コード例 #1
ファイル: CollectionList.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process incoming parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Set Up Collection
     // Assign interface variables
     $summary = $this->searchObject->getResultSummary();
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     $interface->assign('sortList', $this->searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('viewList', $this->searchObject->getViewList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $this->searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('limitList', $this->searchObject->getLimitList());
     $interface->assign('page', isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1);
     // Process Paging
     $link = $this->searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $pageLinks = $pager->getLinks();
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pageLinks);
     // Set templates etc.
     $currentView = $this->searchObject->getView();
     $interface->assign('searchPage', 'Search/list-' . $currentView . '.tpl');
     $interface->assign('subpage', 'Collection/list.tpl');
     // This is because if loaded from an link, the tab will
     // not automatically be selected
     $interface->assign('tab', 'list');
     // Display Page
コード例 #2
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: bryandease/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     $interface->caching = false;
     // Retrieve User Search History
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     // TODO : Stats
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch();
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $searchObject->displayQuery());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
     // Post processing, remember that the REAL results here with regards to
     //   numbers and pagination are the author facet, not the document
     //   results from the solr index. So access '$summary' with care.
     $page = $summary['page'];
     $limit = $summary['perPage'];
     // The search object will have returned an array of author facets that
     // is offset to display the current page of results but which has more
     // than a single page worth of content.  This allows a user to dig deeper
     // and deeper into the result set even though we have no way of finding
     // out the exact count of results without risking a memory overflow or
     // long delay.  We need to use the current page information to adjust the
     // known total count accordingly, and we need to use the page size to
     // crop off extra results when displaying the list to the user.
     // See VUFIND-127 in JIRA for more details.
     $authors = $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['authorStr'];
     $cnt = ($page - 1) * $limit + count($authors);
     $interface->assign('recordSet', array_slice($authors, 0, $limit));
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $cnt);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', ($page - 1) * $limit + 1);
     if ($cnt < $limit || $page * $limit > $cnt) {
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $cnt);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $page * $limit);
     $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
     $options = array('totalItems' => $cnt, 'fileName' => $link);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     $interface->setPageTitle('Author Browse');
コード例 #3
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: victorfcm/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $results = array();
     $editorialReview = new EditorialReview();
     $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $recordsPerPage = 20;
     $searchUrl = $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/EditorialReview/Search';
     $searchParams = array();
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, array('module', 'action', 'page'))) {
             $searchParams[] = "{$key}={$value}";
     $searchUrl = $searchUrl . '?page=%d&' . implode('&', $searchParams);
     $interface->assign('page', $currentPage);
     $editorialReview = new EditorialReview();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['sortOptions'])) {
         $interface->assign('sort', $_REQUEST['sortOptions']);
     $numTotalFiles = $editorialReview->count();
     $editorialReview->limit(($currentPage - 1) * $recordsPerPage, 20);
     if ($editorialReview->N > 0) {
         while ($editorialReview->fetch()) {
             $results[] = clone $editorialReview;
     $interface->assign('results', $results);
     $options = array('totalItems' => $numTotalFiles, 'fileName' => $searchUrl, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl');
コード例 #4
ファイル: AJAX_MetaLib.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process MetaLib search
  * @return void
 function doMetaLib()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Initialise SearchObject.
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject('MetaLib');
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
     $displayQuery = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Search MetaLib
     $template = null;
     if (!empty($displayQuery)) {
         $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
         // Whether RSI is enabled
         if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) {
             $interface->assign('rsi', true);
         // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
         if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
             $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
         // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
         $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
         $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
         $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
         $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
         $interface->assign('disallowedDatabases', $result['disallowedDatabases']);
         $interface->assign('failedDatabases', $result['failedDatabases']);
         $interface->assign('successDatabases', $result['successDatabases']);
         $methodsAvailable = Login::getActiveAuthorizationMethods();
         $userAuthorized = UserAccount::isAuthorized();
         $setNotification = array();
         // We want to guide the user to login for access to licensed material
         if (!$userAuthorized && $methodsAvailable) {
             $setNotification[] = '<p>' . translate('authorize_user_notification') . '</p>';
         if ($result['recordCount'] > 0) {
             $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
             $page = $summary['page'];
             $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
             $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
             $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
             $interface->assign('recordSet', $result['documents']);
             $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
             // If our result set is larger than the number of records that
             // MetaLib will let us page through (10000 records per database),
             // we should cut off the number before passing it to our paging
             // mechanism:
             $config = getExtraConfigArray('MetaLib');
             $pageLimit = isset($config['General']['result_limit']) ? $config['General']['result_limit'] : 2000;
             $totalPagerItems = $summary['resultTotal'] < $pageLimit ? $summary['resultTotal'] : $pageLimit;
             // Process Paging
             $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
             $options = array('totalItems' => $totalPagerItems, 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
             $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
             $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
             $interface->assign('pagesTotal', $totalPagerItems);
             // Display Listing of Results
             $template = 'list-list.tpl';
         } else {
             $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
             // Was the empty result set due to an error?
             $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
             if ($error !== false) {
                 // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
                 // should display an appropriate message:
                 if (stristr($error, 'user.entered.query.is.malformed') || stristr($error, 'unknown.field')) {
                     $interface->assign('parseError', true);
                 } else {
                     // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                     PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />MetaLib Returned: ' . $error));
             // Show notification if all databases were disallowed.
             if (count($result['successDatabases']) === 0 && count($result['failedDatabases']) === 0 && count($result['disallowedDatabases']) > 0) {
                 array_unshift($setNotification, '<p>' . translate('metalib_not_authorized_all') . '</p>');
                 $interface->assign('noSearch', true);
             $template = 'list-none.tpl';
         $interface->assign('setNotification', implode('', $setNotification));
     } else {
         $result = false;
         $interface->assign('noQuery', true);
         $template = 'list-none.tpl';
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search
     //    history so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     return $interface->fetch("MetaLib/{$template}");
コード例 #5
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $config = getExtraConfigArray("PCI");
     // Initialise SearchObject.
     $displayQuery = $this->searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->setPageTitle(translate('Search Results') . (empty($displayQuery) ? '' : ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($displayQuery)));
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $this->searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $this->searchObject->getSearchType());
     $interface->assign('searchWithoutFilters', $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrlWithoutFilters());
     $interface->assign('searchWithFilters', $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrl());
     if ($spatialDateRangeType = $this->searchObject->getSpatialDateRangeFilterType()) {
         $interface->assign('spatialDateRangeType', $spatialDateRangeType);
     // Search PCI
     $result = $this->searchObject->processSearch(false, true);
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($this->searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $this->searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
         $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
     // We'll need to assign search parameters for removal link
     $interface->assign('searchParams', $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrlParams());
     // We want to guide the user to login for access to licensed material
     $interface->assign('methodsAvailable', Login::getActiveAuthorizationMethods());
     $interface->assign('userAuthorized', UserAccount::isAuthorized());
     if ($showGlobalFiltersNote = $interface->getGlobalFiltersNotification('Primo Central')) {
         $interface->assign('showGlobalFiltersNote', $showGlobalFiltersNote);
     if ($result['recordCount'] > 0) {
         // If the "jumpto" parameter is set, jump to the specified result index:
         $summary = $this->searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $page = $summary['page'];
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $result['response']['docs']);
         $interface->assign('sortList', $this->searchObject->getSortList());
         $pageLimit = isset($config['General']['result_limit']) ? $config['General']['result_limit'] : 2000;
         $totalPagerItems = $summary['resultTotal'] < $pageLimit ? $summary['resultTotal'] : $pageLimit;
         // Process Paging
         $link = $this->searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $totalPagerItems, 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
         // Display Listing of Results
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'PCI/list-list.tpl');
     } else {
         // Don't let bots crawl "no results" pages
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $this->searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'user.entered.query.is.malformed') || stristr($error, 'unknown.field')) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
             } else {
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />PCI Returned: ' . $error));
         if (empty($displayQuery)) {
             $interface->assign('noQuery', true);
         $interface->assign('removeAllFilters', $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrlWithoutFilters(array('prefiltered')));
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($this->searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search
     //    history so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $this->searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $this->searchObject->getSearchId());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     // Save the display query too, so we can use it e.g. in the breadcrumbs
     $_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery'] = $displayQuery;
     // Initialize visFacets for PCI Published Timeline
     $visFacets = array('search_sdaterange_mv' => array(0 => "", 1 => "", 'label' => "Other"));
     $interface->assign('visFacets', $visFacets);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Initialise SearchObject.
     $displayQuery = $this->searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->setPageTitle(translate('Search Results') . (empty($displayQuery) ? '' : ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($displayQuery)));
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $this->searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $this->searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Search:
     $result = $this->searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($this->searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $this->searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     if ($this->searchObject->getResultTotal() > 0) {
         // If the "jumpto" parameter is set, jump to the specified result index:
         $summary = $this->searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $page = $summary['page'];
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $result['response']['docs']);
         $interface->assign('sortList', $this->searchObject->getSortList());
         // Process Paging
         $link = $this->searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
         // Display Listing of Results
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Authority/list-list.tpl');
     } else {
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $this->searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
             } else {
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />Solr Returned: ' . $error));
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($this->searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search
     //    history so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $this->searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $this->searchObject->getSearchId());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
コード例 #7
  * Assign all necessary values to the interface.
  * @access  public
 public function assign()
     global $interface;
     $recordsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['pagesize']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 20;
     $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $startRecord = ($page - 1) * $recordsPerPage + 1;
     if ($startRecord < 0) {
         $startRecord = 0;
     $endRecord = $page * $recordsPerPage;
     if ($endRecord > count($this->favorites)) {
         $endRecord = count($this->favorites);
     $pageInfo = array('resultTotal' => count($this->favorites), 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $endRecord, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage);
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     /** @var SearchObject_Solr $searchObject */
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     //MDN 3/30 this was set to 200, but should be based off the page size
     if (!$this->isUserListSort) {
         // is a solr sort
         // set solr sort. (have to set before retrieving solr sort options below)
     $SolrSortList = $searchObject->getSortList();
     // get all the search sort options (retrieve after setting solr sort option)
     $sortOptions = $defaultSortOptions = array();
     foreach ($this->solrSortOptions as $option) {
         // extract just the ones we want
         if (isset($SolrSortList[$option])) {
             $sortOptions[$option] = $SolrSortList[$option];
             $defaultSortOptions[$option] = $SolrSortList[$option]['desc'];
     foreach ($this->userListSortOptions as $option => $value_ignored) {
         // Non-Solr options
         $sortOptions[$option] = array('sortUrl' => $searchObject->renderLinkWithSort($option), 'desc' => "sort_{$option}_userlist", 'selected' => $option == $this->sort);
         $defaultSortOptions[$option] = "sort_{$option}_userlist";
     $interface->assign('sortList', $sortOptions);
     $interface->assign('defaultSortList', $defaultSortOptions);
     $interface->assign('defaultSort', $this->defaultSort);
     $interface->assign('userSort', $this->getSort() == 'custom');
     // switch for when users can sort their list
     // Retrieve records from index (currently, only Solr IDs supported):
     if (count($this->favorites) > 0) {
         if ($this->isUserListSort) {
             $this->favorites = array_slice($this->favorites, $startRecord - 1, $recordsPerPage);
             // set to the first page for the search only
         // do solr search by Ids
         $result = $searchObject->processSearch();
         if (!$this->isUserListSort) {
             // adjust paging based on search
             $pageInfo['resultTotal'] = $result['response']['numFound'];
             if ($endRecord > $pageInfo['resultTotal']) {
                 $endRecord = $pageInfo['resultTotal'];
                 $pageInfo['endRecord'] = $endRecord;
             $resourceList = $searchObject->getResultListHTML($this->user, $this->listId, $this->allowEdit);
         } else {
             // restore the actual sort page
             $resourceList = $searchObject->getResultListHTML($this->user, $this->listId, $this->allowEdit, $this->favorites);
             // puts html in order of favorites
     } else {
         $resourceList = array();
     $interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);
     // Set up paging of list contents:
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $pageInfo['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $pageInfo['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $pageInfo['endRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordsPerPage', $pageInfo['perPage']);
     $link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     if (preg_match('/[&?]page=/', $link)) {
         $link = preg_replace("/page=\\d+/", "page=%d", $link);
     } else {
         if (strpos($link, "?") > 0) {
             $link .= "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link .= "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $pageInfo['resultTotal'], 'perPage' => $pageInfo['perPage'], 'fileName' => $link, 'append' => false);
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Pager.php';
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
コード例 #8
ファイル: SearchAPI.php プロジェクト: victorfcm/VuFind-Plus
  * Do a basic search and return results as a JSON array
 function search()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $timer;
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/' . $configArray['Index']['engine'] . '.php';
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     //setup the results array.
     $jsonResults = array();
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $interface->setPageTitle('Search Results');
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $timer->logTime('Setup Search');
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $timer->logTime('Process Search');
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         // No record found
         $jsonResults['recordCount'] = 0;
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $jsonResults['parseError'] = true;
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
             } else {
                 PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />' . 'Solr Returned: ' . $error));
         $timer->logTime('no hits processing');
     } else {
         $timer->logTime('save search');
         // Assign interface variables
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $jsonResults['recordCount'] = $summary['resultTotal'];
         $jsonResults['recordStart'] = $summary['startRecord'];
         $jsonResults['recordEnd'] = $summary['endRecord'];
         // Big one - our results
         $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordSet();
         //Remove fields as needed to improve the display.
         foreach ($recordSet as $recordKey => $record) {
             $recordSet[$recordKey] = $record;
         $jsonResults['recordSet'] = $recordSet;
         $timer->logTime('load result records');
         $facetSet = $searchObject->getFacetList();
         $jsonResults['facetSet'] = $facetSet;
         //Check to see if a format category is already set
         $categorySelected = false;
         if (isset($facetSet['top'])) {
             foreach ($facetSet['top'] as $title => $cluster) {
                 if ($cluster['label'] == 'Category') {
                     foreach ($cluster['list'] as $thisFacet) {
                         if ($thisFacet['isApplied']) {
                             $categorySelected = true;
         $jsonResults['categorySelected'] = $categorySelected;
         $timer->logTime('finish checking to see if a format category has been loaded already');
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $jsonResults['paging'] = array('currentPage' => $pager->pager->_currentPage, 'totalPages' => $pager->pager->_totalPages, 'totalItems' => $pager->pager->_totalItems, 'itemsPerPage' => $pager->pager->_perPage);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
         $timer->logTime('finish hits processing');
     // Report additional information after the results
     $jsonResults['query_time'] = round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2);
     $jsonResults['spellingSuggestions'] = $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions();
     $jsonResults['lookfor'] = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $jsonResults['searchType'] = $searchObject->getSearchType();
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $jsonResults['searchIndex'] = $searchObject->getSearchIndex();
     $jsonResults['time'] = round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2);
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search history
     //    so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $jsonResults['showSaved'] = true;
     $jsonResults['savedSearch'] = $searchObject->isSavedSearch();
     $jsonResults['searchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
     $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $jsonResults['page'] = $currentPage;
     if ($configArray['Statistics']['enabled'] && isset($_GET['lookfor'])) {
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/SearchStatNew.php';
         $searchStat = new SearchStatNew();
         $searchStat->saveSearch(strip_tags($_GET['lookfor']), strip_tags($_GET['type']), $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     // Save the ID of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     // Return the results for display to the user.
     return $jsonResults;
コード例 #9
  * Assign all necessary values to the interface.
  * @access  public
 public function assign()
     global $interface;
     $recordsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['pagesize']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 25;
     $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $startRecord = ($page - 1) * $recordsPerPage + 1;
     if ($startRecord < 0) {
         $startRecord = 0;
     $endRecord = $page * $recordsPerPage;
     if ($endRecord > count($this->favorites)) {
         $endRecord = count($this->favorites);
     $pageInfo = array('resultTotal' => count($this->favorites), 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $endRecord, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage);
     $this->favorites = array_slice($this->favorites, $startRecord - 1, $recordsPerPage);
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $resourceList = array();
     if (is_array($this->favorites)) {
         foreach ($this->favorites as $currentResource) {
             $interface->assign('resource', $currentResource);
             $resourceEntry = $interface->fetch('RecordDrivers/Resource/listentry.tpl');
             $resourceList[] = $resourceEntry;
     $interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     		$interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     		// Retrieve records from index (currently, only Solr IDs supported):
     		$vuFindList = array();
     		if (array_key_exists('vufind', $this->ids) && count($this->ids['vufind']) > 0) {
     			$result = $searchObject->processSearch();
     			$vuFindList = $searchObject->getResultListHTML($this->user, $this->listId, $this->allowEdit);
     		$eContentList = array();
     		if (array_key_exists('econtent', $this->ids) && count($this->ids['econtent']) > 0) {
     			$eContentIds = array();
     			foreach ($this->ids['econtent'] as $eContentId){
     				$eContentIds[] = 'econtentRecord' . $eContentId;
     			$result = $searchObject->processSearch();
     			$eContentList = $searchObject->getResultListHTML($this->user, $this->listId, $this->allowEdit);
     		$resourceList = array_merge($vuFindList, $eContentList);
     		$interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);*/
     // Set up paging of list contents:
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $pageInfo['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $pageInfo['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $pageInfo['endRecord']);
     $link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     if (preg_match('/[&?]page=/', $link)) {
         $link = preg_replace("/page=\\d+/", "page=%d", $link);
     } else {
         if (strpos($link, "?") > 0) {
             $link .= "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link .= "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $pageInfo['resultTotal'], 'perPage' => $pageInfo['perPage'], 'fileName' => $link, 'append' => false);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
コード例 #10
ファイル: CheckedOut.php プロジェクト: bryandease/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     global $timer;
     // Get My Transactions
     $oneOrMoreRenewableItems = false;
     if ($this->catalog->status) {
         if ($user->cat_username) {
             $patron = $this->catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
             $timer->logTime("Logged in patron to get checked out items.");
             if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) {
             $patronResult = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($patronResult)) {
                 $interface->assign('profile', $patronResult);
             $timer->logTime("Got patron profile to get checked out items.");
             $libraryHoursMessage = Location::getLibraryHoursMessage($patronResult['homeLocationId']);
             $interface->assign('libraryHoursMessage', $libraryHoursMessage);
             // Define sorting options
             $sortOptions = array('title' => 'Title', 'author' => 'Author', 'dueDate' => 'Due Date', 'format' => 'Format', 'renewed' => 'Times Renewed', 'holdQueueLength' => 'Wish List');
             $interface->assign('sortOptions', $sortOptions);
             $selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['accountSort']) ? $_REQUEST['accountSort'] : 'dueDate';
             $interface->assign('defaultSortOption', $selectedSortOption);
             $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
             $recordsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['pagesize']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 25;
             $interface->assign('recordsPerPage', $recordsPerPage);
             if (isset($_GET['exportToExcel'])) {
                 $recordsPerPage = -1;
                 $page = 1;
             $result = $this->catalog->getMyTransactions($page, $recordsPerPage, $selectedSortOption);
             $timer->logTime("Loaded transactions from catalog.");
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
                 $link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                 if (preg_match('/[&?]page=/', $link)) {
                     $link = preg_replace("/page=\\d+/", "page=%d", $link);
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($link, "?") > 0) {
                         $link .= "&page=%d";
                     } else {
                         $link .= "?page=%d";
                 if ($recordsPerPage != '-1') {
                     $options = array('totalItems' => $result['numTransactions'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage, 'append' => false);
                     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
                     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
                 $interface->assign('showNotInterested', false);
                 foreach ($result['transactions'] as $i => $data) {
                     //Get Rating
                     $resource = new Resource();
                     $resource->source = 'VuFind';
                     $resource->record_id = $data['id'];
                     $data['ratingData'] = $resource->getRatingData($user);
                     $result['transactions'][$i] = $data;
                     $itemBarcode = isset($data['barcode']) ? $data['barcode'] : null;
                     $itemId = isset($data['itemid']) ? $data['itemid'] : null;
                     if ($itemBarcode != null && isset($_SESSION['renew_message'][$itemBarcode])) {
                         $renewMessage = $_SESSION['renew_message'][$itemBarcode]['message'];
                         $renewResult = $_SESSION['renew_message'][$itemBarcode]['result'];
                         $data['renewMessage'] = $renewMessage;
                         $data['renewResult'] = $renewResult;
                         $result['transactions'][$i] = $data;
                         //$logger->log("Found renewal message in session for $itemBarcode", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                     } else {
                         if ($itemId != null && isset($_SESSION['renew_message'][$itemId])) {
                             $renewMessage = $_SESSION['renew_message'][$itemId]['message'];
                             $renewResult = $_SESSION['renew_message'][$itemId]['result'];
                             $data['renewMessage'] = $renewMessage;
                             $data['renewResult'] = $renewResult;
                             $result['transactions'][$i] = $data;
                             //$logger->log("Found renewal message in session for $itemBarcode", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                         } else {
                             $renewMessage = null;
                             $renewResult = null;
                 $interface->assign('transList', $result['transactions']);
     //Determine which columns to show
     $ils = $configArray['Catalog']['ils'];
     $showOut = $ils == 'Horizon';
     $showRenewed = $ils == 'Horizon' || $ils == 'Millennium';
     $showWaitList = $ils == 'Horizon';
     $interface->assign('showOut', $showOut);
     $interface->assign('showRenewed', $showRenewed);
     $interface->assign('showWaitList', $showWaitList);
     if (isset($_GET['exportToExcel'])) {
         $this->exportToExcel($result['transactions'], $showOut, $showRenewed, $showWaitList);
     $interface->setPageTitle('Checked Out Items');
コード例 #11
ファイル: Reserves.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Search course reserves index and display a list of matches.
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 protected function searchReservesIndex()
     global $interface;
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject('SolrReserves');
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     $interface->assign('reservesLookfor', $searchObject->displayQuery());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         // No record found
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
             } else {
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />Solr Returned: ' . $error));
     } else {
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $result['response']['docs']);
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
コード例 #12
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     //////////Populate the Date Filter Start
     //Grab the Selected Date Start
     if (isset($_REQUEST['dateFilterStart'])) {
         if (preg_match('/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}/', $_REQUEST['dateFilterStart'])) {
             $selectedDateStart = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['dateFilterStart']);
             $selectedDateStart = $selectedDateStart->getTimestamp();
         } else {
             $selectedDateStart = strtotime($_REQUEST['dateFilterStart']);
     } else {
         $selectedDateStart = strtotime('-30 days');
     $selectedDateStart = date('Y-m-d', $selectedDateStart);
     $interface->assign('selectedDateStart', $selectedDateStart);
     //Populate the Date Filter End
     //Grab the Selected End Date
     if (isset($_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd'])) {
         if (preg_match('/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}/', $_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd'])) {
             $selectedDateEnd = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd']);
             $selectedDateEnd = $selectedDateEnd->getTimestamp();
         } else {
             $selectedDateEnd = strtotime($_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd']);
     } else {
         $selectedDateEnd = strtotime('today');
     $selectedDateEnd = date('Y-m-d', $selectedDateEnd);
     $interface->assign('selectedDateEnd', $selectedDateEnd);
     //////////Populate the Stores Filter
     $queryHostsFilter = "SELECT DISTINCT linkHost AS linkHost FROM external_link_tracking ORDER BY linkHost ASC";
     $externalLinkTracking = new ExternalLinkTracking();
     $allHosts = array();
     while ($externalLinkTracking->fetch()) {
         $allHosts[] = $externalLinkTracking->linkHost;
     $interface->assign('hostFilter', $allHosts);
     //////////Grab the Selected Hosts Filter Value
     if (isset($_REQUEST['hostFilter'])) {
         $selectedHosts = $_REQUEST['hostFilter'];
     } else {
         $selectedHosts = $allHosts;
     $interface->assign('selectedHosts', $selectedHosts);
     $baseQueryLinks = "SELECT COUNT(externalLinkId) AS timesFollowed, recordId, linkUrl, linkHost " . "FROM external_link_tracking " . "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $selectedDateStart . "' AND '" . $selectedDateEnd . "' ";
     if (count($selectedHosts) > 0) {
         $hosts = join("','", $selectedHosts);
         $baseQueryLinks .= "AND linkHost IN ('" . $hosts . "') ";
     $baseQueryLinks .= "GROUP BY recordId, linkUrl ";
     //////////Get a count of the page view data
     $queryPurchasesCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCount from ( " . $baseQueryLinks . ") As ResultCount";
     $resPurchasesCount = mysql_query($queryPurchasesCount);
     if ($resPurchasesCount > 0) {
         $rowCount = mysql_fetch_object($resPurchasesCount);
         $totalResultCount = $rowCount->RowCount;
     } else {
         $totalResultCount = 0;
     //////////Create the items per page array
     $itemsPerPageList = $this->getItemsPerPageList();
     $currentPage = 1;
     $resultTotal = $totalResultCount;
     $startRecord = 1;
     if (isset($_GET['itemsPerPage'])) {
         switch ($_GET['itemsPerPage']) {
             case "20":
                 $itemsPerPage = 20;
                 $itemsPerPageList["20"]["selected"] = true;
             case "100":
                 $itemsPerPage = 100;
                 $itemsPerPageList["100"]["selected"] = true;
                 $itemsPerPage = 50;
                 $itemsPerPageList["50"]["selected"] = true;
     } else {
         $itemsPerPage = 50;
         $itemsPerPageList["50"]["selected"] = true;
     $endRecord = $itemsPerPage;
     $interface->assign('itemsPerPageList', $itemsPerPageList);
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $currentPage = $_GET['page'];
         // 1st record is easy, work out the start of this page
         $startRecord = ($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage + 1;
         // Last record needs more care
         if ($resultTotal < $itemsPerPage) {
             // There are less records returned then one page, use total results
             $endRecord = $resultTotal;
         } else {
             if ($currentPage * $itemsPerPage > $resultTotal) {
                 // The end of the current page runs past the last record, use total results
                 $endRecord = $resultTotal;
             } else {
                 // Otherwise use the last record on this page
                 $endRecord = $currentPage * $itemsPerPage;
     //////////Get the Page View Data with paging and sorting
     if (isset($_GET['reportSort'])) {
         $sortValue = $_GET['reportSort'];
     //Create values for how to sort the table.
     $sortList = $this->getSortList();
     if (!isset($sortValue)) {
         $sortValue = 'UrlASC';
     $sortList[$sortValue]["selected"] = true;
     $baseQueryLinks .= $sortList[$sortValue]['sql'];
     //append on a limit to return a result
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $baseQueryLinks .= "LIMIT " . ($startRecord - 1) . ", " . $itemsPerPage . " ";
     $resPurchases = mysql_query($baseQueryLinks);
     $resultsPurchases = array();
     if ($resPurchases > 0) {
         //Build an array based on the data to dump out to the grid
         $i = 0;
         while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($resPurchases)) {
             $recordId = $r['recordId'];
             $fullId = $r['recordId'];
             if (preg_match('/econtentRecord(\\d+)/', $recordId, $matches)) {
                 require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php';
                 $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord();
                 $econtentRecord->id = $matches[1];
                 $recordId = $econtentRecord->ilsId;
                 $title = $econtentRecord->title;
             } else {
                 $resource = new Resource();
                 $resource->record_id = $recordId;
                 $resource->source = 'VuFind';
                 $title = $resource->title;
             $tmp = array('recordId' => $recordId, 'recordUrl' => '/Record/' . $fullId, 'title' => $title, 'timesFollowed' => $r['timesFollowed'], 'linkHost' => $r['linkHost'], 'linkUrl' => $r['linkUrl']);
             $resultsPurchases[$i++] = $tmp;
     $interface->assign('resultLinks', $resultsPurchases);
     //////////Paging Array
     $summary = array('page' => $currentPage, 'perPage' => $itemsPerPage, 'resultTotal' => $totalResultCount, 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $endRecord);
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     // Process Paging using VuFind Pager object
     if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "page=")) {
         //replace the page variable with a new one
         $link = str_replace("page=" . $currentPage, "page=%d", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     } else {
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     ///////////////////END PAGING
     $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     if (isset($sortValue)) {
         //Set the URL for sorting
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "reportSort=")) {
             //replace the page variable with a new one
             $sortUrl = str_replace("sort=" . $currentPage, "reportSort=" . $sortValue, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
         } else {
             if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
                 $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&reportSort=" . $sortValue;
             } else {
                 $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?reportSort=" . $sortValue;
     $interface->assign('sortUrl', $sortUrl);
     $interface->assign('sortList', $sortList);
     //Create the chart and load data into the results.
     $queryDailyPurchases = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d') as date, COUNT(externalLinkId) AS timesFollowed, linkHost FROM external_link_tracking  " . "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $selectedDateStart . "' AND '" . $selectedDateEnd . "' ";
     if (count($selectedHosts) > 0) {
         $hosts = join("','", $selectedHosts);
         $queryDailyPurchases .= "AND linkHost IN ('" . $hosts . "') ";
     $queryDailyPurchases .= "GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d'), linkHost ORDER BY trackingDate ASC";
     $dailyUsage = mysql_query($queryDailyPurchases);
     //Initialize data by loading all of the dates that we are looking at so we can show the correct counts or each series on the right day.
     $check_date = $selectedDateStart;
     $datesInReport = array();
     $linkUsageByHostByDay = array();
     foreach ($allHosts as $hostName) {
         $linkUsageByHostByDay[$hostName] = array();
     while ($check_date != $selectedDateEnd) {
         $check_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($check_date)));
         $datesInReport[] = $check_date;
         //Default number of link usage for the day to 0
         foreach ($allHosts as $host) {
             $linkUsageByHostByDay[$host][$check_date] = 0;
     //Chart section
     $reportData = new pData();
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($dailyUsage)) {
         $linkHost = $r['linkHost'];
         $linkUsageByHostByDay[$linkHost][$r['date']] = $r['timesFollowed'];
     foreach ($linkUsageByHostByDay as $hostName => $dailyResults) {
         $reportData->addPoints($dailyResults, $hostName);
     $reportData->setAxisName(0, "Usage");
     $reportData->addPoints($datesInReport, "Dates");
     /* Create the pChart object */
     $myPicture = new pImage(700, 290, $reportData);
     /* Draw the background */
     $Settings = array("R" => 225, "G" => 225, "B" => 225);
     $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, 700, 290, $Settings);
     /* Add a border to the picture */
     $myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, 699, 289, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0));
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "sys/pChart/Fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
     $myPicture->setGraphArea(50, 30, 670, 190);
     $myPicture->drawScale(array("DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "LabelRotation" => 90));
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "sys/pChart/Fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
     $myPicture->drawLineChart(array("DisplayValues" => TRUE, "DisplayColor" => DISPLAY_AUTO));
     /* Write the chart legend */
     $myPicture->drawLegend(80, 20, array("Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Mode" => LEGEND_HORIZONTAL));
     /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
     $time = time();
     $chartHref = "/images/charts/dailyPurchases{$time}.png";
     $chartPath = $configArray['Site']['local'] . $chartHref;
     $interface->assign('chartPath', $chartHref);
     //////////EXPORT To EXCEL
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         // Create new PHPExcel object
         $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
         // Set properties
         $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setTitle("External Link Usage Report")->setCategory("External Link Usage Report");
         // Add some data
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A1', 'External Link Usage Report')->setCellValue('A3', 'Record Id')->setCellValue('B3', 'Url')->setCellValue('C3', 'Host')->setCellValue('D3', 'Usage');
         $a = 4;
         //Loop Through The Report Data
         foreach ($resultsPurchases as $resultsPurchase) {
             $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A' . $a, $resultsPurchase['recordId'])->setCellValue('B' . $a, $resultsPurchase['linkUrl'])->setCellValue('C' . $a, $resultsPurchase['linkHost'])->setCellValue('D' . $a, $resultsPurchase['timesFollowed']);
         // Rename sheet
         // Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet
         // Redirect output to a client's web browser (Excel5)
         header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="ExternalLinkReport.xls"');
         header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
         $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
     $interface->setPageTitle('Report - External Link Tracking');
コード例 #13
ファイル: Results.php プロジェクト: victorfcm/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $timer;
     global $analytics;
     global $library;
     /** @var string|LibrarySearchSource|LocationSearchSource $searchSource */
     $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local';
     if (preg_match('/library\\d+/', $searchSource)) {
         $trimmedId = str_replace('library', '', $searchSource);
         $searchSourceObj = new LibrarySearchSource();
         $searchSourceObj->id = $trimmedId;
         if ($searchSourceObj->find(true)) {
             $searchSource = $searchSourceObj;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['replacementTerm'])) {
         $replacementTerm = $_REQUEST['replacementTerm'];
         $interface->assign('replacementTerm', $replacementTerm);
         $oldTerm = $_REQUEST['lookfor'];
         $interface->assign('oldTerm', $oldTerm);
         $_REQUEST['lookfor'] = $replacementTerm;
         $_GET['lookfor'] = $replacementTerm;
         $oldSearchUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $oldSearchUrl = str_replace('replacementTerm=' . urlencode($replacementTerm), 'disallowReplacements', $oldSearchUrl);
         $interface->assign('oldSearchUrl', $oldSearchUrl);
     $interface->assign('showDplaLink', false);
     if ($configArray['DPLA']['enabled']) {
         if ($library->includeDplaResults) {
             $interface->assign('showDplaLink', true);
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Solr.php';
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     //Check to see if the year has been set and if so, convert to a filter and resend.
     $dateFilters = array('publishDate');
     foreach ($dateFilters as $dateFilter) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) && !empty($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) || isset($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto']) && !empty($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto'])) {
             $queryParams = $_GET;
             $yearFrom = preg_match('/^\\d{2,4}$/', $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) ? $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom'] : '*';
             $yearTo = preg_match('/^\\d{2,4}$/', $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto']) ? $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto'] : '*';
             if (strlen($yearFrom) == 2) {
                 $yearFrom = '19' . $yearFrom;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($yearFrom) == 3) {
                     $yearFrom = '0' . $yearFrom;
             if (strlen($yearTo) == 2) {
                 $yearTo = '19' . $yearTo;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($yearFrom) == 3) {
                     $yearTo = '0' . $yearTo;
             if ($yearTo != '*' && $yearFrom != '*' && $yearTo < $yearFrom) {
                 $tmpYear = $yearTo;
                 $yearTo = $yearFrom;
                 $yearFrom = $tmpYear;
             unset($queryParams[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']);
             unset($queryParams[$dateFilter . 'yearto']);
             if (!isset($queryParams['sort'])) {
                 $queryParams['sort'] = 'year';
             $queryParamStrings = array();
             foreach ($queryParams as $paramName => $queryValue) {
                 if (is_array($queryValue)) {
                     foreach ($queryValue as $arrayValue) {
                         if (strlen($arrayValue) > 0) {
                             $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '[]=' . $arrayValue;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($queryValue)) {
                         $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '=' . $queryValue;
             if ($yearFrom != '*' || $yearTo != '*') {
                 $queryParamStrings[] = "&filter[]={$dateFilter}:[{$yearFrom}+TO+{$yearTo}]";
             $queryParamString = join('&', $queryParamStrings);
             header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/Search/Results?{$queryParamString}");
     $rangeFilters = array('lexile_score', 'accelerated_reader_reading_level', 'accelerated_reader_point_value');
     foreach ($rangeFilters as $filter) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) && strlen($_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) > 0 || isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) && strlen($_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) > 0) {
             $queryParams = $_GET;
             $from = isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) && preg_match('/^\\d*(\\.\\d*)?$/', $_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) ? $_REQUEST[$filter . 'from'] : '*';
             $to = isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) && preg_match('/^\\d*(\\.\\d*)?$/', $_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) ? $_REQUEST[$filter . 'to'] : '*';
             if ($to != '*' && $from != '*' && $to < $from) {
                 $tmpFilter = $to;
                 $to = $from;
                 $from = $tmpFilter;
             unset($queryParams[$filter . 'from']);
             unset($queryParams[$filter . 'to']);
             $queryParamStrings = array();
             foreach ($queryParams as $paramName => $queryValue) {
                 if (is_array($queryValue)) {
                     foreach ($queryValue as $arrayValue) {
                         if (strlen($arrayValue) > 0) {
                             $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '[]=' . $arrayValue;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($queryValue)) {
                         $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '=' . $queryValue;
             if ($from != '*' || $to != '*') {
                 $queryParamStrings[] = "&filter[]={$filter}:[{$from}+TO+{$to}]";
             $queryParamString = join('&', $queryParamStrings);
             header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/Search/Results?{$queryParamString}");
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     /** @var SearchObject_Solr $searchObject */
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     //		$searchObject->viewOptions = $this->viewOptions; // set valid view options for the search object
     $timer->logTime("Init Search Object");
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     } else {
         if ($searchObject->getView() == 'excel') {
             // Throw the Excel spreadsheet to screen for download
             echo $searchObject->buildExcel();
             // And we're done
     $displayMode = $searchObject->getView();
     if ($displayMode == 'covers') {
         // a set of 24 covers looks better in display
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $displayQuery = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $pageTitle = $displayQuery;
     if (strlen($pageTitle) > 20) {
         $pageTitle = substr($pageTitle, 0, 20) . '...';
     $pageTitle .= ' | Search Results';
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('excelLink', $searchObject->getExcelUrl());
     $timer->logTime('Setup Search');
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $timer->logTime('Process Search');
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search history
     //    so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $interface->assign('page', $currentPage);
     //Enable and disable functionality based on library settings
     //This must be done before we process each result
     $interface->assign('showNotInterested', false);
     $interface->assign('page_body_style', 'sidebar_left');
     $interface->assign('overDriveVersion', isset($configArray['OverDrive']['interfaceVersion']) ? $configArray['OverDrive']['interfaceVersion'] : 1);
     //Check to see if we should show unscoped results
     global $solrScope;
     $enableUnscopedSearch = false;
     // fallback setting
     if ($solrScope) {
         $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary();
         if ($searchLibrary != null && $searchLibrary->showMarmotResultsAtEndOfSearch) {
             if (is_object($searchSource)) {
                 $enableUnscopedSearch = $searchSource->catalogScoping != 'unscoped';
                 $unscopedSearch = clone $searchObject;
             } else {
                 $searchSources = new SearchSources();
                 $searchOptions = $searchSources->getSearchSources();
                 if (isset($searchOptions['marmot'])) {
                     //TODO: change name of search option to 'consortium'
                     $unscopedSearch = clone $searchObject;
                     $enableUnscopedSearch = true;
     $showRatings = 1;
     $enableProspectorIntegration = isset($configArray['Content']['Prospector']) ? $configArray['Content']['Prospector'] : false;
     if (isset($library)) {
         $enableProspectorIntegration = $library->enablePospectorIntegration == 1;
         $showRatings = $library->showRatings;
     if ($enableProspectorIntegration) {
         $interface->assign('showProspectorLink', true);
         $interface->assign('prospectorSavedSearchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     } else {
         $interface->assign('showProspectorLink', false);
     $interface->assign('showRatings', $showRatings);
     $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad = 0;
     // Save the ID of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     if (is_object($searchSource)) {
         $translatedSearch = $searchSource->label;
     } else {
         $allSearchSources = SearchSources::getSearchSources();
         if (!isset($allSearchSources[$searchSource]) && $searchSource == 'marmot') {
             $searchSource = 'local';
         $translatedSearch = $allSearchSources[$searchSource]['name'];
     // Save the search for statistics
     $analytics->addSearch($translatedSearch, $searchObject->displayQuery(), $searchObject->isAdvanced(), $searchObject->getFullSearchType(), $searchObject->hasAppliedFacets(), $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     // No Results Actions //
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         //We didn't find anything.  Look for search Suggestions
         //Don't try to find suggestions if facets were applied
         $autoSwitchSearch = false;
         $disallowReplacements = isset($_REQUEST['disallowReplacements']) || isset($_REQUEST['replacementTerm']);
         if (!$disallowReplacements && (!isset($facetSet) || count($facetSet) == 0)) {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/Search/lib/SearchSuggestions.php';
             $searchSuggestions = new SearchSuggestions();
             $commonSearches = $searchSuggestions->getAllSuggestions($searchObject->displayQuery(), $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
             //assign here before we start popping stuff off
             $interface->assign('searchSuggestions', $commonSearches);
             //If the first search in the list is used 10 times more than the next, just show results for that
             $numSuggestions = count($commonSearches);
             if ($numSuggestions == 1) {
                 $firstSearch = array_pop($commonSearches);
                 $autoSwitchSearch = true;
             } elseif ($numSuggestions >= 2) {
                 $firstSearch = array_shift($commonSearches);
                 $secondSearch = array_shift($commonSearches);
                 $firstTimesSearched = $firstSearch['numSearches'];
                 $secondTimesSearched = $secondSearch['numSearches'];
                 if ($secondTimesSearched > 0 && $firstTimesSearched / $secondTimesSearched > 10) {
                     // avoids division by zero
                     $autoSwitchSearch = true;
             // Switch to search with a better search term //
             //				$interface->assign('autoSwitchSearch', $autoSwitchSearch);
             if ($autoSwitchSearch) {
                 //Get search results for the new search
                 //					$interface->assign('oldTerm', $searchObject->displayQuery());
                 //					$interface->assign('newTerm', $commonSearches[0]['phrase']);
                 // The above assignments probably do nothing when there is a redirect below
                 $thisUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "&replacementTerm=" . urlencode($firstSearch['phrase']);
                 header("Location: " . $thisUrl);
         // No record found
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error['msg'], 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error['msg'])) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', $error['msg']);
                 if (preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error['msg'])) {
                     // Setup to try as a possible subtitle search
                     $fieldName = trim(str_replace('undefined field', '', $error['msg'], $replaced));
                     // strip out the phrase 'undefined field' to get just the fieldname
                     $original = urlencode("{$fieldName}:");
                     if ($replaced === 1 && !empty($fieldName) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $original)) {
                         // ensure only 1 replacement was done, that the fieldname isn't an empty string, and the label is in fact in the Search URL
                         $new = urlencode("{$fieldName} :");
                         // include space in between the field name & colon to avoid the parse error
                         $thisUrl = str_replace($original, $new, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $replaced);
                         if ($replaced === 1) {
                             // ensure only one modification was made
                             header("Location: " . $thisUrl);
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
             } else {
                 PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />' . 'Solr Returned: ' . $error));
         // Set up to try an Unscoped Search //
         $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad = 10;
         $timer->logTime('no hits processing');
     } elseif ($searchObject->getResultTotal() == 1 && (strpos($searchObject->displayQuery(), 'id') === 0 || $searchObject->getSearchType() == 'id')) {
         //Redirect to the home page for the record
         $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordSet();
         $record = reset($recordSet);
         $_SESSION['searchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
         if ($record['recordtype'] == 'list') {
             $listId = substr($record['id'], 4);
             header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/MyResearch/MyList/{$listId}");
         } elseif ($record['recordtype'] == 'econtentRecord') {
             $shortId = str_replace('econtentRecord', '', $record['id']);
             header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/EcontentRecord/{$shortId}/Home");
         } else {
             header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/Record/{$record['id']}/Home");
     } else {
         $timer->logTime('save search');
         // Assign interface variables
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $facetSet = $searchObject->getFacetList();
         $interface->assign('facetSet', $facetSet);
         //Check to see if a format category is already set
         $categorySelected = false;
         if (isset($facetSet['top'])) {
             foreach ($facetSet['top'] as $cluster) {
                 if ($cluster['label'] == 'Category') {
                     foreach ($cluster['list'] as $thisFacet) {
                         if ($thisFacet['isApplied']) {
                             $categorySelected = true;
                 if ($categorySelected) {
         $interface->assign('categorySelected', $categorySelected);
         $timer->logTime('load selected category');
     // What Mode will search results be Displayed In //
     if ($displayMode == 'covers') {
         $displayTemplate = 'Search/covers-list.tpl';
         // structure for bookcover tiles
     } else {
         // default
         $displayTemplate = 'Search/list-list.tpl';
         // structure for regular results
         $displayMode = 'list';
         // In case the view is not explicitly set, do so now for display & clients-side functions
         // Process Paging (only in list mode)
         if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() > 1) {
             $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
             $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
             $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
             $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
             if ($pager->isLastPage()) {
                 $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad = 5;
     $timer->logTime('finish hits processing');
     $interface->assign('subpage', $displayTemplate);
     $interface->assign('displayMode', $displayMode);
     // For user toggle switches
     // Suplementary Unscoped Search //
     if ($enableUnscopedSearch && isset($unscopedSearch)) {
         // Total & Link will be shown in result header even if none of these results will be shown on this page
         $unscopedSearch->setLimit($numUnscopedTitlesToLoad * 4);
         $unscopedSearch->processSearch(false, false);
         $numUnscopedResults = $unscopedSearch->getResultTotal();
         $interface->assign('numUnscopedResults', $numUnscopedResults);
         $unscopedSearchUrl = $unscopedSearch->renderSearchUrl();
         if (preg_match('/searchSource=(.*?)(?:&|$)/', $unscopedSearchUrl)) {
             $unscopedSearchUrl = preg_replace('/(.*searchSource=)(.*?)(&|$)(.*)/', '$1marmot$3$4', $unscopedSearchUrl);
             //				$unscopedSearchUrl = preg_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $unscopedSearchUrl);
             $unscopedSearchUrl = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $unscopedSearchUrl);
             // faster than preg_replace for simple substitutions
         } else {
             $unscopedSearchUrl .= "&amp;searchSource=marmot";
         $unscopedSearchUrl .= "&amp;shard=";
         $interface->assign('unscopedSearchUrl', $unscopedSearchUrl);
         if ($numUnscopedTitlesToLoad > 0) {
             $unscopedResults = $unscopedSearch->getSupplementalResultRecordHTML($searchObject->getResultRecordSet(), $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad, $searchObject->getResultTotal());
             $interface->assign('recordSet', $unscopedResults);
             $unscopedResults = $interface->fetch($displayTemplate);
             $interface->assign('unscopedResults', $unscopedResults);
     // Big one - our results //
     $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML($displayMode);
     $interface->assign('recordSet', $recordSet);
     $timer->logTime('load result records');
     if ($configArray['Statistics']['enabled'] && isset($_GET['lookfor']) && !is_array($_GET['lookfor'])) {
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/SearchStatNew.php';
         $searchStat = new SearchStatNew();
         $searchStat->saveSearch(strip_tags($_GET['lookfor']), strip_tags(isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : (isset($_GET['basicType']) ? $_GET['basicType'] : 'Keyword')), $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     // Done, display the page
     $interface->setTemplate($searchObject->getResultTotal() ? 'list.tpl' : 'list-none.tpl');
     // main search results content
     $interface->assign('sidebar', 'Search/results-sidebar.tpl');
コード例 #14
ファイル: BrowseExtended.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $action;
     $enabledActions = array();
     // Check if requested action is enabled and configured
     $searchSettings = getExtraConfigArray('searches');
     if (isset($searchSettings['BrowseExtended'])) {
         foreach ($searchSettings['BrowseExtended'] as $key => $val) {
             if ((bool) $val) {
                 $enabledActions[] = $key;
     if (!in_array($action, $enabledActions)) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Browse action {$action} not enabled");
     if (!isset($searchSettings["BrowseExtended:{$action}"])) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Browse action {$action} not configured");
     $settings = $searchSettings["BrowseExtended:{$action}"];
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject('SolrBrowseExtended');
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     $displayQuery = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('paginateTitle', translate("browse_extended_{$action}"));
     $interface->assign('snippet', 'RecordDrivers/Index/result-browse-snippet-' . strtolower($action) . '.tpl');
     $interface->assign('more', 'RecordDrivers/Index/result-browse-more-' . strtolower($action) . '.tpl');
     $interface->assign('homeAction', $action);
     // If no record found
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
     } else {
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML());
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     $scroller = new ResultScroller();
     $scroller->init($searchObject, $result);
     $interface->assign('formAction', "Browse/{$action}");
     // Done, display the page
コード例 #15
ファイル: NewItem.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process incoming parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     $catalog = ConnectionManager::connectToCatalog();
     if (!$catalog || !$catalog->status) {
         PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Cannot Load Catalog Driver'));
     // Read in search-specific configurations:
     $searchSettings = getExtraConfigArray('searches');
     if (isset($_GET['range'])) {
         // Initialise from the current search globals
         $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
         // Are there "new item" filter queries specified in the config file?
         // If so, we should apply them as hidden filters so they do not show
         // up in the user-selected facet list.
         if (isset($searchSettings['NewItem']['filter'])) {
             $filter = is_array($searchSettings['NewItem']['filter']) ? $searchSettings['NewItem']['filter'] : array($searchSettings['NewItem']['filter']);
             foreach ($filter as $current) {
         // Must have atleast Action and Module set to continue
         $interface->setPageTitle('New Item Search Results');
         //Get view & load template
         $currentView = $searchObject->getView();
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Search/list-' . $currentView . '.tpl');
         $interface->assign('viewList', $searchObject->getViewList());
         $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
         $interface->assign('limitList', $searchObject->getLimitList());
         $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
         $interface->assign('range', $_GET['range']);
         // This code was originally designed to page through the results
         // retrieved from the catalog in parallel with paging through the
         // Solr results.  The logical flaw in this approach is that if
         // we only retrieve one page of results from the catalog, we never
         // know the full extent of available results there!
         // The code has now been changed to always pull in enough catalog
         // results to get a fixed number of pages worth of Solr results.  Note
         // that if the Solr index is out of sync with the ILS, we may see fewer
         // results than expected.
         $tmp = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $limit = $tmp['perPage'];
         if (isset($searchSettings['NewItem']['result_pages'])) {
             $resultPages = intval($searchSettings['NewItem']['result_pages']);
             if ($resultPages < 1) {
                 $resultPages = 10;
         } else {
             $resultPages = 10;
         if (isset($configArray['Site']['indexBasedNewItems']) && $configArray['Site']['indexBasedNewItems']) {
             // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
             if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
                 // Throw the XML to screen
                 echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
                 // And we're done
             // Process Search
             $result = $searchObject->processSearch(false, true);
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             // Store recommendations (facets, etc.)
             $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
             $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
         } else {
             $newItems = $catalog->getNewItems(1, $limit * $resultPages, $_GET['range'], isset($_GET['department']) ? $_GET['department'] : null);
             // Special case -- if no new items were found, don't bother hitting
             // the index engine:
             if ($newItems['count'] > 0) {
                 // Query Index for BIB Data
                 $bibIDs = array();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($newItems['results']); $i++) {
                     $bibIDs[] = $newItems['results'][$i]['id'];
                 if (!$searchObject->setQueryIDs($bibIDs)) {
                     $interface->assign('infoMsg', 'too_many_new_items');
                 // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
                 if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
                     // Throw the XML to screen
                     echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
                     // And we're done
                 // Process Search
                 $result = $searchObject->processSearch(false, true);
                 if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 // Store recommendations (facets, etc.)
                 $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
                 $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
             } else {
                 if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
                     // Special case -- empty RSS feed:
                     // Throw the XML to screen
                     echo $searchObject->buildRSS(array('response' => array('numFound' => 0), 'responseHeader' => array('params' => array('rows' => 0))));
                     // And we're done
         // Send the new items to the template
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML());
         // Setup Record Count Display
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         // Setup Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $total = isset($result['response']['numFound']) ? $result['response']['numFound'] : 0;
         $options = array('totalItems' => $total, 'perPage' => $limit, 'fileName' => $link);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
         // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it
         // easily:
         $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
         // Use 'New Items' as the display query e.g. in the breadcrumbs
         $_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery'] = translate('New Items');
     } else {
         $interface->setPageTitle('New Item Search');
         if (!isset($configArray['Site']['indexBasedNewItems']) || !$configArray['Site']['indexBasedNewItems']) {
             $list = $catalog->getFunds();
             $interface->assign('fundList', $list);
         // Find out if there are user configured range options; if not,
         // default to the standard 1/5/30 days:
         $ranges = array();
         if (isset($searchSettings['NewItem']['ranges'])) {
             $tmp = explode(',', $searchSettings['NewItem']['ranges']);
             foreach ($tmp as $range) {
                 $range = intval($range);
                 if ($range > 0) {
                     $ranges[] = $range;
         if (empty($ranges)) {
             $ranges = array(1, 5, 30);
         $interface->assign('ranges', $ranges);
コード例 #16
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     // Publisher Filter
     $allPublishers = $this->getAllPublishers();
     $interface->assign('publisherFilter', $allPublishers);
     $selectedPublisherFilter = null;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['publisherFilter'])) {
         $selectedPublisherFilter = $_REQUEST['publisherFilter'];
     } else {
         $selectedPublisherFilter = array();
     $interface->assign('selectedPublisherFilter', $selectedPublisherFilter);
     $publishers = empty($selectedPublisherFilter) ? $allPublishers : $selectedPublisherFilter;
     $interface->assign('publishers', $publishers);
     // Status Filter
     $allStatuses = $this->getStatuses();
     $interface->assign('statusFilter', $allStatuses);
     $selectedStatusFilter = null;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['statusFilter'])) {
         $selectedStatusFilter = $_REQUEST['statusFilter'];
     } else {
         $selectedStatusFilter = array();
     $interface->assign('selectedStatusFilter', $selectedStatusFilter);
     $statuses = empty($selectedStatusFilter) ? $allStatuses : $selectedStatusFilter;
     $interface->assign('statuses', $statuses);
     // Date range filter (default to 1 hour ago)
     $startDate = new DateTime();
     $startDate->modify("-1 hour");
     if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['startDate']) > 0) {
         $startDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['startDate']);
         $startDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     $interface->assign('startDate', $startDate->format('m/d/Y'));
     $endDate = isset($_REQUEST['endDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['endDate']) > 0 ? DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['endDate']) : new DateTime();
     $interface->assign('endDate', $endDate->format('m/d/Y'));
     //Set the end date to the end of the day
     $endDate->setTime(24, 0, 0);
     // create a SQL clause to filter by selected publishers
     $publisherRestriction = null;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['publisherFilter'])) {
         $publishersToShow = array();
         foreach ($_REQUEST['publisherFilter'] as $item) {
             $publishersToShow[] = "'" . mysql_escape_string(strip_tags($item)) . "'";
         if (!empty($publishersToShow)) {
             $publisherRestriction = "publisher IN (" . implode(",", $publishersToShow) . ") ";
     // create a SQL clause to filter by selected statuses
     $statusRestriction = null;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['statusFilter'])) {
         $statusesToShow = array();
         foreach ($_REQUEST['statusFilter'] as $item) {
             $statusesToShow[] = "'" . mysql_escape_string(strip_tags($item)) . "'";
         if (!empty($statusesToShow)) {
             $statusRestriction = "status IN (" . implode(",", $statusesToShow) . ") ";
     // Packaging ID filter
     $packagingIdsToShow = array();
     $packagingIdsRestriction = null;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['packagingIds'])) {
         $packagingIds = explode(',', $_REQUEST['packagingIds']);
         foreach ($packagingIds as $id) {
             if (is_numeric($id)) {
                 $packagingIdsToShow[] = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags($id));
         if (!empty($packagingIdsToShow)) {
             $packagingIdsRestriction = "packagingId IN (" . implode(",", $packagingIdsToShow) . ") ";
         $interface->assign('packagingIds', implode(",", $packagingIdsToShow));
     $importDetails = new EContentImportDetailsEntry();
     $importDetails->whereAdd('dateFound >= ' . $startDate->getTimestamp() . ' AND dateFound < ' . $endDate->getTimestamp());
     if ($publisherRestriction) {
     if ($statusRestriction) {
     if ($packagingIdsRestriction) {
     //Check to see if we are exporting to Excel
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $records = array();
         while ($importDetails->fetch()) {
             $records[] = clone $importDetails;
     // Number of row per page
     $perPage = 20;
     $datagrid =& new Structures_DataGrid($perPage);
     $datagrid->setDefaultSort(array('filename' => 'ASC'));
     $datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('File Name', 'filename', 'filename', null, null, array($this, 'printFileNameAsLinkToDetails')));
     $datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Publisher', 'publisher', 'publisher'));
     $datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Date Found', 'dateFound', 'dateFound', null, null, array($this, 'printDateFound')));
     $datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Packaging ID', 'packagingId', 'packagingId'));
     $datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Status', 'status', 'status'));
     $datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Details', 'details', 'details', null, null, array($this, 'printLinkToDetails')));
     $interface->assign('importDetailsTable', $datagrid->getOutput());
     // create pager
     $params = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['startDate']) > 0) {
         $params['startDate'] = $startDate->format('m/d/Y');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['endDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['endDate']) > 0) {
         $params['endDate'] = $endDate->format('m/d/Y');
     if (!empty($selectedPublisherFilter)) {
         $params['publisherFilter'] = $selectedPublisherFilter;
     if (!empty($selectedStatusFilter)) {
         $params['statusFilter'] = $selectedStatusFilter;
     if (!empty($packagingIdsToShow)) {
         $params['packagingIds'] = implode(',', $packagingIdsToShow);
     $options = array('totalItems' => $datagrid->getRecordCount(), 'fileName' => $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/EContent/EContentImportDetails?' . http_build_query($params) . '&page=%d', 'perPage' => $perPage);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     $interface->setPageTitle('eContent Import Details');
コード例 #17
ファイル: Holds.php プロジェクト: bryandease/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     global $timer;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['multiAction'])) {
         $multiAction = $_REQUEST['multiAction'];
         $locationId = isset($_REQUEST['location']) ? $_REQUEST['location'] : null;
         $cancelId = array();
         $freeze = '';
         $type = 'update';
         if ($multiAction == 'cancelSelected') {
             $type = 'cancel';
             $freeze = '';
         } elseif ($multiAction == 'freezeSelected') {
             $type = 'update';
             $freeze = 'on';
         } elseif ($multiAction == 'thawSelected') {
             $type = 'update';
             $freeze = 'off';
         } elseif ($multiAction == 'updateSelected') {
             $type = 'update';
             $freeze = '';
         $result = $this->catalog->driver->updateHoldDetailed($user->password, $type, '', null, $cancelId, $locationId, $freeze);
         $interface->assign('holdResult', $result);
         //Redirect back here without the extra parameters.
         $redirectUrl = $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyResearch/Holds?accountSort=' . ($selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['accountSort']) ? $_REQUEST['accountSort'] : 'title');
         if (isset($_REQUEST['section'])) {
             $redirectUrl .= "&section=" . $_REQUEST['section'];
         header("Location: " . $redirectUrl);
     $interface->assign('allowFreezeHolds', true);
     $ils = $configArray['Catalog']['ils'];
     $showPosition = $ils == 'Horizon';
     $showExpireTime = $ils == 'Horizon';
     // Define sorting options
     $sortOptions = array('title' => 'Title', 'author' => 'Author', 'format' => 'Format', 'placed' => 'Date Placed', 'location' => 'Pickup Location', 'status' => 'Status');
     if ($showPosition) {
         $sortOptions['position'] = 'Position';
     $interface->assign('sortOptions', $sortOptions);
     $selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['accountSort']) ? $_REQUEST['accountSort'] : 'title';
     $interface->assign('defaultSortOption', $selectedSortOption);
     $profile = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($user);
     $libraryHoursMessage = Location::getLibraryHoursMessage($profile['homeLocationId']);
     $interface->assign('libraryHoursMessage', $libraryHoursMessage);
     $allowChangeLocation = $ils == 'Millennium';
     $interface->assign('allowChangeLocation', $allowChangeLocation);
     $showPlacedColumn = $ils == 'Horizon';
     $interface->assign('showPlacedColumn', $showPlacedColumn);
     $showDateWhenSuspending = $ils == 'Horizon';
     $interface->assign('showDateWhenSuspending', $showDateWhenSuspending);
     $interface->assign('showPosition', $showPosition);
     $interface->assign('showNotInterested', false);
     // Get My Transactions
     $patron = null;
     if ($this->catalog->status) {
         if ($user->cat_username) {
             $patron = $this->catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
             $patronResult = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($patronResult)) {
                 $interface->assign('profile', $patronResult);
             $interface->assign('sortOptions', $sortOptions);
             $selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['accountSort']) ? $_REQUEST['accountSort'] : 'dueDate';
             $interface->assign('defaultSortOption', $selectedSortOption);
             $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
             $recordsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['pagesize']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 25;
             $interface->assign('recordsPerPage', $recordsPerPage);
             if (isset($_GET['exportToExcel'])) {
                 $recordsPerPage = -1;
                 $page = 1;
             $result = $this->catalog->getMyHolds($patron, $page, $recordsPerPage, $selectedSortOption);
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
                 if (count($result) > 0) {
                     $location = new Location();
                     $pickupBranches = $location->getPickupBranches($patronResult, null);
                     $locationList = array();
                     foreach ($pickupBranches as $curLocation) {
                         $locationList[$curLocation->locationId] = $curLocation->displayName;
                     $interface->assign('pickupLocations', $locationList);
                     foreach ($result['holds'] as $sectionKey => $sectionData) {
                         if ($sectionKey == 'unavailable') {
                             $link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                             if (preg_match('/[&?]page=/', $link)) {
                                 $link = preg_replace("/page=\\d+/", "page=%d", $link);
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($link, "?") > 0) {
                                     $link .= "&page=%d";
                                 } else {
                                     $link .= "?page=%d";
                             if ($recordsPerPage != '-1') {
                                 $options = array('totalItems' => $result['numUnavailableHolds'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage, 'append' => false);
                                 $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
                                 $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
                         //Processing of freeze messages?
                         $timer->logTime("Got recordList of holds to display");
                     //Make sure available holds come before unavailable
                     $interface->assign('recordList', $result['holds']);
                     //make call to export function
                     if (isset($_GET['exportToExcelAvailable']) || isset($_GET['exportToExcelUnavailable'])) {
                         if (isset($_GET['exportToExcelAvailable'])) {
                             $exportType = "available";
                         } else {
                             $exportType = "unavailable";
                         $this->exportToExcel($result['holds'], $exportType, $showDateWhenSuspending, $showPosition, $showExpireTime);
                 } else {
                     $interface->assign('recordList', 'You do not have any holds');
     $interface->assign('patron', $patron);
     $hasSeparateTemplates = $interface->template_exists('MyResearch/availableHolds.tpl');
     if ($hasSeparateTemplates) {
         $section = isset($_REQUEST['section']) ? $_REQUEST['section'] : 'available';
         $interface->assign('section', $section);
         if ($section == 'available') {
             $interface->setPageTitle('Available Holds');
         } else {
             $interface->setPageTitle('On Hold');
     } else {
         $interface->setPageTitle('My Holds');
コード例 #18
ファイル: Home.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     // Determine whether to display book previews
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['previews'])) {
     // TODO : Stats
     $interface->caching = false;
     // If no author is specified, display a blank search form:
     if (!isset($_GET['author'])) {
     // If we made it this far, we have an author name to display:
     $interface->assign('author', $_GET['author']);
     // What language should we use?
     $this->_lang = $configArray['Site']['language'];
     // Retrieve User Search History -- note that we only want to offer a
     // "back to search" link if the saved URL is not for the current action;
     // when users first reach this page from search results, the "last URL"
     // will be their original search, which we want to link to.  However,
     // since this module will later set the "last URL" value in order to
     // allow the user to return from a record view to this page, after they
     // return here, we will no longer have access to the last non-author
     // search, and it is better to display nothing than to provide an infinite
     // loop of links.  Perhaps this can be solved more elegantly with a stack
     // or with multiple session variables, but for now this seems okay.
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) && !strstr($_SESSION['lastSearchURL'], 'Author/Home') ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     if (!$interface->is_cached('layout.tpl|Author' . $_GET['author'])) {
         // Clean up author string
         $author = str_replace('"', '', $_GET['author']);
         if (substr($author, strlen($author) - 1, 1) == ",") {
             $author = substr($author, 0, strlen($author) - 1);
         $author = explode(',', $author);
         $interface->assign('author', $author);
         // Create First Name
         $fname = '';
         if (isset($author[1])) {
             $fname = $author[1];
             if (isset($author[2])) {
                 // Remove punctuation
                 if (strlen($author[2]) > 2 && substr($author[2], -1) == '.') {
                     $author[2] = substr($author[2], 0, -1);
                 $fname = $author[2] . ' ' . $fname;
         // Remove dates
         $fname = preg_replace('/[0-9]+-[0-9]*/', '', $fname);
         // Build Author name to display.
         if (substr($fname, -3, 1) == ' ') {
             // Keep period after initial
             $authorName = $fname . ' ';
         } else {
             // No initial so strip any punctuation from the end
             if (substr(trim($fname), -1) == ',' || substr(trim($fname), -1) == '.') {
                 $authorName = substr(trim($fname), 0, -1) . ' ';
             } else {
                 $authorName = $fname . ' ';
         $authorName .= $author[0];
         $interface->assign('authorName', trim($authorName));
         // Pull External Author Content
         if ($searchObject->getPage() == 1) {
             // Only load Wikipedia info if turned on in config file:
             if (isset($configArray['Content']['authors']) && stristr($configArray['Content']['authors'], 'wikipedia')) {
                 // Only use first two characters of language string; Wikipedia
                 // uses language domains but doesn't break them up into regional
                 // variations like pt-br or en-gb.
                 $wiki_lang = substr($interface->getLanguage(), 0, 2);
                 $authorInfo = $this->getWikipedia($authorName, $wiki_lang);
                 $interface->assign('wiki_lang', $wiki_lang);
                 if (!PEAR::isError($authorInfo)) {
                     $interface->assign('info', $authorInfo);
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $interface->setPageTitle('Author Search Results');
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('limitList', $searchObject->getLimitList());
     $interface->assign('viewList', $searchObject->getViewList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(false, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     // Assign interface variables
     $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     // Big one - our results
     $interface->assign('recordSet', $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML());
     // Process Paging
     $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     //Get view & load template
     $currentView = $searchObject->getView();
     $interface->assign('subpage', 'Search/list-' . $currentView . '.tpl');
     $interface->display('layout.tpl', 'Author' . $_GET['author']);
コード例 #19
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     global $library;
     if (isset($library)) {
         $interface->assign('showRatings', $library->showRatings);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('showRatings', 1);
     // Get My Transactions
     if ($this->catalog->status) {
         if ($user->cat_username) {
             $patron = $this->catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
             if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) {
             $patronResult = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($patronResult)) {
                 $interface->assign('profile', $patronResult);
             //Check to see if there is an action to perform.
             if (isset($_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction']) && strlen($_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction']) > 0 && $_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction'] != 'exportToExcel') {
                 //Perform the requested action
                 $selectedTitles = isset($_REQUEST['selected']) ? $_REQUEST['selected'] : array();
                 $readingHistoryAction = $_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction'];
                 $this->catalog->doReadingHistoryAction($readingHistoryAction, $selectedTitles);
                 //redirect back to ourself without the action.
                 header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/MyResearch/ReadingHistory");
             // Define sorting options
             if (strcasecmp($configArray['Catalog']['ils'], 'Millennium') == 0) {
                 $sortOptions = array('title' => 'Title', 'author' => 'Author', 'checkedOut' => 'Checkout Date', 'format' => 'Format');
                 $selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['accountSort']) ? $_REQUEST['accountSort'] : 'checkedOut';
             } else {
                 $sortOptions = array('title' => 'Title', 'author' => 'Author', 'checkedOut' => 'Checkout Date', 'returned' => 'Return Date', 'format' => 'Format');
                 $selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['accountSort']) ? $_REQUEST['accountSort'] : 'returned';
             $interface->assign('sortOptions', $sortOptions);
             $interface->assign('defaultSortOption', $selectedSortOption);
             $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
             $recordsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['pagesize']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 25;
             $interface->assign('recordsPerPage', $recordsPerPage);
             if (isset($_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction']) && $_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction'] == 'exportToExcel') {
                 $recordsPerPage = -1;
                 $page = 1;
             $result = $this->catalog->getReadingHistory($patron, $page, $recordsPerPage, $selectedSortOption);
             $link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
             if (preg_match('/[&?]page=/', $link)) {
                 $link = preg_replace("/page=\\d+/", "page=%d", $link);
             } else {
                 if (strpos($link, "?") > 0) {
                     $link .= "&page=%d";
                 } else {
                     $link .= "?page=%d";
             if ($recordsPerPage != '-1') {
                 $options = array('totalItems' => $result['numTitles'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage, 'append' => false);
                 $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
                 $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
                 $interface->assign('historyActive', $result['historyActive']);
                 $interface->assign('transList', $result['titles']);
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction']) && $_REQUEST['readingHistoryAction'] == 'exportToExcel') {
     $interface->setPageTitle('Reading History');
コード例 #20
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Initialise SearchObject.
     $displayQuery = $this->searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->setPageTitle(translate('Search Results') . (empty($displayQuery) ? '' : ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($displayQuery)));
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $this->searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $this->searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Search Summon
     $result = $this->searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($this->searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $this->searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     if ($result['recordCount'] > 0) {
         // If the "jumpto" parameter is set, jump to the specified result index:
         $summary = $this->searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $page = $summary['page'];
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $result['documents']);
         $interface->assign('sortList', $this->searchObject->getSortList());
         // If our result set is larger than the number of records that
         // Summon will let us page through, we should cut off the number
         // before passing it to our paging mechanism:
         $config = getExtraConfigArray('Summon');
         $pageLimit = isset($config['General']['result_limit']) ? $config['General']['result_limit'] : 2000;
         $totalPagerItems = $summary['resultTotal'] < $pageLimit ? $summary['resultTotal'] : $pageLimit;
         // Process Paging
         $link = $this->searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $totalPagerItems, 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
         // Display Listing of Results
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Summon/list-list.tpl');
     } else {
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Set up special "no results" recommendations:
         $interface->assign('noResultsRecommendations', $this->searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('noresults'));
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $this->searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'user.entered.query.is.malformed') || stristr($error, 'unknown.field')) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
             } else {
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />Summon Returned: ' . $error));
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($this->searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search
     //    history so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $this->searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $this->searchObject->getSearchId());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $this->searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
コード例 #21
 function loadUsageSummary($selectedDateStart, $selectedDateEnd, $selectedSourceFilter, $selectedAccessTypeFilter, $minFilter, $maxFilter, $interface)
     $usageSummary = array();
     $columns = array('title' => 'Title', 'source' => 'Source', 'readOnline' => 'Read Online', 'download' => 'Downloaded', 'numViews' => 'Total Usage', 'placeHold' => 'Hold Placed', 'checkedOut' => 'Checked Out', 'checkedIn' => 'Returned Early', 'numUsers' => 'Total Users');
     $usageSummary['columns'] = $columns;
     $epubHistory = new EContentHistoryEntry();
     //Setup paging for use in the query
     $currentPage = 1;
     $startRecord = 1;
     $itemsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['itemsPerPage']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['itemsPerPage']) ? $_REQUEST['itemsPerPage'] : 50;
     if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) {
         $currentPage = $_GET['page'];
         // 1st record is easy, work out the start of this page
         $startRecord = ($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage + 1;
     $startDateSqlFormatted = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($selectedDateStart));
     $endDateSqlFormatted = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($selectedDateEnd));
     //Create the base query
     $baseQuery = "SELECT econtent_record.id, " . "econtent_record.title, " . "econtent_record.source, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT userId) as numUsers, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT IF (action = 'Checked Out', userid, NULL)) as checkedOut, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT IF (action = 'Checked In', userid, NULL)) as checkedIn, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT IF (action = 'Read Online', userid, NULL)) as readOnline, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT IF (action = 'Place Hold', userid, NULL)) as placeHold, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT IF (action = 'Download', userid, NULL)) as download, " . "COUNT(DISTINCT IF (action = 'Read Online' OR action = 'Download', userid, NULL)) as numViews " . "FROM `econtent_history` " . "INNER join econtent_record on econtent_record.id = econtent_history.recordId ";
     $baseQuery .= "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(econtent_history.openDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $startDateSqlFormatted . "' AND '" . $endDateSqlFormatted . "' ";
     if (count($selectedSourceFilter) > 0) {
         $sourceEntries = "";
         foreach ($selectedSourceFilter as $curSource) {
             if (strlen($sourceEntries) > 0) {
                 $sourceEntries .= ', ';
             $sourceEntries .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($curSource) . "'";
         $baseQuery .= "AND econtent_record.source IN (" . $sourceEntries . ") ";
     if (count($selectedAccessTypeFilter) > 0) {
         $accessTypes = join("','", $selectedAccessTypeFilter);
         $accessTypes = "";
         foreach ($selectedAccessTypeFilter as $curAccessType) {
             if (strlen($accessTypes) > 0) {
                 $accessTypes .= ', ';
             $accessTypes .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($curAccessType) . "'";
         $baseQuery .= "AND econtent_record.accessType IN (" . $accessTypes . ") ";
     $baseQuery .= "GROUP BY econtent_record.id " . "ORDER BY title, econtent_record.id ASC ";
     $countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(id) as totalResults FROM (" . $baseQuery . ") baseQuery ";
     $usageQuery = "SELECT * FROM (" . $baseQuery . ") baseQuery ";
     //Add max / min filters as needed since they depend on the base query
     if ($minFilter != "" && $maxFilter != "") {
         $countQuery .= "WHERE numViews >= " . $minFilter . " AND numViews <= " . $maxFilter . " ";
         $usageQuery .= "WHERE numViews >= " . $minFilter . " AND numViews <= " . $maxFilter . " ";
     } elseif ($minFilter != "") {
         $countQuery .= "WHERE numViews >= " . $minFilter . " ";
         $usageQuery .= "WHERE numViews >= " . $minFilter . " ";
     } elseif ($maxFilter != "") {
         $countQuery .= "WHERE numViews <= " . $maxFilter . " ";
         $usageQuery .= "WHERE numViews <= " . $maxFilter . " ";
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $usageQuery .= "LIMIT " . ($startRecord - 1) . ", " . $itemsPerPage . " ";
     $usageSummary['data'] = array();
     while ($epubHistory->fetch()) {
         $resourceInfo = array();
         $resourceInfo['title'] = $epubHistory->title;
         $resourceInfo['source'] = $epubHistory->source;
         $resourceInfo['record_id'] = $epubHistory->recordId;
         $resourceInfo['checkedOut'] = $epubHistory->checkedOut;
         $resourceInfo['checkedIn'] = $epubHistory->checkedIn;
         $resourceInfo['readOnline'] = $epubHistory->readOnline;
         $resourceInfo['placeHold'] = $epubHistory->placeHold;
         $resourceInfo['download'] = $epubHistory->download;
         $resourceInfo['numViews'] = $epubHistory->numViews;
         $resourceInfo['numUsers'] = $epubHistory->numUsers;
         $usageSummary['data'][] = $resourceInfo;
     //Load total number of results
     if ($epubHistory->fetch()) {
         $totalResultCount = $epubHistory->totalResults;
     } else {
         $totalResultCount = 0;
     //////////Paging Array
     $summary = array('page' => $currentPage, 'perPage' => $itemsPerPage, 'resultTotal' => $totalResultCount, 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $startRecord + count($usageSummary['data']) - 1);
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     // Process Paging using VuFind Pager object
     if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "page=")) {
         //replace the page variable with a new one
         $link = str_replace("page=" . $currentPage, "page=%d", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     } else {
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     return $usageSummary;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Results.php プロジェクト: bharatm/NDL-VuFind
  * Display search results
  * @param object $searchObject Search Object
  * @return void
 public function showResults($searchObject)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Set Proxy URL
     if (isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host'])) {
         $interface->assign('proxy', $configArray['EZproxy']['host']);
     // Handle hierarchical facets (request level 0 only for initial display)
     $facetConfig = getExtraConfigArray('facets');
     if (isset($facetConfig['SpecialFacets']['hierarchical'])) {
         foreach ($facetConfig['SpecialFacets']['hierarchical'] as $facet) {
             $searchObject->addFacetPrefix(array($facet => '0/'));
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     $accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : '';
     // Build JSON for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'json' || stristr($accept, 'application/json')) {
         // Allow cross-origin requests
         header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
         // Throw the JSON to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildJSON();
         // And we're done
     // Build XML for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'xml' || stristr($accept, 'text/xml')) {
         // Allow cross-origin requests
         header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildXML();
         // And we're done
     // Determine whether to display book previews
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['previews'])) {
     $interface->assign('showContext', isset($configArray['Content']['showHierarchyTree']) ? $configArray['Content']['showHierarchyTree'] : false);
     // TODO : Stats, move inside the search object
     // Setup Statistics Index Connection
     if ($configArray['Statistics']['enabled']) {
         $this->_solrStats = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex('SolrStats');
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $displayQuery = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->setPageTitle(translate('Search Results') . (empty($displayQuery) ? '' : ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($displayQuery)));
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('isEmptySearch', $searchObject->isEmptySearch());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('viewList', $searchObject->getViewList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('limitList', $searchObject->getLimitList());
     $interface->assign('searchWithoutFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrlWithoutFilters());
     $interface->assign('searchWithFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrl());
     if ($spatialDateRangeType = $searchObject->getSpatialDateRangeFilterType()) {
         $interface->assign('spatialDateRangeType', $spatialDateRangeType);
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     $interface->assign('orFilters', $searchObject->getOrFilters());
     // Whether RSI is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) {
         $interface->assign('rsi', true);
     // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
         $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
     // If no record found
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         // Don't let bots crawl "no results" pages
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         $interface->assign('removeAllFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrlWithoutFilters(array('prefiltered')));
         // Set up special "no results" recommendations:
         $interface->assign('noResultsRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('noresults'));
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // Solr 4 returns error as an array
             if (is_array($error)) {
                 $error = $error['msg'];
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || stristr($error, 'org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
             } else {
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />Solr Returned: ' . $error));
         // TODO : Stats, move inside the search object
         // Save no records found stat
         if ($this->_solrStats) {
             $this->_solrStats->saveNoHits($_GET['lookfor'], $_GET['type']);
     } else {
         // TODO : Stats, move inside the search object
         // Save search stat
         if ($this->_solrStats) {
             $this->_solrStats->saveSearch($_GET['lookfor'], $_GET['type']);
         // If the "jumpto" parameter is set, jump to the specified result index:
         // Assign interface variables
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         // Big one - our results
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML());
         // Setup Display
         //Get view & load template
         $currentView = $searchObject->getView();
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Search/list-' . $currentView . '.tpl');
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search
     //    history so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     // Save the display query too, so we can use it e.g. in the breadcrumbs
     $_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery'] = $displayQuery;
     // Also save the search ID and type so user can edit the advanced search
     $_SESSION['lastSearchID'] = $searchObject->getSearchID();
     $_SESSION['searchType'] = $searchObject->getSearchType();
     // initialize the search result scroller for this search
     $scroller = new ResultScroller();
     $scroller->init($searchObject, $result);
     // Done, display the page
コード例 #23
ファイル: Results.php プロジェクト: bryandease/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $timer;
     global $user;
     global $analytics;
     //Check to see if a user is logged in with admin permissions
     if ($user && $user->hasRole('genealogyContributor')) {
         $interface->assign('userIsAdmin', true);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('userIsAdmin', false);
     $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local';
     //Check to see if the year has been set and if so, convert to a filter and resend.
     $dateFilters = array('birthYear', 'deathYear');
     foreach ($dateFilters as $dateFilter) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) || isset($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto'])) {
             $queryParams = $_GET;
             $yearFrom = preg_match('/\\d{2,4}/', $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) ? $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom'] : '*';
             $yearTo = preg_match('/\\d{2,4}/', $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto']) ? $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto'] : '*';
             if (strlen($yearFrom) == 2) {
                 $yearFrom = '19' . $yearFrom;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($yearFrom) == 3) {
                     $yearFrom = '0' . $yearFrom;
             if (strlen($yearTo) == 2) {
                 $yearTo = '19' . $yearTo;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($yearFrom) == 3) {
                     $yearTo = '0' . $yearTo;
             if ($yearTo != '*' && $yearFrom != '*' && $yearTo < $yearFrom) {
                 $tmpYear = $yearTo;
                 $yearTo = $yearFrom;
                 $yearFrom = $tmpYear;
             unset($queryParams[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']);
             unset($queryParams[$dateFilter . 'yearto']);
             $queryParamStrings = array();
             foreach ($queryParams as $paramName => $queryValue) {
                 if (is_array($queryValue)) {
                     foreach ($queryValue as $arrayValue) {
                         if (strlen($arrayValue) > 0) {
                             $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '[]=' . $arrayValue;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($queryValue)) {
                         $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '=' . $queryValue;
             if ($yearFrom != '*' || $yearTo != '*') {
                 $queryParamStrings[] = "&filter[]={$dateFilter}:[{$yearFrom}+TO+{$yearTo}]";
             $queryParamString = join('&', $queryParamStrings);
             header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/Genealogy/Results?{$queryParamString}");
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/' . $configArray['Genealogy']['engine'] . '.php';
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject($configArray['Genealogy']['searchObject']);
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     } else {
         if ($searchObject->getView() == 'excel') {
             // Throw the Excel spreadsheet to screen for download
             echo $searchObject->buildExcel();
             // And we're done
     // TODO : Investigate this... do we still need
     // If user wants to print record show directly print-dialog box
     if (isset($_GET['print'])) {
         $interface->assign('print', true);
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $interface->setPageTitle('Search Results');
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('excelLink', $searchObject->getExcelUrl());
     $timer->logTime('Setup Search');
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $timer->logTime('Process Search');
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $searchObject->displayQuery());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search history
     //    so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $interface->assign('page', $currentPage);
     $allSearchSources = SearchSources::getSearchSources();
     $translatedScope = $allSearchSources[$searchSource]['name'];
     $analytics->addSearch($translatedScope, $searchObject->displayQuery(), $searchObject->isAdvanced(), $searchObject->getFullSearchType(), $searchObject->hasAppliedFacets(), $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         // No record found
         $interface->assign('sitepath', $configArray['Site']['path']);
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Genealogy/list-none.tpl');
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
             } else {
                 PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />' . 'Solr Returned: ' . $error));
         $timer->logTime('no hits processing');
     } else {
         $timer->logTime('save search');
         // Assign interface variables
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $facetSet = $searchObject->getFacetList();
         $interface->assign('facetSet', $facetSet);
         //Check to see if a format category is already set
         $categorySelected = false;
         if (isset($facetSet['top'])) {
             foreach ($facetSet['top'] as $title => $cluster) {
                 if ($cluster['label'] == 'Category') {
                     foreach ($cluster['list'] as $thisFacet) {
                         if ($thisFacet['isApplied']) {
                             $categorySelected = true;
         $interface->assign('categorySelected', $categorySelected);
         $timer->logTime('load selected category');
         // Big one - our results
         $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML();
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $recordSet);
         $timer->logTime('load result records');
         // Setup Display
         $interface->assign('sitepath', $configArray['Site']['path']);
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Genealogy/list-list.tpl');
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
         $timer->logTime('finish hits processing');
     /*if ($configArray['Statistics']['enabled'] && isset( $_GET['lookfor'])) {
     	 require_once(ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/SearchStat.php');
     	 $searchStat = new SearchStat();
     	 $searchStat->saveSearch( $_GET['lookfor'], $_GET['type'], $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     // Save the ID of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     // Done, display the page
コード例 #24
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     $interface->setPageTitle('eContent Collection Report');
     $endDate = isset($_REQUEST['endDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['endDate']) > 0 ? DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['endDate']) : new DateTime();
     $interface->assign('endDate', $endDate->format('m/d/Y'));
     if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['startDate']) > 0) {
         $startDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['startDate']);
     } else {
         $startDate = new DateTime($endDate->format('m/d/Y') . " - 1 years");
     $interface->assign('startDate', $startDate->format('m/d/Y'));
     //Load source filter
     $sourceFilter = array();
     $sources = $this->loadEContentSources();
     $interface->assign('sourceFilter', $sources);
     $selectedSource = isset($_REQUEST['source']) ? $_REQUEST['source'] : $sources[0];
     $interface->assign('source', $selectedSource);
     $interface->assign('showNumItems', strcasecmp($selectedSource, 'OverDrive') != 0);
     //Set the end date to the end of the day
     $endDate->setTime(24, 0, 0);
     $startDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     //Setup paging for use in the query
     $currentPage = 1;
     $startRecord = 1;
     $itemsPerPage = isset($_REQUEST['itemsPerPage']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['itemsPerPage']) ? $_REQUEST['itemsPerPage'] : 50;
     if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) {
         $currentPage = $_GET['page'];
         // 1st record is easy, work out the start of this page
         $startRecord = ($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage + 1;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $itemsPerPage = -1;
     $collectionDetails = $this->loadCollectionDetails($selectedSource, $startDate, $endDate, $itemsPerPage, $startRecord);
     $interface->assign('collectionDetails', $collectionDetails['records']);
     //////////Paging Array
     $summary = array('page' => $currentPage, 'perPage' => $itemsPerPage, 'resultTotal' => $collectionDetails['resultTotal'], 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $startRecord + count($collectionDetails['records']) - 1);
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $collectionDetails['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     // Process Paging using VuFind Pager object
     if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "page=")) {
         //replace the page variable with a new one
         $link = str_replace("page=" . $currentPage, "page=%d", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     } else {
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     //Export to Excel
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $this->exportToExcel($selectedSource, $collectionDetails['records']);
     } else {
     $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl');
コード例 #25
ファイル: Home.php プロジェクト: bryandease/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $library;
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     $interface->caching = false;
     if (!isset($_GET['author'])) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unknown Author'));
     } else {
         $interface->assign('author', $_GET['author']);
     // What language should we use?
     $this->lang = $configArray['Site']['language'];
     // Retrieve User Search History -- note that we only want to offer a
     // "back to search" link if the saved URL is not for the current action;
     // when users first reach this page from search results, the "last URL"
     // will be their original search, which we want to link to.  However,
     // since this module will later set the "last URL" value in order to
     // allow the user to return from a record view to this page, after they
     // return here, we will no longer have access to the last non-author
     // search, and it is better to display nothing than to provide an infinite
     // loop of links.  Perhaps this can be solved more elegantly with a stack
     // or with multiple session variables, but for now this seems okay.
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) && !strstr($_SESSION['lastSearchURL'], 'Author/Home') ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $_GET['author']);
     $interface->assign('basicSearchIndex', 'Author');
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', 'Author');
     if (!$interface->is_cached('layout.tpl|Author' . $_GET['author'])) {
         // Clean up author string
         $author = $_GET['author'];
         if (substr($author, strlen($author) - 1, 1) == ",") {
             $author = substr($author, 0, strlen($author) - 1);
         $author = explode(',', $author);
         $interface->assign('author', $author);
         // Create First Name
         $fname = '';
         if (isset($author[1])) {
             $fname = $author[1];
             if (isset($author[2])) {
                 // Remove punctuation
                 if (strlen($author[2]) > 2 && substr($author[2], -1) == '.') {
                     $author[2] = substr($author[2], 0, -1);
                 $fname = $author[2] . ' ' . $fname;
         // Remove dates
         $fname = preg_replace('/[0-9]+-[0-9]*/', '', $fname);
         // Build Author name to display.
         if (substr($fname, -3, 1) == ' ') {
             // Keep period after initial
             $authorName = $fname . ' ';
         } else {
             // No initial so strip any punctuation from the end
             if (substr(trim($fname), -1) == ',' || substr(trim($fname), -1) == '.') {
                 $authorName = substr(trim($fname), 0, -1) . ' ';
             } else {
                 $authorName = $fname . ' ';
         $authorName .= $author[0];
         $interface->assign('authorName', trim($authorName));
         // Pull External Author Content
         if ($searchObject->getPage() == 1) {
             // Only load Wikipedia info if turned on in config file:
             if (isset($configArray['Content']['authors']) && stristr($configArray['Content']['authors'], 'wikipedia') && (!$library || $library->showWikipediaContent == 1)) {
                 // Only use first two characters of language string; Wikipedia
                 // uses language domains but doesn't break them up into regional
                 // variations like pt-br or en-gb.
                 $wiki_lang = substr($configArray['Site']['language'], 0, 2);
                 $authorInfo = $this->getWikipedia($authorName, $wiki_lang);
                 $interface->assign('wiki_lang', $wiki_lang);
                 if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($authorInfo)) {
                     $interface->assign('info', $authorInfo);
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $interface->setPageTitle('Author Search Results');
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('limitList', $searchObject->getLimitList());
     $interface->assign('viewList', $searchObject->getViewList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('filterList', $searchObject->getFilterList());
     // Process Search
     /** @var PEAR_Error|null $result */
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(false, true);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     // Assign interface variables
     $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     //Enable and disable functionality based on library settings
     global $library;
     global $locationSingleton;
     $location = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation();
     if (isset($library) && $location != null) {
         $interface->assign('showFavorites', $library->showFavorites);
         $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $location->showHoldButton == 1 && $library->showHoldButton == 1 ? 1 : 0);
     } else {
         if ($location != null) {
             $interface->assign('showFavorites', 1);
             $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $location->showHoldButton);
         } else {
             if (isset($library)) {
                 $interface->assign('showFavorites', $library->showFavorites);
                 $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $library->showHoldButton);
             } else {
                 $interface->assign('showFavorites', 1);
                 $interface->assign('showHoldButton', 1);
     // Big one - our results
     $authorTitles = $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML();
     $interface->assign('recordSet', $authorTitles);
     //Load similar author information.
     $authorIsbn = null;
     foreach ($authorTitles as $title) {
         if (isset($title['isbn'])) {
             if (is_array($title['isbn'])) {
                 $authorIsbn = $title['isbn'][0];
             } else {
                 $authorIsbn = $title['isbn'];
     if (!is_null($authorIsbn)) {
         //Make sure to trim off any format information from the ISBN
         $isbnParts = explode(' ', $authorIsbn);
         $authorIsbn = $isbnParts[0];
         $novelist = NovelistFactory::getNovelist();
         $enrichment['novelist'] = $novelist->loadEnrichment($authorIsbn, false, false, true);
         if ($enrichment) {
             $interface->assign('enrichment', $enrichment);
     // Setup Display
     $interface->assign('sitepath', $configArray['Site']['path']);
     // Process Paging
     $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     // Save the ID of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     //Get view & load template
     $currentView = $searchObject->getView();
     $interface->assign('subpage', 'Search/list-' . $currentView . '.tpl');
     $interface->display('layout.tpl', 'Author' . $_GET['author']);
コード例 #26
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     //////////Populate the Date Filter Start
     $today = getdate();
     //Grab the Selected Date Start
     if (isset($_REQUEST['dateFilterStart'])) {
         if (preg_match('/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}/', $_REQUEST['dateFilterStart'])) {
             $selectedDateStart = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['dateFilterStart']);
             $selectedDateStart = $selectedDateStart->getTimestamp();
         } else {
             $selectedDateStart = strtotime($_REQUEST['dateFilterStart']);
     } else {
         $selectedDateStart = strtotime('-30 days');
     $selectedDateStart = date('Y-m-d', $selectedDateStart);
     $interface->assign('selectedDateStart', $selectedDateStart);
     //Populate the Date Filter End
     //Grab the Selected End Date
     if (isset($_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd'])) {
         if (preg_match('/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}/', $_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd'])) {
             $selectedDateEnd = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd']);
             $selectedDateEnd = $selectedDateEnd->getTimestamp();
         } else {
             $selectedDateEnd = strtotime($_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd']);
     } else {
         $selectedDateEnd = strtotime('today');
     $selectedDateEnd = date('Y-m-d', $selectedDateEnd);
     $interface->assign('selectedDateEnd', $selectedDateEnd);
     //////////Populate the Stores Filter
     $queryStoresFilter = "SELECT DISTINCT store AS Store FROM purchase_link_tracking ORDER BY Store ASC";
     $resStoresFilter = mysql_query($queryStoresFilter);
     $allStores = array();
     $i = 0;
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($resStoresFilter)) {
         $allStores[] = $r['Store'];
     $interface->assign('resultsStoresFilter', $allStores);
     //////////Grab the Selected Stores Filter Value
     $selectedStoresFilter = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['storesFilter'])) {
         $selectedStoresFilter = $_REQUEST['storesFilter'];
     } else {
         //Pre-Populate the Stores Filter MultiSelect list
         $queryStoresPreSelect = "SELECT DISTINCT store AS Store FROM purchase_link_tracking\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY Store ASC";
         $resStoresPreSelect = mysql_query($queryStoresPreSelect);
         $i = 0;
         while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($resStoresPreSelect)) {
             $selectedStoresFilter[$i++] = $r['Store'];
     $interface->assign('selectedStoresFilter', $selectedStoresFilter);
     $baseQueryPurchases = "SELECT COUNT(purchaseLinkId) AS Purchases, store AS Store " . "FROM purchase_link_tracking " . "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $selectedDateStart . "' AND '" . $selectedDateEnd . "' ";
     if (count($selectedStoresFilter) > 0) {
         $stores = join("','", $selectedStoresFilter);
         $baseQueryPurchases .= "AND store IN ('" . $stores . "') ";
     $baseQueryPurchases .= "GROUP BY store ";
     //////////Get a count of the page view data
     $queryPurchasesCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCount from ( " . $baseQueryPurchases . ") As ResultCount";
     $resPurchasesCount = mysql_query($queryPurchasesCount);
     $rowCount = mysql_fetch_object($resPurchasesCount);
     $totalResultCount = $rowCount->RowCount;
     //////////Create the items per page array
     $itemsPerPageList = array();
     $itemsPerPageList = $this->getItemsPerPageList();
     $currentPage = 1;
     $resultTotal = $totalResultCount;
     $startRecord = 1;
     if (isset($_GET['itemsPerPage'])) {
         switch ($_GET['itemsPerPage']) {
             case "20":
                 $itemsPerPage = 20;
                 $itemsPerPageList["20"]["selected"] = true;
             case "100":
                 $itemsPerPage = 100;
                 $itemsPerPageList["100"]["selected"] = true;
                 $itemsPerPage = 50;
                 $itemsPerPageList["50"]["selected"] = true;
     } else {
         $itemsPerPage = 50;
         $itemsPerPageList["50"]["selected"] = true;
     $endRecord = $itemsPerPage;
     $interface->assign('itemsPerPageList', $itemsPerPageList);
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $currentPage = $_GET['page'];
         // 1st record is easy, work out the start of this page
         $startRecord = ($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage + 1;
         // Last record needs more care
         if ($resultTotal < $itemsPerPage) {
             // There are less records returned then one page, use total results
             $endRecord = $resultTotal;
         } else {
             if ($currentPage * $itemsPerPage > $resultTotal) {
                 // The end of the curent page runs past the last record, use total results
                 $endRecord = $resultTotal;
             } else {
                 // Otherwise use the last record on this page
                 $endRecord = $currentPage * $itemsPerPage;
     //////////Get the Page View Data with paging and sorting
     if (isset($_GET['reportSort'])) {
         $sortValue = $_GET['reportSort'];
     //////////Create a sort array
     $sortList = $this->getSortList();
     if (isset($sortValue)) {
         switch ($sortValue) {
             case "PurchasesDESC":
                 $baseQueryPurchases .= "ORDER BY purchases DESC ";
                 $sortList["PurchasesDESC"]["selected"] = true;
             case "PurchasesASC":
                 $baseQueryPurchases .= "ORDER BY purchases ASC ";
                 $sortList["PurchasesASC"]["selected"] = true;
             case "StoreASC":
                 $baseQueryPurchases .= "ORDER BY store ASC ";
                 $sortList["StoreASC"]["selected"] = true;
             case "StoreDESC":
                 $baseQueryPurchases .= "ORDER BY store DESC ";
                 $sortList["StoreDESC"]["selected"] = true;
                 $baseQueryPurchases .= "ORDER BY store ASC  ";
                 $sortList["StoreASC"]["selected"] = true;
     } else {
         $baseQueryPurchases .= "ORDER BY store ASC ";
     //append on a limit to return a result
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $baseQueryPurchases .= "LIMIT " . ($startRecord - 1) . ", " . $itemsPerPage . " ";
     $resPurchases = mysql_query($baseQueryPurchases);
     //Build an array based on the data to dump out to the grid
     $resultsPurchases = array();
     $i = 0;
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($resPurchases)) {
         $tmp = array('Purchases' => $r['Purchases'], 'Store' => $r['Store']);
         $resultsPurchases[$i++] = $tmp;
     $interface->assign('resultsPurchases', $resultsPurchases);
     //////////Paging Array
     $summary = array('page' => $currentPage, 'perPage' => $itemsPerPage, 'resultTotal' => $totalResultCount, 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $endRecord);
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     // Process Paging using VuFind Pager object
     if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "page=")) {
         //replace the page variable with a new one
         $link = str_replace("page=" . $currentPage, "page=%d", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     } else {
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     ///////////////////END PAGING
     $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     if (isset($sortValue)) {
         //Set the URL for sorting
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "reportSort=")) {
             //replace the page variable with a new one
             $sortUrl = str_replace("sort=" . $currentPage, "reportSort=" . $sortValue, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
         } else {
             if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
                 $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&reportSort=" . $sortValue;
             } else {
                 $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?reportSort=" . $sortValue;
     $interface->assign('sortUrl', $sortUrl);
     $interface->assign('sortList', $sortList);
     //Create the chart and load data into the results.
     $queryDailyPurchases = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d') as date, COUNT(recordId) AS Purchases, store AS Store FROM purchase_link_tracking  " . "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $selectedDateStart . "' AND '" . $selectedDateEnd . "' ";
     if (count($selectedStoresFilter) > 0) {
         $stores = join("','", $selectedStoresFilter);
         $queryDailyPurchases .= "AND store IN ('" . $stores . "') ";
     $queryDailyPurchases .= "GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d'), store ORDER BY trackingDate ASC";
     $dailyPurchases = mysql_query($queryDailyPurchases);
     //Initialize data by loading all of the dates that we are looking at so we can show the correct counts or each series on the right day.
     $check_date = $selectedDateStart;
     $datesInReport = array();
     $purchasesByStoreByDay = array();
     foreach ($allStores as $storeName) {
         $purchasesByStoreByDay[$storeName] = array();
     $numDatesChecked = 0;
     //Prevent infinite loops
     while ($check_date != $selectedDateEnd && $numDatesChecked < 3000) {
         $check_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($check_date)));
         $datesInReport[] = $check_date;
         //Default number of purchases for the day to 0
         foreach ($allStores as $storeName) {
             $purchasesByStoreByDay[$storeName][$check_date] = 0;
     //Chart section
     $reportData = new pData();
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($dailyPurchases)) {
         $store = $r['Store'];
         $purchasesByStoreByDay[$store][$r['date']] = $r['Purchases'];
     foreach ($purchasesByStoreByDay as $storeName => $dailyResults) {
         $reportData->addPoints($dailyResults, $storeName);
     $reportData->setAxisName(0, "Purchases");
     $reportData->addPoints($datesInReport, "Dates");
     /* Create the pChart object */
     $myPicture = new pImage(700, 290, $reportData);
     /* Draw the background */
     $Settings = array("R" => 225, "G" => 225, "B" => 225);
     $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, 700, 290, $Settings);
     /* Add a border to the picture */
     $myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, 699, 289, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0));
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "sys/pChart/Fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
     $myPicture->setGraphArea(50, 30, 670, 190);
     $myPicture->drawScale(array("DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "LabelRotation" => 90));
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "sys/pChart/Fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
     $myPicture->drawLineChart(array("DisplayValues" => TRUE, "DisplayColor" => DISPLAY_AUTO));
     /* Write the chart legend */
     $myPicture->drawLegend(80, 20, array("Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Mode" => LEGEND_HORIZONTAL));
     /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
     $time = time();
     $chartHref = "/images/charts/dailyPurchases{$time}.png";
     $chartPath = $configArray['Site']['local'] . $chartHref;
     $interface->assign('chartPath', $chartHref);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         // Create new PHPExcel object
         $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
         // Set properties
         $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator("DCL")->setLastModifiedBy("DCL")->setTitle("Office 2007 XLSX Document")->setSubject("Office 2007 XLSX Document")->setDescription("Office 2007 XLSX, generated using PHP.")->setKeywords("office 2007 openxml php")->setCategory("Purchases Report");
         // Add some data
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A1', 'Purchases Report')->setCellValue('A3', 'STORE')->setCellValue('B3', 'PURCHASES');
         $a = 4;
         //Loop Through The Report Data
         foreach ($resultsPurchases as $resultsPurchases) {
             $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A' . $a, $resultsPurchases['Store'])->setCellValue('B' . $a, $resultsPurchases['Purchases']);
         // Rename sheet
         // Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet
         // Redirect output to a client's web browser (Excel5)
         header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="PurchaseLinkReport.xls"');
         header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
         $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
     $interface->setPageTitle('Report - Purchase Tracking');
コード例 #27
ファイル: Results.php プロジェクト: bryandease/VuFind-Plus
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $timer;
     global $analytics;
     /** @var string|LibrarySearchSource|LocationSearchSource $searchSource */
     $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local';
     if (preg_match('/library\\d+/', $searchSource)) {
         $trimmedId = str_replace('library', '', $searchSource);
         $searchSourceObj = new LibrarySearchSource();
         $searchSourceObj->id = $trimmedId;
         if ($searchSourceObj->find(true)) {
             $searchSource = $searchSourceObj;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['replacementTerm'])) {
         $replacementTerm = $_REQUEST['replacementTerm'];
         $interface->assign('replacementTerm', $replacementTerm);
         $oldTerm = $_REQUEST['lookfor'];
         $interface->assign('oldTerm', $oldTerm);
         $_REQUEST['lookfor'] = $replacementTerm;
         $_GET['lookfor'] = $replacementTerm;
         $oldSearchUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $oldSearchUrl = str_replace('replacementTerm=' . urlencode($replacementTerm), 'disallowReplacements', $oldSearchUrl);
         $interface->assign('oldSearchUrl', $oldSearchUrl);
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Solr.php';
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     //Check to see if the year has been set and if so, convert to a filter and resend.
     $dateFilters = array('publishDate');
     foreach ($dateFilters as $dateFilter) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) || isset($_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto'])) {
             $queryParams = $_GET;
             $yearFrom = preg_match('/^\\d{2,4}$/', $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']) ? $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom'] : '*';
             $yearTo = preg_match('/^\\d{2,4}$/', $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto']) ? $_REQUEST[$dateFilter . 'yearto'] : '*';
             if (strlen($yearFrom) == 2) {
                 $yearFrom = '19' . $yearFrom;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($yearFrom) == 3) {
                     $yearFrom = '0' . $yearFrom;
             if (strlen($yearTo) == 2) {
                 $yearTo = '19' . $yearTo;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($yearFrom) == 3) {
                     $yearTo = '0' . $yearTo;
             if ($yearTo != '*' && $yearFrom != '*' && $yearTo < $yearFrom) {
                 $tmpYear = $yearTo;
                 $yearTo = $yearFrom;
                 $yearFrom = $tmpYear;
             unset($queryParams[$dateFilter . 'yearfrom']);
             unset($queryParams[$dateFilter . 'yearto']);
             if (!isset($queryParams['sort'])) {
                 $queryParams['sort'] = 'year';
             $queryParamStrings = array();
             foreach ($queryParams as $paramName => $queryValue) {
                 if (is_array($queryValue)) {
                     foreach ($queryValue as $arrayValue) {
                         if (strlen($arrayValue) > 0) {
                             $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '[]=' . $arrayValue;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($queryValue)) {
                         $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '=' . $queryValue;
             if ($yearFrom != '*' || $yearTo != '*') {
                 $queryParamStrings[] = "&filter[]={$dateFilter}:[{$yearFrom}+TO+{$yearTo}]";
             $queryParamString = join('&', $queryParamStrings);
             header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/Search/Results?{$queryParamString}");
     $rangeFilters = array('lexile_score', 'accelerated_reader_reading_level', 'accelerated_reader_point_value');
     foreach ($rangeFilters as $filter) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) && strlen($_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) > 0 || isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) && strlen($_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) > 0) {
             $queryParams = $_GET;
             $from = isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) && preg_match('/^\\d*(\\.\\d*)?$/', $_REQUEST[$filter . 'from']) ? $_REQUEST[$filter . 'from'] : '*';
             $to = isset($_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) && preg_match('/^\\d*(\\.\\d*)?$/', $_REQUEST[$filter . 'to']) ? $_REQUEST[$filter . 'to'] : '*';
             if ($to != '*' && $from != '*' && $to < $from) {
                 $tmpFilter = $to;
                 $to = $from;
                 $from = $tmpFilter;
             unset($queryParams[$filter . 'from']);
             unset($queryParams[$filter . 'to']);
             $queryParamStrings = array();
             foreach ($queryParams as $paramName => $queryValue) {
                 if (is_array($queryValue)) {
                     foreach ($queryValue as $arrayValue) {
                         if (strlen($arrayValue) > 0) {
                             $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '[]=' . $arrayValue;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($queryValue)) {
                         $queryParamStrings[] = $paramName . '=' . $queryValue;
             if ($from != '*' || $to != '*') {
                 $queryParamStrings[] = "&filter[]={$filter}:[{$from}+TO+{$to}]";
             $queryParamString = join('&', $queryParamStrings);
             header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/Search/Results?{$queryParamString}");
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     /** @var SearchObject_Solr $searchObject */
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     $timer->logTime("Init Search Object");
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     } else {
         if ($searchObject->getView() == 'excel') {
             // Throw the Excel spreadsheet to screen for download
             echo $searchObject->buildExcel();
             // And we're done
     // TODO : Investigate this... do we still need
     // If user wants to print record show directly print-dialog box
     if (isset($_GET['print'])) {
         $interface->assign('print', true);
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $interface->setPageTitle('Search Results');
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('excelLink', $searchObject->getExcelUrl());
     $timer->logTime('Setup Search');
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $timer->logTime('Process Search');
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $searchObject->displayQuery());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search history
     //    so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
     $interface->assign('page', $currentPage);
     //Enable and disable functionality based on library settings
     //This must be done before we process each result
     global $library;
     /** @var Location $locationSingleton */
     global $locationSingleton;
     $location = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation();
     $showHoldButton = 1;
     $showHoldButtonInSearchResults = 1;
     $interface->assign('showNotInterested', false);
     if (isset($library) && $location != null) {
         $interface->assign('showFavorites', $library->showFavorites);
         $interface->assign('showComments', $library->showComments);
         $showHoldButton = $location->showHoldButton == 1 && $library->showHoldButton == 1 ? 1 : 0;
         $showHoldButtonInSearchResults = $location->showHoldButton == 1 && $library->showHoldButtonInSearchResults == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     } else {
         if ($location != null) {
             $interface->assign('showFavorites', 1);
             $showHoldButton = $location->showHoldButton;
         } else {
             if (isset($library)) {
                 $interface->assign('showFavorites', $library->showFavorites);
                 $showHoldButton = $library->showHoldButton;
                 $showHoldButtonInSearchResults = $library->showHoldButtonInSearchResults;
                 $interface->assign('showComments', $library->showComments);
             } else {
                 $interface->assign('showFavorites', 1);
                 $interface->assign('showComments', 1);
     if ($showHoldButton == 0) {
         $showHoldButtonInSearchResults = 0;
     $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $showHoldButtonInSearchResults);
     $interface->assign('page_body_style', 'sidebar_left');
     $interface->assign('overDriveVersion', isset($configArray['OverDrive']['interfaceVersion']) ? $configArray['OverDrive']['interfaceVersion'] : 1);
     //Check to see if we should show unscoped results
     $enableUnscopedSearch = false;
     $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary();
     if ($searchLibrary != null && $searchLibrary->showMarmotResultsAtEndOfSearch) {
         if (is_object($searchSource)) {
             $enableUnscopedSearch = $searchSource->catalogScoping != 'unscoped';
             $unscopedSearch = clone $searchObject;
         } else {
             $searchSources = new SearchSources();
             $searchOptions = $searchSources->getSearchSources();
             if (isset($searchOptions['marmot'])) {
                 $unscopedSearch = clone $searchObject;
                 $enableUnscopedSearch = true;
     $enableProspectorIntegration = isset($configArray['Content']['Prospector']) ? $configArray['Content']['Prospector'] : false;
     $showRatings = 1;
     $showProspectorResultsAtEndOfSearch = true;
     if (isset($library)) {
         $enableProspectorIntegration = $library->enablePospectorIntegration == 1;
         $showRatings = $library->showRatings;
         $showProspectorResultsAtEndOfSearch = $library->showProspectorResultsAtEndOfSearch == 1;
     $interface->assign('showRatings', $showRatings);
     $numProspectorTitlesToLoad = 0;
     $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad = 0;
     // Save the ID of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     if (is_object($searchSource)) {
         $translatedSearch = $searchSource->label;
     } else {
         $allSearchSources = SearchSources::getSearchSources();
         if (!isset($allSearchSources[$searchSource]) && $searchSource == 'marmot') {
             $searchSource = 'local';
         $translatedSearch = $allSearchSources[$searchSource]['name'];
     $analytics->addSearch($translatedSearch, $searchObject->displayQuery(), $searchObject->isAdvanced(), $searchObject->getFullSearchType(), $searchObject->hasAppliedFacets(), $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         //We didn't find anything.  Look for search Suggestions
         //Don't try to find suggestions if facets were applied
         $autoSwitchSearch = false;
         $disallowReplacements = isset($_REQUEST['disallowReplacements']) || isset($_REQUEST['replacementTerm']);
         if (!$disallowReplacements && (!isset($facetSet) || count($facetSet) == 0)) {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/Search/lib/SearchSuggestions.php';
             $searchSuggestions = new SearchSuggestions();
             $commonSearches = $searchSuggestions->getCommonSearchesMySql($searchObject->displayQuery(), $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
             //If the first search in the list is used 10 times more than the next, just show results for that
             $numSuggestions = count($commonSearches);
             if ($numSuggestions == 1) {
                 $autoSwitchSearch = true;
             } elseif ($numSuggestions >= 2) {
                 $firstTimesSearched = $commonSearches[0]['numSearches'];
                 $secondTimesSearched = $commonSearches[1]['numSearches'];
                 if ($firstTimesSearched / $secondTimesSearched > 10) {
                     $autoSwitchSearch = true;
             $interface->assign('autoSwitchSearch', $autoSwitchSearch);
             if ($autoSwitchSearch) {
                 //Get search results for the new search
                 $interface->assign('oldTerm', $searchObject->displayQuery());
                 $interface->assign('newTerm', $commonSearches[0]['phrase']);
                 $thisUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                 $thisUrl = $thisUrl . "&replacementTerm=" . urlencode($commonSearches[0]['phrase']);
                 header("Location: " . $thisUrl);
             $interface->assign('searchSuggestions', $commonSearches);
         //Var for the IDCLREADER TEMPLATE
         $interface->assign('ButtonBack', true);
         $interface->assign('ButtonHome', true);
         $interface->assign('MobileTitle', 'No Results Found');
         // No record found
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
             } else {
                 PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />' . 'Solr Returned: ' . $error));
         $numProspectorTitlesToLoad = 10;
         $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad = 10;
         $timer->logTime('no hits processing');
     } else {
         if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() == 1 && (strpos($searchObject->displayQuery(), 'id') === 0 || $searchObject->getSearchType() == 'id')) {
             //Redirect to the home page for the record
             $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordSet();
             $record = reset($recordSet);
             $_SESSION['searchId'] = $searchObject->getSearchId();
             if ($record['recordtype'] == 'list') {
                 $listId = substr($record['id'], 4);
                 header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/MyResearch/MyList/{$listId}");
             } elseif ($record['recordtype'] == 'econtentRecord') {
                 $shortId = str_replace('econtentRecord', '', $record['id']);
                 header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/EcontentRecord/{$shortId}/Home");
             } else {
                 header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/Record/{$record['id']}/Home");
         } else {
             $timer->logTime('save search');
             // Assign interface variables
             $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
             $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
             $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
             $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
             $facetSet = $searchObject->getFacetList();
             $interface->assign('facetSet', $facetSet);
             //Check to see if a format category is already set
             $categorySelected = false;
             if (isset($facetSet['top'])) {
                 foreach ($facetSet['top'] as $cluster) {
                     if ($cluster['label'] == 'Category') {
                         foreach ($cluster['list'] as $thisFacet) {
                             if ($thisFacet['isApplied']) {
                                 $categorySelected = true;
             $interface->assign('categorySelected', $categorySelected);
             $timer->logTime('load selected category');
             // Big one - our results
             $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML();
             $interface->assign('recordSet', $recordSet);
             $timer->logTime('load result records');
             // Setup Display
             $interface->assign('sitepath', $configArray['Site']['path']);
             $interface->assign('subpage', 'Search/list-list.tpl');
             //Var for the IDCLREADER TEMPLATE
             $interface->assign('ButtonBack', true);
             $interface->assign('ButtonHome', true);
             $interface->assign('MobileTitle', 'Search Results');
             // Process Paging
             $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
             $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
             $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
             $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
             if ($pager->isLastPage()) {
                 $numProspectorTitlesToLoad = 5;
                 $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad = 5;
             $timer->logTime('finish hits processing');
     if ($numProspectorTitlesToLoad > 0 && $enableProspectorIntegration && $showProspectorResultsAtEndOfSearch) {
         $interface->assign('prospectorNumTitlesToLoad', $numProspectorTitlesToLoad);
         $interface->assign('prospectorSavedSearchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     } else {
         $interface->assign('prospectorNumTitlesToLoad', 0);
     if ($enableUnscopedSearch && isset($unscopedSearch)) {
         $unscopedSearch->setLimit($numUnscopedTitlesToLoad * 4);
         $unscopedSearch->processSearch(false, false);
         $numUnscopedResults = $unscopedSearch->getResultTotal();
         $interface->assign('numUnscopedResults', $numUnscopedResults);
         $unscopedSearchUrl = $unscopedSearch->renderSearchUrl();
         if (preg_match('/searchSource=(.*?)(?:&|$)/', $unscopedSearchUrl)) {
             $unscopedSearchUrl = preg_replace('/(.*searchSource=)(.*?)(&|$)(.*)/', '$1marmot$3$4', $unscopedSearchUrl);
             $unscopedSearchUrl = preg_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $unscopedSearchUrl);
         } else {
             $unscopedSearchUrl .= "&amp;searchSource=marmot";
         $unscopedSearchUrl .= "&amp;shard=";
         $interface->assign('unscopedSearchUrl', $unscopedSearchUrl);
         if ($numUnscopedTitlesToLoad > 0) {
             $unscopedResults = $unscopedSearch->getSupplementalResultRecordHTML($searchObject->getResultRecordSet(), $numUnscopedTitlesToLoad, $searchObject->getResultTotal());
             $interface->assign('unscopedResults', $unscopedResults);
     //Determine whether or not materials request functionality should be enabled
     $interface->assign('enableMaterialsRequest', MaterialsRequest::enableMaterialsRequest());
     if ($configArray['Statistics']['enabled'] && isset($_GET['lookfor'])) {
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/SearchStat.php';
         $searchStat = new SearchStat();
         $searchStat->saveSearch(strip_tags($_GET['lookfor']), strip_tags(isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : (isset($_GET['basicType']) ? $_GET['basicType'] : 'Keyword')), $searchObject->getResultTotal());
     // Done, display the page
コード例 #28
  * Assign all necessary values to the interface.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function assign()
     global $interface;
     $currentSort = isset($_REQUEST['sort']) ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : 'saved';
     if (!isset($this->sortOptions[$currentSort])) {
         $currentSort = 'saved';
     $interface->assign('listEditAllowed', $this->_allowEdit);
     // Get html for the records
     $resourceList = array();
     $searchObjects = array();
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     foreach ($this->_favorites as $favorite) {
         $source = $favorite->source;
         $data = $favorite->data;
         if (!empty($data)) {
             $data = unserialize($data);
         $sortKey = $favorite->saved;
         if ($this->_publicList) {
             $interface->assign('listNotes', $favorite->notes);
         if ($source == 'VuFind') {
             if (empty($data)) {
                 // Fetch data from index for backwards compatibility and store it in the resource
                 $data = $searchObject->getIndexEngine()->getRecord($favorite->record_id);
                 if ($data) {
                     $resource = new Resource();
                     $resource->id = $favorite->id;
                     $resource->source = $favorite->source;
                     if ($resource->find(true)) {
                         $resource->data = serialize($data);
             $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($data);
             $tpl = $this->_publicList ? $record->getSearchResult($this->_viewType) : $record->getListEntry($this->_user, $this->_listId, $this->_allowEdit);
             $html = $interface->fetch($tpl);
             switch ($currentSort) {
                 case 'title':
                     $sortKey = isset($data['title_sort']) ? $data['title_sort'] : '';
                 case 'author':
                     $sortKey = isset($data['author']) ? $data['author'] : '';
                 case 'date':
                     $sortKey = isset($data['main_date_str']) ? $data['main_date_str'] : isset($data['publishDate'][0]) ? $data['publishDate'][0] : '';
                 case 'format':
                     $sortKey = isset($data['format'][0]) ? translate($data['format'][0]) : '';
         } else {
             if (!isset($searchObjects[$source])) {
                 $searchObjects[$source] = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject($source);
                 if ($searchObjects[$source] === false) {
                     error_log("Could not create search object for source '{$source}'");
             $html = $this->_publicList ? $searchObjects[$source]->getPublicListHTML($data, $this->_viewType) : $searchObjects[$source]->getResultHTML($data, $this->_user, $this->_listId, $this->_allowEdit);
             if ($source == 'MetaLib') {
                 switch ($currentSort) {
                     case 'title':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['Title'][0]) ? $data['Title'][0] : ' ';
                     case 'author':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['Author'][0]) ? $data['Author'][0] : ' ';
                     case 'date':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['main_date_str']) ? $data['main_date_str'] : isset($data['publicationDate'][0]) ? $data['publicationDate'][0] : ' ';
                     case 'format':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['format'][0]) ? translate($data['format'][0]) : ' ';
             } else {
                 switch ($currentSort) {
                     case 'title':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : ' ';
                     case 'author':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['author'][0]) ? $data['author'][0] : ' ';
                     case 'date':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['main_date_str']) ? $data['main_date_str'] : isset($data['publicationDate']) ? $data['publicationDate'] : ' ';
                     case 'format':
                         $sortKey = isset($data['format']) ? translate($data['format']) : ' ';
         $sortKey = mb_strtolower($sortKey, 'UTF-8');
         $sortKey .= '_' . $favorite->record_id;
         $resourceList[$sortKey] = $html;
     // Setup paging variables
     if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
         $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
         $page = intval($page);
         if ($page < 1) {
             $page = 1;
     } else {
         $page = 1;
     $perPage = $searchObject->getLimit();
     $recordCount = count($this->_favorites);
     $startRecord = ($page - 1) * $perPage;
     // Sort and slice the array
     $resourceList = array_slice($resourceList, $startRecord, $perPage, true);
     $html = array();
     $interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);
     // Set up paging of list contents:
     $endRecord = $startRecord + $perPage;
     if ($endRecord > $recordCount) {
         $endRecord = $recordCount;
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $recordCount);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $startRecord + 1);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $endRecord);
     $options = array('totalItems' => $recordCount, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'fileName' => $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate());
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     // Sorting options
     $sortList = array();
     foreach ($this->sortOptions as $sort => $desc) {
         $sortList[$sort] = array('sortUrl' => $searchObject->renderLinkWithSort($sort), 'desc' => $desc, 'selected' => $sort == $currentSort);
     $interface->assign('sortList', $sortList);
     $interface->assign('limitList', $searchObject->getLimitList());