public function update() { $info = array('url' => trim($this->input['url']), 'source' => $this->input['source'], 'sid' => intval($this->input['sid']), 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'create_time' => TIME_NOW); if (empty($info['url']) || empty($this->input['id'])) { return false; } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/videoUrlParser.class.php'; $obj = new VideoUrlParser(); $tmp = $obj->parse($info['url']); if (empty($tmp)) { return false; } $info['title'] = $tmp['title']; $info['img'] = $tmp['img']; $info['url'] = $tmp['url']; $info['swf'] = $tmp['swf']; $info['object'] = addslashes($tmp['object']); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "video SET "; $space = ""; foreach ($info as $k => $v) { $sql .= $space . $k . "='" . $v . "'"; $space = ','; } $sql .= " WHERE id=" . intval($this->input['id']); $this->db->query($sql); return array('img' => $info['img'], 'title' => $info['title'], 'url' => $info['url'], 'id' => $info['id']); }
public function video_parseurl() { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/videoUrlParser.class.php'; $video = new VideoUrlParser(); $url = urldecode($this->input['url']); $result = $video->parse($url); $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); }
public function crawler() { $url = $this->_get("video_url"); // $url=''; $html = file_get_html($url); if ($html == false) { echo json_encode(array('statue' => 'false')); return; } $info = VideoUrlParser::parse($url); $title_element = $html->find('#subtitle'); $embed_element = $html->find('#link3'); $title = $title_element[0]->plaintext; $img_path = $info['img']; $embed_html = $embed_element[0]->getAttribute('value'); $info = array('statue' => 'true', 'title' => $title, 'img_path' => $img_path, 'embed_html' => $embed_html); echo json_encode($info); }
public function index() { $this->load->model('social/social'); // 判断用户是否登陆 if ($this->customer->isLogged()) { $this->data['logged'] = 1; // 记录登入时间 $this->model_social_social->setSnstime(); } else { $this->data['error_login'] = ""; $this->data['action'] = $this->url->link('account/login', '', 'SSL'); $this->data['register'] = $this->url->link('account/register', '', 'SSL'); $this->data['forgotten'] = $this->url->link('account/forgotten', '', 'SSL'); $this->data['email'] = ''; $this->data['password'] = ''; include_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'weibo/config.php'; include_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'weibo/saetv2.ex.class.php'; $o = new SaeTOAuthV2(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY); $this->data['code_url'] = $o->getAuthorizeURL(WB_CALLBACK_URL); } // 回复的脸 $this->data['face'] = $this->customer->getface(); if (!$this->data['face']) { $this->data['face'] = "uploads/big/0b4a96400b2372d25da769647bfe4059.jpg"; } // 回复用户的昵称 $this->data['firstname'] = $this->customer->getFirstName(); if (!$this->data['firstname']) { $this->data['firstname'] = ''; } // 回复的用户id $this->data['customer_id'] = $this->customer->getId(); if (!$this->data['customer_id']) { $this->data['customer_id'] = 0; } if (isset($this->request->post['search']) && $this->request->post['search'] || isset($this->request->get['search']) && $this->request->get['search']) { $key_word = isset($this->request->post['search']) ? $this->request->post['search'] : $this->request->get['search']; $this->data['post_key_word'] = $key_word; } else { $key_word = ''; } // 从消息评论表获取所有评论消息并按时间排序 $this->data['moreall'] = $this->url->link('social/social', 'sort=all', 'SSL'); $this->data['morepoints'] = $this->url->link('social/social', 'sort=points', 'SSL'); $this->data['morecomments'] = $this->url->link('social/social', 'sort=comments', 'SSL'); if (isset($this->request->get['sort']) && $this->request->get['sort']) { $sort = $this->request->get['sort']; $this->data['sort'] = $sort; } else { $this->data['sort'] = 'zhiding'; $sort = 'zhiding'; } if (isset($this->request->get['page'])) { $page = $this->request->get['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $limit = 10; $data = array('limit' => $limit, 'start' => ($page - 1) * $limit, 'sort' => $sort, 'search' => $key_word); $message_info = $this->model_social_social->getMessage($data); $message_total = $this->model_social_social->getTotalMessage(); include_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'VideoUrlParser.class.php'; foreach ($message_info as &$message) { $data = array('message_id' => $message['message_id'], 'start' => 0, 'limit' => 10); $message['comment_info'] = $this->model_social_social->getComment($data); if ($message['videourl']) { $message['videoMassage'] = VideoUrlParser::parse($message['videourl']); } $message['comment_total'] = $this->model_social_social->getTotalComment($message['message_id']); $imgs = explode("|", $message['imgurl']); if (!empty($imgs[0])) { $countFirstImg = count($imgs); foreach ($imgs as $k => $v) { $posDot = strrpos($v, '.'); $strExt = substr($v, $posDot); $posXie = strrpos($v, '/'); $strFile = substr($v, $posXie); $strFile = explode('-', $strFile); $strFile = $strFile[0]; if ($k == 0) { $message['strFile'] = "uploads/big" . $strFile . $strExt; $strFiles = ''; } if ($countFirstImg > 1 && $k <= $countFirstImg - 2) { $strFiles .= "uploads/big" . $strFile . $strExt . '|'; } } $message['imgurls'] = $strFiles . "uploads/big" . $strFile . $strExt; } } $this->data['message_info'] = $message_info; // var_dump($message_info); // $this->data['action'] = $this->url->link('social/social/deliver'); // $this->data['filesrc'] = $this->url->link('social/upfile'); //轮播图 $this->data['lunbopics'] = $this->model_social_social->getLunboPics(); // 载入所有主题 $theme_array = array(); $theme_info = $this->model_social_social->getTheme(1); foreach ($theme_info as $info) { $theme_array[$info['theme_id']] = $info['description']; } $this->data['theme_array'] = $theme_array; $pagination = new Pagination(); $pagination->total = $message_total; $pagination->page = $page; $pagination->limit = 10; $pagination->num_links = 7; $pagination->text = $this->language->get('text_pagination'); if (!empty($key_word)) { $pagination->url = $this->url->link('social/social', 'page={page}&search=' . $key_word, 'SSL'); } else { $pagination->url = $this->url->link('social/social', 'page={page}&sort=' . $sort, 'SSL'); } $this->data['pagination'] = $pagination->render(); if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/social/social_list.tpl')) { $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/social/social_list.tpl'; } else { $this->template = 'default/template/social/social_list.tpl'; } if (in_array($sort, array('all', 'points', 'comments')) && array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER) && !isset($this->request->get['page']) || isset($this->request->get['page'])) { if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/social/social_list_ajax.tpl')) { echo "<script src='catalog/view/javascript/jquery2/sns_fangda.js'></script>"; $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/social/social_list_ajax.tpl'; } else { $this->template = 'default/template/social/social_list_ajax.tpl'; } } $this->children = array('common/footer', 'common/social_right', 'common/header_sns'); $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); }
<?php require_once "VideoUrlParser.class.php"; $urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; //$urls[] = ""; foreach ($urls as $url) { $info = VideoUrlParser::parse($url); //var_dump($info); echo "<a href='{$info['url']}' target='_new'>{$info['title']}</a>"; echo "<br />"; echo $info['object']; echo "<br />"; }
public function create() { //通过链接上传视频 if ($this->input['is_link']) { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/videourlparser.class.php'; $parse = new VideoUrlParser(); $url = trim($this->input['url']); if (!$url) { $this->errorOutput('请填写视频链接'); } $ret = $parse->parse($url); if (!$ret) { echo json_encode(array('msg' => '提取失败,视频链接有误或该视频存在版权问题', 'error' => 1)); exit; } $this->input['title'] = $ret['title']; $this->input['index_pic'] = $ret['img']; $this->input['ori_url'] = $this->input['url']; $url = parse_url($ret['m3u8']); $this->input['hostwork'] = 'http://' . $url['host']; $this->input['video_path'] = substr($ret['m3u8'], strlen($this->input['hostwork'] . '/')); $this->input['swf'] = $ret['swf']; $this->input['duration'] = $ret['duration']; } if (!$this->input['title']) { $this->errorOutput(NO_TITLE); } //创建的权限 if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE) { if (!in_array('create', (array) $this->user['prms']['app_prms'][APP_UNIQUEID]['action'])) { $this->errorOutput(NO_PRIVILEGE); } //创建后的审核状态判断 switch ($this->user['prms']['default_setting']['create_content_status']) { case 0: $this->input['status']; break; //默认 //默认 case 1: $this->input['status'] = 1; break; //待审核 //待审核 case 2: $this->input['status'] = 2; break; //已审核 } } //分类不传,默认分类是编辑上传 $vod_sort_id = $this->input['vod_sort_id'] ? intval($this->input['vod_sort_id']) : 1; //通过分类id反查类型id $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_media_node WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4)"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { $_childs = explode(',', $r['childs']); if (in_array($vod_sort_id, $_childs)) { $vod_leixing = $r['id']; break; } } if (!$vod_leixing) { $vod_leixing = 1; } //权限测试 $nodes = array(); if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE && $vod_sort_id) { $sql = 'SELECT id, parents FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vod_media_node WHERE id IN(' . $vod_sort_id . ')'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { $nodes['nodes'][$row['id']] = $row['parents']; } } $nodes['column_id'] = $this->input['column_id']; $nodes['published_column_id'] = ''; $this->verify_content_prms($nodes); //处理发布的栏目 $column_id = ''; if ($this->input['column_id']) { $column_id = $this->input['column_id']; $column_id = $this->publish_column->get_columnname_by_ids('id,name', $column_id); $column_id = addslashes(serialize($column_id)); } $status = isset($this->input['status']) ? $this->input['status'] : 1; //不传默认待审核 $data = array('title' => rawurldecode($this->input['title']), 'vod_leixing' => $vod_leixing, 'vod_sort_id' => $vod_sort_id, 'status' => $status, 'column_id' => $column_id, 'isbold' => $this->input['isbold'], 'tcolor' => $this->input['tcolor'], 'isitalic' => $this->input['isitalic'], 'weight' => $this->input['weight'], 'comment' => $this->input['comment'], 'subtitle' => $this->input['subtitle'], 'source' => $this->input['source'], 'author' => $this->input['author'], 'keywords' => $this->input['keywords'], 'hostwork' => $this->input['hostwork'], 'video_path' => $this->input['video_path'], 'video_filename' => $this->input['video_filename'], 'duration' => $this->input['duration'], 'totalsize' => $this->input['totalsize'], 'video' => $this->input['video'], 'frame_rate' => $this->input['frame_rate'], 'aspect' => $this->input['aspect'], 'width' => $this->input['width'], 'height' => $this->input['height'], 'audio' => $this->input['audio'], 'sampling_rate' => $this->input['sampling_rate'], 'audio_channels' => $this->input['audio_channels'], 'bitrate' => $this->input['bitrate'], 'starttime' => $this->input['starttime'], 'is_forcecode' => 1, 'addperson' => $this->user['user_name'], 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'org_id' => $this->user['org_id'], 'from_appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'from_appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'create_time' => $this->input['create_time'] ? intval($this->input['create_time']) : TIMENOW, 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'template_sign' => $this->input['template_sign'], 'ori_url' => $this->input['ori_url'], 'swf' => $this->input['swf'] ? $this->input['swf'] : '', 'is_link' => $this->input['is_link'] ? 1 : 0, 'iscomment' => $this->input['iscomment'] ? 1 : 0, 'is_praise' => $this->input['is_praise'] ? 1 : 0, 'source_path' => $this->input['source_path'] ? trim($this->input['source_path']) : '', 'source_filename' => $this->input['source_filename'] ? trim($this->input['source_filename']) : ''); //为叮当视频外链处理 if ($this->input['chain_m3u8']) { $url = parse_url($this->input['chain_m3u8']); $data['hostwork'] = 'http://' . $url['host'] . ($url['port'] ? ':' . $url['port'] : ''); $data['video_path'] = substr($this->input['chain_m3u8'], strlen($data['hostwork'] . '/')); $data['swf'] = $this->input['chain_swf'] ? $this->input['chain_swf'] : ''; $data['is_link'] = 1; $data['duration'] = $this->input['chain_duration']; if ($data['source_path'] && $data['source_filename']) { //检测云视频数据是否重复提交 $check_video_sql = 'SELECT source_path,source_filename FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'vodinfo WHERE source_path="' . $data['source_path'] . '" AND source_filename="' . $data['source_filename'] . '" AND user_id=' . $this->user['user_id']; if ($this->db->query_first($check_video_sql)) { $this->addItem(array('error' => 'repeat')); $this->output(); } //结束 } } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET "; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $sql .= " {$k} = '{$v}',"; } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); $this->db->query($sql); $vid = $this->db->insert_id(); //本地化索引图片 if ($this->input['index_pic']) { $img_info = $this->create_thumb($this->input['index_pic'], $vid); if ($img_info) { $imgArr = array('host' => $img_info['host'], 'dir' => $img_info['dir'], 'filepath' => $img_info['filepath'], 'filename' => $img_info['filename'], 'imgwidth' => $img_info['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $img_info['imgheight']); $img_info = addslashes(serialize($imgArr)); } } else { $img_info = ''; } //为叮当视频外链传来的索引图作处理 if ($this->input['chain_img']) { unset($this->input['chain_img']['id']); $img_info = serialize($this->input['chain_img']); } //更新排序 $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET img_info='" . $img_info . "',video_order_id = '" . $vid . "' WHERE id = '" . $vid . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); $data['id'] = $vid; //如果创建状态是'已审核',就插入发布队列 if ($data['status'] == 2 && $this->input['column_id']) { $data['pub_time'] = $this->input['create_time'] ? intval($this->input['create_time']) : TIMENOW; $data['column_id'] = stripslashes($data['column_id']); publish_insert_query($data, 'insert'); } //将视频url提交到转码服务器下载并转码 if ($data && !$this->input['chain_m3u8'] && !$this->input['is_link'] && $this->input['is_local']) { $data['img_info'] = serialize($imgArr); $data['is_forcecode'] = $this->input['is_forcecode']; $re = $this->set_url($data); if ($re == 'transcode') { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET status=-1 WHERE id = '" . $vid . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); } elseif ($re == 'download') { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET status=6 WHERE id = '" . $vid . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); } } //返回值 $this->addItem($data); $this->output(); }
public function index() { if (isset($this->request->cookie['hometip'])) { $this->data['hometip'] = $this->request->cookie['hometip']; } else { $this->data['hometip'] = 0; } $this->data['logged'] = $this->customer->isLogged(); $this->data['login'] = $this->url->link('account/login'); $this->data['home'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); $this->data['favorite'] = $this->url->link('product/favorite'); $this->data['newbie'] = HTTP_SERVER . "newbie.html"; $this->data['procurement'] = HTTP_SERVER . "procurement.html"; $this->data['selfshopping'] = HTTP_SERVER . "selfshopping.html"; $this->data['express'] = HTTP_SERVER . "international-express.html"; //晒尔社区 $this->load->model('social/saiercomment'); $saiercomment = $this->model_social_saiercomment->getShowComments(); $this->data['saiercomment'] = array(); foreach ($saiercomment as $saier) { if ($firstImg = explode('|', $saier['imgurl'])) { $countFirstImg = count($firstImg); $saier['imgurl'] = $firstImg[0]; $strFile = ''; foreach ($firstImg as $k => $v) { $posDot = strrpos($v, '.'); $strExt = substr($v, $posDot); $posXie = strrpos($v, '/'); $strFiles = substr($v, $posXie); $strFiles = explode('-', $strFiles); $strFiles = $strFiles[0]; if ($countFirstImg > 1 && $k <= $countFirstImg - 2) { $strFiles = "uploads/big" . $strFiles . $strExt; $strFile .= $strFiles . '|'; } } $strFile .= "uploads/big" . $strFiles . $strExt; } if (!empty($saier['videourl'])) { include_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'VideoUrlParser.class.php'; $videourl = VideoUrlParser::parse($saier['videourl']); $video = $videourl; } else { $video = ''; } $this->data['saiercomment'][] = array('if_show' => $saier['if_show'], 'message_id' => $saier['message_id'], 'firstname' => $saier['firstname'], 'face' => $saier['face'], 'country' => $saier['country'], 'message_text' => $saier['message_text'], 'imgurl' => $saier['imgurl'], 'strFile' => $strFile, 'videourl' => $video, 'comments' => $saier['comments'], 'points' => $saier['points'], 'utype' => $saier['utype']); } //网站公告 $this->load->model('help/help'); $bulletins = $this->model_help_help->getHomeBulletins(); $this->data['bulletins'] = $bulletins; //网站评论 $this->load->model('order/sendorder'); $limit = 5; $data = array('start' => 0, 'limit' => $limit); $results = $this->model_order_sendorder->getComments($data); foreach ($results as $result) { $this->data['comments'][] = array('face' => $result['face'], 'uname' => $result['uname'], 'from' => $result['country'], 'utype' => $result['utype'], 'message' => $result['comment']); } if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/specialtpl/home.tpl')) { $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/specialtpl/home.tpl'; } else { $this->template = 'default/template/specialtpl/home.tpl'; } $this->children = array('common/footer', 'common/header'); $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); }
protected function index() { //语言部分 $this->language->load("common/social_right"); $this->data['text_Seemore'] = $this->language->get('text_Seemore'); $this->data['text_Bulletin'] = $this->language->get('text_Bulletin'); $this->data['text_Suggestedanswer'] = $this->language->get('text_Suggestedanswer'); $this->data['text_showOrder'] = $this->language->get('text_showOrder'); $this->data['text_Writemood'] = $this->language->get('text_Writemood'); $this->data['text_SynchronizationSina'] = $this->language->get('text_SynchronizationSina'); $this->data['text_opportunity'] = $this->language->get('text_opportunity'); $this->data['text_curious'] = $this->language->get('text_curious'); $this->data['text_word'] = $this->language->get('text_word'); $this->data['text_successful'] = $this->language->get('text_successful'); $this->data['text_Localupload'] = $this->language->get('text_Localupload'); $this->data['text_photos'] = $this->language->get('text_photos'); $this->data['text_videoaddress'] = $this->language->get('text_videoaddress'); $this->data['text_videowebsite'] = $this->language->get('text_videowebsite'); $this->data['text_notvalid'] = $this->language->get('text_notvalid'); $this->data['text_playback'] = $this->language->get('text_playback'); $this->data['text_Choosetheme'] = $this->language->get('text_Choosetheme'); $this->data['text_powered'] = $this->language->get('text_powered'); $this->data['text_Release'] = $this->language->get('text_Release'); $this->data['text_rec'] = $this->language->get('text_rec'); $this->data['text_Comment'] = $this->language->get('text_Comment'); $this->data['text_Master'] = $this->language->get('text_Master'); $this->data['text_answer'] = $this->language->get('text_answer'); $this->load->model('order/order'); //判断用户是否登陆 if ($this->customer->isLogged()) { $this->data['logged'] = 1; } else { $this->data['logged'] = 0; } //日历 if (isset($this->session->data['customer_id'])) { $this->data['customer_id'] = $this->session->data['customer_id']; $signFlag = $this->model_order_order->getSignFlag($this->session->data['customer_id']); if ($signFlag['qiandao'] == date('Y-m-d', time())) { $this->data['signFlag'] = 1; } else { $this->data['signFlag'] = 0; } $customer = $this->customer->getFirstname(); $product = $this->model_order_order->monthQiandao($this->data['customer_id']); $count = 0; if (is_array($product) && !empty($product)) { foreach ($product as $v) { $v['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d', $v['addtime']); $v = $v['addtime']; $temp[] = $v; } $temp = array_unique($temp); foreach ($temp as $k => $v) { $ex1 = explode("-", $v); $ex = $ex1[1]; if ($ex == date('m', time())) { $count++; } } } $this->data['count'] = $count; } else { $this->data['session'] = 1; $customer = ""; } $this->data['customer_name'] = $customer; $this->data['filesrc'] = $this->url->link('social/upfile'); //晒尔公告 $this->load->model('help/help'); $bulletins = $this->model_help_help->getBulletins(1); $this->data['bulletins'] = $bulletins; //晒尔推荐 $this->load->model('social/saiercomment'); $saiercomment = $this->model_social_saiercomment->getShowComments(); $this->data['saiercomment'] = array(); foreach ($saiercomment as $saier) { if ($firstImg = explode('|', $saier['imgurl'])) { $countFirstImg = count($firstImg); $saier['imgurl'] = $firstImg[0]; $strFile = ''; foreach ($firstImg as $k => $v) { $posDot = strrpos($v, '.'); $strExt = substr($v, $posDot); $posXie = strrpos($v, '/'); $strFiles = substr($v, $posXie); $strFiles = explode('-', $strFiles); $strFiles = $strFiles[0]; if ($countFirstImg > 1 && $k <= $countFirstImg - 2) { $strFiles = "uploads/big" . $strFiles . $strExt; $strFile .= $strFiles . '|'; } } $strFile .= "uploads/big" . $strFiles . $strExt; } if (!empty($saier['videourl'])) { include_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'VideoUrlParser.class.php'; $videourl = VideoUrlParser::parse($saier['videourl']); $video = $videourl; } else { $video = ''; } $this->data['saiercomment'][] = array('if_show' => $saier['if_show'], 'message_id' => $saier['message_id'], 'firstname' => $saier['firstname'], 'face' => $saier['face'], 'country' => $saier['country'], 'message_text' => $saier['message_text'], 'imgurl' => $saier['imgurl'], 'strFile' => $strFile, 'videourl' => $video, 'comments' => $saier['comments'], 'points' => $saier['points'], 'utype' => $saier['utype']); } //达人榜 $this->load->model('social/social'); $darens = $this->model_social_social->getDaren(); foreach ($darens as &$daren) { if (!$daren['face']) { $daren['face'] = "uploads/big/0b4a96400b2372d25da769647bfe4059.jpg"; } } $this->data['daren_info'] = $darens; $this->template = 'cnstorm/template/common/social_right.tpl'; $this->render(); }
<?php require_once "VideoUrlParser.class.php"; $result['data'] = VideoUrlParser::parse($_POST['url']); if (!$result['data']) { $result['status'] = 0; } else { $result['status'] = 1; } echo json_encode($result); exit;
private function _56video($ykid) { $video_url = '' . $ykid . '.html'; //56视频播放地址 $info = VideoUrlParser::parse($video_url); return $info; }
/** * 在线视频地址解析 */ public function upload_online() { $url = isset($this->input['v_url']) ? trim(urldecode($this->input['v_url'])) : ''; if (empty($url)) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => '参数错误')); exit; } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/videoUrlParser.class.php'; $video = new VideoUrlParser(); $result = $video->parse($url); if (!$result) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => '上传失败')); } else { //本地化视频到数据库中 $result['a'] = 'addVideo'; $result['type'] = 1; $video = $this->status->localData($result); if (!$video) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => '上传失败')); } else { echo json_encode($video); } } }
protected function getList() { $url = ''; if (isset($this->request->get['filter_gid'])) { $filter_gid = $this->request->get['filter_gid']; } else { $filter_gid = null; } if (isset($this->request->get['filter_uname'])) { $filter_uname = $this->request->get['filter_uname']; $url .= "&filter_uname=" . $filter_uname; $record_total = $this->model_community_saiercomment->messageTotalName($filter_uname); } else { $filter_uname = null; } if (isset($this->request->get['appr'])) { $appr = $this->request->get['appr']; $record_total = 5; } else { $appr = null; } if (isset($this->request->get['sort'])) { $sort = $this->request->get['sort']; } else { $sort = 'o.order_id'; } if (isset($this->request->get['order'])) { $order = $this->request->get['order']; } else { $order = 'DESC'; } if (isset($this->request->get['page'])) { $page = $this->request->get['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $this->data['breadcrumbs'] = array(); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_home'), 'href' => $this->url->link('common/home', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'), 'separator' => false); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => "晒尔推荐", 'href' => $this->url->link('community/saiercomment', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'] . $url, 'SSL'), 'separator' => ' :: '); if (isset($this->request->get['reply'])) { $reply_sid = $this->request->get['tosid']; $reply_msg = $this->request->get['message']; $this->model_community_saiercomment->replyComments($reply_msg, $reply_sid); } if (isset($this->request->post['selected']) && isset($this->request->post['filter_order_status_id'])) { $select = $this->request->post['selected']; $filter_order_status_id = $this->request->post['filter_order_status_id']; } else { $order = 'DESC'; } $this->data['token'] = $this->session->data['token']; $this->data['manager'] = $this->user->getUserName(); $this->data['orders'] = array(); $data = array('sid' => $filter_gid, 'uname' => $filter_uname, 'appr' => $appr, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'start' => ($page - 1) * $this->config->get('config_admin_limit'), 'limit' => $this->config->get('config_admin_limit')); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); $results = $this->model_community_saiercomment->getComments($data); include_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'VideoUrlParser.class.php'; foreach ($results as $result) { $imgurl = explode('|', $result['imgurl']); if (is_array($imgurl) && !empty($imgurl[0])) { $result['imgurl'] = $imgurl; } if ($result['videourl']) { $result['videoMassage'] = VideoUrlParser::parse($result['videourl']); } else { $result['videoMassage']['img'] = ''; } $this->data['orders'][] = array('message_id' => $result['message_id'], 'fromuname' => $result['firstname'], 'if_show' => $result['if_show'], 'message' => $result['message_text'], 'sendtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $result['addtime']), 'imgurl' => $result['imgurl'], 'videourl' => $result['videourl'], 'videoMassage' => $result['videoMassage']['img'], 'country' => $result['country'], 'approved' => $result['approved'], 'zhiding' => $result['zhiding'], 'recomment' => $result['recomment'], 'selected' => isset($this->request->post['selected']) && in_array($result['message_id'], $this->request->post['selected'])); } $record_total = isset($record_total) ? $record_total : $this->model_community_saiercomment->totalComments(); $pagination = new Pagination(); $pagination->total = $record_total; $pagination->page = $page; $pagination->limit = $this->config->get('config_admin_limit'); $pagination->text = $this->language->get('text_pagination'); $pagination->url = $this->url->link('community/saiercomment', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'] . $url . '&page={page}', 'SSL'); $this->data['pagination'] = $pagination->render(); $this->template = 'community/saiercomment.tpl'; $this->children = array('common/header', 'common/footer'); $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); }