コード例 #1
  * When a PayPal IPN messaged is received for a subscription transaction, 
  * check the transaction details and 
  * @since 1.0
 public static function process_paypal_ipn_request($transaction_details)
     global $wpdb;
     $transaction_details = stripslashes_deep($transaction_details);
     if (!in_array($transaction_details['txn_type'], array('subscr_signup', 'subscr_payment', 'subscr_cancel', 'subscr_eot', 'subscr_failed', 'subscr_modify'))) {
     if (empty($transaction_details['custom']) || empty($transaction_details['invoice'])) {
     // Get the $order_id & $order_key with backward compatibility
     $transaction_details['txn_type'] = strtolower($transaction_details['txn_type']);
     if (self::$debug) {
         self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription Transaction Type: ' . $transaction_details['txn_type']);
     if (self::$debug) {
         self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription transaction details: ' . print_r($transaction_details, true));
     $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     // We have an invalid $order_id, probably because invoice_prefix has changed since the subscription was first created, so get the order by order key
     if (!isset($order->id)) {
         $order_id = function_exists('woocommerce_get_order_id_by_order_key') ? woocommerce_get_order_id_by_order_key($order_key) : $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_order_key' AND meta_value = '{$order_key}'");
         $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     if ($order->order_key !== $order_key) {
         if (self::$debug) {
             self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription IPN Error: Order Key does not match invoice.');
     if ('paypal' != $order->recurring_payment_method) {
         if (self::$debug) {
             self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN ignored, recurring payment method has changed.');
     if (isset($transaction_details['ipn_track_id'])) {
         // Make sure the IPN request has not already been handled
         $handled_ipn_requests = get_post_meta($order_id, '_paypal_ipn_tracking_ids', true);
         if (empty($handled_ipn_requests)) {
             $handled_ipn_requests = array();
         // The 'ipn_track_id' is not a unique ID and is shared between different transaction types, so create a unique ID by prepending the transaction type
         $transaction_id = $transaction_details['txn_type'] . '_' . $transaction_details['ipn_track_id'];
         if (in_array($transaction_id, $handled_ipn_requests)) {
             if (self::$debug) {
                 self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription IPN Error: This IPN message has already been correctly handled.');
     if (isset($transaction_details['subscr_id'])) {
         update_post_meta($order_id, 'PayPal Subscriber ID', $transaction_details['subscr_id']);
     // Get the subscription this IPN message relates to
     $subscriptions_in_order = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_items($order);
     $subscription_item = array_pop($subscriptions_in_order);
     $subscription_key = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order->id, WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_items_product_id($subscription_item));
     $subscription = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription($subscription_key);
     $is_first_payment = empty($subscription['completed_payments']) ? true : false;
     if ('switched' === $subscription['status']) {
         if (self::$debug) {
             self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN ignored, subscription has been switched.');
     switch ($transaction_details['txn_type']) {
         case 'subscr_signup':
             // Store PayPal Details
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal address', $transaction_details['payer_email']);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal first name', $transaction_details['first_name']);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal last name', $transaction_details['last_name']);
             $default_invoice_string = self::$paypal_settings['invoice_prefix'] . ltrim($order->get_order_number(), '#');
             // If the invoice ID doesn't match the default invoice ID and contains the string '-wcscpm-', the IPN is for a subscription payment method change
             if ($default_invoice_string != $transaction_details['invoice'] && false !== strpos($transaction_details['invoice'], '-wcscpm-')) {
                 $is_payment_change = true;
             } else {
                 $is_payment_change = false;
             $switched_subscription_key = get_post_meta($order_id, '_switched_subscription_key', true);
             $no_initial_payment = 0 == WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_total_initial_payment($order) && WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_trial_length($order) > 0 ? true : false;
             // When there is a free trial & no initial payment amount, we need to mark the order as paid and activate the subscription
             if (!$is_payment_change && (!empty($switched_subscription_key) || $no_initial_payment)) {
             // Payment completed
             if ($is_payment_change) {
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription payment method changed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
             } else {
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription sign up completed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
             if (self::$debug) {
                 if ($is_payment_change) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment method changed for order ' . $order_id);
                 } else {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription sign up completed for order ' . $order_id);
         case 'subscr_payment':
             if ('completed' == strtolower($transaction_details['payment_status'])) {
                 // Store PayPal Details
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'PayPal Transaction ID', $transaction_details['txn_id']);
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal first name', $transaction_details['first_name']);
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal last name', $transaction_details['last_name']);
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'PayPal Payment type', $transaction_details['payment_type']);
                 // Subscription Payment completed
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription payment completed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment completed for order ' . $order_id);
                 // First payment on order, process payment & activate subscription
                 if ($is_first_payment) {
                 } else {
                     // We don't need to reactivate the subscription because Subs didn't suspend it
                     remove_action('reactivated_subscription_paypal', __CLASS__ . '::reactivate_subscription_with_paypal', 10, 2);
                     add_action('reactivated_subscription_paypal', __CLASS__ . '::reactivate_subscription_with_paypal', 10, 2);
             } elseif ('failed' == strtolower($transaction_details['payment_status'])) {
                 // Subscription Payment completed
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription payment failed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment failed for order ' . $order_id);
                 // First payment on order, don't generate a renewal order
                 if ($is_first_payment) {
                     remove_action('processed_subscription_payment_failure', 'WC_Subscriptions_Renewal_Order::generate_failed_payment_renewal_order', 10, 2);
             } else {
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment notification received for order ' . $order_id . ' with status ' . $transaction_details['payment_status']);
         case 'subscr_cancel':
             if ('true' == get_post_meta($order_id, '_wcs_changing_payment_from_paypal_to_paypal', true)) {
                 // The flag has served its purpose
                 delete_post_meta($order_id, '_wcs_changing_payment_from_paypal_to_paypal');
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription cancellation request ignored as changing PayPal to PayPal, for order ' . $order_id);
             } else {
                 // Subscription Cancellation Completed
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription cancelled for order.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription cancelled for order ' . $order_id);
         case 'subscr_eot':
             // Subscription ended, either due to failed payments or expiration
             $subscription_length = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_length($order);
             // PayPal fires the 'subscr_eot' notice immediately if a subscription is only for one billing period, so ignore the request when we only have one billing period
             if (1 != $subscription_length && $subscription_length != WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_interval($order)) {
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription end-of-term for order ' . $order_id);
                 // Record subscription ended
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription end-of-term for order.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 // Ended due to failed payments so cancel the subscription
                 if (gmdate('U') + 24 * 60 * 60 < strtotime(WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_expiration_date(WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order->id), $order->customer_user))) {
                 } else {
         case 'subscr_failed':
             // Subscription sign up failed
             if (self::$debug) {
                 self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment failure for order ' . $order_id);
             // Subscription Payment completed
             $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription payment failure.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
             // First payment on order, don't generate a renewal order
             if ($is_first_payment) {
                 remove_action('processed_subscription_payment_failure', 'WC_Subscriptions_Renewal_Order::generate_failed_payment_renewal_order', 10, 2);
     // Store the transaction ID to avoid handling requests duplicated by PayPal
     if (isset($transaction_details['ipn_track_id'])) {
         $handled_ipn_requests[] = $transaction_id;
         update_post_meta($order_id, '_paypal_ipn_tracking_ids', $handled_ipn_requests);
     // Prevent default IPN handling for subscription txn_types
コード例 #2
  * Change the send date of the email for 'before_renewal' and 'before_expire' triggers
  * @param array $insert
  * @param FUE_Email $email
  * @return array
 public function modify_insert_send_date($insert, $email)
     if ($email->type != 'subscription') {
         return $insert;
     $order_id = $insert['order_id'];
     $order = WC_FUE_Compatibility::wc_get_order($order_id);
     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Order::order_contains_subscription($order)) {
         return $insert;
     $subs_key = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order_id);
     if ($email->trigger == 'subs_before_renewal') {
         $renewal_date = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_next_payment_date($subs_key);
         if (!$renewal_date) {
             // return false to tell FUE to skip importing this email/order
             return false;
         // convert to local time
         $local_renewal_date = get_date_from_gmt($renewal_date, 'U');
         $add = FUE_Sending_Scheduler::get_time_to_add($email->interval, $email->duration);
         $insert['send_on'] = $local_renewal_date - $add;
     } elseif ($email->trigger == 'subs_before_expire') {
         $expiry_date = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_expiration_date($subs_key);
         if (!$expiry_date) {
             return false;
         // convert to local time
         $expiry_timestamp = get_date_from_gmt($expiry_date, 'U');
         $add = FUE_Sending_Scheduler::get_time_to_add($email->interval, $email->duration);
         $insert['send_on'] = $expiry_timestamp - $add;
     // Add the subscription key if it is not present in the meta
     if (!isset($insert['meta']) || empty($insert['meta']['subs_key'])) {
         $insert['meta']['subs_key'] = $subs_key;
     return $insert;
コード例 #3
 public function set_expiration_reminder($user_id, $subs_key)
     global $wpdb;
     $parts = explode('_', $subs_key);
     $order_id = $parts[0];
     $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     if (WC_Subscriptions_Order::order_contains_subscription($order)) {
         // look for renewal emails
         $emails = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followup_emails WHERE `interval_type` = 'subs_before_expire' AND status = 1");
         if (count($emails) > 0) {
             $subs = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription($subs_key);
             $expiry = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_expiration_date($subs_key, $user_id, 'timestamp');
             if (0 == $expiry) {
             foreach ($emails as $email) {
                 // add this email to the queue
                 $interval = (int) $email->interval_num;
                 $add = FUE::get_time_to_add($interval, $email->interval_duration);
                 $send_on = $expiry - $add;
                 $insert = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'send_on' => $send_on, 'email_id' => $email->id, 'product_id' => 0, 'order_id' => $order_id);
                 if ($subs_key) {
                     $insert['meta']['subs_key'] = $subs_key;
  * When a subscription switch is added to the cart, store a record of pertinent meta about the switch.
  * @since 1.4
 public static function set_switch_details_in_cart($cart_item_data, $product_id, $variation_id)
     global $woocommerce;
     if (!isset($_GET['switch-subscription'])) {
         return $cart_item_data;
     $subscription = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription($_GET['switch-subscription']);
     // Requesting a switch for someone elses subscription
     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Manager::user_owns_subscription($_GET['switch-subscription'])) {
         WC_Subscriptions::add_notice(__('You can not switch this subscription. It appears you do not own the subscription.', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'), 'error');
     // Else it's a valid switch
     $product = get_product($subscription['product_id']);
     $child_products = 0 !== $product->post->post_parent ? get_product($product->post->post_parent)->get_children() : array();
     if ($product_id != $subscription['product_id'] && !in_array($subscription['product_id'], $child_products)) {
         return $cart_item_data;
     $next_payment_timestamp = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_next_payment_date($_GET['switch-subscription'], get_current_user_id(), 'timestamp');
     // If there are no more payments due on the subscription, because we're in the last billing period, we need to use the subscription's expiration date, not next payment date
     if (false == $next_payment_timestamp && WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscriptions_completed_payment_count($_GET['switch-subscription']) >= WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_length($subscription['order_id'], $subscription['product_id'])) {
         $next_payment_timestamp = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_expiration_date($_GET['switch-subscription'], get_current_user_id(), 'timestamp');
     $cart_item_data['subscription_switch'] = array('subscription_key' => $_GET['switch-subscription'], 'next_payment_timestamp' => $next_payment_timestamp, 'upgraded_or_downgraded' => '');
     return $cart_item_data;
  * When a PayPal IPN messaged is received for a subscription transaction, 
  * check the transaction details and 
  * @since 1.0
 public static function process_paypal_ipn_request($transaction_details)
     if (!in_array($transaction_details['txn_type'], array('subscr_signup', 'subscr_payment', 'subscr_cancel', 'subscr_eot', 'subscr_failed', 'subscr_modify'))) {
     if (empty($transaction_details['custom']) || empty($transaction_details['invoice'])) {
     // Get the $order_id & $order_key with backward compatibility
     $transaction_details['txn_type'] = strtolower($transaction_details['txn_type']);
     if (self::$debug) {
         self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription Transaction Type: ' . $transaction_details['txn_type']);
     if (self::$debug) {
         self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription transaction details: ' . print_r($transaction_details, true));
     $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     // We have an invalid $order_id, probably because invoice_prefix has changed since the subscription was first created, so get the
     if (!isset($order->id)) {
         $order_id = function_exists('woocommerce_get_order_id_by_order_key') ? woocommerce_get_order_id_by_order_key($order_key) : $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_order_key' AND meta_value = '{$order_key}'");
         $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     if ($order->order_key !== $order_key) {
         if (self::$debug) {
             self::$log->add('paypal', 'Subscription IPN Error: Order Key does not match invoice.');
     switch ($transaction_details['txn_type']) {
         case 'subscr_signup':
             // Store PayPal Details
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal address', $transaction_details['payer_email']);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal first name', $transaction_details['first_name']);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal last name', $transaction_details['last_name']);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'PayPal Subscriber ID', $transaction_details['subscr_id']);
             // Payment completed
             $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription sign up completed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
             if (self::$debug) {
                 self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription sign up completed for order ' . $order_id);
             // When there is a free trial & no initial payment amount, we need to mark the order as paid and activate the subscription
             if (0 == WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_total_initial_payment($order) && WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_trial_length($order) > 0) {
         case 'subscr_payment':
             if ('completed' == strtolower($transaction_details['payment_status'])) {
                 // Store PayPal Details
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'PayPal Transaction ID', $transaction_details['txn_id']);
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal first name', $transaction_details['first_name']);
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'Payer PayPal last name', $transaction_details['last_name']);
                 update_post_meta($order_id, 'PayPal Payment type', $transaction_details['payment_type']);
                 // Subscription Payment completed
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription payment completed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment completed for order ' . $order_id);
                 $subscriptions_in_order = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_items($order);
                 $subscription_item = array_pop($subscriptions_in_order);
                 $subscription_key = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order->id, $subscription_item['id']);
                 $subscription = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription($subscription_key, $order->customer_user);
                 // First payment on order, process payment & activate subscription
                 if (empty($subscription['completed_payments'])) {
                 } else {
             } elseif ('failed' == strtolower($transaction_details['payment_status'])) {
                 // Subscription Payment completed
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription payment failed.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment failed for order ' . $order_id);
             } else {
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription payment notification received for order ' . $order_id . ' with status ' . $transaction_details['payment_status']);
         case 'subscr_cancel':
             if (self::$debug) {
                 self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription cancelled for order ' . $order_id);
             // Subscription Payment completed
             $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription cancelled for order.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
         case 'subscr_eot':
             // Subscription ended, either due to failed payments or expiration
             // PayPal fires the 'subscr_eot' notice immediately if a subscription is only for one billing period, so ignore the request when we only have one billing period
             if (1 != WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_subscription_length($order)) {
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription end-of-term for order ' . $order_id);
                 // Record subscription ended
                 $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription end-of-term for order.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
                 // Ended due to failed payments so cancel the subscription
                 if (time() < strtotime(WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_expiration_date(WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order->id), $order->customer_user))) {
                 } else {
         case 'subscr_failed':
             // Subscription sign up failed
             if (self::$debug) {
                 self::$log->add('paypal', 'IPN subscription sign up failure for order ' . $order_id);
             // Subscription Payment completed
             $order->add_order_note(__('IPN subscription sign up failure.', WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain));
     // Prevent default IPN handling for subscription txn_types