コード例 #1
  * function add_comment
  * adds a comment to a post, if the comment content is not NULL
  * @param array An associative array of content found in the $_POST array
 public function act_add_comment()
     // We need to get the post anyway to redirect back to the post page.
     $post = Post::get(array('id' => $this->handler_vars['id']));
     if (!$post) {
         // trying to comment on a non-existent post?  Weirdo.
         header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
     // Allow theme action hooks to work
     $form = $post->comment_form();
     $form->get(null, false);
     // Disallow non-FormUI comments
     if (!$form->submitted) {
         // Trying to submit a non-FormUI comment
         header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
     } else {
         // To be eventually incorporated more fully into FormUI.
         Plugins::act('comment_form_submit', $form);
         if ($form->success) {
             $this->add_comment($post->id, $form->cf_commenter->value, $form->cf_email->value, $form->cf_url->value, $form->cf_content->value, $form->get_values());
         } else {
             Session::error(_t('There was a problem submitting your comment.'));
             foreach ($form->validate() as $error) {
コード例 #2
  * Handles AJAX requests from the dashboard
 public function ajax_dashboard($handler_vars)
     $available_modules = Plugins::filter('dashboard_block_list', array());
     $user_id = User::identify()->id;
     $dashboard_area = 'dashboard_' . $user_id;
     switch ($handler_vars['action']) {
         case 'updateModules':
             $modules = $_POST['moduleOrder'];
             $order = 0;
             foreach ($modules as $module) {
                 DB::query('UPDATE {blocks_areas} SET display_order = :display_order WHERE block_id = :id AND area = :dashboardarea', array('display_order' => $order, 'id' => $module, 'dashboardarea' => $dashboard_area));
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Modules updated.'));
         case 'addModule':
             $type = $handler_vars['module_name'];
             $title = $available_modules[$type];
             $block = new Block(array('title' => $title, 'type' => $type));
             $max_display_order = DB::get_value('SELECT max(display_order) FROM {blocks_areas} WHERE area = :dashboardarea and scope_id = 0;', array('dashboardarea' => $dashboard_area));
             DB::query('INSERT INTO {blocks_areas} (block_id, area, scope_id, display_order) VALUES (:block_id, :dashboardarea, 0, :display_order)', array('block_id' => $block->id, 'display_order' => $max_display_order, 'dashboardarea' => $dashboard_area));
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Added module %s.', array($title)));
             $ar->html('modules', $this->theme->fetch('dashboard_modules'));
         case 'removeModule':
             $block_id = $handler_vars['moduleid'];
             DB::delete('{blocks}', array('id' => $block_id));
             DB::delete('{blocks_areas}', array('block_id' => $block_id));
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Removed module.'));
             $ar->html('modules', $this->theme->fetch('dashboard_modules'));
         case 'configModule':
             $block_id = $handler_vars['moduleid'];
             $block = DB::get_row('SELECT * FROM {blocks} b WHERE b.id = :id', array('id' => $block_id), 'Block');
             /** Block $block */
             $form = $block->get_form();
             $form->_ajax = true;
             $form->set_option('success_message', _t('Module Configuration Saved.') . '<script type="text/javascript">window.setTimeout(function(){$(".form_message").fadeOut();}, 2000);</script>');
             $control_id = new FormControlHidden('moduleid', 'null:null');
             $control_id->value = $block->id;
             $control_id->id = 'moduleid';
             $control_action = new FormControlHidden('action', 'null:null');
             $control_action->value = 'configModule';
             $control_action->id = 'action';
             $form_id = $form->name;
コード例 #3
  * Handles AJAX from /admin/tags
  * Used to delete and rename tags
 public function ajax_tags($handler_vars)
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp']);
     if ($handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         Session::error(_t('WSSE authentication failed.'));
         echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
     $tag_names = array();
     $theme_dir = Plugins::filter('admin_theme_dir', Site::get_dir('admin_theme', true));
     $this->theme = Themes::create('admin', 'RawPHPEngine', $theme_dir);
     $action = $this->handler_vars['action'];
     switch ($action) {
         case 'delete':
             foreach ($_POST as $id => $delete) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not tag ids
                 if (preg_match('/^tag_\\d+/', $id) && $delete) {
                     $id = substr($id, 4);
                     $tag = Tags::get_by_id($id);
                     $tag_names[] = $tag->term_display;
             $msg_status = _n(_t('Tag %s has been deleted.', array(implode('', $tag_names))), _t('%d tags have been deleted.', array(count($tag_names))), count($tag_names));
         case 'rename':
             if (!isset($this->handler_vars['master'])) {
                 Session::error(_t('Error: New name not specified.'));
                 echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
             $master = $this->handler_vars['master'];
             $tag_names = array();
             foreach ($_POST as $id => $rename) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not tag ids
                 if (preg_match('/^tag_\\d+/', $id) && $rename) {
                     $id = substr($id, 4);
                     $tag = Tags::get_by_id($id);
                     $tag_names[] = $tag->term_display;
             Tags::vocabulary()->merge($master, $tag_names);
             $msg_status = sprintf(_n('Tag %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.', 'Tags %1$s have been renamed to %2$s.', count($tag_names)), implode($tag_names, ', '), $master);
     $this->theme->tags = Tags::vocabulary()->get_tree();
     $this->theme->max = Tags::vocabulary()->max_count();
     echo json_encode(array('msg' => Session::messages_get(true, 'array'), 'tags' => $this->theme->fetch('tag_collection')));
コード例 #4
ファイル: admintagshandler.php プロジェクト: wwxgitcat/habari
  * Handles AJAX from /admin/tags
  * Used to delete and rename tags
 public function ajax_tags($handler_vars)
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp']);
     if ($handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         $response->message = _t('WSSE authentication failed.');
     $tag_names = array();
     $action = $this->handler_vars['action'];
     switch ($action) {
         case 'delete':
             foreach ($_POST as $id => $delete) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not tag ids
                 if (preg_match('/^tag_\\d+/', $id) && $delete) {
                     $id = substr($id, 4);
                     $tag = Tags::get_by_id($id);
                     $tag_names[] = $tag->term_display;
             $response->message = _n(_t('Tag %s has been deleted.', array(implode('', $tag_names))), _t('%d tags have been deleted.', array(count($tag_names))), count($tag_names));
         case 'rename':
             if (!isset($this->handler_vars['master'])) {
                 $response->message = _t('Error: New name not specified.');
             $master = $this->handler_vars['master'];
             $tag_names = array();
             foreach ($_POST as $id => $rename) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not tag ids
                 if (preg_match('/^tag_\\d+/', $id) && $rename) {
                     $id = substr($id, 4);
                     $tag = Tags::get_by_id($id);
                     $tag_names[] = $tag->term_display;
             Tags::vocabulary()->merge($master, $tag_names);
             $response->message = sprintf(_n('Tag %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.', 'Tags %1$s have been renamed to %2$s.', count($tag_names)), implode($tag_names, ', '), $master);
     $this->theme->tags = Tags::vocabulary()->get_tree('term_display ASC');
     $this->theme->max = Tags::vocabulary()->max_count();
     $response->data = $this->theme->fetch('tag_collection');
コード例 #5
ファイル: crontab.php プロジェクト: anupom/my-blog
  * Handles asyncronous cron calls.
  * @todo next_cron should be the actual next run time and update it when new
  * crons are added instead of just maxing out at one day..
 function act_poll_cron()
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'));
     $time = doubleval($this->handler_vars['time']);
     if ($time != Options::get('cron_running')) {
     // allow script to run for 10 minutes
     $time = HabariDateTime::date_create();
     $crons = DB::get_results('SELECT * FROM {crontab} WHERE start_time <= ? AND next_run <= ?', array($time->sql, $time->sql), 'CronJob');
     if ($crons) {
         foreach ($crons as $cron) {
     // set the next run time to the lowest next_run OR a max of one day.
     $next_cron = DB::get_value('SELECT next_run FROM {crontab} ORDER BY next_run ASC LIMIT 1', array());
     Options::set('next_cron', min(intval($next_cron), $time->modify('+1 day')->int));
     Options::set('cron_running', false);
コード例 #6
  * Handles AJAX from /comments.
  * Used to edit comments inline.
 public function action_auth_ajax_in_edit(ActionHandler $handler)
     $handler_vars = $handler->handler_vars;
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp']);
     if ($handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         Session::error(_t('WSSE authentication failed.'));
         echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
     $comment = Comment::get($handler_vars['id']);
     if (!ACL::access_check($comment->get_access(), 'edit')) {
         Session::error(_t('You do not have permission to edit this comment.'));
         echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
     if (isset($handler_vars['author']) && $handler_vars['author'] != '') {
         $comment->name = $handler_vars['author'];
     if (isset($handler_vars['url'])) {
         $comment->url = $handler_vars['url'];
     if (isset($handler_vars['email']) && $handler_vars['email'] != '') {
         $comment->email = $handler_vars['email'];
     if (isset($handler_vars['content']) && $handler_vars['content'] != '') {
         $comment->content = $handler_vars['content'];
     if (isset($handler_vars['time']) && $handler_vars['time'] != '' && isset($handler_vars['date']) && $handler_vars['date'] != '') {
         $seconds = date('s', strtotime($comment->date));
         $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($handler_vars['date'] . ' ' . $handler_vars['time'] . ':' . $seconds));
         $comment->date = $date;
     Session::notice(_t('Updated 1 comment.'));
     echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
コード例 #7
  * Handles AJAX requests from the dashboard
 public function ajax_dashboard($handler_vars)
     $theme_dir = Plugins::filter('admin_theme_dir', Site::get_dir('admin_theme', true));
     $this->theme = Themes::create('admin', 'RawPHPEngine', $theme_dir);
     switch ($handler_vars['action']) {
         case 'updateModules':
             $modules = array();
             foreach ($_POST as $key => $module) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not module names
                 if (preg_match('/^module\\d+$/', $key)) {
                     list($module_id, $module_name) = explode(':', $module, 2);
                     // remove non-sortable modules from the list
                     if ($module_id != 'nosort') {
                         $modules[$module_id] = $module_name;
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Modules updated.'));
         case 'addModule':
             $id = Modules::add($handler_vars['module_name']);
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Added module %s.', array($handler_vars['module_name'])));
             $ar->html('modules', $this->theme->fetch('dashboard_modules'));
         case 'removeModule':
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Removed module.'));
             $ar->html('modules', $this->theme->fetch('dashboard_modules'));
コード例 #8
  * Handles AJAX requests from the groups page.
 public function ajax_groups($handler_vars)
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD'));
     $theme_dir = Plugins::filter('admin_theme_dir', Site::get_dir('admin_theme', true));
     $this->theme = Themes::create('admin', 'RawPHPEngine', $theme_dir);
     $output = '';
     foreach (UserGroups::get_all() as $group) {
         $this->theme->group = $group;
         $group = UserGroup::get_by_id($group->id);
         $users = array();
         foreach ($group->members as $id) {
             $user = $id == 0 ? User::anonymous() : User::get_by_id($id);
             if ($user->id == 0) {
                 $users[] = '<strong>' . $user->displayname . '</strong>';
             } else {
                 $users[] = '<strong><a href="' . URL::get('admin', 'page=user&id=' . $user->id) . '">' . $user->displayname . '</a></strong>';
         $this->theme->users = $users;
         $output .= $this->theme->fetch('groups_item');
     echo json_encode(array('items' => $output));
コード例 #9
ファイル: adminhandler.php プロジェクト: habari/system
  * Dispatches the request to the defined method. (ie: post_{page})
 public function act($action)
     if (null === $this->handler_vars) {
         $this->handler_vars = new SuperGlobal(array());
     $this->action = $action;
     $action_method = 'act_' . $action;
     $before_action_method = 'before_' . $action_method;
     $after_action_method = 'after_' . $action_method;
     if (method_exists($this, $before_action_method)) {
      * Plugin action to allow plugins to execute before a certain
      * action is triggered
      * @see ActionHandler::$action
      * @action before_act_{$action}
     Plugins::act($before_action_method, $this);
     // The body of this function IS the action method, do it.
     // If I was smarter, I'd pass this code as a closure to the parent act() via a parameter for DRY, but I'm lazy, ha ha
     $page = $action == 'admin' ? $this->handler_vars['page'] : $action;
     $page = filter_var($page, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     if (isset($this->handler_vars['content_type'])) {
         $type_name = $this->handler_vars['content_type'];
         $type = Plugins::filter('post_type_display', Post::type_name($type_name), 'singular');
     } elseif ($page == 'publish' && isset($this->handler_vars['id'])) {
         $type_name = Post::type_name(Post::get(array('status' => Post::status('any'), 'id' => intval($this->handler_vars['id'])))->content_type);
         $type = Plugins::filter('post_type_display', $type_name, 'singular');
     } else {
         $type_name = '';
         $type = '';
     $this->setup_admin_theme($page, $type);
     // Access check to see if the user is allowed the requested page
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'));
     if (!$this->access_allowed($page, $type_name)) {
         Session::error(_t('Access to that page has been denied by the administrator.'));
     if (method_exists($this, $action_method)) {
         call_user_func(array($this, $action_method));
     } else {
         switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
             case 'POST':
                 // Let plugins try to handle the page
                 Plugins::act('admin_theme_post_' . $page, $this, $this->theme);
                 // Handle POSTs to the admin pages
                 $fn = 'post_' . $page;
                 if (method_exists($this, $fn)) {
                 } else {
                     $classname = get_class($this);
                     _e('%1$s->%2$s() does not exist.', array($classname, $fn));
             case 'GET':
             case 'HEAD':
                 // Let plugins try to handle the page
                 Plugins::act('admin_theme_get_' . $page, $this, $this->theme);
                 // Handle GETs of the admin pages
                 $fn = 'get_' . $page;
                 if (method_exists($this, $fn)) {
                 // If a get_ function doesn't exist, fail
                 if ($this->theme->template_exists($page)) {
                     Session::error(_t('There is no handler for this page. This is propably an error.'));
                 } else {
                     // The requested console page doesn't exist
                     header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404);
                     $this->get_blank(_t('The page you were looking for was not found.'));
      * Plugin action to allow plugins to execute after a certain
      * action is triggered
      * @see ActionHandler::$action
      * @action before_act_{$action}
     if (method_exists($this, $after_action_method)) {
コード例 #10
  * Called from the themes page to save the blocks instances into areas
  * @param mixed $handler_vars
  * @return
 public function ajax_save_areas($handler_vars)
     $scope = $_POST['scope'];
     $msg = '';
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     if (isset($_POST['area_blocks'])) {
         $area_blocks = $_POST['area_blocks'];
         DB::query('DELETE FROM {blocks_areas} WHERE scope_id = :scope_id', array('scope_id' => $scope));
         foreach ((array) $area_blocks as $area => $blocks) {
             $display_order = 0;
             // if there are no blocks for a given area, skip it
             if (empty($blocks)) {
             foreach ($blocks as $block) {
                 DB::query('INSERT INTO {blocks_areas} (block_id, area, scope_id, display_order) VALUES (:block_id, :area, :scope_id, :display_order)', array('block_id' => $block, 'area' => $area, 'scope_id' => $scope, 'display_order' => $display_order));
         //			$msg = json_encode( _t( 'Saved block areas settings.' ) );
         //			$msg = '<script type="text/javascript">
         //				human_msg.display_msg(' . $msg . ');
         //				spinner.stop();
         //			</script>';
         $response->message = _t('Saved block areas settings.');
     $blocks_areas_t = DB::get_results('SELECT b.*, ba.scope_id, ba.area, ba.display_order FROM {blocks} b INNER JOIN {blocks_areas} ba ON ba.block_id = b.id ORDER BY ba.scope_id ASC, ba.area ASC, ba.display_order ASC', array());
     $blocks_areas = array();
     foreach ($blocks_areas_t as $block) {
         if (!isset($blocks_areas[$block->scope_id])) {
             $blocks_areas[$block->scope_id] = array();
         $blocks_areas[$block->scope_id][$block->area][$block->display_order] = $block;
     $this->theme->blocks_areas = $blocks_areas;
     $this->theme->scopeid = $scope;
     $this->theme->areas = $this->get_areas($scope);
     $scopes = DB::get_results('SELECT * FROM {scopes} ORDER BY name ASC;');
     $scopes = Plugins::filter('get_scopes', $scopes);
     $this->theme->scopes = $scopes;
     $this->theme->active_theme = Themes::get_active_data(true);
     $output = $this->theme->fetch('block_areas');
     $response->html('block_areas', $output);
コード例 #11
ファイル: adminhandler.php プロジェクト: psaintlaurent/Habari
     * Called from the themes page to save the blocks instances into areas
     * @param mixed $handler_vars
     * @return
    public function ajax_save_areas($handler_vars)
        $area_blocks = $_POST['area_blocks'];
        $scope = $_POST['scope'];
        DB::query('DELETE FROM {blocks_areas} WHERE scope_id = :scope_id', array('scope_id' => $scope));
        foreach ((array) $area_blocks as $area => $blocks) {
            $display_order = 0;
            foreach ($blocks as $block) {
                DB::query('INSERT INTO {blocks_areas} (block_id, area, scope_id, display_order) VALUES (:block_id, :area, :scope_id, :display_order)', array('block_id' => $block, 'area' => $area, 'scope_id' => $scope, 'display_order' => $display_order));
        $blocks_areas_t = DB::get_results('SELECT b.*, ba.scope_id, ba.area, ba.display_order FROM {blocks} b INNER JOIN {blocks_areas} ba ON ba.block_id = b.id ORDER BY ba.scope_id ASC, ba.area ASC, ba.display_order ASC', array());
        $blocks_areas = array();
        foreach ($blocks_areas_t as $block) {
            if (!isset($blocks_areas[$block->scope_id])) {
                $blocks_areas[$block->scope_id] = array();
            $blocks_areas[$block->scope_id][$block->area][$block->display_order] = $block;
        $this->theme->blocks_areas = $blocks_areas;
        $this->theme->scopes = DB::get_results('SELECT * FROM {scopes} ORDER BY id ASC;');
        $this->theme->active_theme = Themes::get_active_data(true);
        $msg = json_encode(_t('Saved block areas settings.'));
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">
			humanMsg.displayMsg(' . $msg . ');
コード例 #12
	 * Handles AJAX requests to update comments, comment moderation
	public function ajax_update_comment( $handler_vars )

		Utils::check_request_method( array( 'POST' ) );

		// check WSSE authentication
		$wsse = Utils::WSSE( $handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp'] );
		if ( $handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest'] ) {
			Session::error( _t( 'WSSE authentication failed.' ) );
			echo Session::messages_get( true, array( 'Format', 'json_messages' ) );

		$ids = array();

		foreach ( $_POST as $id => $update ) {
			// skip POST elements which are not comment ids
			if ( preg_match( '/^p\d+$/', $id ) && $update ) {
				$ids[] = (int) substr( $id, 1 );

		if ( ( ! isset( $ids ) || empty( $ids ) ) && $handler_vars['action'] == 'delete' ) {
			Session::notice( _t( 'No comments selected.' ) );
			echo Session::messages_get( true, array( 'Format', 'json_messages' ) );

		$comments = Comments::get( array( 'id' => $ids, 'nolimit' => true ) );
		Plugins::act( 'admin_moderate_comments', $handler_vars['action'], $comments, $this );
		$status_msg = _t( 'Unknown action "%s"', array( $handler_vars['action'] ) );

		switch ( $handler_vars['action'] ) {
			case 'delete_spam':
				Comments::delete_by_status( Comment::STATUS_SPAM );
				$status_msg = _t( 'Deleted all spam comments' );
			case 'delete_unapproved':
				Comments::delete_by_status( Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED );
				$status_msg = _t( 'Deleted all unapproved comments' );
			case 'delete':
				// Comments marked for deletion
				Comments::delete_these( $comments );
				$status_msg = sprintf( _n( 'Deleted %d comment', 'Deleted %d comments', count( $ids ) ), count( $ids ) );
			case 'spam':
				// Comments marked as spam
				Comments::moderate_these( $comments, Comment::STATUS_SPAM );
				$status_msg = sprintf( _n( 'Marked %d comment as spam', 'Marked %d comments as spam', count( $ids ) ), count( $ids ) );
			case 'approve':
			case 'approved':
				// Comments marked for approval
				Comments::moderate_these( $comments, Comment::STATUS_APPROVED );
				$status_msg = sprintf( _n( 'Approved %d comment', 'Approved %d comments', count( $ids ) ), count( $ids ) );
			case 'unapprove':
			case 'unapproved':
				// Comments marked for unapproval
				Comments::moderate_these( $comments, Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED );
				$status_msg = sprintf( _n( 'Unapproved %d comment', 'Unapproved %d comments', count( $ids ) ), count( $ids ) );
				// Specific plugin-supplied action
				$status_msg = Plugins::filter( 'admin_comments_action', $status_msg, $handler_vars['action'], $comments );

		Session::notice( $status_msg );
		echo Session::messages_get( true, array( 'Format', 'json_messages' ) );
コード例 #13
ファイル: feedbackhandler.php プロジェクト: anupom/my-blog
  * function add_comment
  * adds a comment to a post, if the comment content is not NULL
  * @param array An associative array of content found in the $_POST array
 public function act_add_comment()
     $defaults = array('name' => '', 'email' => '', 'url' => '', 'content' => '');
     // We need to get the post anyway to redirect back to the post page.
     $post = Post::get(array('id' => $this->handler_vars['id']));
     if (!$post) {
         // trying to comment on a non-existent post?  Weirdo.
         header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
     // make sure all our default values are set so we don't throw undefined index errors
     foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset($this->handler_vars[$k])) {
             $this->handler_vars[$k] = $v;
     // let's do some basic sanity checking on the submission
     if (1 == Options::get('comments_require_id') && (empty($this->handler_vars['name']) || empty($this->handler_vars['email']))) {
         Session::error(_t('Both name and e-mail address must be provided.'));
     if (empty($this->handler_vars['content'])) {
         Session::error(_t('You did not provide any content for your comment!'));
     if (Session::has_errors()) {
         // save whatever was provided in session data
         Session::add_to_set('comment', $this->handler_vars['name'], 'name');
         Session::add_to_set('comment', $this->handler_vars['email'], 'email');
         Session::add_to_set('comment', $this->handler_vars['url'], 'url');
         Session::add_to_set('comment', $this->handler_vars['content'], 'content');
         // now send them back to the form
         Utils::redirect($post->permalink . '#respond');
     if ($post->info->comments_disabled) {
         // comments are disabled, so let's just send
         // them back to the post's permalink
         Session::error(_t('Comments on this post are disabled!'));
     /* Sanitize data */
     foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) {
         $this->handler_vars[$k] = InputFilter::filter($this->handler_vars[$k]);
     /* Sanitize the URL */
     if (!empty($this->handler_vars['url'])) {
         $url = $this->handler_vars['url'];
         $parsed = InputFilter::parse_url($url);
         if ($parsed['is_relative']) {
             // guess if they meant to use an absolute link
             $parsed = InputFilter::parse_url('http://' . $url);
             if (!$parsed['is_error']) {
                 $url = InputFilter::glue_url($parsed);
             } else {
                 // disallow relative URLs
                 $url = '';
         if ($parsed['is_pseudo'] || $parsed['scheme'] !== 'http' && $parsed['scheme'] !== 'https') {
             // allow only http(s) URLs
             $url = '';
         } else {
             // reconstruct the URL from the error-tolerant parsing
             // http:moeffju.net/blog/ -> http://moeffju.net/blog/
             $url = InputFilter::glue_url($parsed);
         $this->handler_vars['url'] = $url;
     if (preg_match('/^\\p{Z}*$/u', $this->handler_vars['content'])) {
         Session::error(_t('Comment contains only whitespace/empty comment'));
     /* Create comment object*/
     $comment = new Comment(array('post_id' => $this->handler_vars['id'], 'name' => $this->handler_vars['name'], 'email' => $this->handler_vars['email'], 'url' => $this->handler_vars['url'], 'ip' => sprintf("%u", ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])), 'content' => $this->handler_vars['content'], 'status' => Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED, 'date' => HabariDateTime::date_create(), 'type' => Comment::COMMENT));
     // Should this really be here or in a default filter?
     // In any case, we should let plugins modify the status after we set it here.
     $user = User::identify();
     if ($user->loggedin && $comment->email == $user->email) {
         $comment->status = Comment::STATUS_APPROVED;
     // Allow themes to work with comment hooks
     $spam_rating = 0;
     $spam_rating = Plugins::filter('spam_filter', $spam_rating, $comment, $this->handler_vars);
     $anchor = '';
     // If the comment was saved
     if ($comment->id) {
         $anchor = '#comment-' . $comment->id;
         // store in the user's session that this comment is pending moderation
         if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED) {
             Session::notice(_t('Your comment is pending moderation.'), 'comment_' . $comment->id);
         // if no cookie exists, we should set one
         // but only if the user provided some details
         $cookie = 'comment_' . Options::get('GUID');
         if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie]) && (!empty($this->handler_vars['name']) || !empty($this->handler_vars['email']) || !empty($this->handler_vars['url']))) {
             $cookie_content = $comment->name . '#' . $comment->email . '#' . $comment->url;
             $site_url = Site::get_path('base', true);
             setcookie($cookie, $cookie_content, time() + 31536000, $site_url);
     // Return the commenter to the original page.
     Utils::redirect($post->permalink . $anchor);
コード例 #14
ファイル: theme.php プロジェクト: habari/system
  * Grabs post data and inserts that data into the internal
  * handler_vars array, which eventually gets extracted into
  * the theme's ( and thereby the template_engine's ) local
  * symbol table for use in the theme's templates
  * This is the default, generic function to grab posts.  To
  * "filter" the posts retrieved, simply pass any filters to
  * the handler_vars variables associated with the post retrieval.
  * For instance, to filter by tag, ensure that handler_vars['tag']
  * contains the tag to filter by.  Simple as that.
 public function act_display($paramarray = array('user_filters' => array()))
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'));
     // Get any full-query parameters
     $possible = array('user_filters', 'fallback', 'posts', 'post', 'content_type');
     foreach ($possible as $varname) {
         if (isset($paramarray[$varname])) {
             ${$varname} = $paramarray[$varname];
      * Since handler_vars no longer contains $_GET and $_POST, we have broken out our valid filters into
      * an array based upon where we should expect them to be. We then only merge those specific pieces together.
      * These are ordered so that handler vars gets overwritten by POST, which gets overwritten by GET, should the
      * same key exist multiple places. This seemed logical to me at the time, but needs further thought.
     $where_filters = array();
     $where_filters_hv = Controller::get_handler_vars()->filter_keys($this->valid_filters['handler_vars']);
     $where_filters_post = $_POST->filter_keys($this->valid_filters['POST']);
     $where_filters_get = $_GET->filter_keys($this->valid_filters['GET']);
     $where_filters = $where_filters_hv->merge($where_filters_post, $where_filters_get);
     $where_filters['vocabulary'] = array();
     if (array_key_exists('tag', $where_filters)) {
         $tags = Tags::parse_url_tags($where_filters['tag']);
         $not_tag = $tags['exclude_tag'];
         $all_tag = $tags['include_tag'];
         if (count($not_tag) > 0) {
             $where_filters['vocabulary'] = array_merge($where_filters['vocabulary'], array(Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':not:term' => $not_tag));
         if (count($all_tag) > 0) {
             $where_filters['vocabulary'] = array_merge($where_filters['vocabulary'], array(Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':all:term' => $all_tag));
         $where_filters['tag_slug'] = Utils::slugify($where_filters['tag']);
     if (!isset($_GET['preview'])) {
         $where_filters['status'] = Post::status('published');
     if (!isset($posts)) {
         $user_filters = Plugins::filter('template_user_filters', $user_filters);
         // Work around the tags parameters to Posts::get() being subsumed by the vocabulary parameter
         if (isset($user_filters['not:tag'])) {
             $user_filters['vocabulary'] = array(Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':not:term' => $user_filters['not:tag']);
         if (isset($user_filters['tag'])) {
             $user_filters['vocabulary'] = array(Tags::vocabulary()->name . ':term_display' => $user_filters['tag']);
         $where_filters = $where_filters->merge($user_filters);
         $where_filters = Plugins::filter('template_where_filters', $where_filters);
         $posts = Posts::get($where_filters);
     $this->assign('posts', $posts);
     if ($posts !== false && count($posts) > 0) {
         if (count($posts) == 1) {
             $post = $posts instanceof Post ? $posts : reset($posts);
             Stack::add('body_class', Post::type_name($post->content_type) . '-' . $post->id);
             Stack::add('body_class', 'single');
         } else {
             $post = reset($posts);
             Stack::add('body_class', 'multiple');
         $this->assign('post', $post);
         $type = Post::type_name($post->content_type);
     } elseif ($posts === false || isset($where_filters['page']) && $where_filters['page'] > 1 && count($posts) == 0) {
         if ($this->template_exists('404')) {
             $fallback = array('404');
             // Replace template variables with the 404 rewrite rule
             $this->request->{URL::get_matched_rule()->name} = false;
             $this->request->{URL::set_404()->name} = true;
             $this->matched_rule = URL::get_matched_rule();
             // 404 status header sent in act_display_404, but we're past
             // that, so send it now.
             header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404);
         } else {
             echo '<h2>';
             _e("Whoops! 404. The page you were trying to access is not really there. Please try again.");
             echo '</h2>';
             header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404);
     $extract = $where_filters->filter_keys('page', 'type', 'id', 'slug', 'posttag', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'tag', 'tag_slug');
     foreach ($extract as $key => $value) {
         ${$key} = $value;
     $this->assign('page', isset($page) ? $page : 1);
     if (!isset($fallback)) {
         // Default fallbacks based on the number of posts
         $fallback = array('{$type}.{$id}', '{$type}.{$slug}', '{$type}.tag.{$posttag}');
         if (count($posts) > 1) {
             $fallback[] = '{$type}.multiple';
             $fallback[] = 'multiple';
         } else {
             $fallback[] = '{$type}.single';
             $fallback[] = 'single';
     $searches = array('{$id}', '{$slug}', '{$year}', '{$month}', '{$day}', '{$type}', '{$tag}');
     $replacements = array(isset($post) && $post instanceof Post ? $post->id : '-', isset($post) && $post instanceof Post ? $post->slug : '-', isset($year) ? $year : '-', isset($month) ? $month : '-', isset($day) ? $day : '-', isset($type) ? $type : '-', isset($tag_slug) ? $tag_slug : '-');
     $fallback[] = 'home';
     $fallback = Plugins::filter('template_fallback', $fallback, $posts, isset($post) ? $post : null);
     $fallback = array_values(array_unique(MultiByte::str_replace($searches, $replacements, $fallback)));
     for ($z = 0; $z < count($fallback); $z++) {
         if (MultiByte::strpos($fallback[$z], '{$posttag}') !== false && isset($post) && $post instanceof Post) {
             $replacements = array();
             if ($alltags = $post->tags) {
                 foreach ($alltags as $current_tag) {
                     $replacements[] = MultiByte::str_replace('{$posttag}', $current_tag->term, $fallback[$z]);
                 array_splice($fallback, $z, 1, $replacements);
             } else {
     return $this->display_fallback($fallback);
コード例 #15
ファイル: admintagshandler.php プロジェクト: habari/system
  * Handles AJAX from /admin/tags
  * Used to search for, delete and rename tags
 public function ajax_tags()
     Utils::check_request_method(array('POST', 'HEAD'));
     $params = $_POST['query'];
     // Get a usable array with filter parameters from the odd syntax we received from the faceted search
     $fetch_params = array();
     if (isset($params)) {
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $key = key($param);
             // Revert translation
             if ($key != 'text') {
                 $key = self::$facets[$key];
             $value = current($param);
             if (array_key_exists($key, $fetch_params)) {
                 $fetch_params[$key] = Utils::single_array($fetch_params[$key]);
                 $fetch_params[$key][] = $value;
             } else {
                 $fetch_params[$key] = $value;
     // Grab facets / params
     $search = array_key_exists('text', $fetch_params) ? $fetch_params['text'] : null;
     $min = array_key_exists('morethan', $fetch_params) ? $fetch_params['morethan'] + 1 : 0;
     $max = array_key_exists('lessthan', $fetch_params) ? $fetch_params['lessthan'] - 1 : null;
     $orderby_code = array_key_exists('orderby', $fetch_params) ? $fetch_params['orderby'] : null;
     $orderby = isset($orderby_code) ? explode('_', self::$facet_values['orderby'][$orderby_code]) : ['alphabetical', 'asc'];
     $this->theme->tags = Tags::get_by_frequency(null, null, $min, $max, $search, self::$orderby_translate[$orderby[0]], $orderby[1] == 'asc');
     // Create FormUI elements (list items) from the filtered tag list
     $this->theme->max = Tags::vocabulary()->max_count();
     $this->theme->min = Tags::vocabulary()->min_count();
     $output = '';
     if (count($this->theme->tags) > 0) {
         $listitems = $this->get_tag_listitems();
         // Get HTML from FormUI
         foreach ($listitems as $listitem) {
             $output .= $listitem->get($this->theme);
     $ar = new AjaxResponse();
     $ar->html('#tag_collection', $output);
コード例 #16
  * Handles AJAX from /logs.
  * Used to delete logs.
 public function ajax_delete_logs($handler_vars)
     $count = 0;
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp']);
     if ($handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         Session::error(_t('WSSE authentication failed.'));
         echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
     foreach ($_POST as $id => $delete) {
         // skip POST elements which are not log ids
         if (preg_match('/^p\\d+$/', $id) && $delete) {
             $id = (int) substr($id, 1);
             $ids[] = array('id' => $id);
     if ((!isset($ids) || empty($ids)) && $handler_vars['action'] != 'purge') {
         Session::notice(_t('No logs selected.'));
         echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
     switch ($handler_vars['action']) {
         case 'delete':
             $to_delete = EventLog::get(array('date' => 'any', 'where' => $ids, 'nolimit' => 1));
             foreach ($to_delete as $log) {
             Session::notice(_t('Deleted %d logs.', array($count)));
         case 'purge':
             $result = EventLog::purge();
             Session::notice(_t('Logs purged.'));
     echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
コード例 #17
  * Handles AJAX from /manage/posts.
  * Used to delete posts.
 public function ajax_update_posts($handler_vars)
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp']);
     if ($handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         $response->message = _t('WSSE authentication failed.');
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $id => $delete) {
         // skip POST elements which are not post ids
         if (preg_match('/^p\\d+$/', $id) && $delete) {
             $ids[] = (int) substr($id, 1);
     if (count($ids) == 0) {
         $posts = new Posts();
     } else {
         $posts = Posts::get(array('id' => $ids, 'nolimit' => true));
     Plugins::act('admin_update_posts', $handler_vars['action'], $posts, $this);
     $status_msg = _t('Unknown action "%s"', array($handler_vars['action']));
     switch ($handler_vars['action']) {
         case 'delete':
             $deleted = 0;
             foreach ($posts as $post) {
                 if (ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'delete')) {
             if ($deleted != count($posts)) {
                 $response->message = _t('You did not have permission to delete some posts.');
             } else {
                 $response->message = sprintf(_n('Deleted %d post', 'Deleted %d posts', count($ids)), count($ids));
             // Specific plugin-supplied action
             Plugins::act('admin_posts_action', $response, $handler_vars['action'], $posts);
コード例 #18
ファイル: adminlogshandler.php プロジェクト: habari/system
  * Handles AJAX requests from the logs page.
 public function ajax_logs()
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD'));
     $items = $this->theme->fetch('logs_items');
     $timeline = $this->theme->fetch('timeline_items');
     $item_ids = array();
     foreach ($this->theme->logs as $log) {
         $item_ids['p' . $log->id] = 1;
     $ar = new AjaxResponse();
     $ar->data = array('items' => $items, 'item_ids' => $item_ids, 'timeline' => $timeline);
コード例 #19
ファイル: atomhandler.php プロジェクト: rynodivino/system
	 * Handle incoming requests for the Atom entry collection for comments on an entry
	function act_entry_comments()
		Utils::check_request_method( array( 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST' ) );

		if ( isset( $this->handler_vars['slug'] ) ) {
			$this->act_comments( array( 'slug' => $this->handler_vars['slug'] ) );
		else {
			$this->act_comments( array( 'id' => $this->handler_vars['id'] ) );
コード例 #20
ファイル: adminhandler.php プロジェクト: wwxgitcat/habari
  * Dispatches the request to the defined method. (ie: post_{page})
 public function act_admin()
     $page = isset($this->handler_vars['page']) && !empty($this->handler_vars['page']) ? $this->handler_vars['page'] : 'dashboard';
     $page = filter_var($page, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     if (isset($this->handler_vars['content_type'])) {
         $type = Plugins::filter('post_type_display', Post::type_name($this->handler_vars['content_type']), 'singular');
     } elseif ($page == 'publish' && isset($this->handler_vars['id'])) {
         $type = Post::type_name(Post::get(array('status' => Post::status('any'), 'id' => intval($this->handler_vars['id'])))->content_type);
         $type = Plugins::filter('post_type_display', $type, 'singular');
     } else {
         $type = '';
     $this->setup_admin_theme($page, $type);
     // Access check to see if the user is allowed the requested page
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'));
     if (!$this->access_allowed($page, $type)) {
         Session::error(_t('Access to that page has been denied by the administrator.'));
     switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
         case 'POST':
             // Let plugins try to handle the page
             Plugins::act('admin_theme_post_' . $page, $this, $this->theme);
             // Handle POSTs to the admin pages
             $fn = 'post_' . $page;
             if (method_exists($this, $fn)) {
             } else {
                 $classname = get_class($this);
                 _e('%1$s->%2$s() does not exist.', array($classname, $fn));
         case 'GET':
         case 'HEAD':
             // Let plugins try to handle the page
             Plugins::act('admin_theme_get_' . $page, $this, $this->theme);
             // Handle GETs of the admin pages
             $fn = 'get_' . $page;
             if (method_exists($this, $fn)) {
             // If a get_ function doesn't exist, just load the template and display it
             if ($this->theme->template_exists($page)) {
             } else {
                 // The requested console page doesn't exist
                 header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404);
                 $this->get_blank(_t('The page you were looking for was not found.'));
コード例 #21
  * Handles AJAX requests from the groups page.
 public function ajax_groups($handler_vars)
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD'));
     $output = '';
     foreach (UserGroups::get_all() as $group) {
         $this->theme->group = $group;
         $group = UserGroup::get_by_id($group->id);
         $users = array();
         foreach ($group->members as $id) {
             $user = $id == 0 ? User::anonymous() : User::get_by_id($id);
             if ($user->id == 0) {
                 $users[] = '<strong>' . $user->displayname . '</strong>';
             } else {
                 $users[] = '<strong><a href="' . URL::get('admin', 'page=user&id=' . $user->id) . '">' . $user->displayname . '</a></strong>';
         $this->theme->users = $users;
         $output .= $this->theme->fetch('groups_item');
     $ar = new AjaxResponse();
     $ar->data = array('items' => $output);
コード例 #22
ファイル: adminhandler.php プロジェクト: anupom/my-blog
 public function ajax_media_panel($handler_vars)
     $path = $handler_vars['path'];
     $panelname = $handler_vars['panel'];
     $rpath = $path;
     $silo = Media::get_silo($rpath, true);
     // get_silo sets $rpath by reference to the path inside the silo
     $panel = '';
     $panel = Plugins::filter('media_panels', $panel, $silo, $rpath, $panelname);
     $controls = array();
     $controls = Plugins::filter('media_controls', $controls, $silo, $rpath, $panelname);
     $controls_out = '';
     foreach ($controls as $k => $v) {
         if (is_numeric($k)) {
             $controls_out .= "<li>{$v}</li>";
         } else {
             $controls_out .= "<li class=\"{$k}\">{$v}</li>";
     $output = array('controls' => $controls_out, 'panel' => $panel);
     echo json_encode($output);
コード例 #23
ファイル: theme.php プロジェクト: anupom/my-blog
  * Grabs post data and inserts that data into the internal
  * handler_vars array, which eventually gets extracted into
  * the theme's ( and thereby the template_engine's ) local
  * symbol table for use in the theme's templates
  * This is the default, generic function to grab posts.  To
  * "filter" the posts retrieved, simply pass any filters to
  * the handler_vars variables associated with the post retrieval.
  * For instance, to filter by tag, ensure that handler_vars['tag']
  * contains the tag to filter by.  Simple as that.
 public function act_display($paramarray = array('user_filters' => array()))
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'));
     // Get any full-query parameters
     $possible = array('user_filters', 'fallback', 'posts', 'post', 'content_type');
     foreach ($possible as $varname) {
         if (isset($paramarray[$varname])) {
             ${$varname} = $paramarray[$varname];
     $where_filters = array();
     $where_filters = Controller::get_handler()->handler_vars->filter_keys($this->valid_filters);
     //$where_filters['status'] = Post::status( 'published' );
     if (array_key_exists('tag', $where_filters)) {
         $where_filters['tag_slug'] = Utils::slugify($where_filters['tag']);
     if (User::identify()->loggedin) {
         $where_filters['status'] = isset($_GET['preview']) ? Post::status('any') : Post::status('published');
     } else {
         $where_filters['status'] = Post::status('published');
     if (!isset($posts)) {
         $user_filters = Plugins::filter('template_user_filters', $user_filters);
         $user_filters = array_intersect_key($user_filters, array_flip($this->valid_filters));
         $where_filters = $where_filters->merge($user_filters);
         $where_filters = Plugins::filter('template_where_filters', $where_filters);
         $posts = Posts::get($where_filters);
     $this->assign('posts', $posts);
     		   if( !isset( $this->page ) ) {
     		   if( isset( $page ) ) {
     		   $this->assign( 'page', $page );
     		   elseif( isset( Controller::get_handler()->handler_vars['page'] ) ) {
     		   $this->assign( 'page', Controller::get_handler()->handler_vars['page'] );
     if ($posts !== false && count($posts) > 0) {
         $post = count($posts) > 1 ? $posts[0] : $posts;
         $this->assign('post', $post);
         $types = array_flip(Post::list_active_post_types());
         $type = $types[$post->content_type];
     } elseif ($posts === false || isset($where_filters['page']) && $where_filters['page'] > 1 && count($posts) == 0) {
         if ($this->template_exists('404')) {
             $fallback = array('404');
             // Replace template variables with the 404 rewrite rule
             $this->request->{URL::get_matched_rule()->name} = false;
             $this->request->{URL::set_404()->name} = true;
             $this->matched_rule = URL::get_matched_rule();
             // 404 status header sent in act_display_404, but we're past
             // that, so send it now.
             header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
         } else {
             echo '<h2>';
             _e("Whoops! 404. The page you were trying to access is not really there. Please try again.");
             echo '</h2>';
             header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
     $extract = $where_filters->filter_keys('page', 'type', 'id', 'slug', 'posttag', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'tag', 'tag_slug');
     foreach ($extract as $key => $value) {
         ${$key} = $value;
     $this->assign('page', isset($page) ? $page : 1);
     if (!isset($fallback)) {
         // Default fallbacks based on the number of posts
         $fallback = array('{$type}.{$id}', '{$type}.{$slug}', '{$type}.tag.{$posttag}');
         if (count($posts) > 1) {
             $fallback[] = '{$type}.multiple';
             $fallback[] = 'multiple';
         } else {
             $fallback[] = '{$type}.single';
             $fallback[] = 'single';
     $searches = array('{$id}', '{$slug}', '{$year}', '{$month}', '{$day}', '{$type}', '{$tag}');
     $replacements = array(isset($post) && $post instanceof Post ? $post->id : '-', isset($post) && $post instanceof Post ? $post->slug : '-', isset($year) ? $year : '-', isset($month) ? $month : '-', isset($day) ? $day : '-', isset($type) ? $type : '-', isset($tag_slug) ? $tag_slug : '-');
     $fallback[] = 'home';
     $fallback = Plugins::filter('template_fallback', $fallback);
     $fallback = array_values(array_unique(str_replace($searches, $replacements, $fallback)));
     for ($z = 0; $z < count($fallback); $z++) {
         if (strpos($fallback[$z], '{$posttag}') !== false && isset($post) && $post instanceof Post) {
             $replacements = array();
             if ($alltags = $post->tags) {
                 foreach ($alltags as $tag_slug => $tag_text) {
                     $replacements[] = str_replace('{$posttag}', $tag_slug, $fallback[$z]);
                 array_splice($fallback, $z, 1, $replacements);
             } else {
     return $this->display_fallback($fallback);
コード例 #24
ファイル: userhandler.php プロジェクト: psaintlaurent/Habari
  * Handle password reset confirmations
 public function act_password_reset()
     Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'));
     $id = $this->handler_vars['id'];
     $hash = $this->handler_vars['hash'];
     $name = '';
     if ($user = User::get($id)) {
         if ($user->info->password_reset == md5($hash)) {
             // Send a new random password
             $password = Utils::random_password();
             $user->password = Utils::crypt($password);
             if ($user->update()) {
                 $message = _t("Your password for %1\$s has been reset.  Your credentials are as follows---\nUsername: %2\$s\nPassword: %3\$s", array(Site::get_url('habari'), $user->username, $password));
                 Utils::mail($user->email, _t('[%1$s] Password has been reset for %2$s', array(Options::get('title'), $user->displayname)), $message);
                 Session::notice(_t('A new password has been sent to the user.'));
             } else {
                 Session::notice(_t('There was a problem resetting the password.  It was not reset.'));
             // Clear the request - it should only work once
             $name = $user->username;
         } else {
             Session::notice(_t('The supplied password reset token has expired or is invalid.'));
     // Display the login form.
コード例 #25
  * Handles AJAX requests to update comments, comment moderation
 public function ajax_update_comment($handler_vars)
     $ar = new AjaxResponse();
     // check WSSE authentication
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($_POST['nonce'], $_POST['timestamp']);
     if ($_POST['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         $ar->message = _t('WSSE authentication failed.');
     $ids = $_POST['selected'];
     if ((!isset($ids) || empty($ids)) && $_POST['action'] == 'delete') {
         $ar->message = _t('No comments selected.');
     $comments = Comments::get(array('id' => $ids, 'nolimit' => true));
     Plugins::act('admin_moderate_comments', $_POST['action'], $comments, $this);
     $status_msg = _t('Unknown action "%s"', array($handler_vars['action']));
     switch ($_POST['action']) {
         case 'delete_spam':
             $status_msg = _t('Deleted all spam comments');
         case 'delete_unapproved':
             $status_msg = _t('Deleted all unapproved comments');
         case 'delete':
             // Comments marked for deletion
             $status_msg = sprintf(_n('Deleted %d comment', 'Deleted %d comments', count($ids)), count($ids));
         case 'spam':
             // Comments marked as spam
             Comments::moderate_these($comments, 'spam');
             $status_msg = sprintf(_n('Marked %d comment as spam', 'Marked %d comments as spam', count($ids)), count($ids));
         case 'approve':
         case 'approved':
             // Comments marked for approval
             Comments::moderate_these($comments, 'approved');
             $status_msg = sprintf(_n('Approved %d comment', 'Approved %d comments', count($ids)), count($ids));
         case 'unapprove':
         case 'unapproved':
             // Comments marked for unapproval
             Comments::moderate_these($comments, 'unapproved');
             $status_msg = sprintf(_n('Unapproved %d comment', 'Unapproved %d comments', count($ids)), count($ids));
             // Specific plugin-supplied action
             $status_msg = Plugins::filter('admin_comments_action', $status_msg, $_POST['action'], $comments);
     $ar->message = $status_msg;