function testSaveRootLevel() { $make = new VF_Level('make'); $make->setTitle(self::ENTITY_TITLE); $make = $this->saveAndReload($make); $this->assertNotEquals(0, $make->getId(), 'saved entity should have an id value'); $this->assertSame(self::ENTITY_TITLE, $make->getTitle(), 'saved entity should have correct title value'); }
function testSaveRootLevel() { $make = new VF_Level('make'); $make->setTitle('Honda'); $make = $this->saveAndReload($make); $make->setTitle('Acura'); $make = $this->saveAndReload($make); $this->assertSame('Acura', $make->getTitle(), 'saved entity should have correct title value'); }
function testConformsLevelMake() { return $this->markTestIncomplete(); $honda = new VF_Level('make'); $honda->setTitle('Honda'); $honda->save(); $honda2 = new VF_Level('make'); $honda2->setTitle('Honda'); $honda2->save(); $this->assertEquals($honda->getId(), $honda2->getId(), 'when saving two makes with same title, they should get the same id'); }
function testUsesOneQueryOnMultipleCalls() { $level = new VF_Level('make'); $level->setTitle('make'); $id = $level->save(); $this->getReadAdapter()->getProfiler()->clear(); $this->getReadAdapter()->getProfiler()->setEnabled(true); $level = new VF_Level('make', $id); $level = new VF_Level('make', $id); $queries = $this->getReadAdapter()->getProfiler()->getQueryProfiles(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($queries)); }
function testDoesntConformModelFromDiffrentMake() { $honda = new VF_Level('make'); $honda->setTitle('Honda'); $honda_make_id = $honda->save(); $civic = new VF_Level('model'); $civic->setTitle('Civic'); $civic->save($honda_make_id); $ford = new VF_Level('make'); $ford->setTitle('Ford'); $ford_make_id = $ford->save(); $civic2 = new VF_Level('model'); $civic2->setTitle('Civic'); $civic2->save($ford_make_id); $this->assertEquals($civic->getId(), $civic2->getId(), 'when saving two models with same title, but under different makes, they should get same ids'); }
function getLevel($level) { if ($this->hasLoadedLevel($level)) { return $this->levels[$level]; } if ($this->levelIsOutsideFlexibleSelection($level)) { return new VF_Level($level, 0, $this->schema()); } $id = $this->getValue($level); $levelFinder = new VF_Level_Finder($this->schema()); $object = $levelFinder->find($level, $id); if (false == $object) { $object = new VF_Level($level, $id, $this->schema()); if (false == $id) { $title = isset($this->titles[$level]) ? $this->titles[$level] : ''; $object->setTitle($title); } } $this->levels[$level] = $object; return $object; }
function newLevel($level, $title) { $level = new VF_Level($level); $level->setTitle($title); return $level; }
/** @return VF_Level */ function findEntityByTitle($type, $title, $parent_id = 0) { $levelId = $this->findEntityIdByTitle($type, $title, $parent_id); if (!$levelId) { return false; } $level = new VF_Level($type, $levelId, $this->getSchema()); $level->setTitle($title); return $level; }
function saveAction() { $id = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('save'); $entity = new VF_Level($this->getEntity()->getType(), $id); $entity->setTitle($this->getRequest()->getParam('title')); $entity->save($this->requestLevels()); if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { echo $entity->getId(); exit; } $this->doSave(); }