function index() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $check = new Check(); if (!empty($_FILES["img"]["name"])) { $target_dir = "uploads/"; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["img"]["name"]); $filename = $check->checkInput($_FILES['img']['name']); $filesize = filesize($target_file); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); } else { $filename = ''; $filesize = ''; } //Получаем данные методом пост $name = $check->checkInput($_POST['name']); $surname = $check->checkInput($_POST['surname']); $email = $check->checkInput($_POST['email']); $login = $check->checkInput($_POST['login']); $pass = $check->checkInput($_POST['pass']); $confirmpass = $check->checkInput($_POST['confirmpass']); $age = $check->checkInput($_POST['age']); //Создаем массив для валидации данных $validateArr = array('name' => $name, 'surname' => $surname, 'email' => $email, 'login' => $login, 'password' => $pass, 'confirmpass' => $confirmpass, 'age' => $age, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $filesize); $pdo = new Db(); //класс с конфигурацией базы данных $db = $pdo->get(); $validate = new Validate($db); $errors = $validate->getErrors($validateArr); //Выявляем ошибки через валидатор if (empty($errors)) { try { //Сохраняем пользователя посредством паттерна Data Mapper $user = new User(); $user->name = $name; $user->surname = $surname; $user->email = $email; $user->login = $login; $user->password = md5($pass); $user->age = $age; $user->filename = $filename; $mapper = new Mapper($db); $mapper->save($user); $this->user = $mapper->select($user); $this->out('profile.php'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Ошибка загрузки данных <br>" . $e->getMessage(); } } else { foreach ($errors as $error) { $this->error = $error . "<br>"; } $this->out('register.php'); } } else { $this->out('register.php'); } }
function createPage($smarty) { if (Users::loggedIn()) { Redirect::to('?page=profile'); } if (Input::exists()) { if (Input::get('action') === 'register') { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, array_merge(Config::get('validation/register_info'), Config::get('validation/set_password'))); if ($validation->passed()) { try { Users::create(array('student_id' => Input::get('sid'), 'password' => Hash::hashPassword(Input::get('password')), 'permission_group' => 1, 'name' => Input::get('name'), 'email' => Input::get('email'), 'umail' => Input::get('sid') . '', 'phone' => Phone::formatNumber(Input::get('phone')), 'joined' => DateFormat::sql())); Users::login(Input::get('sid'), Input::get('password')); Notifications::addSuccess('You have been succesfully registered!'); Redirect::to('?page=profile'); } catch (Exception $e) { Notifications::addError($e->getMessage()); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'login') { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, Config::get('validation/login')); if ($validation->passed()) { $login = Users::login(Input::get('sid'), Input::get('password'), Input::getAsBool('remember')); if ($login) { Notifications::addSuccess('You have been logged in!'); Redirect::to('?page=profile'); } else { Notifications::addValidationFail('Invalid student number or password.'); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } } $smarty->assign('remember', Input::getAsBool('remember')); $smarty->assign('name', Input::get('name')); $smarty->assign('sid', Input::get('sid')); $smarty->assign('email', Input::get('email')); $smarty->assign('phone', Input::get('phone')); return $smarty; }
function checknum() { extract($_REQUEST); require_lib("validate"); $v = new Validate(); $v->isOk($topacc, "num", 4, 4, "Invalid Main Part."); $v->isOk($accnum, "num", 3, 3, "Invalid Sub Part."); /* is account number valid */ if ($v->isError()) { $e = $v->getErrors(); if (count($e) == 2) { $err = "Invalid account number."; } else { $err = $e[0]["msg"]; } } else { /* does account number exist */ $qry = new dbSelect("accounts", "core", grp(m("cols", "accname"), m("where", "topacc='{$topacc}' AND accnum='{$accnum}'"), m("limit", "1"))); $qry->run(); if (!isset($rslt)) { $rslt = array(); } if ($qry->num_rows($rslt) > 0) { $accname = $qry->fetch_result(); $err = "Account number in use: {$accname}."; } else { if ($accnum != "000") { $qry->setOpt(grp(m("where", "topacc='{$topacc}'"))); $qry->run(); if ($qry->num_rows() <= 0) { $err = "Main Account doesn't exist."; } } } } if (!isset($err)) { $err = "<strong>Account number valid.</strong>"; } else { $err = "<li class='err'>{$err}</li>"; } return $err; }
function createPage($smarty) { if (!Users::loggedIn()) { Redirect::to('?page=login'); } if (Input::exists()) { if (Input::get('action') === 'logout') { if (Users::loggedIn()) { Users::logout(); Notifications::addSuccess('You have been logged out!'); Redirect::to('?page=login'); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'update_info') { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, Config::get('validation/user_info')); if ($validation->passed()) { $data = array('name' => Input::get('name'), 'student_id' => Input::get('sid'), 'email' => Input::get('email'), 'phone' => Phone::formatNumber(Input::get('phone'))); if (Users::currentUser()->update($data)) { Notifications::addSuccess('User information updated!'); } else { Notifications::addError('Could not update user information.'); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'update_pass') { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, array_merge(Config::get('validation/set_password'), array('password_current' => array('name' => 'Current Password', 'required' => true, 'max' => 72)))); if ($validation->passed()) { if (Hash::checkPassword(Input::get('password_current'), Users::currentData()->password)) { if (Users::currentUser()->update(array('password' => Hash::hashPassword(Input::get('password'))))) { Notifications::addSuccess('Password changed!'); } else { Notifications::addError('Could not change password.'); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail('Invalid current password.'); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'update_googleAuth') { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, array('authcode' => array('name' => 'Authorisation Code', 'required' => true))); if ($validation->passed()) { if (Calendar::setCredentials(Input::get('authcode'))) { Notifications::addSuccess('Google Calendar API authorized!'); } else { Notifications::addValidationFail('Could not authorize Google Calendar API.'); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'update_calendarAssignmentsId') { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, array('calid-ass' => array('name' => 'Assignments Calendar ID', 'required' => false), 'calid-ex' => array('name' => 'Exams Calendar ID', 'required' => false))); if ($validation->passed()) { $data = array('calendar_assignments' => Input::get('calid-ass'), 'calendar_exams' => Input::get('calid-ex')); if (Users::currentUser()->update($data)) { Notifications::addSuccess('Calendar ID\'s updated!'); } else { Notifications::addValidationFail('Could not update calendar ID\'s.'); } } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'delete_googleAuth') { Calendar::deleteCredentials(); } if (Input::get('action') === 'update_calendarAssignments' && Users::isEditor()) { $assignments = DB::instance()->get(Users::safeSid() . "_assignments")->results(); foreach ($assignments as $assignment) { Calendar::updateAssignment($assignment->id); } } if (Input::get('action') === 'create_database') { if (!UserTables::hasTables()) { UserTables::createTables(); if (Users::isGuest()) { Users::currentUser()->update(array('permission_group' => '2')); } } } } if (!Calendar::isReady()) { $smarty->assign('authUrl', Calendar::getAuthUrl()); } $smarty->assign('authCode', Input::get('authcode')); $smarty->assign('calid_ass', Users::currentData()->calendar_assignments); $smarty->assign('calid_ex', Users::currentData()->calendar_exams); $smarty->assign('name', Users::currentData()->name); $smarty->assign('sid', Users::currentData()->student_id); $smarty->assign('email', Users::currentData()->email); $smarty->assign('phone', Users::currentData()->phone); return $smarty; }
function confirm($_POST) { # Get vars extract($_POST); if (isset($all)) { return details($_POST); } # validate input require_lib("validate"); $v = new validate(); $v->isOk($budname, "string", 1, 255, "Invalid Budget Name."); $v->isOk($budfor, "string", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget for option."); $v->isOk($budtype, "string", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget type."); $v->isOk($fromprd, "string", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget period."); $v->isOk($toprd, "string", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget period."); if ($budfor == 'acc') { if (isset($accids)) { foreach ($accids as $akey => $accid) { $v->isOk($accid, "num", 1, 50, "Invalid Account number."); foreach ($amts[$accid] as $skey => $amtr) { $v->isOk($amts[$accid][$skey], "float", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget amount."); } } } else { $v->isOk("#", "num", 0, 0, "Error : please select at least one account."); } } elseif ($budfor == 'cost') { if (isset($ccids)) { foreach ($ccids as $akey => $ccid) { $v->isOk($ccid, "num", 1, 50, "Invalid Cost Center."); foreach ($amts[$ccid] as $skey => $amtr) { $v->isOk($amts[$ccid][$skey], "float", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget amount."); } } } else { $v->isOk("#", "num", 0, 0, "Error : please select at least one cost center."); } } # display errors, if any if ($v->isError()) { $confirm = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $confirm .= "<li class=err>{$e['msg']}</li>"; } return details($_POST, $confirm); } $ce = new Validate(); if (isset($ccids)) { foreach ($ccids as $akey => $ccid) { $tot = array_sum($amts[$ccid]); $yr_tot = budgetTotalFromYear($ccid, "cost"); if (strlen($yr_tot) > 0 && $tot != $yr_tot) { $ccRs = get("cubit", "*", "costcenters", "ccid", $ccid); $cc = pg_fetch_array($ccRs); $cc_name = "{$cc['centercode']} - {$cc['centername']}"; $ce->addError("", "Yearly budget amount of " . CUR . "{$yr_tot} doesn't\n\t\t\t\t\tmatch proposed total amount of " . CUR . "{$tot} for Cost Center: {$cc_name}."); } } } else { if (isset($accids)) { foreach ($accids as $akey => $accid) { $tot = array_sum($amts[$accid]); $yr_tot = budgetTotalFromYear($accid, "acc"); if (strlen($yr_tot) > 0 && $tot != $yr_tot) { $accRs = get("core", "*", "accounts", "accid", $accid); $acc = pg_fetch_array($accRs); $acc_name = "{$acc['topacc']}/{$acc['accnum']} - {$acc['accname']}"; $ce->addError("", "Yearly budget amount of " . CUR . "{$yr_tot} doesn't\n\t\t\t\t\tmatch proposed total amount of " . CUR . "{$tot} for Account: {$acc_name}."); } } } } $mismatches = ""; if ($ce->isError()) { $mm = $ce->getErrors(); foreach ($mm as $e) { $mismatches .= "<li class=err>" . $e["msg"] . "</li>"; } } global $BUDFOR, $TYPES, $PERIODS; $vbudfor = $BUDFOR[$budfor]; $vbudtype = $TYPES[$budtype]; $vfromprd = $PERIODS[$fromprd]; $vtoprd = $PERIODS[$toprd]; /* Toggle Options */ $list = ""; # budget for if ($budfor == 'cost') { $head = "<tr><th>Cost Centers</th>"; foreach ($ccids as $ckey => $ccid) { $ccRs = get("cubit", "*", "costcenters", "ccid", $ccid); $cc = pg_fetch_array($ccRs); $list .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td><input type=hidden name='ccids[{$cc['ccid']}]' value='{$cc['ccid']}'>{$cc['centercode']} - {$cc['centername']}</td>"; foreach ($amts[$ccid] as $sprd => $amtr) { $amtr = sprint($amtr); $list .= "<td align=right><input type=hidden name=amts[{$cc['ccid']}][{$sprd}] value='{$amtr}'>" . CUR . " {$amtr}</td>"; } $list .= "</tr>"; } } elseif ($budfor == 'acc') { $head = "<tr><th>Accounts</th>"; foreach ($accids as $akey => $accid) { $accRs = get("core", "*", "accounts", "accid", $accid); $acc = pg_fetch_array($accRs); $list .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td><input type=hidden name='accids[{$acc['accid']}]' value='{$acc['accid']}'>{$acc['topacc']}/{$acc['accnum']} - {$acc['accname']}</td>"; foreach ($amts[$accid] as $sprd => $amtr) { $amtr = sprint($amtr); $list .= "<td align=right><input type=hidden name=amts[{$acc['accid']}][{$sprd}] value='{$amtr}'>" . CUR . " {$amtr}</td>"; } $list .= "</tr>"; } } # Budget headings if ($fromprd < $toprd) { for ($i = $fromprd; $i <= $toprd; $i++) { $head .= "<th>{$PERIODS[$i]}</th>"; } } elseif ($fromprd > $toprd) { for ($i = $fromprd; $i <= 12; $i++) { $head .= "<th>{$PERIODS[$i]}</th>"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $toprd; $i++) { $head .= "<th>{$PERIODS[$i]}</th>"; } } else { $head .= "<th>{$PERIODS[$toprd]}</th>"; } $head .= "</tr>"; // $totamt = sprint(array_sum($amts)); // $list .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td><b>Total Budget Amount</b></td><td align=right><b>".CUR." $totamt</b></td></tr>"; /* End Toggle Options */ // Create hidden values $hidden = ""; foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { $hidden .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$name}' value='{$value}'>"; } $confirm = "<center>\n\t<h3> Confirm New Monthly Budget </h3>\n\t<form action='" . SELF . "' method=post name=form>\n\t{$hidden}\n\t<input type=hidden name=key value=write>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budname value='{$budname}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budfor value='{$budfor}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budtype value='{$budtype}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=fromprd value='{$fromprd}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=toprd value='{$toprd}'>\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' align=center>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th colspan=2>Details</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'>\n\t\t\t<td>Budget Name</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$budname}</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><br></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th colspan=2>Options</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'>\n\t\t\t<td>Budget For</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$vbudfor}</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-even'>\n\t\t\t<td>Budget Type</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$vbudtype}</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'>\n\t\t\t<td>Budget Period</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$vfromprd} to {$vtoprd}</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><br></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</table>\n\n\t{$mismatches}\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' align=center>\n\t{$head}\n\t{$list}\n\t</table>\n\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' align=center>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><br></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><input type='submit' name='key' value='« Correction'></td>\n\t\t\t<td align=right><input type=submit value='Continue »'></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</table>\n\t</form>\n\t<p>\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' width=15%>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th>Quick Links</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'>\n\t\t\t<td align=center><a href='budget-view.php'>View Budgets</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'>\n\t\t\t<td align=center><a href='../main.php'>Main Menu</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</table>"; return $confirm; }
$salt = Hash::salt(32); $email_code = md5(Input::get('username') . microtime()); try { $user->create(['username' => Input::get('username'), 'password' => Hash::make(Input::get('password'), $salt), 'salt' => $salt, 'fullname' => strip_excess(Input::get('name')), 'email' => $email, 'profile_pic' => $profilePicDest]); /* * TODO: Email Activation Up and Running. V(1.0) * $mail = new Email; * $mail->sendGmailActivation(BASE_URL . 'activate/' . $email_code ); * */ Session::flash('success', 'You registered successfully!'); Redirect::to(BASE_URL); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } else { foreach ($validate->getErrors() as $error) { echo $error . '<br>'; } } } } ?> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="field"> <label for="username">Username</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="<?php echo escape(Input::get('username')); ?> " autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="field">
function templatePdf($_POST) { extract($_POST); global $set_mainFont; $pdf =& new Cezpdf(); $pdf->selectFont($set_mainFont); // Validate require_lib("validate"); $v = new Validate(); foreach ($invids as $invid) { $v->isOk($invid, "num", 1, 20, "Invalid invoice number."); } // Any errors? if ($v->isError()) { $err = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $err .= "<li class=error>{$e['msg']}</li>"; } $OUTPUT = $confirm; require "template.php"; } $ai = 0; foreach ($invids as $invid) { if ($ai) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } ++$ai; // Invoice info db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM nons_invoices WHERE invid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $invRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve invoice info."); if (pg_num_rows($invRslt) == 0) { return "<li class=err>Not found</li>"; } $inv = pg_fetch_array($invRslt); // Only needs to be blank, we're manually adding text $heading = array(array("")); // Company info ---------------------------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM compinfo WHERE div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $ciRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve company info from Cubit."); $comp = pg_fetch_array($ciRslt); $bnkData = qryBankAcct(cust_bank_id($inv["cusid"])); $compinfo = array(); $compinfo[] = array($comp["addr1"], "{$comp['paddr1']}"); $compinfo[] = array($comp["addr2"], "{$comp['paddr2']}"); $compinfo[] = array($comp["addr3"], "{$comp['paddr3']}"); $compinfo[] = array($comp["addr4"], "{$comp['postcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>REG: </b>{$comp['regnum']}", "<b>{$bnkData['bankname']}</b>"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>VAT REG: </b>{$comp['vatnum']}", "<b>Branch: </b>{$bnkData['branchname']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Tel:</b> {$comp['tel']}", "<b>Branch Code: </b>{$bnkData['branchcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Fax:</b> {$comp['fax']}", "<b>Acc Num: </b>{$bnkData['accnum']}"); // Date ------------------------------------------------------------------ $date = array(array("<b>Date</b>"), array($inv['odate'])); // Document info --------------------------------------------------------- db_conn('cubit'); $Sl = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE constant='SALES'"; $Ri = db_exec($Sl) or errDie("Unable to get settings."); $data = pg_fetch_array($Ri); if ($data['value'] == "Yes") { $sp = "<b>Sales Person: </b>{$inv['salespn']}"; } else { $sp = ""; } $docinfo = array(array("<b>Invoice No:</b> {$inv['invnum']}"), array("<b>Proforma Inv No:</b> {$inv['docref']}"), array("{$sp}")); // Customer info --------------------------------------------------------- if ($inv["cusid"] != 0) { db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE cusnum='{$inv['cusid']}'"; $cusRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve customer information from Cubit."); $cusData = pg_fetch_array($cusRslt); } else { $cusData["surname"] = $inv["cusname"]; $cusData["addr1"] = $inv["cusaddr"]; $cusData["paddr1"] = ""; $cusData["accno"] = ""; } $cusinfo = array(array("<b>{$cusData['surname']}</b>")); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['paddr1']); foreach ($cusaddr as $v) { $cusinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($v, 40)); } $cusinfo[] = array("<b>Account no: </b>{$cusData['accno']}"); $cusdaddr = array(array("<b>Physical Address:</b>")); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); foreach ($cusaddr as $v) { $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr($v, 40)); } // Registration numbers -------------------------------------------------- $regnos = array(array("<b>VAT No:</b>", "<b>Order No:</b>"), array("{$inv['cusvatno']}", "{$inv['cordno']}")); // Items display --------------------------------------------------------- $items = array(); db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM nons_inv_items WHERE invid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkdRslt = db_exec($sql); while ($stkd = pg_fetch_array($stkdRslt)) { // Check Tax Excempt db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT zero FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatex']}'"; $zRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); $vatex = pg_fetch_result($zRslt, 0); if ($vatex == "Yes") { $ex = "#"; } else { $ex = ""; } $items[] = array("Description" => pdf_lstr($ex . $stkd['description'], 65), "Qty" => $stkd['qty'], "Unit Price" => CUR . $stkd['unitcost'], "Amount" => CUR . $stkd['amt']); } // Comment --------------------------------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE constant='DEFAULT_COMMENTS'"; $commentRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve the default comment from Cubit."); $default_comment = pg_fetch_result($commentRslt, 0); $comment = array(array("<i>VAT Exempt Indicator: #</i>"), array(base64_decode($default_comment))); // Box to sign in -------------------------------------------------------- $sign = array(array("<i>Thank you for your support</i>"), array(''), array("<b>Received in good order by:</b> ____________________"), array(''), array(" <b>Date:</b> ____________________")); // Totals ---------------------------------------------------------------- $totals = array(array("1" => "<b>Subtotal:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['subtot']}"), array("1" => "<b>VAT @ " . TAX_VAT . "%:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['vat']}"), array("1" => "<b>Total Incl VAT:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['total']}")); $totCols = array("1" => array("width" => 90), "2" => array("justification" => "right")); $ic = 0; while (++$ic * 20 < count($items)) { } // Draw the pages, determine by the amount of items how many pages // if items > 20 start a new page $items_print = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ic; $i++) { if ($i) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } // Page number ------------------------------------------------------- $pagenr = array(array("<b>Page number</b>"), array($i + 1)); // Heading $heading_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $heading, 0, 0, 520, 5); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>{$comp['compname']}</b>", 18, 0, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 6); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Tax Invoice</b>", 18, $heading_pos['x'] - 120, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 9); $compinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $compinfo, 0, $heading_pos['y'], 320, 8); $date_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $date, $compinfo_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $pagenr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $pagenr, $date_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $docinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $docinfo, $compinfo_pos['x'], $date_pos['y'], 200, 4); $cusinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusinfo, 0, $compinfo_pos['y'], 320, 10); $cusdaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusdaddr, $cusinfo_pos['x'], $compinfo_pos['y'], 200, 10); $regnos_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $regnos, 0, $cusinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); $items_start = $i * 20; if ($items_start >= count($items) - 20) { $items_end = count($items) - 1; } else { $items_end = ($i + 1) * 20; } $items_print = array(); for ($j = $items_start; $j <= $items_end; $j++) { $items_print[$j] = $items[$j]; } // Adjust the column widths $cols = array("Description" => array("width" => 310), "Qty" => array("width" => 50), "Unit Price" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right"), "Amount" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right")); $items_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $items_print, 0, $regnos_pos['y'] + 2, 520, 20, $cols, 1); $comment_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $comment, 0, $items_pos['y'], 520, 2); $sign_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $sign, 0, $comment_pos['y'], 320, 5); $totals_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $totals, $sign_pos['x'], $comment_pos['y'], 200, 5, $totCols); } } $pdf->ezStream(); }
function genpdf($quoid) { global $_GET; extract($_GET); global $set_mainFont; $showvat = TRUE; $pdf =& new Cezpdf(); $pdf->selectFont($set_mainFont); // Validate require_lib("validate"); $v = new Validate(); $v->isOk($quoid, "num", 1, 20, "Invalid quote number."); // Any errors? if ($v->isError()) { $err = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $err .= "<li class='err'>{$e['msg']}</li>"; } $OUTPUT = $confirm; require "../template.php"; } // Invoice info db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE quoid='{$quoid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $invRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve quote info."); if (pg_num_rows($invRslt) < 1) { return "<li class='err'>Not found</li>"; } $inv = pg_fetch_array($invRslt); db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT symbol FROM currency WHERE fcid='{$inv['fcid']}'"; $curRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve currency from Cubit."); $curr = pg_fetch_result($curRslt, 0); if (!$curr) { $curr = CUR; } // Check if stock was selected db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT stkid FROM quote_items WHERE quoid='{$quoid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $cRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve quote info."); if (pg_num_rows($cRslt) < 1) { $error = "<li class='err'>Quote number <b>{$quoid}</b> has no items</li>"; $OUTPUT = $error; } // Only needs to be blank, we're manually adding text $heading = array(array("")); // Company info ---------------------------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM compinfo WHERE div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $ciRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve company info from Cubit."); $comp = pg_fetch_array($ciRslt); // Banking information --------------------------------------------------- $bnkData = qryBankAcct(getdSetting("BANK_DET")); $compinfo = array(); $compinfo[] = array($comp["addr1"], $comp["paddr1"]); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr2"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr2"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr3"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr3"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr4"], 35), "{$comp['postcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>REG: </b>{$comp['regnum']}", "<b>{$bnkData['bankname']}</b>"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>VAT REG: </b>{$comp['vatnum']}", "<b>Branch: </b>{$bnkData['branchname']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Tel:</b> {$comp['tel']}", "<b>Branch Code: </b>{$bnkData['branchcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Fax:</b> {$comp['fax']}", "<b>Acc Num: </b>{$bnkData['accnum']}"); // Date ------------------------------------------------------------------ $date = array(array("<b>Date</b>"), array($inv['odate'])); // Document info --------------------------------------------------------- db_conn('cubit'); $Sl = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE constant='SALES'"; $Ri = db_exec($Sl) or errDie("Unable to get settings."); $data = pg_fetch_array($Ri); db_conn('cubit'); $Sl = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE constant='SALES'"; $Ri = db_exec($Sl) or errDie("Unable to get settings."); $data = pg_fetch_array($Ri); if ($data['value'] == "Yes") { $sp = "<b>Sales Person: </b>{$inv['salespn']}"; } else { $sp = ""; } $docinfo = array(array("<b>Quote No:</b> {$inv['quoid']}"), array("<b>Proforma Inv No:</b> {$inv['docref']}"), array("<b>Sales Order No:</b> {$inv['ordno']}"), array("{$sp}")); if (isset($salespn)) { $docinfo[] = array("<b>Sales Person:</b> {$salespn}"); } // Retrieve the customer information ------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE cusnum='{$inv['cusnum']}'"; $cusRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve customer information from Cubit."); $cusData = pg_fetch_array($cusRslt); // Customer info --------------------------------------------------------- $invoice_to = array(array("")); $cusinfo = array(array("<b>{$inv['surname']}</b>")); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); foreach ($cusaddr as $v) { $cusinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($v, 40)); } $cusinfo[] = array("<b>Account no: </b>{$cusData['accno']}"); $cuspaddr = array(array("<b>Postal Address</b>")); $paddr = explode("\n", $cusData["paddr1"]); foreach ($paddr as $addr) { $cuspaddr[] = array($addr); } $cusdaddr = array(array("<b>Delivery Address:</b>")); if ($inv['branch'] == 0) { $branchname = "Head Office"; $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); } else { $get_addr = "SELECT * FROM customer_branches WHERE id = '{$inv['branch']}' LIMIT 1"; $run_addr = db_exec($get_addr); if (pg_numrows($run_addr) < 1) { $cusaddr = array(); $branchname = "Head Office"; } else { $barr = pg_fetch_array($run_addr); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $barr['branch_descrip']); $branchname = $barr['branch_name']; } } $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr("Branch : {$branchname}", 30)); $del_addr = explode("\n", $inv["del_addr"]); foreach ($del_addr as $addr) { $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr($addr, 30)); } // Registration numbers -------------------------------------------------- $regnos = array(array("<b>VAT No:</b>", "<b>Order No:</b>"), array("{$inv['cusvatno']}", "{$inv['cordno']}")); // Items display --------------------------------------------------------- $items = array(); db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM quote_items WHERE quoid='{$quoid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkdRslt = db_exec($sql); while ($stkd = pg_fetch_array($stkdRslt)) { // Get warehouse db_conn("exten"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouses WHERE whid='{$stkd['whid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $whRslt = db_exec($sql); $wh = pg_fetch_array($whRslt); // Get stock in this warehouse db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM stock WHERE stkid='{$stkd['stkid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkRslt = db_exec($sql); $stk = pg_fetch_array($stkRslt); $sp = ""; // Check Tax Excempt db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT zero FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatcode']}'"; $zRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); $vatex = pg_fetch_result($zRslt, 0); if ($vatex == "Yes") { $ex = "#"; } else { $ex = ""; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatcode']}'"; $runsql = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); if (pg_numrows($runsql) < 1) { return "Invalid VAT code entered"; } $vd = pg_fetch_array($runsql); if (TAX_VAT != $vd['vat_amount'] and $vd['vat_amount'] != "0.00") { $showvat = FALSE; } // keep track of discounts //$disc += $stkd['disc']; if ($stkd["account"] > 0) { $description = $stkd["description"]; } else { $description = $stk["stkdes"]; } // Remove any new lines from the description $ar_desc = explode("\n", $description); $description = implode(" ", $ar_desc); $items[] = array("Code" => makewidth($pdf, 75, 12, $stk['stkcod']), "Description" => makewidth($pdf, 175, 12, $ex . $description), "Qty" => $stkd['qty'], "Unit Price" => $curr . $stkd['unitcost'], "Unit Discount" => $curr . $stkd['disc'], "Amount" => $curr . $stkd['amt']); } $inv["comm"] = fixparag(&$pdf, 3, 520, 11, $inv["comm"]); /*$inv["comm"] = preg_replace("/[\n]/", " ", $inv["comm"]); $lines = array(); $txtleft = $inv["comm"]; $done = false; while (count($lines) < 3 && !$done) { $mc = maxwidth(&$pdf, 520, 11, $txtleft); // run until end of a word. while ($txtleft[$mc - 1] != ' ' && $mc < strlen($txtleft)) ++$mc; if ($mc == strlen($txtleft)) { $done = true; } $lines[] = substr($txtleft, 0, $mc); $txtleft = substr($txtleft, $mc); } if (strlen($txtleft) > 0) { $lines[2] .= "..."; } $inv["comm"] = preg_replace("/ /", " ", implode("\n", $lines));*/ // Comment --------------------------------------------------------------- $comment = array(array("<i>VAT Exempt Indicator : #</i>"), array($inv["comm"])); // Box for signature ----------------------------------------------------- $sign = array(array("<b>Terms:</b> {$inv['terms']} days"), array(''), array("<b>Received in good order by:</b> ____________________"), array(''), array(" <b>Date:</b> ____________________")); // Totals ---------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($showvat)) { $showvat = TRUE; } if ($showvat == TRUE) { $vat14 = AT14; } else { $vat14 = ""; } $totals = array(array("1" => "<b>Subtotal:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['subtot']}"), array("1" => "<b>Trade Discount:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['discount']}"), array("1" => "<b>Delivery Charge:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['delivery']}"), array("1" => "<b>VAT {$vat14}:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['vat']}"), array("1" => "<b>Total Incl VAT:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['total']}")); $totCols = array("1" => array("width" => 90), "2" => array("justification" => "right")); $ic = 0; while (++$ic * 22 < count($items)) { } // Draw the pages, determine by the amount of items how many pages // if items > 20 start a new page $items_print = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ic; $i++) { if ($i) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } // Page number ------------------------------------------------------- $pagenr = array(array("<b>Page number</b>"), array($i + 1)); // Heading $heading_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $heading, 0, 0, 520, 5); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>{$comp['compname']}</b>", 18, 0, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 6); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Quote</b>", 20, $heading_pos['x'] - 120, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 9); // Should we display reprint on the invoice if ($type == "invreprint") { drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Reprint</b>", 12, $heading_pos['x'] - 70, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 22); } $compinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $compinfo, 0, $heading_pos['y'], 320, 8); $date_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $date, $compinfo_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 3); $pagenr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $pagenr, $date_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 3); $docinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $docinfo, $compinfo_pos['x'], $date_pos['y'], 200, 5); $invoice_to_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $invoice_to, 0, $compinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Quote To:</b>", 12, 520 / 2 - 45, $invoice_to_pos['y'] - 7); $cusinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusinfo, 0, $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cuspaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cuspaddr, $cusinfo_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cusdaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusdaddr, $cuspaddr_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 174, 8); $regnos_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $regnos, 0, $cusinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); $items_start = $i * 22; if ($i) { $items_start++; } if ($items_start >= count($items) - 22) { $items_end = count($items) - 1; } else { $items_end = ($i + 1) * 22; } $items_print = array(); for ($j = $items_start; $j <= $items_end; $j++) { $items_print[$j] = $items[$j]; } $cols = array("Code" => array("width" => 80), "Description" => array("width" => 180), "Qty" => array("width" => 33), "Unit Price" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right"), "Unit Discount" => array("width" => 67, "justification" => "right"), "Amount" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right")); $items_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $items_print, 0, $regnos_pos['y'] + 2, 520, 22, $cols, 1); $comment_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $comment, 0, $items_pos['y'], 520, 2); $sign_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $sign, 0, $comment_pos['y'], 320, 5); $totals_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $totals, $sign_pos['x'], $comment_pos['y'], 200, 5, $totCols); } return $pdf->output(); }
function confirm($_POST) { # Get vars foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { ${$key} = $value; } # validate input require_lib("validate"); $v = new validate(); $v->isOk($budid, "num", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget id."); $v->isOk($budname, "string", 1, 255, "Invalid Budget Name."); $v->isOk($budtype, "string", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget type."); if ($budfor == 'acc') { if (isset($accids)) { foreach ($accids as $akey => $accid) { $v->isOk($accid, "num", 1, 50, "Invalid Account number."); foreach ($amts[$accid] as $skey => $amtr) { $v->isOk($amts[$accid][$skey], "float", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget amount."); } } } else { $v->isOk("#", "num", 0, 0, "Error : please select at least one account."); } } elseif ($budfor == 'cost') { if (isset($ccids)) { foreach ($ccids as $akey => $ccid) { $v->isOk($ccid, "num", 1, 50, "Invalid Cost Center."); foreach ($amts[$ccid] as $skey => $amtr) { $v->isOk($amts[$ccid][$skey], "float", 1, 20, "Invalid Budget amount."); } } } else { $v->isOk("#", "num", 0, 0, "Error : please select at least one cost center."); } } # display errors, if any if ($v->isError()) { $confirm = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $confirm .= "<li class=err>" . $e["msg"]; } return details($_POST, $confirm); } $ce = new Validate(); if (isset($accids)) { foreach ($accids as $akey => $accid) { $tot = $amts[$accid][BUDGET_YEARS_INDEX]; $mon_tot = budgetTotalFromMonth($accid, "acc"); if (strlen($mon_tot) > 0 && $tot != $mon_tot) { $accRs = get("core", "*", "accounts", "accid", $accid); $acc = pg_fetch_array($accRs); $acc_name = "{$acc['topacc']}/{$acc['accnum']} - {$acc['accname']}"; $ce->addError("", "Monthly annual budget total of " . CUR . "{$mon_tot} doesn't\n\t\t\t\t\tmatch proposed total amount of " . CUR . "{$tot} for Account: {$accid} {$acc_name}."); } } } else { if (isset($ccids)) { foreach ($ccids as $akey => $ccid) { $tot = $amts[$ccid][BUDGET_YEARS_INDEX]; $mon_tot = budgetTotalFromMonth($ccid, "acc"); if (strlen($mon_tot) > 0 && $tot != $mon_tot) { $ccRs = get("cubit", "*", "costcenters", "ccid", $ccid); $cc = pg_fetch_array($ccRs); $cc_name = "{$cc['centercode']} - {$cc['centername']}"; $ce->addError("", "Monthly annual budget total of " . CUR . "{$mon_tot} doesn't\n\t\t\t\t\tmatch proposed total amount of " . CUR . "{$tot} for Cost Center: {$cc_name}."); } } } } $mismatches = ""; if ($ce->isError()) { $mm = $ce->getErrors(); foreach ($mm as $e) { $mismatches .= "<li class=err>" . $e["msg"] . "</li>"; } } # Query server db_connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM budgets WHERE budid = '{$budid}'"; $budRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Budgets from database."); if (pg_numrows($budRslt) < 1) { return "<li class=err> - Invalid Budget."; } $bud = pg_fetch_array($budRslt); global $BUDFOR, $PERIODS, $TYPES, $YEARS; $vbudfor = $BUDFOR[$bud['budfor']]; $vbudtype = $TYPES[$budtype]; $vfromyr = $YEARS[$bud['fromprd']]; $vtoyr = $YEARS[$bud['toprd']]; /* Toggle Options */ $list = ""; # budget for if ($bud['budfor'] == 'cost') { $head = "<tr><th>Cost Centers</th>"; foreach ($ccids as $ckey => $ccid) { $ccRs = get("cubit", "*", "costcenters", "ccid", $ccid); $cc = pg_fetch_array($ccRs); $list .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td><input type=hidden name=ccids[] value='{$cc['ccid']}'>{$cc['centercode']} - {$cc['centername']}</td>"; foreach ($amts[$ccid] as $sprd => $amtr) { $amtr = sprint($amtr); $list .= "<td align=right><input type=hidden name=amts[{$cc['ccid']}][{$sprd}] value='{$amtr}'>" . CUR . " {$amtr}</td>"; } $list .= "</tr>"; } } elseif ($bud['budfor'] == 'acc') { $head = "<tr><th>Accounts</th>"; foreach ($accids as $akey => $accid) { $accRs = get("core", "*", "accounts", "accid", $accid); $acc = pg_fetch_array($accRs); $list .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td><input type=hidden name=accids[] value='{$acc['accid']}'>{$acc['topacc']}/{$acc['accnum']} - {$acc['accname']}</td>"; foreach ($amts[$accid] as $sprd => $amtr) { $amtr = sprint($amtr); $list .= "<td align=right><input type=hidden name=amts[{$acc['accid']}][{$sprd}] value='{$amtr}'>" . CUR . " {$amtr}</td>"; } $list .= "</tr>"; } } # Budget headings if ($bud['fromprd'] < $bud['toprd']) { for ($i = $bud['fromprd']; $i <= $bud['toprd']; $i++) { $head .= "<th>{$YEARS[$i]}</th>"; } } elseif ($bud['fromprd'] > $bud['toprd']) { for ($i = $bud['fromprd']; $i < 10; $i++) { $head .= "<th>{$YEARS[$i]}</th>"; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $bud['toprd']; $i++) { $head .= "<th>{$YEARS[$i]}</th>"; } } else { $i = $bud['toprd']; $head .= "<th>{$YEARS[$i]}</th>"; } $head .= "</tr>"; // $totamt = sprint(array_sum($amts)); // $list .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td><b>Total Budget Amount</b></td><td align=right><b>".CUR." $totamt</b></td></tr>"; /* End Toggle Options */ $confirm = "<center>\n\t<h3> Confirm New Yearly Budget </h3>\n\t<form action='" . SELF . "' method=post name=form>\n\t<input type=hidden name=key value=write>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budid value='{$budid}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budname value='{$budname}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budtype value='{$budtype}'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=budfor value='{$bud['budfor']}'>\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' align=center>\n\t<tr><th colspan=2>Details</th></tr>\n\t<tr class='bg-odd'><td>Budget Name</td><td>{$budname}</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td><br></td></tr>\n\t<tr><th colspan=2>Options</th></tr>\n\t<tr class='bg-odd'><td>Budget For</td><td>{$vbudfor}</td>\n\t<tr class='bg-even'><td>Budget Type</td><td>{$vbudtype}</td>\n\t<tr class='bg-odd'><td>Budget Year</td><td>{$vfromyr} to {$vtoyr}</td>\n\t<tr><td><br></td></tr>\n\t</table>\n\t{$mismatches}\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' align=center>\n\t{$head}\n\t{$list}\n\t</table>\n\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' align=center>\n\t<tr><td><br></td></tr>\n\t<tr><td><input type=button value='« Back' onClick='javascript:history.back()'></td><td align=right><input type=submit value='Continue »'></td></tr>\n\t</table></form>\n\t<p>\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' width=15%>\n\t\t<tr><th>Quick Links</th></tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'><td align=center><a href='budget-view.php'>View Budgets</td></tr>\n\t\t<tr class='bg-odd'><td align=center><a href='../main.php'>Main Menu</td></tr>\n\t</table>"; return $confirm; }
$app->get('/add', function () use($app) { $main = ''; $add = 'active'; return $app['twig']->render('add.twig', array('main' => $main, 'add' => $add)); }); $app->post('/add', function () use($app) { if (isset($_POST)) { $check = new Check(); $name = $check->checkInput($_POST['name']); $comment = $check->checkInput($_POST['comment']); $pdo = new Db(); $db = $pdo->get(); $validate = new Validate($db); $data = array('name' => $name, 'comment' => $comment); $errors = $validate->getErrors($data); if (!empty($errors)) { $main = ''; $add = 'active'; return $app['twig']->render('add.twig', array('main' => $main, 'add' => $add, 'errors' => $errors, 'name' => $name, 'comment' => $comment)); } else { $mapper = new Mapper($db); $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $comments = new Comments(); $comments->name = $name; $comments->comment = $comment; $comments->ip_address = $ip_address; $mapper->save($comments); return $app->redirect('/GuestBook/'); } }
function gennonspdf($invid) { global $set_mainFont; $showvat = TRUE; $pdf =& new Cezpdf(); $pdf->selectFont($set_mainFont); // Validate require_lib("validate"); $v = new Validate(); $v->isOk($invid, "num", 1, 20, "Invalid invoice number."); // Any errors? if ($v->isError()) { $err = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $err .= "<li class='err'>{$e['msg']}</li>"; } $OUTPUT = $confirm; require "../template.php"; } // Invoice info db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM nons_invoices WHERE invid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $invRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve invoice info."); //die ($sql); if (pg_num_rows($invRslt) == 0) { return "<li class='err'>Not found</li>"; } $inv = pg_fetch_array($invRslt); db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT symbol FROM currency WHERE fcid='{$inv['fcid']}'"; $curRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve currency from Cubit."); $curr = pg_fetch_result($curRslt, 0); if (!$curr) { $curr = CUR; } // Only needs to be blank, we're manually adding text $heading = array(array("")); // Company info ---------------------------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM compinfo WHERE div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $ciRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve company info from Cubit."); $comp = pg_fetch_array($ciRslt); // $bnkData = qryBankAcct(getdSetting("BANK_DET")); $bnkData = qryBankAcct($inv['bankid']); $compinfo = array(); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr1"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr1"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr2"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr2"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr3"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr3"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr4"], 35), "{$comp['postcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>REG: </b>{$comp['regnum']}", "<b>{$bnkData['bankname']}</b>"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>VAT REG: </b>{$comp['vatnum']}", "<b>Branch: </b>{$bnkData['branchname']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Tel:</b> {$comp['tel']}", "<b>Branch Code: </b>{$bnkData['branchcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Fax:</b> {$comp['fax']}", "<b>Acc Num: </b>{$bnkData['accnum']}"); // Date ------------------------------------------------------------------ $date = array(array("<b>Date</b>"), array($inv['odate'])); // Document info --------------------------------------------------------- db_conn('cubit'); $Sl = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE constant='SALES'"; $Ri = db_exec($Sl) or errDie("Unable to get settings."); $data = pg_fetch_array($Ri); if ($data['value'] == "Yes") { $sp = "<b>Sales Person: </b>{$inv['salespn']}"; } else { $sp = ""; } // Customer info --------------------------------------------------------- if ($inv["cusid"] != 0) { db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE cusnum='{$inv['cusid']}'"; $cusRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve customer information from Cubit."); $cusData = pg_fetch_array($cusRslt); } else { $cusData["surname"] = $inv["cusname"]; $cusData["addr1"] = $inv["cusaddr"]; $cusData["paddr1"] = $inv["cusaddr"]; $cusData["del_addr1"] = ""; $cusData["accno"] = ""; } $docinfo = array(array("<b>Invoice No:</b> {$inv['invnum']}"), array("<b>Proforma Inv No:</b> {$inv['docref']}"), array("<b>Account no: </b>{$cusData['accno']}"), array("{$sp}")); $invoice_to = array(array("")); $cusinfo = array(array("<b>{$cusData['surname']}</b>")); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); foreach ($cusaddr as $v) { $cusinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($v, 40)); } // $cusinfo[] = array("<b>Account no: </b>$cusData[accno]"); $cuspaddr = array(array("<b>Postal Address</b>")); $paddr = explode("\n", $cusData["paddr1"]); foreach ($paddr as $addr) { $cuspaddr[] = array("{$addr}"); } $cusdaddr = array(array("<b>Delivery Address:</b>")); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['del_addr1']); foreach ($cusaddr as $v) { $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr($v, 40)); } // Registration numbers -------------------------------------------------- $regnos = array(array("<b>VAT No:</b>", "<b>Order No:</b>"), array("{$inv['cusvatno']}", "{$inv['cordno']}")); // Items display --------------------------------------------------------- $items = array(); db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM nons_inv_items WHERE invid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkdRslt = db_exec($sql); while ($stkd = pg_fetch_array($stkdRslt)) { // Check Tax Excempt db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT zero FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatex']}'"; $zRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); $vatex = pg_fetch_result($zRslt, 0); if ($vatex == "Yes") { $ex = "#"; } else { $ex = ""; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatex']}'"; $runsql = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); if (pg_numrows($runsql) < 1) { return "Invalid VAT code entered"; } $vd = pg_fetch_array($runsql); if (TAX_VAT != $vd['vat_amount'] and $vd['vat_amount'] != "0.00") { $showvat = FALSE; } $items[] = array("Description" => makewidth($pdf, 305, 12, $ex . strip_tags($stkd["description"])), "Qty" => $stkd['qty'], "Unit Price" => $curr . $stkd['unitcost'], "Amount" => $curr . $stkd['amt']); } // Comment --------------------------------------------------------------- $comment = array(array("<i>VAT Exempt Indicator: #</i>"), array($inv["remarks"])); // Box to sign in -------------------------------------------------------- $sign = array(array("<b>Terms:</b> {$inv['terms']}"), array(''), array("<b>Received in good order by:</b> ____________________"), array(''), array(" <b>Date:</b> ____________________")); // Totals ---------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($showvat)) { $showvat = TRUE; } if ($showvat == TRUE) { $vat14 = AT14; } else { $vat14 = ""; } $totals = array(array("1" => "<b>Subtotal:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['subtot']}"), array("1" => "<b>VAT {$vat14}:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['vat']}"), array("1" => "<b>Total Incl VAT:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['total']}")); $totCols = array("1" => array("width" => 90), "2" => array("justification" => "right")); $ic = 0; while (++$ic * 20 < count($items)) { } // Draw the pages, determine by the amount of items how many pages // if items > 20 start a new page $items_print = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ic; $i++) { if ($i) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } // Page number ------------------------------------------------------- $pagenr = array(array("<b>Page number</b>"), array($i + 1)); // Heading $heading_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $heading, 0, 0, 520, 5); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>{$comp['compname']}</b>", 18, 18, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 6); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Tax Invoice</b>", 18, $heading_pos['x'] - 120, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 9); // Should we display reprint on the invoice if (isset($type) and $type == "nonsreprint") { drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Reprint</b>", 12, $heading_pos['x'] - 70, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 22); } $compinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $compinfo, 0, $heading_pos['y'], 320, 8); $date_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $date, $compinfo_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $pagenr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $pagenr, $date_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $docinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $docinfo, $compinfo_pos['x'], $date_pos['y'], 200, 4); $invoice_to_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $invoice_to, 0, $compinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Tax Invoice to:</b>", 12, 520 / 2 - 45, $invoice_to_pos['y'] - 7); $cusinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusinfo, 0, $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cuspaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cuspaddr, $cusinfo_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cusdaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusdaddr, $cuspaddr_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 174, 8); $regnos_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $regnos, 0, $cusinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); $items_start = $i * 20; if ($i) { $items_start++; } if ($items_start >= count($items) - 20) { $items_end = count($items) - 1; } else { $items_end = ($i + 1) * 20; } $items_print = array(); for ($j = $items_start; $j <= $items_end; $j++) { $items_print[$j] = $items[$j]; } // Adjust the column widths $cols = array("Description" => array("width" => 310), "Qty" => array("width" => 50), "Unit Price" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right"), "Amount" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right")); $items_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $items_print, 0, $regnos_pos['y'] + 2, 520, 22, $cols, 1); $comment_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $comment, 0, $items_pos['y'], 520, 2); $sign_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $sign, 0, $comment_pos['y'], 320, 5); $totals_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $totals, $sign_pos['x'], $comment_pos['y'], 200, 5, $totCols); } return $pdf->output(); }
public function testValidate() { $this->assertSame(false, $this->validate->validate([], 'webmaster.recipe')); $this->assertInstanceOf("Illuminate\\Support\\MessageBag", $this->validate->getErrors()); $this->assertSame(true, $this->validate->validate(['words' => 'testing'], 'search')); }
function posInvoices($pdf) { extract($_GET); global $set_mainFont; $showvat = TRUE; $pdf->selectFont($set_mainFont); // Validate require_lib("validate"); $v = new Validate(); $v->isOk($cusnum, "num", 1, 20, "Invalid customer number."); // Any errors? if ($v->isError()) { $err = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $err .= "<li class=error>{$e['msg']}</li>"; } $OUTPUT = $err; require "../template.php"; } // Invoice info db_conn(PRD_DB); $sql = "SELECT * FROM pinvoices WHERE cusnum='{$cusnum}' AND done='y' AND balance>0 AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $invRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve invoice info."); if (pg_num_rows($invRslt) < 1) { return $pdf; } $num_rows = pg_num_rows($invRslt); $curr_row = 1; while ($inv = pg_fetch_array($invRslt)) { $curr_row++; // Check if stock was selected db_conn(PRD_DB); $sql = "SELECT stkid FROM pinv_items WHERE invid='{$inv['invid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $cRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve invoice info."); if (pg_num_rows($cRslt) < 1) { $error = "<li class=err>Invoice number <b>{$inv['invid']}</b> has no items</li>"; $OUTPUT = $error; } // Only needs to be blank, we're manually adding text $heading = array(array("")); // Company info ---------------------------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM compinfo WHERE div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $ciRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve company info from Cubit."); $comp = pg_fetch_array($ciRslt); // Banking information --------------------------------------------------- $sql = "SELECT value FROM set WHERE label='BANK_DET' AND div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $srslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve banking information from Cubit."); $bankid = pg_fetch_result($srslt, 0); // Select the default bank account if no accounts were found. if (pg_num_rows($srslt) == 0) { $bankid = 2; } db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM bankacct WHERE bankid='{$bankid}' AND div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $bnkRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve the banking information from Cubit."); $bnkData = pg_fetch_array($bnkRslt); $compinfo = array(); $compinfo[] = array($comp["addr1"], $comp["paddr1"]); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr2"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr2"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr3"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr3"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr4"], 35), "{$comp['postcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>REG: </b>{$comp['regnum']}", "<b>{$bnkData['bankname']}</b>"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>VAT REG: </b>{$comp['vatnum']}", "<b>Branch: </b>{$bnkData['branchname']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Tel:</b> {$comp['tel']}", "<b>Branch Code: </b>{$bnkData['branchcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Fax:</b> {$comp['fax']}", "<b>Acc Num: </b>{$bnkData['accnum']}"); // Date ------------------------------------------------------------------ $date = array(array("<b>Date</b>"), array($inv['odate'])); // Document info --------------------------------------------------------- db_conn('cubit'); $Sl = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE constant='SALES'"; $Ri = db_exec($Sl) or errDie("Unable to get settings."); $data = pg_fetch_array($Ri); $docinfo = array(array("<b>Invoice No:</b> {$inv['invnum']}"), array("<b>Sales Order No:</b> {$inv['ordno']}")); if (isset($salespn)) { $docinfo[] = array("<b>Sales Person:</b> {$salespn}"); } // Retrieve the customer information ------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE cusnum='{$inv['cusnum']}'"; $cusRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve customer information from Cubit."); $cusData = pg_fetch_array($cusRslt); // Customer info --------------------------------------------------------- $invoice_to = array(array("")); $cusinfo = array(array("<b>{$inv['surname']}</b>")); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); foreach ($cusaddr as $v) { $cusinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($v, 40)); } $cusinfo[] = array("<b>Account no: </b>{$cusData['accno']}"); $cuspaddr = array(array("<b>Postal Address</b>")); $paddr = explode("\n", $cusData["paddr1"]); foreach ($paddr as $addr) { $cuspaddr[] = array($addr); } $cusdaddr = array(array("<b>Delivery Address:</b>")); $branchname = "Head Office"; $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr("Branch : {$branchname}", 30)); $del_addr = explode("\n", $cusData["del_addr1"]); foreach ($del_addr as $addr) { $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr($addr, 30)); } // Registration numbers -------------------------------------------------- $regnos = array(array("<b>VAT No:</b>", "<b>Order No:</b>"), array("{$inv['cusvatno']}", "{$inv['cordno']}")); // Items display --------------------------------------------------------- $items = array(); db_conn(PRD_DB); $sql = "SELECT * FROM pinv_items WHERE invid='{$inv['invid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkdRslt = db_exec($sql); while ($stkd = pg_fetch_array($stkdRslt)) { // Get warehouse db_conn("exten"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouses WHERE whid='{$stkd['whid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $whRslt = db_exec($sql); $wh = pg_fetch_array($whRslt); // Get stock in this warehouse db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM stock WHERE stkid='{$stkd['stkid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkRslt = db_exec($sql); $stk = pg_fetch_array($stkRslt); $sp = ""; // Check Tax Excempt db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT zero FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatcode']}'"; $zRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); $vatex = pg_fetch_result($zRslt, 0); if ($vatex == "Yes") { $ex = "#"; } else { $ex = ""; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatcode']}'"; $runsql = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); if (pg_numrows($runsql) < 1) { return "Invalid VAT code entered"; } $vd = pg_fetch_array($runsql); if (TAX_VAT != $vd['vat_amount'] and $vd['vat_amount'] != "0.00") { $showvat = FALSE; } // keep track of discounts //$disc += $stkd['disc']; if ($stkd["account"] > 0) { $description = $stkd["description"]; } else { $description = $stk["stkdes"]; } // Remove any new lines from the description $ar_desc = explode("\n", $description); $description = implode(" ", $ar_desc); $items[] = array("Code" => makewidth($pdf, 75, 12, $stk['stkcod']), "Description" => makewidth($pdf, 175, 12, $ex . $description), "Qty" => $stkd['qty'], "Unit Price" => CUR . $stkd['unitcost'], "Unit Discount" => CUR . $stkd['disc'], "Amount" => CUR . $stkd['amt']); } // Comment --------------------------------------------------------------- $comment = array(array("<i>VAT Exempt Indicator : #</i>"), array($inv["comm"])); // Box for signature ----------------------------------------------------- $sign = array(array("<b>Terms:</b> {$inv['terms']} days"), array(''), array("<b>Received in good order by:</b> ____________________"), array(''), array(" <b>Date:</b> ____________________")); // Totals ---------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($showvat)) { $showvat = TRUE; } if ($showvat == TRUE) { $vat14 = AT14; } else { $vat14 = ""; } $totals = array(array("1" => "<b>Subtotal:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['subtot']}"), array("1" => "<b>Trade Discount:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['discount']}"), array("1" => "<b>Delivery Charge:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['delivery']}"), array("1" => "<b>VAT {$vat14}:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['vat']}"), array("1" => "<b>Total Incl VAT:</b> ", "2" => CUR . "{$inv['total']}")); $totCols = array("1" => array("width" => 90), "2" => array("justification" => "right")); $ic = 0; while (++$ic * 22 < count($items)) { } // Draw the pages, determine by the amount of items how many pages // if items > 20 start a new page $items_print = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ic; $i++) { if ($i) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } // Page number ------------------------------------------------------- $pagenr = array(array("<b>Page number</b>"), array($i + 1)); // Heading $heading_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $heading, 0, 0, 520, 5); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>{$comp['compname']}</b>", 18, 0, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 6); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Tax Invoice</b>", 20, $heading_pos['x'] - 120, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 9); $compinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $compinfo, 0, $heading_pos['y'], 320, 8); $date_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $date, $compinfo_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $pagenr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $pagenr, $date_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $docinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $docinfo, $compinfo_pos['x'], $date_pos['y'], 200, 4); $invoice_to_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $invoice_to, 0, $compinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Tax Invoice to:</b>", 12, 520 / 2 - 45, $invoice_to_pos['y'] - 7); $cusinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusinfo, 0, $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cuspaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cuspaddr, $cusinfo_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cusdaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusdaddr, $cuspaddr_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 174, 8); $regnos_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $regnos, 0, $cusinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); $items_start = $i * 22; if ($i) { $items_start++; } if ($items_start >= count($items) - 22) { $items_end = count($items) - 1; } else { $items_end = ($i + 1) * 22; } $items_print = array(); for ($j = $items_start; $j <= $items_end; $j++) { $items_print[$j] = $items[$j]; } $cols = array("Code" => array("width" => 80), "Description" => array("width" => 180), "Qty" => array("width" => 33), "Unit Price" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right"), "Unit Discount" => array("width" => 67, "justification" => "right"), "Amount" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right")); $items_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $items_print, 0, $regnos_pos['y'] + 2, 520, 22, $cols, 1); $comment_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $comment, 0, $items_pos['y'], 520, 2); $sign_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $sign, 0, $comment_pos['y'], 320, 5); $totals_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $totals, $sign_pos['x'], $comment_pos['y'], 200, 5, $totCols); } if ($curr_row < $num_rows) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } } return $pdf; }
public static function adminDeleteItem() { if (Users::isAdmin()) { $validation = new Validate(); $validation->check($_POST, array('action' => array('name' => 'Action', 'required' => true, 'wildcard' => 'admin_item_delete'), 'table' => array('name' => 'Table Name', 'required' => true), 'id' => array('name' => 'Entry ID', 'required' => true))); if ($validation->passed()) { DB::instance()->delete(Input::get('table'), array("", "id", "=", Input::get('id'))); if (Input::get('table') === Users::safeSid() . '_assignments') { Calendar::deleteAssignment(Input::get('id')); } Notifications::addSuccess('Entry deleted!'); Redirect::to('?page=home'); } else { Notifications::addValidationFail($validation->getErrors()); } } else { Redirect::error(403); } }
function invNoteDetails($_GET) { extract($_GET); global $set_mainFont; $showvat = TRUE; $pdf =& new Cezpdf(); $pdf->selectFont($set_mainFont); // Validate require_lib("validate"); $v = new Validate(); $v->isOk($invid, "num", 1, 20, "Invalid invoice number."); $v->isOk($prd, "num", 1, 9, "Invalid period."); // Any errors? if ($v->isError()) { $err = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $err .= "<li class='err'>{$e['msg']}</li>"; } $confirm = "<p><input type='button' onClick='javascript.history.back();' value='« Correct Submission'></p>"; $OUTPUT = $confirm; require "../template.php"; } // Invoice info db_conn($prd); $sql = "SELECT * FROM inv_notes WHERE noteid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $invRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve invoice info."); if (pg_num_rows($invRslt) < 1) { return "<li class='err'>Not found</li>"; } $inv = pg_fetch_array($invRslt); db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT symbol FROM currency WHERE fcid='{$inv['fcid']}'"; $curRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve currency from Cubit."); $curr = pg_fetch_result($curRslt, 0); if (!$curr) { $curr = CUR; } // Check if stock was selected db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT stkid FROM inv_items WHERE invid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $cRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve invoice info."); if (pg_num_rows($cRslt) < 1) { $error = "<li class='err'>Invoice number <b>{$invid}</b> has no items</li>"; $OUTPUT = $error; } // Only needs to be blank, we're manually adding text $heading = array(array("")); // Company info ---------------------------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM compinfo WHERE div='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $ciRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve company info from Cubit."); $comp = pg_fetch_array($ciRslt); // Banking information --------------------------------------------------- // $bnkData = qryBankAcct(getdSetting("BANK_DET")); $bnkData = qryBankAcct($inv['bankid']); $compinfo = array(); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr1"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr1"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr2"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr2"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr3"], 35), pdf_lstr($comp["paddr3"], 35)); $compinfo[] = array(pdf_lstr($comp["addr4"], 35), "{$comp['postcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>REG: </b>{$comp['regnum']}", "<b>{$bnkData['bankname']}</b>"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>VAT REG: </b>{$comp['vatnum']}", "<b>Branch: </b>{$bnkData['branchname']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Tel:</b> {$comp['tel']}", "<b>Branch Code: </b>{$bnkData['branchcode']}"); $compinfo[] = array("<b>Fax:</b> {$comp['fax']}", "<b>Acc Num: </b>{$bnkData['accnum']}"); // Date ------------------------------------------------------------------ $date = array(array("<b>Date</b>"), array($inv['odate'])); // Document info --------------------------------------------------------- db_conn('cubit'); $Sl = "SELECT * FROM cubit.settings WHERE constant='SALES'"; $Ri = db_exec($Sl) or errDie("Unable to get settings."); $data = pg_fetch_array($Ri); if ($data['value'] == "Yes") { $sp = "<b>Sales Person: </b>{$inv['salespn']}"; } else { $sp = ""; } // Retrieve the customer information ------------------------------------- db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE cusnum='{$inv['cusnum']}'"; $cusRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve customer information from Cubit."); $cusData = pg_fetch_array($cusRslt); $docinfo = array(array("<b>Credit Note No:</b> {$inv['notenum']}"), array("<b>Invoice No:</b> {$inv['invnum']}"), array("<b>Sales Order No:</b> {$inv['ordno']}"), array("{$sp}")); // Customer info --------------------------------------------------------- $invoice_to = array(array("")); $cusinfo = array(array("<b>{$inv['surname']}</b>")); $addr1 = explode("\n", $cusData["addr1"]); foreach ($addr1 as $addr) { $cusinfo[] = array($addr); } $cuspaddr = array(array("<b>Postal Address</b>")); $paddr = explode("\n", $cusData["paddr1"]); foreach ($paddr as $addr) { $cuspaddr[] = array($addr); } $cusdaddr = array(array("<b>Delivery Address:</b>")); // Temp // $inv["branch"] = 0; if ($inv['branch'] == 0) { $branchname = "Head Office"; $cusaddr = explode("\n", $cusData['addr1']); } else { $get_addr = "SELECT * FROM customer_branches WHERE id = '{$inv['branch']}' LIMIT 1"; $run_addr = db_exec($get_addr); if (pg_numrows($run_addr) < 1) { $cusaddr = array(); $branchname = "Head Office"; } else { $barr = pg_fetch_array($run_addr); $cusaddr = explode("\n", $barr['branch_descrip']); $branchname = $barr['branch_name']; $cusData["del_addr1"] = $barr['branch_descrip']; } } $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr("Branch : {$branchname}", 30)); $del_addr = explode("\n", $cusData["del_addr1"]); foreach ($del_addr as $addr) { $cusdaddr[] = array(pdf_lstr($addr, 30)); } // Registration numbers -------------------------------------------------- $regnos = array(array("<b>VAT No:</b>", "<b>Order No:</b>"), array("{$inv['cusvatno']}", "{$inv['cordno']}")); // Items display --------------------------------------------------------- $items = array(); db_conn($prd); $sql = "SELECT * FROM inv_note_items WHERE noteid='{$invid}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkdRslt = db_exec($sql); $nsub = 0; while ($stkd = pg_fetch_array($stkdRslt)) { // Get warehouse db_conn("exten"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouses WHERE whid='{$stkd['whid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $whRslt = db_exec($sql); $wh = pg_fetch_array($whRslt); // Get stock in this warehouse db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM stock WHERE stkid='{$stkd['stkid']}' AND DIV='" . USER_DIV . "'"; $stkRslt = db_exec($sql); $stk = pg_fetch_array($stkRslt); $sp = ""; // Check Tax Excempt db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT zero FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatcode']}'"; $zRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); $vatex = pg_fetch_result($zRslt, 0); if ($vatex == "Yes") { $ex = "#"; } else { $ex = ""; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM vatcodes WHERE id='{$stkd['vatcode']}'"; // print $sql; $runsql = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve vat code from Cubit."); if (pg_numrows($runsql) < 1) { //return "Invalid VAT code entered."; } $vd = pg_fetch_array($runsql); if (TAX_VAT != $vd['vat_amount'] and $vd['vat_amount'] != "0.00") { $showvat = FALSE; } $selamt = sprint($stkd['amt'] / $stkd['qty']); $nsub += sprint($stkd["amt"]); // keep track of discounts //$disc += $stkd['disc']; // Stock or non stock description? if (!empty($stkd["description"])) { $description = $stkd["description"]; } else { $description = $stk["stkdes"]; } $description = explode("\n", $description); $description = implode(" ", $description); $items[] = array("Stock Code" => makewidth($pdf, 80, 12, $stk["stkcod"]), "Description" => makewidth($pdf, 280, 12, $ex . $description), "Qty Returned" => $stkd['qty'], "Amount" => $stkd['amt']); } // Comment --------------------------------------------------------------- $comment = array(array("<i>VAT Exempt Indicator : #</i>"), array($inv["comm"])); // Box to sign in -------------------------------------------------------- $sign = array(array("<i>Thank you for your support</i>"), array(''), array("<b>Received in good order by:</b> ____________________"), array(''), array(" <b>Date:</b> ____________________")); // Totals ---------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($showvat)) { $showvat = TRUE; } if ($showvat == TRUE) { $vat14 = AT14; } else { $vat14 = ""; } $totals = array(array("1" => "<b>Subtotal:</b> ", "2" => $curr . sprint($nsub, 2)), array("1" => "<b>Trade Discount:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['traddisc']}"), array("1" => "<b>Delivery Charge:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['delchrg']}"), array("1" => "<b>VAT {$vat14}:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['vat']}"), array("1" => "<b>Total Incl VAT:</b> ", "2" => $curr . "{$inv['total']}")); $totCols = array("1" => array("width" => 90), "2" => array("justification" => "right")); $ic = 0; while (++$ic * 20 < count($items)) { } // Draw the pages, determine by the amount of items how many pages // if items > 20 start a new page $items_print = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ic; $i++) { if ($i) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); } // Page number ------------------------------------------------------- $pagenr = array(array("<b>Page number</b>"), array($i + 1)); // Heading $heading_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $heading, 0, 0, 520, 5); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>{$comp['compname']}</b>", 18, 18, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 6); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Tax Credit Note</b>", 18, $heading_pos['x'] - 140, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 9); // Should we display reprint on the invoice if ($type == "invnotereprint") { drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Reprint</b>", 12, $heading_pos['x'] - 70, $heading_pos['y'] / 2 + 22); } $compinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $compinfo, 0, $heading_pos['y'], 320, 8); $date_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $date, $compinfo_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $pagenr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $pagenr, $date_pos['x'], $heading_pos['y'], 100, 4); $docinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $docinfo, $compinfo_pos['x'], $date_pos['y'], 200, 4); $invoice_to_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $invoice_to, 0, $compinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); drawText(&$pdf, "<b>Credit Note to:</b>", 12, 520 / 2 - 45, $invoice_to_pos['y'] - 7); $cusinfo_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusinfo, 0, $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cuspaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cuspaddr, $cusinfo_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 173, 8); $cusdaddr_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $cusdaddr, $cuspaddr_pos['x'], $invoice_to_pos['y'], 174, 8); $regnos_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $regnos, 0, $cusinfo_pos['y'], 520, 2); $items_start = $i * 22; if ($i) { $items_start++; } if ($items_start >= count($items) - 22) { $items_end = count($items) - 1; } else { $items_end = ($i + 1) * 22; } $items_print = array(); for ($j = $items_start; $j <= $items_end; $j++) { $items_print[$j] = $items[$j]; } $cols = array("Stock Code" => array("width" => 80), "Description" => array("width" => 280), "Qty Returned" => array("width" => 80), "Amount" => array("width" => 80, "justification" => "right")); $items_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $items_print, 0, $regnos_pos['y'] + 2, 520, 23, $cols, 1); $comment_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $comment, 0, $items_pos['y'], 520, 2); $sign_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $sign, 0, $comment_pos['y'], 320, 5); $totals_pos = drawTable(&$pdf, $totals, $sign_pos['x'], $comment_pos['y'], 200, 5, $totCols); $pdf->addText(20, 34, 6, 'Cubit Accounting'); } $pdf->ezStream(); }