コード例 #1
  * Deducts the points redeemed for a discount when the order is processed at checkout. Note that points are deducted
  * immediately upon checkout processing to protect against abuse.
  * @since 1.0
  * @param int $order_id the WC_Order ID
 public function maybe_deduct_redeemed_points($order_id)
     global $woocommerce, $wc_points_rewards;
     $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
     // bail for guest user
     if (!$order->user_id) {
     $discount_code = WC_Points_Rewards_Discount::get_discount_code();
     // only deduct points if they were redeemed for a discount
     if (!$woocommerce->cart->has_discount($discount_code)) {
     $discount_amount = isset($woocommerce->cart->coupon_discount_amounts[$discount_code]) ? $woocommerce->cart->coupon_discount_amounts[$discount_code] : 0;
     $points_redeemed = WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::calculate_points_for_discount($discount_amount);
     // deduct points
     WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::decrease_points($order->user_id, $points_redeemed, 'order-redeem', array('discount_code' => $discount_code, 'discount_amount' => $discount_amount), $order->id);
     update_post_meta($order->id, '_wc_points_redeemed', $points_redeemed);
     // add order note
     $order->add_order_note(sprintf(__('%d %s redeemed for a %s discount.', 'wc_points_rewards'), $points_redeemed, $wc_points_rewards->get_points_label($points_redeemed), woocommerce_price($discount_amount)));
     * Renders a message and button above the cart displaying the points available to redeem for a discount
     * @since 1.0
    public function render_redeem_points_message()
        global $woocommerce, $wc_points_rewards;
        // don't display a message if coupons are disabled or points have already been applied for a discount
        if (!$woocommerce->cart->coupons_enabled() || $woocommerce->cart->has_discount(WC_Points_Rewards_Discount::get_discount_code())) {
        // get the total discount available for redeeming points
        $discount_available = $this->get_discount_for_redeeming_points();
        $message = get_option('wc_points_rewards_redeem_points_message');
        // bail if no message set or no points will be earned for purchase
        if (!$message || !$discount_available) {
        // points required to redeem for the discount available
        $points = WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::calculate_points_for_discount($discount_available);
        $message = str_replace('{points}', number_format_i18n($points), $message);
        // the maximum discount available given how many points the customer has
        $message = str_replace('{points_value}', woocommerce_price($discount_available), $message);
        // points label
        $message = str_replace('{points_label}', $wc_points_rewards->get_points_label($points), $message);
        // add 'Apply Discount' button
        $message .= '<form class="wc_points_rewards_apply_discount" action="' . esc_url($woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url()) . '" method="post">';
        $message .= '<input type="hidden" name="wc_points_rewards_apply_discount_amount" class="wc_points_rewards_apply_discount_amount" />';
        $message .= '<input type="submit" class="button wc_points_rewards_apply_discount" name="wc_points_rewards_apply_discount" value="' . __('Apply Discount', 'wc_points_rewards') . '" /></form>';
        // wrap with info div
        $message = '<div class="woocommerce-info wc_points_rewards_redeem_points">' . $message . '</div>';
        echo apply_filters('wc_points_rewards_redeem_points_message', $message, $discount_available);
        if ('yes' === get_option('wc_points_rewards_partial_redemption_enabled')) {
            // Add code to prompt for points amount
            $js = '
				$( "input.wc_points_rewards_apply_discount" ).click( function() {
					var points = prompt( "' . esc_js(__('How many points would you like to apply?', 'wc_points_rewards')) . '", "' . $points . '" );
					if ( points != null ) {
						$( "input.wc_points_rewards_apply_discount_amount" ).val( points );
					return true;
            if (function_exists('wc_enqueue_js')) {
            } else {
        // add AJAX submit for applying the discount on the checkout page
        if (is_checkout()) {
            $js = '
			/* Points & Rewards AJAX Apply Points Discount */
			$( "form.wc_points_rewards_apply_discount" ).submit( function() {
				var $section = $( "div.wc_points_rewards_redeem_points" );

				if ( $section.is( ".processing" ) ) return false;

				$section.addClass( "processing" ).block({message: null, overlayCSS: {background: "#fff url(" + woocommerce_params.ajax_loader_url + ") no-repeat center", backgroundSize: "16px 16px", opacity: 0.6}});

				var data = {
					action:    "wc_points_rewards_apply_discount",
					discount_amount: $("input.wc_points_rewards_apply_discount_amount").val(),
					security:  ( woocommerce_params.apply_coupon_nonce ? woocommerce_params.apply_coupon_nonce : wc_checkout_params.apply_coupon_nonce )

					type:     "POST",
					url:      woocommerce_params.ajax_url,
					data:     data,
					success:  function( code ) {

						$( ".woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message" ).remove();
						$section.removeClass( "processing" ).unblock();

						if ( code ) {
							$section.before( code );


							$( "body" ).trigger( "update_checkout" );
					dataType: "html"
				return false;
            if (function_exists('wc_enqueue_js')) {
            } else {