public function test_bump_idb_version() { // should init with 1 $this->assertEquals(1, WC_POS_Settings::bump_idb_version()); // should increment version numbers $this->assertEquals(2, WC_POS_Settings::bump_idb_version()); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { // this should only be init after woocommerce_init global $wp_actions; if (!isset($wp_actions['woocommerce_init'])) { return; } // common params $this->accounting = $this->accounting(); $this->ajaxurl = admin_url('admin-ajax.php', 'relative'); $this->customers = $this->customers(); $this->debug = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG; $this->nonce = wp_create_nonce(WC_POS_PLUGIN_NAME); $this->wc_api = get_woocommerce_api_url(''); $this->emulateHTTP = get_option('woocommerce_pos_emulateHTTP') === '1'; $this->idbVersion = WC_POS_Settings::get_idb_version(); // frontend params if (is_pos()) { $this->auto_print = wc_pos_get_option('checkout', 'auto_print_receipt'); $this->denominations = WC_POS_i18n::currency_denominations(); $this->discount_keys = wc_pos_get_option('general', 'discount_quick_keys'); $this->hotkeys = wc_pos_get_option('hotkeys', 'hotkeys'); $this->menu = $this->menu(); $this->shipping = $this->shipping_labels(); $this->store = array('name' => get_bloginfo('name')); $this->tabs = $this->product_tabs(); $this->tax = $this->tax(); $this->tax_classes = WC_POS_Tax::tax_classes(); $this->tax_rates = WC_POS_Tax::tax_rates(); $this->user = $this->user(); } // admin params if (is_admin()) { $this->search_customers_nonce = wp_create_nonce('search-customers'); } }
/** * Check version number, runs every admin page load */ private function version_check() { $old = WC_POS_Settings::get_db_version(); if (version_compare($old, WC_POS_VERSION, '<')) { WC_POS_Settings::bump_versions(); $this->db_upgrade($old, WC_POS_VERSION); } }
/** * @param $id * @param $key * @return bool */ function wc_pos_get_option($id, $key = false) { $handlers = (array) WC_POS_Settings::handlers(); if (!array_key_exists($id, $handlers)) { return false; } $settings = $handlers[$id]::get_instance(); return $settings->get($key); }