コード例 #1
  * Creates a new order for renewing a subscription product based on the details of a previous order.
  * No trial periods or sign up fees are applied to the renewal order. However, if the order has failed
  * payments and the store manager has set failed payments to be added to renewal orders, then the
  * orders totals will be set to include the outstanding balance.
  * If the $args['new_order_role'] flag is set to 'parent', then the renewal order will supersede the existing 
  * order. The existing order and subscription associated with it will be cancelled. A new order and
  * subscription will be created. 
  * If the $args['new_order_role'] flag is 'child', the $original_order will remain the master order for the
  * subscription and the new order is just for accepting a recurring payment on the subscription.
  * Renewal orders have the same meta data as the original order. If the renewal order is set to be a 'child'
  * then any subscription related meta data will not be stored on the new order. This is to keep subscription
  * meta data associated only with the one master order for the subscription.
  * @param WC_Order|int $order The WC_Order object or ID of the order for which the a new order should be created.
  * @param string $product_id The ID of the subscription product in the order which needs to be added to the new order.
  * @param array $args (optional) An array of name => value flags:
  *         'new_order_role' string A flag to indicate whether the new order should become the master order for the subscription. Accepts either 'parent' or 'child'. Defaults to 'parent' - replace the existing order.
  *         'checkout_renewal' bool Indicates if invoked from an interactive cart/checkout session. Default false.
  *         'failed_order_id' int For checkout_renewal true, indicates order id being replaced
  * @since 1.2
 public static function generate_renewal_order($original_order, $product_id, $args = array())
     global $wpdb, $woocommerce;
     if (!is_object($original_order)) {
         $original_order = new WC_Order($original_order);
     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Order::order_contains_subscription($original_order) || !WC_Subscriptions_Order::is_item_subscription($original_order, $product_id)) {
         return false;
     if (self::is_renewal($original_order, array('order_role' => 'child'))) {
         $original_order = self::get_parent_order($original_order);
     if (!is_array($args)) {
         _deprecated_argument(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, '1.3', __('Third parameter is now an array of name => value pairs. Use array( "new_order_role" => "parent" ) instead.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
         $args = array('new_order_role' => $args);
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('new_order_role' => 'parent', 'checkout_renewal' => false));
     $renewal_order_key = uniqid('order_');
     // Create the new order
     $renewal_order_data = array('post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_title' => sprintf(__('Subscription Renewal Order – %s', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), strftime(_x('%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p', 'Order date parsed by strftime', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain))), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_excerpt' => $original_order->customer_note, 'post_author' => 1, 'post_password' => $renewal_order_key);
     $create_new_order = true;
     if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
         $renewal_order_data['post_parent'] = $original_order->id;
     if (true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $renewal_order_id = null;
         if ($woocommerce->session->order_awaiting_payment > 0) {
             $renewal_order_id = absint($woocommerce->session->order_awaiting_payment);
         } elseif (isset($args['failed_order_id'])) {
             $failed_order_id = $args['failed_order_id'];
             /* Check order is unpaid by getting its status */
             $terms = wp_get_object_terms($failed_order_id, 'shop_order_status', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
             $order_status = isset($terms[0]) ? $terms[0] : 'pending';
             /* If paying on a pending order, we are resuming */
             if ($order_status == 'pending') {
                 $renewal_order_id = $failed_order_id;
         if ($renewal_order_id) {
             /* Check order is unpaid by getting its status */
             $terms = wp_get_object_terms($renewal_order_id, 'shop_order_status', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
             $order_status = isset($terms[0]) ? $terms[0] : 'pending';
             // Resume the unpaid order if its pending
             if ($order_status == 'pending' || $order_status == 'failed') {
                 // Update the existing order as we are resuming it
                 $create_new_order = false;
                 $renewal_order_data['ID'] = $renewal_order_id;
                 // Clear the old line items - we'll add these again in case they changed
                 $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta WHERE order_item_id IN ( SELECT order_item_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE order_id = %d )", $renewal_order_id));
                 $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE order_id = %d", $renewal_order_id));
     if ($create_new_order) {
         $renewal_order_id = wp_insert_post($renewal_order_data);
     // Set the order as pending
     wp_set_object_terms($renewal_order_id, 'pending', 'shop_order_status');
     // Set a unique key for this order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_key', $renewal_order_key);
     if (true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $checkout_object = $woocommerce->checkout;
         $customer_id = $original_order->customer_user;
         // Save posted billing fields to both renewal and original order
         if ($checkout_object->checkout_fields['billing']) {
             foreach ($checkout_object->checkout_fields['billing'] as $key => $field) {
                 update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_' . $key, $checkout_object->posted[$key]);
                 update_post_meta($original_order->id, '_' . $key, $checkout_object->posted[$key]);
                 // User
                 if ($customer_id && !empty($checkout_object->posted[$key])) {
                     update_user_meta($customer_id, $key, $checkout_object->posted[$key]);
                     // Special fields
                     switch ($key) {
                         case "billing_email":
                             if (!email_exists($checkout_object->posted[$key])) {
                                 wp_update_user(array('ID' => $customer_id, 'user_email' => $checkout_object->posted[$key]));
                         case "billing_first_name":
                             wp_update_user(array('ID' => $customer_id, 'first_name' => $checkout_object->posted[$key]));
                         case "billing_last_name":
                             wp_update_user(array('ID' => $customer_id, 'last_name' => $checkout_object->posted[$key]));
         // Save posted shipping fields to both renewal and original order
         if ($checkout_object->checkout_fields['shipping'] && ($woocommerce->cart->needs_shipping() || get_option('woocommerce_require_shipping_address') == 'yes')) {
             foreach ($checkout_object->checkout_fields['shipping'] as $key => $field) {
                 $postvalue = false;
                 if ($checkout_object->posted['shiptobilling']) {
                     if (isset($checkout_object->posted[str_replace('shipping_', 'billing_', $key)])) {
                         $postvalue = $checkout_object->posted[str_replace('shipping_', 'billing_', $key)];
                         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_' . $key, $postvalue);
                         update_post_meta($original_order->id, '_' . $key, $postvalue);
                 } else {
                     $postvalue = $checkout_object->posted[$key];
                     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_' . $key, $postvalue);
                     update_post_meta($original_order->id, '_' . $key, $postvalue);
                 // User
                 if ($postvalue && $customer_id) {
                     update_user_meta($customer_id, $key, $postvalue);
     $order_meta_query = "SELECT `meta_key`, `meta_value`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM {$wpdb->postmeta}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `post_id` = {$original_order->id}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_paid_date', '_completed_date', '_order_key', '_edit_lock', '_original_order')";
     // Superseding existing order so don't carry over payment details
     if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role'] || true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $order_meta_query .= " AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_payment_method', '_payment_method_title', '_recurring_payment_method', '_recurring_payment_method_title', '_shipping_method', '_shipping_method_title', '_recurring_shipping_method', '_recurring_shipping_method_title')";
     } else {
         $order_meta_query .= " AND `meta_key` NOT LIKE '_order_recurring_%' AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_payment_method', '_payment_method_title', '_recurring_payment_method', '_recurring_payment_method_title', '_shipping_method', '_shipping_method_title', '_recurring_shipping_method', '_recurring_shipping_method_title')";
     // Allow extensions to add/remove order meta
     $order_meta_query = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_meta_query', $order_meta_query, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     // Carry all the required meta from the old order over to the new order
     $order_meta = $wpdb->get_results($order_meta_query, 'ARRAY_A');
     $order_meta = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_meta', $order_meta, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     foreach ($order_meta as $meta_item) {
         add_post_meta($renewal_order_id, $meta_item['meta_key'], maybe_unserialize($meta_item['meta_value']), true);
     $outstanding_balance = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_outstanding_balance($original_order, $product_id);
     if (true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $failed_payment_multiplier = 1;
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping', woocommerce_format_total($woocommerce->cart->shipping_total));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_discount', woocommerce_format_total($woocommerce->cart->get_order_discount_total()));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_cart_discount', woocommerce_format_total($woocommerce->cart->get_cart_discount_total()));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_tax', woocommerce_format_total($woocommerce->cart->tax_total));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping_tax', woocommerce_format_total($woocommerce->cart->shipping_tax_total));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_total', woocommerce_format_total($woocommerce->cart->total));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_checkout_renewal', 'yes');
     } else {
         // If there are outstanding payment amounts, add them to the order, otherwise set the order details to the values of the recurring totals
         if ($outstanding_balance > 0 && 'yes' == get_option(WC_Subscriptions_Admin::$option_prefix . '_add_outstanding_balance', 'no')) {
             $failed_payment_multiplier = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_failed_payment_count($original_order, $product_id);
         } else {
             $failed_payment_multiplier = 1;
         // Set order totals based on recurring totals from the original order
         $cart_discount = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_discount_cart', true);
         $order_discount = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_discount_total', true);
         $order_shipping_tax = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_shipping_tax_total', true);
         $order_shipping = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_shipping_total', true);
         $order_tax = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_tax_total', true);
         $order_total = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_total', true);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_cart_discount', $cart_discount);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_discount', $order_discount);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping_tax', $order_shipping_tax);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping', $order_shipping);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_tax', $order_tax);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_total', $order_total);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_shipping_method', $original_order->recurring_shipping_method);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_shipping_method_title', $original_order->recurring_shipping_method_title);
         // Apply the recurring shipping & payment methods to child renewal orders
         if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_payment_method', $original_order->recurring_payment_method);
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_payment_method_title', $original_order->recurring_payment_method_title);
     // Set order taxes based on recurring taxes from the original order
     $recurring_order_taxes = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_taxes($original_order);
     foreach ($recurring_order_taxes as $index => $recurring_order_tax) {
         if (function_exists('woocommerce_update_order_item_meta')) {
             // WC 2.0+
             $item_ids = array();
             $item_ids[] = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $recurring_order_tax['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'tax'));
             // Also set recurring taxes on parent renewal orders
             if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                 $item_ids[] = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $recurring_order_tax['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'recurring_tax'));
             // Add line item meta
             foreach ($item_ids as $item_id) {
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'compound', absint(isset($recurring_order_tax['compound']) ? $recurring_order_tax['compound'] : 0));
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'tax_amount', woocommerce_clean($failed_payment_multiplier * $recurring_order_tax['tax_amount']));
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'shipping_tax_amount', woocommerce_clean($failed_payment_multiplier * $recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax_amount']));
                 if (isset($recurring_order_tax['rate_id'])) {
                     woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'rate_id', $recurring_order_tax['rate_id']);
                 if (isset($recurring_order_tax['label'])) {
                     woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'label', $recurring_order_tax['label']);
         } else {
             // WC 1.x
             if (isset($recurring_order_tax['cart_tax']) && $recurring_order_tax['cart_tax'] > 0) {
                 $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['cart_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $recurring_order_tax['cart_tax'];
             } else {
                 $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['cart_tax'] = 0;
             if (isset($recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax']) && $recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax'] > 0) {
                 $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['shipping_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax'];
             } else {
                 $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['shipping_tax'] = 0;
             // Inefficient but keeps WC 1.x code grouped together
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_taxes', $recurring_order_taxes);
     // Set line totals to be recurring line totals and remove the subscription/recurring related item meta from each order item
     $order_items = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_items($original_order);
     // Allow extensions to add/remove items or item meta
     $order_items = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_items', $order_items, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $product_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     foreach ($order_items as $item_index => $order_item) {
         $item_meta = new WC_Order_Item_Meta($order_item['item_meta']);
         // WC 2.0+ order item structure - as of WC 2.0 item_meta is stored as $key => meta pairs, not 'meta_name'/'meta_value'
         if (function_exists('woocommerce_add_order_item_meta')) {
             if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                 $renewal_order_item_name = sprintf(__('Renewal of "%s" purchased in Order %s', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), $order_item['name'], $original_order->get_order_number());
             } else {
                 $renewal_order_item_name = $order_item['name'];
             // Create order line item on the renewal order
             $recurring_item_id = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $renewal_order_item_name, 'order_item_type' => 'line_item'));
             // Remove recurring line items and set item totals based on recurring line totals
             foreach ($item_meta->meta as $meta_key => $meta) {
                 // $meta is an array, so the item needs to be extracted from $meta[0] (just like order meta on a WC Order)
                 $meta_value = $meta[0];
                 // Map line item totals based on recurring line totals
                 switch ($meta_key) {
                     case '_recurring_line_total':
                         woocommerce_delete_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_total');
                         woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_total', woocommerce_format_decimal($failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_value));
                     case '_recurring_line_tax':
                         woocommerce_delete_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_tax');
                         woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_tax', woocommerce_format_decimal($failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_value));
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                         woocommerce_delete_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal');
                         woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal', woocommerce_format_decimal($failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_value));
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                         woocommerce_delete_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal_tax');
                         woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal_tax', woocommerce_format_decimal($failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_value));
                 // Copy over line item meta data, with some parent/child role based exceptions for recurring amounts
                 $copy_to_renewal_item = true;
                 switch ($meta_key) {
                     case '_recurring_line_total':
                     case '_recurring_line_tax':
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                     case '_subscription_recurring_amount':
                     case '_subscription_sign_up_fee':
                     case '_subscription_period':
                     case '_subscription_interval':
                     case '_subscription_length':
                     case '_subscription_trial_period':
                     case '_subscription_end_date':
                     case '_subscription_expiry_date':
                     case '_subscription_start_date':
                     case '_subscription_status':
                     case '_subscription_completed_payments':
                         if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                             $copy_to_renewal_item = false;
                     case '_subscription_trial_length':
                         // We never want to duplicate free trials on renewal orders
                         $copy_to_renewal_item = false;
                     case '_subscription_suspension_count':
                         // We want to reset some values for the new order
                     // We want to reset some values for the new order
                     case '_subscription_trial_expiry_date':
                     case '_subscription_failed_payments':
                         $copy_to_renewal_item = false;
                         $meta_value = 0;
                 // Copy existing item over to new recurring order item
                 if ($copy_to_renewal_item) {
                     woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
         } else {
             // WC 1.x order item structure
             foreach ($item_meta->meta as $meta_index => $meta_item) {
                 switch ($meta_item['meta_name']) {
                     case '_recurring_line_total':
                         $order_items[$item_index]['line_total'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                     case '_recurring_line_tax':
                         $order_items[$item_index]['line_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                         $order_items[$item_index]['line_subtotal'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                         $order_items[$item_index]['line_subtotal_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                     case '_recurring_line_total':
                     case '_recurring_line_tax':
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                     case '_subscription_recurring_amount':
                     case '_subscription_sign_up_fee':
                     case '_subscription_period':
                     case '_subscription_interval':
                     case '_subscription_length':
                     case '_subscription_trial_length':
                     case '_subscription_trial_period':
                         if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                     case '_subscription_trial_length':
                         // We never want to duplicate free trials on renewal orders
                         if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                         } else {
                             $item_meta->meta[$meta_index] = 0;
                 if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                     $order_items[$item_index]['name'] = sprintf(__('Renewal of "%s" purchased in Order %s', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), $order_item['name'], $original_order->get_order_number());
                 $order_items[$item_index]['item_meta'] = $item_meta->meta;
             // Save the item meta on the new order
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_items', $order_items);
     // Keep a record of the original order's ID on the renewal order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_original_order', $original_order->id, true);
     $renewal_order = new WC_Order($renewal_order_id);
     if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role']) {
         $original_order->add_order_note(sprintf(__('Order superseded by Renewal Order %s.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), $renewal_order->get_order_number()));
     do_action('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_created', $renewal_order, $original_order, $product_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     return apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_id', $renewal_order_id, $original_order, $product_id, $args['new_order_role']);
コード例 #2
  * Calculate the timestamp for the next payment
  * @param WC_Order  $order
  * @param int       $product_id
  * @return mixed|void
 private static function calculate_next_payment_timestamp($order, $product_id)
     $type = 'timestamp';
     $from_date = '';
     $from_date_arg = $from_date;
     $subscription = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription(WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order->id, $product_id));
     $subscription_period = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_period($order, $product_id);
     $subscription_interval = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_interval($order, $product_id);
     $subscription_trial_length = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_trial_length($order, $product_id);
     $subscription_trial_period = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_trial_period($order, $product_id);
     $trial_end_time = !empty($subscription['trial_expiry_date']) ? $subscription['trial_expiry_date'] : WC_Subscriptions_Product::get_trial_expiration_date($product_id, get_gmt_from_date($order->order_date));
     $trial_end_time = strtotime($trial_end_time);
     // If the subscription has a free trial period, and we're still in the free trial period, the next payment is due at the end of the free trial
     if ($subscription_trial_length > 0 && $trial_end_time > gmdate('U') + 60 * 60 * 23 + 120) {
         // Make sure trial expiry is more than 23+ hours in the future to account for trial expiration dates incorrectly stored in non-UTC/GMT timezone (and also for any potential changes to the site's timezone)
         $next_payment_timestamp = $trial_end_time;
         // The next payment date is {interval} billing periods from the from date
     } else {
         // We have a timestamp
         if (!empty($from_date) && is_numeric($from_date)) {
             $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $from_date);
         if (empty($from_date)) {
             if (!empty($subscription['completed_payments'])) {
                 $from_date = array_pop($subscription['completed_payments']);
                 $add_failed_payments = true;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($subscription['start_date'])) {
                     $from_date = $subscription['start_date'];
                     $add_failed_payments = true;
                 } else {
                     $from_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     $add_failed_payments = false;
             $failed_payment_count = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_failed_payment_count($order, $product_id);
             // Maybe take into account any failed payments
             if (true === $add_failed_payments && $failed_payment_count > 0) {
                 $failed_payment_periods = $failed_payment_count * $subscription_interval;
                 $from_timestamp = strtotime($from_date);
                 if ('month' == $subscription_period) {
                     $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', WC_Subscriptions::add_months($from_timestamp, $failed_payment_periods));
                 } else {
                     // Safe to just add the billing periods
                     $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+ {$failed_payment_periods} {$subscription_period}", $from_timestamp));
         $from_timestamp = strtotime($from_date);
         if ('month' == $subscription_period) {
             // Workaround potential PHP issue
             $next_payment_timestamp = WC_Subscriptions::add_months($from_timestamp, $subscription_interval);
         } else {
             $next_payment_timestamp = strtotime("+ {$subscription_interval} {$subscription_period}", $from_timestamp);
         // Make sure the next payment is in the future
         $i = 1;
         while ($next_payment_timestamp < gmdate('U') && $i < 30) {
             if ('month' == $subscription_period) {
                 $next_payment_timestamp = WC_Subscriptions::add_months($next_payment_timestamp, $subscription_interval);
             } else {
                 // Safe to just add the billing periods
                 $next_payment_timestamp = strtotime("+ {$subscription_interval} {$subscription_period}", $next_payment_timestamp);
             $i = $i + 1;
     // If the subscription has an expiry date and the next billing period comes after the expiration, return 0
     if (isset($subscription['expiry_date']) && 0 != $subscription['expiry_date'] && $next_payment_timestamp + 120 > strtotime($subscription['expiry_date'])) {
         $next_payment_timestamp = 0;
     $next_payment = 'mysql' == $type && 0 != $next_payment_timestamp ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_payment_timestamp) : $next_payment_timestamp;
     return apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_calculated_next_payment_date', $next_payment, $order, $product_id, $type, $from_date, $from_date_arg);
  * Creates a new order for renewing a subscription product based on the details of a previous order.
  * No trial periods or sign up fees are applied to the renewal order. However, if the order has failed
  * payments and the store manager has set failed payments to be added to renewal orders, then the
  * orders totals will be set to include the outstanding balance.
  * If the $new_order_role flag is set to 'parent', then the renewal order will supersede the existing 
  * order. The existing order and subscription associated with it will be cancelled. A new order and
  * subscription will be created. 
  * If the $new_order_role flag is 'child', the $original_order will remain the master order for the
  * subscription and the new order is just for accepting a recurring payment on the subscription.
  * Renewal orders have the same meta data as the original order. If the renewal order is set to be a 'child'
  * then any subscription related meta data will not be stored on the new order. This is to keep subscription
  * meta data associated only with the one master order for the subscription.
  * @param $order WC_Order | int The WC_Order object or ID of the order for which the a new order should be created.
  * @param $product_id string The ID of the subscription product in the order which needs to be added to the new order.
  * @param $new_order_role string A flag to indicate whether the new order should become the master order for the subscription. Accepts either 'parent' or 'child'. Defaults to 'parent' - replace the existing order.
  * @since 1.2
 public static function generate_renewal_order($original_order, $product_id, $new_order_role = 'parent')
     global $wpdb;
     if (!is_object($original_order)) {
         $original_order = new WC_Order($original_order);
     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Order::order_contains_subscription($original_order) || !WC_Subscriptions_Order::is_item_a_subscription($original_order, $product_id)) {
         return false;
     if (self::is_renewal($original_order, 'child')) {
         $original_order = self::get_parent_order($original_order);
     $renewal_order_key = uniqid('order_');
     // Create the new order
     $renewal_order_data = array('post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_title' => sprintf(__('Subscription Renewal Order &ndash; %s', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), strftime(_x('%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p', 'Order date parsed by strftime', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain))), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_excerpt' => $original_order->customer_note, 'post_author' => 1, 'post_password' => $renewal_order_key);
     if ('child' == $new_order_role) {
         $renewal_order_data['post_parent'] = $original_order->id;
     $renewal_order_id = wp_insert_post($renewal_order_data);
     // Set the order as pending
     wp_set_object_terms($renewal_order_id, 'pending', 'shop_order_status');
     // Set a unique key for this order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_key', $renewal_order_key);
     $order_meta_query = "SELECT `meta_key`, `meta_value` FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE `post_id` = {$original_order->id} AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_paid_date', '_completed_date', '_order_key', '_edit_lock', '_original_order')";
     // Superseding existing order so don't carry over payment details
     if ('parent' == $new_order_role) {
         $order_meta_query .= " AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_payment_method', '_payment_method_title')";
     } else {
         $order_meta_query .= " AND `meta_key` NOT LIKE '_order_recurring_%'";
     // Allow extensions to add/remove order meta
     $order_meta_query = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_meta_query', $order_meta_query, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $new_order_role);
     // Carry all the required meta from the old order over to the new order
     $order_meta = $wpdb->get_results($order_meta_query, 'ARRAY_A');
     $order_meta = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_meta', $order_meta, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $new_order_role);
     foreach ($order_meta as $meta_item) {
         add_post_meta($renewal_order_id, $meta_item['meta_key'], maybe_unserialize($meta_item['meta_value']), true);
     $outstanding_balance = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_outstanding_balance($original_order, $product_id);
     // If there are outstanding payment amounts, add them to the order, otherwise set the order details to the values of the recurring totals
     if ($outstanding_balance > 0 && 'yes' == get_option(WC_Subscriptions_Admin::$option_prefix . '_add_outstanding_balance')) {
         $failed_payment_multiplier = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_failed_payment_count($original_order, $product_id);
     } else {
         $failed_payment_multiplier = 1;
     // Set order totals based on recurring totals from the original order
     $cart_discount = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_discount_cart', true);
     $order_discount = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_discount_total', true);
     $order_shipping_tax = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_shipping_tax_total', true);
     $order_tax = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_tax_total', true);
     $order_total = $failed_payment_multiplier * get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_total', true);
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_cart_discount', $cart_discount);
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_discount', $order_discount);
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping_tax', $order_shipping_tax);
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_tax', $order_tax);
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_total', $order_total);
     // Set order taxes based on recurring taxes from the original order
     $recurring_order_taxes = get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_taxes', true);
     foreach ($recurring_order_taxes as $index => $recurring_order_tax) {
         if (isset($recurring_order_tax['cart_tax']) && $recurring_order_tax['cart_tax'] > 0) {
             $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['cart_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $recurring_order_tax['cart_tax'];
         } else {
             $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['cart_tax'] = 0;
         if (isset($recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax']) && $recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax'] > 0) {
             $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['shipping_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax'];
         } else {
             $recurring_order_taxes[$index]['shipping_tax'] = 0;
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_taxes', $recurring_order_taxes);
     // Set line totals to be recurring line totals and remove the subscription/recurring related item meta from each order item
     $order_items = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_items($original_order);
     // Allow extensions to add/remove items or item meta
     $order_items = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_items', $order_items, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $product_id, $new_order_role);
     foreach ($order_items as $item_index => $order_item) {
         $item_meta = new WC_Order_Item_Meta($order_item['item_meta']);
         // Remove recurring line items and set item totals based on recurring line totals
         foreach ($item_meta->meta as $meta_index => $meta_item) {
             switch ($meta_item['meta_name']) {
                 case '_recurring_line_total':
                     $order_items[$item_index]['line_total'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                 case '_recurring_line_tax':
                     $order_items[$item_index]['line_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                     $order_items[$item_index]['line_subtotal'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                     $order_items[$item_index]['line_subtotal_tax'] = $failed_payment_multiplier * $meta_item['meta_value'];
                 case '_recurring_line_total':
                 case '_recurring_line_tax':
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                 case '_subscription_recurring_amount':
                 case '_subscription_sign_up_fee':
                 case '_subscription_period':
                 case '_subscription_interval':
                 case '_subscription_length':
                 case '_subscription_trial_length':
                 case '_subscription_trial_period':
                     if ('child' == $new_order_role) {
         if ('child' == $new_order_role) {
             $order_items[$item_index]['name'] = sprintf(__('Renewal of "%s" purchased in Order %s', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), $order_item['name'], $original_order->get_order_number());
         $order_items[$item_index]['item_meta'] = $item_meta->meta;
     // Save the item meta on the new order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_items', $order_items);
     // Keep a record of the original order's ID on the renewal order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_original_order', $original_order->id, true);
     $renewal_order = new WC_Order($renewal_order_id);
     if ('parent' == $new_order_role) {
         $original_order->add_order_note(sprintf(__('Order superseded by Renewal Order %s.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain), $renewal_order->get_order_number()));
     do_action('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_created', $renewal_order, $original_order, $product_id, $new_order_role);
     return apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_id', $renewal_order_id, $original_order, $product_id, $new_order_role);
  * Creates a new order for renewing a subscription product based on the details of a previous order.
  * No trial periods or sign up fees are applied to the renewal order. However, if the order has failed
  * payments and the store manager has set failed payments to be added to renewal orders, then the
  * orders totals will be set to include the outstanding balance.
  * If the $args['new_order_role'] flag is set to 'parent', then the renewal order will supersede the existing 
  * order. The existing order and subscription associated with it will be cancelled. A new order and
  * subscription will be created. 
  * If the $args['new_order_role'] flag is 'child', the $original_order will remain the master order for the
  * subscription and the new order is just for accepting a recurring payment on the subscription.
  * Renewal orders have the same meta data as the original order. If the renewal order is set to be a 'child'
  * then any subscription related meta data will not be stored on the new order. This is to keep subscription
  * meta data associated only with the one master order for the subscription.
  * @param WC_Order|int $order The WC_Order object or ID of the order for which the a new order should be created.
  * @param string $product_id The ID of the subscription product in the order which needs to be added to the new order.
  * @param array $args (optional) An array of name => value flags:
  *         'new_order_role' string A flag to indicate whether the new order should become the master order for the subscription. Accepts either 'parent' or 'child'. Defaults to 'parent' - replace the existing order.
  *         'checkout_renewal' bool Indicates if invoked from an interactive cart/checkout session and certain order items are not set, like taxes, shipping as they need to be set in teh calling function, like @see WC_Subscriptions_Checkout::filter_woocommerce_create_order(). Default false.
  *         'failed_order_id' int For checkout_renewal true, indicates order id being replaced
  * @since 1.2
 public static function generate_renewal_order($original_order, $product_id, $args = array())
     global $wpdb, $woocommerce;
     if (!is_object($original_order)) {
         $original_order = new WC_Order($original_order);
     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Order::order_contains_subscription($original_order) || !WC_Subscriptions_Order::is_item_subscription($original_order, $product_id)) {
         return false;
     if (self::is_renewal($original_order, array('order_role' => 'child'))) {
         $original_order = self::get_parent_order($original_order);
     if (!is_array($args)) {
         _deprecated_argument(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, '1.3', __('Third parameter is now an array of name => value pairs. Use array( "new_order_role" => "parent" ) instead.', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'));
         $args = array('new_order_role' => $args);
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('new_order_role' => 'parent', 'checkout_renewal' => false));
     $renewal_order_key = uniqid('order_');
     // Create the new order
     $renewal_order_data = array('post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_title' => sprintf(__('Subscription Renewal Order &ndash; %s', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'), strftime(_x('%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p', 'Order date parsed by strftime', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'))), 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_excerpt' => $original_order->customer_note, 'post_author' => 1, 'post_password' => $renewal_order_key);
     $create_new_order = true;
     if (!WC_Subscriptions::is_woocommerce_pre_2_2()) {
         // WC 2.2 order status
         $renewal_order_data['post_status'] = 'wc-pending';
     } else {
         $renewal_order_data['post_status'] = 'publish';
     if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
         $renewal_order_data['post_parent'] = $original_order->id;
     if (true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $renewal_order_id = null;
         if ($woocommerce->session->order_awaiting_payment > 0) {
             $renewal_order_id = absint($woocommerce->session->order_awaiting_payment);
         } elseif (isset($args['failed_order_id'])) {
             $failed_order_id = $args['failed_order_id'];
             if (WC_Subscriptions::is_woocommerce_pre_2_2()) {
                 // WC 2.1  - need to use taxonomy
                 /* Check order is unpaid by getting its status */
                 $terms = wp_get_object_terms($failed_order_id, 'shop_order_status', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                 $order_status = isset($terms[0]) ? $terms[0] : 'pending';
             } else {
                 // WC 2.2+
                 $failed_order = wc_get_order($failed_order_id);
                 $order_status = $failed_order->get_status();
             /* If paying on a pending order, we are resuming */
             if ($order_status == 'pending') {
                 $renewal_order_id = $failed_order_id;
         if ($renewal_order_id) {
             if (WC_Subscriptions::is_woocommerce_pre_2_2()) {
                 // WC 2.1  - need to use taxonomy
                 /* Check order is unpaid by getting its status */
                 $terms = wp_get_object_terms($renewal_order_id, 'shop_order_status', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                 $order_status = isset($terms[0]) ? $terms[0] : 'pending';
             } else {
                 // WC 2.2+
                 $existing_order = wc_get_order($renewal_order_id);
                 $order_status = $existing_order->get_status();
             // Resume the unpaid order if its pending
             if ($order_status == 'pending' || $order_status == 'failed') {
                 // Update the existing order as we are resuming it
                 $create_new_order = false;
                 $renewal_order_data['ID'] = $renewal_order_id;
                 // Clear the old line items - we'll add these again in case they changed
                 $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta WHERE order_item_id IN ( SELECT order_item_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE order_id = %d )", $renewal_order_id));
                 $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE order_id = %d", $renewal_order_id));
     if ($create_new_order) {
         $renewal_order_id = wp_insert_post($renewal_order_data);
     if (WC_Subscriptions::is_woocommerce_pre_2_2()) {
         // WC 2.1 order status
         // Set the order as pending
         wp_set_object_terms($renewal_order_id, 'pending', 'shop_order_status');
     // Set a unique key for this order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_key', $renewal_order_key);
     $order_meta_query = "SELECT `meta_key`, `meta_value`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM {$wpdb->postmeta}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `post_id` = {$original_order->id}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_paid_date', '_completed_date', '_order_key', '_edit_lock', '_original_order', '_wc_points_earned', '_transaction_id')";
     // Superseding existing order so don't carry over payment details
     if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role'] || true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $order_meta_query .= " AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_payment_method', '_payment_method_title', '_recurring_payment_method', '_recurring_payment_method_title', '_shipping_method', '_shipping_method_title', '_recurring_shipping_method', '_recurring_shipping_method_title')";
     } else {
         $order_meta_query .= " AND `meta_key` NOT LIKE '_order_recurring_%' AND `meta_key` NOT IN ('_payment_method', '_payment_method_title', '_recurring_payment_method', '_recurring_payment_method_title', '_shipping_method', '_shipping_method_title', '_recurring_shipping_method', '_recurring_shipping_method_title')";
     // Allow extensions to add/remove order meta
     $order_meta_query = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_meta_query', $order_meta_query, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     // Carry all the required meta from the old order over to the new order
     $order_meta = $wpdb->get_results($order_meta_query, 'ARRAY_A');
     $order_meta = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_meta', $order_meta, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     foreach ($order_meta as $meta_item) {
         add_post_meta($renewal_order_id, $meta_item['meta_key'], maybe_unserialize($meta_item['meta_value']), true);
     $outstanding_balance = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_outstanding_balance($original_order, $product_id);
     $failed_payment_multiplier = 1;
     if (false == $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         // If there are outstanding payment amounts, add them to the order, otherwise set the order details to the values of the recurring totals
         if ($outstanding_balance > 0 && 'yes' == get_option(WC_Subscriptions_Admin::$option_prefix . '_add_outstanding_balance', 'no')) {
             $failed_payment_multiplier = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_failed_payment_count($original_order, $product_id);
         // Set order totals based on recurring totals from the original order
         $cart_discount = $failed_payment_multiplier * wc_format_decimal(get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_discount_cart', true));
         $order_discount = $failed_payment_multiplier * wc_format_decimal(get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_discount_total', true));
         $order_shipping_tax = $failed_payment_multiplier * wc_format_decimal(get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_shipping_tax_total', true));
         $order_shipping = $failed_payment_multiplier * wc_format_decimal(get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_shipping_total', true));
         $order_tax = $failed_payment_multiplier * wc_format_decimal(get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_tax_total', true));
         $order_total = $failed_payment_multiplier * wc_format_decimal(get_post_meta($original_order->id, '_order_recurring_total', true));
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_cart_discount', $cart_discount);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_discount', $order_discount);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping_tax', $order_shipping_tax);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_shipping', $order_shipping);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_tax', $order_tax);
         update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_order_total', $order_total);
         // Set shipping for orders created with WC 2.0.n (or when we are using WC 2.0.n)
         if (WC_Subscriptions::is_woocommerce_pre_2_1() || isset($original_order->recurring_shipping_method)) {
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_shipping_method', $original_order->recurring_shipping_method);
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_shipping_method_title', $original_order->recurring_shipping_method_title);
             // Also set recurring shipping as it's a parent renewal order
             if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                 update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_recurring_shipping_method', $original_order->recurring_shipping_method);
                 update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_recurring_shipping_method_title', $original_order->recurring_shipping_method_title);
         // Apply the recurring shipping & payment methods to child renewal orders
         if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_payment_method', $original_order->recurring_payment_method);
             update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_payment_method_title', $original_order->recurring_payment_method_title);
         // Set order taxes based on recurring taxes from the original order
         $recurring_order_taxes = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_taxes($original_order);
         foreach ($recurring_order_taxes as $index => $recurring_order_tax) {
             $item_ids = array();
             $item_ids[] = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $recurring_order_tax['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'tax'));
             // Also set recurring taxes on parent renewal orders
             if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                 $item_ids[] = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $recurring_order_tax['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'recurring_tax'));
             // Add line item meta
             foreach ($item_ids as $item_id) {
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'compound', absint(isset($recurring_order_tax['compound']) ? $recurring_order_tax['compound'] : 0));
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'tax_amount', $failed_payment_multiplier * WC_Subscriptions::format_total($recurring_order_tax['tax_amount']));
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'shipping_tax_amount', $failed_payment_multiplier * WC_Subscriptions::format_total($recurring_order_tax['shipping_tax_amount']));
                 if (isset($recurring_order_tax['rate_id'])) {
                     woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'rate_id', $recurring_order_tax['rate_id']);
                 if (isset($recurring_order_tax['label'])) {
                     woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'label', $recurring_order_tax['label']);
         // Set up shipping items on renewal order
         $recurring_shipping_items = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_shipping_methods($original_order);
         foreach ($recurring_shipping_items as $recurring_shipping_item_id => $recurring_shipping_item) {
             $item_ids = array();
             $item_ids[] = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $recurring_shipping_item['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'shipping'));
             // Also set recurring shipping as it's a parent renewal order
             if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                 $item_ids[] = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $recurring_shipping_item['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'recurring_shipping'));
             // Add shipping item meta
             foreach ($item_ids as $item_id) {
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'method_id', $recurring_shipping_item['method_id']);
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'cost', $failed_payment_multiplier * WC_Subscriptions::format_total($recurring_shipping_item['cost']));
                 // Set line taxes for shipping
                 if (isset($recurring_shipping_item['taxes'])) {
                     $taxes = maybe_unserialize($recurring_shipping_item['taxes']);
                 } else {
                     // try to determine recurring shipping taxes from original order's shipping taxes
                     $taxes = array();
                     foreach ($original_order->get_shipping_methods() as $original_shipping_item_id => $original_shipping_item) {
                         // We need to use the amount of the same shipping method as this one
                         if ($recurring_shipping_item['method_id'] != $original_shipping_item['method_id']) {
                         // If we don't have taxes on the matching shipping item, there's nothing we can do
                         if (!isset($original_shipping_item['taxes'])) {
                         $original_shipping_item['taxes'] = maybe_unserialize($original_shipping_item['taxes']);
                         // Make sure we account for any amount on the original original shipping not applied to renewals by determining what proportion of the initial amount the recurring total represents
                         if (0 != $original_shipping_item['cost'] && $recurring_shipping_item['cost'] != $original_shipping_item['cost']) {
                             $recurring_ratio = $recurring_shipping_item['cost'] / $original_shipping_item['cost'];
                             foreach ($original_shipping_item['taxes'] as $tax_id => $tax_amount) {
                                 $original_shipping_item['taxes'][$tax_id] = $recurring_ratio * $tax_amount;
                         foreach ($original_shipping_item['taxes'] as $tax_id => $tax_amount) {
                             $taxes[$tax_id] = WC_Subscriptions::format_total($failed_payment_multiplier * $tax_amount);
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, 'taxes', $taxes);
     // Set line totals to be recurring line totals and remove the subscription/recurring related item meta from each order item
     $order_items = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_items($original_order);
     // Allow extensions to add/remove items or item meta
     $order_items = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_items', $order_items, $original_order->id, $renewal_order_id, $product_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     if (true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         $cart_items = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();
     foreach ($order_items as $item_index => $order_item) {
         $renewal_order_item_name = apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_item_name', $order_item['name'], $order_item, $original_order);
         // Create order line item on the renewal order
         $recurring_item_id = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $renewal_order_item_name, 'order_item_type' => 'line_item'));
         if (true === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
             $cart_item = array();
             foreach ($cart_items as $item) {
                 if ($item['product_id'] == $order_item['product_id'] && (empty($order_item['variation_id']) || $item['variation_id'] == $order_item['variation_id'])) {
                     $cart_item = $item;
             if (!empty($cart_item)) {
                 woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_total', woocommerce_format_decimal($cart_item['line_total']));
                 woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_tax', woocommerce_format_decimal($cart_item['line_tax']));
                 woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal', woocommerce_format_decimal($cart_item['line_subtotal']));
                 woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal_tax', woocommerce_format_decimal($cart_item['line_subtotal_tax']));
                 if (is_object($cart_item['data'])) {
                     woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_tax_class', $cart_item['data']->get_tax_class());
             $cart_items = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();
         $item_meta = new WC_Order_Item_Meta($order_item['item_meta']);
         // Remove recurring line items and set item totals based on recurring line totals
         foreach ($item_meta->meta as $meta_key => $meta) {
             // $meta is an array, so the item needs to be extracted from $meta[0] (just like order meta on a WC Order)
             $meta_value = maybe_unserialize($meta[0]);
             if (false === $args['checkout_renewal']) {
                 // Already set earlier
                 // Map line item totals based on recurring line totals
                 switch ($meta_key) {
                     case '_recurring_line_total':
                         woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_total', $failed_payment_multiplier * woocommerce_format_decimal($meta_value));
                     case '_recurring_line_tax':
                         woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_tax', $failed_payment_multiplier * woocommerce_format_decimal($meta_value));
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                         woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal', $failed_payment_multiplier * woocommerce_format_decimal($meta_value));
                     case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                         woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_subtotal_tax', $failed_payment_multiplier * woocommerce_format_decimal($meta_value));
                     case '_line_tax_data':
                         // Copy line tax data if the order doesn't have a _recurring_line_tax_data (for backward compatibility)
                         if (!array_key_exists('_recurring_line_tax_data', $item_meta->meta)) {
                             $line_total = $item_meta->meta['_line_total'][0];
                             $recurring_line_total = $item_meta->meta['_recurring_line_total'][0];
                             // There will only be recurring tax data if the recurring amount is > 0 and we can only retroactively calculate recurring amount from initial amoutn if it is > 0
                             if ($line_total > 0 && $recurring_line_total > 0) {
                                 // Make sure we account for any sign-up fees by determining what proportion of the initial amount the recurring total represents
                                 $recurring_ratio = $recurring_line_total / $line_total;
                                 $recurring_tax_data = array();
                                 $tax_data_keys = array('total', 'subtotal');
                                 foreach ($tax_data_keys as $tax_data_key) {
                                     foreach ($meta_value[$tax_data_key] as $tax_index => $tax_value) {
                                         // Use total tax amount for both total and subtotal because we don't want any initial discounts to be applied to recurring amounts
                                         $total_tax_amount = $meta_value['total'][$tax_index];
                                         $recurring_tax_data[$tax_data_key][$tax_index] = woocommerce_format_decimal($failed_payment_multiplier * ($recurring_ratio * $total_tax_amount));
                             } else {
                                 $recurring_tax_data = array('total' => array(), 'subtotal' => array());
                             woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_tax_data', $recurring_tax_data);
                     case '_recurring_line_tax_data':
                         $recurring_tax_data = array();
                         $tax_data_keys = array('total', 'subtotal');
                         foreach ($tax_data_keys as $tax_data_key) {
                             foreach ($meta_value[$tax_data_key] as $tax_index => $tax_value) {
                                 $recurring_tax_data[$tax_data_key][$tax_index] = woocommerce_format_decimal($failed_payment_multiplier * $tax_value);
                         woocommerce_update_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, '_line_tax_data', $recurring_tax_data);
             // Copy over line item meta data, with some parent/child role based exceptions for recurring amounts
             $copy_to_renewal_item = true;
             switch ($meta_key) {
                 case '_recurring_line_total':
                 case '_recurring_line_tax':
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal':
                 case '_recurring_line_subtotal_tax':
                 case '_recurring_line_tax_data':
                 case '_line_tax_data':
                 case '_subscription_recurring_amount':
                 case '_subscription_sign_up_fee':
                 case '_subscription_period':
                 case '_subscription_interval':
                 case '_subscription_length':
                 case '_subscription_trial_period':
                 case '_subscription_end_date':
                 case '_subscription_expiry_date':
                 case '_subscription_start_date':
                 case '_subscription_status':
                 case '_subscription_completed_payments':
                     if ('child' == $args['new_order_role']) {
                         $copy_to_renewal_item = false;
                 case '_subscription_trial_length':
                     // We never want to duplicate free trials on renewal orders
                     $copy_to_renewal_item = false;
                 case '_subscription_suspension_count':
                     // We want to reset some values for the new order
                 // We want to reset some values for the new order
                 case '_subscription_trial_expiry_date':
                 case '_subscription_failed_payments':
                     $copy_to_renewal_item = false;
                     $meta_value = 0;
             // Copy existing item over to new recurring order item
             if ($copy_to_renewal_item) {
                 woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($recurring_item_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
     if (false == $args['checkout_renewal']) {
         // Add fees
         foreach ($original_order->get_fees() as $item_id => $order_fee) {
             if (!isset($order_fee['recurring_line_total'])) {
             $item_id = woocommerce_add_order_item($renewal_order_id, array('order_item_name' => $order_fee['name'], 'order_item_type' => 'fee'));
             woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, '_tax_class', $order_fee['tax_class']);
             woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, '_line_total', WC_Subscriptions::format_total($order_fee['recurring_line_total']));
             woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, '_line_tax', WC_Subscriptions::format_total($order_fee['recurring_line_tax']));
     // Keep a record of the original order's ID on the renewal order
     update_post_meta($renewal_order_id, '_original_order', $original_order->id, true);
     $renewal_order = new WC_Order($renewal_order_id);
     if ('parent' == $args['new_order_role']) {
         $original_order->add_order_note(sprintf(__('Order superseded by Renewal Order %s.', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'), $renewal_order->get_order_number()));
     do_action('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_created', $renewal_order, $original_order, $product_id, $args['new_order_role']);
     return apply_filters('woocommerce_subscriptions_renewal_order_id', $renewal_order_id, $original_order, $product_id, $args['new_order_role']);