コード例 #1
 public function __construct()
     self::$pageActionsDesc = array('view' => _('view this page'), 'edit' => _('edit this page'), 'create' => _('create a new page in this category'), 'move' => _('move this page'), 'delete' => _('delete this page'), 'attach_file' => _('attach a new file to this page'), 'rename_file' => _('rename file attachment in this page'), 'replace_file' => _('replace existing file attachment in this page'), 'move_file' => _('move file attachment to another page'), 'delete_file' => _('delete file in this page'), 'options' => _('what????'));
     self::$forumActionsDesc = array('new_thread' => _('start new discussion thread'), 'new_post' => _('add new post in this thread'), 'edit_post' => _('edit a post in this thread'), 'edit_thread' => _('edit this thread'), 'split' => 's', 'moderate_forum' => _('perform this action'));
     self::$userClassesDesc = array('anonymous' => _('anonymous users'), 'registered' => _('<a href="http://www.wikidot.com">Wikidot.com</a> registered users'), 'member' => _('members of this site'), 'owner' => _('owner (creator) of this page'));