullscreen' => $params['popup_enable_fullscreen'], 'popup_enable_info' => $params['popup_enable_info'], 'popup_info_always_show' => $params['popup_info_always_show'], 'popup_hit_counter' => $params['popup_hit_counter'], 'popup_enable_rate' => $params['popup_enable_rate'], 'slideshow_interval' => $params['popup_interval'], 'enable_comment_social' => $params['popup_enable_comment'], 'enable_image_facebook' => $params['popup_enable_facebook'], 'enable_image_twitter' => $params['popup_enable_twitter'], 'enable_image_google' => $params['popup_enable_google'], 'enable_image_pinterest' => $params['popup_enable_pinterest'], 'enable_image_tumblr' => $params['popup_enable_tumblr'], 'watermark_type' => $params['watermark_type'], 'current_url' => $current_url); if ($params['watermark_type'] != 'none') { $params_array['watermark_link'] = $params['watermark_link']; $params_array['watermark_opacity'] = $params['watermark_opacity']; $params_array['watermark_position'] = $params['watermark_position']; } if ($params['watermark_type'] == 'text') { $params_array['watermark_text'] = $params['watermark_text']; $params_array['watermark_font_size'] = $params['watermark_font_size']; $params_array['watermark_font'] = $params['watermark_font']; $params_array['watermark_color'] = $params['watermark_color']; } elseif ($params['watermark_type'] == 'image') { $params_array['watermark_url'] = $params['watermark_url']; $params_array['watermark_width'] = $params['watermark_width']; $params_array['watermark_height'] = $params['watermark_height']; } $is_video = $image_row->filetype == "YOUTUBE" || $image_row->filetype == "VIMEO"; if (!$is_video) { list($image_thumb_width, $image_thumb_height) = getimagesize(htmlspecialchars_decode(ABSPATH . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR . $image_row->thumb_url, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES)); } else { $image_thumb_width = $params['thumb_width']; $image_thumb_height = $params['thumb_height']; } $scale = max($params['thumb_width'] / $image_thumb_width, $params['thumb_height'] / $image_thumb_height); $image_thumb_width *= $scale; $image_thumb_height *= $scale; $thumb_left = ($params['thumb_width'] - $image_thumb_width) / 2; $thumb_top = ($params['thumb_height'] - $image_thumb_height) / 2; ?> <a style="font-size: 0;" <?php echo $params['thumb_click_action'] == 'open_lightbox' ? 'onclick="spider_createpopup(\'' . addslashes(add_query_arg($params_array, admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))) . '\', ' . $bwg . ', ' . $params['popup_width'] . ', ' . $params['popup_height'] . ', 1, \'testpopup\', 5); return false;"' : 'href="' . $image_row->redirect_url . '" target="' . ($params['thumb_link_target'] ? '_blank' : '') . '"'; ?> > <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'show' and $theme_row->thumb_title_pos == 'top') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_standart_thumb_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <img class="bwg_standart_thumb_img_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " style="max-height: none !important; max-width: none !important; padding: 0 !important; width:<?php echo $image_thumb_width; ?> px; height:<?php echo $image_thumb_height; ?> px; margin-left: <?php echo $thumb_left; ?> px; margin-top: <?php echo $thumb_top; ?> px;" id="<?php echo $image_row->id; ?> " src="<?php echo ($is_video ? "" : site_url() . '/' . $WD_BWG_UPLOAD_DIR) . $image_row->thumb_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> " /> <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'hover') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </span> <?php if ($params['image_title'] == 'show' and $theme_row->thumb_title_pos == 'bottom') { ?> <span class="bwg_title_spun1_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <span class="bwg_title_spun2_<?php echo $bwg; ?> "> <?php echo $image_row->alt; ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> </span> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($params['image_enable_page'] && $params['images_per_page'] && $theme_row->page_nav_position == 'bottom') { WDWLibrary::ajax_html_frontend_page_nav($theme_row, $page_nav['total'], $page_nav['limit'], 'gal_front_form_' . $bwg, $params['images_per_page'], $bwg, 'bwg_standart_thumbnails_' . $bwg); } ?> </div> </form> <div id="spider_popup_loading_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_loading"></div> <div id="spider_popup_overlay_<?php echo $bwg; ?> " class="spider_popup_overlay" onclick="spider_destroypopup(1000)"></div> </div> </div> <script> var bwg_current_url = '<?php echo add_query_arg($current_url, '', home_url($wp->request)); ?> '; </script> <?php if ($from_shortcode) { return; } else { die; } }