The WooCommerce product factory creating the right product object
Author: WooThemes
コード例 #1
 public static function get_test_product()
     $products = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'product'));
     if (count($products) == 0) {
         $products = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'product'));
     $factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
     return $factory->get_product($products[0]->ID);
コード例 #2
ファイル: XMLCartFactory.php プロジェクト: booklein/wpbookle
 public function simple_product_xml($merchantID, $awsAccessKeyID)
     global $wpdb;
     $client_id = '';
     $prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
     $table = $prefix . "pwa_before_cart_save";
     $sess_data = new WC_Session_Handler();
     $sess_detail = $sess_data->get_session_cookie();
     $sess_cust_id = $sess_detail[0];
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $user_ID = get_current_user_id();
     } else {
         $user_ID = 0;
     if (UPDATE_ODER_FROM == 'woocart') {
         $query = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $table . ' where user_id = "' . $user_ID . '" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1';
         $result = $wpdb->get_results($query);
         $client_id = $result[0]->id;
     } else {
         $client_id = $user_ID;
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
     $doc->formatOutput = true;
     $root = $doc->createElement('Order');
     $attribute = $doc->createAttribute('xmlns');
     $attribute->value = '';
     $root_attr = $root->appendChild($attribute);
     $root = $doc->appendChild($root);
     $ClientRequestId = $doc->createElement('ClientRequestId', $client_id);
     $ClientRequestId = $root->appendChild($ClientRequestId);
     $Cart = $doc->createElement('Cart');
     $Cart = $root->appendChild($Cart);
     $Items = $doc->createElement('Items');
     $Items = $Cart->appendChild($Items);
     $CartPromotionId = $doc->createElement('CartPromotionId', 'Total_Discount');
     $CartPromotionId = $Cart->appendChild($CartPromotionId);
     $Promotions = $doc->createElement('Promotions');
     $Promotions = $root->appendChild($Promotions);
     $cartObj = WC()->cart;
     $all_fees = $cartObj->get_fees();
     $real_cart = WC()->cart->get_cart();
     $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
     $currency = get_woocommerce_currency();
     $cart_total = 0;
     $total_fees = 0;
     $cart_total_wocom = WC()->cart->total;
     $cart_subtotal = $cartObj->subtotal;
     $amazon_total_disc = 0;
     $cart_discount_amount = $cartObj->get_cart_discount_total();
     $cart_coupon_code = '';
     if (!empty($cartObj->coupon_discount_tax_amounts)) {
         foreach ($cartObj->coupon_discount_tax_amounts as $key => $coupon) {
             $cart_coupon_code .= $key . ",";
             $cart_discount_amount += $coupon;
     } else {
         $cart_discount_amount = (double) $cartObj->discount_cart + (double) $cartObj->discount_total;
     $neg_fees_Amout = 0;
     foreach ($all_fees as $fee) {
         $fees_Amout = $fee->amount + $fee->tax;
         if ($fees_Amout < 0) {
             $neg_fees_Amout = abs($fees_Amout);
     $cart_discount_amount += $neg_fees_Amout;
     $cart_discount_amount = (double) $cart_discount_amount;
     if ($cart_discount_amount) {
         $Promotion = $doc->createElement('Promotion');
         $Promotion = $Promotions->appendChild($Promotion);
         $Promotion_pro_id = $doc->createElement('PromotionId', 'Total_Discount');
         $Promotion_pro_id = $Promotion->appendChild($Promotion_pro_id);
         $Promotion_pro_desc = $doc->createElement('Description', 'desc');
         $Promotion_pro_desc = $Promotion->appendChild($Promotion_pro_desc);
         $Promotion_pro_benf = $doc->createElement('Benefit');
         $Promotion_pro_benf = $Promotion->appendChild($Promotion_pro_benf);
         $Promotion_pro_benf_fad = $doc->createElement('FixedAmountDiscount');
         $Promotion_pro_benf_fad = $Promotion_pro_benf->appendChild($Promotion_pro_benf_fad);
         $Promotion_pro_benf_fad_amount = $doc->createElement('Amount', $cart_discount_amount);
         $Promotion_pro_benf_fad_amount = $Promotion_pro_benf_fad->appendChild($Promotion_pro_benf_fad_amount);
         $Promotion_pro_benf_fad_currency = $doc->createElement('CurrencyCode', $currency);
         $Promotion_pro_benf_fad_currency = $Promotion_pro_benf_fad->appendChild($Promotion_pro_benf_fad_currency);
     foreach ($real_cart as $key => $item) {
         $product_id = isset($item['variation_id']) && $item['variation_id'] != '' ? $item['variation_id'] : $item['product_id'];
         $variation_id = $item['variation_id'];
         $productObj = new WC_Product($product_id);
         $product = $_pf->get_product($product_id);
         $sku = $product->get_sku();
         $sku = substr($sku, 0, 40);
         $title = $product->get_title();
         if (!$title) {
             $title = 'Title';
         $title = substr($title, 0, 80);
         $description = $product->get_post_data()->post_content;
         $description = substr($description, 0, 1900);
         $quantity = $item['quantity'];
         $weight = $product->get_weight();
         $weight_unit = get_option('woocommerce_weight_unit');
         if ($weight_unit != 'kg' && $weight > 0) {
             $weight = $weight / 1000;
             $weight_unit = 'kg';
         $variations = isset($item['variation']) && $item['variation'] != '' ? $item['variation'] : array();
         if ($cartObj->prices_include_tax) {
             $product_price = ($item['line_subtotal'] + $item['line_subtotal_tax']) / $quantity;
         } else {
             $product_price = $item['line_subtotal'] / $quantity;
         $amazon_product_price = ($item['line_subtotal'] + $item['line_subtotal_tax']) / $quantity;
         $cart_total += $amazon_end_line_subtotal;
         /** create xml of the basic product **/
         $Item = $doc->createElement('Item');
         $Item = $Items->appendChild($Item);
         $sku = $this->replace_char($sku);
         $sku = htmlentities($sku, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $SKU = $doc->createElement('SKU', $sku);
         $SKU = $Item->appendChild($SKU);
         $MerchantId = $doc->createElement('MerchantId', $merchantID);
         $MerchantId = $Item->appendChild($MerchantId);
         $title = $this->replace_char($title);
         $title = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $Title = $doc->createElement('Title', $title);
         $Title = $Item->appendChild($Title);
         $description = $this->replace_char($description);
         $description = htmlentities($description, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $Description = $doc->createElement('Description', $description);
         $Description = $Item->appendChild($Description);
         $Price = $doc->createElement('Price');
         $Price = $Item->appendChild($Price);
         $Amount = $doc->createElement('Amount', $amazon_product_price);
         $Amount = $Price->appendChild($Amount);
         $CurrencyCode = $doc->createElement('CurrencyCode', $currency);
         $CurrencyCode = $Price->appendChild($CurrencyCode);
         $Quantity = $doc->createElement('Quantity', $quantity);
         $Quantity = $Item->appendChild($Quantity);
         if ($weight) {
             $Weight = $doc->createElement('Weight');
             $Weight = $Item->appendChild($Weight);
             $Amount_wt = $doc->createElement('Amount', $weight);
             $Amount_wt = $Weight->appendChild($Amount_wt);
             $Wt_unit = $doc->createElement('Unit', $weight_unit);
             $Wt_unit = $Weight->appendChild($Wt_unit);
         $ItemCustomData = $doc->createElement('ItemCustomData');
         $ItemCustomData = $Item->appendChild($ItemCustomData);
         $Product_id = $doc->createElement('Product_id', $item['product_id']);
         $Product_id = $ItemCustomData->appendChild($Product_id);
         $Variation_id = $doc->createElement('Variation_id', $variation_id);
         $Variation_id = $ItemCustomData->appendChild($Variation_id);
         foreach ($variations as $key => $variant) {
             $Item_attribute = $doc->createElement('Item_attribute');
             $Item_attribute = $ItemCustomData->appendChild($Item_attribute);
             $key = substr($key, 0, 40);
             $key = $this->replace_char($key);
             $key = htmlentities($key, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $Attribute_name = $doc->createElement('Attribute_name', $key);
             $Attribute_name = $Item_attribute->appendChild($Attribute_name);
             $variant = substr($variant, 0, 40);
             $variant = $this->replace_char($variant);
             $variant = htmlentities($variant, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $Attribute_val = $doc->createElement('Attribute_val', $variant);
             $Attribute_val = $Item_attribute->appendChild($Attribute_val);
     foreach ($all_fees as $fee) {
         $fees_Amout = $fee->amount + $fee->tax;
         if ($fees_Amout > 0) {
             $Item = $doc->createElement('Item');
             $Item = $Items->appendChild($Item);
             $fee_id = substr($fee->id, 0, 40);
             $fee_id = $this->replace_char($fee_id);
             $fee_id = htmlentities($fee_id, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $SKU = $doc->createElement('SKU', $fee_id);
             $SKU = $Item->appendChild($SKU);
             $MerchantId = $doc->createElement('MerchantId', $merchantID);
             $MerchantId = $Item->appendChild($MerchantId);
             $fee_name = substr($fee->name, 0, 80);
             if (!$fee_name) {
                 $fee_name = 'Order Fees';
             $fee_name = $this->replace_char($fee_name);
             $fee_name = htmlentities($fee_name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $Title = $doc->createElement('Title', $fee_name);
             $Title = $Item->appendChild($Title);
             $Description = $doc->createElement('Description', 'extra fees');
             $Description = $Item->appendChild($Description);
             $Price = $doc->createElement('Price');
             $Price = $Item->appendChild($Price);
             $Amount = $doc->createElement('Amount', $fees_Amout);
             $Amount = $Price->appendChild($Amount);
             $CurrencyCode = $doc->createElement('CurrencyCode', $currency);
             $CurrencyCode = $Price->appendChild($CurrencyCode);
             $Quantity = $doc->createElement('Quantity', 1);
             $Quantity = $Item->appendChild($Quantity);
     return $doc->saveXML();
コード例 #3
ファイル: live-search.php プロジェクト: kulgee001/VoiceOfADF
 function post_object($id, $term_id = false, $matches = false)
     $unset_array = array('post_date_gmt', 'post_status', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_password', 'post_content_filtered', 'to_ping', 'pinged', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'guid', 'menu_order', 'post_mime_type', 'comment_count', 'ancestors', 'filter');
     global $post;
     $date_format = get_option('date_format');
     $post = get_post($id);
     if ($term_id) {
         if (!in_category($term_id, $post->ID)) {
             return false;
     $size = array('height' => 50, 'width' => 50);
     if ($post != null) {
         $post_object = new stdclass();
         $post_link = get_permalink($post->ID);
         if (in_array('{post_image}', $matches) || in_array('{post_image_html}', $matches)) {
             $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
             if ($post_thumbnail_id > 0) {
                 $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_thumbnail_id, array($size['height'], $size['width']));
                 $post_object->post_image = trim($thumb[0]) == "" ? WEBNUS_SEARCH_NO_IMAGE : $thumb[0];
                 if (in_array('{post_image_html}', $matches)) {
                     $post_object->post_image_html = '<img src="' . $post_object->post_image . '" width="' . $size['width'] . '" height="' . $size['height'] . '"/>';
             } else {
                 if ($src = $this->get_image_from_content($post->post_content, $size['height'], $size['width'])) {
                     $post_object->post_image = $src['src'] ? $src['src'] : WEBNUS_SEARCH_NO_IMAGE;
                     if (in_array('{post_image_html}', $matches)) {
                         $post_object->post_image_html = '<img src="' . $post_object->post_image . '" width="' . $src['width'] . '" height="' . $src['height'] . '" />';
                 } else {
                     $post_object->post_image = WEBNUS_SEARCH_NO_IMAGE;
                     if (in_array('{post_image_html}', $matches)) {
                         $post_object->post_image_html = '';
         if ($post->post_type == "wpsc-product") {
             if (function_exists('wpsc_calculate_price')) {
                 if (in_array('{wpsc_price}', $matches)) {
                     $post_object->wpsc_price = wpsc_the_product_price();
                 if (in_array('{wpsc_shipping}', $matches)) {
                     $post_object->wpsc_shipping = strip_tags(wpsc_product_postage_and_packaging());
                 if (in_array('{wpsc_image}', $matches)) {
                     $post_object->wpsc_image = wpsc_the_product_image($size['height'], $size['width']);
         if ($post->post_type == 'product' && class_exists('WC_Product_Factory')) {
             $product_factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
             global $product;
             $product = $product_factory->get_product($post);
             if ($product->is_visible()) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     $match = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $match);
                     if (in_array($match, array('categories', 'tags'))) {
                         $method = "get_" . $match;
                         if (method_exists($product, $method)) {
                             $term_list = call_user_func(array($product, $method), '');
                             if ($term_list) {
                                 $post_object->{$match} = '<span class="sf_list sf_' . $match . '">' . $term_list . '</span>';
                             } else {
                                 $post_object->{$match} = "";
                     } elseif ($match == 'add_to_cart_button') {
                         do_action('woocommerce_' . $product->product_type . '_add_to_cart');
                         $post_object->{$match} = '<div class="product">' . ob_get_contents() . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         $method = "get_" . $match;
                         if (method_exists($product, $method)) {
                             $post_object->{$match} = call_user_func(array($product, $method));
                         } elseif (method_exists($product, $match)) {
                             $post_object->{$match} = call_user_func(array($product, $match));
             $post->sku = $product->get_sku();
             $post->sale_price = $product->get_sale_price();
             $post->regular_price = $product->get_regular_price();
             $post->price = $product->get_price();
             $post->price_including_tax = $product->get_price_including_tax();
             $post->price_excluding_tax = $product->get_price_excluding_tax();
             $post->price_suffix = $product->get_price_suffix();
             $post->price_html = $product->get_price_html();
             $post->price_html_from_text = $product->get_price_html_from_text();
             $post->average_rating = $product->get_average_rating();
             $post->rating_count = $product->get_rating_count();
             $post->rating_html = $product->get_rating_html();
             $post->dimensions = $product->get_dimensions();
             $post->shipping_class = $product->get_shipping_class();
             $post->add_to_cart_text = $product->add_to_cart_text();
             $post->single_add_to_cart_text = $product->single_add_to_cart_text();
             $post->add_to_cart_url = $product->add_to_cart_url();
             $post->title = $product->get_title();
         $post_object->ID = $post->ID;
         $post_object->post_title = get_the_title($post->ID);
         if (in_array('{post_excerpt}', $matches)) {
             $post_object->post_excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
         if (in_array('{post_author}', $matches)) {
             $post_object->post_author = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author);
         if (in_array('{post_link}', $matches)) {
             $post_object->post_link = $post_link;
         if (in_array('{post_content}', $matches)) {
             $post_object->post_content = $this->get_text_words(apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content), (int) $this->get_excerpt_count());
         if (in_array('{post_date_formatted}', $matches)) {
             $post_object->post_date_formatted = date($date_format, strtotime($post->post_date));
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             $match = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $match);
             if (strpos($match, 'custom_field_') !== false) {
                 $key = str_replace('custom_field_', '', $match);
                 $custom_field = get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true);
                 if (is_array($custom_field)) {
                     $cf_name = 'custom_field_' . $key;
                     $post_object->{$cf_name} = apply_filters('sf_post_custom_field', $custom_field[0], $key, $post);
                 } else {
                     $cf_name = 'custom_field_' . $key;
                     $post_object->{$cf_name} = apply_filters('sf_post_custom_field', $custom_field, $key, $post);
         $post_object = apply_filters('sf_post', $post_object);
         return $post_object;
     return false;
コード例 #4
  * Gets product without injecting gzd_product. Only available as fallback
  * @param bool $the_product (default: false)
  * @param array $args (default: array())
  * @return WC_Product|bool false if the product cannot be loaded
 public function get_product_standalone($the_product = false, $args = array())
     return parent::get_product($the_product, $args);
コード例 #5
  * Prepare a single product for create or update.
  * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request object.
  * @return WP_Error|stdClass $data Post object.
 protected function prepare_item_for_database($request)
     if (isset($request['id'])) {
         $product = wc_get_product(absint($request['id']));
     } else {
         $classname = WC_Product_Factory::get_classname_from_product_type($request['type']);
         if (!class_exists($classname)) {
             $classname = 'WC_Product_Simple';
         $product = new $classname();
     // Post title.
     if (isset($request['name'])) {
     // Post content.
     if (isset($request['description'])) {
     // Post excerpt.
     if (isset($request['short_description'])) {
     // Post status.
     if (isset($request['status'])) {
         $product->set_status(get_post_status_object($request['status']) ? $request['status'] : 'draft');
     // Post slug.
     if (isset($request['slug'])) {
     // Menu order.
     if (isset($request['menu_order'])) {
     // Comment status.
     if (!empty($request['reviews_allowed'])) {
      * Filter the query_vars used in `get_items` for the constructed query.
      * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->post_type, refers to post_type of the post being
      * prepared for insertion.
      * @param WC_Product       $product An object representing a single item prepared
      *                                       for inserting or updating the database.
      * @param WP_REST_Request $request       Request object.
     return apply_filters("woocommerce_rest_pre_insert_{$this->post_type}", $product, $request);
コード例 #6
function discount_when_room_winter_in_cart()
    global $woocommerce;
    $cart = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();
    $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
    foreach ($cart as $item) {
        $_product = $_pf->get_product($item['product_id']);
        if (TauchTerminal_Tulamben::isRoomProduct($_product->get_sku())) {
            $winderDays = 0;
            $start = strtotime($item['start_date']);
            $end = strtotime($item['end_date']);
            $threemonths = strtotime("+3 months", strtotime(date('Y-m-d')));
            $wstart = strtotime(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('winter_start'));
            $wend = strtotime(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('winter_end'));
            if ($start >= $wstart && $end <= $wend) {
                $winderDays += floor(($end - $start) / (60 * 60 * 24));
                // var_dump('all days');
            } else {
                if ($start >= $wstart) {
                    $winderDays += floor(($wend - $start) / (60 * 60 * 24));
                    // var_dump('start in season');
                } else {
                    if ($end <= $wend) {
                        $winderDays += floor(($end - $wstart) / (60 * 60 * 24));
                        // var_dump('End in season');
            if ($winderDays != 0) {
                $title = 'Winter Season' . "\n" . $winderDays . ' Day';
                if ($winderDays > 1) {
                    $title .= 's';
                $discount = floatval(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('winter_discount')) * $winderDays * -1;
                $woocommerce->cart->add_fee($title, $discount, true, '');
                // Early bird
                if ($start >= $threemonths) {
                    $_product = new WC_Product_Variation($item['variation_id']);
                    $discountP = floatval(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('earlybird'));
                    $price = floatval(preg_replace('#[^\\d.]#', '', $woocommerce->cart->get_product_price($_product)));
                    $discount = $price * $discountP / 100 * $winderDays * -1;
                    $title = 'Earlybird ' . $discountP . '%' . "\n" . 'for ' . $winderDays . ' Day';
                    if ($winderDays > 1) {
                        $title .= 's';
                    $woocommerce->cart->add_fee($title, $discount, true, '');
コード例 #7
  * Fetches product stock for every product in Woo from Fortnox
  * @return bool
 public function SKU_clean()
     $args = array('post_type' => array('product', 'product_variation'), 'orderby' => 'id', 'posts_per_page' => -1);
     $the_query = new WP_Query($args);
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($the_query->get_posts() as $fetched_product) {
         $pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
         $product = $pf->get_product($fetched_product->ID);
         if ($product->has_child()) {
             foreach ($product->get_children() as $child_id) {
                 $child = $pf->get_product($child_id);
                 $sku = $child->get_sku();
                 $sku = $this->clean_str($sku);
                 update_post_meta($child_id, '_sku', $sku);
         } else {
             $sku = $product->get_sku();
             $sku = $this->clean_str($sku);
             update_post_meta($fetched_product->ID, '_sku', $sku);
     return "SKUs cleaned: " . $index;
コード例 #8
  * Create a new product
  * @since 2.2
  * @param array $data posted data
  * @return array
 public function create_product($data)
     $id = 0;
     try {
         if (!isset($data['product'])) {
             throw new WC_API_Exception('woocommerce_api_missing_product_data', sprintf(__('No %1$s data specified to create %1$s', 'woocommerce'), 'product'), 400);
         $data = $data['product'];
         // Check permissions
         if (!current_user_can('publish_products')) {
             throw new WC_API_Exception('woocommerce_api_user_cannot_create_product', __('You do not have permission to create products', 'woocommerce'), 401);
         $data = apply_filters('woocommerce_api_create_product_data', $data, $this);
         // Check if product title is specified
         if (!isset($data['title'])) {
             throw new WC_API_Exception('woocommerce_api_missing_product_title', sprintf(__('Missing parameter %s', 'woocommerce'), 'title'), 400);
         // Check product type
         if (!isset($data['type'])) {
             $data['type'] = 'simple';
         // Set visible visibility when not sent
         if (!isset($data['catalog_visibility'])) {
             $data['catalog_visibility'] = 'visible';
         // Validate the product type
         if (!in_array(wc_clean($data['type']), array_keys(wc_get_product_types()))) {
             throw new WC_API_Exception('woocommerce_api_invalid_product_type', sprintf(__('Invalid product type - the product type must be any of these: %s', 'woocommerce'), implode(', ', array_keys(wc_get_product_types()))), 400);
         // Enable description html tags.
         $post_content = isset($data['description']) ? wc_clean($data['description']) : '';
         if ($post_content && isset($data['enable_html_description']) && true === $data['enable_html_description']) {
             $post_content = $data['description'];
         // Enable short description html tags.
         $post_excerpt = isset($data['short_description']) ? wc_clean($data['short_description']) : '';
         if ($post_excerpt && isset($data['enable_html_short_description']) && true === $data['enable_html_short_description']) {
             $post_excerpt = $data['short_description'];
         $classname = WC_Product_Factory::get_classname_from_product_type($data['type']);
         if (!class_exists($classname)) {
             $classname = 'WC_Product_Simple';
         $product = new $classname();
         $product->set_status(isset($data['status']) ? wc_clean($data['status']) : 'publish');
         $product->set_short_description(isset($data['short_description']) ? $post_excerpt : '');
         $product->set_description(isset($data['description']) ? $post_content : '');
         // Attempts to create the new product.
         $id = $product->get_id();
         // Checks for an error in the product creation
         if (0 >= $id) {
             throw new WC_API_Exception('woocommerce_api_cannot_create_product', $id->get_error_message(), 400);
         // Check for featured/gallery images, upload it and set it
         if (isset($data['images'])) {
             $product = $this->save_product_images($product, $data['images']);
         // Save product meta fields
         $product = $this->save_product_meta($product, $data);
         // Save variations
         if (isset($data['type']) && 'variable' == $data['type'] && isset($data['variations']) && is_array($data['variations'])) {
             $this->save_variations($product, $data);
         do_action('woocommerce_api_create_product', $id, $data);
         // Clear cache/transients
         return $this->get_product($id);
     } catch (WC_Data_Exception $e) {
         return new WP_Error($e->getErrorCode(), $e->getMessage(), array('status' => $e->getCode()));
     } catch (WC_API_Exception $e) {
         return new WP_Error($e->getErrorCode(), $e->getMessage(), array('status' => $e->getCode()));
コード例 #9
function yf_woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review($post_data)
    global $woocommerce;
    parse_str($post_data, $post_data);
    if (empty($post_data['_esc_field_amount_another'])) {
    foreach ($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents as $key => $value) {
        $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
        $_product = $_pf->get_product($value['data']->id);
        $value['data']->price = $post_data['_esc_field_amount_another'];
コード例 #10
 * Variables Definition
$batch_count = 100;
$attributesToSnippet = array("content");
 * Defaults Variables
$attributesToIndex = array("title", "excerpt", "content", "author", "type");
 * Handling Extension
$external_attrs = array();
$external_attrs['product_attrs'] = array('virtual', 'sku', 'taxable', 'tax_status', 'tax_class', 'managing_stock', 'stock_quantity', 'in_stock', 'backorders_allowed', 'sold_individually', 'purchaseable', 'visible', 'catalog_visibility', 'on_sale', 'weight', 'length', 'shipping_required', 'shipping_taxable', 'shipping_class', 'shipping_class_id', 'reviews_allowed', 'average_rating', 'rating_count', 'related_ids', 'upsell_ids', 'download_type', 'purchase_note');
$external_attrs['product'] = function ($data) {
    if (class_exists('WC_Product_Factory')) {
        $factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
        $product = $factory->get_product($data->ID);
        $product_attrs = array('virtual' => $product->is_virtual(), 'sku' => $product->get_sku(), 'taxable' => $product->is_taxable(), 'tax_status' => $product->get_tax_status(), 'tax_class' => $product->get_tax_class(), 'managing_stock' => $product->managing_stock(), 'stock_quantity' => (int) $product->get_stock_quantity(), 'in_stock' => $product->is_in_stock(), 'backorders_allowed' => $product->backorders_allowed(), 'sold_individually' => $product->is_sold_individually(), 'purchaseable' => $product->is_purchasable(), 'visible' => $product->is_visible(), 'catalog_visibility' => $product->visibility, 'on_sale' => $product->is_on_sale(), 'weight' => $product->get_weight() ? wc_format_decimal($product->get_weight(), 2) : null, 'length' => $product->length, 'shipping_required' => $product->needs_shipping(), 'shipping_taxable' => $product->is_shipping_taxable(), 'shipping_class' => $product->get_shipping_class(), 'shipping_class_id' => 0 !== $product->get_shipping_class_id() ? $product->get_shipping_class_id() : null, 'reviews_allowed' => 'open' === $product->get_post_data()->comment_status, 'average_rating' => wc_format_decimal($product->get_average_rating(), 2), 'rating_count' => (int) $product->get_rating_count(), 'related_ids' => array_map('absint', array_values($product->get_related())), 'upsell_ids' => array_map('absint', $product->get_upsells()), 'download_type' => $product->download_type, 'purchase_note' => wpautop(do_shortcode(wp_kses_post($product->purchase_note))));
        foreach ($product->get_attributes() as $attribute) {
            $product_attrs[$attribute['name']] = $attribute['value'];
        return $product_attrs;
    return array();
 * Functions definitions
function get_meta_key_list($type)
    global $wpdb;
コード例 #11
  * Save meta box data.
 public static function save($post_id, $post)
     // Process product type first so we have the correct class to run setters.
     $product_type = empty($_POST['product-type']) ? 'simple' : sanitize_title(stripslashes($_POST['product-type']));
     $classname = WC_Product_Factory::get_classname_from_product_type($product_type);
     if (!class_exists($classname)) {
         $classname = 'WC_Product_Simple';
     $product = new $classname($post_id);
     $attributes = self::prepare_attributes();
     $errors = $product->set_props(array('sku' => isset($_POST['_sku']) ? wc_clean($_POST['_sku']) : null, 'purchase_note' => wp_kses_post(stripslashes($_POST['_purchase_note'])), 'downloadable' => isset($_POST['_downloadable']), 'virtual' => isset($_POST['_virtual']), 'featured' => isset($_POST['_featured']), 'catalog_visibility' => wc_clean($_POST['_visibility']), 'tax_status' => wc_clean($_POST['_tax_status']), 'tax_class' => wc_clean($_POST['_tax_class']), 'weight' => wc_clean($_POST['_weight']), 'length' => wc_clean($_POST['_length']), 'width' => wc_clean($_POST['_width']), 'height' => wc_clean($_POST['_height']), 'shipping_class_id' => absint($_POST['product_shipping_class']), 'sold_individually' => !empty($_POST['_sold_individually']), 'upsell_ids' => array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['upsell_ids'])), 'cross_sell_ids' => array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['crosssell_ids'])), 'regular_price' => wc_clean($_POST['_regular_price']), 'sale_price' => wc_clean($_POST['_sale_price']), 'date_on_sale_from' => wc_clean($_POST['_sale_price_dates_from']), 'date_on_sale_to' => wc_clean($_POST['_sale_price_dates_to']), 'manage_stock' => !empty($_POST['_manage_stock']), 'backorders' => wc_clean($_POST['_backorders']), 'stock_status' => wc_clean($_POST['_stock_status']), 'stock_quantity' => wc_stock_amount($_POST['_stock']), 'download_limit' => '' === $_POST['_download_limit'] ? '' : absint($_POST['_download_limit']), 'download_expiry' => '' === $_POST['_download_expiry'] ? '' : absint($_POST['_download_expiry']), 'downloads' => self::prepare_downloads(isset($_POST['_wc_file_names']) ? $_POST['_wc_file_names'] : array(), isset($_POST['_wc_file_urls']) ? $_POST['_wc_file_urls'] : array(), isset($_POST['_wc_file_hashes']) ? $_POST['_wc_file_hashes'] : array()), 'product_url' => esc_url_raw($_POST['_product_url']), 'button_text' => wc_clean($_POST['_button_text']), 'children' => 'grouped' === $product_type ? self::prepare_children() : null, 'reviews_allowed' => !empty($_POST['_reviews_allowed']), 'attributes' => $attributes, 'default_attributes' => self::prepare_set_attributes($attributes, 'default_attribute_')));
     if (is_wp_error($errors)) {
     do_action('woocommerce_process_product_meta_' . $product_type, $post_id);
コード例 #12
ファイル: header.php プロジェクト: sockol/
	twitter = "<?php 
echo ot_get_option('twitter');
	instagram = "<?php 
echo ot_get_option('instagram');
	products = [];

$args = array('post_type' => 'product');
$query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($query->have_posts()) {
    $factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
    while ($query->have_posts()) {
        $regular_price = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_regular_price');
        $sale_price = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_sale_price');
        $attributes = $factory->get_product(get_the_ID())->get_attributes();
        // get product by id
        $i = 0;
        $length = count($attributes);
        $str = "";
        foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
            if ($i == $length) {
            $str = $str . "<div>" . "<span>" . $value['name'] . "</span>" . "<span>" . $value['value'] . "</span>" . "</div>";
コード例 #13
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: xeiter/timeplannr
* When the post is published, send the messages.
* @param int $ID
* @param obj $post
function twp_post_published($ID, $post)
    global $wpdb;
    global $table_name;
    global $tdata;
    if (isset($_POST['twp_send_to_channel'])) {
        update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_to_channel', $_POST['twp_send_to_channel']);
        # Load global options
        # p_ prefix stands for $_POST data
        $tcp = $tdata['twp_channel_pattern']->option_value;
        $tst = $tdata['twp_send_thumb']->option_value;
        if ($tcp != $_POST['twp_channel_pattern']) {
            $p_tcp = $_POST['twp_channel_pattern'];
            update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_meta_pattern', $p_tcp);
        } else {
            update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_meta_pattern', $tcp);
        if ($tst != $_POST['twp_send_thumb']) {
            $p_tst = $_POST['twp_send_thumb'];
            update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_thumb', $p_tst);
        } else {
            update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_thumb', $tst);
        if (isset($_POST['twp_img_id'])) {
            update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_img_id', $_POST['twp_img_id']);
    } else {
        update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_to_channel', 0);
    # Checks whether user wants to send this post to channel.
    if (get_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_to_channel', true) == 1) {
        $pattern = get_post_meta($ID, '_twp_meta_pattern', true);
        if ($pattern == "" || $pattern == false) {
            $pattern = $tdata['twp_channel_pattern']->option_value;
        if (!in_array('_twp_send_thumb', get_post_custom_keys($ID))) {
            $thumb_method = $tdata['twp_send_thumb']->option_value;
        } else {
            $thumb_method = get_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_thumb', true);
    # If there is no pattern then return!
    if ($pattern == "") {
    switch ($thumb_method) {
        case 1:
            $method = 'photo';
            $photo = get_attached_file(get_post_thumbnail_id($ID));
        case 2:
            $method = 'photo';
            $photo = get_attached_file(get_post_meta($ID, '_twp_img_id', true));
            $method = false;
    # Initialize Telegram information
    $ch_name = $tdata['twp_channel_username']->option_value;
    $token = $tdata['twp_bot_token']->option_value;
    $web_preview = $tdata['twp_web_preview']->option_value;
    if ($token == "" || $ch_name == "") {
        update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_meta_data', __('Bot token or Channel username aren\'t set!', 'twp-plugin'));
    if ($post->post_type == 'product') {
        $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
        $product = $_pf->get_product($ID);
        $tags_array = explode(', ', $product->get_tags());
        $categories_array = explode(', ', $product->get_categories());
    } else {
        $tags_array = wp_get_post_tags($ID, array('fields' => 'names'));
        $categories_array = wp_get_post_categories($ID, array('fields' => 'names'));
    foreach ($tags_array as $tag) {
        $tags .= " #" . $tag;
    foreach ($categories_array as $cat) {
        $categories .= "|" . $cat;
    $nt = new Notifcaster_Class();
    switch ($tdata['twp_markdown']->option_value) {
        case 0:
            $format = null;
        case 1:
            $format = "markdown";
        case 2:
            $format = "html";
            $format = null;
    $nt->_telegram($token, $format, $web_preview);
    # Preparing message for sending
    #Wordpress default tags and substitutes array
    $wp_tags = array("{title}", "{excerpt}", "{content}", "{author}", "{short_url}", "{full_url}", "{tags}", "{categories}");
    $wp_subs = array($post->post_title, wp_trim_words($post->post_content, 55, "..."), $post->post_content, get_the_author_meta("display_name", $post->post_author), wp_get_shortlink($ID), get_permalink($ID), $tags, $categories);
    #WooCommerce tags and substitutes array
    $wc_tags = array("{width}", "{length}", "{height}", "{weight}", "{price}", "{regular_price}", "{sale_price}", "{sku}", "{stock}", "{downloadable}", "{virtual}", "{sold_indiidually}", "{tax_status}", "{tax_class}", "{stock_status}", "{backorders}", "{featured}", "{visibility}");
    if ($post->post_type == 'product') {
        $p = $product;
        $wc_subs = array($p->width, $p->length, $p->height, $p->weight, $p->price, $p->regular_price, $p->sale_price, $p->sku, $p->stock, $p->downloadable, $p->virtual, $p->sold_individually, $p->tax_status, $p->tax_class, $p->stock_status, $p->backorders, $p->featured, $p->visibility);
    # The variables are case-sensitive.
    $re = array("{title}", "{excerpt}", "{content}", "{author}", "{short_url}", "{full_url}", "{tags}", "{categories}");
    $subst = $wp_subs;
    if ($post->post_type == 'product') {
        $p = $product;
        array_merge($re, $wc_tags);
        array_merge($subst, $wc_subs);
    } else {
        #if it's not a product post then strip out all of the WooCommerce tags
        $strip_wc = true;
    $msg = str_replace($re, $subst, $pattern);
    if ($strip_wc) {
        $msg = str_replace($wc_tags, '', $msg);
    if ($method == 'photo' && $photo != false) {
        $r = $nt->channel_photo($ch_name, $msg, $photo);
    } else {
        $r = $nt->channel_text($ch_name, $msg);
    $publish_date = current_time("mysql", $gmt = 0);
    if ($r["ok"] == true) {
        $sending_result = 1;
    } else {
        $sending_result = $r["description"];
    $twp_log = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE post_id = {$ID}");
    if ($twp_log == null) {
        $wpdb->replace($table_name, array('time' => $publish_date, 'post_id' => $ID, 'sending_result' => $sending_result));
    } else {
        $wpdb->update($table_name, array('time' => $publish_date, 'post_id' => $ID, 'sending_result' => $sending_result), array('post_id' => $ID));
    update_post_meta($ID, '_twp_send_to_channel', 0);
コード例 #14
  * Creates a n XML representation of an Order
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $arr
  * @param $customerNumber
  * @return mixed
 public function create($arr, $customerNumber)
     $orderOptions = get_option('woocommerce_fortnox_order_settings');
     $freight_options = get_option('woocommerce_fortnox_freight_settings');
     $root = 'Order';
     $seq_order_number = get_post_meta($arr->id, '_order_number', true);
     if (!empty($seq_order_number)) {
         $order['DocumentNumber'] = $seq_order_number;
     } else {
         $order['DocumentNumber'] = $arr->id;
     $order['AdministrationFee'] = $orderOptions['admin-fee'];
     $order['OrderDate'] = substr($arr->order_date, 0, 10);
     $order['DeliveryDate'] = substr($arr->order_date, 0, 10);
     $order['Currency'] = $arr->get_order_currency();
     $order['CurrencyRate'] = '1';
     $order['CurrencyUnit'] = '1';
     $order['YourOrderNumber'] = $arr->id;
     $order['CustomerNumber'] = $customerNumber;
     $order['Address1'] = $arr->billing_address_1;
     $order['City'] = $arr->billing_city;
     $order['Country'] = $this->countries[$arr->billing_country];
     $order['Phone1'] = $arr->billing_phone;
     $order['DeliveryAddress1'] = $arr->shipping_address_1;
     $order['DeliveryCity'] = $arr->shipping_city;
     $order['DeliveryCountry'] = $this->countries[$arr->shipping_country];
     $order['DeliveryZipCode'] = $arr->shipping_postcode;
     $shipping_methods = $arr->get_shipping_methods();
     $shipping_method = reset($shipping_methods);
     if (!empty($shipping_method)) {
         if (!empty($shipping_method['method_id'])) {
             if (isset($freight_options[$shipping_method['method_id']])) {
                 $order['WayOfDelivery'] = $freight_options[$shipping_method['method_id']];
     if ($arr->payment_method == 'klarna_checkout') {
         $order['ExternalInvoiceReference1'] = $arr->id;
     if (isset($arr->billing_company) && $arr->billing_company != '') {
         $order['CustomerName'] = $arr->billing_company;
         $order['YourReference'] = $arr->billing_first_name . " " . $arr->billing_last_name;
     } else {
         $order['CustomerName'] = $arr->billing_first_name . " " . $arr->billing_last_name;
         $order['DeliveryName'] = $arr->billing_first_name . " " . $arr->billing_last_name;
     if ($orderOptions['payment-options'] != '') {
         $order['TermsOfPayment'] = $orderOptions['payment-options'];
     if ($orderOptions['cost-center'] != '') {
         $order['CostCenter'] = $orderOptions['cost-center'];
     $include_freight_tax = get_option('woocommerce_prices_include_tax');
     if ($include_freight_tax == 'yes') {
         $order['Freight'] = $arr->get_total_shipping() * 0.8;
     } else {
         $order['Freight'] = $arr->get_total_shipping();
     $order['VATIncluded'] = 'false';
     if ($orderOptions['add-payment-type'] == 'on') {
         $payment_method = get_post_meta($arr->id, '_payment_method_title');
         $order['Remarks'] = $payment_method[0];
     $email = array();
     $email['EmailAddressTo'] = $arr->billing_email;
     $order['EmailInformation'] = $email;
     $invoicerows = array();
     //loop all items
     $index = 0;
     $pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
     foreach ($arr->get_items() as $item) {
         $key = "OrderRow" . $index;
         //if variable product there might be a different SKU
         $is_variation = false;
         if (empty($item['variation_id'])) {
             $productId = $item['product_id'];
         } else {
             $productId = $item['variation_id'];
             $is_variation = true;
         $product = $pf->get_product($productId);
         //handles missing product
         $invoicerow = array();
         if (!($product == NULL)) {
             $invoicerow['ArticleNumber'] = $product->get_sku();
         $invoicerow['Description'] = $this->get_item_name($item, $product, $is_variation);
         $invoicerow['Unit'] = 'st';
         $invoicerow['DeliveredQuantity'] = $item['qty'];
         $invoicerow['OrderedQuantity'] = $item['qty'];
         $invoicerow['Price'] = $this->get_product_price($item) / $item['qty'];
         $invoicerow['VAT'] = $this->get_tax_class_by_tax_name($product->get_tax_class(), $arr->shipping_country);
         $index += 1;
         $invoicerows[$key] = $invoicerow;
     /****HANDLE FEES*****/
     foreach ($arr->get_fees() as $item) {
         $key = "OrderRow" . $index;
         $invoicerow['Description'] = $item['name'];
         $invoicerow['Unit'] = 'st';
         $invoicerow['DeliveredQuantity'] = 1;
         $invoicerow['OrderedQuantity'] = 1;
         $invoicerow['Price'] = $item['line_total'];
         $invoicerow['VAT'] = 25;
         $index += 1;
         $invoicerows[$key] = $invoicerow;
     if ($arr->get_total_discount() > 0) {
         $coupon = $arr->get_used_coupons();
         $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon[0]);
         if (!$coupon->apply_before_tax()) {
             $key = "OrderRow" . $index;
             $invoicerow = array();
             $invoicerow['Description'] = "Rabatt";
             $invoicerow['Unit'] = 'st';
             $invoicerow['DeliveredQuantity'] = 1;
             $invoicerow['OrderedQuantity'] = 1;
             $invoicerow['Price'] = -1 * $arr->get_total_discount();
             $invoicerow['VAT'] = 0;
             $invoicerows[$key] = $invoicerow;
             $index += 1;
     if (!empty($orderOptions['freight-product-sku'])) {
         //RESET FREIGHT
         $order['Freight'] = 0;
         $product = $this->get_product_by_sku($orderOptions['freight-product-sku']);
         $key = "OrderRow" . $index;
         $invoicerow['ArticleNumber'] = $orderOptions['freight-product-sku'];
         $invoicerow['Description'] = $product->get_title();
         $invoicerow['Unit'] = 'st';
         $invoicerow['DeliveredQuantity'] = 1;
         $invoicerow['OrderedQuantity'] = 1;
         $invoicerow['Price'] = $arr->get_total_shipping();
         $invoicerow['VAT'] = $this->get_tax_class_by_tax_name($product->get_tax_class(), $arr->shipping_country);
         $invoicerows[$key] = $invoicerow;
     $order['OrderRows'] = $invoicerows;
     logthis(print_r($order, true));
     return $this->generate($root, $order);
コード例 #15
ファイル: theme_woocommerce.php プロジェクト: alikris/OTA
 function woocommerce_handle_woo_payment($order_id)
     global $wpdb;
     global $woocommerce;
     $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     $items = $order->get_items();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $product_name = $item['name'];
         $product_id = $item['product_id'];
         $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
         $_product = $_pf->get_product($product_id);
         $attributes = $_product->get_attributes();
         if (isset($attributes['byt-booking-id'])) {
             $booking_id = $attributes['byt-booking-id']['value'];
             $product_terms = wp_get_object_terms($product_id, 'product_cat');
             if ($product_terms && count($product_terms) > 0) {
                 if (!is_wp_error($product_terms)) {
                     foreach ($product_terms as $term) {
                         $datasec = array('woo_order_id' => $order_id);
                         if ($term->slug == BOOKYOURTRAVEL_WOO_PRODUCT_CAT_ACCOMMODATIONS) {
                             $wpdb->update(BOOKYOURTRAVEL_ACCOMMODATION_BOOKINGS_TABLE, $datasec, array('Id' => $booking_id));
                         } else {
                             if ($term->slug == BOOKYOURTRAVEL_WOO_PRODUCT_CAT_TOURS) {
                                 $wpdb->update(BOOKYOURTRAVEL_TOUR_BOOKING_TABLE, $datasec, array('Id' => $booking_id));
                             } else {
                                 if ($term->slug == BOOKYOURTRAVEL_WOO_PRODUCT_CAT_CAR_RENTALS) {
                                     $wpdb->update(BOOKYOURTRAVEL_CAR_RENTAL_BOOKINGS_TABLE, $datasec, array('Id' => $booking_id));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($term->slug == BOOKYOURTRAVEL_WOO_PRODUCT_CAT_CRUISES) {
                                         $wpdb->update(BOOKYOURTRAVEL_CRUISE_BOOKINGS_TABLE, $datasec, array('Id' => $booking_id));
コード例 #16
  * Adds meta box to product
  * @access private
  * @param $product_id
  * @return bool
 private function is_product_synced($product_id)
     $synced = get_post_meta($product_id, '_is_synced_to_fortnox', true);
     $pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
     $product = $pf->get_product($product_id);
     if ($product->has_child()) {
         //sync children
         $num = count($product->get_children());
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($product->get_children() as $child_id) {
             $synced = get_post_meta($child_id, '_is_synced_to_fortnox', true);
             if ($synced == 1) {
         if ($counter == $num) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         if ($synced == 1) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
コード例 #17
function check_diff_callback()
    global $wpdb;
    // this is how you get access to the database
    include_once "class-fortnox3-api.php";
    check_ajax_referer('fortnox_woocommerce', 'security');
    $pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
    $child = $pf->get_product($_POST['product_id']);
    $sku = $child->get_sku();
    $apiInterface = new WCF_API();
    $article = $apiInterface->get_article($sku);
    if ($sku === NULL) {
        echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'product_id' => $_POST['product_id'], 'sku' => 'Inget artikelnummer', 'title' => $child->get_title()));
    } else {
        if (array_key_exists('Error', $article)) {
            echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'product_id' => $_POST['product_id'], 'sku' => $sku, 'title' => $child->get_title()));
        } else {
            echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'product_id' => $_POST['product_id'], 'sku' => $sku, 'title' => $child->get_title()));
    // this is required to return a proper result
コード例 #18
  * @global type $wpdb
  * @param type $offer_id
  * @param type $emails
  * @since   1.2.0
 public function ofw_auto_decline_offer($offer_id = null, $emails = null)
     global $wpdb;
     if (isset($_POST["targetID"]) && !empty($_POST["targetID"])) {
         $post_id = $_POST["targetID"];
     } else {
         $post_id = $offer_id;
     if (isset($post_id) && !empty($post_id)) {
         $post_data = get_post($post_id);
         $is_offer_buyer_countered_status = $post_data->post_status == 'buyercountered-offer' ? true : false;
         $table = $wpdb->prefix . "posts";
         $data_array = array('post_status' => 'declined-offer', 'post_modified' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", current_time('timestamp', 0)), 'post_modified_gmt' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", current_time('timestamp', 1)));
         $where = array('ID' => $post_id);
         $wpdb->update($table, $data_array, $where);
         $post_status_text = __('Declined', $this->plugin_slug);
         $offer_notes = isset($_POST['angelleye_woocommerce_offer_status_notes']) && $_POST['angelleye_woocommerce_offer_status_notes'] != '' ? $_POST['angelleye_woocommerce_offer_status_notes'] : '';
         $recipient = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_email', true);
         $offer_id = $post_id;
         $offer_uid = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_uid', true);
         $offer_name = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_name', true);
         $offer_email = $recipient;
         $product_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_product_id', true);
         $variant_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_variation_id', true);
         $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
         $product = $variant_id ? $_pf->get_product($variant_id) : $_pf->get_product($product_id);
         $product_qty = $is_offer_buyer_countered_status ? get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_buyer_counter_quantity', true) : get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_quantity', true);
         $product_price_per = $is_offer_buyer_countered_status ? get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_buyer_counter_price_per', true) : get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_price_per', true);
         $product_total = $product_qty * $product_price_per;
         if ($is_offer_buyer_countered_status) {
             update_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_quantity', $product_qty);
             update_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_price_per', $product_price_per);
             update_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_amount', $product_total);
         $offer_args = array('recipient' => $recipient, 'offer_email' => $offer_email, 'offer_name' => $offer_name, 'offer_id' => $offer_id, 'offer_uid' => $offer_uid, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'product_url' => $product->get_permalink(), 'variant_id' => $variant_id, 'product' => $product, 'product_qty' => $product_qty, 'product_price_per' => $product_price_per, 'product_total' => $product_total, 'offer_notes' => $offer_notes);
         if ($variant_id) {
             if ($product->get_sku()) {
                 $identifier = $product->get_sku();
             } else {
                 $identifier = '#' . $product->variation_id;
             $attributes = $product->get_variation_attributes();
             $extra_data = ' &ndash; ' . implode(', ', $attributes);
             $offer_args['product_title_formatted'] = sprintf(__('%s &ndash; %s%s', 'woocommerce'), $identifier, $product->get_title(), $extra_data);
         } else {
             $offer_args['product_title_formatted'] = $product->get_formatted_name();
         $email_class = 'WC_Declined_Offer_Email';
         if (empty($emails)) {
             $wc_emails = new WC_Emails();
             $emails = $wc_emails->get_emails();
         $new_email = $emails[$email_class];
         $new_email->recipient = $recipient;
         $new_email->plugin_slug = $this->plugin_slug;
         $new_email->template_html = 'woocommerce-offer-declined.php';
         $new_email->template_html_path = untrailingslashit(OFW_PLUGIN_URL) . '/admin/includes/emails/';
         $new_email->template_plain = 'woocommerce-offer-declined.php';
         $new_email->template_plain_path = untrailingslashit(OFW_PLUGIN_URL) . '/admin/includes/emails/plain/';
         $comment_text = "<span>Updated - Status: </span>";
         $comment_text .= $post_status_text;
         if (isset($offer_notes) && $offer_notes != '') {
             $comment_text .= '</br>' . nl2br($offer_notes);
         $data = array('comment_post_ID' => '', 'comment_author' => 'admin', 'comment_author_email' => '', 'comment_author_url' => '', 'comment_content' => $comment_text, 'comment_type' => '', 'comment_parent' => 0, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'comment_author_IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'comment_agent' => '', 'comment_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", current_time('timestamp', 0)), 'comment_approved' => 'post-trashed');
         $new_comment_id = wp_insert_comment($data);
         if ($new_comment_id) {
             add_comment_meta($new_comment_id, 'angelleye_woocommerce_offer_id', $post_id, true);
コード例 #19
  * Process AJAX request and return quick view popup content
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function ajax_callback()
     $nonce = isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) ? esc_attr($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) : false;
     if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'cherry_woocommerce')) {
         die('Nonce not verifyed');
     $product_id = isset($_REQUEST['product']) ? $_REQUEST['product'] : false;
     if (!$product_id) {
         die('Product not found');
     if (!class_exists('WC_Product_Factory')) {
         die('Product not found');
     global $product, $woocommerce, $post;
     $product_factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
     $post = get_post($product_id);
     $product = $product_factory->get_product($product_id);
コード例 #20
function pwlp_wishlist_shortcode()
    $pwlp_genral_dataa = get_option('data_wishlist_genral');
    $pwlp_share_dataa = get_option('data_share_wishlist');
    $pwlp_style_dataa = get_option('data_style_wishlist');
    if (isset($pwlp_genral_dataa) && !empty($pwlp_genral_dataa) || isset($pwlp_share_dataa) && !empty($pwlp_share_dataa) || isset($pwlp_style_dataa) && !empty($pwlp_style_dataa)) {
    if (isset($_GET['add-to-cart'])) {
        if ($rem_wl == 1) {
            $prod_id = $_GET['add-to-cart'];
            $wishlist_data = $_SESSION['wishlist'];
            foreach ($wishlist_data as $key => $value) {
                if ($key == $prod_id) {
                    $_SESSION['wishlist'] = $wishlist_data;
                    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                        $pwlp_user_ID = get_current_user_id();
                        update_user_meta($pwlp_user_ID, '_pwlp_wishlist', $wishlist_data);
		<form class="woocommerce" method="post" action="" id="pwlp_form">
			<div class="">
				<h2 style="color:<?php 
    echo isset($title_wi_page_col) && !empty($title_wi_page_col) ? $title_wi_page_col : '#141412';
    echo $title_wl_page != '' ? $title_wl_page : 'My wishlist on ' . get_bloginfo('name');
			<table  class="shop_table cart pwlp_table">
						<tr > 
							<th class="pwl_product-remove"></th>
							<th class="product-thumbnail"></th>
							<th class="product-name">
								<span class="nobr">Product Name</span>
							<th class="product-price">
								<span class="nobr">Unit Price</span>
							<th class="product-stock-stauts">
								<span class="nobr">Stock Status</span>
							<th class="product-add-to-cart"></th>
    if (isset($_SESSION['wishlist']) && !empty($_SESSION['wishlist'])) {
        if (is_user_logged_in()) {
            $pwllp_user_ID = get_current_user_id();
            $wishList_data = get_user_meta($pwllp_user_ID, '_pwlp_wishlist');
            $wishList_data = $wishList_data[0];
        } else {
            $wishList_data = $_SESSION['wishlist'];
        /* echo "<pre>";
        			echo "user login";
        			echo "user_not_login";
        			echo "</pre>"; */
        foreach ($wishList_data as $pro_id => $wish_date) {
            $_pwlp = new WC_Product_Factory();
            $pwlp_product = $_pwlp->get_product($pro_id);
            $pur = $pwlp_product->is_purchasable() && $pwlp_product->is_in_stock() ? 'add_to_cart_button' : '';
								<tr id="pwlp_product_<?php 
            echo $pro_id;
" >
									<td class="product-remove">
										<a class="remove pwlp_remove_id" data-remove-id="<?php 
            echo $pro_id;
" >×</a>
									<td class="product-thumbnail">
            $thumbnail = apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail', $pwlp_product->get_image(), $cart_item, $cart_item_key);
            if (!$pwlp_product->is_visible()) {
                echo $thumbnail;
            } else {
                printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $pwlp_product->get_permalink($cart_item), $thumbnail);

									<td class="product-name">
            if (!$pwlp_product->is_visible()) {
                echo apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_item_name', $pwlp_product->get_title(), $cart_item, $cart_item_key) . '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                echo apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_item_name', sprintf('<a href="%s">%s </a>', $pwlp_product->get_permalink($cart_item), $pwlp_product->get_title()), $cart_item, $cart_item_key);
            // Meta data
            echo WC()->cart->get_item_data($cart_item);
            // Backorder notification
            if ($pwlp_product->backorders_require_notification() && $pwlp_product->is_on_backorder($cart_item['quantity'])) {
                echo '<p class="backorder_notification">' . __('Available on backorder', 'woocommerce') . '</p>';

									<td class="product-price">
										<span class="amount">
            $pwlp_price = $pwlp_product->price;
            if (!empty($pwlp_price)) {
                echo get_woocommerce_currency_symbol();
                echo $pwlp_price;
									<td class="product-stock-status">
										<span class="wishlist-in-stock"><?php 
            echo $pwlp_stock = $pwlp_product->stock_status;
									<td class="product-add-to-cart">
            if (isset($adding_date_wishlist) && $adding_date_wishlist == 1) {
										<span>Add on :<?php 
                echo $wish_date;
										<a href="<?php 
            if (isset($add_to_cart_red)) {
                echo $add_to_cart_red == 1 ? site_url() . "/cart?add-to-cart=" . $pro_id : $pwlp_product->add_to_cart_url();
            } else {
                echo $pwlp_product->add_to_cart_url();
" data-product_id="<?php 
            echo $pro_id;
"  class="pwlp_add_to_cart button <?php 
            echo $pur . ' product_type_' . $product_type;
            echo $pwlp_product->add_to_cart_text();
    } else {
						<td colspan="6" class="wishlist-empty" style="text-align:center;">
							No products were added to the wishlist
							<td colspan="6">
    require_once 'pwlp_share.php';

コード例 #21
ファイル: variations.php プロジェクト: HappyKite/hpy_wc_fdv
 function hpy_dropdown_variation_attribute_options($args = array())
     $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
     $args = wp_parse_args(apply_filters('woocommerce_dropdown_variation_attribute_options_args', $args), array('options' => false, 'attribute' => false, 'product' => false, 'selected' => false, 'name' => '', 'id' => '', 'class' => ''));
     $sortby = get_option('hpy_variant_sort');
     $options = $args['options'];
     $product = $args['product'];
     $attribute = $args['attribute'];
     $name = $args['name'] ? $args['name'] : 'attribute_' . sanitize_title($attribute);
     $id = $args['id'] ? $args['id'] : sanitize_title($attribute);
     $class = $args['class'];
     if (empty($options) && !empty($product) && !empty($attribute)) {
         $attributes = $product->get_variation_attributes();
         $options = $attributes[$attribute];
     echo '<select id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" data-attribute_name="attribute_' . esc_attr(sanitize_title($attribute)) . '">';
     if ($sortby == 'price-low' || $sortby == 'price-high') {
         $variantIDs = $product->children['visible'];
         $variant_list = array();
         foreach ($variantIDs as $variants) {
             $variant_product = $_pf->get_product($variants);
             $variant_list[] = array($variant_product->get_regular_price() => $variants);
         $varcount = count($variant_list);
         $i = 0;
         $v = 0;
         $tmp = array();
         while ($i < $varcount) {
             $keys[] = key($variant_list[$i]);
         if (count(array_unique($keys)) == 1) {
             if ($product && taxonomy_exists($attribute)) {
                 // Get terms if this is a taxonomy - ordered. We need the names too.
                 $terms = wc_get_product_terms($product->id, $attribute, array('fields' => 'all'));
                 foreach ($terms as $term) {
                     if (in_array($term->slug, $options)) {
                         $clearname = str_replace("-", " ", $term->name);
                         echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($term->slug) . '" ' . selected(sanitize_title($args['selected']), $term->slug, false) . '>' . apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $clearname) . '</option>';
             } else {
                 foreach ($options as $option) {
                     // This handles < 2.4.0 bw compatibility where text attributes were not sanitized.
                     $selected = sanitize_title($args['selected']) === $args['selected'] ? selected($args['selected'], sanitize_title($option), false) : selected($args['selected'], $option, false);
                     $clearname = str_replace("-", " ", $option);
                     echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($option) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . esc_html(apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $clearname)) . '</option>';
         } else {
             foreach ($variant_list as $list) {
                 $tmp = array_merge($tmp, $list);
             if ($sortby == 'price-low') {
                 foreach ($tmp as $variant) {
                     $current_variant = get_post_meta($variant);
                     $option = $current_variant['attribute_' . strtolower($attribute)][0];
                     if ($v == 0) {
                         $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                     } else {
                         $selected = '';
                     $clearname = str_replace("-", " ", $option);
                     echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($option) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . ucwords(esc_html(apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $clearname))) . '</option>';
             } else {
                 if ($sortby == 'price-high') {
                     foreach ($tmp as $variant) {
                         $current_variant = get_post_meta($variant);
                         $option = $current_variant['attribute_' . strtolower($attribute)][0];
                         if ($v == 0) {
                             $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $selected = '';
                         $clearname = str_replace("-", " ", $option);
                         echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($option) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . ucwords(esc_html(apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $clearname))) . '</option>';
                 } else {
                     if ($product && taxonomy_exists($attribute)) {
                         // Get terms if this is a taxonomy - ordered. We need the names too.
                         $terms = wc_get_product_terms($product->id, $attribute, array('fields' => 'all'));
                         foreach ($terms as $term) {
                             if (in_array($term->slug, $options)) {
                                 echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($term->slug) . '" ' . selected(sanitize_title($args['selected']), $term->slug, false) . '>' . apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $term->name) . '</option>';
                     } else {
                         foreach ($options as $option) {
                             // This handles < 2.4.0 bw compatibility where text attributes were not sanitized.
                             $selected = sanitize_title($args['selected']) === $args['selected'] ? selected($args['selected'], sanitize_title($option), false) : selected($args['selected'], $option, false);
                             echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($option) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . esc_html(apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $option)) . '</option>';
     } else {
         if (!empty($options)) {
             if ($product && taxonomy_exists($attribute)) {
                 // Get terms if this is a taxonomy - ordered. We need the names too.
                 $terms = wc_get_product_terms($product->id, $attribute, array('fields' => 'all'));
                 foreach ($terms as $term) {
                     if (in_array($term->slug, $options)) {
                         echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($term->slug) . '" ' . selected(sanitize_title($args['selected']), $term->slug, false) . '>' . apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $term->name) . '</option>';
             } else {
                 foreach ($options as $option) {
                     // This handles < 2.4.0 bw compatibility where text attributes were not sanitized.
                     $selected = sanitize_title($args['selected']) === $args['selected'] ? selected($args['selected'], sanitize_title($option), false) : selected($args['selected'], $option, false);
                     echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($option) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . esc_html(apply_filters('woocommerce_variation_option_name', $option)) . '</option>';
     echo '</select>';
コード例 #22
 public function authorize($feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry)
     $data = array();
     $payment_type = $feed["meta"]["pd_payment_type"];
     if ($payment_type == "bsb") {
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["type"] = "bsb";
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["account_name"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_mapped_details_pd_account_name"]];
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["account_bsb"] = str_replace('-', '', $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_mapped_details_pd_account_bsb"]]);
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["account_number"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_mapped_details_pd_account_number"]];
     } else {
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["card_name"] = $submission_data['card_name'];
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["card_number"] = $submission_data['card_number'];
         $ccdate_array = $submission_data['card_expiration_date'];
         $ccdate_month = $ccdate_array[0];
         if (strlen($ccdate_month) < 2) {
             $ccdate_month = '0' . $ccdate_month;
         $ccdate_year = $ccdate_array[1];
         if (strlen($ccdate_year) > 2) {
             $ccdate_year = substr($ccdate_year, -2);
         // Only want last 2 digits
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["expire_month"] = $ccdate_month;
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["expire_year"] = $ccdate_year;
         $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["card_ccv"] = $submission_data['card_security_code'];
     $first_name = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_first_name"]];
     $last_name = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_last_name"]];
     $email = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_email"]];
     $phone = '';
     if (!empty($entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_phone"]])) {
         $phone = str_replace(' ', '', $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_phone"]]);
         if (strpos($phone, '0') === 0) {
             $phone = substr($phone, 1);
         if (strpos($phone, '+') === false) {
             $phone = '+61' . $phone;
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["gateway_id"] = $feed["meta"]["pd_select_gateway"];
     $data["customer"]["first_name"] = $first_name;
     $data["customer"]["last_name"] = $last_name;
     $data["customer"]["email"] = $email;
     $data["customer"]["phone"] = $phone;
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["address_line1"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_address_line1"]];
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["address_line2"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_address_line2"]];
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["address_city"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_address_city"]];
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["address_state"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_address_state"]];
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["address_postcode"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_address_postcode"]];
     $data["customer"]["payment_source"]["address_country"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_personal_mapped_details_pd_address_country"]];
     $data["reference"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_mapped_details_pd_transaction_reference"]];
     $data["description"] = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_mapped_details_pd_description"]];
     $data["currency"] = !empty($entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_currency"]]) ? $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_currency"]] : GFCommon::get_currency();
     $pd_options = $this->get_plugin_settings();
     if ($feed['meta']['pd_send_to_production'] == "1") {
         $request_token = $pd_options['pd_production_api_key'];
         $feed_uri = $this->production_endpoint;
     } else {
         $request_token = $pd_options['pd_sandbox_api_key'];
         $feed_uri = $this->sandbox_endpoint;
     $feed_gateway_key = $feed['meta']['pd_select_gateway'];
     $_SESSION['PD_GATEWAY'] = $feed_gateway_key;
     $start_date = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_type_mapped_details_pd_payment_start_date"]];
     $transactions = array();
     $interval = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_type_mapped_details_pd_payment_interval"]];
     if (empty($interval)) {
         $interval = 'one-off';
     $amount_field = $feed["meta"]["pd_total_payable"];
     if ($amount_field == 'bb_cart') {
         if (!empty($_SESSION[BB_CART_SESSION_ITEM])) {
             $cart_items = $_SESSION[BB_CART_SESSION_ITEM];
             if (!empty($cart_items['woo']) && class_exists('WC_Product_Factory')) {
                 // WooCommerce
                 if (!isset($transactions['one-off'])) {
                     $transactions['one-off'] = 0;
                 foreach ($cart_items['woo'] as $product) {
                     $product_factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
                     $prod_obj = $product_factory->get_product($product['product_id']);
                     $transactions['one-off'] += $prod_obj->get_price_excluding_tax($product['quantity']);
                 $transactions['one-off'] += bb_cart_calculate_shipping();
             if (!empty($cart_items['event'])) {
                 // Event Manager Pro
                 if (!isset($transactions['one-off'])) {
                     $transactions['one-off'] = 0;
                 foreach ($cart_items['event'] as $event) {
                     $transactions['one-off'] += $event['booking']->booking_price;
             if (!empty($cart_items)) {
                 // BB Cart
                 foreach ($cart_items as $cart_item) {
                     if (!isset($transactions[$cart_item['frequency']])) {
                         $transactions[$cart_item['frequency']] = 0;
                     $quantity = !empty($cart_item['quantity']) ? $cart_item['quantity'] : 1;
                     $transactions[$cart_item['frequency']] += $quantity * $cart_item['price'] / 100;
     } elseif ($amount_field == 'total') {
         foreach ($form["fields"] as $key => $field) {
             if ($field['type'] == 'product') {
                 switch ($field['inputType']) {
                     case 'singleproduct':
                         $amount = $this->clean_amount($entry[$field['id'] . '.2']) / 100;
                         $amount = $this->clean_amount($entry[$field['id']]) / 100;
                 if (!isset($transactions[$interval])) {
                     $transactions[$interval] = 0;
                 $transactions[$interval] += $amount;
             } elseif ($field['type'] == 'envoyrecharge') {
                 if (rgpost('input_' . $field['id'] . '_5') == 'recurring') {
                     $ech_interval = rgpost('input_' . $field['id'] . '.2');
                 } else {
                     $ech_interval = $interval;
                 if (!isset($transactions[$ech_interval])) {
                     $transactions[$ech_interval] = 0;
                 $transactions[$ech_interval] += $this->clean_amount($entry[$field['id'] . '.1']) / 100;
             } elseif ($field['type'] == 'bb_click_array') {
                 if (!isset($transactions[$interval])) {
                     $transactions[$interval] = 0;
                 $transactions[$interval] += $this->clean_amount($entry[$field['id'] . '.1']) / 100;
     } else {
         $transactions[$interval] = $this->clean_amount($entry[$amount_field]) / 100;
     $total_amount = array_sum($transactions);
     if ($total_amount <= 0) {
         $error_message = 'No amounts found to process';
         $auth = array('is_authorized' => false, 'transaction_id' => null, 'error_message' => $error_message);
         $GLOBALS['pd_error'] = $error_message;
         add_filter('gform_validation_message', array($this, 'change_message'), 10, 2);
         return $auth;
     } else {
         if (!empty($start_date) || strtotime($start_date > time())) {
             // If start date in future, we don't want to process recurring transactions now
             $total_amount = $transactions['one-off'];
         if ($total_amount > 0) {
             // Process total amount as a one-off
             $api_url = $feed_uri . 'charges/';
             $data['amount'] = $total_amount;
             $data_string = json_encode($data);
             $ch = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $api_url);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('x-user-token:' . $request_token, 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string)));
             $result = curl_exec($ch);
             $response = json_decode($result);
             $GLOBALS['transaction_id'] = $GLOBALS['pd_error'] = "";
             if (!is_object($response) || $response->status > 201 || $response->_code > 250) {
                 if ($response == null || $response == '') {
                     $error_message = __('An unknown error occured. No response was received from the gateway. This is probably a temporary connection issue - please try again.', 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                 } else {
                     if (is_string($response)) {
                         $error_message = __($response, 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                     } elseif (!empty($response->error->message)) {
                         $error_message = __($response->error->message, 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                     if (property_exists($response->error, 'details')) {
                         if (!is_object($response->error->details[0])) {
                             if (!empty($error_message)) {
                                 $error_message .= ': ';
                             $error_message .= __($response->error->details[0], 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                     if (empty($error_message)) {
                         $error_message = __('An unknown error occured. Please try again.', 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                 $GLOBALS['pd_error'] = $error_message;
                 add_filter('gform_validation_message', array($this, 'change_message'), 10, 2);
                 // set the form validation to false
                 $auth = array('is_authorized' => false, 'transaction_id' => $response->resource->data->_id, 'error_message' => $error_message);
                 foreach ($form['fields'] as &$field) {
                     if ($field->cssClass == 'pd-show-error') {
                         $field->failed_validation = true;
                         $field->validation_message = 'There was a problem processing your payment. Please try again or contact us.';
                 return $auth;
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['transaction_id'] = $response->resource->data->_id;
                 $GLOBALS['gateway_transaction_id'] = $response->resource->data->external_id;
                 add_action("gform_entry_created", array($this, "paydock_post_purchase_actions"), 99, 2);
                 $auth = array('is_authorized' => true, 'transaction_id' => $response->resource->data->_id, 'amount' => $total_amount);
     // Now we can set up subscriptions for any recurring transactions
     foreach ($transactions as $interval => $amount) {
         if ($interval == 'one-off' || $amount <= 0) {
         $data['amount'] = $amount;
         // Set the right API endpoint
         $api_url = $feed_uri . 'subscriptions/';
         $frequency = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_type_mapped_details_pd_payment_frequency"]];
         if (empty($frequency)) {
             $frequency = 1;
         // Hack to support fortnightly recurrence
         if ($interval == 'fortnight') {
             $interval = 'week';
             $frequency = 2;
         $data["schedule"]["frequency"] = $frequency;
         $data["schedule"]["interval"] = $interval;
         if (empty($start_date)) {
             $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $frequency . ' ' . $interval));
         $data["schedule"]["start_date"] = $start_date;
         $end_date = $entry[$feed["meta"]["pd_payment_type_mapped_details_pd_payment_end_date"]];
         if ($end_date != "") {
             $data["schedule"]["end_date"] = $end_date;
         $data_string = json_encode($data);
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $api_url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('x-user-token:' . $request_token, 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string)));
         $result = curl_exec($ch);
         $response = json_decode($result);
         if (!is_object($response) || $response->status > 201 || $response->_code > 250) {
             if ($response == null || $response == '') {
                 $error_message = __('An unknown error occured. No response was received from the gateway. This is probably a temporary connection issue - please try again.', 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
             } else {
                 if (is_string($response)) {
                     $error_message = __($response, 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                 } elseif (!empty($response->error->message)) {
                     $error_message = __($response->error->message, 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                 } elseif (property_exists($response->error, 'details')) {
                     if (!is_object($response->error->details[0])) {
                         $error_message = __($response->error->details[0], 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
                 } else {
                     $error_message = __('An unknown error occured. Please try again.', 'gravityforms-bb-paydock');
             $this->send_subscription_failed_email($first_name, $email, $amount, $interval, $frequency, $error_message);
     return $auth;
コード例 #23
ファイル: class-frontend.php プロジェクト: sabdev1/ljcdevsab
    function frontend_box($object, $helpers)
        global $evotx, $woocommerce;
        $txmeta = get_post_custom($object->event_id);
        // not show event tickets if tickets to show only for loggedin users
        if (!empty($evotx->evotx_opt['evotx_loggedinuser']) && $evotx->evotx_opt['evotx_loggedinuser'] == 'yes' && !is_user_logged_in()) {
        if (!empty($txmeta['evotx_tix']) && $txmeta['evotx_tix'][0] == 'yes') {
            // get options array
            $woo_product_id = $txmeta['tx_woocommerce_product_id'][0];
            $woometa = get_post_custom($woo_product_id);
            $opt = $helpers['evoOPT2'];

				<div class='evorow evcal_evdata_row bordb evcal_evrow_sm evo_metarow_tix <?php 
            echo $helpers['end_row_class'];
' data-tx='' data-event_id='<?php 
            echo $object->event_id;
' data-ri='<?php 
            echo $object->repeat_interval;
					<span class='evcal_evdata_icons'><i class='fa <?php 
            echo get_eventON_icon('evcal__evotx_001', 'fa-tags', $helpers['evOPT']);
					<div class='evcal_evdata_cell'>							
						<h3 class='evo_h3'><?php 
            echo eventon_get_custom_language($opt, 'evoTX_001', 'Ticket Section Title');
						<p class='evo_data_val'><?php 
            echo evo_meta($woometa, '_tx_text');

            // ticket image id - if exists
            $_tix_image_id = !empty($txmeta['_tix_image_id']) ? $txmeta['_tix_image_id'][0] : false;

						<div class='evoTX_wc <?php 
            echo $_tix_image_id ? 'tximg' : '';
' data-si='<?php 
            echo !empty($woometa['_sold_individually']) ? $woometa['_sold_individually'][0] : '-';
' >
							<div class='evoTX_wc_section'>

            $_repeat_in_stock = true;
            $capacity_of_this_repeat = 'none';
            // check if capacity managed by repeat intervals of event
            if (evo_check_yn($txmeta, '_manage_repeat_cap') && evo_check_yn($txmeta, 'evcal_repeat') && !empty($txmeta['repeat_intervals']) && !empty($txmeta['ri_capacity']) && $product->product_type == 'simple') {
                $ri_capacity = unserialize($txmeta['ri_capacity'][0]);
                $capacity_of_this_repeat = isset($ri_capacity[$object->repeat_interval]) ? $ri_capacity[$object->repeat_interval] : 0;
                $_repeat_in_stock = $capacity_of_this_repeat == 0 ? false : true;
            // get the woocommerce product
            $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
            $product = $_pf->get_product($woo_product_id);
            if (!$_repeat_in_stock || !empty($woometa['_stock_status']) && $woometa['_stock_status'][0] == 'outofstock') {
                echo "<p class='evotx_soldout'>" . eventon_get_custom_language($opt, 'evoTX_012', 'Sold Out!') . "</p>";
            } else {
                // SIMPLE product
                if ($product->product_type == 'simple') {
                    $url = $evotx->addon_data['plugin_path'] . '/templates/template-add-to-cart-single.php';
                    include $url;
                // end simple product
                // VARIABLE Product
                if ($product->product_type == 'variable') {
                    include $evotx->addon_data['plugin_path'] . '/templates/template-add-to-cart-variable.php';
            // is_in_stock()
            // show remaining tickets or not
            if ($_repeat_in_stock && evo_check_yn($txmeta, '_show_remain_tix') && evo_check_yn($woometa, '_manage_stock') && !empty($woometa['_stock']) && $woometa['_stock_status'][0] == 'instock' && (!empty($txmeta['remaining_count']) && (int) $txmeta['remaining_count'][0] >= $woometa['_stock'][0] || empty($txmeta['remaining_count'])) && $product->product_type == 'simple') {
                // get the remaining ticket
                // count for event
                // show this remaining total only for simple events
                $remaining_count = $capacity_of_this_repeat != 'none' ? $capacity_of_this_repeat : $woometa['_stock'][0];
                $remaining_count = (int) $remaining_count;
                echo "<p class='evotx_remaining' data-count='{$remaining_count}'><span>" . $remaining_count . "</span> " . eventon_get_custom_language($opt, 'evoTX_013', 'Tickets remaining!') . "</p>";

            // inquire before buy form
            include 'html-ticket-inquery.php';


							</div><!-- .evoTX_wc_section -->
            // content for ticket image seciton
            if ($_tix_image_id) {
                $img_src = $_tix_image_id ? wp_get_attachment_image_src($_tix_image_id, 'medium') : null;
                $tix_img_src = !empty($img_src) ? $img_src[0] : null;
								<div class='evotx_image'>
									<img src='<?php 
                echo $tix_img_src;
                if (!empty($txmeta['_tx_img_text'])) {
										<p class='evotx_caption'><?php 
                    echo $txmeta['_tx_img_text'][0];
								</div><div class="clear"></div>

					<div class='tx_wc_notic' style='display:none'>
            echo eventon_get_custom_language($opt, 'evoTX_009', 'Successfully added to cart!');
</span> <a class='evcal_btn view_cart' href='<?php 
            echo $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url();
            echo eventon_get_custom_language($opt, 'evoTX_011', 'View cart');
</a> <a class='evcal_btn checkout' href='<?php 
            echo $woocommerce->cart->get_checkout_url();
            echo eventon_get_custom_language($opt, 'evoTX_010', 'Checkout');
            echo $helpers['end'];

            $output = ob_get_clean();
            return $output;
コード例 #24
  * Add offer to cart
  * @since   0.1.0
 protected function add_offer_to_cart($offer = array(), $offer_meta = array())
     if (!is_admin()) {
         global $woocommerce;
         $quantity = $offer_meta['offer_quantity'][0];
         $product_id = $offer_meta['orig_offer_product_id'][0];
         $product_variation_id = $offer_meta['orig_offer_variation_id'][0];
         $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
         $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
         $_product = $product_variation_id ? $_pf->get_product($product_variation_id) : $_pf->get_product($product_id);
         $_product_stock = $_product->get_total_stock();
         // lookup product meta by id or variant id
         if ($product_variation_id) {
             $product_variation_data = $_product->get_variation_attributes();
         $product_variation_data['Offer ID'] = $offer->ID;
         $product_meta['woocommerce_offer_id'] = $offer->ID;
         $product_meta['woocommerce_offer_quantity'] = $offer_meta['offer_quantity'][0];
         $product_meta['woocommerce_offer_price_per'] = $offer_meta['offer_price_per'][0];
         $found = false;
         foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item) {
             // check if offer id already in cart
             if (isset($cart_item['woocommerce_offer_id']) && $cart_item['woocommerce_offer_id'] == $offer->ID) {
                 $found = true;
                 $message = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="button wc-forward">%s</a> %s', $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url(), __('View Cart', 'woocommerce'), __('Offer already added to cart', $this->plugin_slug));
         if (!$found) {
             $item_id = $woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($product_id, $quantity, $product_variation_id, $product_variation_data, $product_meta);
         if (isset($item_id)) {
             return true;
     return false;
コード例 #25
                         <h1 class="entry-title" style="border-bottom:none;"><?php 
/*             * ***** To get all womens post start ** */
$args = array('post_type' => 'product', 'numberposts' => -1);
/*             * ***** To get all womens post end ** */
while (have_posts()) {
    global $woocommerce, $product;
    $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
    $_product = $_pf->get_product(get_the_ID());
                                <div class="col-md-3">
                                    <div class="product-box">
                                        <a href="<?php 
"><img src="<?php 
    echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()));
                                        <a href="<?php 
コード例 #26
new AlgoliaPlugin();
new AlgoliaPluginAuto();
 * Variables Definition
$batch_count = 100;
$attributesToSnippet = array("content");
 * Defaults Variables
$attributesToIndex = array("title", "excerpt", "content", "author", "type");
/** Woo Commerce Handling */
add_filter('prepare_algolia_record', function ($data) {
    if (class_exists('WC_Product_Factory') && $data->type == 'product') {
        $algolia_registry = \Algolia\Core\Registry::getInstance();
        $factory = new WC_Product_Factory();
        $product = $factory->get_product($data->objectID);
        $product_attrs = array('virtual' => $product->is_virtual(), 'sku' => $product->get_sku(), 'taxable' => $product->is_taxable(), 'tax_status' => $product->get_tax_status(), 'tax_class' => $product->get_tax_class(), 'managing_stock' => $product->managing_stock(), 'stock_quantity' => (int) $product->get_stock_quantity(), 'in_stock' => $product->is_in_stock(), 'backorders_allowed' => $product->backorders_allowed(), 'sold_individually' => $product->is_sold_individually(), 'purchaseable' => $product->is_purchasable(), 'visible' => $product->is_visible(), 'catalog_visibility' => $product->visibility, 'on_sale' => $product->is_on_sale(), 'weight' => $product->get_weight() ? wc_format_decimal($product->get_weight(), 2) : null, 'length' => $product->length, 'shipping_required' => $product->needs_shipping(), 'shipping_taxable' => $product->is_shipping_taxable(), 'shipping_class' => $product->get_shipping_class(), 'shipping_class_id' => 0 !== $product->get_shipping_class_id() ? $product->get_shipping_class_id() : null, 'reviews_allowed' => 'open' === $product->get_post_data()->comment_status, 'average_rating' => wc_format_decimal($product->get_average_rating(), 2), 'rating_count' => (int) $product->get_rating_count(), 'related_ids' => array_map('absint', array_values($product->get_related())), 'upsell_ids' => array_map('absint', $product->get_upsells()), 'download_type' => $product->download_type, 'purchase_note' => wpautop(do_shortcode(wp_kses_post($product->purchase_note))));
        foreach ($product_attrs as $key => $value) {
            if (in_array($key, array_keys($algolia_registry->metas[$data->type]))) {
                if ($algolia_registry->metas[$data->type][$key]["indexable"]) {
                    $data->{$key} = \Algolia\Core\WordpressFetcher::try_cast($value);
        foreach ($product->get_attributes() as $attribute) {
            if (in_array($attribute['name'], array_keys($algolia_registry->metas[$data->type]))) {
                if ($algolia_registry->metas[$data->type][$attribute['name']]["indexable"]) {
                    $product_attrs[$attribute['name']] = \Algolia\Core\WordpressFetcher::try_cast($attribute['value']);
 public function addOfferNoteCallback()
     if (is_admin() && (defined('DOING_AJAX') || DOING_AJAX)) {
         $post_id = $_POST["targetID"];
         // Get current data for Offer
         $post_data = get_post($post_id);
         // Filter Post Status Label
         $post_status_text = strtolower($post_data->post_status) == 'publish' ? 'Pending' : $post_data->post_status;
         $post_status_text = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", str_replace("offer", " ", strtolower($post_status_text))));
         $noteSendToBuyer = isset($_POST["noteSendToBuyer"]) && $_POST["noteSendToBuyer"] != '' ? '1' : '';
         $offer_notes = $_POST['noteContent'];
         $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
         // Insert WP comment
         $comment_text = "<span>" . __('Offer Note:', $this->plugin_slug) . "</span>";
         if ($noteSendToBuyer != '1') {
             $comment_text .= "&nbsp;" . __('(admin only)', $this->plugin_slug);
         } else {
             $comment_text .= "&nbsp;" . __('(sent to buyer)', $this->plugin_slug);
         $comment_text .= "<br />" . $offer_notes;
         $data = array('comment_post_ID' => '', 'comment_author' => $current_user->user_login, 'comment_author_email' => $current_user->user_email, 'comment_author_url' => '', 'comment_content' => $comment_text, 'comment_type' => '', 'comment_parent' => 0, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'comment_author_IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'comment_agent' => '', 'comment_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", current_time('timestamp', 0)), 'comment_approved' => 'post-trashed');
         $new_comment_id = wp_insert_comment($data);
         // insert comment meta
         if ($new_comment_id) {
             add_comment_meta($new_comment_id, 'angelleye_woocommerce_offer_id', $post_id, true);
         if ($new_comment_id) {
             if ($noteSendToBuyer == '1') {
                 // Email buyer the offer note (not private admin note)
                  * Offer note email template
                  * @since   0.1.0
                 // set recipient email
                 $recipient = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_email', true);
                 $offer_id = $post_id;
                 $offer_uid = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_uid', true);
                 $offer_name = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_name', true);
                 $offer_email = $recipient;
                 $product_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_product_id', true);
                 $variant_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_variation_id', true);
                 $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
                 $product = $variant_id ? $_pf->get_product($variant_id) : $_pf->get_product($product_id);
                 // if buyercountered-offer previous then use buyer counter values
                 $is_offer_buyer_countered_status = $post_data->post_status == 'buyercountered-offer' ? true : false;
                 $product_qty = $is_offer_buyer_countered_status ? get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_buyer_counter_quantity', true) : get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_quantity', true);
                 $product_price_per = $is_offer_buyer_countered_status ? get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_buyer_counter_price_per', true) : get_post_meta($post_id, 'offer_price_per', true);
                 $product_total = $product_qty * $product_price_per;
                 $offer_args = array('recipient' => $recipient, 'offer_email' => $offer_email, 'offer_name' => $offer_name, 'offer_id' => $offer_id, 'offer_uid' => $offer_uid, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'product_url' => $product->get_permalink(), 'variant_id' => $variant_id, 'product' => $product, 'product_qty' => $product_qty, 'product_price_per' => $product_price_per, 'product_total' => $product_total, 'offer_notes' => $offer_notes);
                 if ($variant_id) {
                     if ($product->get_sku()) {
                         $identifier = $product->get_sku();
                     } else {
                         $identifier = '#' . $product->variation_id;
                     $attributes = $product->get_variation_attributes();
                     $extra_data = ' &ndash; ' . implode(', ', $attributes);
                     $offer_args['product_title_formatted'] = sprintf(__('%s &ndash; %s%s', 'woocommerce'), $identifier, $product->get_title(), $extra_data);
                 } else {
                     $offer_args['product_title_formatted'] = $product->get_formatted_name();
                 // the email we want to send
                 $email_class = 'WC_Offer_Note_Email';
                 // load the WooCommerce Emails
                 $wc_emails = new WC_Emails();
                 $emails = $wc_emails->get_emails();
                 // select the email we want & trigger it to send
                 $new_email = $emails[$email_class];
                 $new_email->recipient = $recipient;
                 // set plugin slug in email class
                 $new_email->plugin_slug = $this->plugin_slug;
                 // define email template/path (html)
                 $new_email->template_html = 'woocommerce-offer-note.php';
                 $new_email->template_html_path = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/emails/';
                 // define email template/path (plain)
                 $new_email->template_plain = 'woocommerce-offer-note.php';
                 $new_email->template_plain_path = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/emails/plain/';
             $redirect_url = admin_url('post.php?post=' . $post_id . '&action=edit&noheader=true&message=11');
             echo $redirect_url;
         } else {
             echo 'failed';
         // this is required to return a proper result
コード例 #28
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: samiksha369/majorcraft
 * form shortcode of variation fields for product
 * Note : those will be different for rods and lures so we create an overwrite ot the template 
function pierry_show_variation_attributes()
    global $post;
    $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
    $product = $_pf->get_product($post->ID);
    $field_desc = pierry_variation_fields_get_available_fields();
    $fields = pierry_variation_fields_get($post->ID);
    $attributes = $attributes = $product->get_attributes();
    $categories = majorcraft_get_all_categories($post->ID);
    //if(in_array('lures', $categories))  {
    $variation_attributes = array('columns' => 2, 'fields' => array('is_in_stock' => 'Status'));
    foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
        if ($attribute['is_visible']) {
            $variation_attributes['fields']['attribute_' . $attribute['name']] = wc_attribute_label($attribute['name']);
    foreach ($fields as $slug => $f) {
        $intersection = array_intersect(array_keys($categories), array_values($field_desc[$slug]->cats));
        if (!empty($intersection)) {
            $variation_attributes['fields'][$slug] = $field_desc[$slug]->name;
    	else if(in_array('rods', $categories)) {
    $i = 0;
    $shortcode = '[pierry_variation_attrbutes columns="' . $variation_attributes['columns'] . '"';
    if (!empty($variation_attributes['fields']) && is_array($variation_attributes['fields'])) {
        $shortcode .= ' fields="';
        foreach ($variation_attributes['fields'] as $slug => $name) {
            if ($i > 0) {
                $shortcode .= ';';
            $shortcode .= $slug . '=>' . $name . ":";
    $shortcode .= '"]';
    echo do_shortcode($shortcode);
コード例 #29
 public static function addCustomDataToProduct($cart_item_data, $product_id, $variation_id)
     global $woocommerce;
     $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
     $data = $_POST;
     // Split all the products added to the cart
     $unique_cart_item_key = md5(microtime() . rand() . "Hi Mom!");
     $cart_item_data['unique_key'] = $unique_cart_item_key;
     $product = $_pf->get_product($product_id);
     if (TauchTerminal_Tulamben::isRoomProduct($product->get_sku())) {
         $cart_item_data['start_date'] = $data['start'];
         $cart_item_data['end_date'] = $data['end'];
         $attributes = $product->get_attributes();
         if ($data['quantity-person']) {
             $cart_item_data['persons'] = $data['quantity-person'];
         if ($data['attribute_bed']) {
             $labels = self::getAttributeLabel($attributes, 'attribute_bed', $data['attribute_bed']);
             $name = $labels['name'];
             $cart_item_data['ttt_meta'][$name] = $labels['value'];
         if ($data['attribute_special-requests']) {
             $labels = self::getAttributeLabel($attributes, 'attribute_special-requests', $data['attribute_special-requests']);
             $name = $labels['name'];
             $cart_item_data['ttt_meta'][$name] = $labels['value'];
     return $cart_item_data;
コード例 #30
function enquiryform($atts, $content = "")
    global $woocommerce, $product;
    if (isset($_POST['en_submit'])) {
        $insert_enquiry = array('post_title' => $_POST['en_name'], 'post_content' => $_POST['en_notes'], 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'enquiry');
        // Insert the post into the database
        $enquiry_id = wp_insert_post($insert_enquiry);
        global $wc;
        $en_product = array();
        if ($enquiry_id) {
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_item", $en_product);
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_email", $_POST['en_email']);
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_phone", $_POST['en_phone']);
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_postcode", $_POST['en_postcode']);
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_address", $_POST['en_address']);
            $rand_order_id = rand(0, 1321321);
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_total_amt", WC()->cart->get_total());
            update_post_meta($enquiry_id, "_enquiry_sub_total", WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal());
        add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'set_html_content_type');
        //echo $file_save_path;
        $admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
        //$admin_email ="*****@*****.**";
        $attachments = array($file_save_path);
        //$headers = "From: Chadder ". "\r\n";
        $headers = 'From: Drizzconnection <' . $admin_email . '>' . "\r\n";
        $subject = "Product Enquiry";
        $message .= "";
        $message .= "<p>Hi Admin,</p>";
        $message .= "<p>" . $_POST['en_name'] . " has sent product enquiry .<p>";
        $message .= "<h3 class='od-info'>Customer Information</h3>";
        $message .= "<table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>";
        $message .= "<tr><td>Name :</td><td>" . $_POST['en_name'] . "</td></tr>";
        $message .= "<tr><td>Email: </td><td>" . $_POST['en_email'] . "</td></tr>";
        $message .= "<tr><td>Phone: </td><td>" . $_POST['en_phone'] . "</td></tr>";
        $message .= "<tr><td>Postcode: </td><td>" . $_POST['en_postcode'] . "</td></tr>";
        $message .= "<tr><td>Address: </td><td>" . $_POST['en_address'] . "</td></tr>";
        $message .= "</table>";
        $message .= "<br/><h3 class='od-info'>Order Information</h3>";
        $message .= "<table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>";
        //$message .= "<tr><td>Hi,</td></tr>";
        //$message .= "<tr><td>".$_POST['en_name']." has sent product enquiry .Please find the attchement</td></tr>";
        $message .= "<tr><th>Product name</th><th>Variations</th><th>Price</th><th>Qty</th><th>Total</th></tr>";
        foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
            $var_array = $cart_item['variation'];
            $att_html = "";
            foreach ($var_array as $key => $value) {
                $att = explode("_", $key);
                $att_name = $att[1];
                $att_value = $value;
                $att_html .= $att_name . ":" . $att_value . "<br/>";
            $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
            $_product = $_pf->get_product($cart_item['product_id']);
            $product_quantity = $cart_item['quantity'];
            $message .= "<tr><td>" . get_the_title($cart_item['product_id']) . "</td><td>" . $att_html . "</td><th>" . apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_item_price', WC()->cart->get_product_price($_product), $cart_item, $cart_item_key) . "</th>\n\t  <th>" . $product_quantity . "</th><th>" . $cart_item['line_total'] . "</th></tr>";
        $message .= "<tr><td colspan='4'>Total:</td><td>" . WC()->cart->get_total() . "</td></tr>";
        $message .= "</table>";
        //$message .="<p>Total:".WC()->cart->get_total()."</p>";
        //echo $message;break;
        $ret = wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message, $headers);
        remove_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'set_html_content_type');
        $thankyou_link = ot_get_option('enquiry_thank_you_page');
        $redirect = get_permalink($thankyou_link);
        global $woocommerce;
	<form action="<?php 
    echo get_permalink();
" method="POST" name="enquiry_form" id="enquiry_form">
    if (isset($_POST['en_submit'])) {
	<div class="woocommerce-billing-fields">
		<h3>Enquiry Form</h3>

		<p class="form-row form-row "> <label>Name</label><input name="en_name" id="en_name" type="text" required="required"></p>
		<p class="form-row form-row "><label>Address</label><textarea name="en_address" required="required" cols="25" rows="25"></textarea></p>
		<p class="form-row form-row "><label>Post code</label><input name="en_postcode" id="en_postcode" type="text" required="required"></p>
		<p class="form-row form-row"><label>Email</label><input name="en_email" id="en_email" type="text" required="required">
		<p style="display:none;" id="email_valid"><label>&nbsp;</label><span style="font-size:15px;color:#FF0000">Invalid email address</span></p>
		<p class="form-row form-row"><label>Telephone</label><input name="en_phone" id="en_phone" type="text" required="required"></p>
			<p class="form-row form-row"> <label>Notes</label><textarea name="en_notes" required="required" cols="25" rows="25"></textarea></p>
		<p><input type="submit" class="enq-subt" name="en_submit" value="Send Enquiry"></p>
    $s = ob_get_contents();
    return $s;