コード例 #1
ファイル: CustomRecordsets_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function admin()
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         if ($this->parent->get_type() == 'Base_Admin') {
         } elseif (Base_BoxCommon::main_module_instance()->get_type() == $this->get_type()) {
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'rb_custom');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Table')), array('name' => __('Caption')), array('name' => __('Menu Entry'))));
     $tabs = DB::GetAll('SELECT * FROM recordbrowser_custom_recordsets ORDER BY tab ASC');
     foreach ($tabs as $t) {
         $gbr = $gb->get_new_row();
         if (!$t['active']) {
             $gbr->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'set_active'), array($t['id'], true)), 'Activate', null, 'active-off');
         } else {
             $gbr->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'set_active'), array($t['id'], false)), 'Deactivate', null, 'active-on');
         $gbr->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_rset'), array($t['id'])), 'edit');
         $table_name = $t['tab'];
         $table_href = $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'manage_recordset'), array($table_name));
         $gbr->add_data("<a {$table_href}>{$table_name}</a>", Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_caption($t['tab']), str_replace(Utils_RecordBrowser_CustomRecordsetsCommon::$sep, ' -> ', $t['menu']));
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('new', __('Create new'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_rset')));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GenericBrowser_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function body()
     $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 't1');
     $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'xxx', 'width' => 50), array('name' => 'xyz', 'width' => 50)));
     $m->add_row('xxx', '123');
     $m->add_row('sdasf', '567');
     $m->add_row('wwww', 'abc');
     $m->add_row('asgfs', 'bla bla');
     $m->add_row('test', 'adsad');
     $m->add_row('search', 'sjfksdfjdk');
     $m->add_row('search keyword', 'test');
     $m->add_row('ttttesst', 'djsdkdkdkd kskdk');
     $m->add_row('xxx', 'yyyy');
     $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 't2');
     $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'xxx', 'search' => 1)));
     $m->add_row('search keyword');
     $this->display_module($m, array(true), 'automatic_display');
     //------------------------------ print out src
     print '<hr><b>Install</b><br>';
     $this->pack_module(Utils_CatFile::module_name(), 'modules/Tests/GenericBrowser/GenericBrowserInstall.php');
     print '<hr><b>Main</b><br>';
     $this->pack_module(Utils_CatFile::module_name(), 'modules/Tests/GenericBrowser/GenericBrowser_0.php');
     print '<hr><b>Common</b><br>';
     $this->pack_module(Utils_CatFile::module_name(), 'modules/Tests/GenericBrowser/GenericBrowserCommon_0.php');
コード例 #3
ファイル: HomePage_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function admin()
     if ($this->is_back()) {
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('Add Home Page'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_home_page')));
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'home_page_admin');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'Home Page'), array('name' => 'Clearance')));
     $pages = DB::Execute('SELECT * FROM base_home_page ORDER BY priority');
     $next = null;
     while ($row = $pages->FetchRow()) {
         $gbr = $gb->get_new_row();
         $clearances = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id, clearance FROM base_home_page_clearance WHERE home_page_id=%d', array($row['id']));
         $gbr->add_data($row['home_page'], Base_AclCommon::display_clearances($clearances));
         if ($next) {
             $next->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'change_priority'), array($last_row['id'], $last_row['priority'], +1)), 'Move down', null, 'move-down');
         if ($row['priority'] > 1) {
             $gbr->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'change_priority'), array($row['id'], $row['priority'], -1)), 'Move up', null, 'move-up');
         $gbr->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'delete_home_page'), array($row['id'])), 'Delete');
         $gbr->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_home_page'), array($row['id'])), 'Edit');
         $next = $gbr;
         $last_row = $row;
     eval_js('base_home_page__initialized = false;');
コード例 #4
ファイル: Administrator_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function download_template()
     $ld = $this->get_data_dir() . 'list/';
     if (!file_exists($ld)) {
         return $this->download_templates_list();
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         return false;
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('search', __('Update templates list'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'download_templates_list')));
     $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'new_templates');
     $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'Name', 'search' => 1), array('name' => 'Version'), array('name' => 'Screenshot'), array('name' => 'Author', 'search' => 1), array('name' => 'Info', 'search' => 1), array('name' => 'Compatible')));
     $content = scandir($ld);
     foreach ($content as $template_name) {
         if ($template_name == '.' || $template_name == '..') {
         $ini = parse_ini_file($ld . $template_name . '/info.ini');
         $compatible = version_compare($ini['epesi_version'], EPESI_VERSION) <= 0;
         $installed = is_dir(DATA_DIR . '/Base_Theme/templates/' . $template_name);
         if ($installed) {
             $installed_ini = @parse_ini_file(DATA_DIR . '/Base_Theme/templates/' . $template_name . '/info.ini');
             if (!$installed_ini) {
                 $installed_ini = array('version' => 0);
         if (isset($ini['screenshot'])) {
             $th_big = Utils_ImageCommon::create_thumb($ld . $template_name . '/' . $ini['screenshot'], 640, 480);
             $thumb = '<a href="' . $th_big['thumb'] . '" rel="lyteshow">' . Utils_ImageCommon::get_thumb_html($ld . $template_name . '/' . $ini['screenshot'], 120, 120) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $thumb = '';
         $r = $m->get_new_row();
         $r->add_data($template_name, $ini['version'], $thumb, $ini['author'], $ini['info'], $compatible ? '<font color="green">yes</font>' : '<font color="red">NO</font> epesi ' . $ini['epesi_version'] . ' required');
         if ($compatible && !$installed) {
             $r->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'install_template'), $template_name), 'Install');
         if ($installed) {
             $r->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'delete_template'), $template_name), 'Delete');
             if ($ini['version'] > $installed_ini['version']) {
                 $r->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'update_template'), $template_name), 'Update');
     $this->display_module($m, array(true), 'automatic_display');
     return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CustomMenu_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
  * Displays menu editor.
 public function body()
     $edit = $this->get_module_variable_or_unique_href_variable('edit');
     if (isset($edit)) {
         return $this->edit($edit);
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'custommenu');
     $data = $this->get_module_variable('data');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Menu entry path'), 'width' => 70)));
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $r =& $gb->get_new_row();
         $r->add_action($this->create_unique_href(array('edit' => $row)), 'Edit');
         $r->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure?'), array($this, 'delete_entry'), $row), 'Delete');
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('New menu entry'), $this->create_unique_href(array('edit' => false)));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Cron_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function admin()
     if ($this->is_back()) {
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $new_token_href = $this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure?'), array($this, 'new_token'));
     $theme->assign('new_token_href', $new_token_href);
     $theme->assign('wiki_url', 'http://www.epesi.org/Cron');
     $theme->assign('cron_url', Base_CronCommon::get_cron_url());
     $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'cron');
     $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'Description', 'width' => 65), array('name' => 'Last Run', 'width' => 20), array('name' => 'Running', 'width' => 15)));
     $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT description,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last DESC');
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         $m->add_row($row['description'] ? $row['description'] : '???', $row['last'] ? Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['last']) : '---', $row['running'] ? '<span style="color:red">' . __('Yes') . '</span>' : '<span style="color:green">' . __('No') . '</span>');
     $html = $this->get_html_of_module($m);
     $theme->assign('history', $html);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Administrator_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function translations()
     global $translations;
     global $custom_translations;
     $lp = $this->init_module(Utils_LeightboxPrompt::module_name());
     $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), null, 'translations_sending');
     $desc = '<div id="trans_sett_info" style="line-height:17px;">';
     $desc .= __('You have now option to contribute with your translations to help us deliver EPESI in various languages. You can opt in to send your translations to EPESI central database, allowing to deliver EPESI in your language to other users.') . '<br>';
     $desc .= __('Please note that the translations you submit aren\'t subject to copyright. EPESI Team will distribute the translations free of charge to the end users.') . '<br>';
     $desc .= __('The only data being sent is the values of the fields presented below and the translated strings, we do not receive any other information contained in EPESI.') . '<br>';
     $desc .= __('You can also change your Translations Contribution settings at later time.') . '<br>';
     $desc .= '</div>';
     // Not really nice, but will have to do for now
     eval_js('function update_credits(){$("contact_email").disabled=$("credits_website").disabled=!$("include_credits").checked||!$("allow").checked;}');
     $ip = gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
     $me = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_my_record();
     $form->addElement('static', 'header', '<div id="decription_label" />', $desc);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'allow', __('Enable sending translations'), null, array('id' => 'allow', 'onchange' => '$("include_credits").disabled=$("first_name").disabled=$("last_name").disabled=!this.checked;update_credits();'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'first_name', __('First Name'), array('id' => 'first_name'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'last_name', __('Last Name'), array('id' => 'last_name'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'include_credits', __('Include in credits'), null, array('id' => 'include_credits', 'onchange' => 'update_credits();'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'credits_website', __('Credits website'), array('id' => 'credits_website'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'contact_email', __('Contact e-mail'), array('id' => 'contact_email'));
     $form->addElement('static', 'IP', __('IP'), $ip);
     $lp->add_option(null, null, null, $form);
     $vals = $lp->export_values();
     if ($vals) {
         $values = $vals['form'];
         if (!isset($values['allow'])) {
             $values['allow'] = 0;
         if (!isset($values['first_name'])) {
             $values['first_name'] = '';
         if (!isset($values['last_name'])) {
             $values['last_name'] = '';
         if (!isset($values['include_credits'])) {
             $values['include_credits'] = 0;
         if (!isset($values['credits_website'])) {
             $values['credits_website'] = '';
         if (!isset($values['contact_email'])) {
             $values['contact_email'] = '';
         DB::Execute('DELETE FROM base_lang_trans_contrib WHERE user_id=%d', array(Acl::get_user()));
         DB::Execute('INSERT INTO base_lang_trans_contrib (user_id, allow, first_name, last_name, credits, credits_website, contact_email) VALUES (%d, %d, %s, %s, %d, %s, %s)', array(Acl::get_user(), $values['allow'], $values['first_name'], $values['last_name'], $values['include_credits'], $values['credits_website'], $values['contact_email']));
     $allow_sending = Base_Lang_AdministratorCommon::allow_sending(true);
     if ($allow_sending === null || $allow_sending === false) {
         $form->setDefaults(array('allow' => 0, 'first_name' => $me['first_name'], 'last_name' => $me['last_name'], 'contact_email' => $me['email']));
     } else {
         $r = DB::GetRow('SELECT * FROM base_lang_trans_contrib WHERE user_id=%d', array(Acl::get_user()));
         if (!$r['first_name']) {
             $r['first_name'] = $me['first_name'];
         if (!$r['last_name']) {
             $r['last_name'] = $me['last_name'];
         if (!$r['contact_email']) {
             $r['contact_email'] = $me['email'];
         $form->setDefaults(array('allow' => $r['allow'], 'first_name' => $r['first_name'], 'last_name' => $r['last_name'], 'contact_email' => $r['contact_email'], 'credits_website' => $r['credits_website'], 'include_credits' => $r['credits']));
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('settings', __('Translations Contributions'), $lp->get_href());
     $this->display_module($lp, array(__('Translations Contributions settings')));
     if (Base_AdminCommon::get_access('Base_Lang_Administrator', 'new_langpack')) {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('New langpack'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'new_lang_pack')));
     if (Base_AdminCommon::get_access('Base_Lang_Administrator', 'select_language')) {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('refresh', __('Refresh languages'), $this->create_callback_href(array('Base_LangCommon', 'refresh_cache')));
     $form2 = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), null, 'translaction_filter');
     $form2->addElement('select', 'lang_filter', __('Filter'), array(__('Show all'), __('Show with custom translation'), __('Show with translation'), __('Show without translation')), array('onchange' => $form2->get_submit_form_js()));
     if ($form2->validate()) {
         $vals = $form2->exportValues();
         $this->set_module_variable('filter', $vals['lang_filter']);
     $filter = $this->get_module_variable('filter', 0);
     $form2->setDefaults(array('lang_filter' => $filter));
     $trans_filter = ob_get_clean();
     if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['base_lang_administrator']['currently_translating'])) {
         $_SESSION['client']['base_lang_administrator']['currently_translating'] = Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code();
     if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['base_lang_administrator']['notice'])) {
         print '<span class="important_notice">' . __('Please make sure the correct language is selected in the box below before you start translating') . ' <a style="float:right;" ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'hide_notice')) . '>' . __('Discard') . '</a>' . '</span>';
     if (Base_AdminCommon::get_access('Base_Lang_Administrator', 'translate')) {
         $langs = Base_LangCommon::get_installed_langs();
         $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), null, 'language_selected');
         $form->addElement('select', 'lang_code', __('Currently Translating'), $langs, array('onchange' => $form->get_submit_form_js()));
         $currently_translating = $_SESSION['client']['base_lang_administrator']['currently_translating'];
         $form->setDefaults(array('lang_code' => $currently_translating));
         if ($form->validate()) {
             $form->process(array($this, 'submit_language_select'));
         if ($allow_sending) {
             $warning_mgs = __('All custom translations will be sent to our server right after you will input them. Use this mode only, if you wish to contribute your translations. If you are going to change meaning of any string, then please disable sending translations.');
             print "<h1 style=\"color:red; width: 70%\">{$warning_mgs}</h1>";
         } else {
             $contribution_mgs = __('If you wish to help us with translating EPESI to your language, then click Translation Contribution in the Action Bar.');
             print "<h3>{$contribution_mgs}</h3>";
         if ($allow_sending) {
             $href = $this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure?'), array($this, 'send_lang_ajax'), array($currently_translating));
             print "<h4><a {$href}>" . __('Send all your custom translations for language %s', array($langs[$currently_translating])) . "</a></h4>";
         $help_msg = __('You can open next string to translate with space button');
         print "<p>{$help_msg}</p>";
     $data = array();
     foreach ($custom_translations as $o => $t) {
         if ($t || !isset($translations[$o])) {
             $translations[$o] = $t;
     foreach ($translations as $o => $t) {
         if (isset($custom_translations[$o]) && $custom_translations[$o]) {
             $t = $custom_translations[$o];
         } else {
             if ($filter == 1) {
         if ($filter == 2 && !$t) {
         if ($filter == 3 && $t) {
         $span_id = 'trans__' . md5($o);
         if (Base_AdminCommon::get_access('Base_Lang_Administrator', 'translate')) {
             $org = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="lang_translate(\'' . Epesi::escapeJS(htmlspecialchars($o)) . '\',\'' . $span_id . '\');">' . $o . '</a>';
             $t = '<span id="' . $span_id . '">' . $t . '</span>';
         eval_js('translate_add_id("' . $span_id . '","' . Epesi::escapeJS($o) . '");');
         $data[] = array($org, $t);
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'lang_translations');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Original'), 'order_preg' => '/^<[^>]+>([^<]*)<[^>]+>$/i', 'search' => 'original'), array('name' => __('Translated'), 'search' => 'translated')));
     //$limit = $gb->get_limit(count($data));
     $id = 0;
     foreach ($data as $v) {
         //if ($id>=$limit['offset'] && $id<$limit['offset']+$limit['numrows'])
     $this->display_module($gb, array(true), 'automatic_display');
     Utils_ShortcutCommon::add(array(' '), 'translate_first_on_the_list', array('disable_in_input' => 1));
コード例 #8
ファイル: RecordBrowser_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function manage_permissions()
     $this->help('Permissions Editor', 'permissions');
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'permissions_' . $this->tab, 'permissions_' . $this->tab);
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Access type'), 'width' => '100px'), array('name' => __('Clearance required'), 'width' => '30'), array('name' => __('Applies to records'), 'width' => '60'), array('name' => __('Fields'), 'width' => '100px')));
     $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tab . '_access AS acs ORDER BY action DESC');
     $tmp = DB::GetAll('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tab . '_access_clearance AS acs');
     $clearance = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $clearance[$t['rule_id']][] = $t['clearance'];
     $tmp = DB::GetAll('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tab . '_access_fields AS acs');
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $fields[$t['rule_id']][] = $t['block_field'];
     $all_clearances = array_flip(Base_AclCommon::get_clearance(true));
     $all_fields = array();
     foreach ($this->table_rows as $v) {
         $all_fields[$v['id']] = $v['name'];
     $actions = $this->get_permission_actions();
     $rules = array();
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         if (!isset($clearance[$row['id']])) {
             $clearance[$row['id']] = array();
         if (!isset($fields[$row['id']])) {
             $fields[$row['id']] = array();
         $action = $actions[$row['action']];
         $crits = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::parse_access_crits($row['crits'], true);
         $crits_text = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::crits_to_words($this->tab, $crits);
         foreach ($fields[$row['id']] as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($all_fields[$v])) {
                 $fields[$row['id']][$k] = $all_fields[$v];
             } else {
         foreach ($clearance[$row['id']] as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($all_clearances[$v])) {
                 $clearance[$row['id']][$k] = $all_clearances[$v];
             } else {
         $c_all_fields = count($all_fields);
         $c_fields = count($fields[$row['id']]);
         $props = $c_all_fields ? ($c_all_fields - $c_fields) / $c_all_fields : 0;
         $color = dechex(255 - 68 * $props) . dechex(187 + 68 * $props) . 'BB';
         $fields_value = $c_all_fields - $c_fields . ' / ' . $c_all_fields;
         if ($props != 1) {
             $fields_value = Utils_TooltipCommon::create($fields_value, '<b>' . __('Excluded fields') . ':</b><hr>' . implode('<br>', $fields[$row['id']]), false);
         $rules[$row['action']][$row['id']] = array($action, '<span class="Utils_RecordBrowser__permissions_crits">' . implode(' <span class="joint">' . __('and') . '</span><br>', $clearance[$row['id']]) . '</span>', array('value' => '<span class="Utils_RecordBrowser__permissions_crits">' . $crits_text . '</span>', 'overflow_box' => false), array('style' => 'background-color:#' . $color, 'value' => $fields_value));
     foreach ($actions as $a => $l) {
         if (isset($rules[$a])) {
             foreach ($rules[$a] as $id => $vals) {
                 $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
                 if (Base_AdminCommon::get_access('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'permissions') == 2) {
                     $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_permissions_rule'), array($id)), 'edit', 'Edit');
                     $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_permissions_rule'), array($id, true)), 'copy', __('Clone rule'), Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file(Utils_Attachment::module_name(), 'copy_small.png'));
                     $gb_row->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure you want to delete this rule?'), array($this, 'delete_permissions_rule'), array($id)), 'delete', 'Delete');
     if (Base_AdminCommon::get_access('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'permissions') == 2) {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('Add new rule'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_permissions_rule'), array(null)));
     Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'edit_permissions');
     eval_js('utils_recordbrowser__crits_initialized = false;');
コード例 #9
ファイル: Fax_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function queue_tab($count_f, $get_f, $statuses)
     $t = time();
     $status =& $this->get_module_variable('queue_status', current(array_keys($statuses)));
     $offset =& $this->get_module_variable('queue_offset', 0);
     $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name());
     $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $form->addElement('select', 'status', __('Status'), $statuses);
     $form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Show'));
     $form->addRule('status', 'Field required', 'required');
     $form->setDefaults(array('status' => $status));
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $data = $form->exportValues();
         if (array_key_exists($data['status'], $statuses)) {
             $status = $data['status'];
         $offset = 0;
     $form->assign_theme('form', $theme);
     $m = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'queue');
     $m->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => 'To', 'width' => 30, 'order' => 'toNumber'), array('name' => 'Status', 'width' => 10), array('name' => 'Date', 'width' => 10, 'order' => 'creationDate'), array('name' => 'File', 'width' => 30, 'order' => 'fileName')));
     $m->set_default_order(array('Date' => 'DESC'));
     $count = call_user_func($count_f, $status);
     if ($count === false) {
         $count = 0;
     $limits = $m->get_limit($count);
     $order = $m->get_order();
     if ($count != 0) {
         $data = call_user_func($get_f, $status, $order[0]['order'], $order[0]['direction'], $limits['numrows'], (string) ($limits['offset'] + 1));
     if ($count == 0 || $data === false) {
         $data = array();
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $from_rec = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contacts(array('fax' => $row['toNumber']));
         foreach ($from_rec as &$rec) {
             $rec = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_default($rec);
         $from_rec_comp = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_companies(array('fax' => $row['toNumber']));
         foreach ($from_rec_comp as $rec) {
             $from_rec[] = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_linked_label('company', 'Company Name', $rec);
         $m->add_row(empty($from_rec) ? $row['toNumber'] : ' (' . implode(', ', $from_rec) . ')', $statuses[$row['faxStatus']], Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['creationDate']), '<a href="' . $row['fileUrl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $row['fileName'] . '</a>');
     $theme->assign('table_data', $this->get_html_of_module($m));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Roundcube_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function actions_for_mails($r, $gb_row)
     $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'copy'), array($r['id'])), 'copy', null, Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($this->get_type(), 'copy_small.png'));
     $gb_row->add_action('style="display:none;" href="javascript:void(0)" class="expand"', 'Expand', null, Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'expand.gif'), 5);
     $gb_row->add_action('style="display:none;" href="javascript:void(0)" class="collapse"', 'Collapse', null, Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'collapse.gif'), 5);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Filters_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function edit($user_settings_nav = true)
     if ($user_settings_nav) {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_main_href('Base_User_Settings'));
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('Add preset'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_group')));
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'edit');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Name'), 'width' => 20, 'order' => 'g.name'), array('name' => __('Description'), 'width' => 30, 'order' => 'g.description'), array('name' => __('Users in category'), 'width' => 50, 'order' => '')));
     $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT g.name,g.id,g.description FROM crm_filters_group g WHERE g.user_login_id=' . Acl::get_user());
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         $gb_row =& $gb->get_new_row();
         $gb_row->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Delete this group?'), array('CRM_Filters', 'delete_group'), $row['id']), 'Delete');
         $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_group'), $row['id']), 'Edit');
         $cids = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT c.contact_id, c.contact_id FROM crm_filters_contacts c WHERE c.group_id=%d', array($row['id']));
         $users = array();
         foreach ($cids as $v) {
             $users[] = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company(CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact($v), true);
         $gb_row->add_data($row['name'], $row['description'], implode(', ', $users));
     $qf = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), null, 'default_filter');
     $qf->addElement('checkbox', 'show_all_contacts_in_filters', __('Show all contacts in Perspective selection'), null, array('onChange' => $qf->get_submit_form_js()));
     $qf->addElement('checkbox', 'show_only_users_in_filters', __('Show only users in Perspective selection'), null, array('onChange' => $qf->get_submit_form_js()));
     $qf->setDefaults(array('show_all_contacts_in_filters' => Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Contacts', 'show_all_contacts_in_filters'), 'show_only_users_in_filters' => Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Contacts', 'show_only_users_in_filters')));
     if ($qf->validate()) {
         $vals = $qf->exportValues();
         if (!isset($vals['show_all_contacts_in_filters'])) {
             $vals['show_all_contacts_in_filters'] = 0;
         if (!isset($vals['show_only_users_in_filters'])) {
             $vals['show_only_users_in_filters'] = 0;
         Base_User_SettingsCommon::save('CRM_Contacts', 'show_all_contacts_in_filters', $vals['show_all_contacts_in_filters']);
         Base_User_SettingsCommon::save('CRM_Contacts', 'show_only_users_in_filters', $vals['show_only_users_in_filters']);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Calendar_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function applet($conf, &$opts)
     $opts['go'] = true;
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'agendaX');
     $columns = array(array('name' => __('Start'), 'order' => 'e.starts', 'width' => 25, 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap'), array('name' => __('Title'), 'order' => 'e.title', 'width' => 50));
     $start = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $end = date('Y-m-d', time() + $conf['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60);
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Start') => 'ASC'));
     CRM_Calendar_EventCommon::$filter = '(' . CRM_FiltersCommon::get_my_profile() . ')';
     $data = array();
     Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('CRM_Calendar', 'agenda');
     $custom_events = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id, handler_callback FROM crm_calendar_custom_events_handlers ORDER BY group_name');
     $ret = array();
     if (!empty($custom_events)) {
         $c = 0;
         foreach ($custom_events as $id => $cb) {
             if ($conf['events_handlers__' . $id]) {
                 $cb = explode('::', $cb);
                 if (!is_callable($cb)) {
                 $add = call_user_func($cb, 'get_all', $start, $end, CRM_Calendar_EventCommon::$filter);
                 foreach ($add as $v) {
                     $ret[str_pad($v['start'], 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '__' . $c] = $v;
     foreach ($ret as $row) {
         if (isset($row['status']) && $row['status'] == 'closed') {
         if (!isset($row['view_action'])) {
             $ex = Utils_CalendarCommon::process_event($row);
             $view_action = '<a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'view_event'), $row['id']) . '>';
             $ev_id = explode('_', $row['id'], 2);
             $ev_id = $ev_id[0];
         } else {
             $tmp = Utils_CalendarCommon::process_event($row);
             $ex = $row;
             $ex['start'] = $tmp['start'];
             $view_action = '<a ' . $row['view_action'] . '>';
         // left column
         $date = $ex['start'];
         // right column
         $title = Utils_TooltipCommon::create($row['title'], $row['custom_tooltip']);
         $day = isset($row['timeless']) && $row['timeless'] ? $row['timeless'] : Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['start'], false, true, true, false);
         if ($day < date('Y-m-d')) {
             $class = 'past';
         } elseif ($day == date('Y-m-d')) {
             $class = 'today';
         } elseif ($day == date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'))) {
             $class = 'tomorrow';
         } else {
             $class = 'other';
         $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
         $gb_row->set_attrs('class="CRM_Calendar_applet__' . $class . '"');
         $gb_row->add_data(array('value' => $date, 'order_value' => isset($row['timeless']) && $row['timeless'] ? strtotime($row['timeless']) : $row['start']), array('value' => $view_action . $title . '</a>'));
     $this->display_module($gb, array(false), 'automatic_display');
コード例 #13
ファイル: LoginAudit_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function admin()
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         if ($this->parent->get_type() == 'Base_Admin') {
         } else {
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     $user = $this->get_module_variable('filter_user', '');
     $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), null, 'filter');
     $form->setDefaults(array('users' => $user));
     $count = DB::GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_login');
     if ($count > Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'enable_autocomplete')) {
         $f_callback = array('CRM_LoginAuditCommon', 'user_label');
         $form->addElement('autoselect', 'users', __('Select user'), array(), array(array('CRM_LoginAuditCommon', 'user_suggestbox'), array($f_callback)), $f_callback, array('onChange' => $form->get_submit_form_js(), 'style' => 'width:200px'));
     } else {
         $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT id, active FROM user_login ORDER BY active DESC, login ASC');
         $el = $form->addElement('select', 'users', __('Select user'), array(), array('onChange' => $form->get_submit_form_js(), 'style' => 'width:200px'));
         $el->addOption(__('All'), '');
         $contacts_raw = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contacts(array('!login' => ''));
         $contacts = array();
         foreach ($contacts_raw as $c) {
             $contacts[$c['login']] = $c;
         $active = array();
         $inactive = array();
         while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
             $label = '[' . Base_UserCommon::get_user_login($row['id']) . ']';
             if (isset($contacts[$row['id']])) {
                 $label = CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company($contacts[$row['id']], true) . ' ' . $label;
             if ($row['active']) {
                 $active[$row['id']] = $label;
             } else {
                 $inactive[$row['id']] = $label;
         foreach ($active as $id => $label) {
             $el->addOption($label, $id);
         foreach ($inactive as $id => $label) {
             $el->addOption($label, $id, array('style' => 'background-color: lightgray;'));
     $user = $form->exportValue('users');
     $this->set_module_variable('filter_user', $user);
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'login_audit');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => '<b>' . __('Login') . '</b> ' . __('[uid] -> User Name'), 'order' => 'b.user_login_id', 'width' => 20), array('name' => __('Start'), 'order' => 'b.start_time', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('End'), 'order' => 'b.end_time', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Duration'), 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('IP Address'), 'order' => 'b.ip_address', 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('Host Name'), 'order' => 'b.host_name', 'width' => 30)));
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('End') => 'DESC'));
     if ($user > 0) {
         $query = 'SELECT b.user_login_id, b.start_time, b.end_time, b.ip_address, b.host_name FROM base_login_audit b WHERE b.user_login_id=' . $user;
         $query_qty = 'SELECT count(b.id) FROM base_login_audit b WHERE b.user_login_id=' . $user;
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT b.user_login_id, b.start_time, b.end_time, b.ip_address, b.host_name FROM base_login_audit b';
         $query_qty = 'SELECT count(b.id) FROM base_login_audit b';
     $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query, $query_qty);
     if ($ret) {
         while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
             $c = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id($row['user_login_id']);
             $ulogin = Base_UserCommon::get_user_login($row['user_login_id']);
             $uid = __('Contact not set');
             if ($c) {
                 $uid = $c['first_name'] . ' ' . $c['last_name'];
             $offset = strtotime("1970-01-01 00:00:00");
             $sess_time = date("G:i:s", strtotime($row['end_time']) - strtotime($row['start_time']) + $offset);
             $gb->add_row('<b>' . $ulogin . ' [' . $row['user_login_id'] . ']</b> -> ' . $uid, $row['start_time'], $row['end_time'], $sess_time, $row['ip_address'], $row['host_name']);
     if (!DEMO_MODE) {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('settings', __('Maintenance'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'purge_log')));
     return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Calendar_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function agenda()
     $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_Calendar', 'common');
     /////////////// controls ////////////////////////
     $start =& $this->get_module_variable('agenda_start', date('Y-m-d', $this->date));
     $end =& $this->get_module_variable('agenda_end', date('Y-m-d', $this->date + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60));
     $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name(), null, 'agenda_frm');
     $form->addElement('datepicker', 'start', __('From'));
     $form->addElement('datepicker', 'end', __('To'));
     $form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Show'));
     $form->addRule('start', 'Field required', 'required');
     $form->addRule('end', 'Field required', 'required');
     $form->setDefaults(array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end));
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $data = $form->exportValues();
         $start = $data['start'];
         $end = $data['end'];
         $end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($end) + 86400);
     $form->assign_theme('form', $theme, new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_TCMSArraySmarty());
     if (is_callable(array($this->event_module, 'get_navigation_bar_additions'))) {
         $event_module_instance = $this->init_module($this->event_module);
         $navigation_bar_additions = call_user_func(array($event_module_instance, 'get_navigation_bar_additions'), '', '');
     $theme->assign('navigation_bar_additions', $navigation_bar_additions);
     //////////////// data ////////////////////////
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'agenda');
     $columns = array(array('name' => __('Start'), 'order' => 'start', 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('Duration'), 'order' => 'end', 'width' => 5), array('name' => __('Title'), 'order' => 'title', 'width' => 10));
     $add_cols = array();
     if (is_array($this->settings['custom_agenda_cols'])) {
         $w = 50 / count($this->settings['custom_agenda_cols']);
         foreach ($this->settings['custom_agenda_cols'] as $k => $col) {
             if (!is_array($col)) {
                 $col = array('name' => $col, 'order' => 'cus_col_' . $k, 'width' => $w);
             $columns[] = $col;
             $add_cols[] = $k;
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Start') => 'ASC'));
     //add data
     $ret = $this->get_events($start, $end);
     $this->displayed_events = array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'events' => $ret);
     foreach ($ret as $row) {
         $r = $gb->get_new_row();
         if (isset($row['status']) && $row['status'] == 'closed') {
         $view_h = $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'push_event_action'), array('view', $row['id']));
         $edit_h = $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'push_event_action'), array('edit', $row['id']));
         $del_h = $this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Delete this event?'), array($this, 'delete_event'), $row['id']);
         if (isset($row['view_action'])) {
             $view_h = $row['view_action'];
         if (isset($row['edit_action'])) {
             $edit_h = $row['edit_action'];
         if (isset($row['delete_action'])) {
             $del_h = $row['delete_action'];
         $ex = Utils_CalendarCommon::process_event($row);
         $rrr = array(array('value' => $ex['start'], 'order_value' => $row['start']), Utils_TooltipCommon::create($ex['duration'], $ex['end'], false), '<a ' . $view_h . '>' . $row['title'] . '</a>');
         foreach ($add_cols as $a) {
             if (isset($row['custom_agenda_col_' . $a])) {
                 $rrr[] = $row['custom_agenda_col_' . $a];
             } else {
                 $rrr[] = '';
         if ($row['additional_info'] !== '' || $row['additional_info2']) {
             $r->add_info($row['additional_info'] . ($row['additional_info'] !== '' && $row['additional_info2'] !== '' ? '<hr>' : '') . $row['additional_info2']);
         $r->add_action($del_h, 'Delete');
         $r->add_action($edit_h, 'Edit');
         $r->add_action($view_h, 'View');
     $theme->assign('agenda', $this->get_html_of_module($gb, array(false), 'automatic_display'));
     //////////////// display ///////////////
コード例 #15
ファイル: Messenger_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function applet()
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'agenda');
     $columns = array(array('name' => __('Done'), 'order' => 'done', 'width' => 5), array('name' => __('Start'), 'order' => 'alert_on', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Info'), 'width' => 80));
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Start') => 'ASC'));
     $this->lp = $this->init_module('Utils_LeightboxPrompt');
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 5 * 60, __('5 minutes'), null);
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 15 * 60, __('15 minutes'), null);
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 30 * 60, __('30 minutes'), null);
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 60 * 60, __('1 hour'), null);
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 240 * 60, __('4 hours'), null);
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 12 * 3600, __('12 hours'), null);
     $this->lp->add_option('holdon_' . 24 * 3600, __('24 hours'), null);
     $this->display_module($this->lp, array('Hold on', array('alert_id'), '', false));
     $vals = $this->lp->export_values();
     if ($vals) {
         if (preg_match('/^holdon_([0-9]+)$/', $vals['option'], $reqs)) {
             $_SESSION['utils_messenger_holdon'][$vals['params']['alert_id']] = time() + $reqs[1];
     $t = time();
     // postgres compatible interval with type cast
     $interval = DB::is_postgresql() ? '::timestamp - interval \'1 hour\'' : '-INTERVAL 1 hour';
     $ret = DB::Execute('(SELECT u.done,m.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.user_login_id=%d AND u.done=0 AND m.alert_on<%T)' . ' UNION ' . '(SELECT u.done,m.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.user_login_id=%d AND m.alert_on<%T AND u.done_on>=%T' . $interval . ' AND u.done=1 ORDER BY m.alert_on DESC LIMIT 3)' . ' UNION ' . '(SELECT 0 as done,m.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.user_login_id=%d AND m.alert_on>=%T ORDER BY m.alert_on ASC LIMIT 5)' . $gb->get_query_order(), array(Acl::get_user(), $t, Acl::get_user(), $t, $t, Acl::get_user(), $t));
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         $info = call_user_func_array(unserialize($row['callback_method']), unserialize($row['callback_args']));
         $info = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $info);
         $alert_on = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['alert_on']);
         $gb->add_row($row['done'] ? '<span class="checkbox_on" />' : '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Turn off alarm')) . ' ' . $this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure you want to turn off the alarm?'), array('Utils_MessengerCommon', 'turn_off'), array($row['id'])) . '><span class="checkbox_off" /></a>', $row['done'] || $row['alert_on'] > $t ? $alert_on : '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Hold on')) . ' ' . $this->lp->get_href(array($row['id'])) . '>' . $alert_on . '</a>', $info . '<br>' . ($row['message'] ? __('Alarm comment: %s', array($row['message'])) : ''));
コード例 #16
ファイル: Administrator_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function admin()
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) {
         $this->pack_module('CRM_Contacts', array(), 'user_admin');
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         if ($this->parent->get_type() == 'Base_Admin') {
         } else {
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('edit', __('E-mail header'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'change_email_header')));
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'user_list');
     $cols = array();
     $cols[] = array('name' => __('ID'), 'order' => 'u.id', 'width' => 6, 'search' => 'id');
     $cols[] = array('name' => __('Login'), 'order' => 'u.login', 'width' => 20, 'search' => 'login');
     $is_contacts = CRM_ContactsInstall::is_installed();
     if ($is_contacts) {
         $cols[] = array('name' => __('Contact'), 'width' => 27);
     $cols[] = array('name' => __('Active'), 'order' => 'u.active', 'width' => 5);
     $cols[] = array('name' => __('Mail'), 'order' => 'p.mail', 'width' => 20, 'search' => 'mail');
     $cols[] = array('name' => __('Access'), 'width' => '27');
     if (Base_AclCommon::i_am_sa()) {
         $cols[] = array('name' => __('Actions'), 'width' => '80px');
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Login') => 'ASC'));
     $search = $gb->get_search_query();
     $query = 'SELECT u.login, p.mail, u.id, u.active, u.admin FROM user_login u INNER JOIN user_password p on p.user_login_id=u.id' . ($search ? ' WHERE ' . $search : '');
     $query_qty = 'SELECT count(u.id) FROM user_login u INNER JOIN user_password p on p.user_login_id=u.id' . ($search ? ' WHERE ' . $search : '');
     $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query, $query_qty);
     $yes = '<span style="color:green;">' . __('Yes') . '</span>';
     $no = '<span style="color:red;">' . __('No') . '</span>';
     if ($ret) {
         while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
             $gb_row = array();
             $gb_row[] = $row['id'];
             $gb_row[] = '<a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_user_form'), array($row['id'])) . '>' . $row['login'] . '</a>';
             if ($is_contacts) {
                 $c = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id($row['id']);
                 $gb_row[] = $c ? CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_default($c) : '---';
             $gb_row[] = $row['active'] ? $yes : $no;
             $gb_row[] = $row['mail'];
             switch ($row['admin']) {
                 case 2:
                     $admin = __('Super Administrator');
                 case 1:
                     $admin = __('Administrator');
                     $admin = __('User');
             $gb_row[] = $admin;
             if (Base_AclCommon::i_am_sa()) {
                 $gb_row[] = '<a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'log_as_user'), $row['id']) . '>' . __('Log as user') . '</a>';
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('New user'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit_user_form'), array(-1)));
コード例 #17
ファイル: EpesiStore_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 private function display_downloads($download_items)
     if (count($download_items) == 0) {
         print __('No items');
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('delete', __('Clear list'), $this->create_callback_href(array('Base_EpesiStoreCommon', 'empty_download_queue')));
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'downloadslist');
     $gb = $this->GB_module_licenses($gb, $download_items, array($this, 'GB_row_additional_actions_downloads'));
コード例 #18
ファイル: Watchdog_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function applet($conf, &$opts)
     $categories = array();
     $methods = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id,callback FROM utils_watchdog_category');
     foreach ($methods as $k => $v) {
         $methods[$k] = explode('::', $v);
         if (isset($conf['category_' . $k]) && $conf['category_' . $k] && is_numeric($k)) {
             $categories[] = $k;
     if (empty($categories)) {
         print __('No category selected');
     $records_limit = isset($conf['records_limit']) ? $conf['records_limit'] : 15;
     if ($records_limit == '__all__') {
         $records_limit = null;
     $header = array(array('name' => __('Cat.'), 'width' => 5), array('name' => __('Title'), 'width' => 15));
     if (count($categories) == 1) {
         $title = call_user_func($methods[$categories[0]]);
         $opts['title'] = __('Watchdog - %s', array($title['category']));
         $header = array(array('name' => __('Title')));
     } elseif (count($categories) == count($methods)) {
         $opts['title'] = __('Watchdog - All');
     } else {
         $opts['title'] = __('Watchdog - Selection');
     $only_new = ' AND last_seen_event<(SELECT MAX(id) FROM utils_watchdog_event AS uwe WHERE uwe.internal_id=uws.internal_id AND uwe.category_id=uws.category_id)';
     $records = DB::GetAll('SELECT internal_id,category_id FROM utils_watchdog_subscription AS uws WHERE user_id=%d ' . $only_new . 'AND category_id IN (' . implode(',', $categories) . ')', array(Acl::get_user()));
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'subscriptions', 'subscriptions');
     $something_to_purge = false;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($records as $rec_key => $w) {
         $k = $w['internal_id'];
         $v = $w['category_id'];
         $changes = Utils_WatchdogCommon::check_if_notified($v, $k);
         if (!is_array($changes)) {
             $changes = array();
         $data = call_user_func($methods[$v], $k, $changes);
         if ($data == null) {
             // mark events as seen when user can't see them
             Utils_WatchdogCommon::notified($v, $k);
         $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
         if (count($categories) == 1) {
         } else {
             $gb_row->add_data($data['category'], $data['title']);
         $gb_row->add_action(Utils_WatchdogCommon::get_confirm_change_subscr_href($v, $k), 'Stop Watching', __('Click to stop watching this record for changes'), Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file(Utils_Watchdog::module_name(), 'watching_small_new_events.png'));
         $gb_row->add_action($data['view_href'], 'View');
         if ($only_new || Utils_WatchdogCommon::check_if_notified($v, $k) !== true) {
             $gb_row->set_attrs('name="watchdog_table_row_' . $v . '__' . $k . '"');
             $gb_row->add_action('href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="watchdog_applet_mark_as_read(\'' . $v . '__' . $k . '\')"', 'Mark as Read', __('Mark as read'), Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file(Utils_Watchdog::module_name(), 'mark_as_read.png'));
             $something_to_purge = true;
         if (isset($data['events']) && $data['events']) {
             $gb_row->add_info($data['events'], true);
         if ($records_limit && $count >= $records_limit) {
     $records_qty = count($records);
     if ($records_limit && $count < $records_qty) {
         print __('Displaying %s of %s records', array($count, $records_qty));
     $this->set_module_variable('display_at_time', time());
     if ($something_to_purge) {
         $opts['actions'][] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Mark all entries as read')) . ' ' . $this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('This will mark all entries in selected categories as read, are you sure you want to continue?'), array($this, 'purge_subscriptions_applet'), array($categories)) . '><img src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Utils_Watchdog', 'purge.png') . '" border="0"></a>';
コード例 #19
 public static function mobile_table($cols, $data, $enable_sort = true)
     if ($enable_sort && is_string($enable_sort) && !isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $x = explode(' ', $enable_sort);
         foreach ($cols as $i => $v) {
             if ($x[0] == $v['order']) {
                 $_GET['order'] = $i;
         if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
             if (count($x) < 2) {
                 $_GET['order_dir'] = 'asc';
             } else {
                 $_GET['order_dir'] = $x[1];
     $th = Base_ThemeCommon::init_smarty();
     $all_width = 0;
     foreach ($cols as $v) {
         if (array_key_exists('display', $v) && $v['display'] == false) {
         if (isset($v['width'])) {
             $all_width += $v['width'];
     $headers = array();
     foreach ($cols as $i => $v) {
         if (array_key_exists('display', $v) && $v['display'] == false) {
         if (isset($v['order'])) {
             $is_order = true;
         $headers[$i] = array();
         if (isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['order_dir']) && $i == $_GET['order']) {
             $sort_direction = $_GET['order_dir'] == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
             $sort = 'style="padding-right: 12px; background-image: url(' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Utils_GenericBrowser', 'sort-' . $sort_direction . 'ending.png') . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right;"';
         } else {
             $sort = '';
             $sort_direction = 'asc';
         $headers[$i]['label'] = (isset($v['preppend']) ? $v['preppend'] : '') . (isset($v['order']) ? '<a href="mobile.php?' . http_build_query(array_merge($_GET, array('order' => $i, 'order_dir' => $sort_direction))) . '">' . '<span ' . $sort . '>' . $v['name'] . '</span></a>' : '<span>' . $v['name'] . '</span>') . (isset($v['append']) ? $v['append'] : '');
         $headers[$i]['attrs'] = '';
         if ($all_width && isset($v['width'])) {
             $headers[$i]['attrs'] .= 'style="width: ' . intval(100 * $v['width'] / $all_width) . '%" ';
         $headers[$i]['attrs'] .= 'nowrap="1" ';
     $th->assign('cols', array_values($headers));
     //sort data
     if ($enable_sort && isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['order_dir'])) {
         $col = array();
         foreach ($data as $j => $d) {
             foreach ($d as $i => $c) {
                 if (isset($cols[$i]['order']) && $i == $_GET['order']) {
                     if (is_array($c)) {
                         if (isset($c['order_value'])) {
                             $xxx = $c['order_value'];
                         } else {
                             $xxx = $c['value'];
                     } else {
                         $xxx = $c;
                     if (isset($cols[$i]['order_preg'])) {
                         $ret = array();
                         preg_match($cols[$i]['order_preg'], $xxx, $ret);
                         $xxx = isset($ret[1]) ? $ret[1] : '';
                     $xxx = strip_tags(strtolower($xxx));
                     $col[$j] = $xxx;
         $data2 = array();
         foreach ($col as $j => $v) {
             $data2[] = $data[$j];
         if ($_GET['order_dir'] != 'asc') {
             $data2 = array_reverse($data2);
         $data = $data2;
     $out_data = array();
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         foreach ($row as $k => $cell) {
             if (!isset($cols[$k]) || array_key_exists('display', $cols[$k]) && $cols[$k]['display'] == false) {
             if (!is_array($cell)) {
                 $cell .= '&nbsp;';
                 $out_data[] = array('label' => $cell, 'attrs' => '');
             } else {
                 if (!isset($cell['attrs'])) {
                     $cell['attrs'] = '';
                 if (!isset($cell['label'])) {
                     $cell['label'] = '';
                 $cell['label'] .= '&nbsp;';
                 $out_data[] = $cell;
     $th->assign('data', $out_data);
     Base_ThemeCommon::display_smarty($th, Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'mobile');
コード例 #20
ファイル: CommonData_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
  * For internal use only.
 public function browse($name = '', $root = true)
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         return false;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['node_position'])) {
         list($node_id, $position) = $_REQUEST['node_position'];
         Utils_CommonDataCommon::change_node_position($node_id, $position);
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'browse' . md5($name));
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Position'), 'width' => 5, 'order' => 'position'), array('name' => __('Key'), 'width' => 20, 'order' => 'akey', 'search' => 1, 'quickjump' => 'akey'), array('name' => __('Value'), 'width' => 20, 'order' => 'value', 'search' => 1)));
     print '<h2>' . $name . '</h2><br>';
     $ret = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_array($name, true, true);
     foreach ($ret as $k => $v) {
         $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
         $gb_row->add_data($v['position'], $k, $v['value']);
         // ****** CommonData value translation
         $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'browse'), array($name . '/' . $k, false)), 'View');
         if (!$v['readonly']) {
             $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit'), array($name, $k)), 'Edit');
             $gb_row->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Delete array') . ' \'' . Epesi::escapeJS($name . '/' . $k, false) . '\'?', array('Utils_CommonData', 'remove_array'), array($name . '/' . $k)), 'Delete');
         $node_id = $v['id'];
         $gb_row->add_action('class="move-handle"', 'Move', __('Drag to change node order'), 'move-up-down');
         $gb_row->set_attrs("node=\"{$node_id}\" class=\"sortable\"");
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Position') => 'ASC'));
     $this->display_module($gb, array(true), 'automatic_display');
     // sorting
     load_js($this->get_module_dir() . 'sort_nodes.js');
     $table_md5 = md5($gb->get_path());
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('settings', __('Reset Order By Key'), $this->create_callback_href(array('Utils_CommonDataCommon', 'reset_array_positions'), $name));
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('Add array'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit'), $name));
     if (!$root) {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     return true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Reports_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function construct()
     $this->gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'report_page');
コード例 #22
ファイル: ActivityReport_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function body($contact = null)
     if (!Apps_ActivityReportCommon::has_access_to_report($contact)) {
     $fixed_user_id = $contact['login'];
     $rb_tabs = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::list_installed_recordsets();
     $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name());
     if ($fixed_user_id == null) {
         $users_count = DB::GetOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM user_login') > Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'enable_autocomplete');
         if ($users_count) {
             $crits = array('!login' => '');
             $fcallback = array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'contact_format_no_company');
             $form->addElement('autoselect', 'user', __('User'), array(), array(array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'autoselect_contact_suggestbox'), array($crits, $fcallback)), $fcallback);
         } else {
             $users = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id, id FROM user_login');
             foreach ($users as $k => $u) {
                 $users[$k] = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($u, true);
             $users = array('' => '[' . __('All') . ']') + $users;
             $form->addElement('select', 'user', __('User'), $users);
     $form->addElement('multiselect', 'recordsets', __('Record Type'), $rb_tabs);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'new', __('New record'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'edit', __('Record edit'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'delete_restore', __('Record Delete/restore'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'file', __('Files'));
     $form->addElement('datepicker', 'start_date', __('Start Date'));
     $form->addElement('datepicker', 'end_date', __('End Date'));
     if ($contact) {
         $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', __('Show'));
     } else {
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('search', __('Show'), $form->get_submit_form_href());
     $filters = $this->get_module_variable('filters', array('user' => '', 'new' => 1, 'edit' => 1, 'delete_restore' => 1, 'recordsets' => array_keys($rb_tabs), 'start_date' => date('Y-m-01'), 'end_date' => date('Y-m-d')));
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $filters = $form->exportValues();
         $this->set_module_variable('filters', $filters);
     if ($fixed_user_id) {
         $filters['user'] = $fixed_user_id;
     $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $form->assign_theme('form', $theme);
     if ($fixed_user_id == null && $users_count) {
         $filters['user'] = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact($filters['user']);
         $filters['user'] = $filters['user']['login'];
     $tables = array();
     $recordsets = $filters['recordsets'];
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'activity_report');
     $columns = array();
     $columns[] = array('name' => __('Date'), 'width' => 40);
     if (!$fixed_user_id) {
         $columns[] = array('name' => __('User'), 'width' => 40);
     $columns[] = array('name' => __('Type'), 'width' => 40);
     $columns[] = array('name' => __('Label'));
     $columns[] = array('name' => __('Actions taken'), 'width' => 40);
     $af_where = array();
     foreach ($recordsets as $k) {
         $af_where[] = 'ual.local ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr($k . '/'), DB::qstr('%'));
     $af_where = count($af_where) ? ' (' . implode(' OR ', $af_where) . ')' : 'TRUE ';
     $e_where = array();
     $c_where = '';
     if ($filters['user']) {
         $e_where[] = ' edited_by = ' . $filters['user'];
         $c_where = ' created_by = ' . $filters['user'];
         $af_where .= ' AND uaf.created_by = ' . $filters['user'];
     if (isset($filters['edit'])) {
         if (!isset($filters['delete_restore'])) {
             $e_where[] = ' ehd.field!=' . DB::qstr('id');
     } else {
         if (isset($filters['delete_restore'])) {
             $e_where[] = ' ehd.field=' . DB::qstr('id');
     if ($filters['start_date']) {
         $date = DB::qstr(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($filters['start_date'])));
         $af_where .= ' AND uaf.created_on >= ' . $date;
         $c_where .= ($c_where ? ' AND' : '') . ' created_on >= ' . $date;
         $e_where[] = ' edited_on >= ' . $date;
     if ($filters['end_date']) {
         $date = DB::qstr(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($filters['end_date'])));
         $af_where .= ' AND uaf.created_on <= ' . $date;
         $c_where .= ($c_where ? ' AND' : '') . ' created_on <= ' . $date;
         $e_where[] = ' edited_on <= ' . $date;
     if (!empty($e_where)) {
         $e_where = ' WHERE' . implode(' AND', $e_where);
     } else {
         $e_where = '';
     if ($c_where) {
         $c_where = ' WHERE' . $c_where;
     $postgre_cast_type = DB::is_postgresql() ? '::varchar' : '';
     // **** files ****
     if (isset($filters['file'])) {
         $tables[] = 'SELECT uaf.id AS id,uaf.created_on AS edited_on,uaf.created_by AS edited_by, ual.local AS r_id, ' . DB::qstr('') . ' AS tab, ' . DB::qstr('file') . ' AS action FROM utils_attachment_file uaf INNER JOIN utils_attachment_data_1 ua ON uaf.attach_id=ua.id INNER JOIN utils_attachment_local ual ON ua.id=ual.attachment WHERE original!=' . DB::qstr('') . ' AND ' . $af_where;
     // **** edit ****
     if (isset($filters['edit']) || isset($filters['delete_restore'])) {
         foreach ($recordsets as $k) {
             $tables[] = 'SELECT id, edited_on, edited_by, ' . $k . '_id' . $postgre_cast_type . ' as r_id, ' . DB::qstr($k) . ' as tab, ' . DB::qstr('edit') . ' as action FROM ' . $k . '_edit_history eh LEFT JOIN ' . $k . '_edit_history_data ehd ON ehd.edit_id=eh.id' . $e_where;
     // **** create ****
     if (isset($filters['new'])) {
         foreach ($recordsets as $k) {
             $tables[] = 'SELECT 0 AS id, created_on AS edited_on, created_by AS edited_by, id' . $postgre_cast_type . ' as r_id, ' . DB::qstr($k) . ' as tab, ' . DB::qstr('create') . ' as action FROM ' . $k . '_data_1' . $c_where;
     if (!empty($tables)) {
         $tables = implode(' UNION ', $tables);
         $limit = DB::GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $tables . ') AS tmp');
         $limit = $gb->get_limit($limit);
         $ret = DB::SelectLimit('SELECT * FROM (' . $tables . ') AS tmp ORDER BY edited_on DESC', $limit['numrows'], $limit['offset']);
         while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
             $user = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['edited_by']);
             $action = '';
             $link = '';
             switch ($row['action']) {
                 case 'edit':
                     $details = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT field, old_value FROM ' . $row['tab'] . '_edit_history_data WHERE edit_id=%d', array($row['id']));
                     if (isset($details['id'])) {
                         $action = $details['id'];
                         if ($action == 'DELETED') {
                             $action = __('Deleted');
                         if ($action == 'RESTORED') {
                             $action = __('Restored');
                     } else {
                         $action = __('Edited');
                         $action = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::tooltip_leightbox_mode() . ' ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::ajax_open_tag_attrs(array('Utils_RecordBrowserCommon', 'get_edit_details_label'), array($row['tab'], $row['r_id'], $row['id']), 500) . '>' . $action . '</a>';
                     $r_id = $row['r_id'];
                 case 'create':
                     $action = __('Created');
                     $r_id = $row['r_id'];
                 case 'file':
                     $action = __('Attachment') . ': ';
                     $action .= $row['id'] == 0 ? __('New') : __('Updated');
                     $id = explode('/', $row['r_id']);
                     $row['tab'] = $id[0];
                     $r_id = $id[1];
                 case 'note':
                     $action = __('Note') . ': ';
                     $action .= $row['id'] == 0 ? __('New') : __('Updated');
                     $id = explode('/', $row['r_id']);
                     $row['tab'] = $id[0];
                     $r_id = $id[1];
             if (!isset($r_id) || !$r_id) {
             if (!Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access($row['tab'], 'view', Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record($row['tab'], $r_id))) {
                 $link = __('Access restricted');
                 $action = strip_tags($action);
             } else {
                 $link = Utils_TooltipCommon::create('<img src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'info.png') . '">', Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info($row['tab'], $r_id), false);
                 $link .= '&nbsp;';
                 $link .= Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_default_linked_label($row['tab'], $r_id, false, false);
             $row_data = array();
             $row_data[] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['edited_on']);
             if (!$fixed_user_id) {
                 $row_data[] = $user;
             $row_data[] = $rb_tabs[$row['tab']];
             $row_data[] = $link;
             $row_data[] = $action;
     Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'changes_list');
コード例 #23
ファイル: Activities_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function display_activities($events, $tasks, $phonecalls)
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'activities', 'activities');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Type'), 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap', 'width' => 8), array('name' => __('Subject'), 'width' => 20), array('name' => __('Date/Deadline'), 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap', 'width' => 8), array('name' => __('Employees'), 'width' => 11), array('name' => __('Customers'), 'width' => 11), array('name' => __('Attachments'), 'width' => 4)));
     $amount = 0;
     if ($this->display['events']) {
         $amount += count($events);
     if ($this->display['tasks']) {
         $amount += count($tasks);
     if ($this->display['phonecalls']) {
         $amount += count($phonecalls);
     $limit = $gb->get_limit($amount);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $limit['offset'] + $limit['numrows'] && $i < $amount; $i++) {
         if ($this->display['events'] && count($events)) {
             $ev = current($events);
         } else {
             $ev = array('start' => -1);
         if ($this->display['tasks'] && count($tasks)) {
             $t = current($tasks);
             if (!$t['deadline']) {
                 $t['deadline'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $t['deadline'] = strtotime($t['deadline']);
         } else {
             $t = array('deadline' => -1);
         if ($this->display['phonecalls'] && count($phonecalls)) {
             $ph = current($phonecalls);
             $ph['date_and_time'] = strtotime($ph['date_and_time']);
         } else {
             $ph = array('date_and_time' => -1);
         $maxt = max($ev['start'], $t['deadline'], $ph['date_and_time']);
         $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
         if ($ev['start'] == $maxt) {
             $v = array_shift($events);
             if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) {
                 if (isset($v['view_action'])) {
                     $view_href = $v['view_action'];
                 } else {
                     $view_href = $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'view_event'), array($v['id']));
                 $title = '<a ' . $view_href . '>' . $v['title'] . '</a>';
                 if (isset($v['description']) && $v['description'] != '') {
                     $title = '<span ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs($v['description'], false) . '>' . $title . '</span>';
                 $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('crm_meeting', $v['id']));
                 $gb_row->add_data(__('Meeting'), $title, Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['start'], $v['duration'] == -1 ? false : 2), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact(array('employees' => $v['employees']), false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact(array('customers' => $v['customers']), false, array('id' => 'customers', 'param' => ';::')), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('crm_meeting/' . $v['id']));
         } elseif ($t['deadline'] == $maxt) {
             $v = array_shift($tasks);
             $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('task', $v);
             if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) {
                 $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('task', $v['id']));
                 $gb_row->add_data(__('Task'), CRM_TasksCommon::display_title($v, false), !isset($v['deadline']) || !$v['deadline'] ? __('No deadline') : Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['deadline'], false, true, false), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'customers')), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('task/' . $v['id']));
         } else {
             $v = array_shift($phonecalls);
             $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('phonecall', $v);
             if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) {
                 $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('phonecall', $v['id']));
                 $gb_row->add_data(__('Phonecall'), CRM_PhoneCallCommon::display_subject($v), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['date_and_time'], 2), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_PhoneCallCommon::display_contact_name($v, false), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('phonecall/' . $v['id']));
コード例 #24
ファイル: GenericBrowser_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 private function summary()
     if ($this->rows_qty != 0) {
         return __('Records %s to %s of %s', array('<b>' . ($this->get_module_variable('offset') + 1) . '</b>', '<b>' . ($this->get_module_variable('offset') + $this->get_module_variable('per_page') > $this->rows_qty ? $this->rows_qty : $this->get_module_variable('offset') + $this->get_module_variable('per_page')) . '</b>', '<b>' . $this->rows_qty . '</b>'));
     } else {
         if ((isset($this->rows_qty) || !isset($this->rows_qty) && empty($this->rows)) && !Base_User_SettingsCommon::get(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'display_no_records_message')) {
             return __('No records found');
         } else {
             return '';
コード例 #25
ファイル: Attachment_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function file_history($attachment)
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         $x = ModuleManager::get_instance('/Base_Box|0');
         if (!$x) {
             trigger_error('There is no base box module instance', E_USER_ERROR);
         return $x->pop_main();
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     $id = $attachment['id'];
     $tb =& $this->init_module(Utils_TabbedBrowser::module_name());
     $tb->start_tab('File history');
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'hua' . $id);
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Deleted'), 'order' => 'deleted', 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('Date'), 'order' => 'upload_on', 'width' => 25), array('name' => __('Who'), 'order' => 'upload_by', 'width' => 25), array('name' => __('Attachment'), 'order' => 'uaf.original')));
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Date') => 'DESC'));
     $ret = $gb->query_order_limit('SELECT uaf.id,uaf.deleted,uaf.filestorage_id,uaf.created_on as upload_on,uaf.created_by as upload_by,uaf.original FROM utils_attachment_file uaf WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id, 'SELECT count(*) FROM utils_attachment_file uaf WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id);
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         $r = $gb->get_new_row();
         if ($row['deleted']) {
             $r->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure you want to restore attached file?'), array($this, 'restore_file'), array($row['id'])), 'restore', __('Restore'));
         $view_link = '';
         $lb = array();
         $lb['aid'] = $id;
         $lb['crypted'] = $attachment['crypted'];
         $lb['original'] = $row['original'];
         $lb['id'] = $row['id'];
         $lb['filestorage_id'] = $row['filestorage_id'];
         $file = '<a ' . Utils_AttachmentCommon::get_file_leightbox($lb, $view_link) . '>' . $row['original'] . '</a>';
         $r->add_data($row['deleted'] ? __('Yes') : __('No'), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['upload_on']), Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['upload_by']), $file);
     $tb->start_tab('File access history');
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'hda' . $id);
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Create date'), 'order' => 'created_on', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Download date'), 'order' => 'download_on', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Who'), 'order' => 'created_by', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('IP Address'), 'order' => 'ip_address', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Host Name'), 'order' => 'host_name', 'width' => 15), array('name' => __('Method description'), 'order' => 'description', 'width' => 20), array('name' => __('Remote'), 'order' => 'remote', 'width' => 10)));
     $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Create date') => 'DESC'));
     $query = 'SELECT uad.created_on,uad.download_on,(SELECT l.login FROM user_login l WHERE uad.created_by=l.id) as created_by,uad.remote,uad.ip_address,uad.host_name,uad.description FROM utils_attachment_download uad INNER JOIN utils_attachment_file uaf ON uaf.id=uad.attach_file_id WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id;
     $query_qty = 'SELECT count(*) FROM utils_attachment_download uad INNER JOIN utils_attachment_file uaf ON uaf.id=uad.attach_file_id WHERE uaf.attach_id=' . $id;
     if (Base_AclCommon::check_permission('Attachments - view full download history')) {
         $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query, $query_qty);
     } else {
         print 'You are allowed to see your own downloads only';
         $who = ' AND uad.created_by=' . Acl::get_user();
         $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query . $who, $query_qty . $who);
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         $r = $gb->get_new_row();
         $r->add_data(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['created_on']), $row['remote'] != 1 ? Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['download_on']) : '', $row['created_by'], $row['ip_address'], $row['host_name'], $row['description'], $row['remote'] == 0 ? 'no' : 'yes');
     $this->caption = 'Note history';
     return true;
コード例 #26
ファイル: Shoutbox_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function history($uid = null)
     $th = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $th->assign('header', __('Shoutbox History'));
     $qf = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name());
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) {
         $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,' . DB::ifelse('cd.f_last_name!=\'\'', DB::concat('cd.f_last_name', DB::qstr(' '), 'cd.f_first_name'), 'l.login') . ' as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON (cd.f_login=l.id AND cd.active=1) WHERE l.active=1 ORDER BY name');
     } else {
         $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id,login FROM user_login WHERE active=1 ORDER BY login');
     $qf->addElement('select', 'user', __('User'), array('all' => '[' . __('All') . ']') + $emps);
     $qf->addElement('datepicker', 'from_date', __('From'));
     $qf->addElement('datepicker', 'to_date', __('To'));
     $qf->addElement('text', 'search', __('Search for'));
     $qf->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Filter'));
     $to_date =& $this->get_module_variable('to_date');
     $from_date =& $this->get_module_variable('from_date');
     $user =& $this->get_module_variable('to', "all");
     $qf->setDefaults(array('from_date' => $from_date, 'to_date' => $to_date, 'user' => $uid));
     //if submited
     if ($qf->validate()) {
         $from_date = $qf->exportValue('from_date');
         $to_date = $qf->exportValue('to_date');
         $user = $qf->exportValue('user');
         $search_word = $qf->exportValue('search');
     $qf->assign_theme('form', $th);
     $uid = is_numeric($user) ? $user : null;
     $date_where = '';
     if ($from_date) {
         $date_where .= 'AND posted_on>=' . DB::DBDate($from_date);
     if ($to_date) {
         $date_where .= 'AND posted_on<=' . DB::DBDate($to_date);
     if (isset($search_word) && $search_word) {
         $search_word = explode(' ', $search_word);
         foreach ($search_word as $word) {
             if ($word) {
                 $date_where .= ' AND message ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr('%'), DB::qstr(htmlspecialchars($word, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')), DB::qstr('%'));
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'shoutbox_history');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('From'), 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('To'), 'width' => 10), array('name' => __('Message'), 'width' => 64), array('name' => __('Date'), 'width' => 16)));
     // $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Date')=>'DESC'));
     $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user();
     $where = '(' . ($uid ? '(base_user_login_id=' . $myid . ' AND to_user_login_id=' . $uid . ') OR (base_user_login_id=' . $uid . ' AND to_user_login_id=' . $myid . ') OR (to_user_login_id is null AND base_user_login_id=' . $uid . ')' : 'to_user_login_id is null OR to_user_login_id=' . $myid . ' OR base_user_login_id=' . $myid) . ')' . $date_where;
     $query = 'SELECT base_user_login_id, to_user_login_id, message, posted_on FROM apps_shoutbox_messages WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY posted_on DESC';
     $query_qty = 'SELECT count(id) FROM apps_shoutbox_messages WHERE ' . $where;
     $ret = $gb->query_order_limit($query, $query_qty);
     if ($ret) {
         while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
             $ulogin = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['base_user_login_id']);
             if ($row['to_user_login_id'] !== null) {
                 $tologin = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['to_user_login_id']);
             } else {
                 $tologin = '******' . __('All') . ']';
             $gb->add_row('<span class="author">' . $ulogin . '</span>', '<span class="author">' . $tologin . '</span>', array('value' => Utils_BBCodeCommon::parse($row['message']), 'overflow_box' => false), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['posted_on']));
     $th->assign('messages', $this->get_html_of_module($gb));
     return true;